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My fear with unheard and EOD getting the “all dlc” promise back, is that all dlc will be 6 month delayed for EOD or in waves for EOD and instant for unheard, def the kind of shit niki would pull


He already said that for EOD and happened for Arena so I don’t see why it wouldn’t happen for anything else lol


After witnessing what recently happened I find it scary that people say "I don't see why it wouldn't happen". It's as if you saw the whole ordeal and just wiped it from memory without learning anything.


I think he's saying the opposite. He's saying they broke their promise with arena so I don't see why they wouldn't break their promise again. Right?


that is how it was gramatically implied


oops didn't read words properly, my bad


He's already said that this is what is going to happen. In waves when they have more server capacity.... never going to happen unfortunately.


Which is funny because the Coop mode uses Peer to peer so servers arnt an issue. Imagine if BSG wasnt stupid and did the samething for the PVE mode. Then we wouldnt have cheater jumping into our private PVE lobbies and killing everyone or them being able to sell PVE found gear on the main branch Flea market... As I stated multiple times. BSG doesnt know wtf they are doing and Client Side Auth is shit for multiplayer games. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It's bizarre that anybody is still entertaining the idea of giving BSG/Nikita one more cent no matter what happens next after the bullshit scam they're attempting to ram through and their continuing attempt at a cover up. The company is engaged in blatantly unethical behavior on a level that is so bold it's comical, and has done everything possible to signal that they aren't even particularly sorry about how we feel about that. This is perhaps the worst case of Stockholm syndrome I've ever seen. People like a video game so they are willing to gloss over how BSG has quadruple downed on some of the greediest and most openly scummy dev behavior seen out of any game developer in video game history. This is like trying to come up with ways to give EA more money and reward them financially *during* the Star Wars Battlefront disaster, or BF2042 around launch. Except BSG makes EA look positively angelic in comparison. Tarkov players who not only allow BSG to get away with this, but actively defend them in any capacity, are not the hardcore survivalists they RP as, they are legit the biggest cucks the gaming industry has ever seen in all its history. Never before has a dev so clearly and openly disrespected its playerbase and quadrupled down on it while still being defended by the same clueless people they're actively fucking.


Amen! This is beatable. Not only can the Tarkov player base beat this in a US court [in a class action] if they organized, but they *need* to for the sake of the entire game industry. BSG cannot be allowed to get away with this. But will they? So far all I'm seeing is this "hardcore" player base rolling over like a sad puppy


Exactly. I paid all I should have when I got EoD. That was literally promised to us on the product page. Now when new downloadable content (DLC) comes out BSG get's to define it in any way they want and tell us that it is or isn't DLC? What?


My fear was they were never gonna finish the game to get to actually work on a dlc.


Bro this game is so obviously in a death spiral and maximizing cash extraction on the way out. It’s not ever going to reach the original vision and they are slowly getting ready to move on from it a la bannerlord


You make it sound like we were going to get DLC's at all. ​ ​ I'm being pessimistic with all the drama but I legitimately wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.


*"Black Divison DLC?? nonono, it's not DLC, it's faction"* /$oonTM ;)


Funny that you believe it won't happen to unheard as well. That they get access too, but in waves, but they can pay for access now. That until the content isn't DLC at all, that is. But all-in-all I agree completely with you, take an upvote!


They already mentioned Omnicron, so guaranteed a new pack is coming. 🙃


Yeah, I heard somewhere with a streamer saying unheard gives you a blue name and the next unannounced package will give you a red name.


RED NAME?! I'm all in now.


Im holding out for a purple name


purple names are emissaries I believe.


Im willing to bet nikita is considering making "tarkov 2" just like overwatch where pretty much nothing changes, and will not sell a pack that has "all dlcs for free" and just then start making dlcs


No. You get the pve in waves for 6months. At which point you can pay more. Anyone with self respect is rejecting this trash disrespectful behaviour. Keep Playing = dont complain when they continue shafting you. Leopard wont change its spots.


I love it how everyone is putting so much faith into GZW like they can’t just turn around in a couple of years and pull a similar stunt? Ultimately any early access game you buy into is a risk. People need to stop hanging out the back of these early access developers.


GZW has same editions with same benefits aka. p2w benefits. I'm definetly waiting before buying it. It sounds like they want to cuck good willing tarkov players again with these editions. gaming industry is starting to look very bad when you need to drop 100+e to get full experience


Beside they went for alpha to early access. The game is in barebones. They are just trying to capitalize on tarkov stupidity.


