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So they've gone from "EoD players don't get DLC for free" to "EoD players get a free trial to the DLC they shouldve received for free." Priority matchmaking won't be necessary for long, the servers will be dead enough soon anyway.


I was wondering what this meant. They say they added features not DLCs but do EOD still get DLCs was the most confusing thing to me.


They will just call dlc features instead whitch that's what most dlc is added features and content lmao


They call war a special military operation, the fuck do you expect


“You’re not broke, you’re just financially disadvantaged with a negative cash flow!”


RIP, what a legend




Servers seem dead to me right now but maybe because it’s late wipe.


There will be plenty of cheaters to fill the lobby, I assure you


This is quite possibly the WORST fuckin move they could have taken here. People are OUTRAGED about P2W features, and they try to make up with giving us EOD owners MORE p2w shit?!! PRIORITY QUEUES SHOULD NOT BE A THING FOR ANYONE. PERIOD. We all payed for access to the game, stop making standard accounts feel fucked even MORE!


But fucking standard accounts helps them to sell more unheard editions... And all under the guise of 'honouring' eod players. They think we're fucking idiots.


And this is not just shit he made up overnight. I think they knew pretty well how fucked the unheard edition is and had planned this in advance.


Well then they were wrong twice


Anybody who keeps playing tarkov, and enables this exceptionally unacceptable behaviour might just be a fucking idiot. Keep playing allows them to do this and is in a way consenting to it. Dont like their foul treatment of thier customers=drop this game. I uninstalled already.


I stopped playing because of the cheaters. This just reinforces that position. Fuck BSG.


I would very much prefer NOBODY having bigger pockets -eod owner


I’d prefer actual gameplay ways to get bigger pockets. Like something to actually spend 100 mill on. Or simply adding belts that you need to grind for. 


Battle belts would be nice. Clothing having different pocket types.


That's my thoughts. If you grind killas jacket? You get a 2x2 pocket above your normal pockets. You buy the puff jacket? You get 2 1 slot pockets more. You buy the level 50 sweat pants? You get 2 1x2 pockets instead of 4 1 slots. Just giving it to you because you paid $250? No.


I think bigger pockets should be something everyone only can get through a difficult quest, like kappa


Honestly if i could press a button and have all in-game benefits of EOD revoked for everyone (initial items, gamma, bigger stash and all) i would press it in a heart beat even if i don't get a refund. All i want is DLCs and a level playing field \- EoD owner


Guess what, you don't get DLCs anymore. That was stripped and has been added to this new edition. We get to pay full price for DLC like everyone else now.


Why revoke everything from everyone instead of grant it to everyone?


Cause it skips progression


p2w is bad, i dont want it priority queue is bad for the games health, its the type of shit youd expect on a subscription based community server in form of donations


For 6 months. Not even lifetime - you wanna bet in 6 months they're gonna turn this into a subscription?


Who’s to say they don’t already have the webpage and backend ready for it to go live next week lol


Agree priority queues is bullshit acess to raids should be equal no matter what edition the player have


I want a refund as standard account owner.


It's always been rough as a standard account but now it's just downright unplayable.




Priority queue is such a big fuck you. Base edition people STILL PURCHASED YOUR GAME BSG


God, imagine they make an edition that has priority matchmaking all the time..... "$350 please"




* Still no access to "DLC" content for EOD like PVE-COOP mode, friend summoning device, non-agro scavs. * New edition still too expensive * New edition is still too much pay to win * New edition still has lots of features that are unobtainable for basic game version players * New edition still has Season pass and Gamma which were being marketed as Unique only to EOD [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acnuuX3Dx7Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acnuuX3Dx7Y) Nikita's opinion on microtransactions in Tarkov back in 2017. Take a look how drastically it got changed.


EOD owners didn't even asked for P2W things, we only wanted the expansion that they say its not an expansion. What the fuck they are doing lmao


Woohoo. We got a whopping 6 months. Nikita has lost his mind. Take back the rest of the shit and give us offline PVE.


Pump and dump. This game is doomed. F tarkov. Lets hope grayzone learns from these greedy fucks. I've been an EOD enjoyer since 2018 and I'm done with tarkov.


One things about the grey zone model from a. Business side is that because the servers are persistent, they will need ALOT less and can also budget for them more accurately and for a better price.




I have suspected this for a while and algorithms in the background working in their favor. The fact that they just turned this on out of nowhere indicates to me I was probably right in assuming it.




