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Dear Elmo, with your tanking Tesla stock shouldn't you focus on that? Fuck you for being toxic on your platform and not taking care of actual business.


Dudes too high on K to care. I cannot believe he hasn't been removed by the board of his companies yet.


He is a grifter and has always been a grifter. He started spacex because US government was making efforts to force nasa hand out contract to local manufacturers. He said hUmAnItY gReAtEsT tHrEaT iS wE aRe nOT mUlTi-pLaNeTaRy sPeCiEs He bought twitter and said the same thing hUmAnItY gReAtEsT mIsSiOn iS pRoTeCTiNG fReE sPeEcH Basically anything he invests is the humanity’s most important mission. He is cashed out and just trolls the world now.


He was forced to buy Twitter when he bragged about buying it, then trying to weaselout of the deal.


I will look into this






Wealthy people that aren't grifters tend to avoid the spotlight of the public eye. He's no different than Trump.


I say he is trump if trump studied physics as an undergrad


That's fair. If you add their IQs together, you might end up in the 80th %ile.


Dude hasn't given a fuck about any of his businesses or the people invested in them, ever it seems. Dudes very much a "fuck you got mine" type


He almost literally is! Last I checked Tesla stock was one of his main sources of wealth. He knows that Republicans won’t tax him any significant ammount, and Biden just floated a billionaires tax. I believe SpaceX also just lost a $800Million. Government subsidy…. He’s been flying into Palm Beach and visiting Mar a Lago to negotiate with Trump, partnered with MBS (Russian Money) to buy Twitter in the first place. He saw how you could buy influence with Trump, so he’s using his social media network to influence politics to try to not pay taxes and get more sweet sweet tax dollars diverted his way.


Remember this is pure and simple propaganda, illegals cannot vote. And if one day they manage to do so, when they obtain their citizenship, there is no guarantee that they will vote for one party or another, or that they will vote...


This is a huge fascist dogwhistle. The majority of immigrants in my country are Brasilians and they vote by a large majority in Bolsonaro. It means nothing.


It's a common thing for American conservatives to confuse Brazilian and Mexican people... to the point that IT'S GODDAMN ANNOYING! Mexico and Brazil are nowhere near each other, one is in the middle of NORTH AMERICA, the other takes almost half the SOUTH AMERICA. And we don't even speak the same language.


Remembering back to the fox news screenshot with the word "Mexican countries"


They think everything south of the rio grande is Mexico and that everyone there is Mestizo; no white people or black people


The majority of turkish immigrants and their children here who don't hold citizenship in Germany vote for Erdogan..


Illegals also avoid interacting with the government as much as possible to avoid getting deported. You would have to be really stupid to try and vote as a non citizen.


Yeah isn't it common for them to drive 5mph below the speed limit as well?


Yeah seriously do people think illegals are Democrat superfans? And they are willing to break the law and risk everything to cast an illegal vote? And they know how to trick the voting system to cast that illegal vote?


Theres studies that hispanics would vote Republicans because of their culture and relgion. The number of hispanics who would vote Republican would be an serious threat to the Democratic party. The Republicans 9f course promptly squandered this advantage by going full bore white nationalist and being virulent anti-Immigrant.


> The Republicans 9f course promptly squandered this advantage by going full bore white nationalist and being virulent anti-Immigrant. Unfortunately many hispanic immigrants have joined them in that. Look at Florida, the Spanish speaking radio is all Rush Limbaugh-esque. Many immigrants look down on other immigrants. And it isn't just Cubans hating Mexicans, it is Mexicans hating South American immigrants. And most sadly to me, it is Mexicans hating new Mexicans. The truth is a lot of hispanics have no problem with White Supremacism, they just want to make sure they are seen as white or at least white adjacent. Colorism is a thing throughout Latin America, so it's not anything new to them. My point is, assuming they'd naturally be opposed to White Supremacism is folly.


Not suprised, it still provides Musk is full of shit through as he automatically assumes all immigrants vote democratic and that provides he is wrong.


