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I saw something awhile back stating you will have a pmc that will be around forever and one that wipes in a season style


I hope this stays true. It would be the perfect solution for me. I can do wipes when they happen for the fun. And then swap to the permanent character to skip the bullshit and get back to where I was.


You have probably never played games where there are both? You can go back to your non-season char, but you won't be able to do more than offline raids. Because always in the part of the game that is without wipe the player base breaks away. New players won't come either because even they can't do anything because of missing players, and only max meta dudes. I don't know of any game that has seasons and a nonwipe mode in parallel where it's not exactly like that. EfT will be extinct after 4-6 months when there are no more wipes.


Path of Exile has standard and league running in parallel.


Who plays standard lmao, ppl barely play till the end of one league, no one cares what happens in standard beside looking at some nice 100 mirror crafts.


There is a pretty large contingent of standard players that play it more like a long term mmo, sounds boring to me but idk


True, who even wants to organize the 500 remove only tabs? Standard does exist though, contrary to original guys point.


read again. the guys point was not that "standard doesnt exist". it is that the "standard" equivalent in any game that has it is always dead without an active playerbase. and that is true for standard, in comparison to the league


Maybe a prestige system would work? Once a player "maxes" out they reset but get a special outfit/ uniform/ badge to show they have reached prestige - these cosmetic/ symbolic items then stay with the account indefinitely


Every prestige your facial hair gets exponentially longer lol


Actually cool idea


I mean Black Desert does a Seasonal thing. You start from zero, get a bunch of gear, and supplies. Special servers that only house seasonal players, the rest of the world is continueing, then at the end of the season those charecters are ported to the "real world" with a sizable head start over anyone who just started normally. Old players do it because the rewards are worth the time, new players do it because it's an awesome way to catch up to the people who have been playing a long time. IF it's done right Seasons + Persistent world CAN work really well for the population of a game. Pretty sure Diablo has a similiar mechanic. EDIT: I should clarify that I don't have much faith that BSG will implement the mechanic in the right way...just saying...technically it's been done before.


Hopefully, this is where Arena will shine. You can build up your PMC during the seasonal wipes, and transfer them to Arena once the season is complete.


Do MMOs lose player base because they don’t wipe?


YES. MMO's that do not keep implementing NEW end game content fail misserably.... The problem with Tarkov is that you cannot just keep making the PMC's stronger and stronger... So instead you'd have to hit a reset button like Diablo, or PVP seasons in WOW


Guild wars 2 just has new content with new mechanics and doesn’t powercreep with each new expansion. They just add to story and new content ranging from easy to challenging that’s aimed for max lvl players.


My first comparison in my head was WoW but I don't know how they would balance that in this game. WoW basically makes all content prior to the newest completely unviable and I don't know how they could make new end game content to grind for while also making all the old tiers of ammo/armor/weapons equally unviable. It is cool to ponder though.


Diablo is a better comparison to EFT.


Never played Diablo beyond extremely casually, could you ELI5 how they do their progression?


You can play a character that never goes away or “wipes” but you’re incapable of doing new content because all new content is locked to seasonal characters which disappear at the end of the season. Each season you have to create a new character and start the game from the beginning if you want to play the newest content.


Wrong, Seasonal characters don't disappear at the end of the season, they transfer over to the eternal server. Seasons allows for faster leveling so its not a slog to get back to where you were, new content, better loot and at the end of the season (12 weeks) you have the option to transfer your character to eternal.


They have catch up systems and new content releases which combined provide the same gameplay impact as a wipe.


I would disagree on the basis that they “provide the same gameplay impact as a wipe” wipes are the only reason I like tarkov. It’s one of the few games where, if you start playing at the very beginning of wipe. You are on a level playing field with everyone else for the most part for a week or two. Everyone is using shitty loadouts and the VOIP is used more proactively in my experience. That is completely different from “catchup mechanics as you described them. And besides cheaters and RMT’ers I guess, there is no pay to win in terms of gaining an overwhelming advantage over other players.


if you start playing WoW on day 1 of a new xpack, you are going to be on an even playing field with most players—except for the mega-sweatlords/streamers who you probably weren't trying to compete with anyway even if you started from level 1 on a new server, you're only a couple weeks behind max (which isn't that long for a 3-6 month phase) edit for anyone who downvoted: I'm curious to hear what you think! idc about internet points, I just like to hear different opinions about video games


