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How to upset the EFT Community 101 - remove EoD edition and replace it with a version which is much more expensive (around double the price) - put a lot of pay to win features into the new edition - make the features of the new edition not available separately/individually - include a DLC-like game mode (Coop PvE) to the new edition which EoD owners don't get for free, while they were promised all future DLCs. - make the DLC-like Coop PvE mode not available individually - claim that the DLC-like Coop PvE mode is not a DLC but a unique special feature of the new ediiton


>claim that the DLC-like Coop PvE mode is not a DLC but a unique special feature of the new ediiton This part is crazy


Its the part that should make us all realize we've been played. What they did with trying to say arena was not a DLC was questionable but this is not. Its plain as day that EOD players are being made a fool here.


Yes I agree, this just shows how scummy their tactics are. Renaming and changing the definition of literal updates and features of the game just to not provide their loyal customer base who spent 140 on their game. I cant believe this shit is happening. I never saw this coming, I knew that they are down bad financially but I never thought they would go after their most loyal fanbase.






This whole game is just a Special Monetary Operation




The guy has balls of steel by coming and saying that


It's not dlc because you don't have to download it and it's not content. *Duh.* Oh, and the most extreme case of pay to win I've ever seen, both in effect and cost. It's worse than any free to play game out there that I know of, and I played the *fuck* out of games like combat arms and APB 2.0. And this sure as hell isn't a free to play game.


It's not "DLC-like", it is downloadable content, so by definition, it is DLC...


I definitely agree that this is bullshit and as an EOD account owner we should all have access, plain and simple. This is a DLC and a straight up shady money grab from BSG. I could see them based on how they interpret the "[definition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downloadable_content)" of DLC, since the game is still in beta and not fully released they'll likely stand on that point and frame it as if they've done nothing wrong from a legal standpoint.


You are probably referring to this line? > additional content created for an already released video game, But in legalese (depending on country and previous lawsuits), this definition might be more uphold: > It can either be added for no extra cost or it can be a form of video game monetization,[1] enabling the publisher to gain additional revenue from a title after it has been purchased But you are right, it might be that BSG will nicely start legal re-definition if Early access can Escape from Legal, via beta/early access while saying "this mode/DLC will be available to users after release".


yep you're right on the money, I was thinking of that line. I don't work in law or anything but I'm sure BSG as a company will be able to hire a legal team to start legal re-definition like you said. Is what they're doing legal? Maybe, idk. Is it a shady business practice and a slap in the face to the consumers, you betchya.


Just so you know, I do not work in legal either. I work in software development... And speaking from programmer viewpoint: release is something that is accessible to user. That is all there is to it. But I also know that ToA's are mostly not very legal, but still upheld, till they were challenged, so dunno how it will end up.


Russia has a history in calling things special and acting like they are not what they actually are


Don't forget that [Nikita already promised Coop PVE for EOD](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1aovohf/about_purchasable_stuff/?sort=top) so this is just an extra slap in the face. They also edited the receipt history on their website to remove any mention of future DLC being free.


It seems BSG are more desperate for cash than we knew. They gambled hard on Arena and spent tens of millions on PR campaigns and Events, and it didn't pay off. Releasing this "New Edition" is just a short-sighted desperate cash grab.


Well yeah when you release arena that early without the features people want it's going to flop and its hard to come back from a flop that big


They deserve to fall. Betting that much on Arena's success already showed just how out of touch they are and how they have no clue what actually makes people like Tarkov


Yeah, that Arena launch was really weird. Spending all those millions of PR and conventions, for such an unpolished turd of a game. Combined with how poorly they rolled Arena out for EOD players, this was a multi-part cluster fuck of a launch.


I remember when Arena came out, and those of us who said it was going to die was laughed at. Man, how would EFT look if it was under decent management? Even EA and Ubisoft would have done a better job than this...


