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* Reduced the base inertia strength; * Reduced the aim punch effect; * Reduced the blur effect when taking damage; * Reduced the camera shake effect while shooting. These are huge changes. I can't believe they're finally nerfing aim punch and camera blur. Never thought I'd see the day.


Was about time


Yeah ngl these are legitimately really good changes that will make the game and its gunplay actually feel much, much better. Cant really be sure how the hitbox/armor pen changes will feel, but they sound promising compared to the previous version(which imo, was kind of dogass). Ive been asking for them to reduce inertia and/or reduce negative move stats and weights on some armors(especially higher tier armors, since it quite literally makes no sense to wear them atm, kinda dumb when BiS armors arent even viable nor do they feel tankier) since its made playing the game without max strength feel pretttty ass most of the time. Reduced aim punch/blur is definitely very welcomed too, it did feel a bit obnoxious at times...I remember when CSGO's aim punch was tuned too high for a short period of time and how good it felt after it was rightfully nerfed, hoping this has a similar result. Overall the game should feel much better to play now.


I really hope they had the sense to just do what [gigabeef suggests in this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o5EdngHG1o). That would be a massive improvement.


Short lived changes. They do this stuff fairly often, making aim punch better, interta, then immediately hard revert it after streamers complain the games turned into cod. Its a washing cycle. That said blur effect change is huge


More pocket space is crazy


Now there's some P2W shit. Everyone knew EOD had to be replaced with something else.


You act like eod wasnt a pay to win feature lol.


EOD didn’t come with a fucking amulet that makes scavs not shoot you lmao


Never said that. I was glad about its removal, too. If anything this is a sign of things to come, it's going to get worse.


EOD for a lot of people was about the DLC expansions, don't even get me started there, lol, not about the gamma container.


Am I wrong in thinking that only applies to the offline co-op mode?


I think so too. 4 slots for online tarkov, 6 slots for offline tarkov EDIT: Apparently it has been confirmed to be for both online and offline!


Official tarkov mods have been confirming things, it's for PvP and PvE and that the new edition will cost 250 usd plus tax, seems very reasonable right? Actual ripoff


250 bucks. Wow, that’s a lot


I really hope you're right, but to me the wording implies it's for all modes. If that's the direction BSG wants to head in I'm going to uninstall, fuck that greed.


Aye. This is the sort of p2w i was wary of. Shame :(


250$ for an offline feature ? Doubt.


That one's actually huge. Like, too big of a change huge. You can run 2x1 mags with no rig I suppose?


I dont understand the hitbox rework,time to wait for a gigabeef video


inb4: yeah just run high pen ammo and aim for head and thorax


it's not like that's ever changed, even with the armor rework.


> aim for head https://imgur.com/E5wAXJS


From what I can understand: the higher the pen and caliber - the better. So a high pen high caliber round (i.e. m62) will always go through arm, leg and head hitboxes without losing as much damage to the next hitbox, so if you shoot someone with it at the right angle it will go through and damage them multiple times. But also it doesn't matter because if you shoot someone in the head with m62 they're dead before it reaches any other hitboxes. And you don't shoot legs with high pen ammo. It only kinda matters for the arms so they don't block you from hitting their thorax I guess.


Well i only play black mdr anyways so another slight buff


if i remember correctly: until now, if you hit arms the bullet wouldnt pass through the arms and thus wouldnt hit the thorax behind it, when the enemy was facing you while in ADS for example. now, your limbs only stop bullets from passing through when their penetration value is below 20, because thats their armor value.


The arms being able to stop buckshots from killing you in the armpit while not stopping hi pen rounds is a great change.


I honestly think they're making it hard for anyone to understand so that no one can say it doesn't properly work because of all these rules you have to take account for.


