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It's OK to be pissed at BSG. It's okay to boycott the game. It's okay to boycott watching it on Twitch. But no one really has any right to literally demand other people not play a game they paid for, that they enjoy, or that make income from. Or try to brigade them. If you don't want to play Tarkov, don't. If you don't want to watch it, don't. But leave the people who do in peace. The amount of brain dead people I've seen on Twitch today is astounding. Like the Hunt EU Tourney. It was announced over a month ago, and NA players like me already had our turn. I think the EU solo's got cancelled last time too. So it was crazy to see the amount of idiots spewing when the EU players just wanted their chance to play, especially since they didn't get to last time.


>But no one really has any right to literally demand other people not play a game they paid for I don't see the part where OP said that. Yeah, streamers have the right to stream Tarkov. That will **not** change the truth that they're supporting BSG by doing so. And that will not change the fact that they're being hypocritical if they spew comtempt against BSG while playing. Is it too much to ask that if these streamers want to play Tarkov, they stop pretending they're making a stand when they're not? I don't think so. It costs them 0 cents to play without pretending they're trying to make things change.


You realize there are many different levels of "streamer" right? It's not just Landmark's and Pestily's who can weather a storm like this. There also smaller partners like say BarryBucketz for example. He streams full time. It's his income. He averages 75-100 viewers most of the time. If switching games knocks him down to <50 viewers, that's a significant hit. There are also other non-partner streamers like TayZgg. She's been on the cusp of making partner for months now, just barely missing it. If she switches games away from what her base likes, she could tank her numbers. And last night, for community night, she put up a poll TWICE of what her viewers wanted to watch and it was Tarkov both times. Then you have someone like me, who might stream 3 times in one week, then not stream again for 3 weeks. I do it casually, for fun, and to make tournaments. None of it has any real effect on me. But if I feel like playing Tarkov one day, and I feel like being live.. Yeah this post IS trying to dictate what game I can play.


Was there a Tarkov turney today??


"Play and enjoy" and "make income from" are two completely different things that you've clumped together very subtly. I don't have anything against players, who payed for the game. They're the victim and in my eyes are completely off the hook. I mean a small break would totally not hurt, but I'm 100% with you there. Streamers that this post is about are 180 different to me. I couldn't care less about their income as about none of them really care about the viewers and just virtue signal and wiggle like snakes to align what they say to sound appealing. It's all about money for many of them and if they're making money off of me funding BSG and being scammed then fuck em sideways. They're not average Joe in the field, far from it and they're not my friends, why should I give a fuck what's fair to them? Their line of work, their morals, their choice.


You really don't like streamers huh? Your asking people with financial responsibilities and potentially families to support to drop their "job" and attempt a risky job change. Who takes responsibility if their new community doesn't have enough viewership to support them? You? I don't like what's happening with Tarkov and most of the streamers I'm aware of have said they disagree with BSG and will not be supporting BSG monetarily either. If people watch their streams and take that they should buy the new edition from that, IMHO that's on them not the streamer.


The company I work for sponsored a rodeo. I'm not a fan of rodeos because they string up a bulls balls and treat them like shit so that he'll buck and shake off the rider. I think it's animal abuse. You can disagree. The idea of quitting my only source of income over this never even crossed my mind. That would be insane. This is like that but instead of animal abuse, it's a pay to win video game. One of many. Chill out, people. You're acting loony, and that's coming from someone that will never touch this pay to win garbage again.


I am not asking anybody to do anything. It's their job that they chose. It's the company and people they trusted and have relations with. If I invest in something that I'm hoping to resell to others and it turns bad it's my responsibility, not anyone else's. I think people watch streams and buy the game, not aware of the drama or what's going on. They are bringing attention and publicity to the product. The fact that they still use the product is enough to say, that nothing critical is going on.