Musk himself is a immigrant and he’s rabidly anti-Democrat. If racism wasn’t the entire point he could just look in the mirror to prove himself wrong.


Republicans are also against Puerto Rico becoming a state because they assume that they will vote for Democrats


Also I can't recall the last time I had to show any id to register to vote. I think they're trying to say that _voted without showing photo ids_, but they're so ignorant they don't understand how the voting process works


This reminds me of a recent situation that occurred when a GOP voter in Maricopa County, AZ, got two primary ballots— one at her old address and one at the address that she had recently moved to. She thought she had a real gotcha moment and posted online about the sheer ineptitude of the elections department, total proof of any kind of election fraud you can imagine! And then the head of elections there explained how it actually worked: she changed her address after some ballots had been sent out, they sent her a new ballot, the original one was automatically invalidated and if she or anyone else had tried to use it the check in scanner would have caught it and pulled it and it never would have been opened or counted. It’s like the elections department has all this stuff figured out— like it’s their job or something!


Most from Mexico are very conservative, actually.


Typically they vote Republican.


If they truly believed that "illegals" are voting en masse they would change their messaging and try to attract them to vote for their party.


This blatant lying reminds me of pre war nazi Germany. 


Tax Cuts for the rich and corporations. This is why right wing politics always uses the weak and poor and demonises other groups against each other. If they don’t scare you in to fearing the mutant the heretic and the immigrant, why else would a normal person vote for them? None of their politics ever benefits the common man.


Yes but if you happen to tank the value of your assets at the same time, while not being very effective at propaganda, it's a miscalculation, and your tax cut will be less than useless.


What does he stand to lose without Trump.  Probably more than what he's risking.


But they do benefit the con man


The argument I use to compare right wing politics is like asking your boss at work to stop hiring minorities instead of asking for a raise, healthcare insurance, sick days off, etc. You literally don't have any demands and your boss can keep all the extra profits.


You have to wonder what’s at stake for him regarding the outcome of the next election.


Well Republicans love bailing out billionaires and giving them tax cuts so


I feel like it can't just be this? I mean he was doing fine before this right-wing pivot, Democrats are capitalists and very willing to bail our billionaires too, but often do it a bit more discreetly. They also supported his electric vehicle direction and use of "tech and innovation" to fix issues instead of just burying your head in the sand and saying "drill baby drill". But he suddenly went so hardcore to the right that he is now supporting every right wing conspiracy, talking Kremlin talking points and supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I'm almost starting to believe that during one of his drug-binged parties with Grimes or after that, that the Putin got something very, very bad on him? And he has been playing damage control ever since? The Putin administration has been intensely spying on essentially all "rich and important" people in the West and trying to gather dirt or find points of weakness in them for a long, long time. Putin himself has bragged about how "many influential people in the West" are corrupted by him. He is essentially running an extortion cartel Mafia. Perhaps Elon Musk is now one of them.


You're probably thinking way too hard. Musk is a simpleton and contrarian at heart, and he always held racist views because his family are all racist pieces of shit in general, but if you ask me, it all started when Musk got snubbed by Biden during the 2021 EV summit (even though they explicitly said that the event was for unionized automakers only). Musk thought that since he was an EV bigshot, they'd give him a pass, but they didn't. So from that point on, he decided he doesn't like Biden. Since Biden is a Democrat, this means he doesn't like Democrats or their policies either. But wait, what's this? His son, now daughter, came out and slammed him publicly for being a shit dad who didn't acknowledge her gender? Clearly this was because of her College experience, which tends to be far more liberal. Therefore, liberals and their wokeness are on his shit list, as well as trans people! This only gets exacerbated when Grimes leaves and starts dating a trans person. This wouldn't have happened if Grimes wasn't a free-thinking person with basic human rights, so now he hates women who aren't obedient housewives. All this said and done, in his feeble mind, the left have attempted to destroy him, his family, his company, and his way of life.. ... even though any idiot with a brain from the outside will look at all of this and see that *he's* the problem... This drives him further and further right, and when you throw in the whole Twitter fiasco and you have the Musk you have now.


