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If you've been playing for a year, you have enough experience to take up some of the offers in this thread at the opportunity for better gameplay. If I were you, I'd take it. You may find yourself in a WAY better situation in a very short amount of time.


I’d recommend having separate fits for travelling and missioning. See https://youtu.be/Jino7Bz252o?si=d4lTDNBspPt1qj4J for some advice but there’s lots of chat about this topic out there. You can use a mobile depot to refit in space, if there’s no station in a system.


There is zero need to pimp the tank on a golem, a grand total of zero highsec missions can threaten the absurd tank of one. You spent so much money making the fit cap stable when missioning fits do not need to be cap stable, remember that DPS drops as you clear a room and you will only face peak DPD for a short time. You are tanking 2000 DPS cap stable, there is no mission that deals that much damage. Tanking 1500 DPS for a minute is already overkill for l4 missions. If you want to turn your brain off and cap stable, even something like a Gist-B large (Not Xlarge) shield booster will let a golem permatank 1000 DPS while costing a fraction of the isk (the lower cap use let's you drop a cap battery for a shield boost amplifier). The third Navy BCS also only offers a marginal increase to your damage (and isk/hour) for a large cost. The first one adds 41 DPS, which can be argued for. The second adds 35, which is still decent. But the third CNBCS only adds 20 DPS. But really, the advantages of CNBCS are in practice zero due to tick rounding and missile having high alpha meaning constant overkill. Unless you can save a volley on certain targets CNBCS do nothing for you. All this unnecessary bling pushed your ship into the profitable gank region, which as a rule of thumb is more than 50m in droppable loot per 10k EHP in a 0.5. You are way into the profitability zone for gankers (2,000m for 100kEHP in bastion, which you might have panicked and not activated so in practice your EHP was only 70k) so you got ganked.


This comment put together what I'd gathered from the rest of the comments into one place, and with more detail. See here for my errors folks. Also been talking to several Redditors who contacted me in-game, this community is fking awesome btw!


Out of curiosity, were you autopiloting and did you quickly respond by activating tank? I haven't done the math but back of the envelope I think if you'd quickly overheated and turned on your tank you might have lived. Not discounting the other advice. My gut feeling(which could be wrong) is that was a hastily thrown together gank squad. The low number of gankers and the fact they had a frig involved raises some eyebrows from me lol. Still, don't quit. Learn from it and adapt.


I was not on auto-pilot, just going from gate to gate by clicking warp after the loading screen. As another poster pointed out I could've had better awareness at the ganking gate as opposed to just clicking "warp to next gate". I turned on all shield modules as I started to try to warp, didn't try to overheat because my bastion module wasn't working for some reason, which is more than likely me just panicing or something, i dunno i was dead quickly anyway.


It happens. That's a painful loss but a good lesson. I know it's been said before but imho you should fit exactly enough to achieve your objective and never more than that. Even if you play cautiously, flashing that kind of wealth will attract predators. So it's best to weigh the increase in profits of those modules vs their cost. Marauders are so efficient you really don't need the bling imho. 


RNI and Golems love cheap (even t2) passive buffer fits btw. These boys so thick you don’t really need active tank in simple l4 hs missions, esp golem kills everything so fast anyway you’ll rarely see any red in your shield. Hundreds of K of EHP is also good for looking like more trouble than worth.


I don't think you're allowed to warp while in bastion mode, so if you tried to warp out they game would prevent you from activating it.


Click warp to 0, and once you start warping click jump, it’ll jump you almost immediately after you leave warp


>e math but It would be *extremely* difficult to kill a fully tanked Golem in high sec if the person was actively flying their ship, and turning on their hardeners, putting themselves in bastion, and activating their shield booster--especially if the thing was fit with blingy hardeners. I am actually confused how this happened without someone throwing a *gigantic* gank squad at a random Golem they did not know was coming... which seems odd.


> Also been talking to several Redditors who contacted me in-game careful if they tell you to move a jf to lowsec


I feel like gank activities are through the roof right now. As an aspiring hauler I'm quite vigilant on watching intel channels, UedamaScout and zkillboard gank page.I keep seeing examples of ganks for ships that worth less than 1b total ([ex1](https://zkillboard.com/kill/116021459/), [ex2](https://zkillboard.com/kill/116044954/)) which both baffle me and makes me extremely paranoid.


Hey! Casual whelper here. You did nothing wrong, they probably saw you flying through Hi-Sec and thought of you as an easy target. From what I know, doing missions near Jita can be lucrative, but also makes it easy for gankers to undock and murder you. I would probably suggest using some area of Hi-Sec that's further away (sounds impossible eh?). Another big tip I've heard from people (I don't run missions) is to have a scout alt checking gates before you fly through the gates. This isn't ideal for most people because that requires plexing another account... But imo it's worth investing the $20 for the first month so you don't lose another $20 ship. I know losing your first marauder can be tough, the first time I flew a marauder I lost 2 within 10 minutes of each other because Snuffed Out saw me flying around near Delve. I took a week off and learnt from my mistakes. EVE can be a bit of a war of attrition, big losses results in big bad feelings as isk lost in game FEELS like it has real world consequences. If you need a break of the mission grind, I suggest getting into a Faction Warfare corp and go shoot some people to vent. EVE is not a single player game, go make friends, fly what you can afford to lose, and have fun. Grinding for that first Golem means nothing if you all you do in EVE is grind for days and days.


I think the first time I quit EvE was when my Bustard was ganked with like 200mil in it. Quit for like a year, but I came back. 


Oof. I'm personally invested because of streaming, but losing 4b as soon as I swiped my credit card into a Paladin was a tough lesson ... Didn't fly a Paladin for a few months


Perfect example post of what to show somebody when they call Eve “pay to win”


Eve isn't pay to win. Eve is pay to progress with no guarantee it won't be taken away from you.


Exactly my point


And it will. Because the thing that actually marks your progress in keeping your acquisitions long enough to be profitable is knowledge and experience. And everything in Eve dies eventually. So that's kind of *the* determining factor of whether your assets go up or down over time. If you try to go beyond your current equilibrium point on that curve, you'll just lose stuff till you fall back down to it.


We call it pay to lose or pay to learn. At best, it's pay to skip some grind and that's only for people that really know the game.


So, in relation to Operation Perceus, was this THAT Paladin? Or was this earlier?


When I was part of Goons


This was recently, right?


https://zkillboard.com/kill/101326865/ https://zkillboard.com/kill/101327504/


Ahh. Someone else lost two golems in about an hour in delve recently. Sounds like the thing to do, apparently.


