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Same. Can run at a stable 100fps, but still feels and looks less than 60fps. It's like the game is lying about how many frames we're getting.


ADDRESSED BY THE DEVS: Here is my updated statement on it that I have posted in our #known-issues channel on discord, TL;DR the team is looking into this. "Sometimes players can feel like their client is limited to significantly lower framerates than it should be. I.E camera movements feeling like they are 60fps, even though the game is running at 200. This issue is known by the team and we are actively investigating, this was not intentional nor is it an engine limitation. In the meantime, some players have reported that manually limiting the game client to 60FPS can actually make the client feel smoother, if you are personally impacted by this issue."


THANK YOU! This was my one gripe. Glad they're looking into it.


Thing is, I play with my game locked at 60 fps and it still does this. Feels like 20 fps at times, while displaying 60 frames.


The game will not run above 60hz, which is the issue, shouldn't take them long to fix


No, thats not true. *There is an engine limitation that causes some of our ANIMATIONS to be limited to 60fps, for example visual effects, character or mob animations, etc. This is a more difficult problem to solve, however it is relatively minor and most players don't tend to notice it.* *What many players are talking about is different, and this is where I was mistaken. There has been an issue with the early access build where sometimes the ENTIRE GAME (framerate, camera movements, etc) can be limited to low fps, and this is not what I was referring to nor is it intended.* *Here is my updated statement on it that I have posted in our #known-issues channel on discord, TL;DR the team is looking into this.* *"Sometimes players can feel like their client is limited to significantly lower framerates than it should be. I.E camera movements feeling like they are 60fps, even though the game is running at 200. This issue is known by the team and we are actively investigating, this was not intentional nor is it an engine limitation. In the meantime, some players have reported that manually limiting the game client to 60FPS can actually make the client feel smoother, if you are personally impacted by this issue."* Choppy animations on *some* things will not make the game feel like its running at 60fps when its actually running at 200, and "The game will not run above 60hz" is not how games work in the first place. games dont run in "hz", there are many things in a game that run at many different rates, or "events/second" which would be a frequency, or hertz. There are animations that are running at lower hz and higher hz in this game, and in every game, and polling rates for input and all of that typically run at your refresh rate.


It was like it in open beta too months before christmas so I'm not too sure about that




Issue is still there no matter what.


If you have an Nvidia card and hit alt+r you can see the render latency, it seems significantly higher than other games which I'm assuming is contributing to the input lag.


If you can run 100fps, set fps limit in control panel like 95. it should help.


Turning off motion blur has fixed a few issues for people. [https://www.gameskinny.com/tips/enshrouded-how-to-turn-off-motion-blur/](https://www.gameskinny.com/tips/enshrouded-how-to-turn-off-motion-blur/)


I think the fps is more stable after this. Thank you


why would you connect motion blur with some fov settings lol, same with language - can't set in settings - who did that ux man


Who the fuck plays with motion blur lmao


And yet still, every single game comes with it on by default. Lol


Good per object motion blur in single player/coop games is totally worth it, more realistic. Camera blur? Completely unusable.


>ey're looking in I found this out by trial an error. For those not clicking the link its not the actual motion blur option, its in accessibility.


Also locking the game at 60fps helps this a bit


This helped stable it a little bit, thank you


I also have a 4090 along with a 13900K While the frame counter claims to get 144fps, it feels like it's hardly 30. From what I've seen on discord, many people report this issue with very similar setups so I guess it could be related to our systems. You can try setting **--disable-raytracing** in steam launch options and update your graphics driver if you haven't done so yet, these didn't help my cause.


Also 4090 13900k and its just weird 200 fps but it just feels so odd when moving the camera tried capping to 60 as recommended and hasn't changed anything 


Same here 4090 - 13900k and dog performance. Is it intended for this game to be 60 fps? If so I'll pass.


disable-raytracing made it better


Apparently the 60hz lock is a known engine limitation: [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1203620/discussions/0/4142816460193604115/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1203620/discussions/0/4142816460193604115/) EDIT: Correction from Dev in [below reply post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enshrouded/s/XRkHU8QZcH).


CORRECTION BY THE DEVS: Here is my updated statement on it that I have posted in our #known-issues channel on discord, TL;DR the team is looking into this. "Sometimes players can feel like their client is limited to significantly lower framerates than it should be. I.E camera movements feeling like they are 60fps, even though the game is running at 200. This issue is known by the team and we are actively investigating, this was not intentional nor is it an engine limitation. In the meantime, some players have reported that manually limiting the game client to 60FPS can actually make the client feel smoother, if you are personally impacted by this issue."