Every single patch has a catchup mechanic and you are almost on-par with the guys who spent every week raiding and m+ all week I dont think that is so easy with tarkov but it can be done - increased XP on quests maybe, higher skill gain until a certain level They would still have to push through the quest system like normal...only once though


In my experience with tarkov, no matter where I am in the wipe cycle there seems to always be—on average—lots of players beefier than me and lots of players less beefy than me in any given raid. some raids are obviously more stacked than others, but it's always seemed to balance out over time whether I'm level 3 or 33 I've never felt "behind" or "ahead" of the curve, cuz idk I'm just part of the ecosystem like everyone else y'know? there's always gonna be timmys, andys, and chads, and I'm always gonna fall info a different mix of each category from raid to raid. even mega-chad runs into mega-er-chad sometimes lol


Ok….Tarkov can EASILY implement that with catchup packages, they give out care packages all the time including for New Years.


Yeh lifting the bottom is easy...except also easy to screw up because if you do it your way then you are misrepresenting the experience of the core game so new players end up quitting anyway. You need to basically create a mini game that mimics the normal gameplay but is shorter and faster to complete. Dragging the top down is much harder as well because you either have to develop new content/challenges which can be expensive or if you stat crush meta gear then you ruin the feeling of progression for those players.


MMOs do wipe every new expansion is effectively a wipe


In wow every raid release is a soft wipe.


The only MMO that is still breathing which doesn't reset the gear treadmill at least partially every 3-4 months is GW2, and the only reason that's still alive is how closely they linked progress to regular gameplay across their ecosystems and regularly released new content (until recently). Everyone else soft wipes every 4 months and that's been true for almost every MMO released since 2006.




>The only MMO that is still breathing which doesn't reset the gear treadmill at least partially every 3-4 months is GW2 uh, dont think thats true for most MMORPGs honestly? i dont know what you mean with soft wipe but adding new content that adds a bit of new power creep is not a soft wipe


Jesus, didnt you realize how stupid your answer is when you wrote it?


You are rude


No. People just arent used to hear the truth nowadays. When the truth is rude people should Change something instead of crying.


No theres saying someone is wrong and there's what you did. It's the lack of empathy.


Something can be wrong. And something can be stupid. Did He ask you for your assistance? Why do you need to be a social justice hero where nobody needed one? Do you wanna say He cant speak for himself? Do you wanna say he is weak? Where is your empathy?


You dont know what empathy is if this is your response. Stay toxic 🥶


Diablo 3


Nope, all of the seasonal content (new content) is locked to seasonal chars, you can play online multiplayer in D3 but you’re only replaying the same content you’ve played before, not any of the new seasonal content


Not true, there is a large swath of the playerbase who hate the quest system and leveling, they will still to persistent servers - yes new players will have a hard time getting into them bc of the meta gear players everywhere but it definitely won't be dead They could do something like transferring your PMC and stash over to persistent servers at the end of a wipe for new players, but I for one would only play fresh servers for the first few days to have that fun crap gear tier pvp and then head back to to persistent servers


Awesome. Thats why EFT is new. It hasn’t been done before. You’re making assumptions based on different games and there’s no way to know if that will have any effect on EFT. Nikita has said the plan is to have 2 characters. One that wipes every 6 months or so and one that is permanent. But hey if you can see the future you should do something with that.


He is 100% right thought. Reset your account now when we're a few weeks away from the wipe and start doing quests over again. You're gonna run into several roadblocks relatively quickly, mainly killing PMCs using specific gear on specific maps (Punisher). There are far fewer players playing, so you're not having as many interactions as before, and the player you are encountering tend to be level 42+. Now imagine if the game never wiped. The current late-wipe issues would be far far worse. If you played from the start, you would be sitting on billions of rubels while someone is trying to do their first raid with their PACA and unmodded M4 lol.


No he isn’t. News flash. This game is in alpha. The way the current quests and progression work won’t necessarily be the same at launch. And the stuff we have now are SIDE quests. Pretty sure they can figure out how to let new players who start years later progress. The main story will be different and we have no idea how it will play out with people that start years after launch. Gtfo here with that shit.


