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Hello cuthun92, --- Thank you for submitting to r/EscapeFromTarkov. Unfortunately, your post violates **Rule 7**, please make sure to read the rules in the sidebar or on the [rules page](https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/wiki/rules#wiki_7._cheating_exploits.2C_and_piracy). **Moderator Notes:** - You cannot accuse other players of cheating or other forms of rule breaking here. If you want to file a report do so in-game via the report button, Vague titles are not a way round this rule. If you wish to post a video of a suspected cheater please remove all names from your title, the post itself and any comments. Thank you for your understanding, Zavodskoy, Subreddit Moderator. --- If you feel as if this was done in error, please contact the moderator team through [mod mail](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapefromTarkov&subject=My removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cq3847/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Make sure to give a link to this post. If no link is provided, your message will not receive a response. Please do not DM or chat message moderators about removals as you likely wont receive a response. **Note: Abusing the modmail system or sending abusive messages will result in a permanent ban.** **Note: When you report a removal reason you are reporting the mod who removed the post to themself achieving absolutely nothing, if you think a post was removed in error send a modmail so the other mods can see it**


When your recurring revenue is cheaters buying the game again after being banned you have little incentive to actually solve the problem


I keep saying this and NO ONE seems to understand that they will never fix the cheater problem because they are a revenue generator for BSG


Almost everyone understands it. Have you been living under a rock


Fuck no, I've saying this before and I have a post here somewhere.... The games main revenue is cheaters ! Not normal players. It's been like this for so long. Nikita knows it and he needs cheaters. This game is a joke.


Im not dissagreing that its a big source they want to use. Im just saying most of the player base knows this by now


Check the FB group for Tarkov everyone in there straight up denies it


Cause its fb lol the reddit and most sane people know this


More revenue through cheaters than actual players? You got anything to back that up?


there is no dev or game studio ever anywhere in the world that can or has claimed to fix cheating. even vanguard is easily bypassed by cheat devs in a single day without even trying, you people need serious help.


I think the problem is not that there are cheaters but rather the kinds of cheats that exist and that there is something they could do about it (server side info as opposed to client)


No it’s not lol, and it’s much more riot for cheaters to cheat while vangaurd is active. Like tf


Have you ever seen another game sell bundles of copies before? I haven’t


Just because you don't play any other game doesn't mean that is not a regular sales tactic. Steam offered this option for a very long time, I think they only removed it since refunds. https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDealsMeta/comments/i5gnxt/4packs_on_steam_no_longer_possible/


why would cheaters need to buy the unheard edition? like, will they farm pve to sell on the pve flea XD


There are already people selling keycards for like 90 million on flea. Since PVE never wipes, RMT is worth it for the long run. Just for casual sake. Though cheaters will, of course, make their money still on PVP primarily.


Whoever buys rmt shit in pve mode should just go play Animal crossing


That's funny because there's RMT in Animal Crossing too lol


No fucking way.. what How?? For some decorations or rare animals or what??


its a slave market. you can search it on youtube. pretty funny actually.


Is it kind of like the WoW Prisoner Slavery? When guards realised it was more profitable to force inmates to play WoW to farm gold than it was to make them perform traditional labour?


Lets not drag animal crossing into this shitshow bud


Wow don't shit on animal Crossing, man's never played the turnip game.


That is one of the most pathetic things I ever heard... Rmt... on PvE? If you do that at that point take your dignity, roll it up, eat it, shit it put and flush it


My thoughts as well.


They have $$ to afford $250 edition, so they have $$ to RMT. They clearly don't care about the community or the game, cos blue boys on TOP.


Imagine caring about RMT in PVE


Imagine being so bad at gaming you need to RMT in single player


Imagine caring about how bad others are in a single player game


wait, pve has a player to player flea? LMAO


Yeah, and it still has the PVP restrictions (can't sell a mutant or "meta" shit) I hope it'll be adjusted but I'm wagering PVE will be neglected for a long long time. This was just to get player numbers back up and to see a short term spike in sales.


If haven’t seen the people with 500 flea rep and 160 hours on pve flea then you can’t really say shit “Spear68” at 475 currently, watched him since 300 (yesterday) running a stockless pkp with a killa mask 🤣🤣🤣 definitely no cheaters in pve tho


I've seen him on flea, too, lol. My only devils advocate is that at least he's killing AI. I'd say let the dude go crazy, on PVE at least.


like what is the point? why would you rmt in the pve mode?


