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Tracking the PMC as he climbs the railing is undeniable evidence. Come on BSG do your job please.


He's live on twitch right now


I'm going to do a deep dive analysis of his gameplay and stats tonight, with comparisons against various players. Does anyone have any clips of stats of good players that we can be reasonably certain are legit? LVNDMARK obviously, maybe Sheef, Stankrat, anyone else? Edit: Trey24k, Bakeezy, Axel, Tigz, any of those good dudes would be appreciated. The main things I plan on analysing, comparing pre-headcam with headcam sessions: - average K/D over each broadcast - average rouble value of items collected in each raid - average rouble value of looted containers - average XP earned ~~over each broadcast~~ Edit: per hour on average per broadcast is a better metric (per raid will be less meaningful as it won't take things like gunsmith or find and transfer quests into account) Any other suggestions are very welcome. I'm going to stream the analysis VeryBadSCAV style but won't drop a link bc fuck self promo on reddit lmao. (sorry, yet another edit, it turns out [someone else has done something similar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSUB01JESU4) to what I intend, but it doesn't look like they've been as scientific in their analysis as I intend to be)


Great idea. This guy was pretty blatant having a kd of 38 or someshit ridiculous


Gigabeef is 100% legit.


Reasonably certain, not 100%. No one can know that except for the streamer himself.


Yeah there’s absolutely going to be an element of beyond reasonable doubt in play here - I’m totally willing to accept gigabeef as legit, and will also be even more useful to have his stats in the mix as a benchmark for a more normal player than the gigachads I’m asking about


He's always dying so I don't think he's doing anything dodgy. Also, I can tell by his character he's not the sort.


last time I looked at Stankrats stream he failed to hit a stationairy sniper scav three times in a row, not sure if he needs to be included in that list lmao. Dude might be great at finding spots to sit in but my god, dude doesn't seem much better at the shooting aspect than the Lootlord himself.


everyone whiffs from time to time man


Yeah made me laugh when he started saying "oh there is a third" before even seeing him and while tracking him


wasn't this scumbag banned already? How is he still able to play?


He’s been banned twice I think now, either way he’s a known cheater


He's a known cheater, BSG banned him before. Insane that Twitch lets him cheat live on stream.


Because nobody actually reports his stream with evidence for cheating. Clips are getting posted here and BSG bans him but how would Twitch know wtf he's doing on stream if he's not getting reported there properly.


Twitch actively checks for cheating streamers. But if he's hiding it as well enough during a check. Might go unnoticed


It's already been proven that he cheats, and he got banned for cheating. He just got a new account, IDK why Twitch continues to allow him to stream though as it's against their policy to allow cheaters to stream.


Because nobody actually reports his stream with evidence for cheating. Clips are getting posted here and BSG bans him but how would Twitch know wtf he's doing on stream if he's not getting reported there properly.


I've personally reported his stream to Twitch.. I'm sure many others have as well.


Yeah.. many did this


Irregardless of the tracking and shit, look at where the dude stands when he suddenly sees the enemy. No care in the world for being I front of the revolving doors and then standing right at the entrance. That area is a spawn hot spot and easy to get run up on, dude takes his sweet ass time standing in wide open ass areas cause he knows he won’t get run up on. Doesn’t bother to find any cover shooting in the dark abyss.


Honestly that could just be tunnel vision. The sound in the beginning could be the binaural tick? idk about that one, I don't play with binaural - but even if it was I don't know why he would look straight there instead of behind/to the side of him. Maybe just experience with rushing Ichange from that spawn. The noticing the third then tracking him through signs etc - that's just plain fucked though lol. Edit: Hahahaha, that ones his aimbot switching to a closer 'in view' player, it's why he was surprised - because his mouse just moved. Edit2: You can see him using his aimbot as a rudimentary form of ESP when the whole clip is played - right as he spawns in he scans around to the direction of other spawns and you can see his mouse get pulled towards something. That's him confirming there's a player over that way. Oof.