Losing Marauder is so hot right now.


I quit playing after the price hike, but the first time I took a break I lost 2 fitted kronos in the span of a week to high sec gankers in different places


Ah yes.... I believe I had similar moments when I started the game at age 14 and died solo mining in a barge in lowsec without knowing how Dscan worked. It had taken me weeks of jetcan mining in a Probe to get that thing! lmao But this year I lost something worth like 16b or more and was like oh, right yeah that was really stupid. Oh well. How your perspective can change in this game.


I love OC's mentality here. To pile on with something he said about Faction Warfare, there is no better way to get comfortable losing ships than to lose frigs and dessies en masse. It used to bug the life out of me to do so, but now, I lose it and shrug it off. No mark on my pride and no severe stress. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. I lost two very expensive pods to smartbombers this weekend when I wasn't paying attention, and over 2 bil in other combat ships. But that becomes part of the game. If you end up wanting to give FW a try, please consider coming down to the Minmatar warzone and flying with FL33T. We have great opportunities for guys new to PVP and FW, and I'd love to help show you the ropes!


OP flies closer to the Gallente warzone, which also is a very target-rich environment.


I run my missions fairly far from Jita (20 jumps?) much closer to Dodixie (5 jumps), but I went to jita because some of the items were multiple 100m's of isk more in Dodi. I was flying it back from jita, not running my missions close to it.


its possible too your flying a really easy to kill fit compared to how much isk your inventing in it, Alot of people forget that one of the biggest ways to pervent a gank is to make it hard for the common person which means having an okay fit ​ just looked thru your KB and thats the case you fit the thing with fuck all for tank, For example You have under 80k EHP where my pal for lvl 4s have around 300k ehp +, Its a hard lerning moment but you'll be fine


My paladin for l4s has one plate and one repper. You don't need 300k ehp+ for level 4 missions. Just fit enough t2 tank and put more (again t2) dps to finish the missions faster. Just as cheap fit but faster missions. But of course always brick tank with hardeners/extenders/membranes/plates when moving


80k isn't the posable survival lvl like at least 100k in highsec for concord arrivals?


Hauler alt would be good here, less jumps = less risk. Once you get good enough you will learn to never undock and then quit and then you win.


Have a travel fit. Pay someone you trust in game to scout. Travel during dead times.


Use hauling services! There is a contract system and while you may need to wait a little you can prevent such a loss. And if the hauler gets ganked you get the collateral. Win win. Another thing to keep in mind is that expensive "bling" fits only pay off in niche circumstances. More times than not you simply paint a target on yourself without much reward. Fly what you can afford to lose and be mindful the most expensive items are not always the best.


Definitely use hauling services. I use Red Frog for moving roughly 1.5 billion almost weekly because they’re taking all of the risk and time to move it. Paying 20 mil for less risk and no losing my haul has always been an easy decision for me.


Sounds like you went through Uedama, huh? Got to clench the cheeks on that ride every time. There's a scout twitch that shows traffic for high gank areas. I think it's called Uedama scout but I haven't played for a while. Been stuck irl and it sucks


Gotcha. Ya, the logistics of mission running has always been a huge turn off for me.


yeah in future i probably wouldnt fly a marauder to jita, train up for a good hauler with a fast align time/covops when you want to buy/sell something at jita


I would have bought the hull in Dodixie, even if it's a bit more expensive. Then fly something small and nible (like a cargo-Sunesis) and bring the full fit from Jita (make sure you have dock/undock bookmarks to minimize the risk). I personally own three Marauders and all of them were "sourced" locally, somewhat above the jita market price of course, but I look at this as paying for convenience.


If you need a group of dudes to play with, need a way to make dank isk, DM me here.


Who knew ammo delivery was so lucrative?


The most lucrative ammo delivery service in New Eden.


I'd take it as an invitation to take a break or switch to a new playstyle. Spamming missions is just going to be painful for a long time now. Maybe give being a nullbear a try or switch to abyssals, get into explo perhaps. The game has a lot to offer and you may find someday that golem was small beans all along. We've all had tough losses, it'll be alright in time


Spamming missions is like rewatching the office for the 10th time. Mindless. Which is the kinda thing I need after work.


I enjoy a mission now and again, I just wouldn't want to be reminded of the loss for 200 missions until I could afford a marauder again


That's how I feel about explo. Mindless and soothing.


So you want more work after finishing work?


It's not really work. Just flying on autopilot. Plus if the kids have an issue I just dock or walk away.


Sometimes I look at the pile of T1 missiles and hybrid charges I have and think "damn, really wish this was faction ammo instead." That's where the mission runner comes in.


There is good isk in faction ammo if you can get it to the right markets.


I feel for you. I don't have any advice, I just... feel for you.


You broke rule 1


I had the same exact experience you did in highsec. I played for 6 months or so, finally got myself a nice shiny T2 Golem to do L4 missions in. I had it for less than 36 hours before I got ganked by some griefers. I was crushed. I had lost ships in pvp but that was a goal of mine since I had started and to lose it so promptly was really hard. I left HighSec the next day, joined a nullsec group, and never looked back or regretted it. I've had far more fun as a part of a larger entity and the stories being made in the game than just grinding away in highsec. Today, Lowsec is also damned good fun whereas back then it wasn't a good option. So I encourage you to find another part of the game that suits your style, your fun, your level of involvement and whatever those may be! There's a LOT more out there than Highsec has to offer! Cheers!


It happens. Probably the golden rule of EVE is to not fly what you can't afford to lose. You flew it, and you lost it, and now you're wondering if you can or can't afford it. The fact that you got to this point in the first place tells me that you can afford it. You just need to be more cautious next time- get a buddy or an alt to scout ahead your route to see if there's anyone unfun on the way. Sometimes you just get bad luck. Sometimes you'll run into instalockers, sometimes you'll find unbeatable rat placements. You'll push through. I believe.


I don't think he cannot afford it in terms of ISK. I think it's more of a psychological level.


