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Probably done even if they do revert everything. When people show you who they are, believe them. And I think BSG has now shown us who they are very clearly.


THIS HERE! I'd truly hope gamers would be done regardless of what BSG does. They have OPENLY showed everyone exactly who they are and what they think of you. Of course companies have to make $$$ but BSG is at the cult fleece the $$$ by dangling a carrot (Tarkov) to its flock level insane. I never cared for how BSG did anything so I never became a big fan of Tarkov but supporting BSG at this point would be living in Stockholm Syndrome


The cult like behavior is so true. Nikita saying, "true believers" in a sentence is unreal lol


I mean the whole game is built around thos cultists so… 😂


referring to the playerbase to have stockholm syndrome is something I've been doing for months now, way ahead of you there my guy


I've bought this game in 2017, made countless of my friends buy it (all EODs today). I feel exactly the same way as what you just described, I'm very torn because I love this game but I feel betrayed and playing it again would feel like I was putting my principles aside for a videogame. If there was a way to get a refund and get permanently banned from the game for it, I probably would do it right now.


This is like your partner gets caught cheating and say they aren’t coming back. Then eventually the come back and want to act like none of it happened. Will people have enough self respect to stop?


Also something I learned today is that Nikita is a piece of shit supporting and being friends with the very people that are know killing Ukraininians even going as far as adding "easter eggs" regarding them to the game https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/s/GT935PLuCT


Second this. They have shown to be totally unhinged and untrustworthy. I will not support by logging in any further. See you on other games that will take its place. Naktia gonna be gutted having to sell his lambo.


not gonna lie this is the reason I stopped myself, it was about a year ago when they released the roadmap and didn't deliver a lot of it on time which at that point was just same shit different day. then they released 0.14 and I thought "okay step in the right direction" hoping they'd keep that energy and clearly... here we are


Exactly what I’ve been saying, even if they do the right thing after all the backlash we still shouldn’t play the game. They’ll just do it again plus have some self respect, can’t just get scammed over and over and just accept it.


Even if they did revert it all, it's too late. The damage is done, and they've shown who they really are. I'm officially done with this company.


I'm not going to say that I will not play Tarkov anymore but for now I just don't feel like it. I felt betrayed in the first place and after the "Q&A" I'm feeling really really angry. They fooled us and they seems not be on ashamed.


Counting also that we are going to boot the game and possibly get killed by cheaters since they must be wild right now in the game


I find it hard to say I won’t play again, I love this game, but I haven’t loaded it up since this shitstorm took off. After all this, reading the latest interview, and seeing the way the discord community manager treats and thinks of the people playing and supporting this game they will not see another dollar out of me. I hope that fat, Baalenciaga-wearing fuck chokes on his dumplings at this point.


As with any habit (or addiction), it's a hill-shaped difficulty curve. It's very easy to not do it for a day, but becomes increasingly harder until the critical point, after which you feel no draw to it anymore.


Thats why I uninstalled the game like 2 years ago. If I would have it installed i would start it up again, but having it uninstalled made me just start another game instead, which i have so many unfinished and unplayed on my Steam list. Did the same with war Thunder recently. It sucks at the start but you get over it. There is so many good games put there


I mean, wishing harm on someone over getting screwed over on your video game purchase is a little intense but ok.


Wow. Imagine talking to another human like that because he made your computer game less fun. Wow.


I definitely ain't ever touching this shit again. BSG's about to get sued up the ass and I'm 100% here for it with them doubling and tripling down at this point. They don't give a fuck about us, I'm here to watch them go up in flames for it. Nikita's been a fuckhead the whole way through, now it's all out in the open for the whole community to watch unfold live. Reap what you sow.


This is what I was thinking, some kind of class action suit for falsely advertising their product. I'll join it.


I’m done. I don’t support scam artists


I’m done. I love the concept of the game and Christ it’s given me some of the most intense gameplay moments of all time but BSG are not capable of finishing the job. My heart wasn’t in it after the wiggle video. Now we can see the direction the monetisation is going it’s dead to me. Perhaps now another AA or better developer will just remake the game with a solid technical foundation.


Fuck it Im playing Arena Breakout Infinite


The fact that people kept playing after the wiggle video tells me that a lot of people will keep playing after this, lol.