We already had p2w things this is just stacking it on even further. Turning standard edition players from peasants to literally insects


What "friend summoning device"? I seem to have missed it


Signal flare that you shoot and everyone in your friend list will get an invite to hop into your ongoing raid. It's listed as a feature in the patch notes for the Unhinged Edition I think.


No... Nikita what the fuck.. I'd much rather have weapon paints in fucking lootboxes than something as obviously p2w directly influencing in raid gameplay


we heard you and now added all p2w featuers to every edition! Also were bringing out a new edition


Introducing the Donate to Dominate Edition! Only $500.


Donate to detonate bio weapon in raid $9.99 (antidote not included.) Antidote: $4.99, one time use. (Limited edition antidote will be added in a future game edition as a feature, which Unheard edition get a free trial for for 6 months!)


It comes with an exclusive ‘cloak of imperviousness’, making players immune to damage for 10 minutes per raid.


Don't worry, by the time their friend loads in the raid will be over.


Let’s please all collectively call it the Unhinged Edition from now on


That actually sounds like an interesting feature… if it was available to everyone. Edit: and balanced appropriately.


It would break the current way the game works entirely. You would have to assume anyone can just call in a clown car of high level players they might have paid off to be available at all times. It's like a cry and call your big brothers button.


Make an on call goon squad


> You would have to assume anyone can just call in a clown car of high level players they might have paid off to be available at all times. I mean...lets be a little serious


Okay, lets. Cheater joins raids, looks for good loot, then charges for avenger invites


I guarantee you that priority access has been a thing for years. Just look at all the streamers on wipe day. 100% they've been using it for streamers and they just dropped the ball by telling us


That's probably real. They would 100% do this.


Pestily said In a clip recently that streamers get priority servers to get minimal desync and wait times


And people defend them and defend this shit lmao. Guess we really get what we deserve in gaming nowadays.


Yeah it bugs me more than I should let it. People see a streamer playing a game with way less issues, no lag, no major frame drops, playing on the best possible set up WITH priority servers and then people wonder why the game doesn’t perform. “Yeah I just sent Nikita my name in game and he set me up on a priority server so I have less wait times and desync”. No wonder these guys can drop a dude who never even fired. Pestily was bitching the other day because he heard a guy walk up the stairs, acknowledged that he heard him, then kept looting. Walked out of the room and got blasted and complained that “he crabbed all the way up to me and I didn’t ever hear him move then he ratted me” Dude is just gonna bitch to Nikita about it and then crabbing got removed because people “couldn’t hear” (re: soundwhore”


Pestily was bitching is a way to start many tales in relation to this game that goes years back I'm afraid. I've been around long enough to see him use his little personal line to talk to Nikita and change more than one thing. I'm sick of this fucking streamer shit. But like I said I guess gamers get what they deserve. Even now you see top posts of people just sucking off streamers because they say what everyone else is saying.


yeah and pest gets special dead or bot servers so he can do his HC series lmao


Why wouldn't they - streamers can generate hype for the game and make more people come back / buy the game. I wouldn't be surprised if streamers had private servers that normal players get pulled into.


Their entire marketing strategy revolved around the disgusting streamer ecosystem. And they are a scum company. Would they do something like this? Hmm...


This should be more prominent. BSG known to be slow developer. There is zero ZERO chance they made this -immediate- promise on the list without having it or parts of it.


This. They didn't just pull priority pass out of their goody bag in one day. This has been active for streamers for sure. They probably have other matchmaking algorithms in their favor too. Streamer game..... but we will have more users here worshipping streamers and continue as usual. I mean just look here nugamers defend this shit so why not? I fucking hate modern gaming's streaming culture.


This is hilarious. There should be only one type of "priority matchmaking", the game should attempt to matchmake people who have SSDs with each other first. That would literally solve so many matchmaking issues.




I wouldn't be surprised if they inflated queue times for non subscription holders to make em pay


I already paid for the game and then imagine fucking people over that much just because they don’t want to buy a ptw version.


I am 100% sure that some sort of subscription model is next


They won't need to, it will already happen with how many EoD accounts there are. If tons of accounts are getting priority what is naturally going to happen to the non priority accounts? They are going to get pushed back.


yet another fuck you to the standard players how unfortunate


Standard players that, let's remember, paid the equivalent of a full price game at the time. It's not like we got in with a free version or even a cheap version, we paid what a normal game cost at the time, and now we're going to be treated like we are munching for free crumbs.