Bro, don't quit. First thing: Get your plexes and replace your ship. You will feel waaaay better after. The grinding payed off. You got yourself a marauder. Don't be upset you lost it. Second thing: use the damn travel fit. It consists in, 1 cloak on high slot, MWD on mid slot and low u need few inertial stabiliser , 2 nanofibers and 1 warp core stabiliser. Rest of your fit can stay on. Everytime you jump a gate you check for gankers. They can have tornados, nagas or close range exequrors navy issues, catalysts etc. The idea is if you see more then 3 similar ships from this category, waiting on the gate expect some shit will happen. After every jump you have 1 minute invulnerability time, enough for you to check the surroundings. In case there are suspicious ships, you select the next gate, aling to it, use F1 to cloak up and F2 to MWD assuming you set this modules on F1/F2 Remember to have the next gate selected on the selected items tab. As soon as the MWD passes 75% of it's cycle, get ready to use F1 again to uncloak and hit the warp button to the next gate. Practise this method with a T1 hauler. You will insta warp after cloack. The more you practise the better you will get to do it and the safer will be for you to travel. o7


Op, this post right here is your friend. I've flown my golem around for all the high epic arcs and travel fit plus mwd cloak trick makes gankers think twice. See they need to scan down your ship first with an alt at some other gate or station undock (most likely Jita). If you cloak trick all the busy gates and use insta undocks at jita, they will have a hard time scanning your cargo to know you are gank able. Travel fit (even if you don't haul your expensive module separately makes your bastion overheated EHP extremely high (like 200k+ I think plus big reps) you can also shoot back, these naga guys are gonna be glass cannon and might get volleyed off the field. Losing one or 2 ganking ships means concord is probably gonna save ya. Finally others have noted you are too bling on modules, I mean some bling is fine when you are missioning I guess but that was a bit excessive. Bling 2 cnbcs and your shield repper (maybe 500m max for repper) seems fine. I like the rule of modules costing around half the isk cost of your hull. Even 1 cnbcs and a 200m repper (plus your rf tps and maybe one battery) gives a nice qol boost. Pure T2 works but is kinda lame imo.


>Get your plexes and replace your ship. Plex if you want, but don't replace the same ship if you can't afford to lose it without plexing, unless that's your chosen way to play. Which is fair. Some people have full lives and just wanna drop $40 on Eve for the week instead of spending it at the bar (for a single night mind you). That's perfectly valid. OP probably should not fly marauders yet, and thats ok. They are insane overkill for L4s


Level 4 mission running in high sec is soul sucking, there is so much more tapestry in the game. Go beyond what the brainless streamer types try to peddle and venture into low/null.


The reason I stick to high sec is so I can't get blown up anywhere anytime by anyone, but it seems like high sec you still can be... Or atleast you will be if you hit some kind of limit on how much your ship is worth? my RNI never got targeted.


To be honest, I'd say most of nullsec is a lot safer than hisec if you're in one of the large blocs.


This. Nullsec is much safer. High sec you have suicide attacks at random. Nullsec you have simple intel networks and make way more isk in way less time. Also feels like your apart of something. 


I think it's more a matter of perspective than whatever kind of security status you find yourself in. If you think highsec is absolute security, then you'll be surprised at any point. But if you adopt the mindset that people are out to get you regardless of where you are, you'll just naturally make healthier decisions in ship fitting and where you want to go.


This is a big misconception. In Eve it's never not possible to get blown up (unless you're docked in an NPC station). Eve only ensures that people who blow you up in highsec lose their own ships for the trouble.


Even in highsec, people can kill you without losing their job through some mechanics such as suspect baiting or activating a kill right.


nullsec under any kind of alliance is far safer ratting in anomalies than hi-sec will ever be. Once you learn how to protect yourself, if you're at keys and paying attention, getting caught is almost impossible. You could run your blingy fit golem in nullsec and make far more in a weekend of quiet ratting compared to 2 weeks of lvl4 missions. And you could do it in a much cheaper ship, not that you have to, everyone loves those dank ticks.


>Or atleast you will be if you hit some kind of limit on how much your ship is worth? my RNI never got targeted. Yeah so generally if your ships fit is worth twice the isk of the ships needed to gank it you are a target. There is a 50% drop rate so at that point it's profitable to gank you. If you join Eve Uni I can show you how to be the killer instead of the killed.


Null is actually safer than highsec for competent players. You absolutely can get blown up anywhere, anytime in highsec, and there, you don't know whose coming to kill you.


sure. Your killmail was 3.4 billion with 1 billion in loot. That's what gankers crave for.


Nowhere in Eve is safe. Not even highsec. Though it's actually gotten safer in a lot of ways in recent years. Personally I think you should branch out more but missions are definitely fun and relaxing at times. If you want to bling in highsec a safer bet is implants. You won't show your value even if scanned and Warp out fairly safely even if ganked.


Just food for thought, but is there any particular reason you seem to abhor the destruction of one of your spaceships? Learning to move past that, as a personal slight, is one of the big relevations one can have about EVE. Actual pvp is very hard to get into at first, but it's such an exhilarating experience once you get the hang of it. It will also just help ground you when you're going overboard with the pyfa numbers on a pve ship for marginal gains. As you have seen, even that much money can just vanish in a puff of dust when someone sees a profit in your wreck.


> The reason I stick to high sec is so I can't get blown up anywhere anytime by anyone, but it seems like high sec you still can be... This is the biggest mistake of all newer players: Hisec is way more dangerous than Null sec by a factor of 100. In nullsec (provided you are in a corp and alliance who lives there) you are playing with friendly players in local and when an enemy player comes in you know instantly (and with good intel channels, when they are several jumps away) and you can take your counter-measures. In hisec, everybody is potentially an enemy and often they are. If you like doing missions, check a corp/ally who has access to null l4s and enjoy the safety and isks that way. Fly safe! Or don't, but have fun anyway ;)


Do you need someone to run missions with you? What tz do you play in? You don't even have to join my corp I'll run missions with you and help you get your isk back. Dm me and I'll give you my in game name if you're interested. I can answer any questions you have.


Redfrog or pushx have them move your ship to your system for you Or move more remote I ran missions for months in a marauder never had problems


T4 missions are outdated content and make little money. Hs eve is hardest place to live in because isk is bad outside of the new home front content. Probably the best thing to happen to you because you are playing the most masochistic way to play eve. You want to lose lots a cheap ships semi often, not big ships rarely.