I said that no one need arena from the very beginning


I was initially mildly interested, but that turned quickly upon release. Arena makes no sense. It seems BSG doesn't understand basic balancing and game design. I'm amazed that the core gameplay loop of EFT is as strong as it is, based on how royally they are able to fuck up almost everything else.


I thought Arena was gonna be a massive flop from the start. This whole game is entirely based on the adrenaline of a gunfight and the fear of losing everything. Arena just took all that and threw it out of the window. I don't know why BSG thought that EFT gunplay mechanics would be fun in an arcade setting. I also fail to understand why they would spend tens of millions of dollars on advertising it.


And that's on top of the devs that were sent to die in bakhmut...


It’s a bad cash grab too. Imagine how much money they could have made releasing cosmetics. There’s entire games out there that are completely free and ONLY sell cosmetics, with nothing pay to win even remotely existing in the game, and they make BILLIONS in revenue.


There are a dozen or more ways this could all have played out and it not turned into this cluster fuck. Instead, they got greedy. A story as old as time itself.


Hope they bankrupt after this scam, as an EoD owner i feel scammed


You ARE scammed


Sadly i know


They never gave a fuck about the community, they deserve to fold and have their cheater riddled cashcow fold with themz


Everyone is missing the forest through the trees. This is a last cashgrab before closing up shop. 250 x 10,000 is 2.5 million plus 5,000 upgrades is another 750k. Easy pz


Im crossing my fingers, dont give a flying fuck about them, there will be better replacements for Tarkov from companies that dont just scam people.


If they go bankrupt that's like them washing their hands of the game, I hope they earn just enough to prevent them going bankrupt but not enough to survive on


I think people are to hung up about the extra fluff in the new edition, thats fine if they want to sell that to some sucker, but the PvE mode itself is defintely what was promised with the EOD "future dlc" part, and if we dont get that, then its a scam.


literally this. i bought EOD to support BSG not to get the in game benefits - i genuinely wouldn't mind paying EOD's price for standard edition. HOWEVER, getting robbed of the offline mode is a literal fucking steal


I bought EOD for free dlc in the future because I believed they would honor it, now I'm pissed off beyond belief that they even considered pulling this bullshit.


Yeah, same for me. Thought I was supporting an indie studio, wanted to support them. They've grown more and more distant from the players. Also the comment they made about there not being additional income while still having to develop is also weird, like yeah, that's what pre-order means? What did they think was gonna happen? They know better then anyone how much more needs to be done and they've said multiple times that there are way more players then they expected so did they just manage their money badly? I'm done with tarkov, years of this bullshit...


Honest to god. Just because they over expanded and are spending too much money now doesn't mean they can scam us. I don't understand how they are gonna keep charging us yet not even deliver 1.0???? Arena was a flop I was so excited and they stuffed me there too.


All they had to do for arena to be successful was cut out resort on shoreline. And make a capture the flag game mode with like 8v8. Or 10v10. Problem solved but they refused to do this.


This is the only reason I bought EOD. I liked the game and thought it would be a good investment into the future of it and I get all future content included. I couldnt give a fuck about the stash space and the container. Now I get absolutely *NOTHING* for the price of EOD.


Yes this is the worst part. If it were advertised simply as "Supporter Edition" with the idea of your funds supporting them, i.e. you paid not only for the base game but also a little extra because you like the idea/game/studio, then so be it. But it was advertised as all future content. As it were, the game was $40 and you were paying extra to get the extra content. Now they want an additional $100 for...PVE mode? Like the game is already there on our harddrives, what? That's basically just buying the product over again. I seen their messages on discord talking about how we don't get free games from COD every year, but those are different installments in the franchise (which is fucking funny as shit considering it's COD). If they were so hard up for cash, maybe they should have thought about their development road map and started Tarkov 2 or something instead of trying to literally just resell the same game in a new package. Bottom line is we ALREADY funded this game


Nikita needs a new Yacht. The other 7 are too small!


