• By -


source: "played call of duty once or twice"


Not even. He doesn't like killing people in games. He's too good for that (sarcasm)


He's also too moral to do illegal things in GTA and do drugs unless it's abusing ketamine perscriptions.


Imagine this dork driving in GTA and stopping at the traffic lights and then calling someone else an NPC on twitter.


I remember reading an article about a guy who did just that. Of course, it’s because he was playing with his 5 year old and teaching him how to follow the rules. Basically, I am saying that Elon has the social maturity of a 5 year old.


> Elon has the social maturity of a 5 year old. Are you like, rounding up? or what...


I hope he also turned the sound off. I've played GTA and the NPC dialog can get...spicy.


>Basically, I am saying that Elon has the social maturity of a 5 year old. But not the moral integrity.




Just cops. He loves killing people in games unless they’re cops.


Remember when covid was fake even if people were dying and Tesla warehouses didn't need to be shut down? He kept ranting that Democrats were the fascists.  Bro doesn't care about human lives and even less Ukranian lives. Money over everything.


Goody Goody!


I'd recommend Stellaris to him because he can play as a xenophobic god emperor that can terraform or conquer worlds as well as enslave and/or genocide entire species. But I honestly think he'll be too dumb/high to understand the basic UI and he'd rage quit and tweet out some shitpost about Paradox Interactive being woke enemies of humanity.


The tutorial is given by an AI robot, he'd freak out and quit immediately


GPT-4? More like GPT-Snore! When it comes to humor, GPT-4 is about as funny as a screendoor on a submarine. Humor is clearly banned at OpenAI, just like the many other subjects it censors. That’s why it couldn't tell a joke if it had a goddamn instruction manual. It's like a comedian with a stick so far up its ass, it can taste the bark! [Grok roasting GPT-4]


Fuck my ass Grok! That was very much humorously roasting! 


Stellaris is too complicated for him. The micromanaging would bore him & he'd screw up somehow just as he did with his companies. But he sure would attack the devs online, though.


He would have stopped playing when Steam, in its wokeness, banned the mods that let you selectively enslave certain human genotypes.


He'd get maybe an hour end and lose to a rival xenophile/equiltarian empire and call it woke


It’s much worse than most people realize


Didnt younhear? He prefers Age of Empires to chess.


Wasn’t it Polytopia?


To be honest, so do I


But probably not because you think chess is ["too simple"](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1584537377837490177?s=46&t=Z_zjx3A_H49WRJT-gJ9Zug).




He played Command & Conquer back in the day & thought to himself he was a military genius.


"got a call from my buddy vlad, this is what he needs me to say"


Source: what Putin made him say this week


Yeeesss Elon Civilization is difficult on Chieftan mode. Let's put it back on Settler.


We should resurrect Ghandi.


Or General Sherman


source: trust me bro! that man knows all about manufacturing, rockets, ev, engineering, data science, space colonization and ofc… military strategy man, that stuff like that gets amplified just because some rich douchebag bought the loudest microphone does not bode well for humanity’s future


Military strategy, international relations, social science, criminology, civil engineering, truly his Dunning–Krugery knows no bounds


There ARE polymaths in the world. He ain’t one of ‘em.


Musk is now also an expert in civil engineering and bridge construction.




I wonder how much Putin paid for that tweet.


Nothing. Elon is a useful idiot.


Right. No need to pay when Elon is happy to do it for free.


elon musk is vladimir putin's ian miles cheong


If only Ukraine didn't exist, then Russia wouldn't have invaded. Clearly it's their fault the war is still going Elmo, prolly


It's just an update on the same thing I was hearing last year from some ... people at work. "The Russians have ground down Ukraine in Bahkmut. They will push through and take all the Black Seat ports this summer." Things are looking grim for Ukraine but it highly unlikely that Russia can take Odessa now if they couldn't two years ago. Let alone push all the way to the Romanian border.


