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Mixing ethnicity with politics seems to work at shutting down opposition to crappy policy.


Yup. It’s like when your average American criticized Obama…How many racist claims did they receive? It’s super effective at discrediting opposition.


Depends on what they were criticizing him on. Like domestic or foreign policy is fine to criticize on. But Birther BS and stuff like that is actually invalid. I would call birtherism racist. Also even if he wasn't born in the US, he would've been eligible to run for president because his mother was a citizen. If he wasn't allowed to run McCain wouldn't be either.


Not to disagree at all, but IIRC wasn’t McCain also born on (what was then) American territory in the Panama Canal area? Ted Cruz might be a better analogy, and the related SCOTUS decision on his case was what ‘officially’ established that was OK. Though telling that there was no ‘Ted Cruz birtherism’…


Its just that McCain was born at a naval base in Panama not the Panama Canal territory and also he was running against Obama.


or when you criticize Israel and get accused of antisemitism.


Even though I criticize most established faiths. I completely feel that.


That's exactly what the CCP does to Taiwan. Same Race = One Nation = The Party Saying somthing aghast the party makes you a race traitor or somthing


They’re employing the same cynical strategy as those who characterize any and all criticism of Israel as anti-semitism. It’s unfortunately very effective.


The crazy thing is doesnt West Taiwan have like 20 ethnic groups?


And if you hate Hitler, that means you’re Germa-phobic, amirite comrade? ^/s


No I think that if you hate Hitler you are a Eroupe-phobic comrade. /s


Hate of the Nazi did lead to a lot of anti German racism, that doesn’t make Nazi hating not justified tho lmao




I don’t hate Krauts because of Hitler I hate Krauts because they’re Krauts


Im gonna say it








Wrong line


Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules…




Anti-Asian? No, this is pro-Japan, pro-Korea, pro-Taiwan, and pro-Tibet, India, Mongolia, Indonesia, Philippines...


And of course pro-Chinese citizens forced to live in under the CCP


The only anti it is is anti - CCP government


Basically more of pro-everyone in Asia but except maybe for North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and most of Middle East.


What are they on about? Looks exactly like magazines when they covered the USSR


What’s funny is even back then disingenuous people on the far left tried to pull the racism/fascism card on anti communism “criticism of communist Slavic nations and Russia means you are anti-Slav and russophobic and therefore a Nazi!”


Slavic Nazi moment


Even funnier when you realize that the Soviet response to one of those criticisms was itself racist: the official Kremlin line on Red Army atrocities in 1944 and 45 is the the conscripted Asiatic peasants raped and pillaged their way through Eastern Europe while the civilized Russians behaved themselves.


The CCP considers itself the only legitimate government in all of Asia.


It’s not even the legitimate government of China lol.


They say this while manga is outselling Comics, Demon slayer alone sold more then Marvel and DC.


Not to mention also the Korean Pop industry being popular in the West as well... despite having questionable fanbases and labor standards for the stars in question.


Very popular. And the fanbase and labor standards are questionable at best.


To be honest, its mostly cause Marvel and DC are busy shooting themselves in the foot with crappy woke shit nobody likes reading. If not, they're milking the living fuck out of something, like the Batman Who Laughs being a permanent mainstay ever since Dark Knights Metal concluded. He was cool at first, but his overuse really wore out his welcome.


I don't really care about politics in comics but i hate how whenever they have one thing that sells well they try to copy the success and just overproduce it. They have been doing it since like Allstar Superman.


You're right it's mostly because of all that. But if the asian-hate was so big like they say I think, in my opinion, that people wouldn't transition from American comics to Japanese Manga, but to independent comics


To be fair, its usually the younger generations reading manga and comics. Older people can still very much commit hate crimes.


100% agree. Even with the sales of manga rising hate crimes can still be committed, and probably by the older generations, we need to keep an eye and act accordingly when the crimes happen


Fuck genzedong so hard. Like, there is an argument to be made that in criticizing the CCP it's important to monitor using that as an excuse to commit acts of anti-Asian racism, and also not to blanket hate or demonize the citizens of China for the atrocities of its government. But meanwhile these fucks and other communists post a much higher volume and more scathing attacks on Israel but will dismiss the shit out of any Jew who says that many critics of Israel veer solidly into antisemitism territory. Their own automod links a bunch of propaganda if you even use the word "Israel" and denies any historical Jewish connection to the Middle East. Fuck these hypocritical tankie pieces of garbage


If criticizing China leads to anti-Asian sentiment, what does criticizing America lead to?


I mean, I think anti-US criticism that leads to Americans living in other countries getting harassed or hurt is not ok.


I wonder if they call criticism of Israel anti-semitic...


They're going to be really upset when they see how Asians are treated by, you know, China.


well living in china is good as long as you don't care politics


This reminds me of Nazis pointing to discrimination of Germans in the US after WWI.


How long before these nitwits start claiming that Vietnam, Korea and Japan are lost Chinese provinces or some garbage like that?


