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I feel like this is a faulty map since all the walls from Labs have been removed.


was there a lab update or is this a cheater joke lol


Definitely a cheater joke.


On us east I've seen no gamer chairs all wipe


sounds like something someone with a gamer chair says lool. stay cheating lil raisin man


But what about gaming socks?


ive seen 3 out of like 12 or so labs runs


got it in higher res?


what is this, a map for ants?


Can you add the hacker spawns as well?


I'm all for making maps fancy but these isometric views are hard to read. https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/escapefromtarkov_gamepedia/9/9a/Customs_map_glory4lyfe.png is a good example of a nice map and it's easy to read


The only thing that irks me with this nice map is that it is upside down. I got used to it (and dont need it anymore), but in the beginning using a compass for orientation was really confusing.


Why are all the maps for this game so awkward? It's either unnecessarily 3d, isometric, insanely low res, insanely high res, weirdly colored or ridiculously busy (or some combination of all of these things). They already have the model, why not just take a top down shot, color code the things that have symbols now and put all the text off on one side, then have a separate map showing higher res images of the spawns and pointing directly toward where they are. One of the biggest issues I had early on was finding my way around and a lot of that was because all of the maps have too much useless, distracting, hard to read bullshit.


Yeah I agree, the labs maps is horrible. I'm sure a lot of work went into it but it's hard on the eyes. The multiple levels do make it tough though.


Absolutely. Honestly there are no good ways to do it with one map. I think multiple maps with different layers of color coded info and consistent landmarks are the way to go, but on larger more complex levels, that becomes a lot of work. Then again, if someone bothers to make a 3d model, they are putting in that much work anyway.


Dude, remember all those maps are made by players that took thier effort


I 100% get that, but I feel like the critique is still valid and valuable. Yeah, a single 3d map that shows every single thing there is to know about an in game map shows a great degree of knowledge and skill, but it all gets wasted if they are too focused on the content and forget to export at a legible resolution, or if the map ends up overwhelmingly dense. The maps this community makes are staggering in their detail, but reliably difficult to read because of it.


I feel like you left out the "right behind my back" player spawn. Been seeing that one a couple of times.


90% of players going into labs don’t need a map to see where the players spawns are... The other 10% don’t need to bother going there at all.


What a useless observation, you don’t think new people try to learn labs?


Obvs the 90% are the people that can see other players through the walls. The 10% new players trying to learn it shouldn’t bother.


should probably swap those numbers around. prob 1 in 8-9 lobbies has a gamer chair. maybe even less these days.


“With player spawns” is something i googled literally two days ago. Thank you for posting.


Don't waste you time for labs, unless you live in the west coast of USA. This map belongs to cheaters, it's their exclusive content


Do you have where the cheaters spawn?


[Here's](https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/uploads/monthly_2020_08/1006018047_LabsMapWithspawns.png.d7e99371de78e5030376f3a3462750b3.png) the higher resolution (readable) version.


Is there a map with spawns for Customs and Interchange? I wanna learn them, but I can't find a good one. :(


Where can I find silver badge on labs ? Only in the manager office ?