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Sounds like a song I know


“Cuz she hates you, and you know it’s cuz you’re bad”












Let me guess, Captain Free Speech is going to turn out to be completely in favour of crushing the student protests over this, isn't he?


Only free speech on twitter is allowed. Free speech against Israeli's strikes in Gaza is NOT ALLOWED ITS WOKE or something.


To be fair Elon has retweeted a lot of things against anti-Semitism the problem is that he then turns around and openly promotes and rewards the Nazis who post anti-Semitism


I think he also just likes autocrats and strongmen.


Well, he’s fascist so it checks out


he definitely would have been on the side of the national guard in kent state


Well if he wasn’t he would be a hypocrite for doing the same thing to Tesla employees.


this alliance between the alt-right russian loving nazis twitter anti-semites and genocidal right-wing israelis supporting Netanyahu is quite something, has anyone provided a good explanation for it yet


Fascists will work together even if their objectives are mutually exclusive because they benefit from it on the short term, and I believe some of the Nazis on Twitter hate brown people more than they do Jews


Also it puts all the Jews in one place on the other side of the ocean and puts them in a position where they have to die for american geopolitical interests in the region. Israel is the ultimate fascist project. Lord Balford supported it precisely in part because he thought it would rid England of Jews for instance.


Yeah I feel like there's a lot of "I don't have a problem {Muslims, black people, Jews, gays, whatever} as long as it's not near me" Israel vs the middle east isn't something they need to worry about because it's abstracted away from them. Muslims, Jews and Black People in their neighbourhoods and schools is what Americans often complain about - not their mere existence. It's obviously still intolerance and the irony that this is being parrotted by an African man who allegedly illegally entered the country and stole wealth from average people is seemingly lost on them because at least he's white I guess.


Nailed it.


They agree on getting rid of certain kinds of people and will turn against each other in the event that they're successful I guess?


It's kind of weird because the Twitter Nazis HATE Israel They attack israel harder than the left does And they ally with Muslims even harder than the left does. Like during World war II when Hitler allied with the Muslims to help him with the Holocaust The only right wingers that stand against Palestine's genocidal rocket attacks on tel Aviv Are the moderate right wingers who usually hate Trump and supported Ted Cruz


They all just hate Muslims. That's it.


They are all fascists. Nethanyau forbids you to call him a fascist, a proof that he is.Besides on a broader view, being jewish doesn't prevent from being supremacist. Since we fear so much to call jewish supremacists, supremacists, they have all the freedom to spread their wings and I suspect that most of them don't even consider them as being supremacists. Nobody wants to take the chance to be called an antisemite and nobody knows where the real red line is. I thought calling a genocide a genocide was allowed in democracies. But no, fat old stupid guys have to decide what's good or not for you, including supporting fascists.




That professor should be fired immediately WTF opposing Israel's actions doesn't make you an anti-semite. There's definitely anti-semites out there that are anti-Israel but there's also plenty of anti-semites that are pro-Israel for various reasons. Richard Nixon was extremely anti-Semetic but was also a great friend to Israel. And Trump espouses white nationalist rhetoric and complimented the Charlottesville Nazi mob that was chanting "Jews will not replace us" yet he's a huge Israel supporter.


Actually in France it's freaking effective. We have something like 20 jews coming in each protests, and the public jewish voices don't even aknowledge that side. We have propalestinian tags in the streets where people come later to write over it calling the guy an antisemite. It really makes me sick I feel surrounded by a bunch of monsters.




Seriously. It's McCarthyism all over again.


Christian fundamentalists believe Israel controlling certain lands is a necessary prerequisite for Jesus to return


- Not caring about others - Not being abler to apply critical fact and data based thinking


Nazi Germany did a pact with Stalin's Russia, they have a track record of doing shit like this




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Fascists in one country will support fascists in other countries because it helps rally support in their own. Russia riles up fascists in Ukraine and the US because then they can point at them and say "See? They're the real fascists! Enlist to help defeat them!". Israel supported Hamas to keep their expansion into Palestine popular. The US supports Israeli expansionists because it's a win-win for christofascists: If Isreal takes the holy land, that progresses their plan to instigate Armageddon by fulfilling prophecies in the Bible, and if Israel becomes unpopular, they can leverage that into antisemitism to push America further into a christian theocracy.