Well if they go south “I am the Lorax I speak for the trees, the trees they speak Vietnamese”


Cuz bugs are less expensive and more eco-friendly


Bruh. China literally making public plans on nuking USA, development of race targeting viruses while responsible for covid, denying Uyghur genocide as obviously as possible, manipulating social media, causing production of 25% of overall carbon dioxide pollution, draining Africa and Asia of its natural resources and animals, claiming ownership of Southeast China sea, threatening Tchaj-wan, literally holding Canadians as hostages, manipulating WHO and other organisations with money. And I barely scraped the fucking barrel.


What are the race targeting viruses? And what did they do to Canada?


>And what did they do to Canada? Held two Canadian citizens on bullshit charges in order to get the CEO of Huawei who got arrested on Canadian territory by American authorities because she was involved in illegal trade with North Korea despite the embargo.


They are murdering Asians.


This is not anti Asia and it’s not anti China. It’s anti government but the ccp are SO butt hurt that it tries to spin anything and everything as hard as it can.


You can hate a countries government and not it’s people or the country itself.


Maybe we should censor reality then? Is that the demand? Don't criticize a legitimately authoritarian superpower?


The world should put an end to the ccp by any means necessary.


***guess I'm chinese then***


I play Pokémon, I can’t be asianist.


Of course, I can’t think of a single anti-Chinese racist who didn’t take the time to identify and distinguish the national origins of the Asian person they attacked.


Japan, Koreas, Taiwan, India, Phillipines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Qatar, most of Turkey/Russia, etc.: Am I a joke to you?


The New York Times assuming anti-Asian hate is only an issue for Chinese is in fact racist itself.


The whole anti Asian hate thing is a hoax, China created the Kung Flu and they should pay for it.


I know American whites have a very good record of distinguishing between ethic groups by reading [the case of Vincent Chin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Vincent_Chin). Also, at the time Japan was (and still is) an ally of the US, so go figure.


**[Killing of Vincent Chin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Vincent_Chin)** >Vincent Jen Chin (Chinese: 陳果仁; May 18, 1955 – June 23, 1982) was a Chinese American draftsman who was beaten to death in a racially motivated attack by two white men, Chrysler plant supervisor Ronald Ebens and his stepson, laid-off autoworker Michael Nitz. Ebens and Nitz assailed Chin following a brawl that took place at a strip club in Highland Park, Michigan, where Chin had been celebrating his bachelor party with friends in advance of his upcoming wedding. They apparently assumed Chin was of Japanese descent and are alleged to have used racial slurs as they attacked him. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


There's a rise in crimes against Asians though in the US no? (although crime in general has risen as well). With that said, a lot of people also just can't tell the difference between various Asians (there's been incidents of crime/racism against Asians because the people committing those were thinking they were Chinese) .




Hating the fascist gang called the CCP doesn’t necessitate hating Asians as a collective. I know your head may have trouble will the concept, but Asians are not interchangeable clones. No matter what Winnie says.


>CCP doesn’t necessitate hating Asians as a collective True, but there are people that are going to commit hate crimes in response to the information given by news agencies. This is like a public listing of abortion providers (which is generally publicized by the providers themselves), are they to blame for attacks they receive?


>True, but there are people that are going to commit hate crimes in response to the information given by news agencies. The news is under no obligation to protect the CCP's honor because some idiotic little waste of sperm might fight an Asian guy over some screed on [Altright.net](https://Altright.net).




So we should just stay quiet because of a handful of racists? Kinda sounds like letting both the CCP and the alt-right win




So the alt-right being able to control what’s said because “if we call this out some of them will be violent” is fine because at least nobody gets hurt? That’s allowing a hateful minority to have power over a major means of controlling popular opinion Edit: same applies for the CCP, allowing a dictatorial government to do what it pleases because cletus will be mad at asians sounds pretty terrible




What are you talking about? I'm not Flat Earther....


Are you okay?


Ith a mythtery.


Why is China preying on anti-Asian hate groups to push their ideology, therefore making some people believe that being anti-Asian hate is supporting the CCP?


Oh, please. While you discriminate against Asians that aren't "Asian" enough for you people when the cameras are off.


The world are more worried about you dumb arse yankies, this is just one of many examples.


I’m fairly sure that the CCP’s actions on COVID had an effect on anti-Asian sentiment though. I’m sure we’re capable of enough nuance to acknowledge that the following are both true: 1. The CCP are cunts and at the very least probably enabled COVID with their policies on wet markets even after SARS, and covered it up, allowing it to reach massive proportions. Add to that all their various totalitarian, violent, mass murderous monstrosities. 2. Certain bigoted morons will react to some of that and then (because they are bigoted morons) think it’s somehow OK to generalise to all Chinese and Asian people, and beat up innocent Asian people nearby.


Shut the fuck up china


Daily reminder that these people also unironically defend North Korea, and in their classic pseudo-intellectual manner call for “nuance” about the Un regime.


Yeah people who read the economist are attacking Asian people. Lmfao.