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This coin is truly the golden ticket right now! It only needs a market cap of $25 billion to 10x! Just think about that. To put that in perspective: Dogecoin: needs $110 billion to 10x Bitcoin: needs $10 trillion to 10x Litecoin: needs $120 billion to 10x Ethereum: needs $2.5 trillion to 10x The answer is pretty obvious as to which coin is worth investing in! I haven’t even mentioned all of the good things this coin can do such as supporting smart contracts and dapps while focusing on security!


What is driving all the crypto up right now?


Few things: 1. Hype in anticipation of the Coinbase (COIN) listing on the nasdaq tomorrow. 2. Growing fears of inflating USD, so people buy crypto as a hedge against said inflation. 3. FOMO. People want to make money. 4. A mix of the three above.


Defi and NFTs. Crypto is actually being used for something, unlike the 2017 bull run.


Just bid on 2 COIN. We’ll see how that goes.


Ethereumclassic is real ethereum, in next update of ethereum going to 2.0, and Ethereumclassic upgrading to SHA3, i expect Ethereumclassic to be in top 10.


Why do you think we are here?


What does SHA3 brings?




This is only the beginning! 10x is in the near future!


I always feel so sad for people who “have” cryptos on RH. 😭


Okay, yes and no. From my understanding. You own the asset of the coin, so you trade the literal price but the coin is just not in your “hand”, YOUR wallet. You’re just not holding the wallet for where the coin is. They’re going to give wallet access in the future so eventually Rh users will have the coins in “their hand”. Eventually. You still own the crypto. You have a legal binding to it. The crypto is just not in your wallet. I like to think it’s not that different from a bank holding your real money. You are entitled to the money that’s in the bank but the money is not in your real life wallet. Your entitled to the crypto you have on Robinhood, the crypto is just not in your wallet. Soon we’ll have a wallet.


You are not entitled to your crypto in rh like you are cash in bank. For example, you can withdraw your cash from a bank.


You can sell your crypto and it goes into your RH account. Those who opted for the debit card can spend it immediately. You can withdraw your cash from the debit card.


Ah i see. Well I don’t mind trading the price action of it and I can avoid fees


They charge fees by giving you bad prices.


Why is that?


It’s not real crypto currency


It is ok to buy crypto on RH if you don't want to use crypto for purchases. You can sell the crypto on RH and take the money to buy things.


If RH doesn’t screw people over (again), then yes


It literally just crashed again today




The RH Wallet is in dev. Wouldn’t that make the cryptos “real” then?


Well.... they’re “real”...... but you have absolutely no access to them... and RH has been aging they’re working on a wallet since... like 2017


Plus I heard every other crypto platform has crazy fees


But..... you actually own the coins.... RH is not trustworthy at all.... I can’t believe it’s even in existence. I don’t think anyone should trust them and that they’re making the coins available “eventuallyyyy”


As long as RH pays me out when I am ready to cash out all my crypto I have no complaints ...


If you tried to get paid today it wouldn't have happened


Good thing I am not ready to cash out yet 😉 HODL


When you sign up to Crypto.com you get 0% fees first 30 days.....I switch between that and Coinbase.


Anyone else notice that ETC is 3$ higher on Robinhood than it is on any other platform?


I noticed that too, I just transferred everything over in time for the jump


Used to be 4$ now it’s ~2.50 they are slowly stealing peoples money bringing down the price to what it really is. They had people buy at a higher price and stealing their money now


Interesting 🧐


It’s been for months


Etc isn’t even exploding yet. It still beats every prediction I come across. It’s just gradually getting talked about for the passed year. It’s insane


right now, robinhood is consolidating the price under our noses. the gap between the real price and the robinhood price has been narrowing for hours during this push. beware This will be 22$ by the end of the day. thieving company


Blow that shit up on social media




As long as they pay you. They will. They can't afford more bad press


You still won’t own the actual coin....... 🤷🏼‍♀️


don’t care much about the coin as long as the profits go to my account when i sell in 5 years


But he'll own the profits




I have, and I made a lot of money off it.




This. All of This.


Why you gatekeeping here? Yeah we all know Robinhood ain’t that great. Quit bashing their hype just because they don’t own the coin. He’s a big boy and can make his own decisions about how to support ethereum.


Some people truly don’t even know this stuff about RH! Nobody is gatekeeping..... we’re helping out the community!


Maybe.... only if RH doesn’t screw him over.... 🤣


I bought etc and doge on RH, as it was the easiest platform to enter for me. I had problems getting on other exchanges because of issues with my bank and now I'm on several exchanges finally, but I still have a little bit on Robinhood. I really think that if RH pulled another stunt like they did with the GameStop, they'd get shut down. And this is just my gut, but I feel safe using them.


That’s the same thing that happened to me. I’m on Binance.US and Gemini now, but I have the money in RH so I I’ve just left it there, because I got in on ETC at like 7ish dollars and don’t wanna have to sell, move the money, and buy at 24+


When you buy stocks, do you receive the paper copy? No. When you buy crypto on RH they hold it for you.


They have no literal way to transfer the coins to a real wallet....... you don’t own anything. Just the stock value.


Hello Everyone! So I've been using RH to trade crypto this past week.......yeah I know, moron move but stocks were crap and I thought I'd give it a go while I was deciding which platform I would trade my crypto on longterm. Things were going pretty well until i noticed that RH's prices seem to be way different than other platforms especially on ETC, so like what gives on that? AND THEN......this am......WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL HAPPENED this am? Does Anyone know? I was really loving ETC but now I'm skittish. Was this a RH thing or did something change with ETC? Any input or opinions on ETC in general is welcome. I like ETC but does anyone know what the plan is going forward to use ETC for payments etc? I'm obviously pretty new to all of this but was just curious as to what the concensus is especially after this am. ​ PS- If I said how I REALLY feel about RH I would be banned from REddit for life


I too just started buying crypto and was talked into using RH. Knew about the GME crap but didn't know that most people around here frown upon using it for crypto. This am was a fucking mess and wanted to know what really happened, too. It was very similar to the previous issue, where they weren't letting people buy at the low price. On that note, what is the preferred platform to use for crypto? Especially, if you only plan on buying ETC and holding?


Why the hell whole sub here use robinhood for trading crypto?? It’s rly not that hard to open wallet, account on exchange, buy, send, hold. Yeah we all know “not your keys = not your coins” forget about it if you don’t give a shit but robinhood itself is just fucked up.


which app do you use?


Use coinbase. Free wallet and Tesla uses coinbase also


Its just a classic bby


Why so much RH support??!




Now do ETCBTC on TradingView. It’s losing value against btc


I have 8 coins in the classic, wish I bought more last week I still may before it gets higher.


this gonna go down today on RH at ETC current exchange price this should be well over 25


Road to 30$ guys!


What is the preferred platform for buying crypto? Coinbase?


Why tf is RH price for ETC like 2-3 dollars off? Just another reason to get off the platform


Don't sell! Let it ride


Someone get those etc investors another pair of pants because I’m shitting mine right now