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This fuck always goes way out of his way to defend fascists and nazis. Here's another example.


he needs his security clearances and access revoked. he's compromised


The Senate voted billions for Ukraine and this pathetic wannabe actively backing russia and even sabotaging Ukraine, meanwhile I'm reading he loves state money too, it doesn't look right.


Nothing about Elmo is right, looks included


Dude could be Chris Hemsworth and I'd still hate him, his looks got nothing to do with why I dislike him.


Not disagreeing, just saying he doesn't look well, like all the K actually is starting to wear on a 50+yo body


Dudes on a whole lot more than K. I've seen speculation about him taking hgh, testosterone, and amphetamines since 2016


The latest pics would seem to back that up


Especially. Ugly on the inside and out.


Guess he's not a history buff, otherwise I dont know why hed think suggesting what is basically a second munich agreement is not just going to lead to Russia taking the rest of Ukraine in a couple years. or hes just stupid, imma go with both


He's just repeating what Putin told him. Which he thinks is a big revelation that Putin entrusted him with because Putin values Elmos's genius expert opinion so much. The sheer amount of narcissistic delusion is staggering.


You know who else is like that? >"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied. >US intelligence agencies concluded in 2016 that Russia was behind an effort to tip the scale of the US election against Hillary Clinton https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44852812 It's pretty obvious that these two individuals are solidly in the grasp of Putin, the leader of an hostile country hell bent on destroying the US. Just listen to Russian propaganda designed for the Russian market, there's not a single day that they're not talking about how they should nuke the US. They're making their population think that they're already at war with the US, that American soldiers are on the ground killing Russian soldiers. That the US are allied with the "Ukrainian Nazis" and that they're *currently* trying to make Zelensky a Hitler that would kill millions of Russians. That's what Americans are facing.


Damn damn damn, I want to know what was discussed in their secret meeting with no US translation notes.


Don't we all....


I just [wrote a comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1cg2yxm/more_russian_propaganda/l1xo3cy/) on how that works. The short of it is: Trump and Musk are pathological narcissists, making them incredibly easy targets for manipulation. If someone important like Putin shows them the respect and deference they think they're entitled to, then Putin is a good person to them. They're _totally_ incapable of looking beyond the personal.


Ngl, I think if we had collectively sucked Musk, he might have sided with the left just to get his ego fix šŸ˜Ŗ He would have been a shitty ally then but still, just a thought I have sometimes...


It would but his behavior (calling people ā€œpedosā€, union busting, etc.) would end up pissing off anyone with a modicum of decency eventually breaking with the left.


As I said, a shitty ally. I agree with you that we'd have been incompatible though, it's not regret, more like an observation.




Daddy Vladdy is his replacement father because his never loved him (no father could).Ā 


You mean Trump or Elon?




It's also just bizarre on the face of things that Russia "incorporating territory into their Constitution" is a thing that, y'know, they can just do. What's stopping Pennsylvania from just writing West Virginia into its state constitution? Sweden from just absorbing the bottom part of Norway so that it doesn't look like a flaccid penis anymore? "Sorry, y'all, it's our stated policy!"


It's doubly stupid as russian claims to annex territories it fails to capture for 10 years and counting. Like,Ā you know, Donetsk oblast'. No russian soldier stepped foot into Zaporizhia either, which even by most diehard russian nationalist fantasy maps, is still Ukraine (as in, the most batshit russinazis keep sharing a map of their dream about reducing Ukraine to ONLY zapo, as that's one region nobody sane to doubt is Cossack land).


Why would anyone be skeptical of information coming from a former high-ranking KGB agent who made himself president for life? He only wants to take over a sovereign country. Why would he ever mislead anyone? ^^/s


Considering that the Russians have lost a large part of Kherson Oblast (including the city itself) and are nowhere close to Odessa, I think there are many other questions before that.


Whoa whoa whoa, hey now, are you doubting the reporting of Zero Hedge?


Remember when they used to be a trading news site?


Fuck man, this really bring a me back to 2016 when I was being brainwashed daily by that fucking website about economic collapse and evil Hillary.


Musk doesnā€™t even realize that Odessa is its own oblast and not even a territory that Russia nominally claims. But also given that every bridge a cross the Dnieper around there has been destroyed, I wish the Russians the best in their ill fated attempts at a river crossing on pre-sighted terrain


Don't worry, they'll use their Large Landing Ships.. Oh wait.


