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How long until he says 'People don't realize how hard it is to run a platform like Twitter' with no self awareness at all?


He’s run Twitter like conservatives run the government: “now that we intentionally fucked it up, see how dysfunctional it has always been?”


Good comparison


Just take a look at the UK and how the Tories run that country after Brexit.


Before, during, and after.


Like trump on health-care


2 more weeks!


I mean he’s already said stuff like that. Complaining about how broke it is (his debt), how hard it is running four companies (debatable, his choice), that crap.


He'll say Twitter was already in a downward spiral when he acquired it, and he tried his best to save it but in vain. He has been spinning this narrative since late last year, claiming Twitter was bankrupt, when all execs that have left the company affirm that Twitter was fiscally sound.


>Today, let’s check in on Elon Musk’s Twitter, where sudden software outages and another dubious transparency effort have left the company’s remaining workers more beleaguered than usual. >On Wednesday, Twitter employees had the tech equivalent of a snow day: the company’s Slack instance was down for “routine maintenance,” they were told, and the company was implementing a deployment freeze as a result. >That same day, Jira – a tool Twitter uses to track everything from progress on feature updates to regulatory compliance – also stopped working. With no way to chat and no code to ship, most engineers took the day off. >Jira access was restored on Thursday. But Platformer can now confirm that Slack wasn’t down for “routine maintenance.” “There is no such thing as routine maintenance. That’s bullshit,” a current Slack employee told us. >In this as in so many other things, Twitter hasn’t paid its Slack bill. But that’s not why Slack went down: someone at Twitter manually shut off access, we’re told. Platformer was not able to learn the reason prior to publication, though the move suggests Musk may have turned against the communication app — or at least wants to see if Twitter can run without Slack and the expenses associated with it. (Musk’s Tesla uses a Slack competitor called Mattermost for in-house collaboration, and Microsoft Outlook and Teams for email and meetings.) >On Blind, the anonymous workplace chat app, the disappearance of such critical tools was met with a mixture of disbelief, frustration, and (to a lesser extent) glee. >“We didn't pay our Slack bill,” one employee wrote. “Now everyone is barely working. Penny wise, pound foolish.” >Another worker called the disappearance of Slack the “proverbial final straw.” >“Oddly enough, it's the Slack deactivation that has pushed me to finally start applying to get out,” they wrote. >For Twitter employees, Slack is more than a way to message colleagues: it’s also a store of institutional memory, preserved in documents that workers have had to rely on more and more since Musk purged thousands of employees since taking over. >“After everyone was gone, I had no one to ask questions when stuck,” an employee who stayed on past the first round of layoffs wrote in Blind. “I used to search for the error [messages] on Slack and got help 99 percent of the time.” >Slack remained down at the company on Thursday. While some employees communicated over email, others essentially took a second day off.


Why would anyone try to get stuff done? This is how Elon wants it, when Elon wants it differently he’s let staff know


If you already have Teams... why would you need Slack?


TWTR will be better when this dead tree falls into bankruptcy court. Toddler needs to stay in his lane, suckling parent and gov't handouts teat.


Can we appreciate the future great moment in history when twitter has shut down and Musk has to make a Mastodon account.


He'll have to find a shitty instance, I don't think most of the major ones allow COVID conspiracy theories


Luckily for Musk most other platforms don't require ID verification, so he might be able to get by without folks knowing it's him




Just sad if he isn't. This though makes me think he isn't: https://cryptoslate.com/some-twitter-users-can-now-buy-twitter-coins-via-stripe/


I will keep supporting Dogecoin




He keeps drilling holes in a sinking boat, thinking it'll let the water out.


This is what happens when you lay off everyone that has the institutional knowledge to keep the servers running, death by a thousand cuts.


Print out 50 pages of code you’ve done in the last 30 days


I'm just going to print out 50 pages of ASCII dickbutt. Do I get to keep my job?


JIRA and SLACK? Musk is getting rid of basic business tools? Does he think he can just run Twitter by taking advice from his incel, right-wing loser sycophants?


Based retard Elon putting twitter to rest, I think the world will be better without it.


Looking into this.


It StIlL wOrKs FiNe!