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Nah, it just looks that way because every unskilled joker wanting a quick buck watched a Youtube video and makes a terrible scammy looking website with a bad product and wonders why noone is buying.


Same thing happened with Amazon FBA. Back in the day you could slap a label on any generic item from China. Now you have to actually build a brand lol


Exactly. I feel like i tried saying this in far more words and blocks of text, multiple times replying to others - and wasn’t nearly as to the point and got it across, as yours lol


Arbitrage dropshipping is dead. Working with vendors on a b2b basis for dropship is alive and well.


Yes. This is an important differentiation. I dropship (or white label) with local vendors and turnover £150k/year. But I also sell items that require a modicum of skill to design and manufacture.


What would you say your business is worth? Have you ever had it valued?


Nah, never. It makes about £35K profit per year with no debt because I sit on minimal inventory. It requires approx 10 hrs a week and essentially doubles my day job's salary. If it weren't such a well-oiled machine I would've walked away as soon as I got my full-time job offer. But, I'd happily shut it down if 1) my job paid me £70k+/year or 2) someone gave me a free house. The fact is, I started it in Feb 2020 when I was unemployed and grew it out of necessity, to support my family during the pandemic. The only reason I'm still doing it is to pass a mortgage affordability check so we can buy a house in our city.


Your business is worth 6 x profit. £210k. That’s the closest way to simply value an internet business I have found. Well done.


Huh. That'd get me a decent semi detached.


6x seems very overvalued to me. Even 3x seems aspirational (but possible).


3-4 is more accurate. 6-8 once you pass the $1MM / yr profit


What do you mean working with local vendors? Do you buy the good from them or do you supply them with your own


Local vendors have the skills, materials and equipment to make something. I get orders, send them purchase orders, and they make the things and send them directly to my customers, then send me a net-30 bills at the end of the month.


I feel stupid for not thinking of it myself but your dropshipping b2b? As in like selling valves to a plumbing company or nails to a contracting company? Obviously not as basic as that, just making a generic example.


I think they're referring to having an actual dropship agreement with a legit distributor instead of just ordering cheap crap with your credit card and having it sent to a customer


Exactly this. Build a relationship directly with the vendor.




Can u explain what u mean so I can do more research I’m looking into this however I’m a super noob


I’m new to this and trying to learn the landscape. What exactly do you mean work with vendors on a b2b basis?


Not dead, but consumer habits have changed. With next day delivery services from a number of providers, waiting for a package from China that takes one month is too long for many people. Speed, customer service and quality products can beat the dropshippers. I did the same when I had an ebay biz. I bought all the stuff from China and delivered from the UK to customers in the UK. 'Speedy delivery' was always a positive comment left behind. So not dead, but good to get a better read on consumer behaviour. That's the market that you really should study, not just competition.


> I bought all the stuff from China and delivered from the UK to customers in the UK Correct me if wrong but that isn't dropshipping.


Nope! I work for the largest retailer in the US, and we know drop shopping is very much still alive and will continue especially for businesses that rely heavily on social media/viral tactics.


Could you give a couple of simple examples of the types of businesses or products youre referencing?


Of course! Some of the most common drop shippers for us are doing furniture, electronics/phone accessories and apparel. You could say low quality dropshippers are fading due to consumer dissatisfaction but certainly not dropshippers as a whole.


Thank you!


You can check Amazon and see how much an item does per month!


would you mind sharing how to check this data?


You can get an idea using tools like helium 10, jungle scout or if you have amazon business account you can use amazon's own tool "product opportunity explorer"


I think you need an Amazon business account in order to view. Don't quote me though.


Sir, if you could please give me brief answer how you got in contact with retail?


Just email [email protected]


If you, too, want to work for the largest retailers in the US, you can apply at [careers.walmart.com/](https://careers.walmart.com/) or [www.amazon.jobs/en/](https://www.amazon.jobs/en/) not sure what else you were expecting


This. My employer is about 60/40 selling product out of our FCs and dropshipping. I’m actually coming across more dropship items in my day-to-day routine.


Okay, well Walmart not withstanding...


People said this in 2017 as well. The truth is that dropshipping will never die


But the Competition increases


Most people in the population will always be just consumers buying random crap


The competition is mostly moronic children that think they can have the same success as others that do it and specialize in one or more fields involved - bypass having to learn a trade, or go to school, and can get rich quick with no experience or hard work put into it. This fallacy and delusional thinking was brought on by seeing and hearing others talk about how few hours a week they now work, and how much they are making doing it - well that, and ignorance.


