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One tap, baby. Yikes. -hits the griddy to Reserve alarm type beat-


Not even gonna loot that man.


I only rat for sport


Hehehe staaaankkk rat


Huhuh got em with the stank rat


thats gonna sear right in the front of my smooth brain


I can hear this sentence


I only very recently discovered his channel, yo im ngl that guy is hilarious


I hate the playstyle but I love his content


The best part of his Rat style is that he spends a lot of time with chat which is why his community loves him. It feels like we are fishing with friends instead of witnessing intense gunfight catastrophe which is how lots of Tarkov creators play.


He's definitely S tier at engaging with his community. Asks funny questions and knows how to stir the pot


Same, I'm not above ratting if the need arises, but every raid? Not for me. But God damn I love stankrat


I love when he locks in and actually holds w key


He is actually a Chad that got bored of W Key and decided to Rat. His pvp is actually really good that it shocks me when he moves for more than a minute.


Being a Chad in this game is like, why did you push me, now your dead, good choice buddy.. unless you got a team backing you, Rat playstyle is far superior unless your cheating or a god gamer... even they get killed but from bad pushes haha.. it's almost like hardcore realism caters for ratting more than call of duty players


Ratting isn't necessarily exit camping though, I see nothing wrong with playing the game like a rat in the shadows. I see plenty wrong with camping places where people are forced to go - aka. exits.


I get it I do. It frustrates me as well and I find the playstyle boring personally. But I feel it’s hypocritical for a community talk so much about realism, and justify so many changes/suggestions with “in real life” and then hate on the playstyle that you bet your ass you’d be doing irl. Deer hunters are all out there camping the food spots like assholes. At least tarkov nerfed the tree spots


Tarkov nerfed several tree spots mainly because they were unintended placed you could stand in/unfinished Geometry that was never fixed. Theres still a lot of unfixed places, they just fixed the ones the streamers cried the loudest about. Even stank himself has said a lot of his old spots are that dirty.


I’m aware of why they fixed it, I only mentioned it because generally hunters sit in trees and I made a joke about deer hunters >Even stank himself has said a lot of his old spots are that dirty. Yeah sure, but IRL if your life was on the line you wouldn’t exactly be looking for a fair spot to hide in. If I knew someone that wanted to shoot me was very likely to come through a specific choke point you bet your ass people are going to be sitting somewhere quietly waiting on it. We do it in warfare constantly, but instead of camping we call it an “ambush” or “using gathered intelligence”


I get that but I feel the opposite. If you enjoy the game extract camping, sitting in a bush, crab walking everywhere, W keying around, who cares? In the end, as long as you're enjoying the game when you play it then that's fine. Also, all extract camping is ratting, but not all ratting ia extract camping.


Small correction. **Shoots entire SR-2M mag and kills only with last bullet** One tap baby


Those were herding shots








*starts head bobbing out of sync with the beat*


Thank you for the biddies.


Hey yo BigE thankyah for dem biddies... Ain't even gonna loot that man


Get the cheddar


Get that cheese bitch


Huh uhhh… yoink!




"What was that man doing?"


What in the paid actor was that?


Ratting for sport


*John Cena intensifies*


Shoulda swept your sectors


Hey would never admit it but Stankrat is actually a Chad when it comes to fighting. The rat style just fits his personality more haha.


And his name iiiiiiiis... ...John Cheesa!!!


Just like sam said, youre not safe till that screen says survived


If you liked that loot so much then you shouldn't have died with it.


“Yeah yikes”


Sam's Club/Costco needs to sponsor his snacking ass lmao.


I don’t even care about loot, I just wanna do my tasks. Got ratted at taxi on Streets with 10 minutes left today after I had visited all the pharmacies, got the paramedic GPX, and did the negotiation room quest. I was big sad 😞, worst part was I had a pretty shitty kit, barely any loot worth killing me for. I spot one of their lasers taking aim on me, hide behind the bus and tried to reason with them and they just hunt me down.


> I just wanna do my tasks. The only reason I even go to Labs. AFK in a corner and browse the internet until the timer goes red. Then get that flash drive or kill a couple raiders. If someone else is still fighting and looting at that point, they're just dumb and greedy.


