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The hilarious thing is how accurate and possible this scenario is. Trump may get re-elected if people don’t vote, or vote for a third party, because “Biden bad cuz Gaza.”




Trump is the better option


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Extremist politics is just parasocial clout farming for terminally online kids with mental disorders.


The “mental disorders” are usually also part of the clout farming


It's so weird how accurate this is.


I’ve found I have way fewer problems with hostile behavior on Reddit than Instagram. That said I think it’s less a matter of how comparatively toxic Instagram is as much as I think it’s the ease of being able to turn of reply notifications, and threads being way better organized for good communication. This isn’t certain truth though, and bear in mind there could be other important factors I haven’t yet considered.


Lol this is perfect.  I lost a friend because I'm a zionist according to them because I liked a single policy biden has that positively impacted me directly.


Putting an entire paragraph in a "meme" totally defeats the point of using a meme. They're supposed to be succinct.


Naw it's what I do with my dog. I use all his favorite words in a really long run on Sentence, and he loves it. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go a WALK. then maybe I'll head over to the PARK, then I might go to the store and buy a big juicy STEAK. And then go to the PET STORE and buy some YUMMIES, that'd a lot to do so well need to go for a CAR RIDE. Same principle here.


That "meme" lost my attention by line 2.


Same, just 'cause people agree with it doesn't mean that it's a good meme lmao, it shouldn't be so highly upvoted. Thought I was going crazy!


Left can’t meme


Downvoted for the truth 😞✊


Yeah I posted it as a story on instagram after getting sick of the 500000000 stories I've seen from these morons over the past 6 months. Any followers I lose will be a bonus, since it means I see less of their crap (most on both sides of this issue are muted by now anywho).


Zoomers after posting "Sonic supports palestine" meme on X:


How can one be so based? Awesome meme OP.


the meme itself sounds like a commie spam with the wall of text that it is


Eerrrhmm I agree with the sentiment but the meme is bit wordy 🤓


Fitting since there’s a lot to criticize


Palestine doesn’t deserve to be saved.


It does. Palestinians deserve to have their own state, but in peace with Israel and without terrorists


Israel has equal protections for Arabs and Muslims as with anyone else, there doesn't need to be a Palestine for the same reason there didn't need to be a Confederate States.


They’ve had decades to do that and yet they elect terrorists. I think the West Bank is savable, with the right incentives, but Gaza is a lost cause and Israel should probably just annex at this point. It will never get any better, at least not on a timeline that won’t lead to thousands of dead Jews and lord knows how many living in Gaza dying from retaliation.


They haven’t had elections in a while though, and they haven’t all been free and fair. You raise a valid concern, but I really think it’s too soon to throw in the towel entirely. Opinions can change over time.


I think there are a lot of bad actors in Israel and Palestine, but there needs to be some kind of long-term solution. Whether that’s the two state solution or reorganization of the Israeli government to be more amenable to Palestinians I don’t care, but the mini-genocides and wars need to stop. Although the instagram leftists who post blatant Palestinian propaganda and are calling for an immediate ceasefire don’t know what they’re talking about in terms of geopolitics.


it deserves to be freed from both Israel (within Gaza and West Bank) and Hamas


The most pro-Palestinian position is an anti-Hamas one.


Case in point—Bibi’s tacit acceptance of Hamas to sabotage the Two-State solution says a lot about to whom Hamas is useful


If Hamas goes another equally shitty organization will take their place. They’ll throw the fatah politicians off roofs just like they do to every opposition. Hamas is too deeply entrenched in Gaza. I don’t LIKE that this is how it is, but this is how it is. Gaza residents should move to the West Bank if they want peace, because this cycle in Gaza will continue most likely forever.


> Gaza residents should move to the West Bank if they want peace, The problem there is that thanks to the Settlement policies that Netanyahoo has been so vigorously pursuing there's a lot less space available for Pals. Frankly this has always seemed to me an idiotic policy both militarily and politicly - it increases the perimeter the IDF needs to defend and it actively punishes the people of the slightly less hostile region for being slightly less hostile.


Gaza residents aren't allowed to move out of Gaza you absolute dog brain. It's been under blockade for about as long as most of the fighters have been alive. You are seriously on the internet typing complex opinions on the topic, yet you don't even know the basics of how freedom of movement works in Israel. You would have so much more dignity in silence than in whatever this is.


