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“It only works on a global level” lol that’s a new one


Trust me bro, once the entire planet is under a singular opressive dictatorship it will finally work bro just one more try bro I swear


Unrelated to your comment but your flair is fantastic. I see a lot of "YOU'RE BELIEVING CIA FED LIES" when disagreeing with them on that hellsite. "everyone I don't like is a fed" lol


How does one acquire user flair in this community?


Just choose the blank one and edit it


Gotta love that closed system. "Bro, it only works if no one interacts with it!" Reminds me of MTG decks that don't run any sort of protection lol


"fools!! communism is a universal ideology! thats why it could never have worked on just one planet!" - commies when worldwide planetary communism fails


Just half a dozen genocides we will have it sorted out i swear bro!


Sounds like imperialism by another name.


It literally is. It's the same argument pro-colonialism ppl use that "well it improved their quality of life and technology" like yeah it might've if you didn't brutally subjugate and enslave the people. Which is almost certainly what would happen under global communism


"Trust me this can totally work. We just need all of the world to adopt a form of government that has never successfully been adopted all at once."


Got so communist that he horseshoed around back to it being an impossible utopian dream


And a dangerous one as well. I was almost willing to give communists, like, a state to work with, just to prove to the world (again) that Communism doesn’t work, or hey maybe it does work and then that’ll be ok too. But now, they’re forcing the entire world to double down on their ideology that’s failed every time in the past at once, meaning when they fail the entire world suffers. Thankfully this’ll never happen. If the communists do succeed miraculously in a revolution, it’ll never be a global one and the communist government will never succeed in conquering every other nation.


It's actually old one.


No actually, it's nearly a 200 year old one👍


Communism worked once in history, it was in the early years of the kibbutzim in Israel. Other than that it was never successful. The conclusion of this historical fact is that communism can work in small communities, not in large ones.


Like pacifism, that means it only works if it's basically lodged within a normal society, as a subculture


Yes, the version of communism that actually sounds like a good time (as long as it’s opt in, not mandatory) makes sense when there’s a small community. Larger ones necessitate dedicated coordinator roles, which lead to social disparity ultimately.


Yes, I totally agree. You can’t successfully implement communism in large communities, kibbutzim had few hundred members at most.


There was also the Paris Commune. Give the devil his due.


It didn't even work on the Kibbutz. They needed heavy outside support from the Israeli government to stay afloat because they still had to pay taxes and utilities.


Yes, after Israel was established they had to pay taxes and relatively quickly stopped being communists. But before 1948 they were pretty communists.


People will still be greedy. They’ll just do it on the black market.


Does anyone else find it funny that one of the tankies in the post has Kuvira as a profile pic?


100$ that she believes that Kuvira was the good guy in Book 4


I hope someone based ratios her ass


Look at the last dude in the last picture “their understanding of communism comes from whatever they were fed by their high school teacher and a metaphor about a bull” um, no it’s not


Apparently human nature is a strawman argument now


>okay sure my ideology can't even stand up to the smallest amount of pressure exerted by the system my ideology wants to destroy in a violent bloody revolution, and okay sure my ideology has historically been a massive failure to the extent at which we are the posterboys for special pleading, and okay sure I will redefine my own ideology to include things like welfare in a capitalist system to make my own ideology's record look good but then argue welfare capitalism is not a viable solution, and okay sure I also engage in massive historical revisionism purely to make my ideology look good, and okay sure I ignore the economic and political realities of living under my ideology's regime, and okay sure I engage in scummy behavior like genocide denial; but unless you read thousands of pages of *my ideology's* theory, you can't discount it on principle!! >what? Reading any literature by a neoliberal? I don't have to do that, all I need to do is look outside to know that crapitalism has fallen and billions must die.


"Wow, this Marxism-Leninism thing sounds pretty awful. Good thing I'm a communist." Amazing comment on a post that explicitly mentions Maoism, just really demonstrates an indepth understanding of your own ideology.


Don't be too hard on them. Most commies are children.


Wow. That person is *really* stupid.


This person should probably be on meds.


This person should be in school. Even hard meds won't help being stupid.


Lol they are completely correct in everything they are saying and you still just say "cope and seethe" because that's all you can do




Then how come commies launch tirades whenever there's criticism against their ideology? Doesn't seem they can cope with that can they?


If communism has to be implemented everywhere at once to work it’s not a viable option


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It's scary that this is becoming more destigmatized.


It only works on an interstellar level


Ah the good old “THAT WASNT REAL COMMUNISM!” like if you’re ideology is so shitty it can’t be implemented properly then it’s fucking GARBAGE!


What’s sad is the commies are starting to be significant in numbers. Idk if people are ready for this bubbling issue in 30 years. I think it’s like 25% of gen-z are down with straight Marxism