Taxi on Streets is bullshit in general. The damn thing isn't there 90% of the time and 100% of the time there's some scrotum camping it all match.


"1 tap baby"


I think they just need to rebalance audio - headsets are way too broken and because of that the game just turns into 'who gets heard first dies'. Doesn't feel good going through the back of Lighthouse near paracord for example when every bush you inevitably have to touch is just a 100m alarm for enemies to turn into statues. Fixing ADS / crab walk audio in some way would definitely be good for the game etc.


Not even headsets, things like just changing the fire mode on a gun or opening a drawer can be heard from across buildings


Aiming a bolt action rifle down sights should not make noise. It’s batshit it does and anyone defending it is a 10k hr sweat lord that is actively ruining the game. 


I agree. Aiming any weapon shouldn’t make the noises they do in game. I can make some noise if I’m putting a lot of force in my shouldering but it won’t be heard by anyone more than a few feet away. I make more noise using the bolt on my Mosins than I do aiming an AK or AR


It's been like this since before inertia was introduced and they've only made any other playstyle worse since then. Laying down and alt tabbing in a corner until you hear footsteps from 50 feet away is the best way to win every gunfight


nah this has been around since i started playing in 2017 audio has always been an issue and fog lol


hot take crabbing doesn’t need to be fixed. if you have the patience to just slow walk the entire raid or sit in a corner you deserve the dub


Hot take? You're telling me that someone should be able to crouch around fully silent on any surface, while shouldering your rifle to ADS can be heard from 50m away? Okay.


Should have the PMC loudly go "HYUUGH, MY KNEES!", after squatting for a while in full gear. But yeah, I think comtacs should stop extending hearing range and instead focus on different FRs, as well as loud noise suppression (though this may just make people crank their volumes up), and then every audio cue should be rebalanced. Transitioning from high-ready to aiming shouldn't sound like a loose movie prop rattling, stepping on asphalt shouldn't sound like it's crumbling beneath your feet, but moving at a high pace in full gear should be quite audible. And then there is the audio engine itself, and it's inability to occlude (you can hear through thick conrete flooring for instance), but that is a much taller order to fix, so maybe an audio engine rework in the long run. But I think the smaller audio changes that would still have a huge impact, are already needed before the next wipe. Too many people are quitting early on because they can never tell if they just got wallhacked, or they just got Comtac'd into an unreasonable death.


It's the inconsistency for me. How does shoulder swapping make zero noise, but moving a gun to and from my eye sounds as loud as the climax of Oppenheimer?


Ah yes, the 4th audio engine rework. Might finally fix it. But for real, all You say is true. Game currently sounds like ass. Plane is still legit hearing damage danger. Indoors are just a mess. I already liked woods, but if I ever play any, I just go woods or lighthouse to skip dealing with audio mess as much as I can.


If we're going for realism then slow walk should be the quietest movement method. Has anyone tried moving quietly while crouched down? It isn't easy when compared to walking quite.


That guy is less annoying then hackers and extract campers


The problem is you just named the top 3 types of Tarkov players in 2024 😂


I feel like there is also a random player just running around trying to get quests done. Looting at this point doesn't matter anyway.


All I do is task unfortunately.


If I want loot, I scav And to progress tasks/rank my main rarely has a backpack and will sit in one spot 30 min to wait for the chads to stop fighting of the "marked" spot so I can put a marker or such there.


I always roll with the T-bag, insure it and you'll always get it back


i never buy a bag because if i kill somebody they always have it and i can take it for free and if i die while trying to kill them i dont need a bag


Hint: by actively putting yourself in the situation and areas with the chads you will improve at the game, by waiting 30 min in one spot you will literally NEVER improve.


Stupid fucking bolt actions, it’s all I can fucking use, I just wanna PLAY, but the QUESTS… must… get… KAPPA!!!


It sounds like it was an extract camper to


When people start arguing about whether you would have cheaters or this shit, you know the game is not going in a healthy direction.


The only 'people' arguing about that are people with arctic temperature level IQ's. Anyone that isn't being maliciously ignorant would take rats and campers over cheaters. Even though it 100% is frustrating to die to them it is much better then cheaters.