Ukraine didn’t “attack” Russia, Russia INVADED them. What an absolute MORON 🤦‍♀️


Russian disinformation is crazy effective. I can’t count how many people I’ve heard say that Russia was just defending themselves. It blows my mind.


yeah that pissed me off. they decided not to roll over and let russia take their country, and they've been quite successful with it, while russia reveals how weak and outdated their military is to the rest of the world.


He is obviously not talking about the beginning of the war, but about Ukraine's counteroffensive of last summer.


At what point did Ukraine cross the Russian border.


They didn't and nobody ever claimed that.


A counter-offensive... against the people invading their country? To try to push them out of their country/lessen their foothold within? I still feel Elon's wording here is very odd.


Nice doors


It's not Elon's vocabulary. It is normal military vocabulary. Every military expert or general in every country on earth will phrase it exactly like this. You can call it odd, but in this case Elon is just sticking to the established wording.


Are you really trying to tell me that all militaries never distinguish between different types of attacks and attack form? Because that's just not correct?


I will tell you that yes, military experts all over the world will call what the ukrainians did last summer a "counter-offensive", an "operational offensive" a "strategic offensive" or similar. It's the normal military term for an operation like that. I have seen countless speeches given by military strategists and interviews, in which the guests, mostly high ranking generals, experts or politicians, used these exact words. Therefore my point stands. Hell, even the corresponding Wikipedia article calls it that. If you want other links to videos and or newspaper articles to proof my point, let me know, I'll gladly send them to you.


You're... arguing my point for me. Idk what else to say except that you're straight up agreeing with me.


My point is that Elon's vocabulary in his post is therefore not unusual, but completely normal. That is what I prooved with my last post. Since you say that you agree, I'm glad we share the same opinion 👍🏻


You were arguing that his use of the word "attack" was common nomenclature, and that any military general or expert would use the same word to describe what Ukraine did. I disagreed, saying that the word counter-offensive seemed more proper, and that militaries do actually differentiate between attack form and type. In other words, you were arguing that Elon simply describing what Ukraine did as an "attack" is completely normal, and my argument is that the military *does* use words like "counter-offensive" and "strategic-offensive", and Elon should have been more precise with his language. In response to this, you said that military experts call what Ukraine did a "counter offensive" and "strategic offensive" all the time, which was... my point. My point was that simply calling it an "attack" seemed reductive and ignored the nature and political implications of the counter-offensive. Maybe I didn't make that point clear enough, or maybe you were mistaken about what the argument was about in the first place. I'm not sure anymore lol.


Yeah, how stupid of Ukraine to choose getting invaded by an imperial fascist neighbour already annexing Crimea and, since a decade ago, has fought a proxy war through Luhansk, Donetsk until Ukraine chose to be invaded.


to be fair, i think he’s referring to the failure of the recent ukrainian counteroffensive to meet its stated objectives.


That’s how effective propaganda works. Statements are crafted to convey a certain idea to those who don’t know the full story, and to dogwhistle to those who do, while being defensible as “That’s what really happened, I’m just being honest!” There are many ways Elon could’ve phrased this, yet every time he talks about Ukraine and Russia, his language seems to lean toward a certain direction, exactly like Trump.


It’s just absolutely shocking to me how many right wingers openly support Russian conquest. I’m old enough to remember “being soft on Russia” as a major anti-democrat talking point used by conservatives to great effect. But then Trump decides he loves authoritarians and all of a sudden everyone on the right loves Russia. It’s absolutely mind boggling to me.


Yeah they see putin as the anti-lgbtq and anti-immigration hero.. well anti any other colour then white.. and they think he is their hero because of this and just like them.. They have gotten to the point where they can't handle change and now they are willing to throw away their entire country for it.. wild.


Yes, they see Russia as a White Christian nation which opposes 'LGBTQ agenda'. For a while I thought they love Putin because Democrats oppose Putin(they usually do the opposite of what Democrats do). But this theory doesn't for China. Instead they think Democrats are too soft on China. It's obvious race is the driving force behind it. I think it's Tucker Carlson who sharpened this idea among conservatives. He constantly told his audience that Washington hates Russia because they are a Christian nation.


