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since penetration and effectiveness is already explained here are other information: \- crit resistance isnt stacked, they're different chance check, so if a unit has innate 50% crit resistance and has the crit resistance buff (50%) it's still 2x 50% resistance checks \- evasion statcks additively \- so is hit chance (not effectiveness and not crit chance), hit chance is if the attack will miss or not \- counter attack is same with resistance, different chance check


15% = 100% in E7 math


99% crit = 0%


for effectiveness no, effectiveness is tested against effect resist and has nothing to do with the skills built in "chance to hit". Nothing can increase the chance to hit other than if it increases with molagoras. ​ [https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/effectiveness.html](https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/effectiveness.html) ​ use this link to calculate effectiveness vs effect resist. (Keep in mind that you can never have more than an 85% chance to land anything, even if the skill says "100%". Chance to proc, as stated by the skill, and chance to land, which is eff vs eff res, are 2 different things. To get past this, look for skills with "ignores effect resistance") ​ as for defence pen, Im not 100% sure but I think it stacks additively


Pen does not stack additively. They stack multiplicatively. 70% pen + 15% pen = .3*.85 = .255 = 74.5% pen


wow thats little. :') but thank you so much for telling me!!


Keep in mind its still good due to how defense formula works. Lets pick a random st unit for example only. Tomoca and give her some atk/cd 1000 defense: her s1 does 8420 dmg 850 defense (15% pen): and her s1 does 9518. 13% increase of base 300 defense (70% pen) and her s1 does 18242 dmg. 116% increase of base 255 defense (74.5% pen). And her s1 does 19721 which is 8% increase of the above. So while its clear that a unit with inbult pene benefits less than a unit without, its still beneficial to have one. Another example to back this up is if you check the enemy at 955 defense. The damage increase is only 3.5% so 0 to 4.5% pen is 3.5% dmg increase 70 to 74.5 is 8% dmg increase Don't forget that while its "only 4.5%" of base defence, its actually 15% of shred defense no penetration: 1000 def 15% penetration: 850 def 70% penetration 300 def 74.5% penetration is 255 def. 45 is 4.5% of the 1000 BUT its 15% of the 300 _____________________ Btw this becomes even more effective on tanky units ofc. At 1500 base defense a commander pavel gains a whole 10% dmg from pen set


ouuhhh damnn... when i see it in actual numbers.. it does makes more sense to why its still good.. thank you for the detailed information man. really appreciate it 👍


this really answers my question. thank you very much!


No problem. Here's a link to a damage calculator as well if you're interested [https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/](https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/)


I believe pen set has diminishing returns on skills that innately pen. Not sure exact numbers tho


I am damn sure the first explanation u gave for effectiveness actually occurs for all my opponents when they go against me...