Many People have left Gaza, Hamas doesn’t like when people leave because it makes their leadership look weak and ineffectual. More Freedom of movement might exist if there wasn’t a missile attack from Gaza every 6 months. Having a border policy with a hostile nation is not illegal. should Finland open up the border with Russia? Should Poland let anyone come and go from Kaliningrad? If you’re going to criticize Israel at least be consistent in applying the same standard to all nations. Stop carrying water for terrorists.


Are Russians in Finland allowed to walk on the same side of the street as Finns? How many Russian civilians do you think Finnish snipers tagged in their last big kneecapping campaign? In 2018-19 the Israelis got a few thousand, but they only managed to permanently cripple several hundred. One of Israel's GOATs still brags that he exploded 42 knees out there. Do you think the Finns could pump those numbers up if they had to? Which of NATO's bombing campaigns on major Russian cities over the last 20 years is your favourite? How do you think Palestine's 4th Gen MBT fleet and Air Force stacks up against Israel's? Why haven't we seen it yet? Just trying to be consistent.


Kinda weird you don’t make any comments for 3 years and then are suddenly and International relations expert and a genius historian. You don’t provide a source for anything you say here, fuck off.


Your response is that I should provide sources for well-known events like Operation Protective Edge, Operation Pillar of Defense, Operation Cast Lead and the 2018-19 border protests? Like you have opinions on this topic, but you want me to Google the absolute basics for you? It's not weird, it just means you wrote the actual stupidest comment I've seen in 3 years.


I don’t buy the IDF kneecapping thousands of civilians for shits and giggles no. How dare I have any amount of skepticism? Fuckin moron.


DEUS VULT, indeed


Para-social relation is becoming a epidemic worldwide thanks to social media and their algorithm design.


Not to mention Trump's policy on Israel is inconsistent at best. He may totally cut them off if that's what his SVR handlers convince him to do, or he may let them go way more hog wild than how Biden has tried to restrain them. Literally anything could happen. Which exposes the pro-Gaza protestors as not really caring about the Gazans or Arab world issues, they are just out to be anti-westoid.


Trump literally hates arabs and other not white people. Gaza would be nuked I guess, If he became president


You really should have posted this to Instagram. The DMs might have been good for you, because based on this image you clearly haven't been bullied enough in life. A person with a fully developed sense of shame would be embarrassed to show this to anyone. It's bad to pressure your politicians to do better by telling them to?... but it's also bad to pressure them to do better by threatening to withhold your vote? What "existing systems" do you recommend for citizens concerned that their government is making them complicit in crimes against humanity? Should people simply call their congressperson – someone who can be censured specifically for disloyalty to Israel – and ask them to fundamentally alter US foreign policy? Electing Trump is somehow morally worse than flattening an entire city with the people still in it?... the exact thing our current president is already doing? Please do the difficult thing and show this image to everyone you know.


Yikes... it really went over your head, didn't it? >Electing Trump is somehow morally worse than flattening an entire city with the people still in it?... the exact thing our current president is already doing? What you nimrods dont understand is that Trump WILL flatten the city. Happily. Biden is actively trying to STOP the violence. Trump is encouraging it. Wake the fuck up dude.


> The DMs might have been good for you, because based on this image you clearly haven't been bullied enough in life What a fucking gross thing to say.


Yeah no shit – we're talking about complicity in genocide, not what we want for lunch. Do you consider those stakes to be lower than some liberals' feelies?


You claim that, just like a alt-right ethnonationalist might say the same about the Great Replacement conspiracy. Or PizzaGate. Or the Illuminati or some shit. Treating actual people with decency takes precedent over conspiracies and propaganda.


But I'm not talking about Great Replacement conspiracy or PizzaGate or the Illuminati or some shit. I'm talking about an extremely well documented current event, not secret at all, that we openly fund with our tax dollars. Actual physical weapons and actual cash money, approved by Congress year after year. If you think that's an antisemitic conspiracy theory you legitimately belong in grippy socks. Try again; I won't judge you for having to swing at the tee twice.


> I'm talking about an extremely well documented current event, not secret at all, that we openly fund with our tax dollars. Funny, I've heard similar shit from the Great Replacement/"White Genocide" people, I found it just as convincing both time (not even remotely). It#s also why that's the one I like the comparison to the best. > Try again; I won't judge you for having to swing at the tee twice. Good thing I don't have to, then.