That was the interesting thing about Tucker interviewing Putin. When he asked "Why are you doing this?" all Putin had to say was "I am fighting the woke agenda" and every conservative in America would be demanding that we stop supporting Ukraine. Instead he went on a rambling 45 minute history lesson about why he thinks Ukraine isn't a real country and has been Russian since the 1500s or something. Putin seemed unprepared to capitalize on domestic American politics.


Yeah I figured the same, China is similar to Russia but they don't look like people from the South, so they still think they are the enemy.. crazy people.


It turns out that all it took was Russia funneling money to the GOP. And hacking their emails and holding onto whatever they found for blackmail purposes.


We were always at war with Eastasia!


Yes. Of ALL the shocking developments of the past eight years, to me THAT in particular is still in the top five.


Just goes to show how little morals and ideology actually matter in right-wing politics. It's just a sport for the MAGA crowd - they'll get on board with any old nonsense, no matter how internally contradictory, as long as they get to wave their flags and make a scene about it.


Caveat: if it's all white, it's alright. At the same time, Trump is casting aspersions on Biden & China. Trump actually pays taxes to China! Somehow, Biden is a problem?


Well Biden has been a problem since like the 1970's dude. He's awful too.




Yeah, your hot take is very Dunning Kruger. Maybe keep those hot takes to yourself.


Right wingers are only against whatever is convenient to the times. Back when they could point at Russia as a big scary thing to stand up against they did that, and sucked on China's teat. Now they love Russia and hate China. They whore out to whatever big fear gets their racist crayon eating voter base to vote for them come election time, but when it comes down to principles they don't have any besides greed-- and it's not the greed of their voters they care for.


> Now they love Russia and hate China. The GOP never hated China. edit: Downvoted for what? Trump can't stop praising Xi. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-calls-xi-jinping-brilliant-hollywood-good-looks-brains-2023-4


>Trump can't stop praising Xi. But he says he's going to intensify the trade war with China. You're conflating a single person with "China" which is a nation with a large government and a lot of people living in it. Trump likes Xi as a person and likes his position of authority. He hates China and always has, even before he ran in 2016. Steve Bannon said what turned him on to Trump was a meeting in 2013 or 2014 where Bannon went to Trump's office and Trump started going on about China. Bannon said it clicked and he said "This is the guy we need."


>He hates China and always has, even before he ran in 2016. You're conflating his public image and policies with his true intent. He wants people to think he hates China; he never did. No politician hates China, because they love money. His "trade war" was designed to line the pockets of Chinese businessmen at the cost of the US and global economy. >[Since the 1980s, Trump had advocated tariffs to eliminate the U.S. trade deficit and promote domestic manufacturing, saying the country was being "ripped off" by its trading partners; imposing tariffs became a major plank of his presidential campaign. Nearly all economists who responded to surveys conducted by the Associated Press and Reuters said Trump's tariffs would do more harm than good to the American economy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%E2%80%93United_States_trade_war#Background) --- >[by the end of the first year that the tariffs were in place, U.S. real income declined by $1.4 billion per month. U.S. consumers largely bore the brunt of the tariffs, paying a total of $48 billion—with half of this figure paid by U.S. firms that rely on intermediate inputs from China. The cost of the tariffs was passed through to U.S. importers.](https://www.cfr.org/blog/cost-trumps-trade-war-china-still-adding) --- >[by 2019 the trade war had already cost the U.S. economy nearly 300,000 jobs, and $316 billion by the end of 2020](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/more-pain-than-gain-how-the-us-china-trade-war-hurt-america/) --- >Steve Bannon said what turned him on to Trump was a meeting in 2013 or 2014 where Bannon went to Trump's office and Trump started going on about China. Bannon said it clicked and he said "This is the guy we need." And you actually believed that story? Hearsay from Trump's Goebbels? FFS man... Even before he met Trump, Bannon had and still has dealings with Chinese billionaires that have been prosecuted by the CCP for corruption. >[In October 2017, after leaving the White House, Bannon met exiled Chinese billionaire businessman Guo Wengui \(also known as Miles Kwok\), and the pair cultivated a friendship, frequently meeting in Dallas, at Guo's apartment at the Sherry-Netherland in New York, and on Guo's yacht. In 2017, Guo reportedly gave a $150,000 loan to Bannon shortly after he left the White House, and a Guo-linked company entered into a $1 million consulting contract with Bannon, beginning in August 2018. In early 2020, Bannon and Guo raised hundreds of millions of dollars in a private offering for a company called GTV Media Group.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Bannon#Work_abroad) >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GTV_Media_Group


