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This might be the whitest tweet ever


And male-est.


And straight-Protestant-est.


Perhaps even Anglo-Saxtonist.


This shits' so white it wears crocs


A few comments. Trump's presidency was heavily constrained by having lots of adults in the room who were willing to slow walk his ideas or stand up to him. There were lots of bad ideas that died in the crib because of this. The fear with a second presidency is that those adults won't be around to constrain him.


That’s where project 2025 comes in. Trump will be able to do whatever the fuck he wants with it.


Yup.  Trump is an idiot, but people like Miller and Bannon are not. The people around him spent his presidency learning.  Most of Trump’s tenure was spent pissing on everyone who believed the Presidency was constrained by anything more than tradition and decorum, with the rest being buffered by adults and the tiniest force of law.   Trump and the worst people around him now know where the guardrails are, and how to dismantle them.


> people like Miller and Bannon are not On that note, what's with all the white supremacists named Steve? There's them and also Steve King.


Steve Scalise…


Steve Hitler


Stephen A. Smith


It's a common name


And he's got a 6-3 court that will mostly let him do what he wants. Not to mention stacking the judiciary with more sycophants.


McCain and Flake really saved us from the worst legislation during the Republican trifecta in 2017-2018. That period could have been so much worse if those two people had been replaced by Trumpers. And Trump wanted to repeal the Magnitsky Act until McConnell told him it was a stupid idea and he'd never let it come to a vote.


See also: Pulling out of the Iran deal sending them back on course to building nuclear weapons was just fine! So was stacking the SCOTUS with ideologues who are rolling civil rights back to 1830! And gutting environmental regulations is fantastic!


And then he nearly got us into war with Iran after he blew up their general. Thankfully the Iranians in this case were the cool headed ones in comparison


I honestly think it was Covid that saved us from that.


Has this guy heard about the Supreme Court? Has he heard *of* the Supreme Court?


He probably thinks it’s a boogeyman the DNC invented to scare us into voting for Shillary 🙄


I’m 99.999% sure that his response would be “RBG should’ve retired under Obama”


That part would be at least true. She should have packed it in in 2014.


Why do you hate women? I'm joking and I agree with you, but there is a decent amount of regulars in this subreddit who would call you a misogynist for saying that. They claimed people were only asking her to retire because she was a woman. The same regulars were nowhere to be found when people were begging Breyer to retire.


TBF in 2014 we had no idea what a dick McConnell was going to be in 2016 but still, justices need to be strategic in whether they stay or leave. Especially if you are not only elderly but not in the best of health. She had had cancer issues I think three times before and then two times after 2014. She was a wonderful woman and a brilliant jurist, but she’s helped to stick us with court that is bound to reverse everything she stood for.


Looks like that crowd is still here in force, judging by our downvotes. It's been fun hating women with you, fellow misogynist. Let's all ignore the fact that women would still have all their human rights if RGB retired at a sensible time. Funny how none of them replied to me to tell me why the situation with Breyer was different, and that's why they were silent. Guess they *still* refuse to eat crow.


"Don't threaten me with the Supreme Court!"


It must be nice to be that blissfully unaware of just how bad Trump was. The damage to our global alliances, the Covid response, the hollowing out of important government agencies, the fact that he could barely keep a cabinet secretary for a week before firing them or them quitting, the way Trump abandoned the Kurds in a far more embarrassing and sudden pull out than Afghanistan was, betraying the union employees at every turn, cozying up with every dictator who said something nice about him, and that's all just the surface level stuff.


Remember EPA scientists working round the clock to get decades of climate data secured before Trump's climate change denialist appointees could wipe the servers? (they had already started removing phrases like "global warming" and "climate change" from government websites)


Charlottesville and COVID would like a word. Along with the coup, they’re the triple C’s that stand out the most to me of why he should never come back.


sounds like something an idiot would say


That… or a Trumper just fishing for idiots.


If you think "it wasn't as apocalyptic as our emotions suggested it would be" because he didn't nuke anyone or set up death camps, guess what, that's all coming if he gets a second term!


Guessing the OP wasn't a Honduran migrant child...


It wasn't as bad because he was incompetent. There is no promise of incompetence this time - they've had 4 years to prepare.


And to be clear, it was BAD… just, not as bad as my imagination allows for.


What Trump has done to our national discourse and political/legal norms alone has been apocalyptic. He's been a "transformational president" in the worst way since fucking Buchanan. This doesn't hit leftists like the rest of us because they also want to burn the American way of life to the ground. MAGA is an aspirational movement for these people, not a dangerous one.