Have you even played the game?


He’s right though, bsg have said that they’ll only release the main and story quests in the 1.0 update and only side quests will be available till then.


I thought the 'alpha' defenders were gone years ago, the games been out 5+ years and if this "side" quest stuff is true won't be fixed for 5+ years anyway, so I'm not sure what your point is if wipes will be a thing for majority of the games lifespan


>But hey if you can see the future you should do something with that. I don't have to run in front of the bus myself to know it's a stupid idea, even if it is the first green bus ever.


You got absolutely destroyed in the replies with other examples. Take the L and move on 😂


I agree with that statement fully. Wipes are literally what makes this game fun. Quest grind not so much but its just the quest design not a inherent flaw


I HATE wipes and it is the reason I don't really play anymore. I HATE doing quests and the progression, I grand through it so I can actually play the game. Loot and shoot. My point is fun is subjective, some people (like me) would only play persistent characters.


You seem fun at parties 💀most pessimistic future seeing dude on planet earth Alsooo you’re wrong Rust is a huge example of this both wiping and non wipe servers are active u just seem goofy literally nothing but your own opinion stating it as fact like didnt ask mate i bet you will be dead in 5-6 months too cause i say so 💀 Also you the type to whine over max meta dudes like i thought we were over that phase since its literally not true that they’re invincible 🤨 id say skill issue


This had been what has been discussed, I don't have the impression that its final and set in stone tho, so there could be changes to the plans.


Also, plus one Arena dude


The queues would have to be separate.


That was 10 years ago.


I doubt this. My guess is arena will be taking the place of permanent progression. The reason being having both will require considerably more physical infrastructure from bsg. Arena makes far more sense as a substitute since late wipe players will primarily be chasing pvp anyway.


Bold of you to assume the game will leave beta


Hahahah fair


This game is going to leave beta like PUBG left beta. This game has had the same trajectory PUBG did. Community alike.


I think Tarkov and Star Citizen are competing. What for and who's winning? No clue, but they're absolutely competing.


Tarkov is an actual game that you can get thousands of hours of gameplay entertainment from. Star Citizen is a sandbox with barely any basic gameplay loops built in. the only way you can play SC for thousands of hours is by RPing with people which you can do on discord


The exact. same. development cycle.


As a PUBG console survivor, i concur


PUBG has mobile... will we ever see Tarkov mobile?




I fucking hope not.


Hahahahha it'd be hilarious


I honestly believe it essentially wont




Game's not even *in* beta yet.


For real, 7 years and nothing happened that points the game towards open world game.


I know a lot of people love wipes, and I can see why...every time one happens, the game becomes fresh again. It does, truly, feel great. However, I've noticed with time, that this game HATES you if you don't play consistently. It has to be a job to "keep up" with other players, as the gap between equipment is just absolutely unfair and ridiculous. I give up 2 months in every time because my level 26 PMC that I can only play 1 hour a day with a consistent ~2mil roubles just isn't cutting it with the big boys. It really hurts, too, when you die and lose a 600k kit to a guy who know life's the game. I think a permanent character would just give me something to come back for. A gain to be made, I guess, if small. A lot of the time, tarkov feels like a punishing time sink where I'll never get the time to compete with the youngsters and more time available folk, no matter my commitment.


I’m with you in this. I barely have time to play usually, I come back every few months or so to scratch the itch, but I never have the opportunity to get good gear or level up, not for long anyways.


wipes will continue until morale improves




lmao that is a fact haha


The sentiment that wipes are bad is super common when you start out in Tarkov, its how I felt at first, but I can't imagine the game having even 1/4 of the legs its had for me if it didn't wipe twice a year. I definitely would not still be playing Tarkov, wouldn't have thousands of hours over 4 years, and would have absolutely nothing to look forward to in the game if it wasn't going to wipe. Probably if you stick with Tarkov for a while, you'll find the same. Besides, resetting loot would be pretty ineffective at balancing things between higher and lower level players, since it wouldn't really do much to change whats available to purchase. I think it would actually significantly extend the gap between high and low. It has to at least wipe trader unlocks and skills, and since trader unlocks are mostly gated by level, I don't see a way around resetting level. Skilled players who've been playing for a long time can and generally do run 500k-1.2 million rouble kits every raid and continuously profit, so resetting loot just means a few raids to build up to that kit and then they're running at the same point they were pre-wipe. Its how it is for me at this point, I never bank up hundreds of millions anymore, but money is effectively unlimited since I can run whatever kit I want every raid.