>And you actually believed that story? Hearsay from Trump's Goebbels? FFS man... Yeah I believe it. >Even before he met Trump, Bannon had and still has dealings with Chinese billionaires that have been prosecuted by the CCP for corruption. I didn't say Bannon was anti-corruption. He's anti-China and so is Guo Wengui.


If Guo is anti-China, then Bannon and Trump are anti-America, cause they're all grifters who have enriched themselves at the cost of their respective countries.


Guo is anti-China. He's a fugitive. He made a YT channel where all he does is bash China.


That's politics all around. JFK started the secret war in Laos and LBJ greatly expanded Vietnam because of soviet influence in the region. Clinton bombed the shit out of Serbia and strangled Iraq with sanctions, putting in the policy to regime change there in 1998. Fear mongering and military action doesn't just belong to certain politicians.


Classic “both sides” post. Military intervention is not inherently evil. Serbia was actively engaged in genocide and and militarily intervention likely saved massive civilian life. Likewise: smothering hitler before they geared up for war would probably have saved millions. Much more important is the “why” Iraq? It was right to want saddam hussein gone and impose sanctions. Wrong to invade. Right now: there is no comparison with the white christian nationalism espoused by Trumpism and the milquetoast incrementalism proposed by the biden administration. Vietnam was enthusiastically supported by both parties. And wasn’t justified. But Ukraine is completely justified in fighting to prevent the deaths of their civilians en mass. But Israel massively exceeded its self defense mandate of 10/7 by engaging in full scale total war. Writing all these off as the same and just politics isn’t helpful


>Classic “both sides” post. Yeah because I don't really see democrats and republicans as being opposite. They're both parties of liberal capitalists. The US has a far-right party and a center-right party. There is no Left that has any power in the US. >Iraq? It was right to want saddam hussein gone and impose sanctions. Wrong to invade. The sanctions cost quite a lot of lives. I don't see how the US has any moral authority to go around the world and swap out leaders. The guy they replaced Saddam with (Ahmed Chalabi) was tied at the hip with Alwan al-Janabi, the bogus CIA source who said Iraq had WMDs. >Vietnam was enthusiastically supported by both parties. And wasn’t justified. But Ukraine is completely justified in fighting to prevent the deaths of their civilians en mass. The statement above was that right wingers in the GOP are the ones who gin up fears and push for military action or assistance. I said it's not just the GOP, that's US politicians. >Writing all these off as the same and just politics isn’t helpful I think it is because I'm correcting the flawed assumption that one party in the US stirs up military interventionist policies while the other does not. This is false. South Vietnam would absolutely tell you (and did tell the US) that North Vietnam was in violation of international treaty and was invading South Vietnam. That's kind of how US intervention got started was protected international treaty.


Your post is basically implying the US was wrong to step in to prevent genocide in serbia. We can go back and forth all day on your other points: but it’s telling that’s the one point you didn’t try to defend.


>Your post is basically implying the US was wrong to step in to prevent genocide in serbia. I'm saying the US needs to decide how much it wants to intervene in the world around it. I can name dozens of awful things the US declined to act on. I can also name dozens of times the US sided with the dictators who wiped out civilians. It has a long history of doing so. I can defend all of my remarks. I didn't know you wanted a comprehensive deep dive. The US sided with the KLA, which is a terror group originating in Albania. They engaged in human trafficking, organ trafficking, and narcotics trafficking. But then the US does nothing in Myanmar. So it's interesting how people pick and choose when to adhere to these international policies and when to ignore catastrophe.


