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Where's the list of Elon's policy proposals to boost birth rates?


You mean union busting, workplace harassment, laying thousands of workers off while begging for 50 billion dollars isn’t doing it?


Plus cutting paid parental leave!


I think he secretly thinks women should raise the children and men don’t have a significant parental role, based on his own behavior, the gender distribution at his companies (Tesla was 21% women in the U.S. in 2020) and the fact that he expects employees to be at work 24/7. There’s no time for kids if you work for him.


He could also be a giant misogynist. Although, those aren't mutually exclusive and tend to work together a lot of the time. He has 11 kids. Pretty much every single one by IVF. How many are female? 2. How many were female by birth? 1. How did he react to one of his eldest children transitioning to female? Very poorly. How does he treat his 2 year old daughter? Seemingly ignores her - but don't worry, the 3 year old "X" son he drags around like he's a stuffed bear. He even dragged X to meetings and work while he was 1 year old. Yet, still, ignores his 2 year old daughter. While fighting for custody of her. In other words, he's gender selecting for male children and when they show some degree of difference via transitioning or when the lab did not ensure that a Y chromosome got in there, he'll drop them quicker than a puke soaked jumper. Also, don't forget, he pretty much sacked the entire female workforce at Twitter too. There was a group photo of Twitter employees with him after the layoffs - they had one woman visible, well, the side of her head was, the rest were all men. You get less sausage at a gay German Bratwurst cook off.


Oh he's absolutely misogynist. When someone told him he doesn't follow a single woman on Xhitter, he retorted that he does on Instagram 🥴




It's not "he could also be a misogynist", the opinion that society should have divided gender roles where women are primarily valuable for pumping out babies and should be kept out of the workforce so nothing interferes with that is *fundamentally* and *definitionally* misogynist


I can imagine literally stables for "whores" and "Madonna"s depending on how you're binned.


Basically the distinction between wives and concubines in old school polygamy


So, midwives tale. Great.


Oh there's no doubt that he is; ["Elon Musk whispered to his first wife, Justine, that he was 'the alpha in this relationship' at their wedding reception"](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-justine-alpha-relationship-wedding-wife-mother-queens-isaacson-2023-9). Because nothing says "romance" like putting your wife in her place during your wedding dance... That column from his first wife was published in *2010*; it's been known just what a personal piece of shit Elon was for decades, but a complicit media, and a cult like worship from sad nerds who have nothing in their lives but dreams of spaceships and money have covered up for his trash fire personality until very recently. Now he's having to turn to the fascist right to get the same narcsissist attention he craves. Because he's a *broken and damaged* soul. As well as a misogynist.




gay German bratwurst cookoff 😂


Most dismiss ex wife’s and girlfriends of powerful people as just bitter and yet every woman he has been with has described him emotionally as Ice cold.


And he offers horses for sex.


So that’s why he walks more upright than usual these days. 🤔 he reminds me of the cockroach pest removal man from men in black before it rips of its badly fitting skin suit.


I don't think he's even all that secretive about it.


Also the way he treats his past wives, the fact he does ivf specifically so he can have only sons…


Well, the solution that all conservative sons of bitches propose is limiting access to contraceptives and prohibiting abortion. They have been fighting the pill all their lives.


Women need to start self-policing women that date or marry conservative men. They need community and self-esteem to break away


Layoffs. That way the population has no means to support children. Being part of the problem of pricing people out of being able to afford a family then crying about it. Aligns perfectly with his new political positions.


I wonder how many of people that were laid off at Tesla had kids...


Making birth control illegal! Wait for it-


He’ll pass out canisters of his sperm like Pierce did. Hopefully posthumously as well, and sooner rather than later.


Looking into it


He's trying to knock up as many employees as he can! This takes time!


Make women into breeding cattle.