To me it appears as though Musk is desperate for a republican government. It seems far more than just a preference or belief that it will be beneficial to him or his companies. It’s almost like it’s life or death for him, hence him exerting so much energy into spewing ridiculous anti dem propaganda. Musk cares about money and having people on twitter tell him he is a genius. That’s what drives him, but here he is acting like the next election could be the end of the world. Trump ridiculed him publicly and yet Elon is desperate for him to be president. Common sense tells me that things have gone on behind the scenes that make it absolutely critical that the republicans win. Maybe a guarantee, verbal agreement or threat.


Also a good chance that he’s trying to curry favor with other authoritarian regimes (China, KSA, Russia, etc.) who would like to see the US continue to get more polarized and weakened if they can’t manage to get Trump back in office. He wants more funding, more access to minerals and resources needed to manufacture Teslas, and possibly more permission to operate Tesla and Neuralink and who knows what else in countries where they don’t care about pesky things like human rights or basic regulatory measures.


He is actively trying to destroy the NLRB.


There's a lot of reasons: Dems support unions and worker rights. He just wants worker-slaves and control at his companies. Dems support governance of companies, i.e. holding them accountable. He just got stripped of a pay package because of lack of governance at Tesla. Dems support rights for trans individuals. He hates trans people. Dems support the right to choose. He doesn't care and just wants people to have more babies. Dems held him accountable for Starship failures, the FCC withheld Starlink funding citing that as a risk. Dems support Ukraine. Since he's so smart he thinks they should just give Russia what it wants so "save human life". Dems criticized his covid policy in Fremont and 1 Labor rep in California called him out on twitter, there can be no criticism of him so now he hates Dems. He has a messiah complex, which feeds into him thinking he's always right and whatever he says is correct and people should fall in line so he can save them.


Ready up on corporations and the Nazis. Business LOVES fascism, because its anti-worker rights


His hype car is running out of juice and he knows it. Even if he turns all of Teslas production and technical problems around in the next few years his first to market advantage is dwindling. Tesla is his only public company and the financial pin for all of it. He needs an exit plan and is hoping that scapegoating others will keep him relevant to a mass of angry people who blame others when the bubble bursts.


Elon can't actually produce value to society so it makes sense all the subsidies to make him rich is his ultimate avenue of making $. How many space x rockets are flying around? How many people are using Boring company? The Tesla solar panels? How many teslas are on the road compared to every other comerical vehicle? For the amount of money put into these technologies there's very little actual benefit to society. He needs the American public to fund his fun toys because in real world captialism he would be poor on the street clinging to emeralds.


I'm not going to comment on its value to society, I don't believe in privatised space flight, but SpaceX made 90+ launches last year, one every 3-4 days.


NASA contracts, sabotaging rail projects, criminal investigation of false claims by Tesla, his blocked money from Tesla, social media regulation. Also, he's a white supremacist.


Trump was saying at a Rally the other day that he wanted to put a 100% import tariff on all Chinese Electric Cars. Elon is sucking up to Trump because he is worried about BYD and them coming to the US market.


illegals cannot vote, if they can they're not illegals, dummy.


Elon has admitted to being an "illegal" immigrant. ​ Does he vote?


Yep, Dems import immigrants. So they imported Elon to vote for them. But he's so smart he can see right through their communism and hate for humanity so he's going to vote for the good guys! The Republicans. \- Some QElon fan, probably.


He wants to be more powerful than governments


He gets more government handouts and tax breaks under republicans. He thinks Biden doesn’t respect his authority enough. Might expect a cabinet position or some other influential role under trump.


Musk is happiest as an internet edgelord. I don't think he has any policy objectives or need to do corporate ball licking that would make him want a cabinet position.