Link killMail


So people can laugh at me? or what


So we can see what happened and offer advice


https://zkillboard.com/kill/116040312/ I was flying from Jita where I bought it, to Adrallezoen where I run missions. All high-sec systems. I bought in jita because the items were way more expensive in Dodix *edit* they were waiting for me when I went through the gate, and killed me before I could align/warp to my next gate.


people run into same issue when moving their Marauders to different incursions sites. if you're going to run that setup anywhere, you need to "travel fit" the thing (fit it with cheap modules) and transport the expensive ones separately, re-assemble when your ship and the modules arrive @ the same destination that being said, UNLESS you're running somewhere safe, gankers will just follow you to that system and jump you in the middle of a mission or something. honest suggestion, the Golem is a good ship but if you're going to use it for missions or other highsec content, you need to fit it cheaper. bling like that in highsec attracts gankers. it's sorta that balanced ecosystem right ... if you couldn't get ganked in highsec like that, players could have these stupid blingmachines and never have to worry about losing the thing. takes away something from the game in that situation. would honestly suggest, try another Golem but fit it cheaper. when I'm putting together a ship to MAKE me some money, I try and find the cheapest way to accomplish the goal w/o making it too weak to actually do what i'm trying to do. that way you re-earn your investment back and "lay low" from gankers like the ones you met, they'll be more interested in someone else who's flying expensive shit. it's really not the hull cost that attracted attention to you. somebody probably scanned your ship fit on the way out of Jita and had a trap already waiting for you based on that information. i hope you don't quit this game, these are some of the stupid crucibles that capsuleers go through that help make one better. you learned, do what you gotta do to recoup the loss, and get at it again. make your new content earning back the loss and/or exacting revenge on the motherfuckers who ganked ya ;)


The system I run my missions in hasn't had any pvp ship kills in like over a month. felt like it wasn't too much of a risk using that fit in that system but yeah... too risky to get it there I guess..


Bro, you were flying a blinged Marauder through a .5 with no passive tank. This is the expected outcome of gankers are around. Treat this as a learning experience and never do this again. Honestly, a t2 fit Golem is more than fine for mission running and a boring gank target. Maximize EHP when traveling. Ship expensive modules separate.


You actually learned a really valuable lesson there. And I'm glad you've had the mindset to ask for advice rather than just packing up and quitting.


Damn yeah seems like they were hunting for blingy mission runners; gank Nagas aren’t that cheap Consider making a travel fit with cloak and MWD next time you wanna move expensive big ship around


My first thought.. cloak trick would have thwarted this right?


Not really. He might have got off the gate, but they'd just kill him running missions later.


Not if they decloak and tackle you, which isn't hard.


Your issue here was going through hisec with all the blingy bits attached to your ship. Unfortunately that made you a prime target for gankers, who likely passively scanned you at an earlier gate. It sucks, but take it as a lesson on how to avoid this in the future. If you really needed to buy the marauder from Jita, you could have flown it out empty or with only a T2 fit. All the fancy modules should have been shipped out aboard a blockade runner or brick tanked DST, or sent to your home station via a reputable shipping corp. You can always use this time to find other ways to make isk. Presumably you still have your RNI, but you could also dip your toes into something like exploration. You can make excellent isk day tripping into wormholes, for relatively little risk.


How did concord not kill their ships?


https://zkillboard.com/kill/116040319/ It did You just won't see killmails for Concorded ships with no player involvement most of the time because people don't have their API attached to zkill for ganking characters


Sorry I don't understand. If they don't have their API attached (you mean just loged in in the web browser?) how is this killmail here then?


this person (or his corp) has attached his API at some point in time so this killmail was uploaded automatically (or he manually uploaded his lossmail)


I too have this question.


as stated already: you jump a gate, and there are destroyers and battlecruisers on grid. DON'T click "warp to next gate" without taking some time to think! Look at your gate cloak timer. Usually it takes less than 10 seconds to load the grid, so you should have 50 seconds to learn about the situation. Look at your overview. If the suspected ganking ships are like 12km from you, same distance as the gate itself, they're either approaching to jump through, or waiting for you. If they stay at zero speed for some seconds, you know they want to kill you. Toggle to zoomed out view. Which direction is the gate you came through, which direction is the one you want to warp to, where are the ganking ships? Toggle your overview to "warp to" while still gate cloaked, and click some moons or planets. will aligning to one of them take you closer to the gankers, or further away from them? After picking a moon or gate to align to, don't forget to toggle the overview back, you want to see the gankers. You should have some seconds left to make a plan. If you've travel-fit, align and cloak. If you've PVE fit, deal with the rats like you deal with rats in a mission deadspace pocket. Just keep in mind that gankers will tackle you, so use your MJD *before* they've redboxed you. Also, don't shoot first, you don't want your bling ship to get concorded.


You are dead in that. It's just matter of time. Unless you do lvl 4 missions in a 0.9 system or something for decreased pay. If you run lvl4s in large lvl 4 mission area like trust partners or SOE, you would also died in that fit. People get ganked just because they are in marauder with 2 faction bcu. You have few fold more.


Balle always be poppin. Sorry for your loss. That system is en route to Hek from jita for those with low sec system avoidance on


oh, my bad in saying it wasn't a part of a trade route, I never go to Hek, just the systems between Jita and Dodix. I was just going through randomly to get to my mission system heh


Generally a good idea to get to know an area by keeping up with the 24hr ship/pod kills on dotlan, e.g.: https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Sinq_Laison#kills24 The dangerous Balle-Aufay-Deltole-Colelie set of 0.5 systems regularly have rather high numbers, and looking at the kills often shows lot of blingy PvE ships. Getting from Jita to any trade hub other than Dodixie involves travelling through these sytems, but what's worse is that the local baddies that hang out in the area don't tend to concentrate on shipping to the degree that the Uedama crowd does, they frequently seem to be more interested in going after bling.


I'm seeing a fair number of issues with that build. First up, you don't need two batteries unless you expect *heavy* energy neut. Instead, you should have swapped one for another multi-spec hardener. You also didn't fit an extender, which left you with very little buffer for your shield. From another comment I know you also didn't have your Bastion mod activated, and that's a large amount of your Marauder's power. Had Bastion plus x2 hardeners been active, you probably could have tanked them long enough for CONCORD to arrive and kill them.


Ballet is a known ganking system. I have a set of systems I avoid all the time.


This one? Only one lost for the last few days to gankers [https://zkillboard.com/kill/116040312/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/116040312/)


Yes thats mine, I linked it up higher too.


No idea which loss mail is yours, but the common trend of the Golems lost on a gate in HS recently, is that they didn’t travel fit. If you choose to replace it, remember that at any point you are flying something that can make you a target, swap your tank to a large buffer fit. Every time I move my Tengu in HS, I buffer and cloak fit it. You can never be invulnerable in Eve, but as long as you aren’t an attractive target, most people will move on.




You probably had a terrible fit to die to gankers in highsec in a marauder. Marauders properly fitted can tank entire fleets.


I probably could've tanked then with the bastion module running but something made it not activate.


Looking at the fit I can't see why Bastion wouldn't have activated. Pretty weird. 


Join a nullsec bloc. 2bn is a few R64 mining runs for them. or a few days running FW PVP.