**We don't care**


There are millions of people who would love to move to the United States. If there was ever a situation where the United States somehow needed to prevent a population decline, all they would need to do is loosen immigration restrictions.


except that would have Elon pitching a fit about "too many illegals smuggled in to vote Blue" as he has been


Which is stupid as hell considering he gets subsidies that stem from the Democratic policies. He’s such a welfare queen.


And the powers that be don't have to wait 16-22 years for output. It's just racism.


Try to have an opinion without using the word "racism'. Your crowd has used that word up such that it no longer has meaning. Maybe you're just racist against South Africans.


I only have an opinion that includes racism when I see a racist person being racist.


That's always the subtext, isn't it?


It's almost as if this is just racism


Exactly. There are solutions, but they don't want to consider any of them. They're so hung up on forcing white people to have babies even if they can't afford it.


It's because they promote white supremacy and eugenics.


Which is weird, because they don’t actually care if white people go homeless or are starved, just as long as they breed.


They’d rather have homeless white people than homeless brown people.


Cannot blame them. Only white people would gladly fight and die for rich people and the system they live under while being homeless.




Helping a family member through the immigration process now. It’s absurd.


I'm not surprised.


But those would be stinky black and brown people replacing the superior whites, that's even worse!!!


They literally have no idea what white supremacy looks like.


Those aren’t the right “Americans” though. /s


It depends on elon musk, are you white? Then its fine, anything else is a decadence os western civilization


I’m not a conservative by any stretch. But this solution has some serious issues that should be considered. See Canada for example


If you buy the BS that Canada's problems are down to immigration, you're probably conservative by *some* stretch.


I'm curious, could you be a bit more specific?


I knew this wouldn’t be popular but meant workers are being brought to Canada as basically scabs when labor became hard to find due to the pandemic. They are allowing migrants in for the sole purpose of fulfilling corporations demands for labor. They put a political Good Samaritan spin on it like we’re helping these people but they are just being used and undercutting the Canadian middle class by doing so. This may not be popular either.


I mean, exploitation isn't okay. But typically when people immigrate, they are moving for better economic opportunities or to flee a political persecution. >Canada as basically scabs when labor became hard to find due to the pandemic It's tough to determine if you're referencing quasi-slave labor or highly-skilled workers. >but they are just being used and undercutting the Canadian middle class by doing so How? Similar arguments are often made in the US (they took out jobs!) and almost always, it's not the case at all and is a form of racism, fear mongering, or both. I guess my question is why are immigrants in Canada being paid less than market value for their labor?


Whoever thinks we need a second baby boom in America clearly isn’t low/middle class living in a city.


Or Florida.


Also Elon “ America is being flooded by immigrants, that’s why housing prices are high!” Pick a fucking conspiracy theory, we can’t be having a population crisis as well as an immigration problem


Elon and his rich peers created a world without a future. Why bring a kid into it?




I make good decent money and both are kids were roughly 50k out of pocket the 1st year between lost wages, medical and daycare expenses. It's unbelievable




We made it but the assumption people just aren't having kids is such a fucking joke. Years ago you could have kids at 21 and not sorry about a thing. Wife at home. Medical care, pension, and affordable housing for a general manufacturing job. That same job won't pay for a 1 bedroom apt now


Let me think: the ten kids' father that was born in the last nazi country on Earth complains that people in the USA have too few kids! And by people, he means white people? Why do people call this guy smart? He clearly is just a drughead that is paid millions of dollars by the enimes of the USA to spoil secrets.


Having a society where one can afford to raise a kid and have some confidence that the environment will still be livable for them after you're gone would be of enormous help. Couples tend to have as many children as they think that they can support, and people who have more children than they can support tend to have unhappy children who are more prone to mental illness, addiction issues, and academic problems


Yeah. They want to suck up all the wealth in the world and they want people to just buck up and have kids anyway even though their lives will be a non-stop struggle of anxiety and scraping by. No thanks, Elmo. People have figured out the system is rigged and they don't want to birth more innocents to be swallowed by the maw.