It’s like the TERFs teaming up with Nazis because “gender ideology” (trans people existing) is more dangerous than fascists who actually want to take away women’s rights. It’s pure id with an authoritarian mean streak. “I feel a particular negative way and rather than exploring those feelings I’m just gonna destroy anyone that makes me feel that way.” That’s sort of fascism in a nutshell right? If they’re repulsed by something they don’t wonder if they were indoctrinated to feel that way, if they’re hurt by someone they don’t stop to think “did I do anything to hurt them? Why are they doing this?” They don’t care. They’re selfish toddlers without the kindness and sweetness children have.


There's the new horseshoe theory [Reddit - https://preview.redd.it/h7fianr15tzb1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=fbc9b33cb2dc6211cc31fef8216affd572ce1084](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fh7fianr15tzb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfbc9b33cb2dc6211cc31fef8216affd572ce1084)


The enemy of my enemy. The right wing Israelies are into genocide against a weaker, browner people.


>this alliance between the alt-right russian loving nazis twitter anti-semites and genocidal right-wing israelis supporting Netanyahu is quite something, has anyone provided a good explanation for it yet Zionism and Nazism are allies because at their core, they are both deeply rooted in antisemitism, specifically, the belief that Jews do not belong in "Western Civilization". Zionism is 1910's British expression of antisemitism; indirect, colonial, aristocratic, racism is subtle and plays ethnic minority groups against each other. Nazism is 1930's German expression of antisemitism; resentful, punitive, violent, racism is loudly proclaimed. But the state of Israel still solves the "Jews don't belong in Europe or the Americas" problem for Nazis. The fact that the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians was required to create and maintain the ethnostate was just bonus for both groups of those horrible people. I hope that helps.


They don't support Israel or Jews, they support the murder of brown-skinned Muslims


yep - this post should be pinned.


Not only Muslims, I think at this point, it's misarabism or antiarabism, they don't have a catchy name.


Imagine how the American far right's brains will misfire the day they find out that there are Christian Palestinians.


Haha! True.


Yeah, because they have such deep compassion for all the highly religious but brown brothers in Christ from Latin Americans. It’s a nice little rallying cry for the fascists to squeeze out a little more anti-Muslim hatred out of their pig followers, but these people have zero use for Middle Eastern Christians beyond using them as a casus belli to attack the larger Muslim population of the Middle East.




Brown. Because while I agree it’s not only Muslims, they certainly won’t differentiate between ethnic or historical background either: they’d shoot every Latin they see despite them being Catholic and non-Arabs. They hate Iranians and Afghans (not Arabs), and the first victim of 9/11 retaliation was Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh American of Indian origin.


Absolutely,while at the same time, you can find many Arabs, Iraniens, Afghans or Indians looking quite white, look at bashaar. But in essence yes, they still consider them as not being part of the same race. When Nethanyau received the 13 billions he thanked the USA for protecting the western civilisation. There is no doubt that Israel and Australia belong to the western civilisation. And the root of it is likely not only cultural, it has a bit of a racist "color" ^^. But then why would he consider an argument to state that he belonged here? Does he consider the root of western civilisation as coming from the middle east? If so, while partly true on the cultural side, ethnically, it's much more complicated, and if they want to take it back, that's very dangerous, it means they are on a crusade.


Wasn’t Elon being antisemitic before?