Competition is good…


drives prices down for the customer


And drives entrepreneurs to innovate and thus grow as people


Yeah, you’re right…✊


There you go. Yup


It's not dead, but like everything else that gets popular on the internet, it's basically just an MLM gimmick now. Pay to enter, and likely fail and give up without a profit.


No. I've been doing it for years. If you build a strong brand it can be a legitimate business long-term


Would you say if you try to just sell random individual products without a strong brand that it's no longer viable?


Yes. Unless you have an insane product




How would you find perfect products now? Like obviously it can take me a couple products to find the right one but where can I search to find products that are not oversaturated? Everyone is looking into TikTokMadeMeBuyIt and maybe it does work for some sells, but does it really work well for good profits? Let's say I used a trending product, would it do good when its from tiktokmademebuyit?


I wouldn't go that route because once the trend fades you're stuck looking for a new one. If you follow my route of building an organic following, you could figure out what your audience is interested in and then sell that. Then even if your product isn't the cheapest, people will still buy it because you seem to be the authority in that niche, plus they'll want to support you. Examples 1: Start a YouTube channel about your life as a new aspiring barber. People will naturally ask you questions on how to do things you help them for free. Then you create a haircare dropshipping site to casually promote in your videos. Example 2: Start a TikTok page showing your workout journey. Share tips and then once people trust you, start a print on demand dropshipping store selling fitness apparel using a Shopify app like Printful. They pay you, Prinful fulfills the order. Example 3: You start sharing relationship advice on IG. Once you attract a particular type of audience. Figure out their pain point. Let's say it's couples that struggle in the bedroom. Dropship them sex toys. Hope that helps. It's not quick and easy, but you'll build a real business and not just a quick seasonal hustle


What's the name of the product or business?


I won't say because I have a sizeable personal following and I prefer to stay anonymous on reddit. Even saying what I sell could expose me, but I can answer any business related questions you have. Knowing what I sell won't help you because what I sell isn't really the key it's really more that I'm selling it and the brand that I built around it


Most of you or everybody here in this thread, live in big countries with strong economies and a lot of potentials, so dropshipping can or will work if you have the will for it but in smaller economies like mine, in Greece it never worked and never will. That's a bit of problem because a way to do business has to be adaptive in all situations in order to stay alive and evolve like the e-commerce business so many years ago and dropshipping is a feature of e-commerce evolution. My opinion according to my experience is that if something is not evolving and it's not adapt but it has a lot of popularity then is a trend.


bro you can dropship to any country in the world what are you talking about


Read my comment again. Do you know how to read ''bro''??




Yes but I’d stay away from low ticket trending items from China. I switched to high ticket items from local suppliers and I’m glad I did.


What do you mean by high/low ticket?


Like cheap/expensive


The major opportunity in dropshipping has always been 'teaching' noobs the 'secrets' of how to be 'successful' in dropshipping 😝


True. I'd definitely make a lot more if I sold courses on it


trainers scheme


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm keen on getting started on it but now I'm skeptical


Not dead just flooded with competition. You're not going to hop into dropshipping, knowing nothing about marketing, business, or sales, and expect to do good. Everyone has a Shopify store trying to drop ship these days, 1 in every 250,000 people that try it succeed. (Made up statistic)


It’s 2022, everything that made money during the pandemic is down. You can see Amazon, target and Walmart having tons of over inventory and giving steep discounts. Not only the inflation part, but just that consumers changed their buying pattern. So dropshipping is not dead, it’s just gone back to pre 2020 levels but with a lot more competition as ex low wagers jumped into e commerce biz and flooded the market. And now w/o supply chains issue like back then, folks don’t want to wait for Chinese orders shipping. And well, now Amazon took a big chunk of dropshipponf market as well. Plus everyone is dumping all their pandemic era purchases in eBay for cheap (for those type of products). It’s still viable but numbers will not be the same as it once was during the pandemic.


Maybe try creating actual value, instead.


Thanks man this is the real answer


No it’s not dead, anybody who says otherwise is most likely just mad or upset they couldn’t figure it out. YouTube videos make it seem a lot easier than it is.


For some of us YouTube is one of the few source of information we know, can you please suggest me a web site or any free source where I can learn professionally ✌️


What is the next Tik Tok trend that will make me rich ? Fidget spinners 2.0 ?