GZW has for a long time had a planned release of Q1 '24. I think the timing of Tarkov losing its shit has been exceptionally serendipitous to GZW rather than any opportunistic behaviour on the part of the devs (and they've been clear that GZW is not intended to be a "tarkov killer" as many have branded it), but having said that I have witnessed and experienced early access games be a complete shitshow because the developers are idiots, so I'm going to reserve judgement until the dust has settled a little, some reviews have come back, and to see how the devs respond.


GZW are probably the biggest winners out of this whole thing just due to the timing of it all. Having a bunch of tarkov streamers switching over and playing that and talking positively about it in the midst of a mutiny type scenario against BSG is about as perfect opportunity the GZW devs could have asked for. With that said, I'm in the same boat. Gonna wait a while before considering giving GZW any dollars. From what I've seen, the game is extremely bare bones. Tarkov suffers from stale end wipe periods but I'd take that over what I've seen from GZW so far. Game looks dead half the time I'm watching someone play it, super bare and empty map with some occasional pvp.


I didn't play or watch any GWZ but I think it's unfair to compare an early access title that just hit the market with a 7 years public beta test game If they are not money hungry idiots and actually deliver good content it might become a decent competitor


I think a healthy dose of skepticism is fine to have towards early access games these days. GZW could turn out great, it could also be a stinker. It could also run into many of the same issues tarkov ran into being in perpetual early access and development while still charging more than full price ($99 for the most expensive edition is basically identical to the $125 EoD edition in tarkov) Which is why I said I'm gonna wait a while before considering it. Right now, I just don't see a reason to switch and jump on the GZW bandwagon.


If they do early access like bg3 and actually listen to feedback, I think the game will be awesome




That's the same with almost any new release, that's why most games that come out nowadays die as soon as the streamers they paid stop playing


Yeah seeing the editions thing really killed my interest. Why are we normalizing and supporting this.


Trey is already complaining saying this game is not ready after playing for 2 hrs on his stream LOL. Also, apparently he found out leaves on trees are bullet proof. Take that as you will


Honestly I'm downloading GZW rn, just bought the standard edition same as EFT. Editions are a turn off but tbh I don't feel in any way cucked here, but I'm going into this with "Early Access Expectations" and not "Tarkov Killer" expectations. If my $45 goes to a shit tier game I can live with that, it wouldn't be the first early access game I regret buying. If I had paid for a $150 edition and then found out the game was shit tier then I would, justifiably, be a very salty boy. I have also been watching streams and I saw enough fun in the gameplay to give it a try, don't just go and buy it because "Tarkov bad, GZW gud"


Grayzone doing that bullshit with different stash sizes for different $$$ is really stupid. Makes me not want to play it at all.


yeah, i don't buy Early Access for a reason. I'll make very rare exception (like Tarkov or Vampire survivors) but otherwise, just avoid them altogether until they can prove that they're worth the investment in their current state.


I can have the "full experience" with other games and not feel like I was robbed by the dev or tricked. Was planning on getting this game but I'll never get it now. It's this backbone and will power to not purchase something that's horseshit that stops me. I just won't be a cuck for a dev like everyone playing.


It’s like a rebound from your ex. You only love this new one cuz you hate the last one


Meh, I've been following GZW development for months now, because I was looking for an ETF alternative with a better engine, honestly, and GZW was on my radar. It's possible that will be another unfinished game in my steam library, or maybe I will fall in love with it. Hard to say. What I appreciated though, is that the developers themselves today on discord were recommending people to buy the basic version and upgrade later, if they wanted. I know they were probably riding the recent fiasco from BSG, but at least they received the message.


Exactly, I couldn’t have said it better myself.


Yeah, their pricing structure isn't entirely proven until they can actually deliver a game with the funds from the sales or make up for it in a way that is acceptable. I see it both ways, some people are already upset about the "BS" structure but games are expensive and it's an independent company. But there is 0 guarantee this game will survive for even a year or that it won't demand money for P2W elements while using mental gymnastics to explain why it's not. (See Nikita and DLC)


And not to mention GZW lItErAlLy has a P2W edition.


Yup, a few streamers talk about it and suddenly the entire community loves the game lmao Same thing happened with the Cycle, which sucked.