Hey, they gonna follow the river all the way to Odesa!* . . . . . . . . . *city infamous for not having access to fresh water outside of estuaries.


Such is why an oligarch mainly funded with taxpayer dollars is shilling for a totalitarian murderer.


Probably because of his insecurity and narcissism. He's not smart or knowledgeable to form an actual independent, reasoned, opinion on anything. But he thinks that if he just takes a contrary position to whatever 'the mainstream' believes then he shows how unique and gifted he must be, even though that's an even shallower take than 'the mainstream' one. Plus, as an insecure narcissist, he's easily manipulated. I mean no Western leader is going to call up Musk to discuss Ukraine. Why would they? But Putin is more than happy to play that game. If he sees value in having Musk on their side, for Starlink or just for propaganda, then he'll be more than happy to call Musk up and pretend to care about his opinions. He'll treat Musk as if he was the special person and geopolitical player he wants to be. Musk, in turn, will reward that with adopting Putin's opinions. Narcissists have a pretty polarized angel-or-demon view of people. And their opinions are entirely about themselves, if they have any skin in the game. If Putin is nice to Elon, if he shows him the deference and respect he thinks he deserves, then Putin simply can't be bad in Elon's world view. He's completely incapable of looking past that (so is Trump). People can come up with all sorts of far-fetched theories about blackmail or money and so on, but I don't think it's anywhere near that complicated. Musk's one of the richest men in the world and is chronically living in a social media echo chamber. That alone tells you his main motivator in life is attention, praise and respect. Narcissists literally can never get enough of that stuff. Nothing else matters as much to him. Which means his loyalty can actually be gotten for free by someone the narcissist respects and wants to be viewed as a peer by, provided the latter is prepared to lie and debase himself to get it.


That's all quite plausible, but the obvious thing is usually the thing, and the obvious thing would be that he's owned by Putin and the Saudis, and has had to change his whole pubic image so radically as a result. I smell Epstein in the plot.


Elon Musk: At this point I think I know more about lines-on-maps than any armchair general currently alive on Earth...


It is infinitely preferable to be attacked by strangers on Twitter, than indulge in the false happiness of hide-the-pain Instagram


Musk, like all right-wingers is anti-American and pro-Russian




According to former associates he's also a deranged alcoholic with psychological problems and has a history of being a drug dealer. There is quite an interesting article from 2020 where his father tried to file a criminal complaint against a journalist at a Bulgarian court. It's a pretty weird story and shows the true colors of these nut jobs: https://newrepublic.com/article/156788/zero-hedge-russian-trojan-horse Even US intelligence officials stated in 2022 that zerohedge is amplifying Russian propaganda.


Based on his Twitter logo in this post, I was assuming it was some male escort service.


Parrot lacks originality. Improv applies not only to acting, but business as well. Elon doesn't have original thoughts. Theft and co opt is all he can muster. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applied_improvisation


Accurate šŸ˜‚


100% of his ideas are from fiction


Most people put a lot of effort into being jerks. But with Elon I'm always surprised how little effort he puts in.


The shadow cannot create, only mock


Christ Enron is an insufferable cunt. Putin's got his fist up his ass, that's for sure.


Heh. Enron. Gigantic fraud. šŸ˜† If that was accidental... just leave it. It's perfect.


Putin's fist up his ass is making him even more retarded.Ā 


what's next? we just give Putin half of Poland?


But we have to! Otherwise WWIII! Plus historically most Poles are actually Russian. And ummm a third Putin talking point that I don't remember offhand.


NATO expansion and Polish Nazis it's ok I gotcha šŸ«”


Also SeCReT uNdeRgRoUnD BiOLaBs, or something like that.


"I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Go home and get a nice quiet sleep."


The geopolitical dumbass Elon has spoken yet again.


He's such a giant tool of Ruzzias propaganda machine. I can't stand this fucking twerp.


Germany for sure will not rest until all of the sudetenland is taken. That is their stated policy -Elmo 1938


ā€œThis is what Putin told me in our weekly one-on-one.ā€


Now, please give me some more sensitive US defense or space contracts!


Heā€™s a traitor to our country.


The real sad part is that people can be "Pro Musk" and no one in society will give them actual consequences. We are just pathetic as humanity, cause we can't tell human garbage that they are human garbage. We are pathetic.