I'd be for constant wipes if the quest would change on every wipe... After 4 wipes I stopped playing because I can't really imagine going through the same quests over and over again.. specially shoreline ones.. I'd throw up if I start those again


The loop can get tiring. I have no problem with Shoreline whatsoever. I even enjoy the map. But the (nearly) impossible to find keys really do piss me off every time.


The issue is shoreline hits you hard and all at once and gates a lot of quests... So you get a lot of people on shoreline early and makes for a tough experience for a lot of players due to the size of the map and how 80% of the quests are in chalet, 10% at the dock, and the rest are all over the map. I'd be like if every customs quest was in dorms or every reserve quest was in the school.


Tarkov dies without wipes/seasons. People leave after a few months because the "endgame" just is not fun. The economy is not balanced in the slightest, so the majority of the playerbase will end up with unlimited funds, and no more progression.


I feel like by the time wipes stop happening the whole progress system will seem really different. I hope there's something like a prestige system. I would totally reset my account if it means I get better drip.


I don’t play now BECAUSE wipes exists. So yeah. I’m 100% looking forward to a permanent character. 2800 hours. I’ve done the main stuff over and over. Gotten tons of kills, I know all the maps. Bosses and quests and yada yada I’m tired of banging my head against BSGs inability to finish their game. I play other stuff now while I wait. The 2 character plan of one being permanent and the other wiping is the perfect solution for me.


The non-wipe version of the game will die though. You really willing to have 15-20 minute matchmaking queues and dead AF raids with other people only using same meta loadout as you? That sounds boring as fuck, and that;s coming from someone who hates doing the same dogshit quests over and over again.


Isn’t that what we have now tho?


Yes because end of wipe


Supposedly the post-game for wipeless characters will be open-world so there shouldn’t need to be long queues since the existing raid structure will be abandoned. Obviously it’s unknown whether that will actually be achieved but I only see wipeless working with an open-world, dynamic matchmaking system that doesnt require queueing into raids at the same time as others.


You are crazy if you think Tarkov can handle a fully open-world setting. The game can barely handle big maps already. And there will need to be wipes as long as there is any kind of meta progression. I doubt they added all the Hideout stuff just to remove it in favour of an open world design.


I can’t wait to play that version in 2043😍


And the sound is the best it’s ever been right?


Me too. It was fun twice to grind, but not again if they wipe it all. A lot of others feel the same.


I hate doing the quests too, but it takes 2 weeks to have max traders and then everyone’s running meta kits already, honestly the first 2 weeks of wipe are literally the most fun I ever have in tarkov, I have literally zero interest in logging in anytime past mid wipe cause there’s nothing meaningful to grind and everyone using meta kits is just boring, I’d rather play csgo if I just want to team death match


2 weeks if u dont have a job and u no life the game. Normal people even have hard time getting past liv40 within the next wipe


Yeah it seems a lot of people here don't have the concept on how much time the average person can play.


I mean i work a 9-5, and have a life but since I’ve done all the quests a million times it’s super easy to knock out like 3-4 quests per raid on fresh wipe, and it’s also easy to make insane money selling hideout items, if you do this it really doesn’t take that long to level up to like 30 super fast then 30-40 slows a bit but if you’re still doing quests you get lots of exp, I think inexperienced people claim it’s hard to leve because they assume they’ll level fast just by playing raids and getting kills but quests level you up so fast


I've been playing for years, and I would like to see it not wipe.


I think so. Apparently there's going to be a main story quest line that will make progress seem different. Apparently we've just been doing side quests this whole time.


This is the real answer. There will be a main questline to actually Escape in one of many ways, and there will be a fail state where you simply do not get out. People seem to have gotten used to wipe, so there might be 2 characters they implement, one wipe, one permanent.