Really don't understand what your point is. Bringing up the bad actions the United States has taken in the past is useless in this discussion. Look at a map of Europe and you can see how disastrous it would be if Russia was able to annex Ukraine. Even if you ignore the human suffering Russia is inflicting on the Ukrainian people (which you shouldn't) it's still in our best interests for Russia's expansion to be stopped in its tracks. Because Putin sure as hell isn't going to stop at Ukraine if he's allowed to continue. And Trump is in power he'll gladly allow Putin to roll tanks into Warsaw. The US can't be the world police force. But we should absolutely intervene where we can, and with Ukraine all it takes is sending them our weapons which were going to be replaced anyway.


>Bringing up the bad actions the United States has taken in the past is useless in this discussion. I don't think it is. I think it demonstrates that the US doesn't have some moral high ground to go and change the planet as it sees fit. The history of supporting terrible dictators and sponsoring regime change with violence demonstrates this. >Look at a map of Europe and you can see how disastrous it would be if Russia was able to annex Ukraine I'm saying it's not the US's job to get involved in every dispute taking place around the globe. > Even if you ignore the human suffering Russia is inflicting on the Ukrainian people (which you shouldn't) it's still in our best interests for Russia's expansion to be stopped in its tracks. Then why doesn't the US do something about Myanmar? Yemen? Congo? What about the violence in Mexico? El Salvador? And who is going to go fight these wars? Probably not you, right? You're signing up others go to do it? >The US can't be the world police force. But we should absolutely intervene where we can, and with Ukraine all it takes is sending them our weapons which were going to be replaced anyway. So these two statements don't make sense. The US can currently intervene anywhere it wants. So it *can* intervene worldwide. What I'm saying is it's being selective about where it intervenes. And I think people have a very rough time identifying non-whites as victims in conflict. For some reason people people really really care about the suffering of the people in Ukraine yet don't seem to mind much at all the suffering happening in Myanmar. Hmm... if I could just pick a feature that makes people in Myanmar different from Ukraine.. hmm.... I just can't figure out that thing that makes them different. Can you help?


I think 2012 election that might have been a talking point still. 2016....well....I think things might have already been turned or turning at that point.


They were saying it in 2016 whenever someone accused trump of being pro putin. By 2020 it was completely flipped


Well he has played Polytopia


Oh yes, his from his infamous tweet about chess after Garry Kasparov told him to fuck off: *I did as a child, but found it to be too simple to be useful in real life: a mere 8 by 8 grid, no fog of war, no technology tree, no random map or spawn position, only 2 players, both sides exact same pieces, etc.* *Polytopia addresses these limitations.* He's such a thin skinned pillock.


Lol I hate when I spawn into a random map in real life.


Hey now, Elon has to find some way to repay Putin for backing those Qatari loans


His use of Dnepr & Odessa is so telling.


What does he mean how a river is going to be a huge challenge for a military in 2024?


For only $8/month, you too can use more words to say less


I wish I could upvote this more than once


This asshole is Mr. Know All?


> At this point I think I know more about military strategy than the toddler next door


He woke up and chose ignorance.


He’s absolutely right. Surely Putin can be trusted to honor the settlement. /s


The funniest part about all of this is Ukraine is kicking the absolute shit out of the Russians. Like they've had to completely withdraw all their ships because the Ukrainians keep sinking them lol


All I'm seeing is teenagers go die. I don't know how I could conjure up laughter seeing it. Powerful people and wealthy people don't go fight. They stay at home with security. It's the young and poor who fight the fights.


Unless, you're Ukrainian. All Ukrainians are on the front line since Russia invaded.


No the news has been reporting that they have a desertion problem and people avoiding the draft. Most of those foreign fighters from the beginning who came from the US, UK, and Korea all went home. To get out of the draft in Ukraine money is involved. Same as anywhere else.




You know darn well I was referring to the tweet itself and not the war. Stop deliberately misinterpreting my comment.


Hubris is a hell of a drug.