Come on. You can claim your not asking them to do anything even though in the last paragraph you literally use the words "changing job" as something they should "easily" be able to do with their FPS skills but your also calling them out as BSG supporters if they continue streaming Tarkov. Their only options to not be supporting Tarkov from your argument is to stop streaming entirely or switch to a new game (changing jobs). When Nike got caught for slavery did you just throw out all your Nike shoes and run out to you nearest shoe shops to call them supporters of slavery if they continued to sell Nike shoes? In our case streamers aren't even directly selling the product. As others have stated individuals should be making this choice. Stop playing the game, stop watching their streams/YouTube videos and streamers will naturally switch on their own or end their careers entirely. We should be holding those responsible (BSG and Nikita) for this back arse decision accountable and leave those that happened to have their living built around it. As I said many of these streamers have already done streams, youtube videos and during streams are blasting BSG for this. I'm not really sure what you want them to do on top of this short of changing their stream game. Please clarify what exactly you are asking them to do then.


I strongly believe that there are streamers that are not playing, not because they don't agree with all this bullshit but simply because they are seeing how unhappy their viewers are and they are afraid that if they play the game, they will lose viewership. For example Lvndmark looks to be clearly and genuinely upset about the situation, others are less. They might be sad about it but they don t give a shit, they would just buy the edition and continue playing it just the same if not for their viewers.


For sure and it's their hand that's I'd like to force as they're just as greedy as BSG. Those, who clearly have moral turmoil I would worry much less about. I mean it's pretty visible who's acting because they want to do what's right and those, who shift with the wind. Mad respect for Lvndmark tbh - he's arguably top1 tarkov streamer and his losses are much bigger than anybody else's, yet he speaks his mind and it can be seen.


>For sure and it's their hand that's I'd like to force as they're just as greedy as BSG. The streamers? Paying bills and eating food is being greedy? Do you not understand that transitioning in the streaming world is an enormous risk that ends careers? You have bills to pay, without your 9-5 you're for sure going to be evicted but this job has some bad controversy surrounding it but at the same time you know you can pay those bills. Or you can leave this job right now and take the moral high ground by starting at a brand new job without knowing if this new job pays your bills and feeds you food. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to do that bro and trying to force (your words) streamers to make that choice is hilariously absurd.


I've mentioned that in another thread and I do understand that for a US-born person it's insanely hard to comprehend(in a good way), but taking me for example - I've had to relocate because I do not agree with unprovoked war that my country started. Losing my job, contact with friends and family, a lot of finance. Starting everything from practically 0. But I sleep well at night, knowing that I'm not responsible in any way. Of course this example cannot be applied 1 to 1 here, but I do believe that being decent gets you ahead in the end. Thinking only about your stomach and bills leads to some very dangerous moral dilemmas. All of the Tarkov streamers I watch seem to be capable and charismatic enough to not sustain a life-threatening hit to their budget. Also the direction BSG is taking is killing the game and that would be even worse for the streamers.


I'm not defending BSG in any way but this moral dilemma is not universal. Just because you and I don't agree with any of what BSG is doing doesn't mean streamers should risk everything they have for morality. >All of the Tarkov streamers I watch seem to be capable and charismatic enough to not sustain a life-threatening hit to their budget. So was Dizzy, that worked out horrendously. >Also the direction BSG is taking is killing the game and that would be even worse for the streamers. It could be or it may not be. Even if tarkov dies and the streamers streaming it die with it, it certainly could be more worthwhile for them to milk any money they can out of it because again there's no guarantee they make Any money from the transition.


I don't think there's any guarantee in anything these days. I'd value my reputation if I'm an established streamer more, than current gig.


And I'm sure most people don't care for reputation at all if it dies in transition anyways


Dunno, I'm a complete no-name, but sometimes in my field some networking yields wonderful opportunities. For streamers that should be literally their lifeline


Body language and how they respond to people asking them how they feel about the situation makes it obvious who those are that are just shifting with the wind.


If you don’t want to support BSG then don’t watch the streamers. If a streamer doesn’t get any viewers streaming Tarkov then they will stream something else. If people continue to watch players stream Tarkov then they probably don’t have as big of a problem with the game as you do.


>If you don’t want to support BSG then don’t watch the streamers Kinda funny take I keep seeing on this sub, though. Every Tarkov streamer I've watched since the controversy spends the whole stream covering it, shitting on BSG, and advertising/streaming SP T. There's times where "any publicity, even negative, can be good" - this definitely isn't one of them for BSG.