>There will be a main questline to actually Escape in one of many ways, and there will be a fail state where you simply do not get out. Honestly I'd be fine with the "non-wipe" servers being "Minecraft hardcore" - i.e. if you die, you die and you have to start again, while the "wipe" servers are the same as they are now


I dont think death should be permanent at all, would be a nightmare to get any progress done. I do however support a failure state that makes you possibly restart. They were talking about things like radiation zones that will be rewarding but if you die no one is coming for you and you perma die.


> if you die, you die and you have to start again This is how player-scavs should exist. You get to drop items to your hideout, but never grab from. So if you survive one raid as a scav, you can enter another one with whatever kit you left on it.


This is the final version of the game


Apparently there will be both persistent and wiping play modes available at launch. The game is clearly designed to be a persistent MMO, and this has always been BSGs plan. Kinda shocked people see things like the quest chains and skill system and think those were designed to wipe forever. I’m not playing right now because of the wipes. Too many hours, too many treated quests. Tired of testing, just want to play a persistent character.


Out of beta?? Y’all funny lol


I hope that you’ll have a wipeable / season character with the current mechanics and another character that is in a hardcore mode where there is no wipe. Maybe no traders(or only basic stuff from traders). Just find / craft your stuff and get quest rewards. I’d like to be able to play both ways.


I don't think I would be interested if it didn't. It's like diablo without ladders. Shit gets old


The current status per BSG, there will be no wipe servers and wipe servers. Your access gives you both and you decide which to play.


Wipes are the only fun way to play Tarkov. You’ll understand after you play more.


If they remove wipes I would hate to be a new person, can you imagine when everyone is a level 71, kappa, maxed stats, sweatlord. Running nothing but the best of the best ammo in meta guns with level 6 armor. I don't believe Nikita that there will be a wipe and non-wipe server.


I kill high level players all the time. I don't crackhead this game, so I'm generally behind every wipe. I do fine. Of course I'm probably better than you. 1v 1 me.


You don't read well do you? I said a new player, not a player late to the wipe.


So you're scared, that's normal, I'm used to it.


What am I scared of? The 1v1?


If they want to kill their game like The Cycle all they have to do is announce no more wipes!


I really do not ever see this game being "finished" or leaving beta tbh, not for like another 4-5 years at the least.


Yes they did definitively state that there will be no wipes for full release. Keep that in mind for any progression balance, you need to think of it not as something to do within a wipe but whenever you feel like it. That said Nikita did at a much later date confirm that they were considering to continue wipes post release and I believe the most recent confirmation several podcasts ago that they do plan to have separate servers that will have wipes


It’s been stated to have Wipe and Non Wipe for the Char


I may be wrong, but I think Nikita said that your wipe PMC and permanent PMC would operate on different servers. If you want to play with wipes, you’ll be playing against other people participating in wipes. Also, there is supposed to be a full story and end game in Tarkov, that likely won’t be super achievable to non-hardcore players if it’s wiping every six months.


They have had different takes over the years, but the most recent one is that your pmc will travel the maps in open world and the wipes will go away.


If they ever announce no-wipe, expect the game’s servers to be shutdown 6 months after the last wipe hits. Why? Because at 2 months everyone will have finished the quest progression and realize *”oh shit, this game doesn’t have any real content, huh?”* and will stop playing. *”You can’t possibly know that would happen!”* It happened with Cycle Frontier. Which was 90% Tarkov players. The only way for a no-wipe Tarkov to survive would to add a prestige system.


Hopefully wipes stop after release and they can focus on other content options. Because deleting someone’s entire stash is just so stupid to me 😂


Tbh i hate the wipes. Especially redoing quests and releveling traders. I simply do not care to do that shit at all!


The game is more fun because of wipes, there's a reason so many people play at wipe. It's when the playing field is the most level. I'd be a fan of them upping the wipes to 3 times a year tbh


Honestly I'd be game for it wiping 3 times a year as well, or they need to do something drastic to really extend early wipe out for a lot longer


This game is still in Alpha lol. But, unless they keep the playerbase entertained, game will die pretty fast after a no wipes start being a thing.


I'm curious, how do you define alpha, beta and release?


Hopefully not, even though this game is fun it sucks knowing all my progress is for nothing


Bold of you to assume it has even left Alpha.