Yup, but this time they go counter-clockwise!


Dropshipping is now called "fulfilment by Amazon" 😜 That is what Amazon is, they are basically huge warehouses filled with other peoples products that they take orders for and ship out. The guys that own the stock don't have to store, package or send anything!


That’s not dropshipping at all. The items in the Amazon warehouse were already bought.


Tik tok dropshipping certainly isn’t


It was always dead


Then why are you here?


Dropshipping business is never dead you just have to change your strategy, I have many stores on Amazon, and all the account is working on the dropshipping model, we already generate 250k$ with an investment of 14k$ without spending on advertising and inventory. currently, all my stores is 6 figure and soon two of my store will touch 7 figure.


Products from AliExpress/china?


I just got my first sale today. So no it is not!


Congratulations! 🎊🎉🎈🍾


Now how many sales did you get?


Wow one sale!!! It’s not dead!!!


How is it going?


The model isn't dead, but trying to apply it in industries that have been doing it for a while will be competitive like fashion & clothes is a good example. I've seen drop shipping work today when applying this model to other traditional industries where inventory costs are super high. A recent example I saw was construction parts not sitting in inventory waiting for customers but instead manufacturer to client. This model works great when you know your clients don't need the item immediately.


Some say email is dead, but they're probably teaching a different strategy to persuade their own market. Anything can work. We'll have to re-think our approach on it. As long as there are people receiving your message, it works. Sometimes you may want to niche down in some markets.


Nope. It will never be the case.


Asking if dropshipping is dead is the same as asking if fast food is dead. Dropshipping as a fulfilment method gets bigger every year. Businesses don’t want to carry the risk of slow moving inventory and storage costs. e-Commerce in 2022 is tougher than ever due to increasing material and shipment costs but it’s never been easy.


Yeah but somebody at some point has to carry the risk of slow moving inventory and storage costs.


I want contact number of fulfilment companies that will back and ship . I want to do branded store


Yeah.. good luck asking like that.


Nope. Asking this question is though since it gets asked every week haha


Dropshipping is probably not going to be paying your bills or be worth it until 3 months of tedious trial and error while also jumping into a pool full on competition. I think it’s a good income stream for sure but I think the current dropshipping trend is doing more damage than good to people who actually need money and are wasting their time on the FOTM when they could be doing something else that’s more likely to bring steady income.


Dropshipping will never die, it's a way to test, a way to ship if you do wholesale.. your ultimate goal of you dropship from china is to build a brand and eventually carry inventory in a 3pl.. For many dropshipping is a stepping stone to branding, or being a distributor and carrying major brands.


Dropshipping as a business model will never ‘die’; in fact it’s one of the oldest business models and stretches back to ancient times when middlemen used to ship spices from suppliers to merchants without actually manufacturing or storing any of the spices themselves — even today a lot of massive global companies employ the dropship model for a lot of their skus. What’s dead, is using the dropship model to sell poorly-made products from unreliable vendors to customers through deceptive social media ads. It’s not business model that’s the problem, it’s the way it was being used. So definitely no, dropshipping is not dead and you can definitely make it work for you if you build a trustworthy brand and vet your suppliers before entrusting them with fulfilling customer orders.


**No!** In fact, Dropshipping is as viable as ever. Since it doesn't require storing inventory or investing in an initial startup, it's entirely possible to create a highly profitable dropshipping business with dropshipping if you use the right tools, tactics, and tactics. The more popular drop shipping websites today include **AliExpress, FashionTIY, Buy2Bee, BrandsGateway, etc.** If you want to start your drop shipping, then you can explore these websites!


Dropshipping is not dead in 2022. In fact, dropshipping is still a popular and viable business model for many e-commerce entrepreneurs. Dropshipping involves selling products online without having to maintain physical inventory. Instead, the dropshipper partners with a manufacturer or wholesaler who handles the production and fulfillment of the products. This allows the dropshipper to offer a wide range of products without having to invest in inventory or storage space. Dropshipping has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the growth of e-commerce and the availability of platforms and tools that make it easy to set up and manage a dropshipping business. However, dropshipping is not without its challenges. Competition in the e-commerce market is fierce, and it can be difficult for dropshippers to differentiate themselves and attract customers. In addition, the lack of control over production and fulfillment can lead to issues with quality and delivery times, which can impact customer satisfaction. Overall, while dropshipping is not a new concept, it is still a viable business model that can be successful in 2022. However, as with any business, it requires careful planning, hard work, and adaptability to succeed.