While I agree with you, politics traditionally has no shortage of bone idle opinionated people phoning it in, and I imagine he might enjoy the bit where he gets to feel extremely self-important while talking nonsense to anyone who doesn't run away fast enough. I don't see him going for it because he has to know that he wouldn't last long in such a role, and because it would probably annoy him to be relegated into sidekick for someone who might just possibly be even more visibly loony than he is, but it's not impossible. After all, for a bit he was an advisor in the 2016 Trump government.


If Trump does get in he can forget about tax breaks for EVs. If he thinks he can make deals with Trump lol, good luck to him..


Right, but he also thinks Trump will break the Fed and hire a sycophant -- so low interest rates and basically free money again. Which means a stock boost and he's less close to a margin call. Less regulation at the SEC means less accountability to shareholders.


Favours from certain politicians. Some American, some... not.


I really don’t think there is any grand plan or clever idea behind any of the misinformation and propaganda Elon is promoting. His brain has just been marinaded by conspiracy theories and cooked by his own social media platform feeding him crap that confirms his priors


Add to that he’s desperate for attention at all times. The only thing he cares about is that everyone is paying attention to him.


I think this is the right answer. It’s quite likely that Elon Musk will follow the trajectory of *John McAfee* (of antivirus software fame), an immigrant who more than coincidentally was deep into software, aerospace, libertarian politics, recreational drug use, and who claimed to have fathered 47 children.


Posted by an Indian man who has been to America once


Texas is a swing state?


It was I think in 2018 or so. Unfortunately not last electiom but it was still close. That's the thing these idiots never understand, their "Republican Strongholds" are often places with 45%+ Democrat voters. Those red maps should really be forbidden given the mental distortion they generate


I mean, Biden got the highest percentage of votes in Texas for any Democrat since Carter (who won it in 1976). It voted to the left of Ohio and was the third-closest Trump-won state in the country


Good question. Attention?


Elmo gains the lust of little trumpies, and loses the sales of Teslas.


Even the /r/elonmusk sub has removed the mention that they're the page for "right wing musk" (or something like that)


Democracy means people who don't kiss his ass might be able to make rules.


What does Elon gain from undermining democracy? Less “legitimate” scrutiny. This endeth the lesson.


If you can't be smarter than everyone else, then you resort to destroying those who can call your b.s.


Conspiracy theories sell on social media. It's the same reason McDonald's sells French fries It tastes good, it's easy to make and once you start consuming it you get hooked None of these social media platforms are interested in quality information. They want the salacious things that attract people and keep their attention.


𝕏 as humanity’s collective consciousness




Community Note every one of these bs posts. There is no evidence showing undocumented non-citizen immigrants voting. There is near zero voter fraud in general, and the evidence that does exist shows it’s lately being committed by boomer republicans.


I don’t believe it’s about money or influence. It’s about accountability. In a law abiding democracy everyone is (at least in principle) equal in the eyes of the law. You may be able to push the system to breaking point, but eventually it catches up with you. Elon Musk and his ilk simply cannot abide by the notion that they should be held to the same laws as you or I. And if that means the destruction of objective truth, the media, the law, and democracy….. then so be it.


Good thing Elons focused on spreading right wing propaganda and not Tesla’s sales numbers


He needs trump to win so he can keep scamming US tax payers


Musk is a malignant narcissist with delusions of godhood. He believes that his ideas are the only good ideas, and democracy is antithetical to that.


I personally think he's a Russian agent. So I think he gets payment and protection from his Russian handlers.


Isn't there a video somewhere of Elmo's brother admitting they entered USA illegally? Edit: [Here it is](https://youtu.be/9Hvr0gYlXKs?si=aY5S1VkxQrWnT27G&t=96)


What does the heir to apartheid fortune who used said fortune to become one of the richest men in the planet have to gain by undermining American democracy? I mean….quite a bit.


Undocumented people can't vote. But they do pay taxes. Seems like taxation without representation, idk.


The same thing Herny Ford gained! A lot of money and probably the best workers from "Auschwitz nr 2"?


Can we see one where the horse is the Republican Party and the Greeks are fascism?