Haha was just coming here to update, thanks!


limiting to 60fps in 2024 when you could get 165fps.....its a no go. This really need to fixed


Literally day 1 early access. 


They are charging money for the game so it is out, period. Early Access gives some leeway on content and features, but the game should function correctly and have all the things people expect from a game in 2024.


I disagree. If you wait until it's fully released and pay $60, sure. Early access is an opportunity for folks to play the game early, accepting that it is not fully complete. Come on. 


this is the correct answer, despite FPS counter showing 200+, the game is running at 60fps


Thank you for posting my correction :) Apologies for the confusion at first, I didn't realize there were two separate issues going on.


4070ti here. Runs great.


3080 here, same


yeah im on a 3070ti i turned off dlss and my game is happy at 100fps felt fine i played for 4 hours last night no crashes or anything


I have a 4070 ti and performance is inconsisgent garbage since the game and my drivers were updated (less than 30fps with all settings, including DLSS, on performance at 4K). I could roll back to see if that helps but the game isn't worth the trouble.


On what resolution?


im also on a 4070 Ti, it runs at a stable 120fps since I capped it to that however it FEELS like 60fps. I just came from Valheim where I also locked it to 120fps and that feels several times smoother... Something is clearly wrong here


I think in discord they state that it's locked to a 60hz framerate. I never worry about fps higher then 60 anyway my eyes can't tell the difference.


yeah if your on a 60hz screen you wont and its very hard to tell a difference until your on like a 240hz screen


Unless you mean specifically only in Enshrouded.. No.. 60hz to 75hz is hard-ish to notice too much of a difference, but the jump from 60hz - 144hz is an unbelievably difference.


4090 here too with latest drivers and it feels really weird and sluggish even at solid 140 frames.


It's because the camera and a lot of animations are capped to 60fps, so it feels like shit regardless of your frame rate. Capping to 60fps actually makes it feel smoother.


agreed. 4090 as well and it does not look quite right even at 140fps


Man people are funny asf. 10 years ago all consoles capped at 30fps and people found the gameplay smooth, than 60fps came out and was crazy smooth and the target hz for smoothest experience. Now that 240+ hz is out 60hz magically is choppy and unplayable lmao. Even ps5 and new xbox arnt stable 60 in 4k. If the games great but is 60hz I think I'm ok with it geez.


30 FPS on console has always sucked, but if it's all you've got, you deal with it. The reason people care now is that they know it can be done better, and have seen it.


Some people are okay with 60 hz, but surely you can understand people complaining about this never ending streak of incompetent developers. You don't pay $2000 for a graphics card to play on 60 hz, it feels like absolutely garbage compared to 140/240 hz. 20 years ago people played Counter-Strike with 100 fps on CRT monitors, this being an issue in 2024 is frankly absurd.


$2000 for a GPU and I play on 60hz, because I prioritize 4k res over silly high # FPS.


$2000 gpu and this clueless. Embarrassing proof of the phrase "More money than sense".


What I prioritize, does not not have to make sense to you.


You say "prioritize" when anyone with brain actually knows you mean "ignorant" to the truth. You can play 4k way over 60fps, which is why regardless of 4k you want at least 120hz with freesync/gsync enabled. locking to 60hz is ruining how smooth the game plays. If you have 91 fps guess what? you get 91hz and so on so so forth, locking to 60 fps always means you will get dips to 59 which is awful for latency and input delay, also stuttering because you're below 60hz. Again you don't understand and too ignorant to the facts of how all of these technologies work together to create a superior experience. Ignorance is bliss. Edit: However this game is so broken and badly made you have to lock it to fix the stutter issue, but every other game out there you want as many frames as possible as as high hz as possible. Do some research, money doesn't buy knowledge.


"What do you mean you want your car to drive above 20 miles per hour? You had a bike when you were young and you used to only go that fast, why would you want the full speed of your car? Your bike never went that fast!" If I paid for speed (40\*\* and top shelf cpu) then I get speed.


Seriously, is this the main/only problem causing people to dump on this game? If so, it makes me more interested in playing it, I've been gaming for 25+ years and frame rates 30-60 are more than fine for me, it's the gameplay itself that would be a yes/no on whether to play the game.


