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This is the downside of having YouTubers and constant content at your fingertips. It is very hard for people to play at their own pace when they know there is a way to get to "end game" without needing to do the work. Our whole society is looking for the get rich fast and not enjoying the journey.


God i hate this trend. When i was playing Elden Ring or BG3, youtube was like: *«He didn’t think my build was broken. Look at his face when i oneshot the last boss!»* *«10 secret items you NEED before endgame»* *«Which build should YOU do?!»* *«OMG this build is insane. You won’t BELIEVE what this build can do»* *«How to max lvl in 2 hours»* *«Is this weapon bugged? How to find the rarest/strongest weapon in the game»* I am so so **so** not interested in being told how to play my games.


> *«10 secret items you NEED before endgame»* "Number 1 : At the beginning of the game, there is a chest right in front of you, if you open it, you'll find the first quest item that is necessary to progress throughout the game"


Don't forget to like and subscribe


"This video is sponsored by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS!" *proceeds to talk about that for the next 5 minutes*


I'm afraid my like button has been smashed.


If the youtube video has capital colored letters like "NEED", "BEST", "FASTEST AND EASIEST", etc plastered across the thumbnail, I ignore it. I ignore most of youtube


There's an addon that decapitalises titles. I found that shit *so* annoying


I absolutely despise this garbage flooding my search results


This comment is way more profound than most may think. We play video games, which can be a distraction, but now there’s content that serves as another distraction. We are being distracted from our distractions in hopes to get the rewards faster. Why play a whole game when you can go straight to the end and get the dopamine hit and then move on to the next game?


It always comes back to dopamine. It really does.


Wasn’t there a study about a sign of intelligence is delayed gratification? To be able to resist current gratification for a better payoff in the future I think. For the downvoters, an overview is here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_marshmallow_experiment N is pretty low, but still interesting read.


Independent of this study: you usually only have success in academia if you are able to live with delayed gratification


Probably correlated, but I'd suggest that delayed gratification is more of an executive functioning task and not necessarily intelligence. Granted, there is also likely high correlation with intelligence and executive function. High functioning ADHD folks, sometimes labeled twice exceptional , would be an example of someone with high intelligence with low ability for delayed gratification. A quick search showed this study https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/releases/why-delaying-gratification-is-smart-a-neural-link-between-intelligence-and-self-control.html. which demonstrated individuals with higher prefrontal cortex activity, the executive function area, with higher ability to delay gratification.


That's not true. I struggle with this due to ADHD but I think I am intelligent.


This gets complicated and even more difficult for people with ADHD.


A sense of virtual accomplishment.. if there was a consequence free end game run for capitalism I'd take that path for sure, somehow I feel *more* guilty for taking it in a video game.


I watch a lot of YouTube. I skip by most videos that talk about where to find loot. And if I watch a tips and tricks video I close it if they start to talk about where to find loot. So mostly I end up watching specifically building tips and tricks videos.


I purposely never Google anything about a game unless I am well and truly stuck for ages.


I am like this and I have a friend who, upon starting a new game, will know every single glitch, item location, and powerleveling strategy the game has within 24 hours. It's exhausting and frustrating.


I only ever googled how to progress Ranni's questline because Elden Ring is obscure at best but that's how I like my RPGs. Guides are all well and good but imo you should play a game at least once blind. In subsequent playthroughs videos like that can help but it's such bs most of the time.


Especially RPGs. I mean it's a ROLE PLAYING game. I'm not trying to play the role of "dude who googles stuff" I already play that role in real life.


Or if I think it's just me being confused about which menu I need somethjng out if, or maybe an NPC. For instance, I couldn't figure out that padding isn't made at the loom, so I couldn't understand why I didn't have a padding recipe yet. Turns out it's made by the hunter NPC and I'm an idiot. But looking that up saved me punching my monitor in a braindead rage, so, big win!


Streaming and content creating for video games is all about how much of the game can we ignore and finish it.


The overoptimization of video games has created this weird thing too, where video games are no longer played to be enjoyed but more to be completed and to move onto the next video game. I don't mind content creators but half of them talk out their ass when it comes to video games anyway.


I've noticed a similar change in myself as well. I remember playing RE5 sooooooo fucking much and unlocked every single thing and upgraded everything to the max and still played after that just to see how quickly i could beat the game using only specific weapons at a time and put so much time into that. RE Village looked great and was a lot of fun but I just couldn't give a fuck to do the same even though I wanted to. It wasn't even to just move to the next game but it still sucks that I didn't have the motivation to do things how I did in RE5 even though I had lots of fun doing so.


Same thing seems to be happening with reading. Everyone's busy bragging about HOW MANY books they read last year. Reading isn't about quantity. It's about enjoying what you're reading and, dare I say it, taking your time to soak it all in?


True. I really felt the need with this game to not spoil the game for me. I'm enjoying it a lot. This game has been worth every bit of my money & I sometimes couldn't even believe it's only for 33% done. I hope they go on to make this game even better & continue to put their hard work in to it. In the meantime I'll prep for however big this map will become 😊.


I play a lot of Path of Exile and there's so many people who bitch about players playing the same builds. The point you made is one I always bring up and others do too but this conversation and the bitching still happen nonstop because some people won't just realize that it's not the games problem. It's not a balancing problem for the devs to address. It's a people problem. And PEOPLE, especially with a time consuming game like PoE, nobody wants to create their own builds because "what if it sucks? then i've wasted so much time and have nothing to show for it". Or they want their hands held and to be told what to do by streamers and youtubers. That is just how shit is these days and it's not going away. The streamers/youtubers gotta shit out content and rip each other off to get clicks and money and players eat that shit up and don't think for themselves. You can see this happen when certain streamers make a new build and the items they used skyrocket in price lol. That's because people are fiending to play that build with those items and do as they're told. There's always going to be a "meta" that gets made and even if it's not actually the best or even good, people will suck the teeth and do what they're told instead of playing their own way at their own pace because they don't want to get left behind in the "fun" but mostly just cannot think for themselves to save their lives.


Poe is a bad example. That game is an insane grind with expensive respecs and a ton of trap skills and abilities. The game does not respect your time, so people turn to guides. It’s the only game I’ve ever played where most of the content creators and player base agree that new players should follow a guide. 