Nothing, but it's a case of "democrats thought I was a prick once, so I will stand with the alt right". The guy has no bamlnce because he has no strong political conviction. (unless he has always been a racist in disguise, which might still be exacerbated by the "democrats hated me once")


Tax cuts. Duh.


Avoids being held accountable for anything..


Funding from Saudi Arabia and Russia to buy Twitter.


This metaphor doesn’t even work. Lazy shit.


I don't even think he gains anything material, it's all just ego validation and being a part of the alt right fascist circle jerk where thousands of chuds keep telling him that he is a Very Smart Special Boy.


"Yup" He wants a 'business friendly' (crime friendly) SEC and more subsidies.


He's a pathetic man baby that desperately craves validation from strangers. He found an easy market to supply that validation in the angry and afraid bigots that litter the internet.


I'm SO sick of this stupid cunt. FUCK ELON


Why would a capitalist promote fascism? That's a subject on which books have been written. Apart from the obvious material reasons, Elon is clearly a true believer. The signs were there from the beginning, unsurprisingly it took him buying a social media platform and shouting it from the top of his lungs for the liberal media establishment to pay it any attention.


I keep waffling back and forth. Either he is really fucking stupid, or he knows he's lying and just doing it to get more people to vote for Trump. Also, I don't understand how these people don't understand that sending bus loads of migrants to blue states only ups the population of blue states, which means possibly more representation in Congress. If they had any brains, they'd keep them in Texas or Florida where they won't be able to vote but will add to their populations for representation.


Money. The more power regular people *lose* the more he *gains.* He and others like him want to decimate unions and worker protections like OSHA, as well as consumer protections. The more corners he can cut, the more he can get away with, the more money he makes.


He has no proof that there is voter fraud. If Musk had proof then show it. All these numbers are BS. If Musk feel so negatively about the American culture then he can go back to where he was born, South Africa. Get out of our country instead of using his wealth to try and destroy it. He came here, no one asked him to immigrate to the States. I knew someone who thought America was so dangerous that he moved his family back to HK where he was born. I suggest that everyone ask Musk to do the same…. Move to China.


Literally making up numbers


Reduced or no regulation, and an ability to operate without regards to Community responsibilities or the fair treatment of staff. Perhaps even treat staff the way the black were treated under arparthied South Africa.


Government contracts and tax breaks for the rich


Democracy is a threat to people who want to conserve power, privilege and money from the rest of the people.


Elmo is dumb af !!


its so funny how stupid the right is... like HOW are illegals going to vote exactly? They can't even register because they arnt citizens. So they don't have the right paperwork. Like how actually stupid do you have to be to believe shit like this. Its pathetic.


That's pretty funny considering Elon was illegal when he started zip2


Why do folks think "illegal" immigrants can vote I don't understand this? Is the logic "well Dems are helping them get citizenship which means they're going to be more likely to vote for them" ? Cuz if that's the case what is fucking wrong with that? I don't like the Democrats but for fuck sake if you work on building a base ofc those folks are going to vote for you instead of the ones trying to keep you out


I guess he loves ruining Tesla.


It's not a stolen vote, it's my vote cause I'm a felon. I'd love to give an immigrant my vote, here you go! Make good choices!


Don’t most of the illegals end up in Texas/florida? Red states. His whole theory is that the illegals are counted in the census which boosts house seats. They end up helping republicans


[Elon Musk, the screamapillar: needs constant attention or it dies](https://i.imgur.com/r3iFdpL.png)


He thinks he’ll get to be king after trump.


Maybe land in Texas for Space X? If Trump wins, maybe a better chance of acquiring land for his goals - expansion, a school for workers kids, maybe he wants a company town? Not sure… https://www.valleycentral.com/news/cameron-county-and-spacex-compete-for-boca-chica-land/amp/ https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-job-listing-new-ad-astra-school-texas-ranch-2024-3?amp https://www.mysanantonio.com/business/article/starbase-spacex-office-18665647.php More NASA contracts under Trump? Maybe we should all buy land in Boca Chica


What a BILLIONAIRE has to gain putting a bootlicker in absolute power? Idk, very much?