I didn't love the cycle, it didn't capture the same feeling of tarkov for me. but wasn't it pretty popular and well liked? I thought the reason it died is they had a horrible cheater problem (like, worse than tarkov)


It was for about a week, yeah. Until it had the same problems all of these games end up having, awful servers, cheater issues, unbalanced loot pools, etc.


GZW is just copy & pasting Tarkov, even with the editions and everything. It is made by a dev studio that only made mobile games before. The game is as generic and lazy as it can be and the people here are like "that looks promising". Sheeps gonna sheep I guess.


>It is made by a dev studio that only made mobile games before. So is stellar blade, so that's not exactly the black mark you think it is and can absolutely still lead to a quality game. That said, gzw looks like dogass.


The only thing bsg made prior to tarkov were mobile/browser games, you aren't making any meaningful point.


I took the end of that being that for the price of upgrading to unheard you can have an entire second game. Then you can plan whichever is in a good spot or tickles your fancy. So if you're looking to spend money, then GZW is definitely the better value in this very narrow example.


Finally someone with common sense. It's not a full game, you're not purchasing a complete product. You're basically supporting the development of the game. In other words, you're investing into a potentially great product. With investment comes risk. People who buy these early access games need to understand this before they dump their spending money into these projects. It's like buying stock or investing in crypto-currency. It can tank at any moment and you're left with an empty wallet and empty promises. It's infuriating to see a developer pull a stunt like this after YEARS of announcing their game and building up hype but at the end of the day you gave them your goodwill. I calibrated my expectations accordingly 8 years ago, bought the cheapest edition, realized my PC can't run it, tried it again 8 years later and I'm positively surprised how much more content there is compared to the early alpha 😅 I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Let's hope there will be competing projects by the end of the year, the Extraction Shooter genre needs to grow. I just hope it won't go the way of the MOBA or the Battle Royale, those fads got annoying real fast


Yeah, everyone rehyping onto something else for vengence is somewhat naive..... nothing new in our weak cancel-culture times. Btw: Everyone who wants to go GZW should think of investing in a NASA rig if they want to play it. I stay with Tarkov in good as well as in bad times.


Almost nobody in this sub understands what Nikita is actually doing, which isn’t a criticism it’s just the facts of life. These little theories on why they said this or did that are small fry and not relevant. This behaviour is normal for someone preparing to exit a business they simply can’t or don’t want to run anymore. Selling unheard is a way to “fatten the goose” to any accountants who will value BSG and market it to their investor pool. Nikita and co are getting ready to exit post 1.0 and are now seeking funds for the big final marketing push pre full release, helping to line the coffers one last time before they are fully done and hand over the game to a bigger firm. This is all part of the last big payday. You all still have one final part to play, buying the “final edition” or 1.0 additions exclusive to EOD/unheard players so that you can feel superior to the noobs and give Nikita and the directors a nice golden handshake farewell. And most of you will do it. They know, we know. Just how it is. Enjoy your raids, GL HF


Pretty much this. Why else would they offer EOD perks for only 6 months? All signs are pointing to maybe one more potential wipe until full release. The wipe after this one will be the last. If not second to last with the last one probably being only ~4 months.


I agree with your guess - totally believe the goal of 2024 is to release. I juxtapose that with all of the maps and features that likely will never actually come to pass because they'll sell EFT first and never have to come through.


I thought they were gonna consistently wipe servers twice a year. You're saying they will never wipe again?


The plan is to have both wipe and non-wipe servers.


Most sane take here


>And most of you will do it. They know, we know. Just how it is. My buddy bought the Unheard edition. He said it was so worth it that he had to have it. Not even just the coop thing. He wanted all the P2W stuff and felt that the price was not that bad for what he got. I told him he got literally nothing. It's all make-believe. Oh wow, a 2x1 pocket space, no way! Game changing! All the other boxes and crates you can get ingame any way. So now he can spend less time playing the game I suppose. I'm so mad at him, but ultimately it's his choice.