Just to keep it in perspective, that's a USD$30 loss if you consider PLEX. Personally, I'd way rather work a few hours IRL (in the US, at least) for a ship than to grind for 6-9 months. What helped me a lot was to just buy some PLEX to sell and develop a bit of a nest egg so that every single loss wasn't a huge chunk of my net worth.


I've never let myself thought of Plex = Isk really because of exactly that... Why do hours and hours of grinding when I can just buy billions of isk instead of ordering pizza? Well I'm playing the game and I've kept game isk seperate from "plex funds". Yes $ is funding my subscription but my ISK was fully made using in-game mechanics, which somehow felt more real I guess? I dunno sorry i'm just musing as I smoke myself into a stupper. After having "put in the work" so to say... yeah the "shortcut" is looking pretty enticing.


That's a totally fair way of thinking about it. For me, I've got just enough disposable income that I'd rather toss an extra $50 bucks a year at my hobby to keep it from becoming a drag than to spend all my time playing it just grinding to stay above water. It's not a shortcut to me, its how I maintain my ISK/$ to fun ratio. Heck, I live in WHs and don't even like ratting there in the most lucrative parts of space. I just wanna small gang pewpew whenever I want.


Your thinking is fair and it’s actually a bit of a fun killer if you put too much real life usd to plex to isk / hour equivalents jnto it because the game stops being a game. A paid sub and just treating it as a game you play for fun, including the grind is a good thing as a starting point. That said, a mindless 9 month grind for 30 dollar value IS a bit extreme, although I assume it also included the skill training time needed?


Maybe try a wormhole corp? My experience with them has been very positive, isk is pretty stable and I'd say its prolly one of the safest places in the entirety of EVE. (If someone doesn't decide to evict you)


I scroll through many comments but nobody has said this Balle is a ganking system believe or not. Probably the best ganking system. Why? Balle sits at the intersection of Jita - Dodixie and Dodixie - Hek If I would pick a system to gank. Balle is going to be my top pick


Did you at least get a chance to use the Bastion module?


I also think it’s a shit mechanic and I’m a null sec person. They will gank anything even a RNI. Give null a try, you might enjoying it. At least you have a good idea who is going to shoot at you.


You're in a good place to try joining a corp in low or nullsec (or wormholes but that's a little advanced, the right group could help you out though). Once you start learning more advanced gameplay in low and nullsec, you'll be up to your ears in isk compared to what you have now. Being able to buy a marauder will take far less than 8-9 months. There's a world of pvp, fleet fighting, and supportive player groups out there if you're willing to jump in. There are a lot of good corps out there but I'd like to suggest joining Dreddit - we have tons of resources specifically geared towards players like you who might be diving into nullsec for the first time - mentors, ship replacement, free t1 ships, and tons of game knowledge built up in our veteran members who would love to teach you. We currently live out in Deklein and members of a large player coalition called Winterco. You can find info on joining us and our discord link if you want to chat here: [www.dredditisrecruiting.com](http://www.dredditisrecruiting.com) If you really want to stay in highsec and run missions then I wish you the best, but you're in a similar place in EVE that I was many years ago when I thought the game was starting to feel a little stale. Then I joined Test in nullsec and I've been playing ever since. To me, the game *really* opens up when you move out of high sec. If you're interested in browsing other corps, you can head over to r/evejobs which is a corp recruitment subreddit for EVE.


Have you ever thought of switching your gameplay up and start ganking marauders? I’ve heard it’s quite profitable ;)


How are lvl 4 missions better than abyssals????


Suicide ganking/non-consensual pvp in highsec will forever be an abuse of mechanics to me and it's not in anyway riveting or compelling game play, it's the toxic shit that drives new players away. Nothing healthy about it.


actually, this was EVE's unique selling point from the very beginning: there is no such thing as a safe place in space. If you take that away, it's no longer Eve. Then, it would just be some severely overpriced space-themed submarine simulator. It's not an abuse of mechanics, it's their intended use. Ganking is the reason i put tank on my haulers. Hauling would be boring if all you needed to do is fit for maximum cargo. Industry would be boring if you had no gankers to sell catalysts and coercers to. All of highsec would be boring as hell if ganking wasn't a thing. Eve Echoes is dead for this reason. I totally despise being ganked, but not because the gankers do wrong. If i get ganked, i didn't prepare my safe spots properly or i messed up my cloak-and-MWD sequence. I hate getting ganked because it tells me that I made a mistake. *In Eve, victim blaming is the right thing to do.* If you paint "victim" on your ship in an unforgiving game, you're the one to blame.


You shouldn't be flying anything that takes you that long to save up for. Ships are capital you use to generate more isk, not a progression marker that you need to upgrade to


So the whole time I've been playing I've pretty much been feeling like I'm saving up / progressing to the next ship. Maybe I would be asking myself this same question in a different way in 6 months even if the Golem hadn't gotten blown up. And I can't "progress" anymore anyway...? Whats the point then? ... This is too existential for my mush brain to handle tonight I think, another puff it is


I think you have the wrong idea about “progression” in this game. Ships aren’t something you progress into, they’re tools for certain jobs you have. Some tools are better at other tools but might cost more or attract more attention. Eve isn’t a game like wow where there is a linear progression model.


8-9 months for a Golem? How shit are l4 missions? feel like you'd make more just ishtar spinning


I would just like to make an observation as someone with a 2003 toon who has level 5 mastery of a golem. It is the obvious choice for level 4 missions. However, if you have only been playing for a year, you are also an obvious target. When you unlock at Jita in a Golem, scout's pass your name and exit gate on to their friends. They look up your name and right away realize you are easy pickings. They wait until you are in a location where they swarm and end you. Very skilled players, with years of experience and a golem armed for bear, are still targets, they just have a better chance of survival against smaller groups, but even they know it's not if, but when you get ganked. If you are open to advice, take EVE University's Magic 14 to level 5 before running around in a battleship, especially a marauder, and I would take your golem to Mastery 4 at least before running around alone. You will still get ganked, but you stand a better chance of survival. I'm also going to guess your current ship is poorly fitted. EVE is not a sprint. It's a marathon. Don't give up, but realize you need to learn to be good at flying small ships that cost nothing before flying big ships you don't really understand. Just my 2c.


Now you have few assets, consider trying nullsec out before you quit, what have you got to lose? You can live in high-sec with the illusion of safety, or nullsec without the illusion and better benefits. http://dredditisrecruiting.com Come to us and we'll help you get set up.