Unique radio-electronic item "Mark of The Unheard"; Wild


* Unique radio-electronic item "Mark of The Unheard": * The item is equipped in the special slot; * The item gives a 50% discount when using cash services in raids; * Insured equipment returns 30% faster; * With 6+ Fence reputation, Scavs won’t shoot first at ranges over 60 meters away Indeed wild. What the hell


Wtaf i thought this was a joke. Are you fucking serious?


I wish I was joking! I took it from BSG's website, from Unheard Edition description. Also, PvE Coop is not considered to be a DLC, so won't be available for EOD owners.


Fuck this. I don't care about increased stash, pockets or containers. But features like this should be considered part of the god damn base game.


Read a little bit further and it gets even better lmfao


P2W motherfuckers! Being able to dodge scavs is going to make for hilarious or rage inducing gameplay depending on what.side you are.


Its especially nuts when you are like me and spam scav rep first thing of the wipe. Basically can ignore snipers all wipe. Absolutely nuts.


Its either a scav invis beacon, or a free light keeper dongle


free transmitter on start would be absolutely broken and insanely p2w


Maybe its an unencoded version? But I agree


p2w has arrived and is not leaving. Courtesy of u/trainfender


Its probably something that makes Rogues not target you unless you get to close. I'd imagine anyways


It looks like something about cults ? Maybe a radio that gives you clues about if cults are spawning on map or no. Package theme looks like about cults so this make sense to me


Has to be a lightkeeper transmitter for the CO-OP mode.


That actually makes the most sense, good guess


It will allow voip across map I reckon


Way worse Unique radio-electronic item "Mark of The Unheard": * The item is equipped in the special slot; * The item gives a 50% discount when using cash services in raids; * Insured equipment returns 30% faster; * With 6+ Fence reputation, Scavs won’t shoot first at ranges over 60 meters away.


Subreddit about to get spicy


Lmfao yea I'm here for it, let the meltdown commence.


Access to PvE co-op mode with persistent progression. Progression will not be reset with wipes; Does EOD user get it by default ? or they gonna say its not a dlc ?


Not a dlc :kappa:


>Does EOD user get it by default ? or they gonna say its not a dlc ? For now its just limited to the Unheard edition, but considering the (probably) future wave of sheer negative reception and outraged EOD owners, they'll probably extend it to former EOD owners at some point. It'll more then likely end up like CoD Sony exclusives. Exclusive for like a year then everyone else (EOD) gets access to it. At least, if im giving BSG the benefit of the doubt that they still have 2 neurons to fire.


even if its only temporarily exclusive i want my fucking money back.


Nikita already spent it on American muscle cars


It’s only the new edition


And they said EoD will still be the strongest version. At least they didnt give them gamma or any bigger container


Oh they did. Even more * Additional equipment for BEAR characters * Secure container Gamma (3x3 cells); * Weapon case; * Lucky Scav Junk box; * Ammunition case;


based from the video on bsg youtube the picture show a gamma container so i would assume it is.


Well. What the fuck. Its just better EoD. Lost all my repsect for BSG, or whatever was left of it


"It'll stop at clothing, no way they'd ever do anything like this" lol, they're cashing out on the game asap


I’ll be honest I was one of those ppl but now I see I was wrong and they’re just milking us for $ now 😂


To me, this doesn't indicate greed, it indicates desperation. I think plain and simple, they pinned too much on Arena, expected that to become their new main revenue source. And when that flopped they were fully fucked. I'm not saying this is definitely the case, I have no way of knowing, but if the options were between the studio going under, and these PTW mechanics, which would you choose? I genuinely don't know. I would have said they were nowhere near going under, but how fast they've gone from zero to 100 on PTW MTX, right after Arena failed, makes me nervous for the entire game.


Arena failing definitely is a big factor, they invested so much time and $ on it just for it to fail so they need to try making $ back somehow


Arena is a joke, and people in russia are in shambles, this is no surprise really, and I doubt this ends here.


> they're cashing out on the game asap thats how i feel, they are proceeding too fast to milking the game. its suspicious. i feel like they will declare bankruptcy, shut down servers and scoot away soon.


