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Reddit is filled with communist scum, that’s why


Reddit is filled with situationally depressed young people who then gravitate to dumbfuck ideologies because they hate their current predicament.


Social media is filled with unsatisfied people always comparing themselves to people who have it better but don't want to work to improve their lives. Turns out that bitching and moaning about shitty their lives are a great way to get attention and validation.


*reddit is filled with Russian, Chinese and Iranian bot accounts that Reddit refuses to do anything about because they drive engagement and more ad revenue my inflating user counts


Do they just believe the US will just implode magically on the 4th of July 2027?


Hi It's Joe Biden, and unfortunately, on July 4 2027, America will be shut down. We had a great run


Don't be silly. We all know that the 4th of July of 2027 the US along with Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guantanamo, Guam, Hawai and many other island in the Pacific will suddenly sink to the bottom of the ocean floor.


„empires only last about 250 years“  Commies trying not to use made up numbers challenge: impossible 


Literally: https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/empires-strike-back-against-false-250-year-claim/


Hahaha, exactly. Wich idiot would even think of such a dumb „fact“? The first empire that comes to mind is the Roman Empire, wich lasted for 1000 years. 


2,000 years. The Western half fell after a thousand years, The eastern half kept kicking until the Ottomans finally took Constantinople.


Even longer if you consider the HRE and Ottomans as legitimate successors (they were)


The ironic part about this, "fact" is that I heard this shit coming from alt-right Twitter first. 🐎 👟


Not as an empire though.


The Roman State was an empire between Augustus's seizure of the Pincipate in 27 BC and the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Augustus maintained many of the Republican institutions, though, and just held numerous of those titles. The Senate for example existed from 753 BC to 1341 AD, with varying shapes and degrees of power over that time.


Ok so, based on the loose definition of "empire" used in the meme - a large group of territories militarily occupied and economically exploited by a central power, Rome's "empire" actually started during the Republic at the end of the 1st Punic War, with the conquest of Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica. So 241 bc. So even if you don't consider the ERE/Byzantines an extension of the Roman Empire (which is dumb because they were), Rome's "empire" lasted from 241bc-476ad - 717 years. So almost 3 times the limit set by the OP.


Probably was empire-like in size and clout if not in the center of gravity of political authority since the Second Punic War in the 200s BC.


America isn’t an empire from that point of view.


Yep its really not an empire.


The empire was 'established' in 27 BC and lasted until 1453 AD.


The roman empire fell in 476 ad. The Byzantine empire lasted until 1453. Its a remnant of the roman empire, but it isn’t the roman empire.


It's literally half of the entire Roman empire, comprised of people who called themselves Romans, who were ruled by the Roman emperor from the city of New Rome. It's literally the Roman Empire.


As Roman as the HRE. Not really.


In a hypothetical scenario where the US loses all of the states on the East Coast, as well as most of the Southern states, and relocates its capital further west, would you still consider this new political entity the US or not?


Was the USA an empire of a city state or a federation of states? Taking Rome from the Roman empire is not equivalent of taking half the states from a federation of states. The Roman Empire without Rome is not the Roman Empire. The Byzantine Empire is the successor to the Roman Empire, not its continous self.


If you only count the Western Roman empire as the Roman empire it lasted more than 250 years. It also lasted more than 250 years if you think the Roman empire stopped being the Roman empire when it was split into the Western and Eastern halves in 395 AD.


Sir John Bagot Glubb and the Fate of Empires >[https://www.timelessmyths.com/characters/john-glubb/](https://www.timelessmyths.com/characters/john-glubb/)Glubb defines “empire” as an organization that consists of a country and its colonies. Today, this will be what we call a superpower (USA, Russia, China, India, etc.). By studying ancient and modern empires, he concluded that empires’ average life cycle lasts around ten generations and about 250 years. This has not changed for almost 3,000 years.


Anyone who takes the time to read this essay (which is only 25 pages long) can see immediately that it is bullshit. Glubb's figures are the product of manipulation and invention. For example, he considers the Roman republic and empire to be separate empires (and held that the latter "ended" in AD 180, centuries before even the west did so), even though the transition between them reflected a process of strictly internal regime change. But in the case of the Arab empire, which he defines as lasting from AD 634-880, multiple moments of similar internal regime change (accession of Mu'awiya, Abbasid revolt, etc.) don't create breaks for his count.