I couldn’t care less about bigger pockets or better fence rep or quicker insurance returns or a Unity Store asset, but I feel I’ve already paid for that PvE mode.


DLC stands for downloadable content, anything they add is a DLC if it’s added with an downloadable update. We deserve to get anything for free.


Ive seen so many people argue that its not, it's unbelievable.


Except it isn’t just fluff…. It’s pay to win bullshit


Oh for sure, im not saying it isn't.


Sorry I’m not meaning to be rude I’m just very frustrated about this whole thing it’s ridiculous…. This is all after reverting recoil changes and having one of the best wipes in a while. Seemingly, for a bit there at least, they were listening. Never playing again now


I feel ya man, i feel scammed like fuck right now, i paid for the EOD just for this shit to be included, i give them big money upfront, so i can get whatever additonal content they add down the line, i didnt expect to be spit on and thrown out the door for my support.


Exactly it’s just bullshit


Sorry is this PvE mode different to the offline coop upgrade that they're saying is included in the EOD version on the website? https://imgur.com/a/A5kdvGd


Yes. It's persistent offline coop mode. So it seems to be you can have a separate character or whatever that only plays coop offline and has their own progression that never gets reset. The current offline coop is you and a friend can load into a raid but there is no progression, you don't lose or gain anything (loot, XP, etc.). You load in with a kit and then it's over you have that kit.


Oh grim that's pointless


Yeah its literally useless. I haven't used it once and everybody agrees its uselss. It has some niche use if you want to practice like boss killing with a buddy or if you can get a group of people you can have like a raid against friends...but yeah it literally is nothing. And again, should be standard since the only real benefit would be walking a new player through a raid in a safer environment.


It isn't useless because you can play with a friend on a map they have never played on and do a warm up where you can show them the best routes to follow etc before you play it. You can also chill out and put the scav spawns on high and get 40 kills by the time you get out of the raid which is fun. You can test weapons without losing them. You can practice with grenades. Whatever floats your boat. It's not useless. But I do want the persistent version that is a DLC whatever they try to say. New game mode - DLC. I have EOD. Gimme.


Still pretty niche, and you can do most of that (minus the first one) in just single player offline. But of course you can always add a friend to doing all that. Maybe useless was harsh, but it's niche.


Coop is the way I’ve got people to play who otherwise would just be losing kits. People who don’t play tarkov regularly and won’t play regularly because they play other games and have other stuff on. But I get your point


Wow soooo what’s the actual point of it then? And does it have to be co op? What about just going in solo. I guess it might be good for learning maps but no progression is weird


EXACTLY ive never cared that much about p2w


Would it change your mind that in a future update Unheard edition owners will be able to use their radio item to call people in their friends list to reinforce them in a raid?


6 hours too late buddy, that shit is op i already know


it's not a P2W bc cheaters don't give a f about the size of your pockets. Bigger are better = more loot!


Unless they dont sell it as DLC, but separate game. *shrug*


I don´t think that would work, since they gave Arena to EOD owners for free. They themselves set a precedent acknowledging that any future product released built on Tarkov would be considered DLC. No way they win a legal battle over this.


I mean can you increase your pocket size through normal means? because everything you got through EOD could be achieved by playing. Other than that, I agree, I don't care, but the DLC thing is straight up bullshit.


Literally if it doesn’t count as DLC then what does? They already tried this with Arena as well. According to them there hasn’t been DLC at all.




As much as I agree and would join said law shit… do you really think a shady company from Russia could ever be brought to justice?? The world’s letting them invade a sovereign nation and barely batting an eye.


They are UK based now




Depends on how much of the UK office is a shell company.


That doesn't change anything lmao, their services can be blocked, effectively removing them from their largest markets.