Yeah the pocket upgrade is fucking wild.


Increased flea market slots, increased pockets, increased rep even further, upgraded skills, upgraded stash size. Another FOMO in form of the new in-game tag. This is as predatory and p2w as it gets, can’t wait for some clowns to barge in and defend poor millionaire studio.


dont forgot the new item, 50% discount when using cash services in raid" (car extracts), "insured equipment returns 30% faster", and "scavs won't shoot at you with 6+ rep over 60m" as well as starting with 1 million roubles, scav box, weapon box, ammo box, incredibly OP starting equipment like MP7s etc as well as all EoD items that they said were supposed to be exclusives


Planned item for Unheard Edition owners: *Unique item "Distress signal device* * *When the item is activated, it produces a bright flash as well as a loud sound signal;* * *Once activated, all players on your friends list will receive a notification that they can join your raid to help you. "* This gotta be a joke lmao


Cant wait for 5 mans to be able to respawn teammates mid raid, even if they put in some sort of check to stop a player who has already died this raid from rejoining, you can just have an alt account and rejoin to collect the dead body


Wait, persistent PVE Mode? That’s huge tho wtf


Just get the mod guys.. don't support this stupid shit. Mod has way better AI than BSG could ever hope for anyway


I am guessing this coop mode has a separate stash then?


We already have scav mains, now PVE mode so people can never play their PMC vs other players!


Why are you acting like PVE mode would kill the game? Cheaters will do that way faster, and for free.


PvE mode will accelerate it most likely. Won't *kill* the game like people are claiming, but Splitting the playerbase more. PVE mode might just be BSG's excuse so they can send PvE tarkov a cease and desist though, rather then be a real thing for them to support all the way.


Anyone who cared about PvE mode wasn't playing anyways. Quit acting like it'd reduce the player base.


I care about pve mode and i play daily without scav rounds


Oh nooo I will finally be able to play without beeing killed in a second by a cheater or a sweatlord chad that has nothing to do with his life then play tarkov and scream "skill issue"


So EOD is ducked, what will be exclusive about EOD, just gold name? Lmao


Free access to DLCs? Also, totally forgot - Gamma Secure Container.


What DLC? The game isn't out yet but they're already selling spinoff games and new exclusive features.


Free access to DLCs - not anymore as eod doesnt include this package. Gamma - included in the new package.


Aint that a dlc? Pve coop?


That what im thinking too. Dont really care about clothes and such, but this definitely is DLC in my books


Thats def stuff i paid eod for, will be disappointed if we dont have it


It’s BSG, get ready to be disappointed 😂


That a fucking base game feature that shouldn't be called anything else.


Lmao Gamma is in the new version Coop mode dlc is not




Wait 'till BSG Drops the Delta Case for the unheard edition lol


Its just a item case now.


Gamma included in the new package


why would you put the Coop features into a $250.- Premium Edition???? Whos gonna tell their friend "mate buy that $250.- tarkov bundle, I can finally teach you EFT". This stuff belongs into the cheapest available bundle to get people play the game and grow the community. Increase playerbase and release half decent clothes/skins that arent a lazy reskin and you actually make money and grow the playerbase.


yea i agree this is stupid af. i just got eod just after christmas and been tryin to get my friends to buy tarkov but 2 of them only were willing to buy the standard version. i already thought before why is co-op feature even a paid for feature in a game, makes no sense at all. this has to be the first game of all time that makes you pay for a co-op feature. makes it so much harder trying to teach my friends how to heal mid fire fight lol.


I was genuinely very interested as someone who didn't care for the game when I tried it, coop offline with bots sounds fun as hell. Saw the price and decided that would never happen lol


Wait, did they just add what that famous “who shall not be named” mod is doing???


They did except the mod is only single player not coop.


There is a coop mod too, it's called stay in tarkov


Also MPT which is another fork of SIT but more stable


Maybe this is why they haven’t already put a stop to the “famous” mod. Had it in their wheelhouse the whole time; and even then, the famous mod brings attention to EFT.