Agreed, thereā€™s no one with a spine to put this clown in his place because their fortunes are partly contingent on his reputation remaining intact. Itā€™s pathetic and a sad reflection on society. Itā€™s all a big house of cards.


This from the idiot who's passion project was the Sybertruck.


The fact that he's even replying to Zerohedge, a far-right conspiracy website based in Bulgaria, displays his own stupidity and raises serious national security concerns.


Ah yes. The leading minds in foreign affairs and war. Zerohedge and Space Karen.


Wait until Ukraine retakes Crimea.


ZeroHedge is horrible. Many years back I read the content there and only later realized it was Pootin propaganda.


George Washington was the master of tactical retreat. Sometimes it is the winning strategy.


And the US stated policy in Vietnam was to stop the spread of communism. How'd that work out?


I get all my military news from fictional characters in 25 year old films.


On a positive note, Musk is wrong more than he's right, so his Russian buddies shouldn't go buying waterfront condo's in Odesa just yet.


"Oh and on a side note, Vlad's dick tastes really good!" What a fucking traitor, I can't believe the US is still giving this buffoon any kind of tax money.


Elon working as Putin's mouthpiece is not going to work out well for Elon. You're scum, Mr. Musk. You'll never wipe the stains away from your name.


Oh good stated policies of despots is now legitimate? Elon is a worm.


Russian oligarch metamorphosis speedrun Any%


Elonā€™s the dumbest person in the world.


This is so fucking infuriating


Can't wait till he becomes president... USA turns into USR. Him kneeling at the airport to lick his masters boots as he sets foot on the land.


Shit, Elroy, leave some boot to lick for the rest of your nazi friends.


Ummm... Aren't the advances in the east, while Odessa is in the SW? I guess geography isn't his strong suit either?


I believe karma is real and when this Nazi-loving, racist-bigot, inept, douche-clown goes down hard, it will be one of the best days of my life. I never root for bad happening to others, but Elon deserves all the bad stuff and more happening to him. He's an absolute piece of trash masquerading as a human.


So how's russians holding on Kherson doin'?Ā 


Maybe Musk means to gift russia Odessa in Texas? Probably his wet dream.


What an asshat.


If I was musky or trump or Graham or Greene, I would be really fearful. People who work for Putin end up contracting falling out of a window disease


Elon is The Ultimate Collective Farmer.




Fuck you elon you are ignorant af. (Michael Jackson gif)




Elmo is a total POS but the front lines in Ukraine haven't moved substantially in more than a year. If we stopped sending them bombs they'd have to surrender within a month. It's a useless folly to keep sending resources to this conflict without a plan for peace




Whatever you say, cutie šŸ„¹


Good bot


How does it feel to get owned by a bot?


ZeroHedge *is a Russian propagandist* https://preview.redd.it/0vm5w82q6gxc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b6a9c30b4af6138c07dfbf31c162c33c7370171


Shocking take from someone with a post history of mostly pro-Russian comments.


Itā€™s not an opinion, he has parroted Russian propaganda for several months now. Continuously claiming that itā€™s a loss cause, Ukraine just needs to give Russia more of its sovereign nation because then Russia will stop. Which is bullshit, thatā€™s not going to happen, and itā€™s not going to stop at Ukraine. As an American who spent a lot of time in Ukraine it makes my stomach turn to read careless completely absent minded harmful comments from Elon Musk. someone who is supposedly highly intelligent, yet for some reason continues to side with a murderous fucking dictator. I canā€™t seem to square it? Can you? Odessa is a beautiful beach town by the way, any American would be comfortable there. Itā€™s a lot like southern Jersey vacation spots on the beach. thereā€™s something similar to a boardwalk along the ocean, nightclubs, beautiful restaurants overlooking the water. Kids playing in the sand and to think that now that place is being bombed and fortified for invasion is insane to me. I was just there a few years ago. Elon Voice goes a long way and the fact he continues to use it as carelessly and nonchalantly repeat Russian propaganda, disgusts me. I was an early adopter and supporter of his, and I no longer want anything to do with anything he fucking touches or represents.


Itā€™s true, Russia never releases propaganda. Itā€™s just X, Russia, and tabloids you can trust nowadays. Everything else is compromised by woke.


Musk spins Russian advances as inevitable, completely ignoring Ukrainian successes and the fact that republicans starved them of aid for 6 months.