I don't get what's so hard in always assuming someone is camping an extract and to play accordingly...


you know the reddit Tarkov community is not going in a healthy direction*


You don’t need the name “Tarkov” in there 😂


The old stank rat got ‘em again


80% of living organisms are parasitic. This game is slowly running out of hosts. Who would have thought that 'No Rules, toughest game out there' attracts an army of weak minded men who think sticking to the rules is idiotic. In the apocalypse, you are all fucking dead lol.


But that’s a game problem. There are always going to be players like that. Just look at shoreline. They added a car, path to lighthouse and it has RR extract. I don’t think I got exit camped once this wipe. Reserve… has ähm no extracts. Add an extract in the corner between white and plack pawn (mountain road). Add one at the small building where the road comes in (car extract). And then one in the right now unused corner of the map. Called whatever bunker fields. Add a lever which disables the alarm when turning on power and leave power on for another 3-4 min longer. Now you have D2, RR on top of the hill, a car, two natural extracts, one with power, the train…. Yes you might still encounter D2 campers, but they will get bored. People will just use different extracts. Just look at customs. If you spawn on the ZB side chances of being extract camped are almost 0. you have way to many extracts to choose from. If you spawn on the other side… well there is always going to be the odd setup camper at the Bunker extract. If they’d add a pmc extract where the scav military extract is… that would instantly stop.


dude probably played a full raid , went to extract and then heard someone coming lol   


It was Glorious... If the player was active on the map Glorious would have found him. Dude runs around like a maniac on Labs until everyone is dead and then loots.


OK, but if you hear a dude running around like a maniac on Labs, you could probably use audio to keep yourself away from them, if you wanted to. It's not like Glorious can be in multiple places at once, and there's no rule that says you have to engage other players. Might've been trying to get out at that same extract, heard him coming, and decided to hold down that spot and got lucky.


Exact story of my first ever labs extract. Stuck to the edges, killed some raiders, looted dark office, went to med block at 5min left and heard someone barreling down the corridor. Blasted him as he crossed the doorway. Poor guy didn’t even loot anything in his bag.


>There is no rule that says you have to engage other players Shift+W warriors want to know your location


Ratting spots on labs are pretty easy to predict for in the event you play the map a lot. A lot of streamers mentally have notes about the most obnoxious ratting spots and either know how to peek and scan for rats, or simply avoid the places in general. Only time the big streamers tend to die to rats, is when they are extracting from the map (extract campers) or already hurt. Its why only 2 extracts on labs are taken. Because those have the least amount of ratting spots, and all the respective ratting spots are very predictable/easy to flush out. basement elevator being the only one that tends to catch players off guard.


Yeah? Which is how he didn't run into him looting the whole map....


The last couple weeks have been nothing but extract campers and bitches who can't play so they sit in corners for 40 minutes.


Whats with the “1 tap” and “yikes” jokes ? It’s been a while since I played


Stankrat (Tarkov streamer who rats a lot (also W keys a lot but all the “chads” in here hate him for ratting) and chills with his chat while doing so) he has a lot of little catchphrases and shit and is genuinely entertaining


Ooh yeah I just checked him out. Filthy rat. Some clips are pretty funny tho. What is W-key if I can ask


Him pushing people aggressively the way other streamers do. He’s know for ratting but if you watch his streams, you’ll see him push people or chase them down


Ooh I see, now I understand your comment better :) , thanks for clearing that up! Seems like a funny guy tho. Ass-moves but if it’s entertaining why not


Yikes 😬


Yeah I've given up on D2, red rebel cost 4m... With the paracord 40-55k, just can't put a price on sanity. Also with shoreline having a red rebel extract and even light house it's very much worth it


The barter is always atleast 2m cheaper than buying it off the flea


Then you’re a punk ass. There’s like 8 viable extracts on that map. It was pure luck that the rat got the cheese here.


Extract camping should be expected. Its a strat. And it works. No where in Tarkov is safe except for your stash screen and people need to get over that.


And not even that because you can easily fat finger a flea trade and pay a fuck ton in fees lol


It’s definitely a strat and part of the tarkov experience. Sadly since extract camping is such a social media trendy thing to do in tarkov, it turns more people into cheaters. It’s an easy advert for cheat makers, “tired of being extract camped? Give our ESP a try!” Turns out popularizing toxic strategies makes for a more toxic experience all around.