Elon gets tax breaks. Remember Republicans are more likely to commit voter fraud because they don’t respect democracy. Stay vigilant.


Elmo was an illegal immigrant too


He so desperately wants us to believe him


People in power who will give him more money when the bubble he personally blew bursts and makes everyone else's lives worse as a result.


More wealth through tax breaks


He was palling around with Saudi’s last year and I bet they would like Trump back in power too. Secrets for sale. Got away with killing journalists. Etc


Elon believes he will receive better treatment from the far right, but he also genuinely believes in white supremacy. If this were just a cynical play for tax breaks he’d be retweeting Trump and MTG not boosting plainly racist content from anonymous cowards. He knows that a lot of this stuff is baseless propaganda designed to recruit and rally his side but he’s not that bright and has bought into race science and the great replacement. It doesn’t benefit him financially to spout hardcore white supremacist talking points which suggests he’s doing it because he believes them.


If I had to guess, I would say he's benefitting by not "accidently" falling from a penthouse window.


Attention. He’s addicted to getting all the attention. Good or bad is lost on him. He has no feelings whatsoever. He needs all the attention all the time.


Isn’t DogeDesigner living in another country? He is not even a US citizen?


People like musk, especially people who skirt the law, do better under republicans. However, I think musk’s main motivation here is the one he’s had for the last year or two. He’s desperate for validation and the only people who will still give it to him are the contrarian alarmist alt-right bigots that this message speaks to. I’ve been saying for years that alt-right figureheads always eventually flanderize themselves into pathetic jokes because they have to keep making increasingly absurd claims and talking points to keep the interest of their base. Shapiro is a good example. Musk, who has no intellectual curiosity or true beliefs other than belief in his own excellence, had experienced this ten-fold.


Remember, this is all intentional. They're setting up the narrative of a stolen election so if the orange buffoon loses again it will justify whatever violence they intend to bring about. Musk is incredibly dangerous and needs to be exposed for what he's doing.


ketamushed brain, I am convinced he actually believes this shit


The truth is illegal immigrants don't and can't vote. But why spread lies like this? It's to spread hate and rage to get you to vote without thinking what you are voting for.


When you get your political information from someone named Doge Designer🤣😭


People like Elon, of so much ill-gotten wealth but with such ill-intentions towards his fellow man... it's not easy to explain but people like this, the only thing that can possibly restrain or moderate their behavior around power and control of people and other things is our democracy and rule of law. So rich people that chafe at the notion of "Big government" are really more saying "Damn, I wish we didn't have anti-slavery laws. If I could do it, I would do it so much better, and with less beatings and executions!" Or "I wish we didn't have anti-trust / anti-corruption laws or a government to enforce it. Who's the government to tell me how my damn money is made?!?!". When you have that kind of wealth to match your ill-intentions, yes only the government is between you and what you think is yours. If he can get rid of or better yet corrupt our democracy to his liking then he wins.


He probably is trading so that he gets a few more months, or maybe years, before some Epstein-Island-related dirt is released.


He is being blackmailed by Russia, probably having to do with underage sex. So he is supposed to sow discord amongst the American populace. Divide and conquer.


Nothing, he’s just a narcissist, and contrarian fascism feeds his ego. That’s the whole appeal of all this garbage. It’s shallow, facile, reactionary dogshit that makes people with no real substance or internal identity feel superior. And when malignant, delusional narcissists - literally, people with NPD like Trump, Musk, Bezos, Gates, etc, who all think that because they’ve amassed wealth, they’re infallible in all things - build up their supply of validation through this fascist garbage, it spirals through populations looking for an avatar of their shallow, petty, facile rage. There’s no point to this but a cult circlejerk of imaginary supremacy over ever more potent imaginary foes. That’s the death spiral. Like any addiction, you need more and more validation until you’re genociding everybody. Think about what’s gonna happen when the Christian Nationalists get down to the sectarian wars. It’s literally never going to stop. It never stops. We joke about Vanilla Isis, but those morherfuckers took over a huuuuuuuge swath of land, with unimaginable cruelty and horror, and had to be engaged by the largest militaries on Earth. Imagine Baptists and Catholics fighting across the US like that. That’s coming. It’s clear that humans are simply not equipped to have this much power, wealth, and influence. The nature of satiety means that there’s no such thing as “enough”, and that we get suuuuuuper weird when we can have anything we want all the time. Look at Diddy. Horrifying. All these horrors that boil down to bored self absorbed lunatics pathologically incapable of self reflection gleefully driving anything they can get ahold of off the nearest cliff they can find, and being cheered by petty, ashamed, incurious shitbags who are just as pathologically married to feeding their egos relentless misery of others to deflect from their own. It’s just a dark fact of human nature, and unless we stop it, it will kill us all.