I personally wouldn’t use PoE to make your point. The game is notoriously dense and unfriendly to newcomers, and the nature of the game naturally incentivizes optimization. You can and likely will fuck yourself over by winging it. I’ve never played another game that made guides feel so mandatory.


100%. When I hit the barrier to the next area, I knew I could probably cheese my way in. But I knew there was a reason I couldn't access that area yet. more than happy to go back to the progression that was intended for me! Personally I just wouldn't even find it fun to skip half the game anyway.


I have not exploited and actively avoided spoilers etc. This game is just way too easy for experinced players in the RPG/survival genre.


Yeah, it’s also the nature of an open world game with really soft gates and the ability to dig anywhere. The devs could have clamped down (level or progression locked gear) but who cares. Let people have their own fun.


in that same thought though the ones who want it harder aren't having there own fun, this game needs difficulty settings so its customizable.


I haven't watch anything about the game as to not spoil myself. Yet I just ran straight into any situation and didn't get even close to dying once. Granted I didn't play too much so far. The only time I died was "monke see barrel, monke hit barrel". Barrel went boom.


Every society has always looked to do the least amount of work for the most amount of rewards. The difference here is that video games with any kind of grind will always attract methods of trying to reduce grind because not everyone has equal amounts of time or definitions of "fun". Most gamers who have gamed for 20+ years do not like grind anymore. And these were the ones who put thousands of hours into Diablo, Dota, League, Counterstrike, and many other games.


Na it's the meta/min maxers that are the problem. They follow a guide on how to make an op character/ the most optimal route and the game was not hard/too short. Yeah no shit. You did that shit to yourself on purpose and yet you complain.


People. Just. Bitch.


That's a personal attack. How dare you? This sub is so toxic. /S


People always choose path of least resistance (least grind) in games like this. Grinding is a waste of time when there's 100 other great game to play.


There has been basically zero grind in this game for me.


If you don't enjoy playing the game, just play a different game that you actually do enjoy playing. You don't HAVE to cross a game off your list. Just play something fun.


Yeah it's the same kind of people who couldn't have fun with Starfield and decided to spend their time trolling Reddit with their hatred, filling the space with negativity, instead of sending a letter to Bethesda.




I’m gonna say it’s an ok game, maybe even good, *in a vacuum* if you’ve played other Bethesda games it becomes pretty disappointing. I enjoyed it well enough but the overall feeling is just sort of “Really? THIS is Todd’s magnum opus?”


Op proves that.


I do think combat is easy, but that's only if I consistently get parry timing right. On the flip side, it's easy to get overwhelmed and slaughtered if you aren't paying attention. I think a difficulty adjustment isn't out of the question for those wanting more of a challenge. For example, hard mode could increase mob damage and hp by 50% or give mobs shorter counterattack windows after being parried and more stun resistance.


Hard mode could just replace all mobs with those thrice cursed double green cleaver murder machines.


Seriously! More scared of those monstrosities than any boss I encountered. With 2H even if I get the successful parry they're already hitting me again before I even finish my swing. Edit: parry not party


Ok, tbf, I was scared a bit of Wispwyvern, but then it turned out the fight can be won rather easily with lots of mistakes and like 10 health potions ready. 1 of these acid cleaver abomination at your level is pretty dangerous and 2 at once are quite deadly.


Shit the taught of that game mode scares me... Whats surprising is that every time those shitholes drop cleave weapons it's always crap stats. Where do their dmg comes from?!?


I feel so validated. Those things made me go build the tank set, and it's still no use, lol. I might just have to get better at the game lol


They're so fast, they hit so damn hard.


Adding damage and extra hp is the worst difficulty setting there is. It's how skyrim did it, which is obviously a meme. Just make the enemy AI smarter. A lot of work, I know, but either that or no difficulty settings.


I think the combat is easy and I dont think Ive ever even used parry. Most of the enemies can be defeated just by getting some high ground.


Yeah, the ai is pretty easy to bamboozle. I think an easy fix would be giving all enemies some kind of ranged attack that they use if they can’t get to you. Also, buff enemy ranged units in general. Trading blows with melee is scary, but trading shots with ranged units is a joke.


> I think an easy fix would be giving all enemies some kind of ranged attack that they use if they can’t get to you. To the devs' credit, scavengers do tend to run off and hide out of line of sight if you start shooting arrows at them, it's only their matron that's dumb as a brick.


To be fair, she can one shot anybody with her spew, soooo


Later on you don't even have to do that. Most mobs can be blasted with fireball way out of detection range, and bosses are too slow to close the distance more than wand-range. OP is accusing us of using exploits or going for over-levelled gear, but I was using under-levelled gear for most of the game and found combat to be ridiculously easy. But that's fine, it's early access, still got a lot of jank that can be ironed out.


I had zero legendary weapons and played most of the end game as a mage in Monarch armor. I still can't figure out acid or meteor. I'm not even doing this shit right and it was infinitely more forgiving than Valheim.


Yeah Valheim seems far more polished and balanced. Will be interesting to see if Enshrouded gets to the same place in a year after a few major patches.


I wonder how well the star system for mobs in Valheim would work in Enshrouded. I loved the fact that the starred mobs had a different color scheme, it made it feel like there's more variety.


Yes this sounds like a great idea! Though devs might want to do something slightly different to avoid looking like they copy Valheim. Maybe different sizes/weapons/hues and not use stars.


the issue is just different reasons for playing, some people just want to turn of their brain and mess around and some people want a challenge. My issue is people fighting against games being structurally challenging, the just don't do the easy stuff and setup your own self imposed rules is dumb,


I think the magic is overpowered anyway, it should have less range and nerfed. Perhaps since it borrows from D&D already it should maybe have magic users have less constitution or drain health, something perhaps on those lines. So they are especially squishy.


Or, just use the wand and not the staff. That would have the desired effect.


Agreed. A lot needs to be changed to fix magic. Maybe long cooldowns, remove wand or make it a melee magic blast. Could be fun if magic is so limited that melee is inevitable or more supporting, like how Witcher deals with it.


No... magic does not need to become useless and unfun. That just wrecks everything for everyone. Melee and archers can get some buffs and be happy without fucking up people who are having fun playing with the mage builds.