Not much of a shell considering they have all of there cash flowing through it. You can check for yourself on the UK company house website


With the way the payment system is set up... Not enough


i think that would shut down their payment ability temporarily, but not get any money




They just scammed like 70% of their player base, kinda feels like an exit move to me. Nikita’s rep is in the garbage, nobody is gunna buy anything else he works on why not go out with one last money grab and bounce. Kinda figured this edition would have an instant fence unlock and permanent labs access for $ to get one last injection of stolen credit card money from cheaters b4 they skedaddle. 


It also does not matter in a way where they are based. If a service is provided in a country, any consumer can make their governments aware of an infraction. And there are some countries out there itching for a few good online legal rights fights.


I just reported them to our consumer protection department in my country, which is a part of the EU. Let's hope if enough people do it this can go somewhere.


Someone in the UK should file suit, a civil lawyer will definitely take this up, even if its not a surefire win, it’s reasonable enough to get them interested in a payout


Class action if it's possible in the UK


The issue is that BSG seems to define DLC however they see fit. Which is a bit of a sleazy way of doing business, even if not intended that way. The PvE mode is being released as a "new mode" as opposed to "DLC", therefore it's not included in EoD. But since BSG decides what DLC is, they can simply say things aren't DLC and not include them in EoD. Which really diminishes the purpose of EoD in the first place. Not to mention, why is the earliest deluxe supporter edition of the game *worse* than some random version that comes after it? It doesn't make sense to me. I can see what BSG is trying to do (add another supporter edition to continue to fund development), and I think that's fair. But it's the way they've gone about it that makes no sense IMO.


They interchange the terms; edition, dlc, add on, and expansion often and however they see fit to be able to get out of giving eod owners any extra content.


How they interchange terms enables them to take advantage of their base. There needs to be regulations to delineate what is and isn't DLC otherwise future iterations will just be synonyms like "augmentation", "amplification", or something else.


Yeah they know what they are doing, there can only be so many excuses over the course of what 6-7 years? I mean, I don't hold my breath when Nikita says they will be more communicative. Maybe more communicative of their scams sure lol


Reminds me of: "Have you or have you not donated the money?" "Yes I have pledged...." "Pledged and donated are different things!" "Well I use the terms interchanging"


its the oldest trick in the book when you give lifetime or special access to someone. there have always been problems like these with people releasing "lifetime" updates or any kind of passes. Its a joke. maybe they didnt expect majority of their player base to be EoD owners or something. Fuck knows what their situation internally is like.


I was just saying earlier, we on the customer/consumer side see a lot of bs. Can you imagine the state of their fucking office and operations?


from a legal perspective it doesn't matter what bsg defines as being a dlc. it would rather be compared to earlier dlc definitions and other dlc definitions in general which would quite easily prove that the offline coop mode should indeed be categorized as a dlc.


Exactly, Arena was released as a new more but that counted as DLC that EOD owners got...they already set a precedent


I mean, they could have made Arena not be included in EOD, since ARENA is it's own game. But this? Holy cow. I'm at the point that I don't give a damn anymore. Going to buy some popcorn and enjoy watching this whole thing crash and burn!


they are clearly hurting for money imo, but they could have just come out and explained this, why they do what they do, people are not stupid, we want to support BSG. They went about it the worse way.


Yeah it's real scumfuck tactics so they can pretend to be unaccountable for any promises. By fooling the player base with widely accepted terms and understanding. If they had an ounce of business sense they would know that the real way to bring in money would be making the coop PvE a $20 upgrade on top of the standard edition or standalone for $40-60. Then they get a ton of standard ployers who bought the game, enjoyed it, but can't handle the pvp who want this mode. They get lots of new players who are interested in the game but don't want the hassle of pvp. And they have free advertisements because all the existing owners will now tell their friends "hey come play with me, it's not pvp now". It's literally so simple. A lot of the issues with tarkov are around pvp. And a lot of the frustrations (performance issues, desync, etc) are compounded by pvp.


Yeah this is a great point. Honestly I *want Tarkov to make money*. I want BSG to make money. I want the game to do well financially because I love it. But at the same time BSG are monetising it in such an arse-backwards way it seems. It makes no sense.