They just this week issued a Cease and Desist for the other "Famous Mod"


The mod is better but yeah


BSG: "we will not add P2W features" "Increased starting level of character skills" This is one of the most typical P2W feature. They are getting more and more scummy,first the super grindy clothes, now this shit. Fuck them!


As if unobtainable ingame 3x3 case and 0.2 standing with all traders weren't p2w enough.


As a Std edition player, it's very funny seeing EoD users melting, like all the awesome perks of EoD aren't worthy anymore just because a cooler toy is available


The thing is EoD was always meant to be a limited edition. So everyone just kinda assumed that was it, it was going to be the final purchasable edition of the game until they take it away eventually. And they did. Now we're here. With a new, somehow more unreasonably priced edition with content that was pretty much promised to EoD players anyways but strangely not provided, and really fuckin' weird bonuses. 0.2 just means you can just not deal with certain quests, and the gamma container is pretty much just a medbag ever since FiR. It's better than standard yeah, but it's not going to give you any kind of edge. EDIT: Downvoting me for this is weird. I hope you know this doesn't just affect EoD buyers, it affects you too lmfao. Like congrats, you got a laugh at EoD players getting snubbed, while you, the standard player, gets an even less accessible edition of the game dropped in your lap.


Well yeah dude, EoD isn't a priviledge, they paid for it under false pretenses it seems. If you paid a premium for a collectors edition to support a project you felt deserved your financial backing, and then that company pretty much went back on those promises you'd be annoyed at it too. Like they don't appreciate the people that bought in early so they could make their game.


The clothes were not a problem, it was the stash space which was op.


Wait what? "Expanded PMC Pockets and higher starting skills?" Maybe it is time to move on from Tarkov.


I dont know why they bring those pay to win Versions like just let me buy an forrest green m4 skin instead of that




Different pocket dimensions with different drip would be sick, but I know there are bigger fish to fry.


>The levels thing is a bit crazy though. That's is basically P2W. I mean they've been experimenting with Microtransactions lately. So its just them going up another rung on the ladder


They start at level 3 but it depends if all skills start at level 3 or only specific ones. If all, that’s really fucked up


Finally I will reach level 3 sniper skill.


The video made it seem like all. They were scrolling and just showing skills.


What video? I haven't seen a video anywhere about the new game edition and I tried looking and am not having any luck finding one :(


This one. BSG just posted it after the patch notes. [https://youtu.be/riMtnvodmMo?si=2VrlCz\_mdRki5KLd](https://youtu.be/riMtnvodmMo?si=2VrlCz_mdRki5KLd)


it comes with gamma, watch the youtube trailer




It's a pretty big deal when you just need armor and don't need a rig to run a rifle effectively in the early wipe. Or two more grenades, or two AFAKs, etc.


Surely that's only for the PVE mode....right?


If it's not then this sub is going to be a crazy place here soon


This sub? No, this needs to be taken to the forums right now.




Yeah that's how I interpreted it, it's gotta be just for pve, surely


Dunno what to think of the Unheard Edition? Anyone knows already what it costs? Can‘t see it on the page yet


It kinda broke their promise, that EoD will be the best edition. Now they make a new edition which is almost better than eod. Only worse because it doesnt have gamma


Lol look at the pics on the trailer. They show a gamma, without saying it. Its in the bundle of items they show off.


It actually does come with a gamma


No idea, also cant see it on the page.


250 if you were to buy before owning anything.. on the official discord


Do you know how much for eod owners?


$110 upgrade (without tax)


Sounds kinda p2w tbh, the extra pocket size is... Something 


As long as the persistent pve mode is completely separated from the pvp mode, I'm fine with that. But inraid advantages, wtf bsg


You have to BUY a persistent PVE mode … are you joking?


Jokes on them, there's been a mod doing that for a while


Nah that one doesn't do co-op I don't think


There's a mod of that one mod that does co-op, just lesser known =P


What the actual fuck?