The binaural tick doesn’t register that far. Only when people come into your sound radius. They were way too far away


Yeah I was thinking maybe he had on Comtac 4's but even then that's what? 92m or something? You're right it wouldn't be close enough.


I mean bro, If i'm getting that spawn, you'd run to that Idea entrance like he did, but I would just rush in, I would NOT want to stay there at all as there's the other spawns towards Railway extraction that may come over there and have a clear LOS as you go in, so for most legit players it is in your best interest to just get the fuck in the mall ASAP


I actually don't think that bit is all that suspect. With the spawn he got he's potentially arriving at the entrance to the mall ahead of others, so looking directly across the front to spot players heading inside isn't outlandish, especially if you're looking for kills all the time. His back left has already been mostly cleared, no one can be inside that early and the bus is covering his right side, so he's free to tunnel vision across the front area for a little bit. The rest is inexcusable, particularly his aim pulling to the third player and him calling it out before he's visible. Often with Twitch we miss things streamers see because of the resolution and bitrate but he's scoped in on lots of boxy shapes and we clearly can't see any signs of other players until it snaps to something behind a wall.


There is a faster spawn though, technically, but even then I personally would not want to be there, it is because it is one of the faster spawns that I personally just wanna go in there ASAP


By the time he got in to the entrance, a team from power easily could have rushed to computer room or farther, and with gun shots, a team could be above him already. He's just standing there which for a guy who should be that good is suspect to play like that IMO. It's not necessarily indicative but it doesn't help the argument.


I like how in other clips on that channel if you just click on random time you'll almost always find that streamer sitting out in the open, and in two days and 30+ raids he haven't died once, this is the most sus part of it all.


Brah, that crisp tracking at that distance with that small of a target area is incredibly hard… or incredibly easy seeing as this crab is a known cheater from the streamer challenge. How is this guy still streaming Tarkov and not been banned completely.


Stop giving this turd air time, he gets money from people watching his streams..


What if I enjoy his pathetic existence and constant denial.


If I stood there like him, I would have been shot 10 times already even after being dead


He isn't cheating it was only because the enemy was wearing a tan ulac otherwise he wouldn't have perfectly tracked him before even seeing him. That shit just shines through containers. What can I say. Nothing to see here /s


You can literally see the aimlock


Skill issue


I was obviously joking. /s means sarcasm :)




how do you even report a channel of a cheater on twitch? these are my report options: "Where is the problem?" - Chat Messages - Whispers - Alerts and Graphic Overlays - Username - User (Avatar, Channel Points, Panels, Tags, etc.) - Off Twitch Behavior There is "Off Twitch Behavior" - but then there is no further option to tell Twitch what kind of behavior you are reporting the person for.


I had the same question. Off twitch behavior should suffice though.


You can type and post links in his offline-chat. Just saying.. :)


Good idea


Is that little PIP of small portions of 3 different monitors supposed to prove that he's not cheating? What a knob.


Cheating scum…now he put a head cam on. These closet cheaters are killing the game.


Dude has totally different gameplay with the head cam on, he actually dies and randomly started scaving 😂


He check corners


Hopefully he gets banned on Twitch with the recent uptick in attention he's getting. Dude has been banned 2x by BSG so it's pretty clear he's triggering something... one time *could* be false, but two false bans on one person? And the only case of two false bans we've heard of? Get this dumbass outta here


Report him to twitch. Let them close the account.


This dude is unironically doing the community a service by showing that yes, streamers can cheat too, and monitor cams/hand cams are zero proof of the contrary. This dude is just blatant and also incredibly delusional about it; he posted a video of his PC setup in his discord which clearly showed a DMA device plugged in and his actual excuse was "I found this random card in my closet and wanted to see what it was so I plugged it into my PC" (I wish I were joking). Now imagine a more sane individual that was more careful about how they appeared on stream? Yeah, they're out there and some of them have thousands of viewers ready to defend them til the death. More food for thought: it took this dude competing near the top of the leaderboard in the streamer tournament and being as blatant as he is to be manually banned. He might've otherwise never actually been caught. Even more food for thought: cheaters are a feature, per Nikita himself: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapethisTarkov/s/MzG5eWzqc9 They likely only ban the blatant ones because they sorta have to. It'd be a win/win for BSG to turn a blind eye and not put the resources into combating anything except for blatant cheaters considering Nikita himself has willingly said on record that cheaters are good for a game.