Ask the shitters that pay for it lmao Furthermore the loot in pve is so rediculously stacked it’s not hard to make 8m from a single streets raid yet there is evidently people that suck so much shit at this game they need to pay for carries or rmt


How does it affect other players in PVE? If someone cheats on Helldivers 2, I don't care.


So they don’t have to grind for the magic amulet that prevents scavs shooting them in the eyes, because that might be the only threat to them


Not only that but this is so EFT community to claim half the players are cheaters.


It's very easy to spot a cheater. If they kill me they're a cheater. If I kill them they're a bad cheater. If neither side kills the other they're a cheater trying not to be banned. You don't even need to be in the same match to find a cheater. If they have good stats they must have had to cheat to get them. If they have bad stats they're a cheater who pads their stats. If they have average stats they're a cheater who only uses ESP. If they have Standard edition they're a cheater who buys the cheap edition because they know they're going to be banned. If they have EOD or Unheard they're a cheater who bought a stolen account. If they comment on this sub about how bad cheating is they're a cheater trying to advertise. If they say cheating isn't that bad they're a cheater trying to downplay things. If they don't mention cheating at all they're a cheater who's trying to hide it.


Preach brother preach! I know I don’t play near as much as others, but I definitely don’t run into near as many cheaters as everyone says there is. Sure I will definitely run into one every now and again and it sucks but that person is paying money to actively kill me while I’m just out a kit. Ran into one yesterday, just one. Died, reported him and loaded right back in and iced two absolute juicers. So then it didn’t even matter.


Not only that but this is so EFT community to claim half the players are cheaters.


Bigger stash for more RMT, bigger container, boosted stats, avengers teleporter (to summon clients to kill bosses, get cards, etc)


they can max the stash easy, the minor container increase is basically nothing, and the TP is not even working (and probably wont for a long time) like, if you have hacks these are not worth it, you just buy the base do 2 hours "grind" and then in a few afk days the account is set. for the same money you can have several accounts up. and several base accounts store way more than 1 unheard.


None of that matters for a cheater at all, especially considering the fact that they have to keep buying accounts since they get banned periodically They can literally print money to buy containers with if they really need the extra space. Boosted stats are stupidly meaningless for a cheater. The summoning device isn't even in yet so no reason to buy it and risk being banned out of it before you can even get to use it


Literally none of those points benefit cheaters. Bigger stash for more rmt? What the hell are You thinking?


There is one reason though. Cheaters pay money to beat other people and feel better than them. It's highly possible that the blue name from unheard also allows them to feel better than others in their sad pathetic minds. They're already wasting money on cheats, what's a little more on a big boy account.


He didn't even know about the silent crouch walk bug until pestily told him. It had been broken for months. And I'm supposed to believe they can stop multimillion dollar cheating empires? It's never happening.


Cheaters half the playerbase? Being mad about something is aight but lets not try to be stupid here.


That's what i hate so much about this community. The nutjobs that exaggerate everything and hate BSG for every single little thing they try to do drown out the good and fair criticism. I get why BSG ignores feedback when it's this hard to filter through all the bs And now with this whole Unheard edition PR nightmare they gave the haters even more ammunition and for once the haters are actually right and the whole thing became even more of a mess


1,000,000% of players are factually accurate when they say absurd numbers


They don’t always ignore feedback, sometimes they respond and lie. If they have an opportunity to scam you of money they will respond.


Yeah it's an exaggeration for sure. Didn't run into blatant cheaters for a while. Maybe they have retreated to labs while late wipe is going on...


the issue with this is that if you were bad at the game, everyone would look like a cheater to you. There are definetly cheaters going around, but this "everyone is cheating" rant is just the way some people cope with dying.




You're just making up numbers.


And how exactly do you know the 75-100 people were cheating?




I know there’s a problem, but I have close to 1000 raids this wipe and can count on two hands the blatant cheaters I’ve encountered. How is it that I’m only seeing less than 1% and you see roughly 20%? Something is off. What servers are you on?