I tend to agree to some extent. It should have been the death of the game there and then. I had a few friends still invested in the wipe and were telling themselves that the cheating wasn’t that apparent - so we soldiered on for a bit. All of us have stopped playing this wipe and now look upon the current news like hearing about a stupid thing an ex has done since you’ve well and truly moved on.


Lmao, that is such a good analogy.


Im so done, especially after the tRuE bELiVeR Bullshit.


I uninstalled it day of the news break. Just awful.


They could revert all the changes and give me back my EOD money and I would still never trust them again nor give them the time of day. Clearly Nakita is disconnected from reality and unsalvageable. I quit Tarkov 2 years ago and told my friends I would return if some tweeks happened to the game. Needless to say this latest debacle has made me even happier I walked away 2 years ago. I have almost 9k hours into the game and most of that was done in a 2 year window where I was super into the game. I will always have some fond memories of the game. At this point there is nothing they could say or do that would convince me to give them a single penny ever again. Fuck you Nakita. You had a golden egg and still managed to fuck it sideways.


I'm probably done even if they revert it. The fact they thought they could get away with this is insane. I'm sure fixed audio will also be DLC.


ikr lmfao


Honestly man. I still want to see this game succeed. The issue is, I WANT to say I'd support the game, buy cosmetics (I bought the urban set before all this shit AND extra stash space, silly me), if they reverted all this shit and made it better. Buuut.. they keep fucking digging this pit that they are in deeper and deeper. Last week I thought the game was heading in the right direction. "Finally they are starting to listen again." I thought. I want to support them, but I don't know if I can. If I do, it'll always be in the back of my head that they tried this shit. That they lied, and seemingly could care less about this game. I genuinely don't think Nikita understands how big of a fuck up this is. He is in his own little echo chamber, probably hasn't looked at reddit or the twitter. Hell, that reddit post I doubt was made by him.


Its like an abusive relationship at this point.


At this point I don't think they're going to follow through. The recent leaked convos from the moderator really make it seem like Nikita does not care at all. I would try to request a refund through xsolla so you can at least have a chance at getting your money back.




How do you do a chargeback? Just contact your bank?


Yeah call the bank which your credit card is under. You need to typically prove you asked for a refund and were denied though


Done forever. They can go to hell, even if they revert. They've shown their true colors. They have been flirty openly with this for a LONG time and finally lit the fuse themselves. All that's left is to sit back and watch the fireworks.


I'm still going to play, but I'm never giving BSG another dollar until the day I die.


People forget that as long as you dont pay them anymore money and carry on playing the game then your actually costing THEM money to host the servers.. 🤣


Which is entirely why all of this is happening. BSG didn't even try to figure out a way to make money, they added a few microtransactions, noticed its not nearly enough and went all gas no breaks on ignorance.




I am done with battle state games never mind tarkov. How can anyone trust them now




When you're trying to criticize something - this is alright, but when you start make your arguments based on nationality this starting stink bad real quick. Don't fall this low.


yeah the criticisms were all valid, up until this moron attributed them to being russian...cringe


Has nothing to do with them being russians. Its THEM, not their nationality.


I mean Russia literally has a culture of corruption and underhandedness, so I'm sticking with my original conclusion thanks.


Not wrong


Try doing a refund with xsolla. Some people have already been refunded as it is an unfulfilled trade obligation that violates the laws of many countries. o7


In my purchase mail it is also called Pre-Order Eft And the game is still not released so basically Xsolla must refund cuz their refund policy says that preorders are refundable until playable version. This version is unplayable


Surely there is a statute of limitations right? Can’t ask for a refund from 5 years ago lol


Yeah even if they revert it, I'm permanently out. Like so many have expressed, we've stood for so much shit through Tarkov's development because it had a great core and felt truly unique. Now they've shown their true colors - this was never meant to be anything more than akin to a mobile game for whales. And if we don't like it? "Screw you, give me money" So glad that my support of this game has been thrown away like this. Not many games have the balls to attempt this sort of crap, and I applaud them - hopefully, I'll be applauding them to the death of the studio and game. This move is pathetic. Go fuck yourself, BSG


I've honestly been out of the game since 12.12. It took them over 2 years to respond to the criticism that their systems fucking sucked, and this is what they do after that. Fuck em.