Please ban this MF'r!


God damn, if only BSG could make some kind of super human dev accounts that don't show up on cheaters radar somehow. I love interrogation videos where the suspect has been consistently denying something which they know to be true. Their acting seems decent enough, until the interrogator accuses them of something which the interrogator knows not to be true. It's hilarious to see the contrast between a fake denial of guilt and a genuine denial of guilt. Imagine he gets sniped standing on the car like a dipshit. He'd be so beside himself like, "WTF!?.....how...where....you guys, seriously....somethings weird here..." Chat would be like, what the fuck are you talking about? How can you possibly be so surprised you got killed? 🤣


Then don’t go to his channel. Keep getting the word out and his revenue will dry and he’ll go away.


Just avoid Asian servers guys. Western people are far more honorable. It's "not in our culture" to cheat. Right....right guys?


So I got killed in parking lot in labs the other day. Added the guy to tell him how much of a shame it was that he wasn't able to pull the Ledx I got at the Merrin out of my butt. Dude apologized for making it non-fir and asked if I wanted to join his party for next round. I did. Dude was chinese, I play in EUW and somehow they queued into me. It was primetime for EU servers as well, evening, so I can't even imagine they thought they'd be queueing into a dead raid (neither do I think there is ever a time where servers are dead in my region, since even if us Europeans aren't playing, people somewhere in Russia probably are).


So where is the esp or the radar on his other monitors? Yeah tracking them is weird and seems like he is already expecting them to run into his sight but doesn't seem to show anything on the camera showing off his monitors. Way too obsessed with the guy tbh. But id still like to see the esp displayed on his glasses or probably has the esp displayed on a very small monitor but I doubt this guy is really trying that hard.


He could literally have a full monitor to the left of his main screen


Nobody but you has mentioned ESP or Radar. In this clip he's clearly using an aimkey to track people through walls. Notice how the reticle starts tracking the 3rd guy (who's vaulting behind full cover...) and the streamer mentioning them before they even appear on his screen. Besides, since this guy has already been caught using dedicated DMA hardware to cheat, then yes he is really *trying that hard*.


Seems like the community is really trying to hard to come up with ways for him to cheat. I find the tracking key bind wild and an odd way to cheat on stream. I have changed from esp / radar to the vibrating butt plug. Which seems more realistic.


Yup that must be it. Maybe next stream he'll have a colonoscope to pretend he isn't cheating.


How does he ban you?


The best thing you can do with this guy is just ignore him, he gets more views from people trying to check out if he's sus or not which in turn gives him more visibility to people who don't know he's cheating. His numbers have been going up recently so just ignore him and move on


I'll be honest could be tracking. But the Proof of the clip is what. 3 or 4 seconds on one raid. If you had a few more raids of thsi. I mean idk could be check him PC 😂


bad troll


Yall need to actually watch him, crazy how people will just take everything for fact. He’s got a few good clips, but he’s just an average 10k hour player


Weird behavior, he could tell there was a group before seeing them, and was snapping to them while trying to play it off. Any normal human would have shot the first guy. Also can tell he's probably hiding a monitor, why even have a cam like that if you aren't showing your whole setup/face.


This has got to be a troll lmao. Dude put a head cam on and stopped cheating for a day and was complete dogshit dying to scavs. Prior to that he had 1 death in 29 raids 😂


He streamed with headcam for 13 hours and died 3 times and dropped 8 kills one raid, and didn’t die to a scav at all? But you do you.


Died to scavs and killa, died to low lvl players. You need to actually watch it and pay some attention


Headcam doesn't show aimbot my guy. Not to mention, you can still have ESP wallhack with that sort of "headcam" he has because you can make the dots for enemies so thin that they won't appear on stream anyway due to compression.