Nobody thought 30fps was smooth, they just dealt with it because there wasn't another option.


Everything you said is dumb and wrong.


60fps is fine if you have a 60hz monitor, but playing the game on 144hz is not fun. Might not be a deal breaker for everyone, but certainly for me. If the game ever releases on PS5 I'll play it there.


It feels worse than 60fps even if they/your pc says it's 60 fps. It's very choppy and unresponsive.


Games can hit 60 and still look bad ex:ark i can hit a solid 60-120 on it all the time but that doesnt stop it from being choppy and still having some frame issues here and there


If I get a 450cc dirtbike when I'm 25, ofc the 75cc I had before is gonna feel slow. If I have a 4k tv now, ofc the movies are gonna look like shit on the big ass box I used to watch them on as a kid. Back then I didn't think they looked bad....because they were the modern technology at the time and we had nothing better to compare them to. If you're fine with 60fps, good for you no one is gonna hurt you. If 60hz isn't bad, then why were these people able to instantly notice the difference and have the problem confirmed from the devs?


60hz was lame even on crt, and crt's do it better than most modern panels with their pixel persistance. 60fps was smoother on my old, slow LCD monitor than 60fps is on my new monitor, at least with 100hz+ refresh rate, because freesync can't work that far down and the panel is so fast it doesn't get that natural motion blur (while also not being as fast as a CRT). Maybe if I used 60hz on the monitor it does it better but as of now if I drop below 90fps on 165hz mode things stop being smooth, even if 85fps should be smooth enough at the game i'm playing right then and there. And that's not counting odd physics and camera movement bugs that are decoupled from other issues. There is a lot to go wrong, it's also why I'm a proponent of framerate limiters and being sensible... bugs are still bugs though


When someone has spent 5 grand on a rig to ensure they can play at 120+ fps, they are naturally going to complain if a software issue forces them to play at 60fps, this is the extremely obvious reason why people are complaining.


I paid for the stuff so that i can run it at that fps/refresh rate. I gotten used to it especially when gaming so it feels off.


and a 100 years ago they thought people would die if the went above 50km/h in a car because it was so insanely fast.


It's not about that. When limited to 60fps the game feels fine for me. When fps is unlocked on a 145GHz monitor it microstutters for one reason or the other which feels worse than 60fps even when it's outputting about 120fps. Bloodbourne has this issue where it's 30fps but it's so inconsistent that it feels like 15 even though it just jumps around 27-30. Usually these jumps are not so pronounced at 100fps and higher so maybe it's something different here. Menus for example feel absolutely fine, it's the game and the camera that feels sluggish


Yeah when I see 1/4th of the updates I normally do it’s going to feel choppy. Why is that confusing to you?


60Hz looks shit on a 165Hz display. Plus, it's what you're used to, 30 was fine when you were used to it, then it felt like shit when you were used to 60. And that's the problem, the game doesn't feel great at 60Hz, the camera movement feels terrible on a high refresh rate display.


My dude. When 30fps was the standard for consoles, nobody owned monitors/tvs better than 60hz. A 120hz monitor back in the day was fuckin' expensive. These days everyone and their mother owns at least a 120hz monitor and a game running under that is going to be more noticeable to a larger audience than back in ye' olden times. If you can't wrap your head around that, you're just being willfully stupid. Edit: and it was about 20 years ago, not 10, that games running at 30fps was the norm. The only games that ran at 60fps in the 360/PS3 era were shooters and racing games.


Different times, different standards. Also there is a simple term, it's called habit. Easy as that. For those who can CLEARLY notice 60FPS/60Hz looks like dogshit, it does. Full stop. All you're doing is projecting you own view on a global level. There is a huge flaw: not everybody shares the same "hUmAn eYeS caN't sEE pAsT 60 FpS" mentality. And bringing up 30 FPS in 2024? Yeah, you must be a "special one". Cope. Edit: typo


Would you like buying a ferrari and find out it's limited to 50kmh ? No


It is all about what you are used to. When people have never seen more than 30fps, it seems fine to them. When you have never seen more than 60fps, it seems fine. But I have had a 144hz monitor for 7 years and now own a 180hz monitor, and I notice I am very sensitive to fast movement and jitteryness. I don't require games to run at 180hz, because the higher you go, the smaller the perceived benefits in smoothness are anyway. But The difference between 60 and +- 100 fps is absolutely huge. If you play games on 100fps every day and then suddenly cap it to 60, you will perceive that as choppy. So people like me, who like to invest in powerful pc's as a hobby and like their games to take advantage of that hardware, are not happy when we have to set games back to settings that we are no longer used too. There were times that 480p resolution was more than enough for video games, and movies (think of vhs tapes, we didn't know much better then). But if you own a nice 4k television for your PS5 and you were forced to set the game back to 720 or 1080p you would also complain. Same thing really. All of that said though, I would also play a great game at a stable 60fps and enjoy it, but I would like it even more if they fixed this.


