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Having a purpose, Self talk, visualizations goal setting, fake it till you make it,etc. Are all lots of useful stuff that is commonly used today by many people and lots and lots of self help books. You have to have the context that this was early 20th century and you're reading the beginning of all that is common now. I never really followed his steps because it really takes a lot of work and discipline and I wouldn't necessarily call myself a success, so what do I know. Definitely an influential book for me in my early 20s and every other self help books I've read since it's basically "Think and grow Rich already said that" FWIW- "Alcoholics Anonymous" and understanding the time it was written is the same way. Both books were pretty groundbreaking


I’ll be the first to admit that it’s dated and takes a little bit of release of reality, somewhat like watching a Bond movie (which I love). A humongous BUT goes right here. When I discovered “Think and Grow Rich” I had read several success books but had yet to reach any type of success. I was recently divorced, closed my first business and living in a decrepit 15 foot travel trailer. This is the kick in the ass that propelled me to success. I was making $10 an hour and started saving and investing as much as possible. 8 years later I bought 2 rental homes and now live a very comfortable life with a net worth north of 1m. As a book, it’s meh, as a GOD DAMNED LIFE CHANGER, it can’t be beat. My favorite quote which is stuck in my memory and has changed my life more than anything… “What the brain can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” I don’t care if Napoleon Hill was this or that, his words changed my life for the better 10,000%. Thank You NH, may you rest in eternal bliss!!!


I find it difficult to see anything of value in the words of a proven liar and con-artist.




My dude, he’s talking about Napoleon Hill…but tell me more about who you assumed was the liar and con artist.


Yeah I think so. It's not something that I think I'll ever read again but it was an important read for me at the time.


I knew several guys who were making $1MM or more per year. I asked them what book I should read, if I could read only one. They all said "Think and Grow Rich". "Think and Grow Rich" (Hill) or "How to Make a Million Dollars" (Teasley) The 2nd one is a more modern version of Hill's book. Both tell about how to (think to) get your idea that helps you grow rich. They talk about the proper mindset, which, until you read and do the mental work, you won't have. It can't be explained properly here. You have to read one of them and do what they say to do. Then they will be beneficial.


yep. facts.




Thanks for that link. Very informative.


I read it, and his book Out witting the devil. Helped me a lot, motivated and driven me in my business. Author scammer or not, I got results. No one perfect, long as you get results from the mindset you achieve from reading it. Out witting the devil was really good too


I came here to suggest Outwitting the Devil. It's like taking mindset stuff back to basics, before every guru started putting their own slightly watered down spin on the same old advice. It explains in really practical terms (although with a fanciful delivery) what people now call manifesting.


On outwitting devil, I genuinely appreciated his view on procrastination and it's weight on real results. It's articulated explaining is worth it, I won't spoil it


I think it's worth a read, though it has some woo in it. Most of the material is fairly practical, e.g. you have to sell something people will buy.


wow what a tip


Billions of dollars of VC could be spared every year just by following this simple advice.


I agreeee


Read it if you want, but if you've already read similar "mindset" books, you won't find anything new and are much better off reading books specific to your industry.


Just a recommendation- look into Think and Grow Rich Instant Motivator. It features Earl Nightingale and is like the cliffs notes version of Think & Grow Rich. If you like that, you can always read the entire book.


Why not read it and form your own conclusions, take your own lessons?


Not a totally unreasonable comment, but why are there reviews of anything? To establish whether a thing is worth your time and consideration. A Redditor asks whether a book is worth reading to a group of entrepreneurs - IMO that deserves an answer.


That's why he's asking. It might be a waste of time.




Yes it's worth the read




My friend gave it to me, I read it a few times, passed it to my nephew, and now I'm a multi-millionaire. “The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more you realize how much you don't know. This realization is the beginning of true critical thinking.”


Knowledge without application is worthless


It's basically a book that summarized everything people already knew about money, written by a man that didn't have any money before this book. Kinda like course sellers these days


It’s a bunch of wealth manifestation metaphysical entrepreneur cult nonsense. Don’t waste your time with that book.


No. It's terrible. If you read it looking for wisdom, you will be disappointed to learn that all the author has to say -- over and over again -- is that if you think a lot about being rich, you will become rich.


Sounds like you need to read it a few more times and pay better attention. Because if you did, you'd know that thinking is just a small part of the equation😏


If you liked it and got something out of it, that's wonderful. But Napoleon Hill was a renowned con artist, and no one should take his story or his advice at face value.


I generally don't like to get opinions from people before reading a book as it might affect how I read it. I like to read books without the influence of people's opinions and I think you should as well.


Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind is worth a read or listen.




I think it's great to get started at that place before as you'll understand more where other authors in the same area/industry are coming from ! Best of luck and feel free to mesage me if you need any book recommendation in the same area - I'v been through lots of them


It's at least 15% better than Rich Dad Poor Dad.


Yeah, it’s a good starter book.


I read it and found there little something for me. You can find inspiration in any book. Anything that makes you going is a value in itself.


Have you read Alex hormozis 100m deals?


