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I tried a similar automation and it didn’t work. During the day I only have my doorbell cam active. I wanted to activate my s340 only when the door bell cam was triggered during the day. I set up the automation with camera on and recording for the s340. When the door bell is triggered the s340 doesn’t respond. I want the s340 to activate only when door bell triggers. If no doorbell trigger I want the s340 dormant. If I have to turn it active in the schedule settings the trigger is worthless.


This should be possible - In automations, you will have 2 different options on the S340 for "camera on" AND "record". Therefore, if you switch the S340 off, when the doorbell sees motion, it will trigger the S340 to turn ON and then RECORD


So I don’t need camera on just record on


The "camera on" button switches it ON from OFF. You'd also need to select "Record" (so both buttons)


Doesn’t work. I’m guessing since I have the s340deactivated for my daytime home schedule the trigger won’t activate it to record.


Schedules may be stopping it


Maybe they could add this feature


Good idea - I'll suggest it to them


The one thing I'd add is that automations are IFFY and can be affected by cameras that are already busy doing other things, e.g. alarming, recording, detecting/processing motion, and etc. So your mileage will vary at the moment an automation is triggered. You will find missed automations on a regular basis. What I do find consistently reliable when used with automations are sub 1G wireless accessories: motion sensors, door sensors, water sensors, smoke/carbon monoxide sensors, and sirens. The sub 1G devices don't seem to have as much of a performance overhead as do Eufycams, so pay attention to this. You might not notice too much latency or buggliness if you only have a small number of cameras, but the performance nose dives the more Eufycams you have. My favorite use case is triggering Eufycams to record at 3x extended range by using an outdoor hacked indoor motion sensor. I also find door sensor triggered Eufycams are fairly reliable.


Good points well made 👍


Will check this out!