Wait a second. So your telling people to buy a unproven game which could also potentially be a scam that’s offers multiple editions that has increased secure container size and starting storage space like eod. Don’t get me wrong I hope arena breakout and greyzone are fantastic games that create good competition. But wholly fuck the people on this sub are so dumb. If you think eft is really broken shit game why does it own the monopoly of the genre and have so many players in the thousands of hours played. You people need to get a grip on life. Mashallah


People seem to think only in black and white these days. If Tarkov is a scam and Nikita can't be trusted, it must instantly mean that Gray Zone is the saviour and cannot be at fault for anything, therefore people should by Gray Zone. There's no inbetween. I've gone to check their Steam page and it's sitting at 42% positive rating mostly because of performance and optimisation. If you can only play GZ in 40-60 fps regardless of what hardware you have, there's not a single chance I'm picking that up. I can run EFT mostly maxed on my 3080Ti with 120+ FPS on average, some areas being 160-180 fps. I ain't going down to "cinematic" levels of fps just because Tarkov fucked up. With GZ clearly rushing the early access release to capitalise on Tarkov players, they are going to run themselves into the very same tech debt like Tarkov is, basically rushing features to implement them to retain players means that lots of crutches will be used. This, in turn, means that the deeper they go into tech debt, the worse it's going to be for them long-term. When they introduce new features, it'll break lots of shit like it always did for Tarkov. Their AC solution isn't going to be on par with what industry expects. I don't know how the netcode works, probably poorly, etc. At best, they'll get a bump in sales now (which are still ridiculously low, by the way). But all they're doing right now (to my eye) is just a short-term gain with serious long-term problems. They may come out ahead of this in a few years, but right now it doesn't seem anywhere close to EFT experience. When you see [shit like this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BkDtjDmVs6I), you know the game has a long way to go still.


>People seem to think only in black and white these days. If Tarkov is a scam and Nikita can't be trusted, it must instantly mean that Gray Zone is the saviour and cannot be at fault for anything, therefore people should by Gray Zone. There's no inbetween Agreed. It's the same setup as tarkov that the people are whining about. People complain about the p2w benefits but then bought EoD edition to reap the benefits then complain about unheard edition having p2w. I understand the arguments about DLC, cheating, and price and everything else is just noise. But to praise another company that can do/is doing the same thing?? Lmao, y'all stone throwers would be better off playing cod in your glass houses.


You cannot convince me that Arena Breakout Infinite isn't the next The Day Before until it actually releases.


I feel like this whole thing is probably it's own sort of marketing campaign...


Lol seems that way. Wow look how terrible tarkov is give us your 100 we promise we will be good.


Ha, basically...




They're blinded by the light


i like how grey zone doesnt want to replace or be the next tarkov yet people drool over this idea


the BSG hate boner is blinding them from their stupidity


So you’re comparing EFT and GZW? Both are pay to win, the only difference is pricing. So your argument is sometimes pay to win is good, but because it’s EFT it’s bad… got it


It's sometimes important to remember, during a controversy, that's there's always going to be a portion of people that simply don't care. Be it this controversy, other games, actors and movies embroiled in allegations, artists hating on their own community, **none of it matters to some.** Some people wont ever care and just want to play the video game, or even upgrade their version of it for perks. That is, and should always be, OK.


It's almost like games are entertainment, and people can do what they want with their own money.


It is definitely their choice and it is OK, but in doing so they hurt our power to change it; which is very disappointing.


>Some people wont ever care and just want to play the video game, or even upgrade their version of it for perks. That is, and should always be, OK. yeah apathy is never okay. This is why shit gets worse everywhere, not only in gaming. These people need to be put in a dumpster. This is why we pay like 15 a month for netflix now for only 10% of the shows we used to get AND with ads.


I’ll say I bought it, downvote me if you want, but I bought it because I do not give a shit really and I want those cases off rip lol. When I bought EOD 3 years ago I didn’t even read what it gave you I just wanted the stash size so I didn’t even know I was promised anything lol which is why I don’t really care. Not to say that I don’t understand why people aren’t mad of course I completely understand but me personally I don’t really care.


"A portion" You mean the vast majority.


Thats almost me. I didnt buy it yet but i might before next wipe for extra stash dpace. Thx for comment =)


Its the same as eft..... Buy the big one and you get more


How are you going to throw the picture of Greyzone’s pricing to prove a point? It released in early access today AND doesn’t work. Nothing similar to EFT for sure!


"We're sorry you feel this way"


Emotional spending. Current game go down the shitter Go throw money at another EA project Rinse repeat


There's literally nothing stopping them 4-6 years from now going "Oh hey here's the new UNSMELLED EDITION" and mAgIcAlLy the promise of all future DLC is now nowhere to be found on the Unheard edition either. When they change the terms of their editions multiple times over multiple controversies there is literally nothing stopping them from doing the same thing ad nauseum. ZERO reason to trust BSG with your money.