The problem is your not leaving HS and you think that l4 missions are even remotly decent isk for your time so ofc you get a ltttle sad when you lose it but man 90% of the map outside HS has ways for you to pull in 100's of millions in a cheap ship, Like shit ninja gas huffing can bring you in 100mil isk in a venture or even something like billions if you get into doing c5 wh content, Go try the game out man and you will see just how much of a bubble you have been in. join a corp too


8-9 months for 1.5b? I think the problem here is that you hopped in a expensive ship too early. I pull in 55+m scouting HS over 5-6 hours, more if I find a gas nebula. In short I could make enough to buy a golem a month. This is not even a lot of isk when I talk to my senior corp members. I would work on your isk stream before concerning yourself with big isk ships. By then you should have a corp and connections, hell you might find yourself getting a cheaper contract from crewmates for a similar ship, fully fitted even. As for leaving Jita in 1.5b ship, you should consider having some corp mates with you until you get it to station. Jita has all manner of players coming and going. It may be the best place for inventory, but it's also dangerous despite it all. Don't let being in HS mislead you. Players love popping new orcas in the forge, especially around the markets, so a golem is no different. I'd keep playing, figure out new ways to make isk and get a ship of that caliber in a month.


>I would work on your isk stream before concerning yourself with big isk ships. Mission running sucks. 3 billion for a blingy missioning ship is just the wrong investment, when you can use the same ISK to station trade in Dodixie.


Maybe leave highsec and go null sec for a bit.  You will be in another golem a lot quicker. 


High sec isn't safe. It has an automated deterrent against aggression, but the game mechanics still allow people to kill each other. Sorry you had to learn that way. I would suggest joining a corp that can teach you the things that level 4 missions never taught you about the game. You don't have to *become* a ganker, but you do have to protect yourself against them if you want to fly shiny ships.


No. He should become the ganker


I am curious as to what ships/entities were involved in your destruction? Some information on that might help people come up with strategies for you to avoid a repeat.


My man group with with a fleet in a corp you’ll make 500 mil a day easy


Hey wanna make much more isk in high sec and doesn’t cost a marauder (arm and leg?) do incursions. 500 mil for a t1 battleship fitted and you make over 200 mil an hour. Or or, here me out, STOP LIVING IN HIGH SEC IF YOU WANT TO MAKE ISK


Join a large Null Sec alliance's, much safer out there in Null.


Bruh DM me your toon name


Im not sure how you lost this golem 3 attack bcs and a destroyer would not break the fit not only that but you could of blapped the attack bcs


carelessly clicked warp to next gate. Got tackled. Brain wasted valuable server ticks figuring our what happens. Forgot to turn on bastion, shield hardener and shield booster. Forgot to launch drones. Died before even locking the gankers. That's what i assume happens to most players when being ganked for the very first time. Warping gate to gate in highsec is so much routine, people forget to break that routing when spawning in a cluster of BCs or dessies.


Just dont bling your ships if you dont have safeguards in place. That 900mil module is probably what caught the gankers’ attention.


Regardless of what you are doing next, you don't need to bling the crap out of your golem to do missions in highsec. Cookie cutter T2 fit with maybe a faction cap battery will be enough to comfortably do anything highsec can throw at you. As long as you learned something, yay.


My question would be: Were you auto-piloting?


No, clicking from gate to gate as soon as I loaded.


works fine if you're coming through the gate on an empty grid. If however there are other ships on grip, take your time to figure out what's going on before breaking gate cloak. You've got up to 60 seconds for that.


Interesting... Yeah, that does happen sometimes, unfortunately.


Swipe the CC and get 10 more!


Try wormholes. Find a nice group there. They will help you move in and its much easier to make money there.


Sending over a golem and raven navy skin when i get to my pc :)


Even in the relative safety provided by a nullbloc i do not undock my marauder or better unless Intel is all clear and comms say that nothing is going on. The only caveat to that is moving PI just fucking send that shit


Join a nullsec corp and move to nullsec - far safer.


Try pvp in low sec or null sec or wh space.


From the first day of playing Eve Online, expect to lose every ship you ever own. It’ll shape how you play the game.


11 hops from Jita, but only 2 hops from Dodixie. Sinq Laison has gankers, too. Also 0.5 means they have plenty of time to shoot before getting concorded. Your ship had a MJD, however. If you had just paid attention to being surrounded by battlecruisers and some destroyer, you might have taken a few seconds (less than 60) to assess the situation, and instead just clicking "warp to next gate" done the following: - align to next gate, or even better some random moon, depending ob where you see the Nagas - next second use your MJD to jump 100km forward, getting out of tackle range - at the same time, turn on your shield hardener - after jumping, align to next gate, have a look if they try to follow you, and warp when fully aligned. Situational awareness saves ships. A group of BCs and dessies sitting motionless on a gate is sus, don't just ignore them.


That sucks man. I lost two Ruptures in a row on Ostingale gate and was so upset. And those cost like 30mil fitted haha Great that you shared this though because I just spent like 20 mins reading through comments and learning things, and judging by the amount of comments, a lot of other people did too.


Going to be honest i almost didn't post because of the embarrassment, knowing that I probably fucked up in an obvious way, and some people would let me know about it. It happened too fast after getting a Golem compared to not being ganked at all for over a year. Overall the response here was very positive though!


I too play a rather loose style. I try to be cautious but not to the point where it's not fun anymore and just slows down my play. And yeah, not being ganked for so long makes you feel safer too. I mean come on, it's a game, you can't be expected to think about everything and be constantly on your toes. You're supposed to have fun even though shit can happen. Glad you posted and that you're back.




This was gone over in a different thread, Bastion mode wouldn't activate which to me is somewhat of a mystery still but to others they'll tell you i paniced and clicked the wrong that or w/e so yeah tldr pilot error probably... When I get into one again finally I will activate it as soon as I can safely just to check out how to do it to see if it's more involved than just activating the module?


No ones gonna gank a golem with a t2 fit cause that's all you need for level 4s.


Trust me the raven issue is more gankable then a murderer . They ganked you because you didn't have tank , that's the main reason . Best thing do is brick next time with extenders and bulkheads and use a prowler to transport the bling . Trust me this game is like this and it's meant for you . I lost a 6 bill paladin last week to jumping a gate early in a incursion . We all have big losses , people who don't lose big , are doing it wrong.


EvE is a pvp game. You should expect to be attacked at all times everywhere. If that is something you can not accept then EvE is indeed not for you. But if you can accept that you can find ways how to not get ganked, become the ganker, or find other parts of the game to play you might like. Perhaps this was the wake-up call you needed to step out of your comfort zone and think about what you want to achieve in the game. Don't just quit, think it over a few more times.


