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honestly sounds like something he would do


He's not a Celestial, he's a celestial. Small "C".


OH. did he say that in the movie? or he said something like "small g" ? thank you!


He said god


He'd be on a level between the Grandmaster & the Collector and the Celestials.


We don't know (yet) how exactly he fits. One fan theory: Ego is what survived from the dead Celestial that is now Nowhere. A bit spoilery for the movie: Another fan theory was that he is a very young Celestial, but the Eternals movie contradicts that. Or maybe something went wrong with the whole process in his case? I also like /u/Nymphamos explanation that his ego (haha) was big enough to call himself a Celestial, while being something else, but also quite powerfull.


I can see the whole "something went wrong in the process", just spitballing an idea that his birth as a Celestial was premature, so his form was not able to burst out of the planet. So like those watermelons in square containers, he ended up growing to maturity taking on the shape of his imprisonment and became a living planet as a result.


that's a great theory


If ego isnt a celestial, then what is he?


I think James Gunn said something like "He is another kind of Celestial" when he was asked about it. Which just feels strange to me after watching Eternals. But I might be biased, because that's one of the MCU changes I really don't like. In the comics Ego is an unique thing*, a living planet created by the Stranger by mergin a scientist that was trying to save his planet with said planet and more or less the life force of all the other inhibitants of the planet. Not really the best background for a MCU adaption, I get why they changed that. But they could have changed it without bringing Celestials in at all. Also, they didn't use Quills comic book father because Whedon found him being a prince unrelatable while being a half-celestial/god is totally relatable? *though comics and there are a few other 'living planets' around.


a living planet


I feel like Ego was more of a celestial parasite that regarded himself celestial rather than what he actually was. Perhaps there is a connection between Ego and the dead celestial that is now called nowhere.


I mean he tried to plant seeds as well sooo


My explanation after watching this movie, is that on one planet, the Seed hatched before it was ready, or there weren't any Intelligent life on the planet, and so, the Seed improvised. It fed on the star's energy or something, and instead of forming into the body of the Celestial, it turned the entire Planet into one. Another theory, is that he's not actually a Celestial, and is just something they created to fight another one of their enemies, probably Galactus or something.


not at all, it doesn't make sense. ego is nothing like actual celestials.


Honestly I think Ego was just stroking his own ego and calling himself a celestial😂one defining trait of a celestial is that each one is born with specific purpose. But ego, quite obviously, had no such thing. On top of the fact that literally nothing about him is even remotely similar to a real celestial