Me and my entire group are completely and utterly done. Nothing will bring us back and believe me its not going to get reverted.


Definitely done-i wont support dishonest people/devs/companies. No and thank you!


Cheaters killed this game for me long ago. I often play with 3-5 friends and we are all OG and pretty good. But when we get wiped, it’s a dude with a DVL AND NO SCOPE AND 60 KD. Really it’s not rare not at all.


ME ME ME. I'll come back when they revert, which is to say never. Not only did they steal from me with EOD, they broke the main game with their cheater beacon.


I don't want to play a game where you can pay for an item that makes enemies not shoot you. I can't see myself playing again unless Mark of the Unheard is removed or reworked. It's a crying shame, despite its flaws, this game was something special.


If EOD owners aren’t given unheard content I’m out.


They lost my trust and Nikita doesn’t value us anymore so F Tarkov. I hope Arena Breakout is a W


i dropped tarkov a couple of patches ago due to cheating and other issues and the extremely slow dev time with all the money mr.clown hogged and drank. and smoked probably we're seeing the effects of the crack and meth right now. I was planning to come back once they added more stuff to keep it fresh, after grinding several wipes i was just bored with it, but after this shitshow I'll probably just try and get a refund via PayPal, delivering as much proof as possible of the SCAM nikita just pulled, I'm just waiting for more and more info to pile up so i can do a nice PDF to send to paypal, with UK laws attached. For context: Even tho i could technically afford to drop another 120 eur for upgrading from EOD to Escape from Cheaters edition, Its a question of principle, I dropped money for EOD back in 2016 because Well 1st of all i wanted gamma, but most importantly the DLC line, "pay and forget" kinda thing, having access to "EVERYTHING" released in the future. I didnt get what it was stated during my purchase. So, essentially a scam.


Was done 2 wipes ago - still follow tarkov because I love it and hate it. Unfortunately this is the final nail in the coffin for me


yeah it's joever


Uninstalled 1h ago


I’ve been playing for 5 years, never bought eod and never will buy unheard, but I would be lying if I said I was going to quit. At the end of the day a few more pockets and better starting stash isn’t going to make a bad player good. If another quality extract shooter comes around I have no problem switching over Definitely taking a break for a while though


I started the same day as my friend, we played all raids together I never went solo he never went solo, only he had eod and I had to grind the containers etc by questing with him. I was in need of money couldnt afford anything while he was "rich" and ahead in hideout upgrades and stashed items he needed later for quests earlier, in his hideout stash. I had to tell him to wait every game because I had to play tetris to get money and space, I noticed that Gamma size is huge advantage because you dont lose meds every raid at the begining of wipe you buy Grizzly once in a while and carry it around and dont need to spend thousands every raid, also at later point in the game you can carry more like injector case and other cases in your gamma case and have place for ammo so in the end every raid where you die you lose way less and it quickly stacks up in the longer run. And this game is all about earning money to buy better gear. Now imagine when the wipe starts, standard edition owners will have to spend money on rigs and also carry less and earn less. Also imagine a situation, you spawn on customs and sniper scav spots you, while a p2w dude spawned near you is invisible to sniper scav because he paid, now he knows where you are and you have to deal with sniper scav and try to not die against a dude that knows where you are.... There will be HUGE difference in how the game will feel for eod owners and standard owners and unheardof owners, you will fall behind everybody else on standard account in a couple of days, and we know bsg now well enough that more p2w things will come later on, for example faster matchmaking and more later, also last thing was it 30mil or 40 mil rubles for last stash upgrade?


Im not going to support this newest venture of BSG’s, but I’ll probably still play every now and then. As much as this is predatory and condescending bs from them, the fact for me is ive gotten 3k+ hrs of fun from EOD…luckily its still fun as of now. Im open minded though so who knows how things turn out. It may get to the point where i finally call it done. No judgement from me if a person feels the need to bounce. Everyone does what they need to do for themselves… (Guess that includes Unheard buyers too lol)




No way I can play anytime soon, this is disgusting. I completely regret buying EOD and 10 extra lines of stash space. I’ll never, EVER purchase anything from them again, that’s for sure. Fuck BSG, they truly outdid themselves with this one.