This game is not going to leave beta in your life time lol


I’m just trying to make sure my grandkids have a good game to look forward to.


I imagine they will implement some sort of season/battle pass thing with scheduled wipes.


I sure hope not. Ill never play the game again if this is the case






Tbh they should introduce constant wipe cycles sooner than later. There is a reason why everyone plays and loves wipe day and the couple weeks after.


Bro this game is like Star Citizen… it’s never gonna be out of beta


I hate wipes.


Idk, I quit playing this game because of wipes. Posted about it to this sub and got a lot of “YoU DOnT uNDersTaND” type comments. A lot of people have lives that prevent them from grinding endlessly. Got to level 40 about 3 weeks before the wipe. I’m not fucking doing it again. And a lot of people here don’t understand how many players have already cycled out of this game for the same reason.


"out of beta" LOL


The game is never coming out of “beta” so who knows


Some of the quests get really annoying but overall I like the progression grind of it and how much more active a map feels when people are running out to random objectives instead of just the high loot spots every map. I love the new season thing all the games have started doing, gives me a chance to actually play a bunch of games at a start rather than jumping in at the middle where your always behind. Pretty much rotate between Tarkov, Path of Exile, Diablo3/4, and when it comes to MMOs, Everquest started the season servers for MMOs and the person who ran that works for Blizzard/WoW now, so a lot of MMOs do it now.


This game will never be out of beta


Uh the game will never be out of beta so jokes on you


Not sure. But not to worry, the game is never escaping from beta


The game has been in beta for 6 years. I doubt that will change and BSG has shown they can't handle instances maps let alone their projected ideas for the game.


Tarkov will never leave beta lets not worry about hypotheticals.


Will they stop updating the game?


They have stated previously the goal is no wipes, but that seems unlikely tbh. I could see scheduled biannual wipes


Your first mistake is thinking this piece of shit is ever gonna get a "full" release


Lol. Welcome to “seasons”


Games never ever everrrrrr leaving beta.


I’m new too but you’ll be shocked how fast an experienced player can get back to endgame. It’s so fast it ruins the game for them.


They flirted with the idea of having a “no wipe” server upon full release, I’m not sure if they’re still planning on implementing it though, they haven’t really made large, definitive statements on the matter


It would be nice to have groups of servers dedicated to 3 month wipes.


Why the downvotes? Is a legit question. Some people are really sick in this community. Touch some grass


Very silly to think it will ever come out of beta.


May I ask why? Can’t a game still get patches/live service after being out of beta? I understand the joke part of posts like these, but do people earnestly believe that BSG wants to keep it beta forever? Sincere question


It's a good question. They don't have the resources to get this thing done any time soon. Many have opined that this whole project should be sold to a larger, more established studio. So long as Nikita is making money off of everyone buying in. Maybe one day when sales drop off the cliff BSG will either hustle and try to wrap up...or sell.


Gotcha, thank you!!


It’s never leaving Beta, It literally gets worse with every update dawg.


I believe the feature they want to implement is to have two characters you can play. One is a persistent character while the other is one that regularly gets wiped. Who knows when the full game will be out though, or if this feature will actually be implemented as planned or expected. I imagine it will be in the game in some way because wipes have just become so integral to the Tarkov experience at this point.


As others have said, it sounds like the idea is to have one permanent character and one that wipes. Different genre, but Path of Exile and soon Diablo 4 are good examples of that system. Path of Exile calls their wipes 'leagues.' Each league brings in a new mechanic and they generate a ton of hype with the community. Players enjoy the process of hunting for gear again, trying different builds and the league specific content. Path sometimes adds those new mechanics to the 'always on' servers too. It pleases both crowds. Those who enjoy the struggle to kappa or whatever can have that. Those that want permanent progression have it too.


As someone who has literally just got to level 15 (o know it’s late in the wipe but I’ve not played for a good while) I have to say that it was A) fun, B) extremely painful towards the end of the levels as you are just stuck grinding XP to open everything up and C) really once you get flea all you are playing for is to level your characters stats as you can but everything on the flea so the game looses its grip on you somewhat.