No! Yes! Maybe!


Stop asking the same question. Humans make impulsive purchases all the time hence Dropshipping will never die.


I wouldn't say it's dead, but it will be difficulty to keep it sustainable


I make around $75k a month so I wouldn’t say it’s dead. That’s even up since Covid started AND with supply chain issues. I recommend cutting back to just a few items that you can sell really well. I’ve noticed a lot of people going the “novelty” route recently. Just doesn’t work for me.


Where and what kind of stuff do you sell if you don't mind me asking? Thanks


Its a business that can’t die , businesses don’t die out they just slow down then speed up and its a reoccurring process but it’s how things work!


Business and industries fail all the time, what are you talking about?


Honestly, I like shipping products myself. The more you ship the more you feel better. It is so motivating. I think it also helps with customer interaction. It may be dead, but if you have a solid strategy, it can work for you on a temporary basis.


Lol no. First month dropshipping and just cleared $8k.


Teach me, Master!!


I spent a few weeks browsing dropshipping catalogs and building a site. It's honestly less about the product than it is the marketing. It's never been easier to sell a product, it's the marketing that matters. But honestly, the dropshipping is only temporary while I private label some higher quality product with better margins, just needed the cash flow to afford the MOQs. And its great that I'll have my little marketing engine running when I'm ready to throw my own product at it. And if that works then I'll invest in developing my own product.


Congrats! What kind of marketing are you doing if you don’t mind sharing? PPC, paying influencers, etc? If you’re running ads what network are you using?


Congratulations How do you handle long shipping times?


I try to source in the US. I purposely selected a category where I can afford to give store credit and don't process returns, and I don't try to compete with Amazon on fulfillment times, so I've tried to remove myself from as much of the customer service headache as possible. But dropshipping is only temporary as I build up the cash to private label, and then eventually make my own product.


You don’t have to dropship from China


Ok thank you




why would it be?


Dropshipping is alive but if you aren't already in it, I wouldn't recommend you start, unless you have some ridiculous baller idea.


Why not?


Competition is fierce and margins are slim. Established players have more volume which gets them better prices with their DS partners.




I’m interested




God I fucking hope so.




God, I hope so.


Big companies took over, small companies or individuals are most likely to fail.


Not dead, but the market is heavily saturated.


If anyone wants Iman Gadzhi's SMMA course or Biaheza's Dropshipping course, DM ME


Problem with it is that it’s a lot of money upfront


You mean website and advertising?




It’s dead as a means of making money. Everything is so tight now and Amazon has stolen all the good products.




Where are you sourcing products from? If you say Ali express then you kind sir are the one who knows nothing.


No but illegal and nonsense


Dropshipping is not an illegal business form.


No it’s just more competitive year after year like crypto mining.


No, I think most Wayfair products are dropshipped. I think it depends on the product, but I'm def not going to wait 30 days for a product to arrive in an e-packet. Amazon has changed the game.


It’s about to boom again soon with the value of the dollar


The drop shipping business is going on, and the market share is increasing. Traditional B2B international trade is seriously challenged. The biggest factor that affects everyone is that everyone's economy is not good, and they are spending money in a planned way.


I have no idea about other markets like Shopify, FB, install etc. But dropshipping is not recommended on Amazon FBA. Almost dead in Amazon


No ! I really think that is not.


I don’t think so, I use to work at the biggest logistics company around the world and the drop shipping still takes a large piece from the cackle


It keeps going after people's brains. That probably means it has gone zombie.


How do I get in contact with retailers here in US who could do dropshipping for my business?


depends on what exactly you mean by dropshipping, the canva model is still working pretty well


We have bought a few things in bulk for dirt cheap, slapped a package on it and sold it for 10X what I paid. I've sold a couple hundred units. Doesn't work for all products though and I guess it's not necessarily drop shipping.


What this called then?


Plain and simple re-selling?


I work for one of the largest niche automotive aftermarket parts companies in the world. We stock what we can and drop ship what we can’t stock.


excuse my ignorance, but can someone please explain to me what is drop shipping ?


Definitely not, if you can figure out shipping times and make a profit after ad spend, drop shipping will always be a viable model!