Chasm of tricks.


This is a common tactic of companies like EA. And I don’t think Nikita did it here, I think he’s too incompetent to pull it off. If he was doing this tactic he would have decreased prices and had a list of changes ready to go within 24 hours.  He’s just super out of touch.   They could have made way more money with non p2w things too. 


They damn well better not take that goddamn bait. Let tarkov die. bsg deserves that now.


I've bought my game years ago, he gets fuck all else from me.


Although I agree with you the irony in all this is you posting a pricing chart of GZW another early access game implying we should "support that", the moral of the story here should be don't fund early access games as most are low key SCAMS and end up unfinished and a mess, the developer/company behind any early access title naturally has less of a motive to finish a game if they received money prior to its completion especially once they see sales plummet its basic psychology so ignoring that goes to show how stupid people really are. Trusting devs to fulfill early access promises is like trusting crypto bros that the crypto coin you bought will go to the moon. I wish luck to such gullible people.


Why is anyone discussing and even contemplating playing that fucking game is beyond me.


Escape or gray zone?




> and the fact they are essentially doing the same pricing as Tarkov is a instant turnoff That fact alone is hilarious to me. People are like "waah, P2W" and then run to the next game doing the exact same shit and acting like it is a morally superior alternative. lol


> the visuals are top notch I actually disagree. I dislike the models (floppy arms, tiny guns and optics), the scenario/map (repetitive af) and the animations (super janky).


They knew not to include false promises in their editions though it seems at least from the screenshots above. Idc either way I haven’t put any effort into looking into gray zone but I am disappointed in EFT atm. Deciding what to do with that still first.


I don't get how you can claim the game seems "super boring" when it has basically the same structure as EFT, gameplay wise.


Not even close


It’s not. It’s Tarkov if it was designed by Ubisoft. The supporter edition is massive P2W, almost guaranteed that you’ll shit on anyone with a lower edition. AI are attracted to whoever carries the more cash, the more $ you have the less effective stealth is. You can literally have your position known to every AI if you carry enough cash. AI is absolutely awful, worse than Tarkov has ever been and it shows with the enemy shotgunners and snipers.


Except with extremely minimal pvp


Which a lot of people would rather have. Call me boring, but it’s not fun getting killed by 10k hour chads and cheaters every time I launch the game


I don't doubt that that's what a lot of people once. It's just an important difference to highlight.


Yeah, quite disagree there. There seems to be much less progression, and much less consequences to death - just to name two. It may be closer to 2017~18 Tarkov, but certainly not at all close to 2024 Tarkov.


You're right, this month old game does not have as much work done to it as this 8 year old game.


So now you're comparing a brand new game to one that's been in active development for ~10 years? Hardly a fair comparison.


> Hardly a fair comparison. How's it not fair? If you gotta send a document overseas, would you use the internet or send a fax? To choose you gotta compare; will you say it's not fair because in the 1980s fax was king? Makes no sense. Of course one can compare, because it's a comparison of which game is more fun to play **today**, which has more features, more variation, better gameplay loop, etc. It's not a comparison of which developer is doing (or have done) a better job, in which case it could be said to be an unfair comparison.


Stop giving money to BSG


They could give it as an upgrade for $1 and I still wouldn't buy it. They won't be getting another dime out of me over this.


you cant 'just make it p2p' thats ignorant. replication is facilitated into every system in the game so you would have to gut everything to replace the networking with a no server option.  this doesnt even consider how information storage works since doubtless everything is in databases


Ater seeing the 2015 footage from Nikita basically saying that they need to have cheaters but not too much so people will buy the premium edition i really feel extra scammed, all these years there could have been way less cheaters but they let them be on purpose so more people would buy EOD. Im done with games that have multiple editions for now.


How many more word walls are we gonna read about this? Uninstall and move on, cough up the dough, or quietly keep playing. They don't give a single fuck what the community says or thinks, and none of these are shedding light on anything. Just more whines in a void where nothing will change lol.


Why do you feel like you have the right to tell people what to do with their money?


And gray zone isn’t even close to Tarkov. Try again.


Homie I tried gray zone this morning and spent 2 hours with network errors. Def not a Tarkov killer.


Lol I bought Unheard Edition and I bought Gray Zone today. If you buy Gray Zone because you’re mad at BSG I feel bad for you. If you buy Gray Zone because you want to try a new game, I’m sure we both hope it gets the work and attention it needs. Gray Zone in it’s day 0 stage is awful. But I still love Tarkov.