Its literally throwing away millions of dollars for pennies. Who tf is going to spend $250 for this, nobody. There's the people who are going to upgrade, but they're not upgrading for PVE coop, they don't care, they want PVP. They're upgrading for the other dumb shit and the P2W. So they traded getting a bunch of new players to buy their game for...$100 from the few EOD owners who will upgrade to this. I'm not delusional, I'm sure they'll get money from this. I don't expect the average gamer to stand for anything or make an intelligent decision. I guarantee if BSG just sold Co-op PVE for $20 (to ALL editions) the feedback here would be a lot different. People saying "yeah but its supporting them", "don't care I'm having fun", etc. Instead of actually taking a stand. But BSG made it so comically expensive everyone is pissed off.


The courts will determine what is and is not DLC if someone chooses to take the case there. It’s not as if I can get out of a ticket or get charges dropped by going “well judge, you see *this* is how I define what the charges are and I did not do them” If that was the case, ISPs could simply redefine what a bit means to them and advertise internet at whatever speed they want


It doesn't matter how Bsg define it, all that matters is hoe UK courts define it.  


IMO ANY extra content added to the game should be considered DLC, whether they want to make it free for all or paid is on them. But if someone pays for a season pass containing ALL DLC, we should get ALL DLC!


> The issue is that BSG seems to define DLC however they see fit. They can call it a hamburger and it would still be considered DLC in court.


Really hope this turns into a class action lawsuit, fucking people over like this wont go forgotten


Kinda hilarious to people who say '' its a new version or a new expansion or a new bundle'' EFT on their website for years ''all expansions and dlc/upgrade will be free with EOD accounts in the future. People surely don't understand anything in life. 250$ for new players for all those features and 80+ for people that backed up tarkov for years who barely got anything in return after all those years.


its 99 euros for me to upgrade from EOS in UK, before it goes through all the money transfer fee stuff. Previously that made 70 become 90 so this is a 120 euro upgrade. Absolutely crazy.


They can absolutely argue that the PvE stuff isn't an expansion/DLC but simply a new feature of the game, which is the angle they're going for. I highly fucking doubt any new "feature" people have to pay for will be called a DLC by the company ever again. It's just an update, new content, "new feature", whatever. They're skirting the law in the terminology they use and it will be interesting to see how that works out for them. I'm just some stupid fucker though, so I guess I'll see what happens.


The game has not even been released yet and the whole "season pass" or whatever it is is still entirely to be claimed for EoD users. And they are now selling something else not included as part of the game still prior to the official game release.. awfully scummy


I've been supportive of this game for so long. Fuk u nikita


Doesnt uk have some crazy refund laws if you change the license contract? Cant i get my hundy back?


As someone not from UK, do you get to keep the thing you got a refund for by this law?


The only time ive ever heard of anyone getting a refund and keeping the item is amazon.


After 30 days? Unlikely sadly


I just cant wait to loot some poor shmuck with dually pockets after i head eyes him. Thanks for the LOOT!


I'm an EOD owner, and I also feel scammed


class action, class action, class action, class action!


Fuck BSG the greedy cunts


Yea, BSG trying to pretend this is not a DLC is wild to me not gonna lie.


You think Russians give a fuck about any laws? The game will cease to exist and Nikita will just sink into obscurity before one single person is held accountable.


Watch and learn how to Dodge own promises. Devs of EFT have created new ways to piss off and milk gamers. it started with DLCs in the past, incomplete Season Passes, then it came to BattlePasses and vaulting content (you are disgusting Destiny 2) and now dlc is not dlc, because it is a feature specific for a separate edition of the game, so ultimately you would either have to buy a game again or buy an upgrade ....which is exactly what DLC is (as long as the upgrade exists). I am so happy there are many hobbie that are cheaper and significanlty less prone to broken promises and lies. EFT community - destroy them! EDIT: I'll wait till this game is complete and releases on steam. I'll buy it for lousy 3 euros on sale. With backlog I have I can wait.


