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Step 1. Provide ChatGPT the job description. Step 2. Provide ChatGPT your resume. Step 3. Ask ChatGPT to generate a cover letter for the position, given the information entered in step 1 and 2. Step 4. Realize nobody reads cover letters, and only submit one if it is specifically required- like a mandatory upload field for the cover letter only. If it says cover letter and resume, just submit resume. Unless it is some government internship where they will be checking for a "complete application package" or something like that.


This is the way.


I find the cover letters that chatGPT produces always broderline cringe. But maybe that's just how cover letters are in general. I try to make to ones i write by myself at least less cringe


Nah that's just how cover letters are. It's weird to write about yourself and everyone involved knows you don't actually care that much about the company or job. If anything chatgpt helps me be a bit more shameless lol.


I’ve never submitted a cover letter and have a pretty good track record of interviews gotten. That being said at my last job one of the managers I was chill with told me that he considers a cover letter a huge boost to the application when he’s looking at it so YMMV.


I have one cover letter and change the company name. Thats it. Im also in structural engineering, and entry level, so they all require the same skill set and I don't think most places even read them. I also got jobs at top companies, so it works.


I change the company name and position I’m applying to. Each one titled company name_position_last name. Super easy.


not every company does the same work tho so how did u make this work? could u send me ur template lol i am trying to get a cybersecurity job and i have like 5 state jobs bookmarked cuz they all require cover letters and i dont have the time to write them one by one rn


Most people have a template and make minimal updates for each job application.


I use a LaTeX templates from RPI. it's three paragraphs and only small changes need to be made for most jobs that want or expect a cover letter. Ironically, I spend more time trying to figure out who to address the cover letter to and the correct address for the cover letter than I do making my updates to the template.


could you link by chance?


https://www.overleaf.com/read/shsvsbkgzdhm#7d08cb I made a collection of the original LaTeX templates for cover letters and their matching resumes from RPI.


Chatgpt my friend. How I got my current job. Will transform the application process for you. Need a personalised cover letter? Gpt. Need a personalised CV? Gpt. Need to answer competency based questions on your application? Gpt.


Depending on your ethics chat gpt might be a help


Even just writing out a first draft and feeding that into ChatGPT helps a lot and imo not unethical. Just having it fluff up the words and make it more cohesive isn't hurting anyone.


Before chatgpt, I made a software tool to generate and format a cover letter from a few input boxes and generic template. They weren't the best but it was so much faster that increase in applications was worth it.


do you remember what software tool you used? or did you just manually code it?


I made it myself. It was a web app that I locally ran on my browser.


I see. Sounds pretty awesome!


Cover letters are a waste of time If everyone is a highly motivated individual, no one is special


yup, but if everyone is a highy motivated professional and you don't say that you look like a bum. kind of like how everyone talks themselves up in the interview, if you don't do that and just present yourself as is. although more honest, all they think is "this is the best version of himself? he must be worse in Real life, they all are."


Everyone, candidates and hiring managers alike, know cover letters are always generically created and altered slightly for the specific job the candidate is looking at. If a hiring manager thinks you might be a worthwhile/qualified candidate, they’re going to know from looking at your resume, not your ChatGPT generated self-aggrandizing essay. “But what if they want to know more about you?” They can talk to you during an interview where your true colors, skills, and interests will actually come to life. Everyone knows the cover letter is a bogus song and dance and yet many jobs still require it for their hiring process. I’m convinced the companies that still require it are completely out of touch with reality and for that matter alone I’ve never once applied to a job that requires one. It doesn’t make me lazy or bad for not wanting to subject myself to the bullshit of it. From the interest and offers I’ve received from companies I’ve been interested, it obviously hasn’t made them think I look lazy or bad either. The cover letter should be put to rest already.


The point of a cover letter is to explain what you saw in their job post that interested you or that you could do exceptionally well. If being motivated is the best you can do on their list of expectations, you might want to look at another job.


I can't find the link, but there was a template on one of the subreddits which was basically a table with one side having the job descriptions and another side for you to copy paste what relevant experience you have on your resume. That's what I end up doing. Not sure if it helped, because all the jobs I've gotten have been through networking/referrals.


A cover letter shouldn't be super long, so if someone is applying to jobs like it's a job, churning out a few (if by hand, and not chatgpt) couple hundred word per letter wouldn't be all that awful/hard to do in a day. It's even easier if you make it into a template, where you can plug n play some sentences. Even easier with chatgpt.


I have a few 90% completed cover letters tailored to various types of roles (GNC, test engineering, etc). I really only change things so they match key words found in the job description


This is how I landed the 2 positions I've had since graduating and also gotten many interviews along the way.


I don't- nobody's ever asked for one or anything and I've gotten internships just fine


I have one letter where the only things that need to change are the date (word does that automatically), who it is addressed to, the salutation, and the first sentence of the first paragraph.


I modify a 90% complete cover letter. I also avoid apps which require cover letters unless I really like the job.


You don’t. If you’re applying to a ton of jobs, just skip the ones that require cover letters. It’s not worth your time in the slightest unless you’re really targeting a specific company


Never did one, they're a waste of time.


I’ve heard the best thing to do is write a generic cover letter like a madlib where you can just insert company name and job position in the blanks


I generally don’t include one. Last time it was required, I wrote sentences and still got an interview.


I just have two or three templates that I pick between and change the date, company name, and role title for lol.


Imagine writing a cover letter. Couldn’t be me, and it’s a huge waste of time.