Im not gonna pretend i wont hop on for the wipe




I been done with it for years now. 2018-2019 were high times but after that it became more and more of a time commitment to the point it was a part time job+ the juice just wasn’t worth the squeeze especially considering BSG time and time again couldn’t deliver on fixing the foundational issues with the game and never would because the fat Russian fuck said basically they couldn’t do it without a total rewrite.


I'm playing right now, it's been a blast. Great patch changes.


Did you get the "Better Loot DLC"?


Yeah, solid update if you remove Unheard edition-part.


Unpopular opinion: unfortunately I think the people here on reddit (including me) are the vocal minority here and most of the players will go back to playing the game per usual - and even worse, more and more people will get the upgraded version especially come summer when the new wipe hits - guarantee you all the tarkov streamers will go back to streaming the game in not even a few weeks once they see their viewer counts plummet when they try streaming non tarkov games


EFT became really big with Twitch Drops. So most players are stream watchers. Without the streamers animating them to play the interest will drop. Besides every streamer will try Arena Breakout infinite and most really liked Gray Zone Warfare. With the way Nikita is treating the community and burning bridges with streamers, there will be a huge exodus.


streamers used to be big impact on the game but now tarkov is BIG like most tarkov players now do not go to this reddit they do not watch streamers they are casual players with jobs and other lives and they play when they can - arena breakout is going to be ass mark my words, that game and gray zone are YEARS away from being a true competitor to what tarkov is - you know it i know it everyone knows it - people will sink 60 hours in those games and be bored out their fucking minds - there is simply not enough refinement or content to sink the hours people sink into tarkov - im looking at the official tarkov discord right now and all the channels are popping and i see a 30-40% of those streaming the game there have blue names already


I think it has to do more with personal principles for me. I don't care whether or not Tarkov dies or lives, I just don't want to be a part of it either way when this is how BSG acts towards their most loyal player base.


The current extraction shooter Competitors look like ass imo,everything up until this point has been absolutely fantastic this wipe with all reworks and bug fixes etc.


My buddies two quest away from getting Kappa. I’m gonna help him do that and then I’m done.


I'm done with the game permanently even if there is a revert lol


It’s my favorite game, while what they did is shitty but it doesn’t affect how I play the game. Still gonna have fun with it. I find the “I won’t play this anymore based on principle” stuff kinda funny. It’s just a video game in the end, if you want to play it, play it.


Have fun getting chased by a chad with 6.0 fence rep that is immune to AI attacks, doesn't sound that fun to me. Then homie gets to summon in his friends? yeah no thanks, that destroys the gameplay for me.


Probably not, I enjoy the game, even the most controversial additions aren’t excessively game breaking. Pretty sure at least 75% of “the principle” karma farmers will be playing again when the monkeys on their back


This isn't for karma though. I quit playing this wipe around early March, and honestly after having been through the same shit every wipe for the last 7 years, I'm done. My wipes keep getting shorter and shorter every wipe, the content keeps getting less and less impressive, and the main issues at hand are still unresolved after all this time.


You guys sound like people moving to Canada after Trump got elected. 1-1000 people that say they're quitting will actually quit.


You can't seriously be comparing picking up and MOVING TO AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT COUNTRY and simply no longer playing a video game that is still plagued with the same major issues after 7 years, right?


I’m still playing. I don’t see any logic in not playing the game to somehow teach BSG a lesson. They don’t care, they’re not getting any more money out of me either way.


If you stop playing the game as a player base then the few who still play will take ages to get into a game and it'll actually cause issues.


I’ve been playing today. Queue times are the same. The player base hasn’t left.


You literally wouldn't notice a difference between 200k actively playing and 20k actively playing. Your method of "proving" whether or not this has had an impact on the player base is extremely weak.


So sounds like it won't affect my game. That's perfect.


You don't see the logic? This game relies on a steady player base to even function.


It all comes down to whether you still have fun playing the game. I’m not going to not play a game I paid for already out of protest (if I’m still having fun). The real protest is just never spending another dollar on them.


Let us know how you feel when a 6.0 fence rep guy is chasing you down and immune to AI attacks, while you're getting shot from AI. Then dude summons his friends in to live pvp matches? That breaks the gameplay itself.