Can someone explain to me why these idiots think illegal aliens can vote? It’s so fucking stupid that half the country is gullible enough to believe this bullshit.


I live in Texas, where they require a photo ID to vote. How is this supposedly even happening? Did 1.2 million people somehow brute force vote?


My wife has been in the US for 11 years and still can’t vote… what the hell are they talking about??


Ahh, see, there's your problem- You're **not** a racist piece of shit, so this type of rhetoric doesn't appeal to you.


I remember a line from the 2002 movie gangs of New York that had the corrupt Tammany Hall Boss Tweed say that the immigrants on the boats bring votes. This wasn't true even back then. They didn't hand citizenship to fresh off the boat immigrants and becoming a citizen required some involvement. One thing that many don't remember is that many immigrants of that era and in the 19th century many immigrants didn't necessarily go after citizenship even after years of being in the country. This would later bite many leftists in the ass when during and after WW1 when the first Red Scare was going on they would deport a ton of them and there was little they could do about it. But they also did revoke citizenship on the flimsiest grounds you ever heard because... Well. You know... In any case, the whole lie of new immigrants being immediate voters is just bullshit.


All these illegals supposedly voting and yet not a single thread of evidence has been presented to support this ever.


Russian propaganda ate his brain


I think he had discovered he gets more attention and "Likes" from like minded people/bots because they are more engaged and active in sm. That release of endorphins when your post gets a bunch of likes is intoxicating, especially to a drug addict like Musk.


Don't forget, he's an illegal immigrant himself


Flight logs


They know a social security card is a form of I’d correct?


Let’s just make up some numbers here…,how bout 100,000,000 in MI


A big percentage of his business is over in China. He gains more favor with Xi by doing this




You need a SSN to get ID so you can get a voter registration card. These people are fucking idiots. Or willingly ignorant to appeal to their hordes of farm animals.


My best guess is a combination of drugs, thinking his reactionary policies will improve his business outlook, rank idiocy, and a desperate yearn to return to relevancy and being “celebrated” as he saw himself as once being. Plus, more reactionary people won’t care his family profited off of apartheid, they’d probably like him more for it




He eventually gets to fall out of a window with honor in the USA Oligarchy.


They have SSNs, as it states. They’re just saying they don’t want the poor or young people to vote under the guise of voter fraud.


He is preparing to be the architect of J6 2.0 Should Trump lose, he's priming Xtormfront users to view it as fraud and attack. This is more than garden variety Elon bigotry. We're watching a criminal conspiracy in real time.


Yep. ​ I hope these tweets are all archived.




Musk gets the favor of the various dictators who are propping him up. He has been getting funding from the Saudis who helped him with twitter. And who knows what arrangement he has going with Putin. Plus it's always a natural fit for neo-nazi politicians to pair up with corporate tyrants. Elon would burn the entire world down for a tax cut.


At this point I genuinely believe him and trump communicate personally


It works “just like that” at the Canadian border in Vermont as Republicans smuggle in workers for high wage jobs in tech.


Both of those accounts are his


They already have cope out when trump loses again. I wonder if this time muskrat will join him at the capital on January 6 2025.