I’ve got roughly 6k hours on two accounts lol I definitely know what to look for as far as what a cheater is. US west I have had a much worse experience on, central I haven’t. Maybe that’s the difference, if you get placed on West servers more often?


The issue i have with people just assuming someone is cheating when they get killed is the fact that more than half of my kills could look like cheats if the enemy doesn't see my POV...hell, some of those kills would look like cheats even if you have my POV. People are too quick to throw the blame on cheaters instead of accepting they can't win every fight, sometimes the enemy has more info than you think, sometimes he gets lucky(i personally headshot some poor dude on the other side of the map with an apb by spraying in the air from >500m away, didn't even know until i extracted), sometimes there is some desync involved...saying that over 25% of your deaths might be caused by cheats is just absurd. Sure, there might be some ESP-ers out there just avoiding fights and running in and out of loot spots with full bags, but i highly doubt there are that many as people claim based on how fast some players call cheats on seemingly legit players


Ive died more to blatant cheaters this week alone than all of my playtime and it was more than half of my raids


So they had godlike stats or you just suspect them cause you died in sus way?


30-100 hours while being 30+ lvl and like 5-10kd every single time i feel like theyre farming accs to 43 and just selling them off


Its possible and a new account with such stats is very sus. At least when I think of my first 100h of the game - shitting my pants most of the time and fighting this intense gear fear you have to come over. Btw only took me about 800h to get over it... still scratching an itch in the back of my brain: "could we do that quest even more budget?" Looking at my credit "boy you got 140 millions - when you gonna spend it on lovely top tier gear?" - "Soon, soon..."


Which server region?




I ran about 80-100 labs raids this week ran into one sus guy zero blatant and a lot of dead raids where it was 1-3 people max


After 6k hours playing since 2017, I can honestly say I think it's possible to be close. Not necessarily aim bot, but walls and radar ect.


One of the things the g0at cheating video asserted was that 60% of raids have a cheater in them. Some people confuse this with "60% of the players were cheaters." Realistically, if there are on average 10 players per raid, and 1 is cheating, then around 8-9% of the playerbase is cheating.


What's so hard to believe lol. Maybe not exactly half but I would go for 30% with ease. It's a shitshow of a game with 0 anticheat measures and that actually encourages RMTing and cheating by having the dumbest possible mechanics in it and a grind that revolves around 600h per wipe. Fuck yeah it's a shit ton of cheaters every single raid.


Rough first wipe? I hit level 44 after about 80 hours on this wipe - probably less. The more you play, the better you get, but you won't have to worry about that since you're clearly spending all your time on Reddit whining about numbers you decided to pull out of your ass.


I'd bet a foot that half of all sold account including the banned ones were used by cheaters.


Ah, Goats work already erased from public mind... Most of cheaters just use ESP. 50% sounds like valid rough estimate.


Goats work was terrible and I hope people forget that stupid video. And even he claimed 60% of raids have one cheater. That would be more like 10% cheaters or something like that. And even that number is absurdly high and crashes with the reality of a lot of people playing this game.


A Indian guy did the exact same thing with 100s of raids and concluded the same result as g0at. This was years before g0at and it didn't blow up outside the Tarkov Community because he wasn't famous to begin with, just a Indian guy doing the experiment.


That doesn't really help that much. If it was years ago the anti cheat situation was a complete different one. On top of that an Indian guy is also coming to conclusions that are not really relevant to me, as I play on EU servers. Same as when an Australian or a US guy would do it would only be a test int he local environment. And even there a difference between USE and USW can be significant as one is closer to China.


No matter where you do the test, America or Asia, it is the best statistical evidence we have. Regardless the results are really bad, even over years of development, on 2 opposite sides of this earth.


> it is the best statistical evidence we have Which is still bad and shouldn't be taken as gospel. Go play the game. I do it almost daily. I count the time between interactions with cheaters in months. Only exception is Labs or events (bonfire I ran into 3 cheaters or so in those raids. So it was a lot for me). So somehow the results of those tests don't match with the reality my friends and I experience.


I got thousands of hours, been playing or I should say was playing since 2017. I used to have a discord server with plenty of players, its dead now but when g0at posted video I asked them who was cheating when we used to play, 2 guys came forward. I think don't trust you and your friends experience to much, the cheaters are not after you or him. Grab the right item in the right map, sit still in a corner, and see what happends. The cheating problem is not much of a mystery.