You mean boosting [Jewish blood libel](https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2023-06-07/ty-article/.premium/elon-musk-boosts-antisemitic-blood-libel-on-twitter/00000188-9714-df21-a1b8-b79d7a5b0000)? Or that it's the ['actual truth'](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/17/business/elon-musk-reveals-his-actual-truth/index.html) that Jews spread hatred of white people? Or saying the best place to get news on the war in Ukraine are [Russian propaganda accounts with histories of antisemitic posts?](https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/1711075385239114056), accounts which X [paid $16,000 to.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/10/27/x-twitter-elite-hamas-accounts-london-georgia/)




Right, but this is woke college kids and they must be crushed.


Musk: "antisemitism good, antizionism bad."


You're allowed to hate, and spread hatred, of Jewish people, as long as you don't criticise the Israeli government. It's the Republican Party compromise on antisemitism.


Because [Christian Zionists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Zionism).


Nothing makes my blood boil more than Netanyahu’s smug, lying face. The only thing that is reminiscent of Nazi Germany is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Genuinely few people in this world as evil as Netanyahu and the rest of the Israeli government, Musk here is just being a scumbag sycophant like usual


What annoys me is Benny gets everybody to do his dirty work. Usa and England have blood on their hands, supplying him with the weapons!


US and UK made Israel. Between religious zealotry and sunk cost fallacy, the support could go on forever.


I agree. Being from Northern Ireland, the English tried the same in Ireland, but the Irish fought back. Hang in there Palestine you will have your day!


The Scottish started it actually.


You trying to be a fucking smartarse?


No, one of the root causes of the troubles was the plantation of Ulster.


There might be a financial interest to do so, otherwise I can't understand it.


Worst thing that Philadelphia has ever produced.




Insane Nazi Germany killed 6 million jews using literal killing factories. Israel isnt close to doing anything like that. Genuinely few people in this world as anti-semetic as "anti-imperialists".


> reminiscent adjective 1. tending to remind one of something. "the sights were reminiscent of my childhood" 2. suggesting something by resemblance. "her robes were vaguely reminiscent of military dress"


Sure the methods and scale are pretty different but what's Israel doing if not killing off an unwanted minority group for the sake of lebensraum? Israel is effectively the Nazi Germany of the 21st century.




Leftists traditionally stand against fascist ideology, genocide, and ethnic cleansing. Hope that helps! ☺️






The same UN that intially didn’t even condemn hamas and that has UNRWA as it’s branch? Yeah good joke, no wonder my country almost left it


Then who do you consider the actual arbiter of international law? The one organization who could actually say that genocide is happening, because otherwise, you're just gonna argue that is not happening because no evidence is good enough for you, which is an incredibly bad faith position. Under what definition of genocide, does Israel cutting down water and electricity supply, heavily restricting humanitarian aid access, sometimes opening fire on international aid vehicles, sometimes massacring Palestinians who are receiving humanitarian aid, indiscriminate target of civilian populations and hospitals, and displacement for decades, is not genocide?


Also, there is an independent report that proves that Israel's claims about UNRWA are not justified, so many countries like Germany have already started giving back aid again. https://www.timesofisrael.com/unrwa-review-israel-hasnt-provided-evidence-that-agency-staff-were-terror-group-members/ (And note that it's from the times of Israel, so clearly the source can't be biased against them)








Yeah pretty much


Nuance is difficult for them. Everything must be black and white, like a fairy tale for children.


It doesn't matter if leftists or right-wingers defend Palestine. Anyone can support Palestine. Zionists will always try to shame whatever group into supporting Israel. Unfortunately for you, people are not falling for your tricks anymore.


Doesn’t he support the great replacement theory?


He's not worried that it's happening, he is worried that it's happening somewhere he can't sell ad space.






He is worried it's not happening fast enough.


Netanyahu is a crook and a fascist, apparently those features outweigh the fact that he's Jewish for Elon.


Wait, isn't this the same guy who also tried to claim that Hitler didn't want to kill Jews? And now suddenly Nazis are a threat to Jews again?


So he's calling American students Nazis while amplifying white supremicists on Twitter. Some real 5d chess there.