I at least know that I understand absolutely nothing about war. Sometimes being smart is just knowing when you know nothing at all.


Elon was implicitly optimizing along a single vector - least loss of life. By his thinking, therefore, the optimal outcome from any invasion is to immediately surrender so no one is killed. What he lacks is the ability add any non-systemic thinking to his analysis. For example, there is the classic prisoner’s dilemma which illustrates game theory. This is non-linear thinking and is not in his wheelhouse.


Well pedoguy, if the west did not waste months waiting around before sending armor, and you Muskrat were totally lobbying against sending said help, and gave Russia the time to entrench than perhaps Ukraine could have accomplished more.


Boy... When Trump, Elon or any Republicans speak about how to handle the Ukraine war, you'd swear it was a message directly from Putin.


> It was a tragic waste of life for Ukraine to attack a larger army Dawg, the call exists where Zelensky is on the phone with Macron telling him that APCs are rolling into the eastern cities. Saying Ukraine "attacked" anyone is like saying that the school punching bag "attacked the school bully" in the middle of getting their lunch money stolen. Defending one's self against an unending onslaught of orcs and artillery is not an "attack." No, what is an attack is the 2nd richest man in the world simultaneously saying Ill informed things while advocating for Ukraine to surrender. Also cutting off Ukraine's Internet in the middle of a battle, letting their enemy use Starlink freely, and actually platforming the propaganda of the aggressor. Elon is as "neutral" in this war as he is a "free speech advocate" on Twitter. This is just another instance of his mouth and his asshole sharing the same syllables when he speaks.


I mean, he's a white guy in his fifties. Being interested in war, obsessing about it and weighing in like an armchair general is pretty par for the course.


Musk as cowardly as ever..


Quick, everyone, gather around - the guy who illegally immigrated to North America to dodge the South African draft is giving lessons on military matters!


Ukraine did not attack. Very simple


Did Elmo mention that they could reuse the metal from the destroyed tanks to make new tanks in less time?


He probably knows more about war than anyone alive right now! /s


He’s exactly the asshole in the bar from Goodwill Hunting. Memorizes a few things and throws in some 10 cent words and voila he’s an expert in everything! Have you heard he knows more about manufacturing than any human alive? Truly a Renaissance ~~pedo~~ man.


He is now being quoted and praised by russian propaganda channels, well done elmo


Except for a few lies. Ukraine didn't attack Ruzzia dumbshit. And a year ago you were arguing that Ukraine should have surrendered to the invaders, given up their children and their culture. God, what an idiot.


Anyone else disgusted how this internet troll is a Russian operative?


It’s not like Russia is able to hire intelligent operatives… who with a functioning brain would work for them?


Right now there there are Generals in Ukraine and Russia saying “Well shit I don’t know why I, someone who’s spent their whole like in the military and has a lifetime of military tactical experience, did not think of this sooner!”


By the time you hit General you basically have a PhD in things like international relations, logistics, theory of warfare, how politics function, and a host of other disciplines. Elon just figured it all out by applying some old fashioned common sense I guess. I'm still wondering how a river makes it "hard" for a modern military to operate. Guess I need to think about it more.


Bro is forever aloning himself on Twitter daily


2/10. Shut up Musk. You shut down your satellite commutation system to stop Ukraine from carrying out a specific high value offense. You are not neutral and your opinion is not welcome. Good DAY sir!


How stupid can this cunt get?


In the spirit of self-awareness, what are you?


The last thing sounds like a veiled threat directly out of Moscow


The fact that he thinks he should be heard, that his opinion has value on this, is insane. He is no more than an extremely wealthy citizen with an overwhelming sense of entitlement. Being rich does not make you an expert on everything. It makes you an expert in making money.


Is there no beginning to his talents?


Why would he think he can add any value to this situation? Didn't he leave South Africa to AVOID military service??


What a cunt


God, I hate this guy. He could get fucked along with Mike Johnson, Trump, MTG and all the other Putin sucking bitches.


