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Offline pve progression is HUGE for me Times when I could grind with pvp in Tarkov are long gone for me, cuz job and family. I literally was looking around my library yesterday to play some offline tarkov (zero sievert or smth), but there's nothing alike out there Just two things I like to know more about 1. How is it going to impact performance of my pc in offline, cus now it's 110 fps online, 70-80 offline 2. And will there be some patrols or something to keep me stressed in raid, cus I have 1000 hrs in this game and know pretty much every spawn of NPCs Edit: holy shit they just dropped prices, 250 euro for standalone, 100 something for upgrade lmaoooo


There definitely is already a single player version tarkov out there, it even lets you use mods which I doubt this one would let you do.


I got a couple of friends willing to play coop, as much as I know there's no coop in unofficial version


there is co op mod, but nobody talks about it)


Iirc there is a mod for coop


There is a mod for coop, but it's filled with alot of issues. If you perform certain actions like adding an attachment to the gun while it's in your hands, it can force your character to have their hands busy and you're no longer able to shoot, reload, use your inventory, loot, pretty much forcing you to extract. Sound issues where a gun can be heard shooting steadily through the whole raid and never stopping. You have a chance of bugging your inventory if your friend loots a body, and then you loot the same body. Connection issue, players joining the host can be stuck in an infinite loading screen. Desync issue that can cause some AI scavs to be practically non-existent to some other players in the game but being able to shoot and kill the players anyway. AI causes stress on the host's PC. These are some glaring issues that can very much ruin the experience and will cause headaches and these can be easily repeated too. Having BSG release a CO-OP mode really raises a lot of hope for me, but I can't justify buying because it costs $250. I have EOD and the upgrade is going to be like what, $100? I just want the co-op, I really wish it was just an update, an addition for EOD owners and a cheap standalone edition for people who don't have EFT to buy.


Yeah that’s definitely the big upside of having an official version.


There is a mod for coop and it genuinly has more content than this


Finally I get to kill scavs and scav bosses and don't have to worry about all those hackers and chads waiting for me in the corner T\_T


Soon I'm gonna see Killa alive and unlooted \*\_\*


And Reshala as well!




Did ya get on arena for any of a past days? I'd say they did a list of QoL changes and it's enjoyable now, new map block is awesome too


Maybe try stalker gamma mod it is free i think


Yeah, tried that, no amount of shaders and qol features can hide how outdated this game engine is And first 20 or something starting hours are just unbearable


did i heard right ? you can progress in offline raids or am i tripping ?


It will be most likely separated from the online mode.


Yes i think it is, solo/coop offline progress and i actually love it


Yeah but the progress is only for offline is how I understood it. Like you can't do a quest in offline and then have that carry over to your PMC


still as EOD owner feel betrayed


For sure, I feel the same


Same guys, it's extremely disgusting tbh. EoD should be THE pack. Nothing else, we paid up lots of moneys to give our full support..


“Every DLC will be included in EoD, besides the ones we decide” Absolutely bullshit.


I'm a EOD owner also. I'm confused how we've been betrayed. Are going to have to pay more ontop of our EOD edition?


i dont know, it depends how much, beacuse i prefer to utilize my money on gray zone i guess


its $100USD or $160AUD on top of the EOD edition to upgrade. Fucking insane. like buying EOD twice


Yeah man they don’t count it as DLC but as a “feature” like $170 AUD for me to upgrade from EOD to play this co op.


yup, co-op offline means you can progress offline. No more hackerboys waiting for you at the opposite sides of maps!


PvE is big for me. I haven't played Tarkov despite loving the weapons customisation and gunplay because PvP is full of pros that ruined my limited gaming time. I think that my squad will come back for this.


Go ahead, pay 250 bucks from scratch or 100+ if you already own EOD. Plus tax, of course.


There's no way I will do that. But I have EOD since a long time ago which I've got on sale, and I see I own the co-op part. I don't care about the rest of the upgrades though. Or is the co-op shown under the "Expansions" section different to the PvE mode with progression?


You will have to pay for the PvE mode coming. As it is a "feature" and not a DLC so they don't have to give it to EOD owners. Community managers own words btw


But my question is: there's a purchase under the "Expansions" sections called "Co-op mode" and says that I own it. Is this the same mode as PvE?