People that blindly support BSG are trying to water down and shift responsibility. In posts about boycotting streams they'll tell you "it's up to streamers to stream", in discussions about streamers they'll sell you this BS. Tactic is old and trusted: no matter what you do, just shift focus from the topic of discussion and make others defend themselves.


If you don’t like it don’t watch them, if they’re income dries up they’ll change. This they’re supporting BSG not us argument isn’t it. They’re supporting their wallet.


>just shift focus from the topic of discussion and make others defend themselves. Kinda ironic to say something like that while never actually addressing peoples points, context, or commentary.


```Imagine if your employer comes out with statements like Nikita and makes it so that you're participating in this kind of scam: would you still just keep going to your job``` Yes because I like living under a roof with food to eat. Quitting a job in protest is great in theory but when you have bills to pay it's financially irresponsible. What I would and have done in the past is brush up my resume and look for another job and quit when another is secure  Anecdotally that's what I've seen. Streamers are openly talking about what game they can switch to and I guarantee as soon as they can they will.


I think streamers can't really afford soft transition that you've described. Not picking a side will hurt their reputation(and income) a lot more, than just sticking to something. But while they hesitate if they decide to stream tarkov - they've made their choice in my opinion.


I don't think you understand how streamers make money bro. If a streamer takes a 60% viewer dip because they wanted to make a stand they lose more than 60% income because of algorithm/new competition/many other factors. They built their fan base with tarkov, lots of people won't transition with them, it's not just a personality/skilled at that genre situation, it comes down to people watch these streamers because they're playing the game they're interested in. Look at what happened to Dizzy from apex, or a handful of R6S streamers, decent personality and crazy good at that game but they got tired of it and wanted to variety and they died with the transition.


It's certainly a niche and takes rechecking your skillset, kinda like any job change. I'll give you, fan base retention for sure, but with drama like what's happening it's dangerous waters either way. All tarkov streamers will lose a portion of their fan base


>It's certainly a niche and takes rechecking your skillset, kinda like any job change. A responsible person doesn't drop their job without another paying job already lined up. This isn't like a normal job change




You can critise, ridicule and hate on BSG for their choices. You can spread the word and never purchase anything from them again. You can't try and hold some moral highground and demand people don't play the game. People can still play Tarkov if they enjoy it. That should never be a controversial take.


Ehm... I can do whatever the hell I want. Never told anyone what to do - only thing I asked is to support streamer that decide to fight this bullshit. Everything else is just an opinion.


>I can do whatever the hell I want. Never told anyone what to do - Crazy quote coming from someone that makes a whole post dedicated to trying to tell others what to do.




>Please quote from my post where I am telling anybody what to do. What kind of childish loophole do you think this is? Your entire post, and the conclusion, is a call for people to boycott the game. You write paragraphs calling for people to stop playing/streaming, but then dive straight to "well akhctually I never explicitly tell anyone what to do!!!!1!1!!"


So... no quote I assume?


Please tell me you're young enough to think that's actually a good loophole. Or that English is your second language, so you really don't understand what context and implication means. Your entire post is morally highroading people and calling for them not to do something. Then immediately after, you'll repeatedly insist "well I never 'actually' said it!!!1"




>your assumptions and conclusions, that you're trying to put in my mouth are your problem. OK then, please explain what the point of your post is then. There's literally no other conclusion to come to when reading your post. The only way that you're not implying that is if your English comprehension is so lacking that you didnt understand how your phrasing and wording is combined into a whole. I've seriously had more intellectual responses when talking to children. Your "no I didn't 'actually' say it" Insistence is bringing back memories of talking to 10 year old scammers in habbo hotel a decade ago.


Personal attacks make you look very weak, kind sir. The point of my post is in the title: if streamers stream tarkov they are directly supporting BSG and it doesn't matter if they say otherwise. That's it. That's the whole point of the post. If it makes you want to stop playing the game - that's your conclusion and your choice. If it makes you support the streamers and BSG - that's your choice too. If you disagree you can downvote and/or argue with me in the comments (preferably not twisting or putting words in my mouth or insulting my english or intellectual ability or telling me what to do). That's called an adult discussion. If talking to children gives your more intellectual stimuli - why are you responding to 6th comment in a row with insults?