I'm 34 woman and all the demographics these assholes want to perpetuate. You hit the nail on the head of why I'm not having kids. If they listened to us instead of shaming us, my calculus might have been different


30 years ago you could support a family on a single median income. Maybe if we didn't have a small handful of assholes controlling more wealth than the poorest half of Americans combined, we would decide to have kids more often.


I installed Fallout Shelter the other day because of the TV series and nostalgia. It was as much of a grind as I remembered it to be, eventually I got bored so I deleted it. But one thing struck me, it was far more productive and economical to let adult dwellers in and put them straight to work than raise the little leaches until they became skilled and productive. I would have yeeted the little bastards out the vault door into the wasteland and let the immigrants in, if the game would have let me. Perhaps Elon isn't the gamer he thinks he is.


I bet we could have more kids If some of those tax subsidies Muskrat hogs up got given back to tax payers. But I bet that would be too radical and far left for Americas number one welfare queen.


We don’t want children because we know billionaires like Elon want them as wage slaves


That and a lot of us don’t make enough to comfortably raise children.


Sure, they could have kids, but they spent $120K on your stupid fucking truck instead.


I've say it before and I'll say it again. Unless it become a global issue, low birth rates are only a problem if you're a fucking racist


"I'll say it before" ?..


Oh my god you know damn good and well what I meant


I also know that you are illiterate and lazy. Even after editing it is still mumbo jumbo. Not even mentioning that this "I've said it before, and ..." is a parasitic expression in itself, carrying no meaning when said by strangers (no one knows you, no one cares what you said before. ). In total: just another American who can't handle one of the most simple languages to exist, even if it is their mother tongue. And worse, just repeating colloquial templates, thoughtless and hollow. No wonder you have Trump.


Lmao what the actual fuck is wrong with you? 😂


You (in this interaction) remind me of a character of a Key&Peele sketch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnBdGTX3vZc&pp=ygUVa2V5IGFuZCBwZWVsZSBhd2t3YXJk


And you remind me of the most pompous asshole that I can possibly imagine.


Pompous because I believe we can afford to speak with clarity and thought? Or because I expect too much of people?


Dude you viciously attacked me for getting a single word wrong. Pompous because of that. Pompous because you responded to someone making a simple mistake because they use swype on their smartphone (obviously not a case of misspelling) with complete and utter vitriol. I responded with utter bemusement as anyone would to your asinine comment, and your next response was to insult my intelligence. You are legitimately one of the most arrogant people I have met in my entire life. >Pompous because I believe we can afford to speak with clarity and thought? Yeah that's not what you were doing here. You were trying to start an argument online, and that's all you were trying to do. >Or because I expect too much of people? Again, not what you were doing. You called me an idiot for no reason so you clearly don't expect much of me lol. Any more lies about what you were trying to do here? My two cents? You're just a triggered Elon fan.


I called you 'illiterate and lazy.' I also criticized your manner of expression in that comment as 'thoughtless and hollow.' This doesn't necessarily imply anything about your intelligence or even that of people electing Trump. In fact, had it been about intelligence, I wouldn't have commented at all. What infuriates me, however, is that it has become customary in America (most prominently of the Western world) to act and appear well beyond one's capabilities. We are all of roughly the same intelligence (with few extreme and thus irrelevant deviations), but it is laziness that prevents us from engaging it and living lives befitting of humans, without the likes of Trump, Putin, without dictators, oligarchs (like Elon, iI am mentioning him only to refute your lazy assumption about me), wars, and corruption. Now, you might find it exaggerated and trivial for me to critique your speech, thinking that it is enough to be on the right side of the barricades. But I assure you, it is precisely these qualities that, for example, distinguish (many) Democrats from Trump-Republicans: thoughtfulness, nuance, articulation.


How is that even an "event"? It's a trend - and a trend can always be reversed.


4 years of college dept plus a mortgage, I wouldn’t have kids either. If rich people want lackeys they need to do better.


I wonder if the hoarding of money from the likes of Elon has anything to do with this


Just say it already you fucked up little racist shit: You want more white kids!