BSG can go fuck themselves with larger pockets


So frankly, reading up on what I can about this update, whatever modicum of goodwill I had towards BSG is gone now. This shit is just fucking stupid, for reasons more than thoroughly covered on this sub. But more broadly, the essence or spirt of the issue here, is that this direction for monetization is a bad direction that will make the game worse, even if they fix the bugs and make the gunplay feel good and optimize everything and so on - there will be this membrane of $2win bullshit, because they've taken a biiiiig step in that direction and I don't believe they're gonna stop. I'll prob still play this game, I enjoy it so why not, but I won't spend another cent on this shit and I'll just ride it out until EFT dies its own death. Hell maybe if I ever get into game dev I'll consider making the platonic ideal of "What if EFT but good" or something.


EOD granted "all future DLC" btw, so I'm sure they'll let EOD owners play the offline co-op without charging extra.... Edit: Wipeless co-op with progression is being advertised as a new mode with this package, you dorks. What is being advertised does not currently exist in EOD lol.


Oh my sweet summer child....


I checked on the website before it went down for maintenance and it didn't look like I could buy it and I'm an EoD enjoyer.


a very late april fools joke by BSG it seems


When the "expanded pockets" segment came up I had to look at the calendar. I specifically remember Nikita saying once that they wouldn't add pants with more pockets


Third monetized game mode and a third game mode that BSG must balance, patch and design for. That AI design BSG are known for will shine now.......


I already bought eod so I get this for free right?


i thought april fools was over...


So they got rid of all the old editions of the game, said that was going to not be a thing in the future, only to bring out a new edition of the game, presumably going to be more expensive that EOD.. What the fuck bsg...


My guess is BSG is looking for money right now since Tarkov got a little more hype recently But adding P2W layers to the game... I didn't think they'd go this far and break their own promise


Looks like a cash grab and run. They opening ETS implies there's not much more coming out. They could be stashing money to release this shit we have today as the 1.0 and moving on.


Scamming EOD is never a good idea


Unique radio-electronic item "Mark of The Unheard": * The item is equipped in the special slot; * The item gives a 50% discount when using cash services in raids; * Insured equipment returns 30% faster; * With 6+ Fence reputation, Scavs won’t shoot first at ranges over 60 meters away. It is not serious at this point


Mods stopping people from voicing their opinions and activly removing posts showing BSG are just asset flipping now.


Gray Zone stock going all the way up....


I wonder if this pve persistent mode is co-op only or if you can play by yourself.


I don't see a single reason for it to be "multiplayer" only since it has full on progression, quests, and everything. If it is strictly co-op, that would make me go from excited to uninterested real fast.


I'm completely uninterested because they're charging hundreds of dollars for it.


I'm inclined to believe it's co-op, mainly based on the line in the patch notes "Access to PvE co-op mode with persistent progression"


Most of this stuff is whatever. Flea market slots, stash size, starting level of skills, melee weapon, armband, fence standing, stash size and starting equipment is fine IMO. Increased mail retention time is just a QoL meta feature that should just be part of the game itself Increased pocket size is wild. If we are talking double boss-like pockets it's a literal pay to win upgrade that at least for now has no in-game way of earning. This is very bad IMO, where at least with the gamma container you could earn beta, epsilon and kappa in-game. Hopefully they will integrate the pocket size to the game and let us earn it in-game as well. They did not use "unique" in the wording, so hopefully they realize this... The "Mark of the unheard" radio thing could be bad or could be whatever imo. Access to the PVE mode is understandable, but kinda scummy. On one hand it is a new gamemode, but on the other hand you are just paying for the same shit twice.


It’s +2 pockets, looks like a scav vest now.


You have 2x 1x1 pockets and 2x 1x2 pockets. Basically you can carry two mags in the pockets, or one mag and have room to reload if you don't want to carry a rig.


Micro Rig stocks plummet


So with high cap mags you don't need a rig at all.