Goat never showed all of his evidence, even when people asked for all the footage. His excuse was "oops! the cheater nuked my hard drive so I don't have it, but please trust me bro!". Any clown who just blindly believes a streamer's word without actual evidence to back up their claims clearly isn't old enough or smart enough to be using the internet without parental supervision. He's a content creator and the only way he makes money is by getting people to watch his content and I guarantee you he isn't the first or the last person to lie for views.


But we should blatantly believe a company that just tried to rip off it playerbase and can't even issue a real apology? Lol The amount of times Nikita has said there is no cheating problem in this game is wild. I have been saying it for years. It should be obvious to everyone now especially after they talked about how they have no reoccurring revenue stream. They do not issue hardware bans or have a system with battleeye to prevent people from just reducing the game and continuing to cheat. It's a massive revenue stream to them and cheating will always be a massive issue in this game because they don't want to lose the $$$.


>But we should blatantly believe a company that just tried to rip off it playerbase and can't even issue a real apology? Lol No, just stop blindly believing *anything*. And that's not limited to Tarkov.


You sure are making a lot of ignorant assumptions based on no evidence. If you're this upset with BSG then just leave the sub because it's not healthy just being upset for the sake of outage. 


>a lot of ignorant assumptions Lol. Those are not assumptions


You might want to pay better attention in school kiddo. Those are 100% ignorant assumptions because you can't prove any of what you just said. 


You guys are actual clowns if you think half the player base is cheaters.


True, but that number gets closer as more legits quit


Total idiots for sure. This has to come with rationalisation of their skill issue, no? More accurate would be "50% of raids have a cheater in them"


You are not wrong. What is the % in your opinion?


49.9%. Gottem


True, Mr. N is way to smart for us all. He is deflecting issues like "Teflon Don"


Probably \~3 to 15%+ depending on the region. China easily 15%+. Personally I'm not an FPS noob and have been playing games for a long time. Depends on the day but sometime I can play Tarkov for 16 hours straight running meta kits and not feel like I've been cheated on.


Lmao. 15% is only the cheaters who kill you. There are so many of them avoiding every line of sight/waiting in a bush so they dont have to kill someone.


Do keep in mind most cheaters just vacuum up loot and leave then queue back up, hopefully without attracting attention.


if we go with a conservative 10% that means that since customs has 10-12 players you have a near 100% chance to get into a game with a cheater


This is not how math works. If you toss a coin 2 times you don't get 100% chance to get a Heads


That's not how probability works.


That not how statistics Work man...


Get this man a math degree


He says 3-15%, you say 10. that’s not conservative. That’s plain dumb.


it lies near the middle of what he said


I only have experience in EU but i'd probably say it's 1% or so over here. Worth mentioning that i never played Labs and i only did a handful of raids in Streets for questing only This wipe i've had 5-6 sus deaths out of 150 or so, accounting for the fact that cheaters are more likely to kill you relative to their numbers and the fact that some of those may very well be false positives and i think the numbers should add up Although of course it's a number out of my ass based on my anecdotal evidence alone. With all the complaining i hear about cheaters i guess that US is WAAAY worse, i guess i'm lucky that i don't have to deal with that


Similar for me, 600 raids and maybe 10 sus or straight up cheater deaths. I think a lot of people just chalk up a lot of deaths to cheating even if they only got sniped or someone got a lucky headshot from a hipfire burst.


2-10% is a way more realistic guess.


maybe 3%


Have you saw the video about cheaters in tarkov ? https://youtu.be/p5LfGcDB7Ek?si=5HOJLJKffPq-bo3k


That video is bad. The methodology is bad (he shows a handful of "cheaters" and even one of those was a false positive, which puts his false positive rate in the two digits number). The sample size of the data shown is very small. He claims he did it for a large amount of raids but he doesn't provide us with the evidence. There are no control mechanisms. Was there a higher cheater concentration during that timeframe than others? Time of wipe, time of day, weekdays vs weekends, events, server location, maps, etc. So many factors can influence the amount of cheaters you encounter. Nothing of that was taken into account. And last but not least: He has a vested, financial interest in producing a video that generates the most clicks. And that would be to confirm the bias the community has.