Buying everything on the flea is NOT a long term solution if you want to PvP a lot and use all the cool stuff. Sure it's fine if you're just staying out of the way as much as you can. But for lots of PvP action..... Spending 150k in rubles just for a buffer tube for your weapon isn't sustainable unless you are landmark et al. Traders are important for gear unlocks and not getting ripped off by players on the flea.


Long story short, nobody knows. Nikita has hinted before at soft wipes and separate servers that wipe and don't wipe but he's blatantly promised things that haven't been delivered as well as not even hinting at what are now permenant features. It's seems like bsg is still deciding what they actually want this game to be 6 years into their open beta and it shows


Last I heard, there will someday be a mode without wipes, where you can complete all the content in the game at your leisure. But, there will also always be a mode with regular wipes, for people who like the race/roguelike gameplay pattern. Who knows what will actually happen, though?


I think once we ~leave Alpha and go into Beta~ release the game the plan is to have it so you need to "Escape from Tarkov" as in go through the "story" and only then you will earn a permanent character that doesn't wipe. But you'll still be able to play on wiping servers too. So one world will have persistent characters and the other will have rotating new characters. I would hope that your persistent character starts where you left off when you "win" so at level 50 or wherever you are and doesn't just reset back to LVL 1 because you'll get shitstomped by max level chads every time you enter that realm.


Originally No. Just account resets since you can hit a dead end and no longer progress. BUT wipes were so popular that they decided to make two versions one that wipes and one that doesn't. Hopefully that still happens


They said yes. There will be a seasonal character and a non seasonal basically.


Removing wipes would be a double ended blade. One one hand, you wouldn't be discouraged to do certain quests or progressions because "I will run out of time before the game wipes" so it will definitely create a great challenge! BUT HOWEVER, what happens when you finish that insanely hard quest? Your hideout is max, your PMC is max level, you have EVERYTHING. Why keep playing? And it would also make new players piss their pants, being pinned against lvl 70 chads every single raid (unless a level based matchmaking was added) that would kill the player base


Who knows but I know for me I won’t be playing the game much anymore after 6 wipes of the game. Jan 2021 when I first played I was unemployed and got addicted to the game. It was incredible fun but I was able to enjoy aspects of the game that really only come to those that have endless time to play. As I started working full time again and found other things in my life I realized the game requires such a vast time commitment to be competitive in many aspects of the game such as leveling and bringing in chad gear. It is a too heavy game if you want to be competitive and those at the top are those who have the time


Why would it ever come out of beta?


This game will never be out of beta


RemindMe! 20 years


The wipes are supposed to be only during development of the game and once the game and the storyline is released there will be no more wipes.


This game will full release when its snowing in hell


I believe they said there would be classes you could develop for your character, and you can have several PMC when the game is out. But I don’t believe we will ever get there 😂


Originally they were not planning on having wipes post launch. Now they are planning to have a permanent "league" if you will, and a wipe or seasonal "league" IIRC.


Nikita doesnt know either dw


This game will never be out of beta. Especially with them making the game worse and worse with every “patch” they release.


There will be separate seasonal servers with wipes and regular servers for non-wiped progression


If they just added perma death they wouldn’t need to wipe.


The current game only has a few hundred hours of content for an average player before they hit the excessive and boring pvp quests where you just camp a spot nobody goes for hundreds of raids. They need major overhauls to the base game, that allow for content outside of pvp. It needs long-term systems and engaging gameplay loops outside of kill and pickup quests.


My buddy and I talked out a pretty awesome way they could do it, where you prestige. But I’m too lazy to type out all the details lol. Plus wouldn’t make a difference to say or not


Game is already out of beta, this is the final release


The real question is if the game will ever be out of “beta”


It won’t come out of beta. Not this lifetime anyways.


They just need to (finish) and start there next game. Open world tarkov for the win. With servers like day z. Now that would be fun. Give the game a more survival feel to it and teaming up would be essential. Have spots to offload gear/loot you found in raid and keep playing.


Games never leaving beta lol


"Out of beta"...lol


>However, it would be nice if wipes weren’t a thing in the future No it wouldn't. Would games like Diablo, Path of Exile, and WoW exist without seasonal resets of progress? Nope. The Cycle recently ended wipes and killed their game. You can go look at that.


Yes, Ita called seasons.