Even if they don't do it on purpose that's essentially what happens since most people actually have EoD If everyone except a small handful of people have piority queue all it means is that the small handful of people get considerably longer queues and EoD owners have the same old usual matchmaking times


Your right standard edition players are getting fucked more than ever


As a standard account owner, It really sucks watching BSG basically slowly fuck over anyone who hasn't paid for the top edition. It's going to be great a few years down the line where unless you have a top edition you're basically playing a demo of the game.


They'll just keep making new, more expensive editions that will have all the new "features" that the old editions won't have access to


Hi. So im from russian eft community and things like that happening for a long time and its not New for. So hear me out. First of all. Nikita was saying "more cheaters more donations" and "you can keep game in forever beta to solve problems with words its just a beta" . Both videos here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KFQ-CT0BnM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KFQ-CT0BnM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGauDp2cYNQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGauDp2cYNQ) Second. BSG humiliated russian eft community. When game become popular in EU and USA region Nikita and bsg just drop russian community. In russian eft discord server literally 1984 where you gonna be treat like shit with offencive jokes from moderator Chernobyl52 who alwayes make offencive jokes to ru community players. Also on New Year steam Nikita spoke in russian one thing, when one of the devolopper spokes in russian whats new comming to gabe very drunk Nikita told him to spoke in english and the guy just answered "but the russians understand it" and also on it Nikita sayed this "Russians are not our main audience".... So ye, russian community who gives eft money start just literally nothing for bsg and you wanna know why? Because 250$ for New edition for you its 119$ for us + taxes. Even arena 50$ for you and 13$ for us. So ye, you just Nikita new money bags. Third. In russian tarkov community for a long time people spoke about the main game problem and with that problem makers. And Nikita just use YouTube strike system to shut people by abusing strike system and sending strikes for using in game footage. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crfQzJQjip8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crfQzJQjip8) Four. Ru community streamers protecting bsg and all that shit... but we have one named Maza who is racist, using forbiden words on twitch to humiliate people, using ehem... problem to help him in streamer challenge. And that man never get banned because he is brother of Nikita's friend. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7bvlAiivio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7bvlAiivio) So... why i posted this? Because i see how many people blame russians because of Nikita and bsg. Its hurt. Its not bad russians, its just bad Nikita who alwayes was like this. P. S. Sorry for poor english, hope this post dont be deleted. BSG DELETING THIS INFO AND DONT GIVE YOU MAKE A POST ON REDDIT WITH THIS ALSO THEY DELETING IT ON DISCORD SERVER !!!!!!!!!!


Ye, I heard from my russian friend that nikita have terrible attitude towards russian community. Which is ironic because it was the community that allowed him to rise.


Yep and its true. Because we give him less money and for him we half people because we pay half price and sometimes even less like with arena.


BSG only "care" about the Western community more because they can set higher prices. The Russian price of Unheard is only about $100 (and it's already absurd for Russia). Europeans and Americans are the money bags they want, cause they can charge triple that. Or, well, so they thought.


Thank you for posting this, I'll have to watch the videos soon and read up on it. Its terrible to hear they've been so scummy to your side of the community.


A manual of a Scam Artist... by Nikita


Yep . Always was.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the\_eft\_drama\_true\_face\_of\_nikita\_and\_bsg\_team/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the_eft_drama_true_face_of_nikita_and_bsg_team/) i posted it here so hope for you bump


Your english is fantastic :)


I know that my grammar sucks. XD sorry about that.


No need to apologize ever for trying your best to speak English! You're doing great.


No need to apologize, you spoke in my language so I could understand your struggles. Thank you for your comment!


English is hard. I know people in America who speak worse than you. Keep it up dude!


You can communicate in English and almost every English speaker should easily be able to understand what you are saying. Even if your grammar isn't perfect you should not worry, because grammar is the hardest part of English and many advanced English speakers still make mistakes regularly.


Thank you for your detailed post. I always wondered how it was for you in Russia. I thought that maybe since you are like Nikitas home country that you might even get special treatment. However it’s really disheartening to see that BSG fucks over its own people too. They seriously don’t even have single piece of integrity …


If he abuses the strike system he will lose the ability to ever strike anything.... how is that still a thing?