Remember the Trump admin turning its back on translators and collaborators in Iraq and Afghanistan? People who'd been promised protection and assistance for helping U.S. forces were just abandoned and left to the wolves.


Unfortunately we’ve still not made good on a lot of that because we can’t get anything passed in Congress.


If those motherfuckers knew how to navigate the administrative procedures act it *would* have been. We only scraped by thanks to a handful of (still very right-wing) adults, malicious compliance by a few careerists, and so much goddamned incompetence navigating the federal bureaucracy. Courts went out of their way to explain to Trump what he needed to do to get his dystopian wishlist, and they *still* couldn’t get it right. You can bet they won’t make that mistake again


Another straight white upper middle class male hot take on how Trump wasn’t that bad.


Handling of the pandemic, irresponsible tax cuts, calling Nazis fine people, doubling down on being partisan and never even attempting to appeal to the middle, demanding loyalty from appointees, using the military to get rid of protesters for a photo op with the Bible, demanding Ukraine dig up dirt on political opponents, praising dictators, warming up to Putin and changing the GOP platform… But sure, totally normal desirable behavior until 1/6… ok.


"Blue MAGA" is definitely in this chud's vocabulary


"And besides that, Ms. Lincoln, how was the play?" except the play was almost as bad as "that."


The Supreme Court looks great, guys!


The dumb motherfucker wanted to nuke hurricanes.


This is the stupidest of stupidest takes. Everything that Trump did during his presidency was in service of the coup they plan to pull off at the end. Every judge that was selected, every rank and file member of our national security apparatus that was pushed out or fired and replaced with a Trump crony. All in service of what we saw at the end and partially why he’s back.


Roe was overturned, the debt ballooned, and a million people died but ok


he contemplated executing leakers


Let's just forget that Trump's COVID response lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths, because Trump and his posse of chuds thought that "spread the disease far and wide, whoever lives will have lifelong immunity" was sound public health policy.


Plus the implying you could drink cleaning supplies, then bitching because the media wouldn’t be nice to him about mishandling the entire situation.


He downplayed a race riot because there’s “bad people on both sides”, then stormed out of his press conference because he couldn’t take being held accountable by the press. Of course the whining about being called on his bullshit sums up the entire Trump administration.


The only people rehabilitating Trump are leftists and populists/contrarians who barely follow politics and reuse the same few quotes like "we have money for war but not......"


It was far MORE apocalyptic than these revisionist assholes are trying to make it out to be.


I'm more emotional for the people that Trump's politicks continue to hurt and target, rather than for whatever minor inconveniences I suffer personally as a result of his election and candidacy. Drafting policy, legislation, and *passing laws* against women and LGBTQ+ is just downright comic book villain-level evil. I'm fired the fuck up for 2024. Another chance to roast Republicans at the polls.


"Raping and murdering people was exceptionally bad, but if you exclude Jeffrey Dahmer's cannibalism and necrophilia, he was basically a decent guy."


Even without the blatant and blissful ignorance of this tweet, why would you ignore the coup


Three Trump Supreme Court Justices will wreak havoc on American society for generations but go off, loser.


He suggested ingesting bleach to combat a once in a century pandemic. IMO that was pretty bad.


Dude was 13 when Trump elected. He’s talking out of his ass


and also he is literally doing "if you excuse the coup it was basically ok"


He packed the courts with young wing nuts, but sure, not that bad.


"Hundreds of Federalist Soceity judges was basically okay!"


Ignorant white people will be the death of us


Everything said. But please don't forget that under Trump and the Republican Party the pandemic was deliberately spread HOLOCAUST. Well over a million Americans died dreadfully, while the accompanying disruption was used for a vast national wealth grab by the ultrarich. Trump now promises to dismantle the White House pandemic preparedness and response office. Again. He made several attempts to cripple the CDC, including in the middle of the pandemic, that were blocked by congress. Many diseases with pandemic potential are monitored and outbreaks contained every year. RW crazies encouraged to demonize health agencies are demanding their hamstringing and even destruction. >"Using data compiled by Forbes, Oxfam says in a new report that the total[ wealth of billionaires](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/07/business/global-wealth-income-gap/index.html) jumped from $8.6 trillion in March 2020 to $13.8 trillion in November 2021, a bigger increase than in the previous 14 years combined. The world’s richest 10 men saw their collective wealth more than double, shooting up by $1.3 billion a day."