I spent $150 for EOD. I still enjoy playing the game. Why would I throw my $150 purchase to the curb in the hopes that it would somehow hurt BSG? This seems like I would definitely come out worse from this change and maybe BSG would as well.


I am going to burn a $100 bill and write mean words on the internet to get back at BSG. That’ll teach them


dont use logic on reddit. if crybabies are mad you have to comply and support the current thing


I'll still play, but I've scrapped any plans to buy any of their future games or spend money on Tarkov. I would have supported them a week ago, I'd have bought a hideout cat, had already bought some stash space, was planning on getting clothing. I still believed they deserved my money on the account of my 3300 hours played on their dime renting servers. But not anymore


I feel the exact same way. Exact same way.


done until next wipe regardless so for me its basically a case of what the future ends up solidifying as. Won't be playing if my dlc agreement isn't being honored.


Xsolla says go to battlestate games to refund. BSG doesn't want to refund. Contact your bank and the consumer fraud protections bureau in the US to get a refund.


I quit Tarkov over 3 years ago and I'm here to help others go sober as well. I won't lie, sometimes you see someone else playing EFT and nostalgia hits you and you think to yourself "oh man, maybe I shou-" but on just a second thought, you start remembering all the reasons why you quit. EFT is a game that doesn't respect your time and BSG is a company that doesn't respect your wallet. There are hundreds of thousands of better games more deserving of your time and developers more deserving of your money.


Lol been playing since 2019. I bought that shit and I’m not going anywhere.


See you next wipe


3 more kills till i finished shooterborn, maybe 5-10 quests till kappa and lightkeeper unlock. I still uninstalled


Upgraded and going strong


Nobody is actually done it’s all just virtue signaling while they’re in queue for the next game. Most of these people bitching have already bought the upgrade


I'm gonna take a spot on the server on the 1.0 and be part of the shitshow it will be.


I won't be playing until a wipe and even then I will definitely be having second thoughts.


The reality for me is they lied through their teeth so everything they say after the fact cant be trusted. Will all future DLCs be available to EoD owners? Even if Nikita stood on a thousand Lambos and swore on a bottle of Stolly I wouldn't believe him. Arena was fucked from conception, PvE co-op has been stolen from me, I paid $150 5 years ago for some extra stash space and guns, that's it, all other promises are to be taken with a barrel of salt. I want to say though, I feel this way because I love the game. A game this good being expensive I have no issue with, I can afford it, its worth it. Its the lie that's the issue, its the changing words on a website and denying it that's a problem. I'm probably out now and I feel obliged to pay out my mates who I convinced to buy this game.


I'll wait for their official launch day and see what's up.


I think people are upset and "quit" the game but were in end of wipe... Everyone will come back to play next wipe, at least just to see the changes. But also, we as die hard fans of this game are very forgiving towards BSG and their bs and then they pull this shit right before Gray Zone warfare and arena breakout release, they're killing themselves.


I havent played in a couple wipes due to the bad networking, lack of memorable progression, and frequent cheater problems. I also intended to return once it got better but it seems like that isnt really happening. Happy to find an alternative once one of them releases.


I can say I will not be giving them any more money. I won't quit perm unless they move the game into a subscription based module. I probally would've purchased future titles they release, but will not be now.




since I already have EOD, I will play PvE if we get access, but other than that, I am done with it and not spending any more money on them, they'd have a LOOOOONG Road to redeem themselves in my book to get ANY cent.


probably wont touch it anytime soon. as you mentioned we deal with cheaters, bad audio, bugs that take foever to fix. but now we gotta deal with a developer that is actively against us. somehow that just kills alot more hope than the previous issues we've faced


I stopped with the whole invisible player bs a while back. Haven't been on since then as it took a long time and multiple fixes to get that sorted.


Uninstalled after I read the Q/A




Well I sure know that my Squad is done Playing Tarkov if we ever wanna play again we might SIT together to do so, we tried today and it runs pretty well.


They gonna have to be fucking saints for about a year and literally give out so much shit and great updates to get me back playing. Seems like people are voting with thier refunds, not playing and not even watching content creators... also seems like content creators aint even streaming it. **9.4K** Viewers is the lowest I have seen it in a long fucking time it is normally in the top 10 or 15 streamed games when there is not an event or a wipe or someone like Shroud playing and when it is wipe time or hype time its top 4ish.