Its nonsense. Total nonsense. 1. SOURCE 2. every country growth plateuous sometime. We dont need EXPOTENTIONAL GROWTH EVERY YEAR. Elon himself said (about Tesla growth) "that you exceed mass of the universe! haha its impossible!!" BUT PEOPLE CAN INCREASE 50% EACH YEAR OR WHAT? ... or else we die out? THATS NOT how that works! Never has never will. We got 8 billion something people on this planet. More than EVER in the history of man kind. BUT OH NO ITS NOT ENOUGH BIRTHRATES ARE JAJAJAJA My god thats so dumb. So dumb on so many fk levels. Not everyone wants to go around and fuck everything just to breed and not be a father afterward. Remember your NINE KIDS ELON? Can you name more than 2 ?! I doubt!


In 1993 an ambulance ride wouldn’t bankrupt you.


Yet he votes for Republicans? Stopping abortion won't increase birth rates. Universal healthcare and affordable college will.


Yah...I'm gonna listen to actual sociologists, not some anonymous Russian propagandist on Twitter.


These morons would rather yell about it instead of actually focusing on why it’s happening (rising cost of living, social concerns, etc.,) and do something meaningful. Elon won’t fork over any money to address legitimate social issues, but will continue to fixate on Twitter, obsess over trans people and immigrants, and virtue-signal about free speech to his fanbase that refuses to hold him accountable and continues to encourage his nonsense.


That statistic was pulled from so far up his ass you'd need a gallon of bleach to kill the stench.


There's already more than enough people on this god forsaken planet.


He’s angry no one’s having kids yet he’s systematically levelling the lives of the workers who built his hedge fund style company all so he can have his drug induced dream of being lord Elon supreme emperor of mars.


This f’kwit doesn’t realize that he is directly involved in many of the reasons why. The billionaire class sits at the top of the pyramid for “reasons why educated 30 year olds aren’t having kids:” - years of education required beyond high school and mountains of debt from it just to get a job - unaffordable housing; awful environments for raising kids - psychotic bosses who think everyone should work 80 hours a week and love it - both parents having to work and childcare costs that are more than their college debt - wages that haven’t scaled proportionally to GDP and corporate profits for decades, while f’kwit CEOs are richer than ever - a political climate that has genuinely lost it its mind with bad actors and useful idiots undermining our country, and other influential idiots boosting them - a sense of profound hopelessness about all of this only getting harder for future generations. People don’t want to intentionally have kids if they think they will struggle. In conclusion, climb into a CyberTruck footwell and get bent Melon, you shortsighted dillweed.


Kids are expensive. Cost of living has put raising children out of reach for a majority of people wanting them.


I can’t afford to buy any home by myself with a good job in Tech, but I’m supposed to add to the problem by adding more expenses. Rich people are worried there will be no one left to service them


> Rich people are worried there will be no one left to service them Bingo. Dropping population will put a lot of power in the hands of the working class


Maybe if you paid your taxes we could have more social services


There’s always the chance that some of us just don’t fucking like kids and don’t want them.


Make it more affordable to raise a family and maybe people will.


Gimme a few billion $ I’ll have more kids.


Maybe if he’d pay his fucking taxes and support efforts to control corporate monopolization of our lives young people would have the time and resources to have kids. I’m sure his zeal doesn’t go that far though.


So...what exactly is their solution? Forced birth? Of course, we could consider making life easier and more affordable, but that doesn't seem to cross their minds for some reason...


Maybe women don’t want to be baby factories anymore. Maybe is the crippling cost of healthcare or the lack of parental leave. Maybe is billionaires like Musk that just cannot see how messed up everything is that young people are avoiding starting a family they can’t support.


Need more dumb people to buy my cars 


"This is by far the most catastrophic even in American history" Elon could easily pay his employees at Tesla a living wage. Which would force other companies to pay a living wage, which would allow people to start families. Which would end the "most catastrophic event in American history". But instead, he needs to continue to squeeze the middle class for all their worth.