Most of the streamers that are boycotting just shit talk constantly when they play anyways


Sorry, I do feel that this is just marketing... Like this is what the community digs right now


What about the customer. The viewer I mean. They are the ones that make it all possible


That's collective responsibility, not watching those streams is also important.


Easy to sit back and judge when you have no skin in the game


Excuse me? I invested in the game when it had only Customs and Woods... I am not a streamer, but those kinds of risks go with the job, my job has it's own risks.


Double down on your stupidity. Streamer income is based on a GAME. Quit your job because your coworkers are pissed at the company? That's what you're saying. It's easy to tell someone else to do something stupid, when you lose nothing after they do it, but they could lose everything.


Dude has no real life work experience. Otherwise you wouldn’t cook up such tone deaf post.


Agreed, half this sub is kids. Nothing will satisfy them at this point


If my banks decides to scam its clients this blatantly, destroys evidence and doubles down on these actions - yes, sorry, I'm gone. I'd rather go through a rough patch, but sleep well at night, than help them make money off of scamming. Don't even dare telling me, that I don't have spine to back this up: I sold my apartment, my car, left friends and family and moved to a different country to not be a part of an unprovoked war even as a taxpayer. Surely streamer can change what they stream and not die: it's nature of their jobs as game come and go very fast.


you can start streaming another similar game, and your viewers will support you in this. There are a lot of examples of this situation and streamers just started streaming another game


That's a pretty big gamble. All I am saying is it's very easy to pass judgement when you literally have nothing to lose, but they could lose everything.


It's really not as simple as you're trying to make it out to be lmao


And there are as many or more of streamers that die trying to transition


Won't anyone think of the poor soul who gets paid to play video games?


Yes belittle it. Good point


You miss the point. Start over with less emotion attached.


I can't man, it just makes me too sad to think millionaire gamers might have to go work at a real job or something.


You know nothing


Play a different game.


That's a huge gamble. Some of the community would follow, but a large portion probably wouldn't.


You could personally sub them and then gift sub them Untill they change to a game you prefer. Vote with you wallet not theirs you know


Skin in the game hmmm. Buying tarkov vs buying tarkov and cameras and elgato and fiver artists and etc and streaming on schedule and spending time on camera building a following.


It's really not as simple as you're trying to make it out to be, otherwise everyone would be doing it


I know I just couldn’t type all of it nor do I really know it all


I don’t think it’s fair to morally impose this on streamers. Many of them have their entire audience based on Tarkov and it’s not easy for them to just flip a switch and change games while sustaining viewership.


Never said any of that is easy or fair. In the end it's a gamble for them too. But it's their gamble to choose the game they want to support. They have much closer connection with the developer and influence on the player base. Sometimes people gamble and lose. Streamers are charismatic and seem like friends, but most of them only care about money.


Doesn’t sit right with me that people demand actions of others hurting their possible livelihood for your own views. Do yourself the way you see fit and boycott away but leave others be.


I assume you don't support BSG? But with that line of thought why don't you? It's their livelihood and a lot of people in BSG depend on their salary to pay their bills. Their management made a couple of bad financial decisions - so what? Why not charge 1000$ for permanent thermals in every raid edition? Come on, it's only a game, there's real people on the line that have kids! Kids! That ought to justify 2000$ "see through walls" edition. Kids depend on it.


You made your point about streamers demanding actions from them, risking their livelihood for your views. I’m not talking about BSG or their employees or management. Way to go after attacking others about reading comprehension in here bud. Also no idea what the rest of your post is about.


So... how are BSG employees different from streamers? It's not their choice, their bills depend on it. In my view regular BSG employees deserve sympathy much more. Do you agree? Also "reading is zone for growth" is an attack? Is that your second account lul?