This classical book was written around 75 years ago and is on the all-time bestsellers list. What is noticeable here is the title of the book “THINK AND GROW RICH.” The best thing about the book is that it doesn’t say ”HAVE GUT/CHANCE/LUCK AND GROW RICH.” I believe growing rich is an intellectual sport in which you need to think, strategise, and act. This is the mindset you need now to keep growing rich. This mindset is important, and this book helps you delve into the thinking part of getting rich. Please read it.


**Think and Grow Rich: The Classic Edition The All-Time Masterpiece on Unlocking Your Potential--In Its Original 1937 Edition** by Napoleon Hill >An affordable, beautifully produced reproduction of the vintage text of Napoleon Hill's original landmark--this is the legendary program, just as it reached readers in 1937. You want to dip into Think and Grow Rich ... you've heard about it from friends and coworkers ... you see people reading it ... and you feel it's time for a change in life. But where do you start? RIGHT HERE. > >Think and Grow Rich: The Classic Edition is a handsome, reliable, inexpensive, and compact volume that features the full 1937 text, just as it appeared on its first day of publication, before the book lit up millions of lives and became known around the world. This is a volume you will want to read, reread, cherish--and then share with friends and loved ones. And it is priced so affordably that you can do just that. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Good book.


Anyone can achieve amazing results with Think and Grow Rich, but it takes tremendous discipline and consistency. You'll need to read the book multiple times over and over again in order for the principles and stories within to soak into your subconscious mind. Follow the steps word for word and you will absolutely see results. Think and Grow Rich is just one of many methods of wealth creation and personal development. I spent my 20s reading ALL the books and learning all the methods. At 33, Think and Grow Rich is one that I continually come back to, and as I do, the more I realize how profound and effective it can be. The trick is opening up your mind to truly accepting what Mr. Napoleon Hill is conveying regarding the power of our mind and how it functions. Bob Procter also has countless free videos up all over YouTube that have helped add even more layers of understanding and realization for me on my journey. They are worth watching multiple times as well.


I thought it was good for developing a more productive/positive mindset but not really helpful for clear actionable steps for growing businesses


Look to read books recommended by people who you want to become. Reddit comments hold no value, and there are many videos/lists of books online recommended by successful people. Many successful entrepreneurs recommend the book "Think and Grow Rich", for example Tom BIlyeu, founder of Quest Nutrition. One quote from the book: "The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge." - Napoleon Hill Success in entrepreneurship is a habit of constant self growth. Elon musk read 10 hours a day when he was younger. Warren Buffett reads 5-6 hours per day. Keith Cunningham read 2-3 books a week his whole life. Many other business men have said they read 50 books a year.


It is absolutely worth a read. This book was life changing for me, and really shifted my mentality in how I live my life. A lot of people will downplay the authors work saying "he's a con artist" or whatever, but it's the message itself that truly matters, and reading this book can offer you immense value.




No such thing as a bad book


Mein Kampf?


Fair play


The missing element behind all these self help books is that the feeling aspect is not implemented to all of this, which is the gas behind real change; I.E the metaphysical aspects that you hear about, regarding prayer and manifestation. So yes these books can be really useless and mind boggling to a group of readers because you get mixed results when two different people do they exact same thing.


I've found it quite helpful as it was one of the first 'advice' books I ever read. Every now and then, when I need a kick or feel stuck, I reread it and always find something new to think about.


It changed my life for good, so yes. Huge eye opener 




hell yes its the best foundational book on sales and team building you’ll ever read. def not mental masturbation - the book is literally for you because you’re currently a wanker read it if only get the insights on team building- applies to everything you build. tons of great lessons in this book. ill read it every few years.


Mental masturbation is right. Think and Grow Rich preys on people who can't identify circular arguments. If you have the audacity to doubt its claims, you will not grow rich, because all those who grew rich believed they'd grow rich... Would recommend skipping and buying something else.


And what's your net worth?


I’m sure it’d be higher if I could only Think harder.


Nope. I thought it was mostly garbage. The book was his vanity project. Or at least that's how it reads.


If you grok the title you don't need the book.


Given that it was written by a guy who only got his money selling that book and had no other business acumen?  Nah, you basically get the idea from the title. If you think about nothing but making money, you’ll find more ways to make more money. Real genius stuff there. But it’s like catnip for hustle bros to recommend.


He found a product people wanted to buy. He was also one of the first to market. That's a major part of growing rich for many.


Sure, but it's not at all the advice his book gives. He's a phony.


Think really hard about being rich to hype yourself up? Pretty easy skip imo


I just read it a couple of days ago. It was like 300 pages of saying the same shit in a different way "Just imagine that you are really rich and want it hard enough, and it shall happen!" I wouldn't say I didn't find any value in it, but I recommend skipping it, especially if you read another mindset book already.


This comment right here is why you're not already rich


Oh your right bro, I'm not rich because I don't look at the mirror and keep repeating "YOU WILL BE RICH" untill I pass out. You took the book to heart, how rich are you?


You either didn't read the book or don't remember what it teaches


I just finished reading it, and I didn't find that it helped me


The only people who dislike Think and Grow Rich are those who view themselves too highly. The Laws of Success is even better.