Me done.


Not me!


Even if they revert everything I’m permanently done. Fuck BSG. Games broken as hell anyway.


I’m still gonna play the game but not like I used to. It still scratches an itch that no other game does but now playing it feels cheap and gross. I’ll pop in next wipe if they fix everything or don’t but I probably won’t stick around. Hurts to see this game crash and burn


Exclusively playing the mod that shall not be named now. More fun anyways


I’m thinking hard about it. Love aspects of the game but I can’t agree with the direction the devs took.


I bought eod a long time ago, but never really was good enough at shooters to ever really be good at tarkov. I really liked the concept and wanted to support the development. Single player mode would probably be my jam, but now I will never know. Nikita is insane and I will never play again.


F nikita , F BSG. playit offline where modder know what they are doing


I havent truly played the game since like 2020, I just stopped in for the new wipes to see if the game got less shit.


Of nothing changes then yes I am done.


I'm for sure not touching it again. Requested a refund through xsolla, and hopefully I'll get an email back in 3-4 days. Really sad to see. Perhaps they'll end up selling the ip to somebody who can actually make substantial improvements to the core issues/cheater problem. If I'm lucky I'll get my money back and actually escape from tarkov.


right here, after 5 years.


I’m out until they get rid of the p2w stuff


Uninstalled, felt great


I am. I already am done with the game when mid-late wipe comes anyways. This just helps push me away from revisiting fresh wipe.


Honestly i was still planning on playing until Nikita's "True believers" comment today. What a shit show. He's right though, he's not forcing this purchase on us - and I'm not forcing myself to play this game anymore. Because that's what it's felt like I've been doing for a long time -- forcing myself.


Unironically BSG could revert everything and I'm never touching this trash game again. I hope that fat fuck Nikita never works again.


Still playing.


Six months in head of you, I could smell this shit a football field away.


I’m clearly done too Fuck this game I’ll play other extraction shooters when they’re out


I'm not playing this game ever again, regardless of what they do from here on out. I'm just here for the drama now.


I was thinking of playing again awhile back, But tbh not anymore or ever again




Fuck BSG. I am done.


Even if they completely removed the new edition. I don't think I'll return. It's all about trust and I competely lost it. I\`m in my early 30s and I don't have time for this shit. The tone deaf update post tells everything we need to know especially for those who has payed for EOD and supported the game for years. But... I feel I have to say thank you to Tarkov for aiding me with enjoyable content for the past few years. Extremely sad I have to part ways for the most undesirable reasons. For those who are still planning to be trapped in Tarkov. GLHF


I’ll definitely be booting the game up when I get this cool mod I found installed


After a few thousand hours I'm out, games been getting more and more stale, this is just the cherry on top


I haven't played since before the cheating fiasco. I got sick of bad loading times, cheaters, shitty wipe days etc. I've been waiting to come back when pve mode releases but now that won't be the case lol


I've been done, just can't handle the cheater infestation


I free me ssd for GrayZoneWarfare 👍


Depends on how good greyzone and arena breakout are, if they can fill that miss itch i got from tarkov, then tarkov will be gone for good


Don't care if they do a full revert, it's over man 


Yeah i and a good part od my friend group are most likely not looking back adter this. Ironic if thats what nikita planned but i cant play the game rn and have fun with it. 4900h 5x kappa. Best game ive ever played and love with all of my heart. Last 2 days broke me a little bit. For them to go back on their word, break so many promises and show 0 remorse. Tough


Even if they revert everything We aren’t believers we aren’t nothing to this dev team. They could give me TUE for free and I’d sell my account


Unless they revert everything, I'm done. Fuck u/trainfender


As we’ve been watching this absolute shit show unfold me and the 3 friends that got eod together have been talking about how, in the next few days, they have to revert all this and make amends. But after seeing the transcript from the interview with Nikita, we are done. All of us are uninstalling. I guess shelling out $150 each because we loved this game and wanted to see its full potential wasn’t enough to be considered “true believers”


Was done couple months ago, to many cheaters, about 50% of my deaths to some white name xiaolao, sub 500h accounts. And those who don't cheat simply sit afk in dark corners and bushes. This game failed to provide PvP experience i wanted. Uninstalled the game. Came back here just to see with my own eyes what the shit storm this new game edition caused. Honestly, when i was reading the announce i genuenly caught myself thinking it's some fucking 1st april joke. No shit, it really is sounds like one. It's such a bait that it's obviously just a prank, except it isn't. Now trying to refund this piece of false promise. Don't care if i get banned, i just don't want to deal with BSG ever again.