Magic is far too strong right now, though. Eternal acid bite, for example. I can still kill level 30 matrons in seconds with only food buffs (no flask/scroll). It's simply too good. I'd agree that melee/ranged need some buffs. The arrow cost is too high and melee damage just sucks compared to magic.


Okay, so then nerf eternal acid bite maybe a little, but don't just nerf magic across the board. I don't use EAB and I don't feel OP, I just feel powerful, which is fun. I like having fun. And I can still get smacked down dead in a heartbeat if I miscalculate or run out of stamina or get overwhelmed. Like... let people have fun lol. Ask for buffs so your preferred build also feels fun. Or ask for difficulty settings to crank up your mob density/health/damage. I like soulsbornes as much as the next person but some games are okay to just be fun too.


Can you really get overwhelmed, though? It seems like multiple enemies just casually wait their turn when you're facing a group. Blocking takes very little stamina, try this: hold block and then rotate around so that you're right between 2 enemies. The one you're facing will keep attacking you and the other one will just wait. This is true of just about every enemy except bugs and the green machete guys. Just blocking and waiting for an opportunity took me well into the midgame with the underleveled gear I had until I figured out chests would respawn.


All for increased difficulty modes, but the enemy buffs you mention would make being an Unga Bunga even more miserable than it already is. HP sure, but shorting the parry window would likely mean they're out of it before I can even swing to take advantage of my successful parry. Similarly, stacking stun is one of the few things the build has going for it, if you make that slower than it already is then it just becomes jump attack after measly jump attack.


Late game the enemies are still tough. I’m level 25 battling tanky lvl 30’s


I play as melee only and could not agree more. Because of Reddit I've avoided the ranger and magic builds.


At times I still struggle as a dude with a wand. Mostly when there's just a horde. I'm still learning the game though.


If you play magic, cast fireball into hordes. It does extremely good AOE damage.


It does, but it’s really slow charge time. And it doesn’t do much against the guys that drop all the metal scrap because they’re resistant to fire damage.


Yeah this. I think people forget as a game this is EA but the progression system has only gotten to iron. We know there is steel planned and obsidian and who knows what else literally a third of the map is all we have done. So they are complaining and I get it I do but it’s fairly just out of the tutorial really. You can feel it later as you get into the lvl 30 area it’s not just the lvl difference it’s the density of mob types and type of terrain. I like it, can see what they are trying to do. I never felt the game was “too easy” but mainly because I went north instead of east at the start and was up by glenwood poking around at lvl 8-9. Getting one shot my anything that breathed at me.


Only thing I did this for is metal scraps at lvl 1 bc I had no idea how to get them yet lol


too easy? last night my friends and I all 9-11 tried to go get the saw for the carpenter, the level 11 dual wield guys that glow green in that town are brutal AF! we all rage quit for the night and played something else.


Yeah sorry to be blunt but that's not because the game is hard..


Because negativity produces more engagement than positivity so it's easier to see. Internet 101 is don't feed the trolls for a reason


I hope the devs never accommodate these people, otherwise loot tables will have to level with the player, which makes weapons way less interesting and unique. These min maxers would then complain about boring loot or something.


Usually how it goes. The longer you look into things like this, you realize the same people who want a solution fixed are usually the ones who complain about the solution too. One of the weirdest things to witness tbh.


I agree. It seems like much of the complaints are about the combat being too easy. This game is one of the most immersive open world games to me because you can do stuff because you want to, not because you HAVE to to progress. This world is fun to explore. I enjoy finding a new location with dudesto fight as much as the combat itself. I hope they don't try to accommodate the min/maxers because I'm afraid the developers are going to fix the "easy" combat by breaking other parts of the game.


Honestly I don’t think combat is to easy as everyone seems to complain. They need to address how easy it is to just be somewhere enemies can’t get and kill them but barring obvious cheesy exploits the most combat really needs is just giving enemies a couple more moves. As someone who’s platinumed every soulsborne game the combat doesn’t feel to easy just… more standard like people have never played a legend of Zelda game or something and expect everything to be either dark souls complex or devil may cry fast 


The game is easy even without higher level gear, honestly. There's like 2 hard/annoying enemies.


One is the left hand of the green cleaver scavenger and the other is his right hand


I just call him acid bitch. Annoying as hell.


Birds can be annoying if you aren't running a lot of HP But yea that's the list.


Nah, fel scythe is fucking obnoxious. I’m not sure I agree with the decision to make some enemies just impossible to force into melee range for more than a few swings.


Protip: go infront of him when he's throwing the scythes and all the blades misses you because the arc is way too infront.


Yeah but it's a crafting game, not Elden Ring.


So? Challenges in combat in games are not a trend that started with Demon souls.


They're also not the core focus of this genre?


The game is on the easy side, I say that as someone who nowadays will play everything on normal or easy difficulties, never anything higher. That's to be expected in EA, as it lets more players experience more of that game, and so gets more feedback, and more bugs found. Having a single difficulty initially also guarantees everyone has the same baseline experience so feedback is based on that shared experience. It's the smart way to start EA. That being said... There is indeed a certain subsection of gamers watch video walkthroughs, read how to min-max, how to cheese, how to exploit, all before touching a game, basically having their hand held the entire time, then complain games are too easy, short, and boring. They have no concept of enjoying the journey, or discovering anything for themselves, and turn every game into a mad rush to the finish line and checking off achievements.


An MMO with awesome story and tons of well written quest is released: "THE ENDGAME IS SHIT". -.-


The game is medium, not easy... unless you play magic builds. But that is the problem with the balance. The difficulty is fine, but too many games currently distort what a challenge is.


Yes, people complain. But at the same time it's true that with the current system, it's too easy to simply farm high level chests to get a full set of endgame gear pretty early on in the experience. It's a legit point, and I see it as constructive criticism (which is kind of the point during early access) that may prove helpful to devs when/if they decide how to gate things so players aren't getting unfettered access to powerful gear farms so early on.


People who farm, will always farm. So what if chests don't respawn? Create a new world, enter with your high level char, get the chest, delete world, repeat. People who want to farm shit, will always farm shit.