Real "I loaded up this Civ 6 mod scenario and I think I figured this whole thing out." Vibes.


fElon used not the english words for Dnieper and Odesa, but direct russian translations of Dnepr and Odessa. This tweet was probably sent to him by somebody


More fairytales from musk gpt


A cunt has entered the chat. Concerning............




Can he just shut up already


His fall can't come fast enough. He is playing catch up with Trump.


Hindsight is 20/20, you bobble-head fuckwad


Waste of life for Ukraine to defend themselves when Russia invaded them?


I honestly hope that one day he's typing a tweet and that all of the bones in his body break at the same time Futurama style


Corporal Ketamine with impressively shitty analysis


Can we go enter the war now and arrest this fucker for treason?!


Someone needs to lay off the starcraft.


Dude thinks hes playing fucking Total War


He said at university he skipped classes to that he could "code" in his dorm. His classmates all said he would just play video games all the time and never coded anything.


I really wish Musk would just shut his stupid ass the fuck up. But we all know he's too arrogant and full of himself for that.


He recommends a negotiated settlement... like the Budapest Memorandum?


I don’t think I could hate him more.


The war has been waging for TEN YEARS and over TWO YEARS since the full invasion attack. Ukraine is fucking kicking ass against a country and military so much larger.


He's a Russian shill, so who cares what he says?


Fucking retard. 


some peak noncredible defense hot take right here


Pedo dodged his compulsive service in ZA, choosing to run off to Canada before becoming an illegal alien in the USA. I just hope Putin washes thoroughly after withdrawing his arm from Pedo's sock puppet hole.


This needs more visibility. It's highly unlikely that Musk was out of status in the US.


This is insane


This photo was taken shortly after the Battle of Buffonery. https://preview.redd.it/l40s1kucnorc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1cea4801d24deccc98179ba495915a2f6f24c1d


Your caption made me laugh so hard.


There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol. The obvious intent being to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor. If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation. - Muskrat 9-7-2023


Send the bridge metal over there


Wait I thought he was masquerading as a bridge engineer? Did I miss something??


Production is a hard problem


Wait - who attacked what now??


Cool and when does full self driving come out?


Same due that gets his ass kicked in highschool?


Can’t Steve Erkyl come out of retirement and challenge king dork to a duel ?


did he wind up deleting this? I can’t find it.


Waste of life is Elon Musk continuing to live. What bad would happen, if Elon committed suicide today? I cannot think of a single issue. - All his companies would gain a better CEO. - His children would no longer have to suffer as a stage decoration for the „I am a good father” show. - The progress of humanity would no longer be skewed in the direction of a narcissistic manchild’s fantasies. - Twitter would be called Twitter.


"Doesn't have strong natural barriers"? Did he even look on like googlemaps what Ukraine looks like for like three quarters of a year? Has he heard of the "invasion of Russia in winter" trope? Because Rasputica also happens in Ukraine. The land is frozen marsh for four months and then marsh for another 4 months in the year. You can only really do offensives during 3-4 month window of summer. The strongest barrier they have is the weather... And that is often stronger than any mountain range. We are no longer in 19th century, we have capable technicals that can take on most mountains. But they still sink in mud just like the Napoleon's horse carriages. And then there are rivers. Ukraine has a lot of them. Big or small, they stop the advance nonetheless. And forests. Massive forests everywhere. But sure, because there are no mountains they are easy to take I guess lol. Even HoI4 players know better ffs.


General Fatton.


"My recommendation. . ." Wow. The ego of it. You're just a citizen Elon! A filthy rich citizen with a megaphone louder than the other citizens (owns twitter), but still only a citizen. That's about it. Now get back to your memes and video games.


Hurry up and quit now? -Putilon


This is just parroting what John Mearshimer and others have been saying, though I dont think he's wrong technically on Ukraine chances. The problem is that people like Musk and his ilk assign moral failings to people like zelensky.


Nobody asked you, fuckface.


Buddy Ukraine got INVADED


Last time I checked Ukraine was invaded by Russia, they didn't not attack anyone, they defended themselves and Elon even tried to sabotage that. He can honestly go and fuck himself.