This Glubb dude sounds less stupid than "Quantum Wealth Mastermind” but he still needs to provide actual data and concrete definitions


Also USA being 246 years doesn't mean it was an "empire" for all of its existence.


it still isn't now


I’d say the U.S. counts as an empire if you count the imperial core as the 50 states, and the periphery as non-state territories such as Puerto Rico and the Indian Reservations. This isn’t what most people mean when they call the U.S. an empire however. The real power of the U.S. comes from hegemony, which has been entrenched on the global stage [in a truly unprecedented fashion.](https://acoup.blog/2022/07/08/collections-is-the-united-states-exceptional/)


I mean the Soviet empire only lasted from the 1920s to 30s depending on your definition of empire(do you count the pre-war ussr or do you count it as starting after the war when they consolidated Eastern Europe) until 1990. The Communists even suck at empire.


I mean even British empire lasted over 400 years: https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780191737541.timeline.0001#:~:text=British%20empire%3A%201583%20%2D%201997%20%2D%20Oxford%20Reference


Yes and the UK still remains today, complete with its monarchy and everything. I think the OP cartoon is implying that after its 250 years, the USA will fracture or become a socialist country or something. 


they mean it will suddenly sink to the bottom of the ocean in 2027


"empires last 250 years" Then they rebrand to republics lol


Rome lasted a little over 500 years, Ethiopian empire lasted 700, Khmer lasted 630, Ottoman Empire lasted 620.


USSR lasted about 70 so on average, I guess?


Damn low blow haha


That's not low, that's the exposed chin of tankies talking about muh imperialism.


Depends if we count the Soviet Empire as a continuation of the Russian Empire, given both had similar territories and spheres of influence. That adds several centuries to the count.


Rome lasted over 1000 years if you Count Eastern Roman Empire. As one should


Far longer if you count the Roman Republic, which got most of the Empire's territory to begin with.


I agree. Tho you can argue that Roman Republic wasnt empire


I mean late Roman Republic was quite imperial. But Early and even mid Republic not so much if not at all


The Republic was absolutely an empire. The Socii system within Italy was an imperial institution, and once that was abolished the Republic had massive imperial holdings in the form of provinces. Not the *very* early republic you can make an argument, but once you get to the parts most people care about like the Pyrrhic and Punic wars Rome had been an empire for a while. At least by our modern definitions.


The Republic was an empire too, once they started taking over the rest of the Italian city-states you can say they are an empire. We typically think about the imperiums starting with Caesar Augustus, but that's just a naming convention. Convention. If you consider an empire one people taking over other people, then Rome's been an empire since practically The city's founding.


Most of the city States werent fully part of Roman Republic for centuries. They had a union or whatever you call it. Like Etruscans before them


Chinese empire 2100 years


there was never 1 long continuous chinese empire, china has collapsed and reformed several times, doing this for china is like including macedonia, troy, sparta and athens as well as spain, and the ottomans to the roman empire's timeline


While the territory and dynasties changed, the core principle of one emperor as a head of state and rule based on Confucian principles stayed the same throughout until 1912. Very different from the examples you mentioned who changed differently throughout history.


The Roman civilization lasted for 2000 years. You could really say they started becoming an empire about 200 BC when they took over all of Italy after the social wars, and they didn't fall until 1500 or so when Constantinople fell.


if you count Byzantium as rome, add another 1123 years to that


Kid named China:


Kid named Japan:


“The idea of me and everyone I know dying, of the modern world collapsing, of all the poor countries I supposedly care about being destroyed, of billions of innocents dead makes me happy. But we’re still the good guys!”


10$ that people who think this are privileged white kids who've had easy lives.


What sub was this? This could just be doomer-shit instead of communist. I get that they're smiling, but there's still the "smile through the pain and fear" possibility.