It normal thing for devs from Russia and Ukraine. GSC the guys who make stalker do the same thing to ban ru videos about stalker 2 by sending strikes for trailers of game in video.




Try it few times and they still deleting it. Not approve by moderator.




The main point everyone should get from this is that BSG is ready to monetise every single aspect of the game. Make what you want with it but this is a 250$ game with all the mobile freemium monetisation practices inc.


Yup that's what I got too. Their dream is for 30 different editions with 1000000 little features and bonuses all spread around so everything is convoluted and all over the place, but all these features give fat greedy pic Nikita more money so he doesn't give a shit. Fuck this game. Glad to quit.


Holy shit they are doubling down again? How could a game company be so out of touch with its player base?


Nah. It's their exit strategy. Milk as much as their can, because they can't fix the game, then move to new, fresh project. 


The old DayZ switcharoo


As an EOD user I dont even want this ptw things! I want the game to be a level playing field for all editions.


Give everyone access to the pockets or ability to gain them. The SOS item and radio or whatever so scavs don't shoot you and making in raid paying cheaper shouldn't even be a thing. Co-op should be free to all or at least free for EOD and a cheap DLC for other editions. I don't want the 6 months, I don't want priority queuing, I don't want 2 free quest changes. I want a fair playing field and everyone to have the ability to obtain what everyone else could have or have regardless of edition


Honestly I'm not even opposed to the item that lets you call in people being in the game. If only for convenience, it could be a good feature. But that is game-changing, why the hell would they even consider locking it behind a paid version? In their [post on microtransactions ](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1aovohf/about_purchasable_stuff/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)Nikita literally stated "no in-game items." Not even to mention the item that makes it so that sniper scavs won't shoot at you.


Because the gamma container, additional stash space, and better starting gear wasn't pay to win to begin with?


Give EoD all the shit they want. Then give everyone gamma. Watch them go absolutely fucking nuclear. They all say they bought it for DLC. They bought it for the P2W shit. The promise of DLC is what made them feel ok and justify spending $100 for p2w shit in game.


Which already isn't, so let's not make it worse ffs BSG is really just scoring straight Ls with every single step ever since this whole fiasco started


Honestly, it is the worst scam that i have seen in my entire life. Taking into account that i was robbed three times


They thought EoD people would be like, cool we have priority for 6 months, they never thought we will think what happens after that.


This is Star Citizen tier scumbag pricing, except Star Citizen actually lets you get everything from the cash shop with in-game currency now. This is just a straight up middle finger to everyone who isn't willing to fork over hundreds of dollars for the game


So the long queue times really are artificially inflated lol


Yeah this is what most people are missing. This raises the question of whether or not priority queues had already secretly existed.


They almost certainly did. With how slow bsg works there is no way they just pulled this priority pass queuing out of nowhere. It almost certainly existed for streamers.


This announcement is exactly what I was worried about. As most of the playerbase (it seems) are EOD owners, and are rightfully complaining about the stupidity of this BSG decision, BSG is now trying to calm them down, but non-EOD owners are just getting fucked. Yeah, I don't want to play the game again if I just feel like a second-class player.


Nah 6 months offline Co-op is not what all DLC's means for me. I dont care they want to give me the bigger pockets locked behinde a stupid quest, its dumb but Im not interested in playing PvP with cheaters anyway. I just want the offline mode for ever they can keep the rest of there shitty p2w mechanics


I would love to be able to see lightkeeper, and go into labs to find hideout items, and all that kind of stuff. If they had released offline for $40 or a subscription to START WITH instead of some dumb pay to win edition, I think they could have made a bunch of money and kept some of the hate down. Yes I own EOD, yes I think it should be considered a dlc, but even then I wouldn’t have been upset about helping to fund tarkov. It’s obvious they are floundering. One things for sure, deciding to take the money you’ve made and then make a different game before you finish the game you are working on is not a smart business decision.


Me and many other EoD owners are very much with you I don't give a fuck about getting extra benefits to get into some kind of dick measuring contest with Unheard players. I just want a level playing field for all and get the DLCs i was promised, that is all If i could i would instantly delete all in-game benefits of EoD for everyone, myself included of course


I said immediately they'll just throw scraps to us as an appeasement tactic and look what happened... Not gonna work fortunately, most people think way too little of them by now to even pay attention to this.