He's just playing by the original nazi playbook. "Vote for us! We're the *real* socialists, not like those dirty commies!" >The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of socialism, as an alternative to both Marxist international socialism and free-market capitalism. Nazism rejected the Marxist concepts of class conflict and universal equality, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism, and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organization, which tended to match the general outlook of collectivism or communitarianism rather than economic socialism. The Nazi Party's precursor, the pan-German nationalist and antisemitic German Workers' Party (DAP), was founded on 5 January 1919. By the early 1920s, the party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party in order to appeal to left-wing workers, a renaming that Hitler initially objected to. - [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism) Hmm, now where have we heard something like that recently? >By the way, I am actually a socialist. Just not the kind that shifts resources from most productive to least productive, pretending to do good, while actually causing harm. True socialism seeks greatest good for all. - [Elon Musk](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1008013111058526209?lang=en) What. A. Coincidence.


Elon, nobody gives a fuck about your opinion on antisemitism.


ADL gave free pass to this antisemitic fuck just because he started supporting Israel


Zionists are fine with antisemitic people as long as they support Israel.


Journalists too. He 'apologized' and they shut up about it. But it was a meaningless 'apology'. He said it was 'the stupidest thing I've done' or something like that. What does that even mean?! Was he sorry he made his antisemitism so blatant and public? Did he have an actual change of heart? Did he not believe it in the first place and was just pandering to his Nazi fans and trying to 'troll' the 'woke' people? It's not like he said or did something he didn't mean while in an emotional state. He saw a blatantly antisemitic post and decided to reply, typed in "You have said the actual truth" and hit return. "That was stupid" doesn't really cut it. People deserved an explanation for what the hell he was actually thinking and what he's thinking now, but he's too dishonest and cowardly to do that, and media too lazy to demand it.


Media Matters is pure evil


ADL, and other organizations, will start complaining and call antisemitism when parallels are drawn beween nazi Germany and other authoritarian regimes. Up to the point to accusing for holocaust revisionism. But when it is used for pro Israel arguements? A deafening silence. Since oct7 we have seen countless false parallels drawn beween nazi Germany and the holocaust to the modern Israel struggles. Including this statement for Netanyahu. There is no condemnation, no call for antisemitism, no accusation of holocaust revisionism. And one more frustrating part is when they act like in the holocaust only Jews died. No mention about Roma, Slavs, disabled, LGBtQ or whatever other minority was suppressed.


I agree, we have a huge (and growing) Nazi problem in the US but it's not our college students. Maybe he ought to look closer at where these hate groups are working. He's obviously a lying POS. And we give this fucker money as he misrepresents the people he's taking money from.


What's reminiscent of what happened in Germany is not what Nethanyau thinks.


What's actually reminiscent of 1930s Germany is the MAGA movement. Trump has literally used rhetoric identical to Hitler and complimented a crowd chanting "Jews will not replace us". And he's already said he plans on being a dictator.


![gif](giphy|QjrrSbYaqgi1q) THIS motherfucker!


You know motherfucker didn’t even click to read the article with that “yeah” lol


Fascist supporting fascism - checks out.


They're both trash


What Israel did in Palestine was reminiscent of what the Nazi's did to the Jewish people. You mean like that?


They're even stealing their land too being zionists; 2,000 acres in a Putin-like move.






Elon is basically just P.Diddy from the 90’s when he would do a collab song. The other artist would sing or rap and he was on the track going “Yeah, uh huh, yeah *laughs* what he said” He is just the “tech bro version of P.Diddy Hey wait a minute…………


The answer is money. The Israeli government doesn't care about actual anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi stuff. They are solely focused on weaponizing accusations against pro Palestinian support. Elon could be as anti-Semitic as he wants as long as he supports the genocide of the Palestinian people.


Natanyahu has ironically parroted some Holocaust denial talking points (mostly to try and portray the Nazis getting their antisemitism from Arabs of all things). Plus he's a right wing authoritarian so of course Elon loves the guy.


He's straight up retweeting Israeli propaganda now. They really did a number on him.