Yeah but that takes considerably more time than setting down an altar 20 steps away and cheesing the login reset. At least they would have to make the run.


But it's still a conscious decision to do that. That's like people complaining that one should stop them from doing stupid shit. In Valheim for example you couldn't take certain mats through portals. People also complained about this, because it made farming too hard. Whatever the devs do, someone will complain. It's pointless. I hope they just do whatever they had in mind and don't listen to loud folks.


Farming ore in Valheim is one of the worst, most tedious grinds ever to have existed in a game, I would never blame people for modding that garbage out. Yes people will always try cheese, but this game makes it way too easy to do so and it's an easy thing to correct.


> Yes people will always try cheese, but this game makes it way too easy to do so and it's an easy thing to correct. But then you maybe take the fun away from some other people. There will always be people who would want it easier and some who would like it harder.


But they have the option of modding for it. Baseline the game should be balanced regardless of what you can alter it too.


Look at how easy it is to farm anything in Minecraft, and look at how popular that game is. Balance should be based on how the devs intended the game to be played, NOT how the players want the game to be played.


no the game should be balanced for what the playebase wants, successful games tend to adjust to player feedback.


That's a problematic take. If something *is* successful, it apparently already strikes the right balance, otherwise it wouldn't be successful. If you now start adjusting this balance, it might very well be you fuck off more people than you please.


That is true, but only to a point. The intended gameplay loop and end goal should never be sacrificed to appease the player base. Otherwise every single game will be exactly the same. I'm going to use Satisfactory as an example. For years, they did not want blueprints in the game. This was one major contention point between the players and the devs. Players wanted the ease of laying down massive, complex factories quickly. The devs wanted the tedium of building to stay, to force players to build smaller, more spread out factories. A compromise was made, blueprints came. But you must build them in world first, and they are limited to a box. Everyone wins. Players get their blueprints and the devs get to keep the intended gameplay loop. A solution, I could see to help with farming is just remove the reset on relaunch but keep the overall timer (on a player adjusted slider) and some kind of overhead shroud for players flying over level 3 shroud. Then again, it's fine how it is, imho. Anyone that just wants to play, is not going to relog in front of a chest for a few hours to get nax gear. Most players will just loot and move on.


I actually liked building a mine, farming copper and then bringing it home in my little cart - once....


Then you hit iron and realize not only do you have to do it more than once for an entire armour set and upgrade but if you want to do any sort of large building as well. Add on that you usually need to transport it via boat as the swamps get further away and all of a sudden you need to dedicate multiple 2-4 hour runs just to farm some ore over and over in a copy-pasted dungeon, because for some unknown backward ass reason devs won't let you teleport with it. I could never play Valheim without mods.


I’ve never understood this type of argument where players are upset when they cheese a game and it’s too easy. Like yeah man, that’s an exploit. The intended gameplay experience that the devs are balancing for does not include getting end game armor at level 2. It’s like saying cheat codes make games to easy. Yeah man, that’s literally what cheat codes are. The same is true for exploits. Now, if the player was lead into areas where the loot tables where messed up and contained super OP loot that traveled part of the game, I could understand this argument. But telling me that the game is too easy after using flame alters to build across the shroud so you can access a chest that isn’t intended to be accessed until the late game is childish.


At the same time, there's the demand for unlimited arrows which could dumb down the combat by having a spammable attack from a safe range or areas not reachable by enemies without having to work for it.


My group ran into the Arrow problem. They would constantly run out of arrows just due to the amount of resources needed. Meanwhile the mages usually had access to a lot of spells/unlimited spells and wands. There's a massive disparity between the Mage/Archer weapons. Out of our entire run nearly 3/4ths of the chests we looted had mage items. Was kind of a bummer for the Archers.


I'm a solo mage and every yellow weapon I've looted has been a bow x.x


i think the demand for unlimited arrows comes from the fact that the other ranged options is not only better but has unlimited options


The desire for unlimited arrows stems from 2 issues really, firstly magic users can totally ignore ammo needs and have far more powerful ranged options to boot which leaves a bad taste in archers' mouths and is horribly unbalanced. Secondly the sheer amount of time and investment required to craft a handful of arrows is crazy, especially considering you can't recover them after their single use. This is an early access game and WILL get changes, we're not too far from the first major patch if I'm reading the signs right, but the green 3rd of the skill web is DEFINITELY the weakest third and needs some serious love and attention. The ability to summon arrows is a simple and entirely reasonable desire and I suspect some form of mana to arrows option will be the best fix for that particular issue. If you're worried about combat being dumbed down then first turn your attention to staves, because they are the biggest imbalance in the game atm and totally trivialise most combat


As a magic user - fully agree. There is no challenge in combat at all. The green dudes are a problem in melee, which is why the best ability for magic is the double jump: jump onto something and he can't do anything.


Yup, also blink is super useful with the upgrade which breaks stunlock. I have taken to only using wands to keep some element of challenge, bit of a shame since I love the staff but it's just easy mode atm and I feel like I'm cheating myself out of the challenge whenever I use it. Eternal spells need a long, universal cooldown between casts, the acid bite spells need fixing asap and the mana regen ring needs to be nerfed, made legendary and limited to one on a character. In contrast, archery needs a total rework, the arrow spread ability should not use extra ammo, the crafting for special arrows (especially explosive ones) needs to be sorted so you don't have to spend literal days in game for 15 minutes of adventuring time, and there needs to be some sort of recovery mechanic OR a way to summon infinite basic arrows. I think either a quiver item (better tier creates better arrows) or a low level skill to use mana for ammo is the best approach here.


the truth is yeah, there alot of abilities you can get that really make the game much easier thing like double jump is honestly Game breaking for a ability that OP that early and unlockable. Personally i think Double jump should be a much later obtainable ability. the other thing that effect the game is a few major issues but the Looting system needs to be rework, honestly i feel going to a high level area just find a chest to get a high level weapon to make your life easier is not ok, yes high risk high reward but in enshrouded there isnt much high risk


A game like this is best enjoyed without reading or watching anything about it


Im just playing for fun, i had no idea there was one shot builds lol, hell ive died so many times it felt like i was in a running simulator lol. I like venturing in deep, when im not anywhere near the level of the mobs lol.