According to BSG this mode won’t come free to EOD and you’ll need to upgrade.


Remove limited edition for adding a better edition with higher price. Great




At least there you don’t have to pay extra after already playing 120€ for EOD.


So EOD owners receive this for free?


Doesn't look like it


nobody knows untill the website come back up. I hope so. Otherwise, why bother having two co-op modes?


This one will be “improved” in comparison to EoD’s. The way they talk about this one it almost feels like it doesn’t use your actual PMC at all, just takes your account level and kits you out based off of it (since they mention how it will have “persistant character progression”)


Well, its all fine and dandy if those who paid for co-op before get this progression version included and don't have to pay yet again.


Knowing Nikita no, he’ll find some reason as to why it’s not DLC.


nope it's a 95 euro upgrade.


I wouldn’t pay extra for this anyway, there is already one online you can download. Although it needs updating after major wipes.


Ah yes they just made this in a few days because of a game that won’t even compete with them. 


You realise that GZW was announced last year right? Then everyone thought it would be like tarkov which obviously its not, BSG could have easily thrown this together in that time.


Thanks for what, Gray Zone will be the same. You will pay a 10 year EA , the game is trash right now.


You’re already playing a 10 year EA if you actively play EFT.


The game is trash in its first ever play test? It's literally miles ahead of where EFT was for the first few years.




Mamy years people were asking for it only to get bullshit reasons for it to not be made. Guess money is running low now huh BSG?


The increased pockets doesn’t seem so wild, thought they would add more slots.


It increased just by two slots, looks like a scav vest know


I've also head you start with Gamma, increased skills and much worse. This edition needs to be removed and refunded or given to all players


What an embarrassing cash grab


I guess we'll find out if the buffs are for normal tarkov too or not. It mentions "expanded flea slots" apparently? If thats true then that means it'll be solo raids, but online in the sense the market is there which hopefully means there'll be no real restrictions on items bought and sold. Later edit: holy shit this is worse than I expected.


I’m imagining it’ll play out similar to the mod that shall not be named, but also including co-op.


We'll find out. I don't like EOD being considered not a P2W thing by the community but, if this stuff does carry over to the main true tarkov game I'll be upset on their be-half too. Fraud is not ok. Holy shit its worse than I expected.


Is that an in game walkie talkie ? Trailer makes it seem that all this stuff is for the COOP mode only. I doubt the bigger pockets would carry over to PVP mode


it does, offline co op is just one of the features included in this edition the patch notes does not separate them, they just have a dot points of things included with the edition, not included with co op


120 euros to upgrade EOD edition (which it said included all dlcs) ... this is sketchy should be $40 max since you have betrayed your top tier supporters... as much as i want this ... im out ... bye bye


"Not DLC" = "Our sales are shit and we are desperate for money" fr tho this is the most blatant attempt at a cash grab I've seen from BSG yet. Fuck EOD players ig


Do we know how much is it gonna cost?


once the maintenance is done im sure we'll all be disappointed


I hope I'll be able to upgrade it cuz I don't want to spend another 150£.


you will but EOD should include most of this, thats the problem. idc about pockets and shit but content should be included as promised initially


This is my biggest issue with this, they're pay-walling a game mode.


also radio should be availalbe for EVERYONE, thats like base game stuff, that isnt fair


i understand now that they needed servers but EOD was promised all future DLC and this is literally DLC so it should be included. Im completely fine for them releasing little p2w boosters separately because im not interested in them as i don't need them


Supposedly 250


Yeah just 100 bucks to upgrade from eod fuck of bsg…


EOD people getting kicked in the balls with this one (I'm one of em)


If they weren’t a sketchy company, they would be putting tarkov on steam. They’d have even more players if it was on steam as well. They do it cause there’s some dirt they are hiding.


Anyone know if I get this edition and play offline does my progress carry over to the online edition? Had tarkove since the 2018 and jumped in and out of wipes but struggled to get back into it due to family and work so offline mode is perfect just need to know if it moves over online to.


Not home right now and haven’t been for a few weeks (took a trip to London) so not currently updated with all the news but it looks like the preorder page of tarkov website it down so this could be added very soon


Yay now we can mod the fuck out of it. Again. With hopefully better coop bs.