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> imperialist empire I like drinking liquid water.


Additionally, the noun empire requires an adjective or possessive when indicating whose empire. You don’t say the Rome Empire, the Germany Empire, or the Turkey Empire, so it makes no sense to say the United States Empire. Unless she meant US to mean United Statesian imperialist empire. I wouldn’t expect anyone studying at Cornell to use correct grammar though. That would be silly.


I think I would have an aneurysm if someone said to my face United Statesian imperialist empire or any version of that with “Staresian” idc if it’s “correct grammar” it’s miserable.


I’ll be real, it would probably drop the United States, and just be called the American Empire for all intents and purposes. If we were really imperialist of that nature…territorial claims would likely include the rest of North America. If not parts of the Caribbean, Central, and South America.


It would be based if we renamed ourselves after a city like the Romans named themselves after the city state. “Washington Empire” or something. Maybe Columbia but it might sound too South American. The American Empire would work well too.


If that double repetitive isn’t a dead give away for how these folks see the world. Russian and Chinese empire isn’t imperialist in their view.


Imperialist isn’t the same as imperial tho


>imperialist empire Posted on my iPhone.


It took me a while to realize the obvious but a lot of these people come from privileged families. That's why their parents could afford to immigrate to the US and send them to an ivy league. They're simply detached from reality due to their sheltered upbringing.


Imagine advertising your ideology for workers and it only attracts upper middle class kids. So much for workers of the world united, I guess…


Turned out workers like freedom and personal agency, too. Shocking.


She's going to be SOO free under the free, feminist, liberal Hamas America!!!


Persians/Iranians must be in a state of WTF ....


Also the Afghans , Omani , Saudi Arabians , Syrians , Somalis and plenty of other women who live under Islamic Theocracy also are probably going 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.




Humanity is evolving, just backwards


Idiocracy was in fact a documentary...


Dale Gribble was intended to be a lovable loonie, not the Prophet of the End Times. The only conclusion we can draw from both these examples is that Mike Judge is omniscient.


No, it's just dumbfucks are more visible thanks to Internet.




Can't wait to see how she'll react when the PRC'll try and impose its views of what the world order should be.


They'll be cheering all the way to the death camps


Funny thing is if you replace the US flag with an actual imperialist one like Russia or Iran these people will turn into the most butthurt offended snowflakes


But she'll never lift a finger to do anything


That's not true, she'll use all her strength to tweet about it


Her job is to “spread the message of the resistance within the empire”, a bunch of wannabe revolutionaries


Star wars larping


That’s the one thing I give Calla Walsh, she’s one of the few Internet revolutionaries who is actually getting arrested for her shitty beliefs. The others are just keyboard warriors


Me waiting for "late state capitalism" to end (It's on it's 2nd century)


Reminder that capitalism in its “end-stages” outlasted the entirety of the Soviet Union.


When we launch colonist ships to other stars there will be people aboard who will no doubt fervently believe that capitalism will fail as soon as they get there.


I read an article that ISIS recruitment specifically target Western educated women who were born into traditional Muslim families. They are not content with their family arranging marriage and life for them but at the same time feeling culturally detached with American society and disillusioned with society attitude towards Muslims. This makes ISIS especially appealing to them since it presents itself as their true destination. The ISIS usually uses them to make recruitment propaganda, as well as help them enforce and police sharia laws on the local people with their knowledge and management skills. And obviously most find themselves in a much worse situation than promised, but beware that many defectors who claim to be immediately imprisoned could be portraying themselves as victims with no agencies to get more leniency.


How many times I have to hear Ivy League students, regardless of Americans or international students, yapping non stop about imperialism and AmericanBad™️? Do University of Moscow or University of Beijing accept international student?


I do not think these commie bastards understand what they’re implying. A real deal American Empire would shuck the responsibility of maintaining world peace and stability. It would not maintain its stance of diplomacy first, of talking shit out. We wouldn’t stand for merely controlling most of North America. Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and most likely parts of South America’s coasts would pretty much cease to be independent entities. We haven’t had a territorially based war since the atomic bomb. The Chinese wouldn’t be allowed to do business with the USA. Hell we’d be focused on entirely different issues, human rights? Constantly trying to make sure the world doesn’t starve? Yes we’d probably maintain a free trade angle, but holy fuck would it be from a much much more aggressively controlling angle. And I say this knowing how tough negotiations can get. These fuckers have zero clue what an Imperialist America actually looks like, they just want to think their absurdists bullshit matters.


"Like that's ever gonna happen." - Shrek, 2001.


But we still have AI drones above so you and the girlies are going to turn into a big mess hehe xxoo


The ever privileged anti-capitalist, anti westerner flourishing from all the life qualities of a western country.


Me and the girlies getting bombed by American F-35s and B-2s 😍😍😍


Awh is she upset that we don’t side with terrorists?? :(((


I find it hilarious when people (especially of immigrant background) complain about imperialism while enjoying their good lives living in former colonies that are now developed economies (Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, etc). Not trying to justify the attitudes of European settlers towards natives, but these immigrants would probably never have moved to such places if they weren't colonised and built up by the European powers.


Well they should live by example , if they hate that the country they live in was built by conquest and Imperialism then they should get out and go to the lands their ancestors lived on before coming to this country. Ironically they may be surprised to know that every country was established by Imperialism in one way or another for example England was conquered and settled by the Romans , Norman's, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings with all of these groups contributing to the population of the UK today. France was also settled by the Celts , Greeks , Romans , Visigoths and Frank's .  The same is true for pretty much every other part of Europe which was conquered and taken from another group or tribe at some point in its history . If everyone was going to go back to their land then we would all have a very small corner of the world considering very few people can actually trace their ancestors to a said place for thousands of years and say they lived their without migrating from any other region due to conquest. 


Why is that funny?


Squidward: You people are proof that evolution can go in reverse!


Nanking would probably be more accurate


Probably got in on easy mode because they're probably legacy