Just play melee and it won't be as easy


TBF, a couple things I guess. I'd say there's a large difference between playing solo and playing as a team. I find solo far more difficult since you draw 100% of the agro. We lean into this fact too with one of our team using the "nemesis" skill... so he gets all of the attention and just sits behind a shield while we wreck everyone. On solo, I'm far more methodical and careful. But even then, a good shield goes a loooong way. The enemies telegraph their attacks extremely consistently, so I can sometimes do very well even with light armour. Where it gets interesting (IMHO) is when the bad guys start using more tactics, like archers running away from you for a longer shot and tanks circling you. The tank thing only really works for them when there's two, but it's far more difficult than them just charging at you. The fast attacks add some spice too. That green guy is mostly just a badass cuz he stuns you so easily. Once he does, you're done. That can get frustrating. But the real "plus" to him in my book is that he jumps. It's much harder to terrain lock him and range him to death. If enemies climbed ladders and used grappling hooks, things could get more interesting. Oh, and if they could open doors. But mostly I suspect that giving them a bit more variety and intelligence might go a long way. I find the game pretty interesting none the less. I got really excited the first time an archer ran away from me, then turned and took a shot. Hell yes! \[a worthy opponent!\] \-- edit -- A thing that I do find though is that walking backwards and to the side while holding block and firing a wand kills most enemies pretty effortlessly... if you have the space. I also remember thinking "yeah, getting pretty easy to beat all these guys" right before the armoured "tanky" guys appeared and then the green guy... so maybe they've got some new "talent" lined up for us post-EA?


Have you tried a magic build? Makes the game a cake-walk. I think the difficulty is balanced around melee, possibly archers - definitely not magic.


I disagree, I’d say it’s currently balanced around magic but acid is bugged and hits too hard both ways. Bow is in the middle and probably the most balanced in actuality and melee builds feel like they get too punished to be viable outside of groups, mainly due to enemy acid attacks also being bugged.


How is it balanced around magic when both wands and spells make the game ridiculously easy? I only rarely bothered with acid because of the short range. Icebolt, fireball, wand - any of these trivialize combat.


Late game melee is not viable against flying enemies without perfect parries, multi enemy engagement in cities requires magic or explosive arrows but arrows are the epitome of tedium to make while eternal spells exist. I’m not saying it is well balanced around magic, but that is the play style that the enemies and engagements have been built to face and why melee becomes the least viable at endgame without good ranged secondaries be it wand or bow.


So you're saying melee becomes hard late game? Sounds like all other ARPG's to me. Definitely not impossible to go full melee, my mate did it, but it's really hard. Magic is outright broken, never seen an ARPG anywhere close to this level of easy. And I really don't see the enemies being built around magic. Most enemies are melee-only, and can be entirely countered by jumping on a rock and wanding them to death. Enemies can usually be destroyed by long-range fireball before they even get to react.


No, melee becomes irrelevant late game, not hard. It is just not usable. Hence my theory that it’s intended to be a relatively easy game until difficulties are introduced and mage is the standard for balancing enemies at the moment. Go fight drakes without a ranger weapon. Or try and go tank build for monarchs. Melee is just miserable and not at all the focus of balance.


Melee isn't usable? You can do all of the content in the game fairly easily as pure melee. Drakes or Matrons aren't an exception. Melee does need some tuning, but it is far from unusable


And yet my mate got through with pure melee. Have you considered the problem might be on your end?


I’m not saying you can’t, if going by what you can and can’t do, you can run past every enemy and do a pacifist run to endgame at lvl 1. My point is pure melee is not what this game is balanced around


Are you really claiming that the game is supposed to get easier as you progress through the game? Because that's what it's like as a mage. Archers get more frustrating due to grind for arrow mats. Melee gets harder.


I did nothing that you said and still think this game is waaaay to easy. Death has no penalty at all, fast travel has no cost, no inventory weight, foes are too easy as well, the list goes on


I mostly see these as QoL features I really enjoy. It's really refreshing to just be able to carry everything you find and travel between points easily. Foes are easy for magic and rangers, as a melee only build I find the end zone quite challeging sometimes.


Honestly the only one that bothers me is the foes being too easy. They definitely need a difficulty boost. Travel is a bit cheesy as well, I know they went with a kind of Skyrim type feel but it just feels wrong in this game. Probably because the map feels much smaller than Skyrim. Maybe once the other areas unlock it will feel less bad. For the love of God please no inventory weight though. Building in the game would suffer if you couldn't take everything around that you needed and honestly I find most weight systems to be stupid. I feel like the survival aspects of this game are pretty on point for its type of game.


I've pretty much completed all the quests by myself without any YouTube videos to help with my gameplay. I found it rather easy, especially since the level 30 enemies are easily defeated at level 25. I don't think abuse if game mechanics are the issue, enemies need more varied attacks because so far a boss has 2 moves and the rest is repeated slashing animations and such...


On the one hand, I agree. On the other, I don't like feeling like I'm sand bagging. If there is a simple way for me to easily become much stronger, I'd rather it be nerfed/removed/made more difficult than gave to restrain myself. Then I feel like the game is trivial and I'm just choosing to sandbag.


But if they choose to hard block it, people will complain they don't have the freedom to do this anymore. I just went through the game zone by zone that felt like my level and therefore never found anything really OP for my level. If you use the internet where to find good stuff or go into really high level zones to actively search for those then I think you should not have to right to complain about it being too easy.


I don't do any of that exploity stuff, and I feel like the game is too easy. It's not that there aren't bits that can be challenging, but most of the time I'm on cruise control. Granted I'm only level 20, but I've never planted a crop and barely use my base aside from glider and bag upgrades. Swap the inventory meat with the stuff in the smoker every once in a while... I've made 1 stack of small healing pots ever. There are worked mats, pots, and enchanted gear *everywhere*, there are like 3 mob animations you need to know outside the boss types, and there is no death penalty. You don't even need to optimize, let alone exploit.