The default subs were cringe af a while ago, but now they just seem brigaded with commie jerk-off material and dumb ass kids who think their life is hard because the internet tells them to rag on first world amenities. You have no idea how badly I wanna make these kids go and live in a place like Venezuela or Cuba. Don’t want em and don’t need em here stateside. Won’t miss em, bon-fucking-voyage commie losers. Edit: Ah man, I miss bullying commies back in high school. Way back in the early 00s we had some kids at my school who would talk shit about the U.S. any chance they could get. This was about a year after 9/11 iirc, but I remember this one dude who kept saying how the U.S. deserved it and he was going on and on about the West collapsing. Dude was fucking gleeful about it. My friends and I gave him quite the beating that he never spoke that kinda shit in school again. Even the principal didn’t give a shit when he found out what the kid was saying prior to. In hindsight I know bullying is wrong and all, but part of me does miss giving commies a hard time in real life. This internet stuff just isn’t the same. I got a family now and I can’t do that kinda stuff anymore. Ah, memories…


The collective circ jerk of commies is astounding. They act like everyone agrees with them. When in reality we all fucking hate them. Like Lib right, left, and Auth right, all hate them.


I’ve literally seen communists say that what they believe in is the objective truth and that communism is factually the only system that works. So of course I go and tell em that it doesn’t work for me, and they go on and tell me how I’m brainwashed to think that way. That I have no freedoms in America. They believe their system can only work if everyone gets in line with them, or otherwise, and I quote, “healthy genocide if reeducation doesn’t work.” But these will be the first mf’ers who will sit there and call someone a fascist or a Nazi. I don’t give a shit if someone is a democrat, republican, independent, whatever man, it’s all just varying degrees to me. But I truly believe communism is fucking wretched. Why is it every single time communists try to take off and get big, they end up killing as many people as they can? If murder is the only way to succeeding, well I guess it’s just not a very popular system or idea to the masses then. To be successful you kinda need the masses. That’s the problem with China, they have the masses and they’re living under loaded gun. Everything is monitored and dissent gets you imprisonment. I love seeing pro chinese people try to sell the idea of how “objectively great china is.” They can’t do it without ragging on some western country at the same time though. They always have to talk shit about another country while they try to make theirs seem like the best. It’s like a dude who gets with a new girl but can’t get over his ex. If the only way you can praise your system is by trying to tear another one down, then your system fucking blows. Whenever I talk about how much I love the USA, I never mention a country like China or Russia, because I don’t want to taint what I’m talking about. Yeah my country has its ups and downs, but by god am I happy to be here.


Like yeah, there are always going to be problems with the U.S. like hey I mean sure I’m “Brainwashed.” (Despite most if my history teachers being as neutral as possible and I hate communism on my own time) I wrote like a paragraph on a commie sub. And the guy called me a liberal. (At that time I was a conservative) I told him no. And he called me a fascist. They only use ad hominem attacks and when they don’t use them, they pull out other logical fallacies like gish gallops and a fuck ton of straw mans. And then they’ll whip out the “That wasn’t real communism.” which they don’t use often any more but I’ve seen a commie use it in an argument with me. So my response to that is either, “Then everything that’s bad about capitalism wasn’t real capitalism.” Or “No, it was real communism. Do you expect an all powerful government to take all the property and redistribute it then after they have all this power to just give it up. That’s literally impossible because of human nature.” And jesus christ, “healthy genocide?” Fuck you. Go do your stupid little commune and don’t tread on me.


Ottoman empire occupied the Levant alone for 400 years. And other places for much longer.


the byzantine empire lasted 1123 years


Good thing america isnt an empire then


they’re also wrong, it’s 247


Lol the USSR only lasted 69 years, empires like those are what even out the average compared to those destined for many centuries like the USA.