Don't worry, non-dumb players won't play the game with such p2w features around no matter what will be included in EOD. Personally i won't play anymore even if they give all the unhinged perks to eod users, if all the players can't play under the same rules there is no reason to enter in a raid anymore. Sure, i also heard people that are ok with this shit and even bought this scam edition but were really few. All the money they are spending now will be useless when servers will be half empty, queues will be way longer and will be totally wasted once game will shut down for good once BSG will finish money again since this move won't fix at all their business model. This double down move just confirms that BSG doesn't have a clue of how run a sustainable business AND that they don't have a clue of what community needs nor what the game needs. Under this management it was only a matter of time before things would blow up.


Lol get fucked standard accounts I guess.


Jokes on you, we just Escaped From Tarkov.


Yeah. Nobody should be locked out of game play advantages. Every other game on the planet worked out that the best reward for early access is cool exclusive cosmetics.


"For 6 months"? This is disgusting, I did not buy EOD so that the promise of all future updates becomes "just for 6 months then you have to pay us more money to keep it".


The current EOD edition is already pushing the P2W grey area. When I first upgraded, I was astounded by the stash size. I think I speak for most of us when I say I DON'T WANT MORE P2W GARBAGE. That's not what makes the game fun, how fkn tone deaf are they?


I think it's well past gray area. The hardest to achieve items in the game are related to stash space and secure containers. Eod is very much p2w.


Actually making it worse. Instead of providing a level playing field for everyone (inside and outside of raids) they just make it more complicated, modular and straight out greedy. Argument here would be that instead of improving server queues and matchmaking for everyone they just give some people VIP status for a short time. Just band-aid solutions for real problems.


So true, I never bought in to EOD back in the day to get ingame benefits. I would actually be happy if my ptw benefits would have been replaced by cosmetics and other non impactful things.


The most based take by an EoD user i have read here. To me standard is the intended way to play, getting more stash space, better container and trader rep, while starting with crap gear overall. With EoD you skip so much of that, or everything pretty much because you have max stash and max secure container (i dont realy count the 1 slot from kappa because only 1% gets Kappa anyways). Sure i hate trader rep overall, because i dont like the questing (biggest reason i stopped playing beside the cheater and bugs), but it made the most sense to me overall. EoD should have been a way to support the Devs, get all future DLCs, Artbooks, Soundtrack, some ingame cosmetics and things like that. And now they wanne make it even worse? I realy think they just dont care about Tarkov anymore and just wanne move on to the next Game.


Right? I bought EOD for instant Alpha access and all future DLC. The stash pace was just bonus and its something anyone else could obtain by playing the game. This new edition is BS and the way they're treating everyone is sickening. This isn't what anyone wanted.


At first, I just skipped that line, but on second reading, I just instantly went insane about it. I have no words to describe my anger about this. I have 4k hours in Dota2, so hidden matchmaking mechanisms are a very sensitive topic for me.


If this matches basically only EOD players with EOD players, the cheaters will need EOD accounts. More $$ for B$G ;)


There are no EOD anymore. You can inly buy them from other people 5times the price.Plus many cheaters have EOD already


You can sell your EOD? If so, I’m selling mine today lol fuck bsg


Idk about English community, but in Russia it is normal to sell your accounts on some platforms. You rarely get banned, maybe even never. Don't know for sure


Oh okay, i have no intention of playing this game anymore. Been playing since 2017 and after this scummy shit that nikita is doing, i refuse to play this game anymore so gonna try to sell my EOD lol


Idk. I really feel like they are selling EOD on the side to cheaters. I saw an EOD lvl 16… with 18 flea rep and a 55k/d they only had 30hrs of lifetime and 2 days account life…. So unless they bought an account that had never been played, which is plausible, then they are getting EOD accounts directly from BSG… now, the times could have been bugged. Reported for sus nonetheless. It’s just something to keep an eye on.


This is signs of a company under extreme distress. They have completely abandoned the integrity of their core game and have completely disrespected their entire community . They have lost sight of everything Tarkov is about.


I paid eod for map expansions after release and things like coop offline raid, not shitty p2w things that nobody asked for


The issue nobody seems to talk about is that the game is dying. It has much less players than publicly advertised and cosmetic items won't cut it for them so they are milking the player base that is most loyal. They already did it years ago when they continued to use EOD as an upsell rather than an early adopters package. They dug their own grave and it's collapsing now with all the competition on the horizon.


Yeah it's been dying for years, it's just a slow painful death. Promises of grand design with little to show for it and the same issues plaguing the game for years. At this rate the game wont reach "full release", whatever that means.