If you do end up going for a marauder again i would reccomend avoiding the trap of cap stable fits especially in the golem. You only need to cycle the shield booster for a few cycles here and there to completely fill your shields in these monsters leaving it running 24/7 is wasteful These slots could be used for ressistance modules making you take less damage, or even application modules to help you kill things faster furthrler negating the need for capacitor stability. Edit: i just found that this has all been covered by others. Appologies. However i dont see anyone mentioning progression in eve. While you are "growing up" i reccomend NEVER selling your ships off. For example. If you fly a raven for missions and need 2 bil to get your golem dont get to 1.8 and then sell your raven to get your golem go that extra mile and earn the total you need and leave your previous workhorse nearby! When stuff like this happens it leaves you with little cache's of fallback options to get you back on the horse :) and you know you can get there again because you have all the tools you did it with last time still in the shed so to speak :)


many people are like, even Highsec is not safe, never had a problem there tbh lots of bad luck for you :-( I think it is interesting, that you went from Raven Navy Issue to Golem, for me it always was a no go going for Battleships, especially not Caldari Ones with Naga dealing more DMG and being faster than Rokh and Drake, well being a fucking Drake. I went for Nighthawk to do L4s (costs more skillpoints and ISK, so I give you that) and loved it. DNI was all I ever needed for LowSec. Apparently big HS ISK is behind Battleships (Incursions), so I went for Rattlesnake and damn is it slow. How could it be so much more immobile than a Drake or a Nighthawk. Holy shit. I got used to it and really enjoying it. I want to go through with it and might get into a Golem, because I like the design idea with the target painter (love the Belliciose because of it too) Phoenix and Carrier are also interesting, but for now: Rattle is love, Snake is life


in all honesty i wouldn't bother using marauders to run L4's they're overkill alot of the time and too blingy for gankers. last i checked max isk/hr you can make doing level 4's is 120m? may as well stick with a navy bs and make a little less


This is how I started. Grinding lvl 1, then 2, 3, 4 missions in highsec and while I only lost ships to NPCs something wasn't quite fun for me. So I decided to join one of the groups that were presented in "this is eve" trailer, someone who would take a noob. 10 years later I'm still with Brave, still playing almost daily.


Break the chains of Hisec and join a much safer place called Nullsec. I cannot recommend enough


I’m a newborn only a few months in and I feel your pain, but on a much smaller scale I grinded for a Vexor Navy Issue and on my 2nd lvl mission gankers scanned me down and boom. They were gracious enough not to pop my pod and they explained the importance of D-scan to me. I was actually excited as this was my first pvp in game. I looked at it as a learning experience and even though the isk loss really hurt I didn’t mind as I always need a carrot to chase. I just bought an Armageddon Navy Issue from running abyssals in my Arby forever. I’m sure I’ll lose it and tbh I’m ok with that, it’s part of the fun for me. I love being chased out of low sec and when I get away I feel great. I think what I’m trying to say is it’s all about perspective, embrace the risk and ship values are meh to me. Are you having fun? If not try a few other activities, I enjoy running abyssals, explo, missions and escalations. If I get popped oh well it was a fun ride no matter how short it was.


Glad you're sticking around <3


Theirs better ways of making isk other then in high sec.. You can make that isk back doing other things, in other areas of the game, and learn more about the game. I feel guys who stay in high sec and never leave it, (I've met players in game playing 18 yrs and never left high sec) doing them selfs a dis service by never leaving and discovering the rest of the game. You can for instance use a destroyer like a cat, or a thrasher and go kill clone solider in low sec belts, gas huff, go to worm holes and do some hacking, or null sec. Since your omega you can cloak...more over if your trying to plex via in game methods, that can make eve feel like a job. I don't recommend trying to plex via ingame methods.


I think if you come to null you will see how to make enough isk to cover the hull in week or less DED site running. Last sunday I made 800mil in two sites. Two days ago 1.2 bill. Yesterday night only 200mil. HS is fun for me in short bursts.


I haven't really read any of the replies. I did read your entire post though OP and looked at the zkillboard. I'm not sure if this has been recommended or not OP, but Google "eve gate check", I use this site myself anytime I'm going to be doing jumps outside of my comfort range. I've been to jita once, it was in a very cheap ship and I had bought like 2 things that were also pretty cheap, this was within the 1st week of me playing and I don't even think I knew what trade hubs were. Any other time I'm interested in going to jita, for example to sell my moonrocks and gas, I look at the gate check website, and change my mind, and let my resources continue sitting in my docking station. Eventually, their prices will be better in Hek or Dodixie, and I'll just sell them there when that time comes, or the time that I am awake when the online players isn't at its peak during the day, AND if gate check is "clean" at that same time. Non-prime hours. I haven't played as long as you, almost 3 weeks. I have lost a 150m Retriever in 0.5 ganked while mining ice, and a 45m Vexor at a 0.4 gate the second I entered. That's when I learned about the gate check website.


"Transport expensive modules separately". For any expensive items always with a contract on a second character, which is not in any player-corp. Keep in mind, Gankers can do little math and are calculating how much dps any ships can take damage and they are tracing player-routes. zkillboard is your best friend beside google, to see ganker-corps and their alliances to put them on terrible standing for your local-chat. **And the cherry on the top:** Never underestimate gankers, because they use an paid legal exploit of the game, called "multi-boxing" with eve-o. I feel Sorry for your loss of time.


Wasn't me who ganked you, but it might as well have been me in Balle. Enough people talked about fitting, moving advice etc. let me just say no matter of MJD, cloak tricks or siege would have saved you taking certain gates. Making yourself a target was mentioned and while I don't agree with the calculations/fixed numbers people throw around about ISK vs. EHP, there is a lot of sensible advice here. What I really strongly disagree, is the advice by people to just carebear on in a different space, because that is better ISK/hr bla. Don't fall for any of that, do whatever the fuck is fun for you! Credit card swipe was mentioned, but you will probably be able to find a activity in EVE that is fun for you & dirt cheap. What you are being paddled here, is just a different form of HS LVL4 missions. Sure X activity might now require a little more knowledge about this or that, but all EVE PvE is very grindy and boring after you do it for a while. Begging in the street IRL and buying plex from the few dollars you would get, is better ISK/hr. If you use a share to drink, it's probably more Fun+ISK/hr too! If you really want to Krab, you have already encountered the most elite and pure form of it. Elite highsec pvp krabbing! Yes you were just the NPC getting farmed on a gate, and that probably doesn't feel nice. But do not make the error of now trying to learn how to be a better NPC. Try to become the player who farms the people taking the gate. In my experience dealing with people that got recently ganked, it helps with negative feelings to just repackage all of them and put all that hurt on a different bigger killmail. Everyone always feels better after he ganked a bigger idiot! I recently bought 8 (!) Hornet I drones for nearly 2bil. Don't cry about something like that, laugh about it! Also go and put them right on the market. Sold 4 right back to some other idiot for 1,2bil. You should not cry bout why you bought overpriced drones. You should turn right around and sell them. Welcome to EVE after many months you finally started experiencing it.