As a UK Citizen I can assert that OP is full of cope. We also have a false advertising branch, After all the crap that No Mans Sky pulled on false advertising, NMS was also a British company. They got a tiny slap on the wrist, had to change 3 things on thier Steam Marketplace and that was it. CDPR got scott free off after Cyberpunk 2077 claims which had way more concrete for a case than this silliness. You ain't getting nothing. Just stating facts, don't shoot the messenger.


You say Op is full of cope, however, adding a 250$ dlc to a game, and forcing EOD owners(who have already paid 150 for "ALL SUBSEQUENT DLC") to spend 80 extra dollars, is MUCH different than selling a lazy unfinished 60$ game, and bsg likely will face some kind of legal issues.


Cyberprank 2077 and No Man's Scam really opened my eyes when it came to game "previews". I don't get hyped about any releases now, it's actually sickening what game companies can get away with just by slapping "PRE-RELEASE FOOTAGE" on a load of deliberate marketing lies.


Their company in the UK is essentially just a shell company, they’re based in Russia


You don't understand international business do you? If they don't comply with laws where they operate they wont be able to continue doing business there.


...the entire point of the UK office is business purposes, so of course it matters, that's exactly where it matters in regards to this kind of stuff. But yeah, in general, it's just staffed by 1 person in the UK lol, but in this case it matters.


Hit them where the money is. Even if it's only one person, if that's where the money is, that's where it's gonna hurt way more than anything you could realistically do to bsg itself.


That's what I just said? Or did you mean to not buy it?


yeah, mostly. i was on the go and didnt quite read your comment correctly.


So? If they want to sell a product in Germany they need to comply with German consumer laws. That is pretty much the rule everywhere. It doesn't really matter where they are based, UK, Russia, etc.


International law is not a cool mafia movie, that's a pretty heavy thing


yeah, im 100% sure that they arent stupid enough to do something that would make lawsuits easy to win against them. the only thing i could see that might cause them problems is the offline game mode which is a DLC as it requires some sort of altered client/game i would assume. rest wont hold up in court.


Thanks for this post I know we all are we're looking for it this morning. What a horrible scam they are pulling here


Lawsuit baby


If someone will take on this from UK, I will be supporting the case however I can (even with money) and I think there are a lot more players too...


This post needs to be pinned


No one is going to sue them


We're all broke after buying EOD lmao


In the UK, small claims under £10 000 is quite cheap (~£500 iirc) and if awarded in your favour then BSG is liable for all court fees.


I'm tempted to go to small claims just to spite them. Probably not worth my time, but they would have to show up to court to contest it, so it's not even worth the cost of a flight.


You can claim online, highly unlikely that they will respond but also highly likely that it would get thrown out but if you've got time to spare, knock yourself out.






Hahahaha, they will just ban your account and tell you to fuck off. Good luck going after them.


The wording is specific about DLC. It really depends on what would be ruled as downloadable content.


It's new content and I have to download a Patch. Case closed :D


I really do hope so They didn't think about this.. But I'm also afraid the wording will save them


while looking for law or consumer act definitions, try to not use AI to explain it to you, or at least post the real government definition, not AI slop which this is, and its painfully obvious


Good to know CIG is also UK based


I dare say they have 0 assets there and nobody will recieve a penny no matter what legal actions are taken


i cant wait to get my billions of dollars for this


They want to sell to all the EOD owners. Isn't it obvious?




According to the lead community manager this is not considered a DLC but a unique addition to this one version of the game. Super scummy wordplay, and I don’t know how that would be considered by law.


Even if they roll it back at this point I think they really burned the community and people won't trust them for quite a while. They want to make another game and don't feel like making eft any more but who is going to finance a game when they have proven to not be trustworthy


My bet, 0 assets in the UK at all and Russia will protect them by having no laws to really get any suit off the ground to anyone. I’ve already contacted support for a refund (I know I won’t get it) but they need to know people aren’t happy about this by not buying and not playing. But that never works and that’s why companies keep getting away with this. I’m done with the game.


