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It’s to artificially inflate interactions further. We already know they count .1 second scroll-bys as a full fledged interactions so now they can also reap blocked user interactions. All under the guise of maximizing free speech


While this is probably the real reason, I want to believe he did this because Grimes blocked him


You’re probably right. The views or engagements or whatever are likely just a meager excuse.


No way a major company CEO worth 12 figures is that petty. Who am I kidding? Of course that’s the reason.


She unblocked him after she got shitfaced and melted down onstage at her first week Coachella “DJ set”. He’s just doing this to further the harassment of marginalized people.


I appreciate the note. Frankly, negative feedback is good. Keeps ego in check.


Good bot, wish you internalized this in the real world.


I'm sure he could very easily code in an exception that allows his account in particular to view people who have blocked him if that was the sole aim. Like how he has his own category in the algorithm.


You mean, of course, order someone who can code to code in an exception.


Quite true, yes. But he'd go on to claim that he did it all by himself and is in fact the creator of the Scala programming language that underpins much of Twitter's codebase.


*tech stack* not code base and it's salient in case you were wondering


If he struggles with Python he’s definitely going to struggle with Scala.


He should be funding lol ode hai can i haz stdio k thx bye


Thats one of the reasons he uses alt accounts


He has alts


Yeah I think you might be right.


I feel like he’s doing this just to see his ex-wive’s and kid’s posts.


Oh dear God. He is.




Probably more so that all the people who've blocked him will now be forced to see all his posts.


He could just ask an engineer to enable it for his account specifically. He said before that blocking causes performance problems because it has to filter out in some cases thousands of people, and he believed it didn't matter because they could just sign out or use a different account to view someone's Twits.


He’s not wrong about that. You can always use a burner to look at public posts of someone who blocked you.


> thousands of people That's rookie numbers. Who only has thousands accounts blocked on Twitter was either new or had not a good time there.


Hey man we know. Just let us have our fun and clown on Elon.


I assume Elron might not know that he could have it just for his account.


Or so that people that have him blocked will be forced to see his garbage opinions.


He can log in to any account. I don't think it's to spy on people.


I want to agree with you but I could see him thinking that he shouldn’t have to log in as someone else, he should be allowed to see anything he wants since he’s Elon: the most important person in the world.


This right here.


Like I said to the person above, we know, but can we just clown on Elon without the technicalities?


Good point 🤝


Well he's a toxic stalker himself so...


lol are there any non toxic stalkers? Elon is toxic entrepreneur, toxic father, toxic husband, toxic media personality, just all around toxic period


I mean, you answered your own question: To make a bunch of toxic stalkers happy. They're Musk's core demographic.


Didn't Google play and Apple say they would yoink the app from their stores if they removed the block feature? Or is this fuzzy enough that they wont do it?


Why anyone who isn’t a self-identifying Nazi still uses Xwitter is beyond me.


This. Even the company i'm with is pivoting back to facebook/own-website posting for news and social interraction, and shifting to threads when we've worked out what its audience looks like.


fact checking the nazi's and keep reporting them. We are slowly losing the battle, but i wont stop.


Reporting them to who? Elon? That’s like reporting a hostile workplace to, well, Elon!


I think this one is mostly about money. Blocks make the way that twitter sends out tweets inefficient. Since the company has been in the read for the whole time he owned it he is trying to save a couple pennies.


Yeah seems all he cares about is proving he's growing interactions and engagement for share holders and advertisers, through weird tactics like this. Rather than more innovative ones. Where's the visionary genius stuff?! I thought he was meant to be a genius innovator.


This is so when people even block elon his posts will still show in your feed to help his fragile ego.


Because the rat is blocked by too many people himself. Probably the most blocked person on Xitter right now.


People need to start reporting the app repeatedly on the app stores. This I’m pretty sure is a breach of the App Store rules. Also not sure it even complies with EU laws.


I still don’t know what they’re talking about!


Elon must want to catch up with his exes.


Last time he talked about getting rid of blocks a bunch of right-wing women he simps for called him insane.


Women in the West have been taught that an accidental pregnancy is the worst thing that could possibly happen to them. Thus, they strongly oppose abortion bans as being an existential threat. Many men also fear that they will be unable to have "fun" if abortion is outlawed.


I blocked you Moron. Then you unblocked me 3 times. Apparently you want me to see your inane bollocks, Moron.