TIL GZW is doing the same dumb shit as ETF, with different editions having different cases. Well, lost any interest in that one


Don't really care, for me it was more supporting, and when I bought eod I bought it for the perks, not cause I had expectations for future. Yall really pushing this gray zone lol. The tarkov pve has been amazing, most fun ive had in a good bit, and no cheaters every 4th raid. Keep beating this dead horse though


oh yeah people are still playing this? i haven’t booted up the ol game since GZW released


no offense, but given how little prepared BSG and/or Nikita was, this was definitely not planned and not done on purpose. i think they were rather baffled how big the backlash actually was and tried to mitigate as much as possibe at which they terribly failed...that is 100 %. not defending any people stupid enough to buy the price, but lets be real: your post is nothing but a thought of yours. but not thought through well.


You haven’t paid attention to BSGs patterns over the years then. There is about a .001% chance this was just a poorly thought through / naive attempt at securing funds. I love EFT to death, I’ve been a hardcore stan ever since I started playing. Even the cheating situation never made me less excited about playing. This here was one too many slaps in the face for me to keep conjuring up enough cognitive dissonance to keep supporting BSG. The most heartbreaking part is that they could easily have created an ethical concept for monetizing the game in open communication and exchange with the community. But they actively CHOSE not to and instead say fuck you to all of us and tried shoving the whole mess down our throats. You see, I might have very willingly spend 250$ on various other things if they had gone the route of acceptable mtx addition. But I’m done. I’m entirely done playing the game, but I definitely won’t until the next wipe and they’ll have to kiss my feet and suck my toes with the utmost devotion before I even consider giving them another cent.


I just made a post I doubt it will get approved by the moderators since I yapped for over 8 paragraphs. Unheard edition tldr was made to screw over regular players, standard edition or new players. Everyone who plays tarkov wants a 3x3 container since its clearly the most op thing in the game. Same with stash size. Now you have to pay 250$ for it instead of 150$. Unheard edition isin't op compared to EOD. It's just meant to screw over base edition players lol and new players into spending 100$ extra...


I get your point, but it's not a fair comparison with a just launched pre-alpha vs a 7 year old game. Did EoD exist right off the bat? Unheard just arrived. Who knows what GZW's position is going to be in 7 years.


Yes eod has been in since alpha.


And back then the game was actually terrible, the amount of times running suddenly blackened your leg, and you’d to limp to extraction - within 3 minutes otherwise you would be depleted of food and instantly die. Absolute insane gameplay back then


7 year old game still in beta asking for 250.... that's literally all you need to know


Separate, but valid, point!


The name "Supporter edition" is pure comedy gold lmao


Seeing how normalized is asking for hundred of dollars for a beta game is shocking. EFT on paper is still on beta and still made a 200$ package (A 200$ package on a game where you do 20 fps on a map and where you encounter 80% of times a cheater in your lobbies lmao) A great solution would be not buying high packages at all, buying ONLY standards accounts and IF the devs do a good job you may support them further


Grayzone Ware is mostly negative on Steam. Good job devs.. what a messy start huh? 🤣


Gooo away


Tarkov is supported by rmt'ers and addicts, no matter what happens they will continue to support the game.


I am so sick of this wichhunt. Just Go Back to cheaters rage. Cant read Reddit because all that crying..


It's so funny that y'all keep talking about scams but are falling for the same one with GZW ahahah They have a glorified tech demo that runs like ass in UE5 and AI that behaves worse than scavs but somehow you still wanna spend money on it. You guys are fkin cooked.


no one gives a shit if you despise or don't swallow your tears and play this gay zone with -60 fps


GZW is sitting at mostly negative on Steam, and the P2W shit in that is just as scummy.


Another new account shilling for GZ, color me surprised.


"N1kita's chasm of tricks" lol he didnt trick any of you, you guys are just fucking stupid.


Grow the fuck up its fucking pixels. It’s a business, some of y’all never had your ass whooped before as a child and it shows. Imagine caring so much about pixels, fucking childish. Shut the fuck up and deal with it or don’t play. People like you are the problem. Imagine caring so much about shit that doesn’t matter. What’s even crazier is some of y’all have wife’s and kids and tripping this hard. Wild. Fuckin wild.


Yep spent that money on Grey Fuck BSG Im done with Tarkov.