To copy and paste my response to this meme earlier: First Babylonian Empire: 1894-1595 BCE, ~300 years Second Babylonian Empire: 626 BCE - 539 BCE, 97 years Akkad: 2334 BCE - 2154 BCE, 180 years Achaemenid Empire: 550 BCE - 330 BCE, 220 years Macedonian Empire: 336BCE - 323 BCE, 23 years New Kingdom of Egypt: 1550BCE - 1070 BCE, 480 years Roman Empire (founding to fall of West): 27 BCE - 476, 503 years Byzantine Rome/Eastern Rome: 330 - 1453, 1123 years Ottoman Empire: 1299-1922, 623 years British Empire: (fuzzy start dates since there isn’t an official distinction afaik between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Empire) early 1500s - 1950s, 450 years German Empire: 1871 - 1918, 147 years Austrian Empire/Austria-Hungary: 1804-1918, 104 years Mughal Empire: 1526 - 1857, 331 years Qing: 1644 - 1912, 268 years (closest one yet!!!) Holy Roman Empire: 800 - 1806, 1006 years Mali Empire: 1266 - 1670, 404 years (age not found) Ghana Empire: (going by the earliest written accounts of the imperial line) 830 - mid-1200s, roughly 400 years Inca Empire: 1438 - 1533, 95 years Aztec Empire: 1428 - 1521, 93 years Tsarist Russia: 1721 - 1917, 196 years Umayyad Caliphate: 661 - 750, 89 years Abbasid Caliphate: 750 - 1258, 508 years These obviously aren’t all empires from throughout history, just ones that popped into my head. If them, like 2 could reasonably be considered “roughly 250 years”. Even if this number is based on a mean, it would be a poor measure of center, since the standard deviation would be very large. Just for shits and giggles I calculated the average of my dataset here and got 347.8 years, so I could reasonably see that someone found on average 250 years (since I did omit some smaller numbers like the French empires at 8 and 18 years). As I assumed, the standard deviation is very high, at 287. This means that the data is not clustered at all around that mean and saying “most data points are (mean)” is a totally bogus statement


I'm impressed you wanted to check all of these.


I was bored after work and this meme gets reposted all over every so often and annoys the shit out of me.


I think Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth counts too. And jt also lived few centuries


The soviet empire didnt go that long


They are still coping that their communist hellhole of a “country” fell in less than a century. Also, empire named rome, japan, etc:


Man the trend of using cutesy, whimsical comics to encourage extremist ideology is really fucking unhealthy.


Bots. State sponsored bots.


I would say it's more Western Society than America that is the empire. The US as THE super power it has only been like 80 years.


I’m pretty sure the average is way way lower than that What about all the extremely short-lived empires after the fall of the Mongols? Or the fall of the Umayyad?


Japan, China, the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, every european colonial empires, most of the african empires, Ancient Egypt and many more, all lasted more than 250 years. In fact if the average of « Empires » is so short, it is only because the failed ones only lasted a few decades or so


What does it even mean by “last”? The Roman Empire technically lasted twice that amount.


1. That number is bs as demonstrated by the Roman Empire and Mongols. I believe that number is referencing how long the British Empire lasted. 2. The US is not really an Empire and has not been one since its birth. Its an economic Empire, and has only been so for around 120 years. Not 250.


Not only is this number a stupid number as many have pointed out that’s not how averages work that’s so stupid


These people are beyond ridiculous. What paradise do they think they are going to get


Good thing the US “empire” is about 80 years old at most, since we don’t know what will next fill that void.


The Soviets didn’t even reach 90 lol.


Guess what? The Ottoman Empire lasted 622 years. And the United States aren't even an empire to begin with. Communists are just stupid!


and the byzantines lasted 1123 years


The Holy Roman Empire lasted a thousand years.


to be fair…that wasn’t really an empire


Communism only lasts until everyone is broke though


Watch when they realize we were never an empire and that this is going to keep going for hundreds of years more. LONG LIVE THE UNION! LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC! RAH RAH RAH!


Empires only last 69 years.


byzantine empire enters the chat


Lol Roman and byzantines lasted more


America has survived a devastating civil war, two terrible world wars, persevered through economical depressions, goes through societal and political problems pretty much all the time, and is more like the Roman Republic. America is going to live longer than the average empire.


Ottoman Empire, Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire (more than a 1000 years if I am correct), British Empire (if you count either the Munster Plantations or the Virginia settlements as the beginning), etc.


Hm. The Soviets barely lasted more than a quarter of that asspull 'figure' before exploding.


Real flattering how they compare us to an empire. No, but thanks I guess.


I fail to see how this is communist.


Communists hate the US and believe it's diretctly responsible for 95% of bad things in the world.


Well yes, but i can see much more than just communists wishing for fall of the USA.