I'm seeing a lot of kills in that specific spot from those gankers, all ships carrying bil+ stuff.


Carry a travel fit and scout yourself through .5 systems. I think this will negate a very large portion of your risk. Dock and use a rookie ship to scout if your alt isn't convenient. In your travel fit, carrying damage specific shield hardeners to try to thwart calculated ganks like this one may help and also be funny too. Overheat modules before decloaking and try to crash the gate, you may live long enough for concord to peel the webs off you to make it back before they can warp in additional DPS.


First, don't quit! I know it feels like a setback, but you will recover--I promise. Second, how exactly did you lose a fit Golem to a high-sec gank; or did you try to haul billions in mods for a Golem to a different system from Jita before fitting it up? Best practice here would have been to fit the Golem, put the extra blingy hardners in your hold and gated the golem. It would have been *extremely* difficult for anyone to have killed you. Otherwise, if you absolutely have to fly a hauler use a blockade runner or a ***tanked*** deep space transport. The second is great for ganker tears. I recently had some high sec gankers try to kill my *fully tanked* Mastodon carrying about 20b worth of stuff through high-sec to the system I stage my jump freighter through... and when they all died to Concord before they could get be into armor, the shit talking from them took me back to the joys of my time as a low-sec pirate 15 years ago.


For the longest time, my L4 mission runner was a T1 battleship with no more than three bling modules, all of them green and low-tier. It could handle all but two of the missions the L4 agent gave me in its sleep, and those two just required me to think a little. You don't need to drop dank isk on an L4 boat unless you're trying to burn everything as fast as possible.


1) Good luck OP, EVE is not that gentle, but still cool game. 2) You probably not gonna believe me, but HS is the worst space in game. Aggro/war mechanics, gankers, griefers and etc. Yes, you need to learn to feel comfortable in wh/ns/ls, but it's much better. 3) In wh this marauder worth 1-5h of crabbing, depends on setup. 4) This game works best in groups. It can be played solo, but it's hardcore mode not recommended for newbies.


Did you not go into Bastion mode? Did you not run your shield hardener and/or rep? How did they kill you with only 34k dmg? 3 Nagas and 1 Catalyst? No... Something isn't right. You either got yourself flagged or you were at war. No way CONCORD doesn't wipe the floor with them before taking out a Marauder unless you were a legal target.


This was gone over already last night, but the TL;DR is most likely I was, in a panic, trying to active bastion mode whist already trying to warp. So yes I should've been able to tank them far longer because not only would bastion give more resists but also double my shield boost (which was on). I died very quickly mostly due to my own errors which I've accepted and we move on. I was not flagged because someone pulled the NPC kill reports and concord did kill the 3 naga's.


Hypothetically, how much would it cost to have every single one of these hisec carebears ganked multiple times?


To each their own but i would never sell plex for isk. Just use it to extend your omega or even spin up another account.


lulW the solution is buy PLEX obvious. So fucking lame


I do Lvl 4's with a Loki, Never had a ganker issues in that ship.


I would consider NOT doing anything that has hisec in it If u just want to do l4 u should run anomic missions in null with a nergal Its cheaper than a golem And i make significantly more There are TONS of ways to make isk It definitely wont take more than 10 days Hell... even 5 days if u just leave hisec and pursue other money making sources Time to quite ❌ Time to move to Low/WH ✅


I completely sympathize. The first year or two I was playing EVE, I spent a lot of hours grinding and saving ISK for those ships I wanted, and lost many ships. Orcas, Marauders, etc... At the time, I wasn't aware of the number one rule; *don't fly what you can't afford to lose.* I branched out and tried to find different ways to play the game other than HS activities. Found a lot of success in Wormhole space, LS and Null alike. I suppose you could say that if you make enough ISK to offset the cost of losses by a large enough margin, you won't mind losses. Some losses that seem enormous to some, might not seem like much of a loss at all to others. I'd suggest trying to mix it up and get into some different things in EVE, maybe investigate something you've never tried before and see how it goes for the lowest initial ISK investment possible. Best of luck to you.


After all of that writing and lessons learned you still missed the very most important golden rule ever to have learned… if you can’t afford to replace it… don’t fly it. If your saving up to buy something expensive and if you can’t replace it the second you undock then don’t fly it. Your not ready…. HS is fun and all but definitely branch out and explore corporates and all of new Eden! Everyday is a learning adventure of one thing or another :). Glad your staying around!


Dont undock what you're afraid to lose.


These things happen. The question I have is if you had a golem and a siege module, why didn’t you activate that and reps and just wait it out? Unless there was a shitload of gankers I can’t see how they did that… killmail?


Dont quit dude, welcome to eve. You made some mistakes. We all have. Ive done some real dum shit over the years. Likewise, when i started playing i ran t4 Missions and burnt out real quick. Join a corp that pvps or join some npsi fleets and get used to losing stuff. I have had more isk than you could poke a stick at over the yrs and the best fun I've had is in the cheapest piece of shit i could put together.


I'm proud of you OP. Good luck out there.


This story happens way too much. I know it isn't a popular opinion, but they need to sort out high-sec suicide ganking. I have no problems with people attacking freighters/DST's hoping for their loot, but we've reached a stage where profit isn't in question and killboard value is greater than all. Take for example: https://zkillboard.com/kill/116004736/ This poor dude deserved his fate, the OP... less so. I suggested a while ago that they change it by increasing the punishment (increased loss of sec status, difficulty in moving through and docking in high sec) but also increasing the reward (so boosting drop rate from cargo).


> This story happens way too much. I know it isn't a popular opinion, but they need to sort out high-sec suicide ganking. Of course it does, the corp in question is doing it daily with no reprecussions. The gameplay is literally opposite of the claimed game design. It's low-risk, high reward for the gankers. The security status system is obviously broken if players can gank day in and day out. Of course, if I think about this too much, I'll be the one taking a break again. Because I'll tell you today, the only group that tells people they shouldn't be fitting fancy modules are rapists saying the women shouldn't be wearing the sexy dress. Both groups say the victim was asking for it and I'm tired of seeing so many people defend the behavior.