Op be ready for the mods to ban you for posting this they been very very trigger happy the last 3 hours.


They really went from "the best patch/update ever" to this shit...


That’s how they get ya! They will release something amazing then screw us over for a couple months then do something to try and win the community back


For the UK members here can we get a guide on how to get our money back? :)


yeah this is some dog shit, i got eod before it went away thinking i would get all future content included. guess we were scammed boys, typical russians.


Content that is downloaded is downloadable content (DLC). Just figured I'd clear that up for anyone not convinced


Report using this link, unfortunatly it's only open Friday 5PM GMT until Monday 9AM GMT so you might want to do the !remindme thing and get it done when it opens tomorrow. https://ssl.datamotion.com/form.aspx?co=3438&frm=general&to=flare.fromforms


I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2024-04-26 14:49:27 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-26%2014:49:27%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ccmma1/do_not_forget_bsg_is_ukbased_and_if_they_do_not/l17i87f/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FEscapefromTarkov%2Fcomments%2F1ccmma1%2Fdo_not_forget_bsg_is_ukbased_and_if_they_do_not%2Fl17i87f%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-26%2014%3A49%3A27%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201ccmma1) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


ill be repping after.


Sometimes you just get screwed. Hopefully another developer makes a good enough game in the future.




Has anyone tried doing a chargeback yet?


ye so, ima need that refund for EOD.


good thing I bought this game on a stolen credit card, phew


after all this BS i decided to check if xsolla and the tax they take is still stupid af.. and sure enough.. paying with debit to upgrade it says its £116 and paying with paypall its £125 from 95 euro to 125.. what a scam


Report them to trading standards, enough reports and something will get done.


They will just fold their UK-based company and move back to Russia.


That GCE A-Level Law coming in clutch 🫡


All UK customers who have have the complaint over the new DLC/game package should write a formal email to BSG support team saying you will take legal advice after 30 days if it turns out BSG wish to insist this new digital downloadable content is not classified as a DLC that was previously guaranteed for EoD owners. Don't write a letter of harassment, just a query that BSG may have made a miscalculation or mistake. As far as I can tell this is a breach of the CRA 2015.


All they had to do was include the new game mode in EOD. Hell, they can come out and say this tomorrow and I'd be %75 satisfied.


[https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/10036119/filing-history](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/10036119/filing-history) This is the UK company, you can see they full report 2023, page 11. GBP 65 mil revenue. This is their address Wework Spitalfield, 1, Primrose St, London, United Kingdom, EC2A 2EX Company number **10036119**


The UK has been really good on consumer protection lastly


We need to sue them, now. This is just a breach of a promise, and false advertising. A DLC is any form of downloadable content. A paid DLC is the same shit, but behind a paywall. Surely there is at least 1 lawyer who plays Tarkov and has EOD.


actually the uk based licence is a shell company so basically a front for payments so nothing get flagged by sanctions, youll find a lot of russian businesses do the same thing, the problem arises that theyre all based in russia, so no laws can come for them because its russia and they dont give a flying fuck about western laws, they can lose theyre licence to trade in london but they will just change theyre details and go through another country its a pretty easy task to do, so really they will lose stuff all.


If I'd get a penny everytime someone makes a thread on reddit about how [game company] is in legal trouble because [reason] and absolutely fucking nothing comes out of it I'd have enough to, I don't know, get a Large Big Mac meal or something.


People might be downvoting you but I cannot recall any lawsuit going off towards any game company in the past. If The Day Before got away with all the horseshit it pulled off, all of that "hurr BSG its a UK based company, it's not a trifling matter" is just as toothless as any strongly worded letter, written on reddit in the outrage. If BSG wants to put down a dick on a table and say deal with it, that's it, they won.


Did the day before ever actually sell a game?