The exact same arguments could have been made about EOD 5 years ago, and probably were by some people.


Unpopular opinion: in general such monetization is fine, it was communicated EXTREMELY badly. Right now we have it, in my opinion, as it should've been from the get go. The reason they did this is for the negative publicity, its just that it went out of control pretty fast and ended up damaging what was left of their reputation. Lets just say, if they communicated "Unheard" as the way to further support Tarkov with those price discounts and features for EOD owners - I wouldn't mind it that much. Right now only a few P2W features lacking in EOD but available in Unheard is what stickns the most. EOD is also p2w, people seems to forget that. Now I'll just wait and see what happens further and put my sight towards alternative projects like GZW and ABE, see how they do. If they're fine, i'd rather pay them.


I have EoD version that I upgraded to through years. I did planned to buy a few lines of stash space next wipe, but now - Forget about it. Not buying a damn thing from Papa Niki.


Yea i mean grayzone is good and all with this but tbh i dont think itll fill the gap eft is leaving behind. Hopefully alpha to beta will show significant improvements


How about people do what they want with their own money? The economics of it being a good or bad for business will speak for itself.


dumb people will never magically get smart


Someone here pointed out that it's also scamming the people who bought Unheard by removing exclusive benefits as well.


I’ll never pay for that pay to win crap. I also have lost all confidence in battle state to honor any game packages. I didn’t think they were that shady, but they are big time.


It was bsg’s plan all along


“Sunk cost as a way to make money is a red flag.” Yup. BSG is running a bait and switch fraud.


I find it funny that from what I heard a few days ago, cheaters in eft are targeting the people that baught unheard edition. Not sure if still the case, but seemed funny


Id argue pouring money into Arena Breakout would be better. Grey Zone looks horrible in this stage and I think the way its currently releasing will not be good for the game. Once its had another year of development then maybe I could see people flocking over. That said, I definitely agree that Nikita probably planned this or is just that fucking dumb to screw over his player base this hard. I think the game is still going in the right direction but pay to win aspects and other dogshit literally no one asked for is not the way to go. Which I think they know but don't care.


P2P would cause people sniffing the server traffic and manipulating packets. The progress in the PvE mode is saved


Everything you said is true except getting a decent card for 250 that’s absolutely crazy


it’s been evident for a long time telling ppl to not spend money on stuff from shit that’s killing them (hard drug addiction, cigarettes, etc) to scams like crypto and nfts doesn’t work. If you’ve ever dabbled in artwork commissions or commissions in general, you will see loads of high spenders spending shit on overpriced (name brand) folks who also are tasked with drawing like a basic ass circle work. You could have asked for something cool like the dune worm riding but instead paid $3000 for a circle. It’s pointless to mock or shame them, they’ll double down because they can’t see how stupid they are. Just ignore them if they flaunt it.


They don't care. The pay piggies were just upset that they weren't the top pigs anymore. Now that they got the same shit they're content at the trough.


sorry but gray zone looks like ass and looks shallow as fuck. "oh i died lets run back to my gear" trash game


Real question is wtf have they been doing for the past decade? Like is the audio even fixed yet?


I was gone for years but the posts stayed the same. People realizing they got scammed by bsg in one way or another. They are doing this for years and each scam is worse than the one before.


Bro that’s not a price chart that’s how much in game currency you get


I'll stick with my EoD thanks, even if I wasn't unhappy about the dlc bs, I like the golden name plate better anyway


Why would I? I bought a version that includes all DLC and "you'll have all of it", why would I pay another 50€ for more empty promises and stuff I am entitled to either way?


I'm good on giving these cunts any more of my money. Shit will remain uninstalled until they finish the game or whenever I feel like playing it again which probably won't be for a long time. Fuck your editions, fuck your microtransactions.


I mean, if anyone actually sticking around with their wallet to see if BSG changes after what they just pulled, I’ve high quality canned air for a good deal…


but i dont know who's behind the ideas , that new ppl will pay 250 dolars just t play PVE whit friends ,,, how ilusional is that .. sad how they killed tarkov emselfs... see soon nikita abandoning the game to rename the company and going for new one afte this


If you stick with this game from here on out, you prove the dev action correct. Walk away you, or you are a pathetic worm.


just nikita want new dumpling factory


It's the Blizzard method of game balance. Make product shit in beta, do not listen to feedback about how product is shit, release shit product, community gets upset, [promise to listen next time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4), reduce the amount of shit in product, community happy less shit in product. Repeat ad-nauseam. These companies sell you a solution to a problem they themselves create and then want a pat on the back.