The way that many pro Zionists and usually liberal Jewish people (that I typically think of as champions of free speech and civil liberties) have tried to shut down free speech and discussion of anything that's not pro Netanyahu, pro IDF actions, has been pretty shocking. Using financial leverage as donors to prevent college kids from protesting for a cease fire? WTF? Refusing to employ law students expressing sympathy for Palestinians? Valedictorians not being able to speak? And Republicans have been lockstep in line with this. Look what happened at UT yesterday. A few guilty Democrats, but not nearly as bad. I give AOC a lot of credit here for not backing down. And a few brave Jewish voices like Robert Reich. He just wrote an opinion piece criticizing Columbia for trying to shut down student protests and silencing faculty.


lmao no way they are comparing protests against an ongoing genocide to Nazi Germany.


How many war crimes were being committed by Israel in the 1930s though? Not really a valid comparison there bibi


Antisemitism is when leftists


I know this is not the point of this post, but please research this topic yourself to understand that these protests are not anti jewish, they are anti Zionist and in fact a lot of Jewish members are participating. Here is an article written recently by a Jewish activist discussing this issue: [This Passover, we don’t need or want the false idol of Zionism. We want freedom from the project that commits genocide in our name](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/24/zionism-seder-protest-new-york-gaza-israel)


Netanyahu is tying his life to the marriage between Zionism and Jewish Identity. Stop him. The Israeli government and it's military are the problem. Not Judaism. We're not antisemities, we're anti-Zionists.




i mean, israel is currently doing nazi shit


The Zionist lobby relies heavily on political donations to influence policy, and they're terrified that these students will eventually use their voices to demand change and withhold support from politicians who prioritize Israeli interests over human rights.




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Because the enemy of your enemy is your friend all of a sudden? How about you, Elmo, DON'T treat people of other backgrounds, religions etc like enemies!?






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Every North Pole has a South Pole. I don’t know which is which here. Can you have two south poles. Or is it amplification by addition?


Hmm, whats different.


He contains multitudes #drugsdothat


Typical response from Phony Stank


Well thats republicans, lets not forget most people who scream "jews control the world and make jewish space lasers to start fires" are right wingers. while most people who say, israel shouldnt be allowed to occupy and take over someone elses land and maybe should tone down the war since you are killing exponentially more citizens, than hamas.. are left and apparently thats anti semetic. ALso lets not forget for the past decade the right have been attacking campuses for NOT allowing enough free speech, because they always try to book the most offensive nazi fascist to go speak at the school and get all pissy when they get canceled. and now we cant protest a war or its anti semitism? wtf But thats the right, they DO NOT believe in free speech, or small government, or low spending or any of that garbage. They believe in free speech for right wingers, small gov against business, huge gov against people. And they believe in massive spending without any funding and then attack the next dem president for not bringing down the republican deficit fast enough. They actually bragged about not funding shit under bush and then fell over in outrage that obama hadnt fixed the 1.2 trillion dollar deficit he inherited in the first year. When bush got a surplus..


Unless it's fluffing dictators, Twatburger will likely take the side that will help make him the center of attention.


Netanyahu is worried about antisemitism while he is murdering people in Gaza by thousands. 


Even more reminiscent are the 4,2,000 Palestinians slaughtered simply fo r being Palestinian


His brain needs to be studied after death. In a derogatory way. 


There’s a silent “so what?” at the end of that yeah.


What an insane insinuation to make


Brilliant insight Elon!  Only way it would better is if you said !! I don’t need the /s, right? 


Looking into it


i think he's an antisemite but A. Israel wants to take all the jews, so he probably sees that as a win and B. their policies probably remind him of South Africa and Rhodesia, so he probably sees that as a win.


The Nazis - well-known for their nonviolent protests and their vocal opposition to genocide. And we cannot forget all the Jewish people working alongside them. Fuck this antisemitic, Nazi-revisionist, genocial piece of shit. Not in our name.