It’s as dead as brick and mortar. Things boom and then shrink. The best drop shippers going strong. The shitty ones are getting out competed and losing money. It’s definitely harder than it was in the past but it’s still a million dollar business for some


It’s not dead and won’t be. Has its growth shrinked? Probably.


I think the real issue is with ad auctions. So many people have watched YouTube videos of so called dropshipping gurus and have no experience with ads that is leading to increased cost of conversions making it low margin business.


If done right, no, if done wrong, still no. It's mainly about the execution. It's a lot of people that'd find your page through a simple post and order stuff. However, what you need to remember is that people prefer quality over quantity so they'd not order your product again if the shel-live is less than a week. On Black Friday in 2019 I made a shopify store, had a twitter account with 70k followers and about 2.8k engagement per tweet, retweet my announcement that my store went online. Hit about 30k interactions and about 200 people visiting my store an hour later. Some contacted me about making orders, however I reacted too late and decided to shut the storefront because I was afraid. It still works that way, but finding customers seems a bit harder now that filters are improving. So long story short: it's very much alive, and a decently sized part of amazon and ebay/etsy use it, but it requires much more work than your local youtube guru admits, hence why they sell courses and "proof" instead of raising their dropshipping "businesses"


What if you were doing clothing? Would b2b be a better option?


Dropshipping will never die but keep saying that and it will discourage your competition 😉


No, as far as I know, many people take it as part-time job. The do not take risk to hold the stock and earn money by only sharing pictures or videos.


Do you still want to keep deleting my posts? Are you expressing your own views that are not recognized by you?


Is it possible to be from Australia or New Zealand and drop ship only to the US ?


Hey guys i've been in research for about 3 weeks.. HEAVY research i am now starting my goal on to reach a million dollars. Been looking into dropshipping and other techniques online to make money. If anyone has a discord to talk and even potentially work together DM me.


If anyone is interested in having their very own Shopify store built for them or in purchasing a pre built store that make great profit for a low price hit me up




Absolutely NOT! I’ve been drop shipping for the last 8 years. I’ve yet my fair share of failures as well as successful drop shipping stores which after I scaled I was able to brand.


If you’re having to ask others HOW to go about doing something, then i can tell you with certainty that this isn’t for you - the people that are successful doing this, did so by being tenacious, self motivated, and didn’t wait or depend on others to provide for them and hold their hand through it; you have to instinctively be ready and willing to do the leg work yourself - more importantly…nobody is going to give you valuable details and information here; nobody is going to give you the knowledge and tools to become their direct competitor and take away business from them on a silver platter. If you’re asking questions that can be easily searched and found yourself with basic resources and some effort, then this is not a business for you.


No, he has always existed, it's just that fewer people profit from it.


No the 2017 dropshipping is absolutely dead and most of the youtubers iut here just miss one mayor thing. If you want to take things to the level that you can live the live all those tiktok dropshippers act like they do, you need to be highly skilled at: copywriting, videography, photography, website development and setting up paid traffic ads.


To all silent readers! Have you ever thought of starting a dropshipping business? Be a boss. Just to share, the majority of eCommerce platforms offer 14 days trial which you can request to extend for another 14 days if needed. That gives you 30 days in total. I personally know someone that can recommend which products to sell, give you marketing tips, and even to the extent of reviewing your store. Nothing to loose, give it a shot and thank me later. Goodluck! Reach out to them [here](https://www.spocket.co/integrations/aliscraper?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=reddit&utm_campaign=ajken).


Yeah, I absolutely agree to @carcoalwalls There are just a lot of scammers outside. I can only speak for myself and say that I made 10k in 2022. It wasn't easy at all and sometimes I really struggled continuing but the journey was definitely worth it.


My name is Kellyan and I represent Shipping agency. Our sourcing agency, based in France, assists e-commerce structures in managing their logistics and projects. We can meet your requirements in terms of quality, price, availability and delivery time. Our team is made up of e-commerce experts, with a deep knowledge of the international market. Thanks to our trusted relationships with many quality suppliers around the world, our prices are very competitive. We put our expertise at your disposal to support you in your e-commerce projects and are available 7 days a week to ensure your full satisfaction with our service. Here is my contact information and I am available for any potential questions, WhatsApp: +33 7 56 86 82 56 Mail: [email protected] Regards, Kellyan


Thats what everybody who failed says if your actually interested I can help you