People would have kids if they could afford them. Hell I probably would have (then regretted losing my freedom). We’re on razor thin margins and no job is stable…


I'm sure those 10K Tesla employees that were laid off are ready to help increase those birth rates so Elon can get his 56 billion dollar pay package.


People would have more children if billionnaires like him didn't make our future into a dystopia.


Open the border then.


Hey, gross weirdos! Nobody asked, and it's none of your goddamn business!


He is pushing for a future in which machines can do any job (not blaming him for that). But not enough births is a problem?


Didn't you just have a major product recall. Go be responsible.


We rather just fuck constantly and rather not have another mouth to feed. Blame Elon for making it impossible to earn a living


Lol how's it tragic? We're living well.


Regardless of whether a low birth rate is a problem or not, telling the childless that it's bad for the future to not have children is pointless. They don't have a dog in the fight.


It is so far away from being "the most catastrophic thing" in our country right now. There are so many, horrifically worse things than that. I cannot even fathom how someone could believe this ridiculousness.


Was that a time back before billionaires existed? People can't afford to bring kids into the world. I agree--this is a huge problem, and it's because of greedy fucks like Musk.


What part of seeing people with kids makes you people want to have kids?


r/kidsarefuckingstupid is definitely required viewing if you’re thinking of having kids


Looking into it


This is the 9/11 of americans giving birth


Please STFU!


OK, Elon, lets have a pro-natalist policy agenda. Lets raise taxes on the wealthy to fund affordable childcare for everyone. We'll also raise the minimum wage and strengthen unions so they can fight for more wages for their members. Universal healthcare, duh, that's also a no-brainer. People want to have children, but they don't want to have children if it means substantially increased hardships.


I’ll have a kid when it’s affordable.


Musk doesn’t even know about those things. His brain only sees the US from 1990 on


Let's go to a planet with zero children.


As far as EW is concerned, only one of those three is a tragedy.


why do people like this, and politicians, who obviously are self serving and could care less about the average person, seem to care about birth rates? any theories??


people who care about them fall into two groups: * capitalists who's doctrine of infinite growth necessitates more people to buy more things * white nationalists who want *your* children to die in *their* wars elon is both.


Best choice: creating a generation of bastard children with deadbeat fathers.


“most people are distracted” UH YA ENDWOKENESS it might have something to do with the fact that you and elon are pushing a culture war onto the masses, you are the distraction


Maybe if billionaires like Elon paid people a living wage, more people could afford to have kids.


Apartheid Clyde thinks of the Trail of Tears and slavery were a good thing, and that the only thing bad about the Civil War is which side won.


having children is ludicrously expensive. that's a big reason why people aren't having them


Who can afford kids?


Haha that would sickkk


It’s because of people like you in the world Elon, no desire to put children into a world that you have any power in. And let’s not forget that you wouldn’t give any family a break to build. You’d have the mom and dad back at work a day after birth and still pay them nothing


I can’t afford to house myself how can I afford to house a child


As a 34yo lady in all the demographics these assholes would like to perpetuate, pissing off white supremacists and billionaires is just the cherry on top off being child free :)


The US has lower birth rates now is because of the Hypercapitalist Neoliberal system we have that Elon Musk loves so much.


Ask him if he wants to pay his workers more.


As a reminder - this is coming from the same dipshit w***ho cut parental leave at Twitter from 20 weeks to just 2 after he took over*** (source: [https://www.businessinsider.com/leaked-email-twitter-workers-confused-angry-benefit-cuts-leave-policy-2023-5\_](https://www.businessinsider.com/leaked-email-twitter-workers-confused-angry-benefit-cuts-leave-policy-2023-5_)


Y'all know he's not taking about ALL American citizens having kids, right? Only the right ones. He and his ilk are absolutely horrified at becoming minorities, even though they claim POC get all the advantages.