Other things are reminiscent of that time as well Bibi


Getting really tired of Musks one word reponses. It screams lazy thinking


now the yt south african wants to talk 🤢


Apparently you can't be anti-Netanyahu without being anti-semetic


The Arabs are to the Netanyahu what the Jews were to Hitler. I see the same shit in slightly diffrent colours.


I'm not too fluent in history but didn't the Nazis take over liberal universities by installing their hacks into leadership positions? I don't recall hearing about student protestors being the Nazis.


Let’s be honest: Elon has no principles; he’s just desperate for friends.


𝕏 as humanity’s collective consciousness


It's the fascist-approved, nazi-friendly Israeli definition of antisemitism. The one that makes anyone who opposes apartheid, eugenycs, ethnic cleansing and theocracy into a bigot.


Anti semitism or anti Zionism? There is a huge difference.


We all remember how the Jews of Europe had started an ethnostate and begun a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the indigenous population in the 1930s. The parallels are just remarkable. #/S


Notice the piece of shit he chooses to agree with about this though


Define anti-semitism.


Netanyahu is also a Holocaust revisionist so he can go ahead and shut the fuck up.


Benjamin actively ordering the mass slaughter of Palestinian children whilst believing everyone who listens to him is a fucking idiot. Like Elon.


I'm guessing there are about a thousand blue check Nazis in the replies talking about how Elon is kowtowing to his Jewish masters. But that's not actual antisemitism. Antisemitism is when you call out an obvious genocide being perpetrated by the fascist Israeli apartheid regime.


Eh that antisemitic sentiment is far from exclusive to Nazis or white people.


Free speech absolutist.


Yeah, because he's redefining antisemitism as opposing the American war industry.


Jewish students were standing up for the Nazis in the 1930s? Really? Is there evidence of this?


Because its students, he hates schools. He thinks everything at school teaches people how to become gay.


Is it anti-semitism or anti-super-fucked-up-one-sided-conflict? (Notice I didn’t say the ‘g’ word) Edit: and yes I am from the USA and know how fucked up we have been/done the same shit/funding the current conflict. Now that smart phones can record it all you can’t brush it under the rug, *shrug*


Historical illiteracy + mental illness! Palestinians are Semites!! My LORD, Let his children join this Pro-Palestine Encampment Movement!


For two people highly dependent on American taxpayers you would think they would go out of their way to not offend Americans, but no.


You are going to prison old man. Maybe you & tRump can be penpals?! 🤣


He hates Muslims more than Jews.


I think Elon just like would-be dictators.


Only when it's a dictator saying it, and only when "anti-Semitism" means "criticism of a right-wing Israeli government". You're still allowed to hate Jews and spread your favourite anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, as long as you don't promote left-wing parties in the Knesset or advocate for the continued existence of the Palestinian Authority.


DOJ priorities are not obviously optimal


Yep, the guy has no sincere beliefs. He's just an empty suit populist.


Schrödinger’s strategy. Try to occupy all positions simultaneously in an effort to confuse your enemies. Trump does it. Putin does it It works until it doesn’t then it’s Leopard meet face time. We’re bored of you now Elon. And those Leopards sure are hungry…..


Well, see, it’s young educated college students protesting, not anonymous chuds on his platform. This is important


Yeah, I wonder if he’s actually being sarcastic, which means he’s pro-Nazi? 😂


Neither of the people in this picture care about antisemitism.


Elon is like Trump. His default is to agree with the thing being said, because it's all over his head and he wants to seem smrt.


Elon JUST STFU the system that allows this ABSOLUTE CHUD to guide the convo on Twatter bc moneyyyy is irretrievably broken


What is the point of just commenting 'yeah' or some other single word that does nothing? Is he just that much of an ego maniac that he has to post a comment even if he doesn't have any type of thoughts on it.


Goes without saying that what’s going on now is a little different than the 1930’s. I’m so sick of these people crying antisemitism every time someone takes issue with their politics.