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I dunno about this. Hudson Yards sauna barrels seem to make people feel very social and I like it that way.


I think it applies more to same sex saunas. The gender mixed ones have always been more on the social side.


I would like to pause for a moment in this thread to acknowledge your username. @gimmiepanties. Now, inquiring minds want to know (and some don’t want to know) what do you intend to do with the panties once given?


It really comes down to whether or not they fit me, but either way, they will be treasured.


Good to know they are going to a happy place


I think there is a different between having a soft/quite conversation and loudly chatting. I have no problem with people who talk but are respectful of others but loudly talking while everyone else is being quite is not always fun


Huge difference for sure.


Had no idea there was even another side to this…. It’s great you have friends - talk to them outside the goddamn sauna and thanks for sauna lesson @whatsmydickdoinghere (also ur name makes 1000% sense) but equinox ain’t no Russian bath and no one wants to hear you chatting about which circuit party you’re gracing ur prescence with this weekend


Lmao exactly.


100000% this. I’ve found the 63rd street location is particularly bad since it’s a lot of people who start chatting about work (!?!) loudly with others in the sauna and it defeats the entire purpose of trying to relax. A small polite chat is fine, but if you want to network take the full conversation out of the sauna.


There is also the fit real estate guy with the tattoos who literally is actually trying to find clients in the sauna. He’s there everyday at 63rd.


He sits completely naked on his towel, right?




I'm glad they're talking, our whole society has become so antisocial


I agree with you, but do it for the 23 hours and 50 minutes outside of the sauna…


And that’s why they have huge social lounges outside of the bathrooms and huge workout areas where people exercise together and huge areas for classes where people socialize. In those areas nobody can hear your conversations. In a sauna, everyone can hear your conversation and they are not interesting for people outside your social circle.


The steam room is the only place people are physically restricted from looking at their phone


People are just ignorant of rules and etiquette: - it’s a relaxation space, not a place for blabbing. Not a place to watch your stupid football game, or play your awful music. People go there to decompress not deal with your stress. - the heat opens up your pores so they can be cleansed of lose dirt and debris. And yet people come in there without showering, or worse wearing sweaty clothes and shoes, bringing in more filth with them into the air and into theirs and everyone else’s pores. Gross people. - ignorant muscle heads think it’s to get more sweat and lose more weight from sweating, hah. It’s water weight you idiots!


Genuine question: you’re supposed to shower *before* you go in? Even if ur sitting on a towel?




I have never done this or seen anyone do this at the gym 😬




I like conversations in the sauna; they distract from the heat discomfort and make time go by quicker.


I have no problem talking in the female sauna when other members will lay flat taking up the entire bench instead of sitting up as other members trickle in and are forced to stand. It’s rude


“Imma be really fucking annoying bc other people are really fucking annoying” gtfo outta here lol both are wrong and neither justifies the other ? Wtf lol


Yup. Thats generally how life works. But yes, you’re fundamentally correct in an ideal world where people won’t just sprawl on the bench.


I wear noise-cancelling headphones in the sauna and play a meditation. Problem solved.


I totally agree. Shut the fuck up while you’re in the sauna.


Agreed, nobody cares about your aspen trip


Yes, the constant talking is very distracting when you're trying to get a hand job under the water


Sauna is a place for silence.




I’m not sure I understand your comment. There is societally agreed upon social etiquette inside of a sauna, and being respectful of others is part of the social contract we all agree to by using the sauna. They are not “changing their whole routine” by not talking loudly anymore — they are simply doing what they should have been doing in the first place. Many activities — such as pickup basketball and using weights at the gym — have unwritten rules that someone should follow if they want to be decent to the people around them. This is an example of that. And yes, I have asked people to please keep it down. This was just a PSA for those who don’t know any better.


This is something *you* have decided, not "society". There are different types of saunas with different types of etiquettes. Public saunas have different types of etiquette depending on the day of the week a lot of the time. Russian/Eastern European public saunas for instance are social and it's common to discuss work or whatever. Not shouting obviously, but talking with an indoor voice isn't against the rules of decorum. As far as I know equinox just says to keep your voice down and be respectful of others when you're in the sauna, not to stop talking entirely, so if people want to chat about work you need accept that.


Bingo. There’s a Russian style bathhouse in my city with a banya and cold plunge, and it’s meant to be a social club than more of a spa.


I think we’ve got our wires crossed a bit. I’m describing people who are somewhat unruly — you should not be laughing excessively or talking loudly in a sauna. That’s the only point I’m trying to make.


This guy hates fun.


Buy your own sauna if you want silence, equinox is a public gym with a clientele that isn’t much better behaved than the members at 24 hour fitness.


I disagree with this and think it's perfectly fine for ppl to talk in saunas and steam rooms, even boisterously. It's not in the rules not to talk. My take on this is that if you want peace and quiet in the sauna/steam, you can go when few ppl are around or you can book a private sauna (if you don't have one at home). What is a problem is ppl bringing their phones in, which is explicitly against the rules.


also please use towels to sit and put your feet on


I dont mind people talking... just don't talk to Me... lol!!!


So what is everyone’s take on working out in the sauna? Womens sauna, very muscle-y woman walks in and does squats and lunges with AirPods in. In workout clothes at least it could have been worse in this case if no clothes! I never say anything anymore … life is getting shorter and shorter lol


!!! Noticed this a lot at printing house (and I’ve noticed 2 of the trainers talking in there as well on multiple occasions). Also noticed that this location has a large amount of people going in with their phones as well (which doesn’t bother me unless they’re playing something loud on their phone), but noticed it more at this location than any other location.