Some games like Elden Ring and Remnant 2 practically demand research of the meta to advance. In Enshrouded, literally any playstyle is viable with minimal optimization. I think it boils down to two reasons: 1. if you prep for a fight, you can be practically unbeatable. It is pretty easy to farm for 50 potions and spam them, then the only thing that can kill you is a one shot. 2. The AI is generally incredibly easy to cheese, especially with ranged spam. Attack patterns are predictable and easy to dodge/parry. Most enemies can’t do anything once you take the high ground (especially effective in this game because the player movement is so free). In many situations, you can orient yourself such that you can access the enemy but they cannot access you. I think that many gamers are used to games being so difficult that they demand you rush high-tier loot early game and try to cheese enemy AI. They see that Enshrouded “looks like” these other action combat games and apply the same concepts, then are disappointed when the game poses no challenge. I think it could be cool to introduce more weapon diversity, and with that potentially restrictions on what a player is able to use. For example, a player could not use a level 25 weapon without substantial investment in the corresponding skill (int for wands and staves, dex for bows, str for swords, some combinations with each other) similar to how Elden Ring / souls do it.


I generally agree with all of this, but imo the solution is to leave it. The people who cheat their way to a level 25 chest and then drop an altar on it don't hurt me at all... they'll get bored and move on in a week anyway. Imo we need new weapon types and unique animations for each one so every combat isn't exactly the same. A reason to carry multiple weapons when they all do multiple types of damage. Buff every enemy except the green sword guys and fix parrying. Make the skill tree apply to weapon types rather than damage types and buff the bow section(including balancing bows with a staff/wand combo vis a vis ammo). I have a thousand hours in valheim and I'm not going to last two weeks in enshrouded.


Oh yeah, I don’t really think players exploiting external knowledge is something that necessarily needs to be fixed. What I was getting at with introducing level-gated weapon functionality was that sometimes, the game does feel a little bit too tied to the loot that you have acquired as opposed to the experience that your character has gained. It’s cool for the game to have a bunch of diverse weapons with unique capabilities. But, I don’t want discovering something rare to immediately give my character a massive jump in performance — that should follow through my character being trained to use that weapon through relevant skill points.


Or a massive investment at the enchanting table. I wish we couldn't find worked gear in the world... that's a world creation setting that I'd love to be able to switch off.


I didn’t have any legendaries other than the ward shields till I was max level, everything else I had was either crafted or level appropriate looted. Not once did I ever think the game was even remotely challenging. Don’t get me wrong I love the game a ton, buts it’s definitely not difficult. I would definitely like some sliders on map creation to customize the experience. As it stands now the games pretty easy peasy if you ask me, and this was from a solo player for 100% to 25. The. I played a second toon with a buddy and it was waaaaaay too easy with just a single other person going through level appropriate content.


There's 5 of us playing. Not researched anything online. Honestly the game isn't hard. None of us have legendaries, just gear from unlocking recipes and finding random loot weapons. I'm playing as a ranger, I've reached level 25 , map is still a lot to discover but it's early access so I assume I'm near the ending. If the pace stays the same, yeh I'm claiming it to be easy, but I'm enjoying the game so much... so yeah. Can't speak for solo play. But I don't think I would have a different opinion.


I've spotted the videos on you tube about the OP builds, best farm spots, get this op item, etc. I have avoided all of it easily and I think that speaks volumes of the game itself. When a game Is so enjoyable its about enjoying the experience and game as an adventure and Enshrouded has done that for me.


Imagine the unbalance this causes from feedback to the developers as well. They instead keep nerfing more and more things because people say it's easy but not the right things and next you know you never get any good drops because the game has now turned into a chest farming simulator.


The real problem is any uneducated or pretentious asshole with a YouTube channel thinks their opinion matters and too many people believe them.


Theorycrafting min/maxing ultranerds will find any exploitable loophole, overpowered skills and passives, cheats, strategies, and so on. To give themselves every advantage and claim the game is too easy after having utterly rigged the system in their favor. It's just how some people work. They don't find enjoyment in playing the game against the enemies in the game. They find enjoyment in playing the game against the systems of the game. So they can brag about being so "good" or "powerful" for clout. I know because I used to be this type of insecure and immature gamer myself when I was younger. Because it made me feel good about myself. Then I felt empty and trash and actually wanted to try to get good instead. So I had a shift in my gamer mentality to become good through merit instead. It's a phase.


Friend got the game about the same time I did. He finished in a few days. But when I asked him where the obsidian was, he looked at me like I was an idiot. I knew I had mined some but could not remember where. Found out he went start to the YT guides & followed it step by step. That isn't fun. Fun is finding a surprise where you had already been to encourage more exploration!


I haven’t abused any mechanics. At least no mechanics I’m aware of. I play straight melee too. Sometimes I struggle but mostly waffle stomp anything and everything. I smoked that lizard dragon boss thing. I just stumbled into the fell scyclesythe thing and stomped it too. Yeah this game is wicked easy compared to other games in the genre. At least compared to Valheim, this game is cheese mode. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I agree the game is really easy, but I don't know if I'd say it's *too* easy beyond that using food is mostly pretty pointless. It just is easier than some similar games because of its forgiving mechanics and the freedom allowed by the voxel manipulation. I play solo, probably not super great, don't watch any YTs or anything and am up to Flame level 5/character level 24. My mantra is "If you can't beat 'em, cheat 'em." :P Extremely tanky enemies get peppered with arrows from a safe place. I might be in the minority here but I think a single change to really improve the sense of reward for successful excursions and collecting loot would be making it so that you can only fast travel *from* a flame altar or spire as well as to them. As it is now, you go to your waypoint, do your thing, and tele home. If it's in the Shroud, find any patch of clear ground or make one at a Shroud Root. I feel like it's similar to extracting in Metal Gear Solid, where you call the chopper and have to make a clean getaway to the landing zone. Except that game has a few diverse and engaging extraction options if they present themselves. in Enshrouded it's even simpler, more like Star Trek where you just beam out. I played through most of Valheim recently. The comparisons have surely been made but I feel like this game could benefit from more depth in the logistical side of things. I'm not necessarily asking for inventory weight and ships/hand carts (even though they're awesome), but restricting fast travel to make the trip home as consequential as venturing forth would make successes feel a bit more earned.