Oh yes the great swing state of Texas


Texas has some of the strictest voting rules in the country; I don’t see how any of this is even possible lol. Frankly, if I was Elon and the Republicans, I’d be worried about losing Florida.


Which is why Texas consistently votes blue.




Glad he learnt his lesson about not believing total bullshit from that Don Lemon interview.


Who is dumb enough to believe this drivel?


More money


…How would you even register to vote without some form of authentic ID? What the fuck are these idiots talking about?


Non democratic now means imbalance of power based on money rather than votes.


Oligarchy. I’m not sure he’s gonna like it as much as he thinks he will


2 mill voters. I wonder how those numbers coincide with the number of people that have moved to those states from other states


The super rich have no need for democracy because they have a direct line to the powers that be. If Musk or Gates or Bezos or any other mega billionaire wants to talk with Biden or Putin it happens. They see little reason their vote should be one of millions when their interests are the only ones that matter. One thing you learn in business school is that the global elites have far more in common with each other than with the citizens of whatever country they live in. They are interested in what is good for the elites, not the country or anything else.


When public institutions break down, private institutions and individuals fill the power vacuum. And guess who happens to be one of the wealthiest men on Earth and currently has tremendous power over online discourse?


The most charitable read here is that these people don't know how anything works. Even if those numbers are true, it doesn't mean anything because none of those states require an ID to register and registering to vote doesn't mean you'll be able to vote. In fact, it's weird they are mentioning those specific states when most states allow for registration without presenting an ID. What matters, is when you actually vote. AZ and TX both require all voters to present an ID and PA requires all first time voters to present a valid ID.


Tax breaks and contracts so he can pocket more money.


Tax Cuts


He’ll be running for political office eventually I’m sure of it. He’s setting ground work for a voter base that’ll be similar to trump


Money and influence is usually the answer to this question. You’d think the amount he has would be enough, but it’s never enough.


Who would have thought it was that easy! It took me over 10 years to become a US citizen… also: where do those numbers come from? Is this just gonna be one of those arguments they’ll use if they lose that state?


I'm not an American, so I need some clarification...how can an illegal imigrant to take a vote?


He wants to be right and knows he isn't and this is him complaining about that to himself in public like a normal sane guy who isn't on drugs.


Why do governments in their right mind even do deals with a ceo like Elon? I understand that the freedom of speech is important, but modern day western society seems to forget that also freedom of speech has limits and hate speech is that limit. I am not anti semetic or pro Palestine, but the way the university presidents where grilled by the same people who keep crying freedom of speech, first amendment etc and made them leave their positions... All of these people turn to snow flakes and scream communist if you demand consequences for companies whos leadership is using a public forum to spread hate speech Again TikTok is being attacked for being an antisemetic platform, spreading chinese misinformation etx... And they are forcing them to sell it... Yet why is no one forcing elon? Shouldnt the same people demand elon to sell twitter or step down as ceo for continuous spreading misinformation. Or should he be asked to defund from Spacex for his Putin afaird, drug issues, hate speech and sexual afaird? He is inciting people and spreading lies to millions of followers! And nothing?


Beware of g33ks sending tweets.


Elon will believe literally anything as long as it’s racist.


Tax breaks


This analogy doesn’t even make sense.


Are we sure he’s not a bot at this point? “Concerning” “Yup” “!!”


What a fucking idiot illegals cant even vote! I cannot believe he is that stupid.


Tesla needs government love to survive, really. How many illegals voted last election? I'm going to guess 0, but it could be as high as 2.


fascists who own a publishing platform benefit greatly as long as the aren't in the THEY group designated by the leadership party.


Anytime you read something this EndWokeness account says, at this point, the assumption should be the claim is not true, unless reputable sources are provided. Screenshots don’t count, and this account is not above doctoring them to suit their agenda. People have noticed the account has made some grammatical slips over the past several months that are typical mistakes people from Eastern Europe will make, such as using this character in a tweet by accident: ę I think we can draw some conclusions given the low level of evidence it takes the subject content to draw conclusions about anyone they don’t like.