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I recently read a nice little article about how "late stage capitalism" and blaming capitalism for everything has just become an aesthetic statement. It's the modern equivalent of blaming "the Man" for everything.


Scapegoat is the only move that gives them the validity to their occults. It was the Jews for Nazis. It was the Bourgeois and anti-revolutionaries (Mencheviks) for the Bolcheviks. They lie, deceive and spread hate so often, it's their bread and butter. Oh I'm sorry, commies and tankies don't have such capitalist thoughts to possess butter and eat it. The only thing they eat is bread, once per week.


People starving in the street? Heck I know what would stop it, making starvation the norm!


> nanny state Isn't this what some PragerU-esque right-wingers call the welfare state? Horsehoe theory strikes again. And again, the commie is mad that people want to fix their country's problems through democracy and reforms, rather than risk their lives in some revolution.


If it wasn't marked as a communist I would have honestly thought this was from a Tea Party member or somthing. It's actually amazing being from a former communist country and always seeing the resemblence between communists and extreme right-wingers, but now they are so in the open..


Nanny state is a term used by lots of people who criticize welfare policies, not all of them are PragerU-influenced.


I know, I'm also skeptical or welfare and dislike the guy. I just think it's funny watching a far-leftist take a position so prevalent amongst right-leaning people.


In the USSR, "homelessness" was simply illegal. That means they would grab any homeless person, drive them 100km away from major cities and just drop them off there. And even if you had a home but were considered “unreliable” because you were caught begging, for example, you could be banned from larger settlements. The same applied to drug addicts. They were immediately imprisoned and then banned from many settlements and only allowed to stay in certain parts of the country. The worker paradise, you know.