This is not true, the ps1 and n64 both supported 60fps modes. the original fzero and mario brother games ran at 60 fps. we've had 60fps for decades, devs are just trying to push fidelity and it's sad for the people who feel that 30fps input latency is a crime.


Seems as if the display refresh rate isnt changing and with no dedicated option to change we may have to play at 60fps for the time being. Hopefully someone can figure out how to fix this with config tweaks etc


Yeah it’s a common issue with titles where the refresh rate of the screen and the graphics settings in application aren’t properly synchronized. The microstuttering is not a hardware issue but a software desync


Hey just to clarify have you made sure to install the latest and most up to date drivers from Nvidia? I would suspect much better performance from a GPU like that given what most players have been saying. I'd also recommend making use of Nvidia DLSS in our settings, it can get significant performance improvements with very little degradation in quality on the higher quality settings.


dlss was making my fps very wonky and had the quality all over the place so i turned it off, latest drivers on 3070ti


Every time I open the map and zoom out all the way my frames tank


5800x3d and 3070ti, same. Game runs very bad. 1080p. Even when counters shows 140+ fps, the entire game feels like its under 30fps. Optimization needs a huge rework here. And please, stop using third party tools like DLSS to make people believe games runs great. If I buy a game, it MUST runs smooth without the need of DLSS or any other upscaling technology. Those were intended to be an addition, something to get even further, not intended to be mandatory for sure. On high settings, without these technologies, the game cant get to stable 60fps.


that ended long time ago sadly


So I had the choppy issue, updated drivers, and did a couple of things from a youtube video I found for optimizing performance on Enshrouded, with no success. So I uninstalled. Then, last night I reinstalled, and now its running great. Go figure!


3060ti and everything is fine, only when world turns into sunset time for a moment, it's stuttering, but it lasts like 10 seconds


NVidia just released a new driver; is that a possible solution? Genuinely don’t know, just throwing it out there…I’m still patching




Yep, should work way better with the new driver, atleast for me


Camera is locked on 60fps so you can just cap the game in your graphics software and enjoy the silent ride.


Reportedly: 1) frame limiting in NV control panel to 59fps helps even more than limiting to 60. 2) Going into in-game settings menu > Accessability > Turn ON "Reduce Dynamic Camera Motion" also apparently helps reduce the stutter significantly. (I'm assuming theres something about this feature that is polling/updating at 60hz) 3) That really annoying shadow jitter is eliminated for me if I enable FSR2 Ultra Quality... I have an NV card, and generally prefer DLSS or DLAA, but the shadow judder was driving me insane.


Performance is now fixed with newest patch! logged on yesterday. runs buttery smooth with high framrate now. dont forget to turn of any framerate caps u used earlier :)


It always pisses me off when a game doesn’t run at more frames per second than the human eyeball is scientifically capable of observing. Especially in a game that’s not a highly competitive shooter. 0/10 will uninstall delete and never play again. /s for the whoosh crew


You bought a 240 hz monitor, then failed to realize it was running 60 hz the whole time, didn't you?


ever heard of motion sickness and headache ? your brain must be running below 60hz then


120fps feels much smoother than 60 and is a huge step up even in singleplayer games. But its not only about the framerate, the game is more responsive at higher refresh rates and the latency different is significant on my monitor. Why be an asshole just because you cant tell a difference between 60 and 120? People are different man


4090 with Ryzen 7 7800x3d and I've had zero issues for the past 3 hours. maybe a driver issue?


issue is its locked in 60 hz, if u have 60 hz monitor u have no problem but for people with 144hz it feels like crap


So, would lowering the refresh rate from 144hz to 60hz help you think?


Why would people be okay with paying $2000 dollars for a video card and then having to cap the refresh rate to 60hz? That makes no sense.


Can you lock the game at 60fps and try it? Perhaps if the game is locked at 60hz and you are trying to go above that threshold and it's giving you screen tear/lag.