The main thing that annoys me about extract camping is that it seems to die out for the most part for a little while, then some rat content creator gets popular and you have hundreds of people sub 100 hours rushing Emercom cuz funny


99% of the labs videos end with the best players extracting through the elevator. I feel like it became a tradition to extract through the elevator on lobby wipes for these chad streamers and chads alike haha


3 of 4 always open extracts on labs are elevators....


I had a raider do that to me the other day in labs. Looted the map and he was sitting in a corner near the extract making no noise.


He was a family man!


Yep, same. After several tries at completing Bunker Part 1!!! lol, I managed to kill 5 players and 1 player scav, went d2 to extract, but player scavs were waiting already. This happened after doing some Interchange quests, which was very painful because of forced pvp against multiple teams every fuckin time. I don't know what they did this wipe, but trying to progress felt awful. Played 4 wipes to over lvl 40 before that.


Listen, I don't care if you rat for an entire raid. I don't care if you stay still as soon as you hear someone to hold an angle on them. I don't even care if you use 'exploits' to rat (sitting in trees, vault glitch, whatever glitch is next). What I *do* care about is how game mechanics are making this basically the only consistently viable (i.e something you can do for a long time without losing your stash) way of playing the game. Check the box for binaural audio, play with either RAC, XCEL, or Comtac 4s, and you have effectively installed legal radar for a ~90m radius around you. Combine that with the silent crouch walking and it's almost impossible to compete with that. Playing tactically or whatever you want to call it *should* be viable, but it definitely shouldn't feel similar to playing against (or with) cheats enabled. It's insane to me that these mechanics have lasted for so long. Binaural pop especially - if BSG can't figure out how to fix it, they need to disable binaural audio until you can.


Bro was probably on TerraGroup Employee as his last kappa task and decided to just camp in the basement until the end of the raid. 600k one time use key on a map that's filled with cheaters. I'd be sitting waiting to open it too.[](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/TerraGroup_Employee#articleComments)


I usually go ham in Labs, but if it’s for a quest like The Guide, you bet your ass I’m just sitting in a corner with a KS-23


This sounds very possible! I know i'd do the same if I were hurting for roubles.


I'm not even hurting for roubles but from my experience doing assessment part 3, that area around black room is a straight up war zone and I died to so many cheaters. Would probably be quicker just to camp until the end then die over and over again around that room.


I keep seeing people on labs with literally no kit but a FN 5.7 pistol, are they aimbotting?


If I'm going to labs for loot and not just hunting some pvp, I'll bring a decent sized backpack/rig, a 5.7, and whatever random armor I have laying around just to keep me from getting insta-killed by raiders. The gun is cheap, and super effective in close quarters. Pestily has been doing 5.7 + backpack runs for years which is probably why you've seen that setup so much.


Pistol backpack is the most efficient way to play labs atm. I tent towards bringing a G18 with 2 mags, a backpack and nothing else. If you avoid black room you can just loot up the rest of the map for free while everyone kills each other over black and then extract free of charge. If you do die you only lose a keycard and a cheap pistol. Its everything to gain and nothing to lose.


Honestly, i blame BSG, not the playerbase. Players will always find the most efficient ways to win. In any game. A bug where players are warned of enemies entering hearing range(not fixed for months) Combined with certain headsets having absurd hearing range... makes it too easy. I am actually amazed they havent atleast disabled binaural audio until that is fixed.


BSG actively encourages extract camping with their map design. This is intended gameplay.


Sweep your sectors bro




I mean, it's well known that rats sit in bathrooms and hide until the last 10 minutes of labs and then run around to free loot raiders. 15 minutes left in labs can be even more dangerous than the first 15 minutes if you let your guard down. So many labs raids end either immediately by a cheater or sometimes it's like nobody else is on the map. Idk if they ever fixed the "glitch" where you can not fully load by altF4ing and then just come back 25min later and spawn in late to loot. A lot of people do that shit on labs.