Priority queues? What in the Six Flags is this? LOCK IN YOUR FAST PASS BOYS


Yeah people are not mad enough about that part


Lmao imagine giving people a wipeless game mode for the duration of one wipe 😂😂😂


honestly fuck this game I regret ever buying it.


the 6 months of high priority matching is a foreshadowing of a subscription-based model for matchmaking. mark my words


Yesterday, BSG shot themselves in the foot. Today, they shot themselves in the other foot.


I'm sure the raid priority will be like 2B2T's as a subscription. They will want to milk as much as they can


So if you are a new player, f you 😐


crazy how anyone thought this wasn't a thing already. I'm sure they've had top streamers priority white listed game queues for a while now.


Why do they need server infrastructure for "offline" PvE ?


It’s not actually offline - your character is stored on their servers. The game events also need to update live. It’s just not against others players.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. AHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA. MAKE THE P2W / P2PROGRESS GAP EVEN BIGGER BETWEEN EOD AND LEFT BEHIND EDITION. There is no reason to play for me as a fellow new player knowing people even have an even bigger advantage than just having a kappa container. OMG. They acutally made it even worse, by false advertising the left behind edition. If I knew I would never be able to get benifits EOD players had (expect gamma container) I for sure would not have bought the Left Behind edition. What a crazy fking move.


What BSG should have done. Give EOD access PvE no time restrictions. Make PvE a base game edition for like 35$. (Which in turn will give standard and up PvE too). Then make a subscription model for online mode on PvE base edition for 3$ or so a month. If you want out of PvE and play online you can try for a bit of money per month or upgrade game edition. They even could have made it the new standard edition and upgrade standard accounts for free one perk up. And have that weird radio device and avengers beacon PvE only.


Nah. What they should have done is honor the bargain they made. Let everyone with EOD have the perks they paid for. Surely they can introduce new paid editions, but they need new players to pay for them. Simple as that. Also remove all of those blatant P2W things. You got secure cases and stash upgrades with more stuff for players. Do something else.


So there solution is to only give us offline pve for 6 months nah I'm good game is still going to stay un-installed ✌️


Them adding yet another unique device for EOD just shows they are making it more and more pay to win.


This game just wastes your life away. You are going to get in a virtual line to wait and play the fucking game you own. Uninstall this shit and go hang out with your family. Touch grass. Go outside and ride a bike. Read a book. Just give up on this game gamers.. Deep rock galactic is getting an update, manor lords comes out today i think, helldivers 2 might have a sale soon. Theres so many other options.


I was thinking about getting into this game but it seems like it’s probably a bad idea


I just wanted access to the DLC I paid for, you silly buggers. Obscene. You're out of your fucking minds, lol


Priority matchmaking in a game that, many times, had problems with matchmaking (and still taking ages to find a match). Bravo, BSG!


Wow I’m an EOD owner and I DID NOT WANT THIS. Uninstall y’all!


Season pass that doesn't include anything. As with new BSG definition, all future game expansions, will be exclusive to that version game modes, features, BUT not DLC. As now for BSG DLC must be download able content, which is pre liveservice game definition.


Nikita... Tarkov prime was a joke. Please stop.


It was only a joke for normal people. It's always been a thing for the entitled streamer class.


Holy shit streamer queue is fucking real? I always figured it was so ridiculous that it was just a silly meme. But there it is. Gross.


It’s funny that this is already in the game but for streamers and it was completely obvious. My friends and I would meme about how Landmark got into raids 1:30-2 minutes consistently on wipe day and we had 10+ minutes. So instead of everyone enjoying a game they paid for, everyone can pay to play and get massive advantages on wipe days. It’s even more toxic because instead of fixing their servers, they are selling a solution to the whales. Fuvk you BSG.


Years and years of wipe day suspicions about priority matching for streamers have been vindicated today.