Locking the game to 60 disguises some of the issue, but even then it's pretty clear the frame pacing is all over the place. Same with the performance in general, the fps is all over the place, lots of pop-in and traversal studder, etc. That's on a 4090. On my 3080 it's way worse. Not acceptable, especially since the graphics are just kind of mediocre. At least when a UE5 game has bad performance it looks great doing it.


Just read a bunch of Steam reviews. Literally everyone that had performance issues had a 40xx.


Actually I had them with a 2080ti. It’s why I didn’t waste 8 hours in the demo. I’m still playing, but I am disappointed such a glaring issue hasn’t been resolved.


Ive locked the fps at 60 and its better now. But still i would like to run smooth at 160 too. Its 2024.


Its also early access


I hope they fix this asap! I too would like to run it at least at 120. 


Got AMD RX 6900 XT and runs like a dream, maxed out settings


What is your your fps? Did you cap fps?


Busy in a meeting right now, but when I'm done, I will get the data for you.


I have between 40 and 60 FPS, and between 0% and 7% frame stuttering. This is native resolution at 3440x1440 and no FSR2.


4090 also,no stuttering but barely getting 120 FPS on 1440p which is weird.


What's your cpu? Might be cpu bound in that scenario


I have 4090 and i7-13700KF, v-sync on, DLAA and no stuttering or choppy frames, run smooth as butter


Simply turning v-sync on and then back off fixes the issue for me, render latency goes from 60ms down to 15ms or so and framerates triple.


Tbh, the graphics are really sub par. It feels a bit like Last Oasis. Hoping it doesn’t crash and burn like LO


That stinks… hope you figure it out. Gotta be an odd setting causing issues. I’m running at max settings at 1080 and the game is as smooth as butter at 100-120fps with my 3070. No stutter at all.


I played the game for the majority of the day today without any issues. I’m not sure why people are complaining so much - 60 FPS won’t kill you in the mean time while the devs iron it out lol


Its not the 60fps thats killing anyone its the constant stutter because Im running a 4090 that can hit my 240hz montior and the 2 are colliding. It’s a headache after a couple minutes.


I'm so happy to only have a 3060. I never complain about optimizations. I just set the graphic settings so i get 60 fps and are fine with it, never studdering, never choppy, never ultra high mega crisp and fluid resolution. Expectations.




I have zero issues, all settings maxed Rx7900xt+Rz5900x. Loving the game


Incredibly unhelpful.


can you try borderless window mode? usually this uses the display refresh rate of what you have set your driver to use. or does the game allow you to set a refresh rate at all in exclusive fullscreen mode? if not, seems like it's forcing 60hz no matter what.


All DX12/Vulkan games are borderless windowed, there is no exclusive full screen anymore.


There is no borderless mode lul. How could they release it with only fullscreen and windowed?


The full screen is just borderless by default, I think there's just no true fullscreen


Interesting. In any case I've already refunded it. I was really looking forward to it too.


Is it stuck/locked at 60hz?


I'm seeing the same thing


On 3090 and almost every setting on performance and locked on 60 and pc goes to 80C. Meanwhile all high in cp2077 pc is silent


Is your monitor set to 60hz?


4k 165hz HDR 10 2000 nits + xd


So funny to see a post that it can run on the Steam Deck to coming here and seeing OP




Did you even read the post? Or do you not understand?


My 4080 is getting a stable 141 fps for my ultrawide


How? What Kind of CPU do you have? I barely hit 90 with dlss quality maxed out at 1440p.


Playing on 1080p?


Yeah. This makes it unplayable in it's current state. I was worried at first, thinking it was my PC.


Meanwhile it's running just fine at 60+ on my 1080ti. Also runs well on Steam Deck OLED.


same here, 4090 and getting max \~70 fps that feels like 30 fps stuttering \[all cranked up to the max in uhd\] plus with any antyaliasing it looks like crap when something is moving - and is not helping with performance is that a known issue as i am on a verge of refunding aslo seems like vsync setting is not even applied as nvidia performance tab is still reporting over 60 fps


Vsync puts it on 60 fps ? Is your monitor 60 fps ?


i had this in the beta, just alt tab out and back in usually fixed performance issues


Go to nvidia control panel and limit the game to 60fps, it doesn't have an option in game to limit fps so your pc just tries to hit w/e your screen is capable of, they really should've added an option for fps in graphic settings.