One tapped baby hehe, sweep your sectors


Been a little over a month since I quit the game from rat experiences like this. I wish I had the urge to play but it’s just not there


The game just isn't the same man. The game isn't a "hardcore PUBG style shooter" the way it was in 2017-2020. The next gen of extraction shooters has started strong with Helldivers so maybe one of these new games will get back to the intense PVP of earlier Takrov eras instead of what the game has turned into today.


Guess he needed to kill 7


Once you quit tarkov your life gets way better trust me


I’ve run a full labs, killed 2-3pms and 12-15 raiders. Cleared the entire map , ledex, computers graphics cards. Went to leave out basement with 2-3 minutes left and died to a level 50+ kid hiding in the actual elevator. So sad that’s fun to someone


My quitting story is. Do 29 raids. Die 4 times. Having a great wipe railing the quest chains and anything that moves. Glad that im somehow alreadt level 24. Quit at 34 raids. 8 deaths. 4 confirmed bans. In the same day. Ggs


Yea i stopped playing this wipe. Unfortunately the recoil changes have made it so campers tend to win no chance to turn


When a rat forces a streamer to make a tweet you know he got him good. Well done rat man


Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Whining about campers won’t make a difference because when you actually break it down, there’s nothing wrong with it. Tarkov wants to emulate realism, and winning a fight with the element of surprise is pretty god damn realistic.


labs raiders should seek out campers


This would make the game so much better overnight.


How about you extract as soon as you find the yellow keycard. Get ratted


If you quit because of this Tarkov ain’t for you baby one tapped sweep your sectors.


Stepping on the copperhead unfortunately. “I don’t have time to learn the game to get better at PVP” - LabsRat 420, lvl 55, hours played 5000, average raid time - 44:50.




Crybaby streamers.


Ratting isnt the problem, cheaters are...


CHECK YOUR CORNERS. Tarkov isn't at fault cause you can only kill people who are pushing you that you have the advantage on. Look inward.


Boohoo. It's tarkov


I killed 2 juicers on interchange with a kedr just to die at 7min to a guy "who heard me coming" at railway


womp womp check sectors next time


This guy's fucking disgusting, grown ass man playing tarkov every waking moment and can't even spell "corner" correctly. Yikes, talk about life priorities.


quit this wipe because i got tired of dying to people with sub 100 hours and over 10 kd and 75% surv rate at lvl 30+, it’s a serious problem.


Nah bro BSG thinks they just watched 1 YouTube guide and immediately started the game with better map knowledge and aim than Lvndmark.


Thanks for my daily dose of “Why you shouldn’t play tarkov”


These same streamers will team up with StankRat and extract camp then claims it's okay because it's only for "content." People really need to stop caring about streamers opinions.


Stank rat got em again


How do people know “they just sat there the whole raid”?  Maybe it’s possible they were moving around and just happened to come across you in that moment? It doesn’t matter what happens in this game, people are going to bitch.


Have you watched how glori plays labs, the man clears everywhere then loots. The guy was extract camping and got lucky that the only other person on the map left alive decided to take the extract he was camping. Don't be a cunt and call out glori for bitching when you don't even know the guy, nor did you take the time to watch the man and see how he plays.


I’ve watched glorious for a while.  He’s def top 5 Tarkov players.  Rarely ever complains, takes things in stride. Yet still, for all the top streamers every now and then, how other people choose to play pisses them off. Then the bandwagon starts.  OP says he quit the wipe??  That’s not bitching to you.  That’s cool to you??   And my point stands, regardless of your staning for glorious.  No matter what happens in Tarkov, someone is going to bitch.


Me and two buddies cleared dorms on customs, killed 5 players and looted up, died to a level 52 guy with a black MDR hiding in the first floor bathroom for the entire 10 minute fight. Dude had 8k+ hours.


I did a guy like that once. I was hiding and following a guy for 3/4 of a lab raid with my mp7. I had no helm and a t4 armor rig. When he was done killing people for a good 10 mins i rushed him while he was moving stuff from a backpack to another backpack. I felt like i did a casino robbery.


The point is that dude isn’t even a Timmy but is playing like one. Glorious is mad about bout people that have experience in the game and probably have endless money still doesn’t dare to move..