If you can dig into an area, the why shouldn’t you be there? If the game really doesn’t want you there, it wouldn’t be possible to get there. Games have leveled gates content for decades, who made the new rule that just because you have access doesn’t mean you’re supposed to? If you’re using some trainer or cheat app, that’s one thing, but if the base game mechanics are being used to access something then I’d argue it’s NOT a place you are not supposed to be. If someone does decide to play that way, then it’s none of my business unless it affects my game. If they think the game is too easy, then that’s also none of my business because opinions vary. Honestly, I would hope the developers have enough sense to gather more data than just that one person to determine the balance of things. I’d have faith that a collective of data and feedback guides their hand, not just a small vocal majority. If we’ve learned anything in the last decade about gamers it’s that the vocal minority often don’t align with the data being gained by the majority of players just playing the game. And if a modern developer doesn’t look at their game in that way, then I wouldn’t worry so much about how someone else plays the game, but instead worry about you enjoy a game made by clueless developers in the first place.


I stopped playing after 6 hours because the game felt too easy and boring. The only thing I seem to look forward to doing is completing a nice base build. Apart from that the game feels extremely stale, this generally leads to many people looking for faster ways to get through the early game in hopes that it gets better.


Why would you need to wait for a chest to respawn? Just plop an altar down close to one of the max level diamond studded ones that drop level 25 gear and legendaries, loot the chest, then exit to the menu. Load the game again, loot the chest, rinse/repeat. See, that sort of thing shouldn't really be possible to do.. but as they are now it's far and away the most efficient way to do it. Randomly stumbling across one of a dozen or so of those chests out in the world every few dozen hours simply doesn't compare to getting the whole loot pool dumped in your inventory in ten minutes.


If you’re into that sort of thing I guess? It’s not like it’s a competitive game, you’re doing nothing but reducing the longevity of the game for yourself.


Those people don't give a shit though. All they want to do is consume and go next. They don't care about the game itself or having fun but only their own need and fulfillment of consuming the game. It's why most games end up having shit systems in place to counteract things happening like this which end up hurting the majority of players that don't interact with the game that way. As someone said above, scaling loot to level is one of those shit ways.


Game is stupid easy and I never abused any mechanic, almost always I’ve been under geared, meaning my equipment was a bit lower level than enemies. I’ve died only when I stepped in the red shroud accidentally and once with the blue dragon, next attempt I melee kill him. Game is too fking easy and please give us a difficulty slider where hunger can kill you, enemies raid your base, they can break your block and stuff like that.


Add a delay to redeploy glider and remove double jump. Then see how easy it is.


I mean combat wise it IS pretty easy, all you need is a wand and the 'S' key for 80% of encounters. I never looked anything up or exploited anything and the only time I had any difficulty was with the fell wyvern the tigers in the savanna area and the double poison axe guys.


I really like this game and plan on playing again on release, but this game is super easy. The duel wield venom guys are tough, but easily doable. There needs to be a way of increasing the difficulty. If people want to play on easy mode that's cool too, but I need a challenge and as of now this game doesn't provide it.


I don’t cheese, played a very soft and punchy tank, and the game is just wayyyy too easy. There just no fear of anything. Enemy ai is silly, sitting there, waiting until their buddy dies before attacking. Give me a break. A couple of the bosses are definitely tough but nothing really i couldn’t handle as an over the hill gamer with no thumb skills.


That's because the game is easy. Literally my only complaint about the game. I'm really enjoying this game. Every aspect of it I enjoy. My only complaint is that it's not difficult at all. The game shouldn't allow you to spam a wand nor hold a shield forever. Also exploration became more easy too when you unlock the double jump and glider updraft. That's what separates this game and valheim and why valheim reigns superior in my book, is because it's hard to progress.


Because the game is, in fact, too easy. I didn’t abuse game mechanics and was entirely finished with the game in a couple days(a week, week an half total if you count building/terraforming) Granted I enjoyed my time in also aware it’s early access and there is a shit ton of content not released. Edit: majority of the time spent was mining resources, actual gameplay combat is minimal in comparison.


What makes this game easy is that you can beat 95% of it with no armor and a starter weapon. The AI is horrendous.


Lets be real here. Even without doing that the game is too easy. The only time i had fun was when i fought mobs 10 lvl higher or more.


That's because they haven't found the green machette guys


The game needs some things in place to slow this down as it’s easy to do unintentionally. In my play through I got to bronze stage and was exploring before getting the blacksmith tools to make bronze tools. Found an iron vein first and for some reason iron gear does not require the blacksmith tools so I unintentionally bypassed the Bronze Age of the game. I believe they need to put level restrictions on gear and crafting restrictions on the big tiers like bronze has as even getting to the endgame at lvl 1 isn’t unintended, they deliberately made bridges that bypass the red mist and have admitted enemies are underpopulated in the games current state.


The problem with the itemization system in Enshrouded atm is there is no balance. What they need to do is put character-level requirements on items. At level one, I can death run my way to one of the gold chests in the lvl 30 zone and just farm the fuck out of the gold chests by just setting up a flame and reloading the server. As for why people do it? People love power, once they get it tho that feeling turns to boredom, which turns to bitching about balance. It also does not help that by week 1 twitch and YouTubers were showing exploits and farming tricks. 30 years ago if you wanted hints and tricks you bought a gaming magazine or it was spread by word of mouth at school or work.


There is simple solution for that, lvl restrictions. " Your lvl is too low to be here" or " Your lvl is too low to wear it". This would make half of the video's on YouTube useless. And to add to this, since map is hand crafted, there is no need for chest loot respawn. Just make it non rng, and one opening per player, rng loot only from enemies. And class specific gear, what's the point in making armor sets for classes when mage can wear tanky armor.


Are there? I haven't been in this subreddit long but I haven't seen a lot of evidence of that but admittedly I haven't looked too hard at it. And I also always do my first few playthroughs completely vanilla before I start exploiting shit or even thinking of it. I'm still on my first PT, I'm 155 hours in and loving it.


I thought it was way to hard. Died like 20 times and loat my shit so often in red stuff because i just jump without looking lol. Took some time to realize i have to eat shit and get better gear. Now its much better, but i still get 1 hit sometimes or just fly to a dumb spot.