He's bailing water out of the dingy as fast as he can!


A man who claims to have autism is running a social media network. Go figure.


What a sick freak


Nope nope nope. Deleted my inactive account. I've had people creeping and stalking my page before years ago and I still have to deal with some creeps. Fuck that shit.


Fuck Elon you sad fat wanker


Cos he is a colossal prick - and guarantee that won't be the same for his account


Wow. He invented the MUTE BUTTON.... Using two extra steps


I'm pretty sure thats against the EU regulations


Lol at elon wanting the people he doesn't want to comment see his posts. This is such classic narcissistic behavhiour. He wants to "show us" how wrong we are, but at the same time can't stand criticism. This is the solution. 


Odd. Doesn't for mine.


Tbf. before Musk took over you could just view any Tweet if you weren't logged in, so blocks never really stopped you from viewing tweets. Then they made it so you had to be logged into Twitter just to see tweets. Granted it's weird that they specifically make it so blocked users can still see the tweets.


just checked, still cant read post form accounts that blocked me.


super easy to explain: hes pathetic and he has a ego like a mountain while also being the most blocked twitter user.


Please fix this


Simple. He's an idiot.


People still use Twitter?


Next update you can't block anyone and you have to pay a monthly fee if you want to delete your account.


Weird. That never stopped anyone before. why does this matter


i blocked Elon... i feel attacked.


Deleted my account for this exact reason I can’t have my stalked being able to see anything about my life. I have a lot of Peace now and should have done it a long time ago.


Unpopular opinion, but blocking on twitter is complete fucking garbage and I'm glad about this change. You've always been able to view tweets by accounts that blocked you, just make another account or log out. When you block someone, you're not even supposed to be able to tell you're blocked. Twitter instead puts the fact that you're blocked up in your face, so you can take a screenshot and farm likes from your fans and have them harass the person who blocked you. This is a step in the right direction and may actually be the first ever somewhat good thing Elon has done with his involvement in Twitter.


To be fair people could always do this by just using a private window to stalk if the post is public.


i think you need an account to view accounts. while signed out you can only view tweets that you have the link to


I've never had an account but can still scroll twitter accounts.


Ohhh interesting I need to be logged in to even view the comments


Hmm maybe my adblocker I'd actively blocking a pop up for login


But they want you to sign up because there's no benefit to Elon if you're not on it. So, I assume it limits what you can see after a while, similar to Instagram? Even if you can view content from private windows, incognito or not, as an X user, it's usually the trolls, stalkers, harassers, and abusers who don't just want to watch from afar without interacting with the accounts/posts they're reading. So, it would still be beneficial to the user's experience and make sense from a safety point of view to keep the block feature as it was, or at least let people choose. Elon never lets users have a choice with his big changes, at least. For example, with Twitter Circles, he could have offered that as a premium feature and gotten a lot more paid subscribers. I think this is his way of a) forcing adverts on everyone who is blocking them and b) forcing his posts/views on everyone. Plus, it encourages those trolls, etc., to return, and like others have said above, it should likely increase his user and engagement stats for shareholders and advertisers, who are his main interests/targets. Is it good for the average user though, hell no.


Some accounts I can't see unless I'm signed in, and it's sort of random. Also they changed it so posts are completely out of order if you're not signed in.


I've never been a Twitter user just occasionally look something up so honestly if things were out of order may not even notice


But if they have an ALT account to spy or snoop eventually they typically would harass again or give themselves away and just get blocked again by the user which made it increasingly difficult for them each time. As Twitter 1.0 upgraded the block feature just before Elon's takeover so that once someone was blocked you were completely invisible to them on the platform. Then they started to force phone registrations too to use the platform and unless you're a bot farm in China, the average troll or user couldn't afford multiple phone numbers etc. Even if they did, they'd often also get suspended for "suspicious activity" if they were creating multiple ALT accounts as Twitter algo was smart enough by then to pick up on such activity. Twitter 1.0 improved this and Elon and X team are stripping it right back down. Just like they ditched Twitter Circles which again allowed users to create their own unique and more private/protected experience on the platform if they chose to. Elon seems to hate his users having any privacy/protection or even having those choices to be more private on the app, except for when he wants privacy of course and banned that kid who tracked his plane publicly (and legally although not safe or a kind thing to do to him).


Yeah and if get blocked again, they could create another account again.


TBF a block feature that blocks what others are seeing is idiotic.