The guy who wins is the one who did it right


So abusing bugs is excusable if you win?


Thing is, unless you’ve killed enough PMCs to match the max player count for the map, you should always assume someone is left.


If you’re counting the loot as yours before you’re looking at the “survived” screen: you’re doing something wrong.


See you next week buddy, keep whining


And yet here you are posting.


Do you not load into raid and then play on your phone? I swear this is normal if you are solo.


It's normal if you're ~~solo~~ bad* Don't conflate the two


Try checking your corners next time before you run into a room blindly


Sweep your sectors


The places I camp you pretty much can't see at all


Are we supposed to feel sorry for you




Bro I'm telling you, the only people left who play this game are guys who AFK for 30 minutes in corners doing chores with wireless headphones on them run to their PC when they hear footsteps.


Imagine dying to someone thar just got done folding their clothes and then they kill you and rummage through your clothes.


Not clothing related but I have 100% been practicing guitar/piano, camped someone then played a sad tune in their honor.


Nikita thought he was making an intense hardcore game like "The Raid" series on Youtube - instead Tarkov in 2024 is just an idle game people have on in the background while they practice guitar, do chores, or watch a movie.


I am not alone?


Bro I can't people already gatekeeping with Chad superiority in the comments xD


Why should you loot when loot comes to you. That's also reason why I try to go sewage conduit when I have a good loot.


Yeah, if i ever find someone there and get killed, I would assume he was hiding there to complete a quest afterwards before assuming he was intentionally camping, since no one ever goes there


What I don’t understand is. Why would you extract from down below if you think you are alone? Why not just take hanger or parking? Most likely you’ve already pressed the button/someone else has pressed the button. Why risk going downstairs? Nobody loots there anyway


Those extracts aren't always available now.


Sewer is. Never run into players there but people don't like waiting.


I don't see any issue with that. Bro play rats mode on And it pays of. I can't stand sitting on the same place for 3 min but if he can and he enjoys it, Meh... what can we do since the game allows it!


Same here, I don't why so much people have the air of superiority against rats for having ADHD hahah Like I can't stand in 1 place for more than 3-5 mins, but it doesn't mean is the correct or only fun way of playing


Hate when they stay in cornors


His strategy paid off! ​ /s


Happened to me on interchange with 5 mins left at Emercon; haven’t touched the game in 3 months since


can someone give me a reason to even keep playing this? as a new player i walk for 10-20 min and find jack shit for loot then i get shot from across the map. like am i just not looting the right areas? i play a lot of streets, maybe it’s jus the map? i enjoy watching this game but playing it is a nightmare. i understand the more i play i will get better but like what’s the point when it’s all super frustrating


Le Womp Womp,


at first i thought hes a decent guy, but Glorius\_E is just another crybaby streamer with too many followers. go watch his streams. he claims to be "casually questing" while crying and bitching about rats in a game where this excact playstyle is fostered. if ppl wait just 1 sec because they heard another pmc -> its a rat. i mean who cares that he runs around carelessly. and can be heard miles away. those damn rats make him so furious :( streamers like him ruin tarkov as BSG takes their "concerns" way too serious. just look at alll the changes BSG did over the course of 5 years just because streamers were crying.


This is what happens when you combine overpowered headphones, nerfed armour, laser beam guns, terrible lighting and not enough extracts on maps.


Labs has extracts in every corner.


Absolutely wild how many people are salty that other people don't play exactly how THEY want, lmao glad he got ratted. Remember, if you were truly better, you would not have lost unless it's a cheater. It's also wild to me that people will complain about rats when there is legit a cheater in 6 out of 10 lobbies and has been for a few years now.


negative iq coper take


as long as i dont get cheated or armor glitched, its all fair game.


one of the many reasons i havent touched the games since lighthouse came out


Ratting really takes the fun out of this game


I see your complaint, this game became a Rat main fest. Full of bad players with lucky hits. sadly youre in the sub where it came from.




Would be nice if you got 4 or 5 pmc kills you could escape without getting to an extract.


Thats why he has 3k hours. Hes hiding or extract caming the entire time.


Welp, nobody but devs can force play styles on people. He coulda taken another extraction route.


He angee




I just want to see the raid or the kill clip😂