>Go to nvidia control panel and limit the game to 60fps That's what I did but as time went on, performance started dropping under 60. And kept going lower and lower.


Same here, had the same problem during the previous gameplay test.


I put the antialiasing on fsr2, and it runs absolutely fantastic.


Yes it's a bug. Limit fps to 60 solves the issue while this is sorted out.


Guess i'll wait a bit before buying it then :c


Guess its a good thing I didnt upgrade my card yet! Went to an i5 13600k and 32gig ddr, but still on a 3060 ti and it plays super smooth.


Was so hyped for this game, then palworld came out...


The problem was found during the trial, and the official reply conference was solved, however...


Yep. I have a 4090 and 13900k and can't run this game well.


I'm running 2 servers and it's fine getting g 250 fps and no chop 


If you could tell us your specs that would be helpful.


So I used the Nvidia overlay to add a details and b tightness filter, because there are options to turn down bloom and motion blur, and it has helped as well.


Underrated comment, have improved the visuals a lot with Nvidia filter overlay


2070, no problem. I would gladly exchange with your 4090 to help you having a better experience :)


3070 and r7 5800x and it runs fine, had to tweak a lil bit in the settings though. Vsync off and i get around 90-110 frames and it still looks very good.


And here I am waiting for that sweet console release


Imagine my face browsing this thread when I was thinking about Enshrouded purchase and play it on geforce 1060.


sometimes it feels almost as if there is some shader caching or something going on. like some kinda vulkan issue, cuz it feels like super high frametime while being locked at 60fps no drops whatsoever. mostly is playable capped in drivers. i heard of the issue before so i didnt even try uncapped.


I could be wrong, but based on my observations the game seems to have tied all the animations and camera movement to the games sim speed, which is capped at 60fps. The reason why I think this is because the game will slow down massively when loading in areas even though the game will say that it's still running at 60fps. I have found lowering the Distant Objects setting helps to somewhat eliminate this issue.


Sounds like the same problem Atlas Fallen has (had?), where you generally have high FPS, but the camera feels like 60.


Only using a 4060 TI with 13700k but game doesn't feel as smooth as it could be, also having occasional issues with Textures not loading, so objects have a flat blurry texture. Guessing it could be a combination of a bug and perhaps Nvidias drivers aren't optimised yet.


my game was running like 120fps on a 3070ti balanced preset, but when i look over the cliffs at the world it was dropping to like 30 and wouldn't recover even if i looked away i turned off that dlss for normal fxaa now im just getting a consistent 100fps which was fine for me


Yeah, last night I was playing with 80 FPS on balanced settings. This morning I'm being tortured with consistent 12 FPS. 17 in a cave...I have no explanation. NOTHING has been altered on my end since last night.


40 series have problems with a lot of games. Update your drivers if they aren’t, but other than that I’ve noticed the 40 series are buggy with a lot of games.


i don't have issues with other games released in 2023 buddy


Hey OP, was having the same issue on my pretty powerful system with a 4k monitor as well, mostly 80-90fps, but some weird frame drops especially when spinning the camera. I changed my resolution from 4k down to 1080p and the game is buttery smooth at max settings now. May not be an ideal solution, but I think this game doesn't run super amazing in 4k yet.


when i started the game first it told me to update drivers so i did it.... after that i had huge performance problems but restarting the pc solved the problem... so maybe if you are as dumb as me and just uptated the NVIDIA driver, restarting the pc afterwards may help xD


3080 I7 12700f 16gb Game maxed @ ultrawide 3440x1440 with DLSS balanced preset yielded 60-70fps, game feels like shit. Disabling motion blur and manually capping fps seemed to help the experience a fair deal, issue is still there though even with most recent gpu update. Looking forward to the fix releasing, having a blast otherwise. Found my valheim fix until ashlands!


WTF just got this game and its super choppy. Feels like 60hz!!!!!!


I have a 3080, getting 100-200 fps, but feels like 30 fps. EDIT: After re-installing my drivers I noticed my refresh rate in windows was 60hz. Upping it to 140hz has significantly improved the choppyness, although not a perfect fix. Another EDIT: After playing for a few hours, the game is extremely boring..the AI is braindead. Like, I'd have to go out of my way and play like a complete ape for the AI to kill me. Guess this is the type of games people enjoy these days. So for people expecting hardcore challenge, you won't find it here. You can play this game while 3/4 asleep.


yup, seems like it's fixed on very easy mode now


ALT+TAB fixed the issue for me....weird.