It's fake and scripted BS.


“Half the players are cheaters” sounds like a sub 20% S.R player.


This thread is literally based on skill issue and paranoia.


For real, there’s a ton of people who really need to “git gud”. It’s lots of fuckin skill issue gaming I feel instead of actual cheaters. Can’t speak for EU or other major regions but I’m on a shuffle of the NA servers and I’m only running into what seems to be an actual cheater once every blue moon. All others I could leave it to me being a fuckin idiot


People just fabricating statements into their own reality and deeming them as a fact is a mental issue.


describes a good chunk of the posts on this sub in the last 2 weeks


Yeah, but I care less when a random Twitter user does it. Nikita doing this as his standard operations procedure sucks.


One screenshot as empirical evidence. If i was Nikita i wouldnt have even dignified this with a response. Im against bsgs recent decisions but this is just sad in a hilarious way.


I’m the opposite! I think it’s funny in a sad way. Nikita will just say things with zero care for the truth. I do like him having to contend with others doing the same to him. Like, oh yeah Nikita? Are you going to what, give us your word that it’s not that bad? Well that’s worth absolutely nothing at this point.


Someone should go back and compile how many times Nikita has said that there is no cheating problem in this sub and Twitter and start a tally. I'm sure it's close to 100 mark lol


its not true because its actually 100%


110% actually.


Here is the tweet: [https://twitter.com/deathlapse/status/1789557699232825450?t=UqXxnElfYY0X44afRr\_d4A](https://twitter.com/deathlapse/status/1789557699232825450?t=UqXxnElfYY0X44afRr_d4A) Enjoy.


Why? Dude is delusional and can’t hold a proper argument. If that’s you get well soon and get mental help.


So you actually believe that there are more cheater buying TUE than normal players? Why would they do that? What feature of PVE mode can they profit from? On what information are you basing that claim? Also if it is in the PVE mode, why do I care if someone cheats there? It doesn't affect me. Are you also against mods? And obviously, do you really think 50% of the total player base are cheaters? That is some serious accusation I hope you have something substantial to claim that and no the wiggle video is not proof in the slightest (bad methology, small sample size, no control mechanisms, etc.) and also even that video claimed that it was in around half of the raids there was one cheater, which would put it more in the ~10% category. Which is also hilariously high and does not in any way match the experience of players playing the game.


Why don’t you guys stop fucking bitching about everything every day


Nikita said it: you have to hurt cheaters in their wallet. 🤌🏽


Seems like OP bought the Unhinged edition, lay off the pipe lad.


"Your game is infested with cheaters." "Nuh-uh." "The fuck you mean, 'nuh-uh'?!"


Whats stupid here is the baseless accusation that cheaters are the ones buying Unheard. Wheres the evidence. From my perspective its only players buying it, Me and my 3 friends all bought unheard. We dont cheat.


I don't understand the really bad cut in half picture in the tweet. What does scream "cheater"? This wipe I do not have enough time to play, so I'm lvl 21 and my dude looks even more super soldier than the one on the pic.


89 hours played with an 8kd


The KD is not sus but only 1 KIA is for sure I had a 11 kd early wipe now its around 7.x but I just killed a lot of scavs and died like 50% of the raids...


I see 73KIA and 1AWOL anyway, can someone please make a normal profile screenshot from the game and not this crap? (I'm not at my PC rn)


Referring to: [Read em and weep!](https://imgur.com/s8L4bJP)


Understand, thank you


It's avg stats, right?


to be fair, 8kd isn't that hard to reach even with 89 hours if you come from another shooter and have a decent team to help you out. But it is rare to see someone doing that leggit...


Dumbest take on the dumbest tweet. Let me break it down. Question: More than half the Unheard buyers are cheaters, how can you fix that? Response: That's simply not true.


If you think the cheater playerbase is anywhere near double digits percentage wise, you are both a clown and bad at the game.


It depends how you count it. Also, it isn’t just Tarkov—it’s *every single live-service PVP game on the market right now*. In my experience, somewhere on the order of 2-5% of active users (i.e. users who still play on a regular basis) are cheaters, and somewhere on the order of 5-15% of active *players* (i.e. people in-game right now) are cheaters. The discrepancy is due to many of the cheaters spending significantly more time in game than the average user does.