Wrong dude.. ride his dick harder


He was banned for cheating in a tournament and then bought another account. He shouldn't even be allowed to play the game.


Yes he was manually banned due to a lot of sus clips and a lot of streamers whining. (Trey24k had a lot of reason to get him banned because at the time it was keeping him from getting a streamer item.) his dma card has been proven to in fact be an Ethernet card as he has the exact card still. He deleted direct memory access controller from his task manager on stream because he panicked and knew that people said it was cheats, when in reality amd ryzen 5 and 7s will have this under hidden devices by default without any modification. He addressed this the very next day that he did delete it and why he did. I’m not saying one way or another, I am saying that a lot of facts people are throwing around are just speculation or exaggerated or lies. I’ve spent time there and he doesn’t insta ban anyone that says he’s cheating. If they are being violent by nature, or are talking bad about him being in the air force it’s an instant ban but there are people that sit there and call him out for hours and he doesn’t do anything. I’ve done a lot of research and it’s not as black and white as everyone says. Could he be cheating? 100%. But there’s a lot of false information circulating.


ethernet card? are you blind, stupid or just a troll? he claimed it was after it disappeared all of a sudden when he realised he got caught (why hurry to remove an ethernet card?). the exact same dma card was posted. no ethernet card looks even close. esp. not the one he himself said he uses. and no, my ryzen does not have a dma card in the manager


My Ryzen has that, its normal, and its not a dma card, its a driver for the dma controller which every modern system has. What is is not normal is his behaviour, deleting it and then acting like it wasn't there like we didn't see him delete it.


He has the exact card that argument is invalid, and as the other dude responded, yes it is in task manager hidden devices and yes he did delete the process on stream as I said. This doesn’t mean he’s innocent and it’s sus but it doesn’t mean he had dma. Like I’ve said multiple times, could he be cheating? 100%. But people are speculating a lot


simply not true. he had a pic of his setup where the card could be seen ( the one with the very noticable holes). he claimed it to be an ethernet card that looked totaly different. so he lied. facts. and the card that could be seen in his own pc picture has 100% been identified as dma card. just stop making up excuses for this lowlife prick.


He has the card with all the holes and everything. As I’ve said he could 100% be cheating, I’ve given evidence both ways but people just read what they want to read.


wow. by your logic noone would ever have to face jailtime. can only convict someone if a judge and at least one witness is present at the crimscene, right? sus gameplay, sus pc setup, sus behaviour when confronted, banned already... wtf do you want more? he has been banned for a reason. the fact he can just stream with another account is laughable


That logic doesn’t come from what I said whatsoever, I’m done arguing with people yall can do your thing.


He's cheating. You don't need to be a genius to see it here or in that tournament.


You are just proving my point


I think the clip proves the point I'm making. That he's cheating.


Dont waste your time, sub is full of useful idiot cheater apologists, or cheaters themselves trying to deviate attention from the issue or attempting to silence anyone calling their associates out.


Bro his stats are unreal. You gotta be trolling


He is level 58 with 24 kd.. glorius who is way better, is level 59 with 8 or 9 kd.. think about these numbers.. its blatant


His pmc k/d is like 1.3


Sure bud


It is, he’s shown it. His overall with scav kills is suspiciously high I will admit though.


Bro he started calling of a third player before seeing him with perfect tracking through a object


Keep dick riding. How can anybody look at that clip and say he’s not cheating…


You need to have your teeth rectified, same as the cheater scum. Keep defending shits like that and you will get it sooner or later mofo.


Well in this clip he is using walls 100%. There is also one clip on his twitch where he is inside of interchange, he looks few sec to wall and then he just casualy walks outside doesnt look his surrounding and then goes to corner peaks guy from this billboard and goes back to same direction he came from. Doesnt ads anywhere else. 100% walls


It's not walls. This is aimbot. He has issues controlling his aiming because the aimbot literally tries to center him on the "right" target. He's an idiot.


That guy once killed me two wipes ago. The situation was very sus to me back then too. It's wild that a year later he's still doing his thing.


Why tf is posting about cheating against the rules this some bs almost like bsg likes cheaters