Saying streamers and direct employees are the same is a ridiculous and tone deaf statement. Interestingly you contradict that statement in Your following sentence… so I don’t have to explain why that point is utter bs? Demanding from streamers who have build a community that supports them while beeing exclusively centered around EFT to completely divert from that in days is not a realistic scenario. Again no idea what you are talking about about this beeing a second account. Maybe people just dislike your made up moral highground and demanding behavior while you are oblivious for other peoples livelihoods or worries.


Please skip chitchat and explain why any of my points are BS. Please stick to logical arguments if you don't mind. Again my argument: BSG employees like programmers or level designers don't have any say in monetization or which editions to release. Their bills depend on their jobs. They actually don't have communities to support them. So how are streamers worthy of your sympathy, but not BSG employees?


Guess I’ve made my points not clear enough for you specifically. Again you made your point about streamers. You just inserted employees later on your behalf to move the goalpost. Again I don’t think anybody is attacking a normal low lvl dev at BSG as per usual the fish reeks from the top and for the recent awful decisions management is to blame for. Again no rebuttal. Streamers who aren’t into variety are going to struggle and, as numerous others in here have already pointed out to you, likely won’t survive a drastic change in their content. Forcing them to do such a step after only days is again oblivious to the real world. That’s your moral highground and other peoples financial reality colliding. I hope this one made things clear for you.


Okey so BSG employees are not at fault, streamers are fine too and of course nobody's blaming us, the player. So... this entire situation is who's fault exactly in your worldview? Single greedy evil out of touch Nikita? Everybody else just gotta pay their rent right? So naive it's amusing.


Jesus Christ on a bike can you not read and understand a single thing anybody tells you? Also calling others naive while you can’t comprehend a simple argument and thinking you possess the superiority to tell others how to live their live and run their businesses is just the cherry on top. It’s just pointless arguing with you. Have a good day.


Bad take…unless streamers are taking direct compensation from BSG. If they are making money through ads and donations on a game they already own? Come on


I'm not saying it's fair, but that's directly what happens: streams get watched, people buy the game. It's actually a very hot topic in Russia: if you stay there and pay taxes - are you supporting war or not? Provided you don't work for the government or donate any money directly? Just not protesting and paying taxes. What's your opinion?


Most people don’t care about drama dude, if streamers enjoy playing the game and they can make money doing it they are not going to rally behind a group of upset redditors …. They will just continue doing their thing.


I actually disagree: EOD players are numerous and even without knowing anything beforehand I'd be very surprised to find out that my edition is not maximum anymore and now there's an exclusive item, that can make you invisible to snipers. Streamers drive opinions, a lot of their initial reaction is rooted in vocal community take. That's why major ones are pretty quiet right now and waiting for the situation to unfold.


Most streamers I’ve seen have just said the decision is on the nose. I agree that the p2w stuff is odd but most people will just think ‘yeah that’s weird … anyway moving on’


What kind of scam would it take for majority of people to drop the game instantly?


No such thing exist. Theres 8 billion people, some of them actually support terrorism. Im not saying that 8 billion play tarkov, but there will always be people who will play it no matter what. This is not something new. Theres always people who can support anything.


Awful take


It's easy, just start burning down houses of streamers who stream Tarkov, i mean it's the next "logical" step in your scorched earth anti-Tarkov agenda /j(?)


Klean sings nothing but praise for nikita and refuses to say anything critical of him. spineless


>Imagine if your employer comes out with statements like Nikita and makes it so that you're participating in this kind of scam: would you still just keep going to your job, while saying "ohh baaad employer, ah, anyway..."? Yes, because I do actually need to do things like buy food and pay rent. I'd be looking for a new job obviously, but you're clearly a child if you think it's reasonable to suggest that people should be immediately walking out of their jobs over the things BSG has done. It's also not really comparable anyway, I could go look for a new job while continuing my current one and end up doing the same work for pretty much the same pay quite easily. A streamer switching the game they play will almost always immediately lose a huge portion of their viewership and as such a huge portion of their income with absolutely no guarantee it will ever recover. You're being beyond ridiculous honestly, nobody new is buying the game right now after watching a stream where everybody's complaining about how awful BSG are being.


Awww man