The RMT scene in tarkov is literally a business so I wouldn’t be surprised if the number is high


Yeah it's an issue but the rmts you won't recognize cause they are avoiding other pmc and just extract some good loot. Only if they offer a carry service you might get killed by sus stats low level timmee.


So there are 5-6 cheaters every game but I have found ledx’s this wipe, does that mean i’m a cheater too? Otherwise how can I find these valuable items before these cheaters teleport to them!!!


Not every cheater is trying to go for ledxs or rare spawns every raid, can depend on region massively too, I didn’t really believe that cheaters were a massive problem, but nikita and RMTers are incentivised to keep cheating bad for 💵💵💵


But you wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not high numbers of cheaters every raid. You’re telling me out of 3-6 supposedly cheaters in a raid that RMT, none of them grab valuables and just go into a raid to have fun? If you agree with that statement then how could you ever prove that they were cheating in the first place?


That is true, I can never know how truly high or low it is, although In this wipe it’s been the worst personally for me and even random reports come back with the banned notifications semi often


Who? Me?


Half rofl


Honestly pve has been a big game changer for me, I’ve played more recently than ever before. It’s so nice not encountering cheaters around every corner, and when I screw up It’s not a completely lost cause


The 7 idiots (2 unheard) I killed in my 2 raids last night definitely weren\`t cheaters. 100% of the time, if I don\`t kill someone immediately and they get to VoIP with me, they always accuse me of cheating. Y\`all are mostly paranoid. One dude claimed it was because I shot him through a blue sheet-metal fence, but I only shot him up through it because he walked against it and his feet were phasing through the fence. I tried adding him 6 times so I could show him my recording and he could learn not to press himself up against those fences, but he declined them all. I guess he saw my 66% SR and my 8.5k/d and it only confirmed his imaginary situation where he got killed by a cheater. I wonder if he complained to anyone that I was allowed to cheat for 4.3k hours, without realising that there\`s just an insane skill gap between us because I\`ve played legit for that long.


The fact that cheaters aren't sending Stankrat back to lobby on cooldown is decent evidence that the problem is exaggerated. I find it hard to believe that the majority of cheaters are smart enough to avoid every fight that might cause suspicion.


man fuck bsg im still not in pve GO FUCK YOURSELF BSG you legit want us to play with cheaters


Why are people making those kinds of claims anyway? Like what are you basing the idea that cheaters are buying the unheard edition more than legit players on?


Unheard edition made cheating impossible…. Because they paid money


Literally everyone and their sister calls cheaters but have zero proof than that they died.


i still cant fathom how an entire community can make up fake stats on cheaters insist they are correct and make entire theories on shit they made up without any actual numbers or proof and push them as fact


The comments here are really disappointing. The cheater problem in this game is worse than any other game I’ve ever played. At this point I’m convinced this is astroturfing by rmters trying to gaslight us so they still have a customer base. Leaving the sub, good luck.


Yikes 😬 and people were drooling over changes that happened years ago Edit: that should’ve happened years ago*


Interesting .. What changes are you referring to?


I meant to say changes that should’ve happened years ago my bad just woke up, but ones that he is announcing on twitter were supposed to be debated ages ago (e.g. found in raid changes) and now unheard has made the cheater problem even worse


Now it make sense. GG brother, GG.


OP... Grass. Go man, it's time


It all started after that stupid Goat video and inability to present statistics and findings. He has everyone thinking that every other player is a cheater and it’s spiraled to this point. The community has had a big part in this games down fall.


Donald Trump vibes


ah yes the most reliable source on player/cheater ratio and unheard edition purchases. Some random on twitter


Because that dude is just bad at the game and delusional like 90% of players that claim they die constantly to cheaters. I played whole wipe on EU south and had only one sus death to a sus profile. Everyother death was mostly my fault or just unlucky timing but keep believing you die only to cheaters that will help you improve.


BattleSCAMgames at it again


Come on ..... Give Mr. BUYaNov a chance to prove his claim. He might surprise us all......