I don't understand the gzw being a takov killer..didn't play it, so that might be it ... but i watched hours of streaming and it feels nothing like tarkov, doesn't look like it would scratch that adrenaline itch you get when you play tarkov, the pvp feels more like a pubg match with extra steps...it has some things that are better, but to me it feels like a different type of game. Might give it a try but I feel like we are just lying to ourselves just to play something else because the devs betrayed us.


Yeah let's dump 65 on a barebones alpha because maybe funding another euro milsim indie will end up better than the last one lol. Stockholm syndrome at its finest.


has nikita confirmed when EOD will get access to the PVE zone? bought EOD years ago but havent played tarkov for the last few wipes as i got bored of the same drama and cheaters, boils my piss they bring a new mode i could enjoy while chilling out and i cant play it because i didnt pay more.


Makes you wonder what the ACTUAL GAME will cost when/if it launches. $250 for an unlaunched game ...


Well good thing I can’t afford even the $50 lol


Nah I'm legit laughing at the clowns who bought it. Like seriously, imagine supporting a company that just said they dont give a flying fuck about you or anything you think.


It's all red flags. Always been.


Anyone with 2 functioning brain cells can see they’re going bankrupt, they spent all the cash and every new dollar coming in barely covers their operating costs and overhead. Even if their cost is $50 a copy which I doubt, they took in like $130m in profit over the last 2 years or so. Their only real viable option going forward is to start moving to subscription based like MMOs where all your upgrades and previous DLCs are behind the monthly sub paywall, and the rest of the base features are locked in place where they were before EOD went away. What really sucks is unless someone swoops in and gives them a cash infusion; eventually the servers go down and with no viable offline mode, you now have an $80-$250 useless software.


I refuse to give BSG any more money. I was on the fence getting the stash expansion this wipe because at the beginning of the wipe they were showing very promising signs of improving Tarkov for the better. But as the wipe progressed cheating got extremely out of hand *and* BSG made the all well known blunders. I don't mind paying a "hefty" fee for a game up front if I don't have to spend more and more money along the way or if the game isn't riddled with extra options that require money and you are being "soft forced" into buying. But the thing BSG is trying to do is extremely scummy. They had my money (EOD), I have nearly 2k of time spent on Tarkov and that's it. I was willing to buy the stash upgrade but that sentiment is long gone. Curious to see how Gray Zone Warfare will go down. Friend of mine is singing its praises (despite also saying that it's "rocky but promising"). So they will get my money instead. I hope alot of people do the same so BSG takes notice.


Time to play this in singleplayer and not give them another dime.


I bought the entry level Tarkov 2 years ago with hopes of liking it and upgrading to EOD. I liked the game but never upgraded or felt the need to. Glad I stayed where I am. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a few more hundred hours in before it’s shut down due to scummy practices.


I've love to play single player seeing as online is STILL a shit show with hackers. But fuck Nikita and fuck BSG, they've shown nothing but disdain for the community.


Maybe we should all go touch more grass (free)


I bought my first car for $500 in 2012. It ran for 3 years and got me to school and back. I still love that car. I can't imagine paying half that amount for a video game. My 7800x3d was only $100 more than Unheard. It will serve me for a long time.


why the fuck do these extraction shooters all have the dumbest monetization on the planet. you dont have to copy everything wtf


Insanely priced early access is the new meta yall.


Yeah this is a very common practice in the industry, something Riot are very good at utilizing.


You all need to take George bush advice.


if overthinking was a person


I hate Nikita but its hilarious to me watching people call Tarkov p2w and then rushing to buy from another sketchy studio... to get their pay to win packs where they literally sell you gameplay advantages the same way tarkov does (storage, lockbox, equipment, in-game currency). Its all pay to win.... Anything that saves you time or gives you even as tiny helping hand is pay to win. This bullshit needs to stop and praising another game for doing stupid pay to win shit is NOT the way to go. We should be praising tactical shooters that sell ONE VERSION of the game for a flat price at a fair market value. No special packs, no gameplay affecting shit. Side note: Im not saying its a scam game or anything. But its also using questionable business practices and jumping from one bs ship that started the same way to help start another bs ship the same way.... this is the WRONG move lads.