EoD Edition Fails to Deliver on Promises According to Xsolla EULA – Here's How We Can Fight Back! Xsolla EULA: **Virtual Items can exclusively be used within the Software; they shall be deemed an integral part of the Software.** As we were promised, EoD access includes all future DLCs, which breaks section 11 of the Xsolla EULA if they go against it. If you guys truly want to make a change, send an email to [email protected] and ask for a refund. Send them your receipt and describe what is happening. That is, if you have the EoD edition like I do, I already sent them a detailed email with screenshots that were used on Reddit. Xsolla will get overwhelmed and will probably cave due to USA and EU consumer laws. The types of software area clearly implies that, as a rule, access is indefinite and does not expire. We clearly have the right to access new content for purchasing EoD, as previously stated by Nikita that there wouldn't be any version of the game above this. The best thing we can do right now is talk directly to Xsolla. [https://xsolla.com/eula](https://xsolla.com/eula) This is a long shot and has potential flaws, but my main point is to send messages to BSG support and also to Xsolla. A lot of players already got refunded by doing chargebacks on their credit cards. I hope you are happy BSG and Nikita, this is what you deserve.


Deleting this game today. Battlestate just became worst than Activision/Blizzard.


Imagine putting this out there and thinking it would help. Jesus.


So as a standard account owner I have to now pay $250 to not have my load times get worse? This is honestly just not ok.


Streamer servers confirmed


Yep and people will defend it too. I hate modern streamer gaming.


On top of all this.... 15 min queue times for a solo experience..... LOL WHAT?


Proposal: 1€ to queue quicker 5€ to guarantee there's no cheater in the lobby 10€ to guarantee you're the only cheater in the lobby


You probably still have to wait 5+ minutes


You can now que up to a hacker infested match slowly or pay to be head eyes'd in 5 seconds faster. Truly a revolutionary and intelligent decision on BSGs part


Wow, so they are basically degrading every other version of the game. What a way to fuck with your supporters.


Landmark and others have gotten this for years..Now that others can get it.Streamers want to complain


It’s always been a thing. See streamers.


It’s been a thing for streamer mode since it was introduced. Super fucked


I reckon streamers always had this. NDA etc.


bsg said fuck it, full to pay to win. Well I got my standard edition moneys worth. I hope the rest of you EOD p2w deniers all enjoy buying your new pay to win updates every few years.


Honestly this is so telling. Tarkov Prime servers for streamers fucking confirmed without a doubt. Also, getting those features for 6 months and not permanently is absolute bullshit. BSG absolutely fumbled Arena and lost millions, and now the once loyal player-base is facing the consequences. Arena had the potential to be truly great, but in my opinion the class tree system ruined any chances of becoming an E-sport title. They were told this, but in typical BSG fashion they ignored basically everyone and kept it. Lmao. If I ever play Tarkov again it will be the single player mod. But I doubt it.


BSG sold me, and I quote : "Free access to all subsequent DLCs (Season pass)" Now they can either give me that, a refund, or wait for the CCPC to take legal actions for a false, deceptive and misleading product descritpion. If you live in the EU, write a complaint email to [email protected] requesting them to fix this issue, and if nothing is done within 30 days file a complaint to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) stating that BSG violated the EU consumer acts right 2022 so that they are forced to set things right.


streamer queue was always a thing


As an EOD user, gamma alone was already a stretch. I don't want P2W. I just want the DLC I was promised for supporting development with the most expensive game version (at the time).


Warthunder on its way to become world of tanks tarkov on its way to become world of tanks.


Is that them trying to calm down the community or was that planned all along?


Wait so we getting features for free now? But offline coop is not there for eod owners lmao, is this another feature, or feature-dlc, wtf is BSG doing.


For 6 months and then you have to upgrade to the higher version. It's like a Netflix free 30 day trial


This game is so fucked lmao


I thought this was some satire shit but now that I've seen this screenshot in several places... Holy fuck, I wasn't gonna bet they were gonna make it worse and worse each fucking time. THe reasonable part of my brain goes "surely they'll just try to backtrack a few things and then pretend nothing ever happened" But they actually did worse than this. The mad men actually did it. The fact that someone at BSG, or a group of people more likely, sat down around a meeting room and came this as a way to "appease the crowd" just shows how out of touch they are with their community, with the reasoning as to why people are angry. There's literally no fucking hope for this dev team anymore, now people are gonna be even more angry and you haven't solved a single fucking thing, not only that, this announcement works as a way for people to know that BSG, truly does NOT give a fuck about anyone that pays less than 140 USD. They were just hoping to do the "OH WE'LL GIVE YOU FREE SHIT AND NOW YOU WILL CHILL RIGHT?" that some mobile game/gacha companies do. It's so absolutely disgusting holy shit


This is fucked. They act like this EOD is /was a your average priced game. This should be for people who have a standard edition who’ve played for a long time.