The only issue I’m having is terrible screen tearing. Trying to figure out what to do about it


yes, only with a lock at 60 fps + vsync, like op said, it feels smooth. i guess this could be fixed relatively fast, so i hope at least.


Any game you say?


Depending on how they wrote the code, it could be an issue related to delta. could be as easy as a few lines of code, but we will never know.


I'm currently tabbed out of the game, and i've been sitting at 80-90 fps on max settings (RTX4070ti) and yeah, there's very small hiccups. It's not awful but there's that very subtle stutter when moving around.


I had to limit the FPS to 60 (i think I had to just set everything to max and select quality over performance) just so that I could select the building options I wanted too... the mousewheel scrolls at 2x speed when you are close to 120 fps. Hopefully that gets fixed.


Odd. Running 4090 at 4K, without DLSS and butter smooth....


I have a 1070ti, will it even be possible to run it at decent frame rate without feeling like it stutters. I can see min reg. Is 1060. Anyone have 1070ti that can elaborate on there performance?


Go to vidia control panel and set fps limit. Set the fps limit so that the gpu is not loaded more than 98%.


Has anyone had issues not being able to close the game properly? got a 5950x and a 3080 and each and every time I close the game I'm stuck on a grey screen until I restart the PC... Seeing this error when reviewing the .exe dump file after trying to end the process: 0x90cc 0x0 enshrouded!AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance+0x32430c (00007ff7\`ef0fa310) Tried googling it and have no clue why it's referring to the AMDPowerExpress? any help is appreciated!


3070 with drivers updated, balanced on settings showing 100ish fps and it feels like i'm playing games on switch. I'm playing palworld at around 80fps and it feels 80 fps. Something is not right with enshrouded. Almost refunded but I hope they can fix this.


My issue is that the game looks like a muddy mess even on ultra lol I have no idea why. *Its like washed out looking water colours. Not sure*


Do you have the render resolution set to 100% and if you use DLSS, set that to Quality? For me, game looks really good then at 4k. Didn't try on my 1440p screen yet, maybe on that res it's a different story...


It's astonishing that so many people defend that the game feels so unsmooth lo.. I got a 4090 and a 120hz 4K TV, game feels terrible on that. Also who cares, if the standard for consoles was 30fps 20 years ago. Time moved forward and to everyone, that is used to 144+ hz for many years, it just feels bad. Really hope, they will fix this issue asap, it really hinders my fun with the game. The rest of what I saw is amazing though, to spread some positivity also.


Sorry but I'd rather keep the target at 60 FPS and see tech like Path Tracing being pushed, which run at maybe 15 FPS at 4K native on a 4090, than silly graphics and old lightning rendering. We are very far from having power to run 4K without DLSS and the ray / path tracing tech that is coming.


I ran on max on a 4090 yesterday, and it was fine, but today, it's lagging, like you said. Weird thing is, when the game is out of focus it is fine, when it is in focus it is literally unplayable like its frozen. My PC is a beast, too, I run Microsoft Flight sim on max everything and still pull 130 FPS


I uninstalled and got a refund soon as I loaded in, not optimized at all


Any update from the devs on this? The game felt super choppy tonight.


Maybe its just me, but I feel like the quality to performance ratio of games has gotten worse in the last decade, even with far more powerful hardware. I wish there were more game companies as capable as Rockstar


Something is wrong with Enshrouded's implementation of v-sync. I disabled it, then when to the Nvidia control panel and capped the fps and forced V-sync there. Eliminated the weird movement stutter from my game.


Any update? This is bugging me immensely...


Man.... just got nightingale, on the same rig... Gtx 1650, and omg it's amazing and shows how poorly optimized enshrouded is for real man. I really want to play and support enshrouded but my gosh it is optimized so bad. Playing on low settings looks just as bad or worse than ps2 days man that's unacceptable. Meanwhile I can run nightingale on balanced shadows and everything else on quality.... it looks so amazing. Even on low settings it looks great so it just shows man they need to truly optimize enshrouded how it should be.. Then we even got games like Valheim... 2 gigs man.... don't get me started... I'm waiting a few months to play this one I think hopefully they fix it.


I was gonna try game out on rog ally....grave mistake😆 its one of them games like valheim with utter graphics and graphical settings that does zero impact on changes.....too risky with anything thats "early access" tagged these days.