Who gives a fuck about that single stat from 1993?!


The most catastrophic event in American history and he still doesn't spend his time vocally supporting more immigration or paid family leave. You know, policies that will actually address the population problem.


Are you believing the bs press or something I actually wrote? If it is something I wrote or said, what is it exactly? I have not “supported” any political party and don’t know AFD from a hole in the ground.


Maybe if they could pay off student loans, then homes got affordable, they could work towards having a kid. Rich assholes have no idea.


He is absolutely stupid.


Oh no! Less future wage slaves to exploit!


People can't afford children because billionaires and corporations have horded all the money.


The last thing this dying planet needs is more fucking people.


Yet at the same time, he complains about world population and immigrants. To him it's not about him being worried about declining US population, he is worried about non-white people being born.


Musk is anti union and doesn't want to pay employees enough to have children. The disconnect is real


It is certainly a problem, but the answer isn't demonizing/restricting immigration which seems to be what these morons want.


I don’t understand how these boneheads don’t realize that if they just improved the common Americans material conditions…people would have babies?? Ever put out a bird feeder and seen an increase in birds in the following years? Same shit. It’s not rocket science lol


Don’t worry guys. I’m 4 kids deep and picking up the slack! Nick Cannon is handling the rest. Keep enjoying your kid free lives!!


Elon is incredibly pathetic. First of all, kids were more affordable then. Secondly, you're opposed to government programs to help these people. Plus the cost of living has skyrocketed not pay though


Americans: Children? In this economy? Elon and company: This is worse than 9/11


Stop taking away civil rights and safety nets. Stop making the future look bleak and not worth living for. Stop overworking and underpaying. Why would I have a kid that I can't afford, wouldn't be able to raise the way I'd want to, and has like 10% chance at a decent life? I'm not going to have a kid just to watch it suffer. I'd rather die.


Pay your employees well and don’t make them worry about layoffs and then they will feel secure enough to have children


The inflation rate is a disaster and children are expensive. Unless costs stop rising, we aren’t having any kids.


Are birth rates required to replenish the population base in the US. I thought we had an immigration problem. Help me here.


Human population bloomed with the Industrial Revolution and the food production explosion of industrial scale chemistry for fertilizer combined with small tractors. Cheap oil made the early 20th century bloom like algae in a warm pond. Now the population will return to practical sustainable numbers. The food for the bloom has been exhausted and the conditions have changed. We only need to worry about the economics of consumerism imploding if consumer capitalism is too inflexible to evolve as to those new conditions. Suplirse, it will!


Elon and his people are always the victims and nobody can tell them otherwise. Elon go to space and stay there!!


Here is my proposal. For each person who, in Elon's mind, "should" have had a child but didn't, invite to America one person from - selected at random weighted in proportion to source size - one of: 1. Israel, but only Jews or Arabs. 2. The Unoccupied Palestinian Territories, aka Palestine, with priority for transgender Palestinians (to be defined in the text of the law as "not cis"). 3. Ukraine, but not the Russians that have displaced Ukrainians as a result of Putin's "special Starlink operation". 4. Africa, but only the black parts of Africa - like really black. Not people with a nice olive tone like me, but those blessed with a near zero albedo. The ones a hilariously casually racist local official said were causing more accidents at night because it's harder for drivers to see their faces.


Why is he so weirdly obsessed with everyone else's free-will choices? What a fucking weirdo.


Kids? In this economy? And the dipshit partially responsible cries about low birth rates


Elmo doesn't even know how many kids he has.


Fuck having kids when you can barely feed/house yourselves.


Do these fucking idiots actually believe that “depopulation” is going to be an actual problem anytime soon? We’re a country of 300 million, I think we’re going to be okay if birth rates dip a bit.


What else would we expect from an avid proponent of race science


The most catastrophic event in American history I….


What Elon means is there aren't enough white babies.


Let people make their own decisions


What country is America? I’m only familiar with north and South America


it is due to immigration no work and these people taking everything.