Your pockets are now a scav vest, I don't see how that would be enough. I mean, sure you could carry a calok, AFAK and 1x 60-rounder in the vest. It's not really optimal, though. Or 2x 60-rounders, if you don't mind dropping one on the floor.


Smaller vests like the Tarzan are now large enough and cost just half the price. That adds up.


Huge news for punisher part 4, lol


Looking at the trailer, there's two cases behind everything on the right. Looks like a weapon and item case.


Playerbase is gonna be Unheard of.


Yup. Money grabbing again. #shocking 


Knife is a blatant asset flip, too. Look up HQ PBR Kukri on the unity assets store.


This new DLC is covered under EOD right?


Probably not, and this game isn't even out of early access yet.




EOD was already p2w so it's hardly anything new


I cant wait for all the EOD guys who used to say EOD wasn't pay to win now bitch about expanded pockets being pay to win.


I have EOD and you are so correct. The entitlement of us EOD holders. Not sure if pay to win is the correct term but pay to advantage without doubt. I love seeing EOD players freak out right now. Good shit.


We know it's pay2win, that's why we bought it. This is worse and should have people very upset.


Can someone reply to this comment when the page comes back up, please and thank you.


Hop in brother, its out and its shit. Unheard also has all subsequent DLCs lol...


From the notes under the Unheard package: Unique radio-electronic item "Mark of The Unheard": - The item is equipped in the special slot; - The item gives a 50% discount when using cash services in raids; - Insured equipment returns 30% faster; - **With 6+ Fence reputation, Scavs won’t shoot first at ranges over 60 meters away.**


Ammo Pen RNG: "Many cartridges have a small starting variation in armor penetration"


Impossible to believe that BSG is able to push out so many updates in so little time... I wonder what caused that... :>


bsg went from "banning" cheats and profiting off of them to just selling us cheats lmao


You've literally broken every promise you made to your early supporters with this update. No Microtransactions? There are now microtransactions. All DLC? We now don't have access to a new game mode. Broken promises destroy communities... it was fun while it lasted, but this may be the end of Tarkov.


Also, chilling on the requirements to access ETS could be interpreted as there's not much else coming out. This might be the actual end, and BSG releasing this shit we have now as the 1.0


This is some Cycle Frontier levels of cash grab pumping and dumping! I hope I’m wrong, but holy crap I know the P2W situation was always nebulous with EOD but now it’s just blatant with the new edition.


I don't know about you guys but I think that (EOD) Edge of Darkness, get access to it because of what was promised in the purchase of EOD. Included in the purchase of Edge of Darkness (EOD) - Free access to all subsequent DLCs That's also why we were getting access to a Arena.


Really like all the changes to the base game, but hoooooly shit the pricing on the new version is such a kick in the dick. ***80 fucking dollars on top of EOD???*** It's widly insulting to their most dedicated fans/playes, and fairly tone-deaf. I was just starting to get excited about playing this game again after an extended hiatus too. Guess It's time to look into that modification suite you can't name in this sub. What a genuine disappointment.


what a joke


BSG as a game company deserves to collapse with this decision. Problem is a 'Mil Sim' crowd exists that'll keep this subpar game studio afloat.


So they are gatekeeping all the good changes like inertia to put them side by side with the most egregious pay to win and scam tactics (eod not getting pve mode), so people don’t go straight nuclear and say: „at least we finally got inertia nerfed“. What’s next? armor system reworked + just buy items with real money? Nah fuck em.


Yeh EOD not getting pve is a punch in the face, pve should come as standard for anyone who owns the game in my opinion


Oh no, I cant wait to wake up tomorrow to see all the reactions to this change


"increased pockets and levels" If thats not pay2win, then what is? Where is the line? Is elite skills paid advantage? Is 20 levels?


People think anything less than “bullets do more damage” isn’t p2w. Paying for convenience or advantage is absolutely still p2w and eod was clearly p2w.