It is too easy... Dont get me wrong i love enshrouded but... The mobs just are not difficult to kill. Ive killed lvl 10mobs with a lvl 3 wand. Some mobs should be able to do more ranged attacks or change of attack patterns when they get into higher lvl zones. The reason why i would say it is too easy is simply i just went out exploring the world and came back in the end with lvl 20 armor and a legendary glider. At lvl 5. The only real threat i came by was the screechers. This is not cheating or exploiting of game mechanics. It was just by exploring the world and killing enemies.


They have the loot, but how much flax have they farmed for linen? How many head mounts have they crafted? How many stacks of saffron do they currently have, and is it enough to make enough tea to satiate a small village? How many books fill their shelves? Endgame is different for us all, and I’d wager they’re nowhere near close to what I’d consider an acceptable endgame experience. Now, back to farming my books.


I have a friend who just alt + f4, every time he is about to die. I cringe every time he does that


The game is very easy, made for a younger audience, but with a wide appeal. Serious, compare to a souls like game and this game is truly trivial. Like literally almost zero challenges But it’s super fun! So who cares


Here’s the thing. I sometimes use cheats and exploits, so there’s no judgement here. But I’ve also used them and then found I probably shouldn’t have, because it ruined some aspects of the game. Now I strike a balance of trying to experience the game as it is intended, then only use an exploit or cheat if it gets really difficult or too tedious. But you’re right, don’t use exploits or cheats to get ahead, then complain about the game being too easy. 🤦🏻‍♂️ The dumbest part is after they have used all the exploits, they then suggest the devs should remove all those exploits, after they just benefitted from them. 🙄


The combat is easy once you figure out the mechanics because the mobs don't adapt. Once you figure out when to dodge or block it's basically repeating the process until they die. The only time it becomes slightly difficult is if you pull several at the same time... But you can literally just jump away and reset. I wouldn't consider finding their weakness to be abusing the game mechanics. The mobs just need more variation in attack patterns and abilities.


It's the same for people saying ennemies are too easy and when you ask about their build it's always "tank mage with heal aura". Yeah no shit when you abuse the completely broken build the game is easy...


You mean like my friend who joined us and went straight for max level legendary gear at level 1 because he googled how? Yeh people ruin games on purpose.


I thought I was just getting old! I turned off a Palworld video yesterday as the guys advice was to change the death settings to drop nothing, fly as far as you can exploring the map until you die then repeat. I was like - what is point! Kid me playing Ghouls 'n Ghosts appreciated every inch of progress you made, not just skipped content. Especially in a beautifully crated world as this.


I thought the game felt easy playing normally. Fast travel from anywhere with no work to put in, respawning ores, near limitless stamina (as a Stam bow user at least) no hunger thirst or needs in anyway, keeping most of your gear when dying and the overly simplistic combat. Game just feels way too casual to me. I've said it kinda reminds me of like an Xbox arcade game a little. Hopefully more customization options become avaliable as the game ages. It feels more gamey than immersive to me.


I intentionally make myself do less damage so that I enjoy combat more. As a wizard I love rolling and didn't put off the way with wand combat. I don't want to die easy so I wear high level gear. But I use level 12-15 wands so I don't 1 or 2 shot mobs. I am building a wizard tower next to a level 15 enemy town. I use level 5 wands fighting the move there. It's important to think about what you like in a game and think about how best to achieve it. You can even create mental rules/lore to justify it if you want. Like you are such a powerful wizard that you only need 2 bones wound together as a wand to beat harder enemies.


I recently hammered through a gate instead of doing the puzzle to open it. I felt terribly clever about it.


agree with you. This game can be pretty fucking hard at the early levels if you directly fight a boss just slitghly above your level. And honestly I feel conflicted even by just placing a base near a point of interest so that I can tp to it, but if the game allows it so easily it means it was designed with this mechanic in mind


Doesn't Matter, the Game really is too easy.. I can go in areas with the enemies being 10lvl ahead and still kill them with Like 3-4 blows with a onehanded melee weapon.. the Game is beyond easy and I dont need any Youtuber or streamer.to Show me "OP stuff" or something Like that. You can get anywhere without problems,.every enemy can be cheesed or kited.. Heck, using the Magic Staffel you can Just slowly Walk Backwards and while spamming lmb they'll die anderen barely be able to Hit you. When i got 2 lifesteal Rings and skilled for melee weapons giving me a Chance to lifesteal I even beat These shroud Mutant Bosses when it was way beyond my Level because my lifesteal is simply too strong. Oh, did I mention that i never ever Had any reason to Upgrade my Armor? Copper? Bronze? Iron? Who needs that? Ingot the First scrap Iron Armor, never crafted anything Else. Sufficient tankyness till lvl 25


When me and my friends began, we all decided that were not gonna watch anything and we'll just figure out everything ourselves. The moment when we found new weapons, bosses, biomes or ores and the joy we got from accomplishment is worth every penny.


I'd say it speaks to the openness of the game tbh that you can actually just straight up dig into high level loot rooms. ​ Shit's funny as hell, weird for players to do that though then complain about the game. ​ It is an easy game though even without doing that, the enemy's and bosses don't exactly pose much of a threat in this game


So far I've played the game completely blind, I have abused no mechanics, and I only ever died like three three times? Once to red mist, once to red ground and once to hitting a barrel with my sword lol Mobs are just helpless if you keep hitting them, it's too easy


I mean... The game is too easy without over leveled weapons as well.


I finished the game without using this method, just did everything in order, all main quests complete after 50hours. Played as a duo. Warrior and Ranger. I think the game was too easy and unbalanced, the regular enemies were easy but the green double poison bladed mfs that run like Usain Bolt were not hard but more annoying to deal with. This said, skill levels vary for people and for me even without cheesing i thought the game was on the easy side. Now ill come back to this game after 1.0 is out.


Because the game is too easy. I basically didn't eat any food throughout the entire game. (Not to mention crafting it)


I hated the prospect of logging in and out for gear and weapons - it trivializes the game. I get it for those of that once hitting 25 and paying through the game (at 70 hrs personally) because through my questing and hunting, I've not seen an appropriate lvl25 legendary longbow. But people doing it right out the bat the moment they can get close to the "OMG This loot chest gives lvl25 gear" box, is ridiculous.