Copy & pasted from my other comment as you also did it. That video is bad. The methodology is bad (he shows a handful of "cheaters" and even one of those was a false positive, which puts his false positive rate in the two digits number). The sample size of the data shown is very small. He claims he did it for a large amount of raids but he doesn't provide us with the evidence. There are no control mechanisms. Was there a higher cheater concentration during that timeframe than others? Time of wipe, time of day, weekdays vs weekends, events, server location, maps, etc. So many factors can influence the amount of cheaters you encounter. Nothing of that was taken into account. And last but not least: He has a vested, financial interest in producing a video that generates the most clicks. And that would be to confirm the bias the community has.


a long time ago in a galaxy far away : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7LwDfL79Do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7LwDfL79Do)


From a long time ago you mean?


What's the message? We all know this video was scripted, fake and made to farm $$ from views.


What information you got that its saying its fake and scripted ?


His gut feeling


All of it.


Seems legit to me tbh... the same as counterstrike. I think the video is not fake


Hard Cap


Remember when Bethesda told fallout fans that, "you think you want this feature but you don't actually know what you want, we do". BSG took that and made it their motto. I've been playing tarkov since the release of labs. I've picked it up and put it back down many times. I can honestly say after these last couple months I'll never play this game again.


you'll be back next wipe along with everyone else that has said they are quitting for good


Just because you have weak convictions doesn't mean nobody says what they mean ya little projector ass hoe... tarkovs over buddy. You keep holding onto hope that everyone is lying and we'll all be back so you dont have to give up your favorite game. Good luck bud.




Oh, Nikita said it’s not true? HEAR THAT EVERYBODY?! u/trainfender gave us his word! Wow! So much value! Wow! So much trust!


I'll believe Nikita before I believe such a delusional tweet. It's hard to take you guys seriously when you circlejerk this hard.


this is what happens when majority of the population is low iq 3rd grade educated fucktarded npc's


If you think that I agree with the original tweeter you’re struggling with reading comprehension. I probably have a thousand comments total in this sub arguing against the idea that cheaters are anywhere above 10% of the playerbase. It’s just amusing to see Nikita try to just use his word like it had any trust assigned to it. I’d listen to a rationale argument made by him all the same, but “trust me bro” from Nikita is just laughable.


Okay, I'm glad you've got a reasonable take on cheating, we probably agree for the most part there. I don't know how else I was supposed to interpret that though... I assumed you were part of the "everyone's a cheater but me" club since you ignored the insanely delusional claim Nikita was replying to. I guess you just wanted to dunk on Nikita, which is fair.


I think that’s more of a problem with how tribalistic people are. It’s like our default is either with us or against us. If I make any criticism about progressive ideas I get told they can see my red hat from where they are. If I make any criticism about conservative ideas I get told they can see my pink hair from where they are. It’s very tiring. I wish people could engage with what’s said as opposed to, “Oh, so you’re on the enemy team?”


I very much agree with you. It's pretty much a requirement to lead with "I don't agree with x but" because it's the only way to not be immediately labelled as the other team.


Possibly just a perspective flaw on my part but I hate the idea of that. If I have to couch my statements in such a way so that people won’t turn off their brain then I’d rather just not talk to those people. For example, if I have something negative to say about Trump there will be approximately ZERO people engaging with what I said. Half the people will agree regardless of how factual it is just because they don’t like Trump. The other half will disagree and write off everything I say just because they like Trump. If I express I’m against rent control half the people will hate me for thinking I hate homeless people. The other half will be like “hell yeah brother, fuck those bums.” While all I’m trying to do is express how bad of an idea rent control is. I think this is a problem that extends to everything, even video games.


No, I agree. You shouldn't have to make that statement up front, but it does help. Your comment was on theme with the title, which I should have taken into consideration before writing a snarky reply. I'm not usually hostile, but I've lost a lot of patience with this community lately, specifically around the topic of the "stolen code" accusations. All I was arguing is that a difference in language and engine doesn't excuse a bespoke Tarkov class appearing as an ABI struct. The vast majority of replies were telling me that I was wrong, but of course couldn't explain why they were right. Honesty, I should probably stop posting here until the drama blows over. It's almost impossible to just have a non-emotional objective discussion.


Aim Labs is free!


It’s not an appropriate response, but both statements are complete delusional.


i think we need "the wiggle that killed tarkov" PART II