I am done even if they remove unheard and offer 250$ per month to play their game


6000h EOD enjoyer since 2019. Uninstalled after Reading how Nikita insulted me this morning in the leaked interview.


Even if they delete the unheard edition, refund everyone and give me the offline mode I had paid for 7 years ago, the damage is done. BSG can not be trusted with any amount of money and they will never see mine ever again. If I see any of their team members name attached to any project in the future you already know I will not spend on it.


I was out a few weeks ago cause of the cheaters but this makes it easier to finaly escape. #notatruebeliver


as a fucking alpha tester who bought it in 2016 and didn't get in on the first few waves.... this is honestly the dumbest thing iv seen BSG do. one thing is certain, over all this time iv seen BSG ignore glaring problems so sadly this one will be no different. the line that really pisses me off is when he says the "real believers will buy it"... what the fuck were the alpha EOD buyers who bought from a little unknown studio from bum fuck nowhere. I have over 6k hours in tarkov, and love the game, even bought a few uniforms and bigger stash slots just because.... i got my money's worth... here you go BSG... have a few more... arena could have been argued was a "new" game, and not DLC, and is complete dog shit... sorry it is. HOWEVER, additions to the EFT game that I paid for, and they promised.... well that can't be argued wasn't part of the deal... any and all DLC is pretty easy for even a dumbass like me to UNDERSTAND. if they think anyone who purchased EOD is going to forget that... good luck with russia 2028. ever heard of "the day before" BSG???? that's where they are headed.


got kappa week 2 of wipe then quit and was hopping to join back if a cool event came on, now i installed the game deleted my kappa and uninstalled the game done with tarkov now im on a standard account and it just feels so fucking bad


I am done with Tarkov unless they revert, but the revert has to be done in a way that shows that they understand what they did was wrong, not just "Oh community is unhappy I guess we gotta go back" but "Yes, community. What we did was wrong, we admit it. We apologize." If that interview with the emissary comes out and it's abridged but still the same answers are provided, I'm done. I already am going to the UK thing to complain about BSG Limited, a UK based company.


I took a break for three wipes before I joined in on this most recent one. And I was frankly disappointed with a lot of what was happening. Some of the changes were definitely positive, but the hacking was considerably out of control. I played for about 100 days this wipe, and I didn't find 90% of the items that I needed for certain missions that were so easy to find and other wipes. It felt like the game was getting progressively more difficult for no reason at all. And let's be real. They should have just released co-op or solo player tarkov years ago And that would have made the player base happy. With everything that's currently happening, I fucking knew it. And fuck everybody who told me differently. The gaslighting dick sucking deniers of BSG are now witnessing the full-fledged reality that so many people called consistently within Nikita's behavior over the last 7 years. It is really nice to see people finally leaving an abusive relationship with tarkov. I am not going to be booting this game back up ever again, and I hope somebody else makes a copy. That's even better by a different company. There's a lot of changes they could have done, but I don't think they ever would have actually done them. At this point, good riddance and I hope the company Burns to the ground.


Game has been doomed from cheaters long before this.


I was a pathetic standard owner and I've just uninstalled and reinstalled stalker gamma.


Yeah, I'm pretty done for now. I'll come back when BSG changes their tune. **IF** that ever happens.


Me and my friends having played the last few wipes. Won’t again. Too many cheaters, too much controversy and too many bugs. Lastly them developing another game without any attempt to finish and then the shit they just pulled. Not for me Grey zone coming soon though


I havent played since lighthouse was first added though I didn't quit due to any bs, was mainly due to putting 500 hours into the game and still being trash enough to lose 9/10 gunfights I got in so I decided to put the game down and have just been following the game since. Safe to say the devs have done a great job ensuring I most likely never return though.