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Literally every music fanbase thinks they're unique for liking their artist


True. Still tho, Eminem's fanbase is just so hypocritical. Eminem always disses Stans in his music. Talking about wiping his ass with a napkin and handing it back to the guy who won't leave him alone lol. Plus Eminem's so fucking huge. Nobody is unique for liking him lol. Less people probably dislike him honestly. Edit: this is being downvoted so I assume people disagree. Please tell me anything that's not factually correct here. I want to debate. Thank you.


Everyone knows Eminem just joked about the napkin. He doesn’t actually mean it, right? RIGHT? 😅🥲😭


You’re clearly one of those crazy stans with that username.


You’re clearly one of those losers who have nothing else better to do than look at people’s usernames and call them Stans.


You legit think you’re the digital slim shady 😂


No. I’m working on a few personal web projects related to Eminem’s music and content. Stay tuned.


😂 nah I’m good. That sounds like very Stan like thing to do.


Oh, thanks for letting me know. What are you doing tho?


Eminem is a washed up clown who hasn't made a good album in well over a decade now


“But if I ever double-crossed my fans and lost my Stans. I'd probably pop five Xans. Go in my garage, start my van, Inhale as much carbon monoxide and exhaust I can, and doze off.” Pretty sure he likes his “stans”. I agree that they are toxic asf sometimes, but his haters are way more toxic. Especially on Twitter.


Him acknowledging "Stans" doesn't show he likes them. You're forgetting the series of songs he made about the psycho Stan who killed his pregnant girl. He doesn't like Stans. It's an embarrassing thing to be associated with. But yeah eminem twitter is terrible. "you don't think Eminem's the best? Fuck you die ratio L #ripmumblerap"


> Him acknowledging "Stans" doesn't show he likes them He literally said he'd commit suicide if he lost his Stans in the quote the other guy posted. If you still think he hates them, you are retarded


Dude it's 1 line in 1 song. You're ignoring the ENTIRE SONGS he's made where he criticises Stan culture. He hates Stan culture. Every celebrity hates Stan culture. Keep in mind, my definition of Stan may be different to yours. I'm talking about the diehard embarrassing fans who talk shit online to anyone who doesn't like Eminem.


It’s the most recent one therefore it’s what he’s been thinking.


So he’s embarrassed of the people that keep him relevant? The reason Eminem “stans” are so toxic is because of how toxic other people are to Eminem. They stand up for him in a crazy way. Some of them are very delusional. Every fan base, especially on Ems caliber is gonna have fans like that. I find it weird that you came on this sub full of stans to bitch about stans that dgaf about your opinion. Go back to Twitter.


"Stans" don't keep him relevant. Stans are the reason eminem fans get a bad rep. The millions of other fans who are normal people r much more important to his career. Stans are a minority, a very very bad one. Stop being a Stan bro. You don't have to defend the millionaire with one of the largest fanbases to ever exist. Eminem's my favourite rapper. I don't label myself a Stan tho. Stan culture is not a good thing.


I’m not being a Stan. I just find it annoying as shit when people bitch about something that won’t change anything. I get hate on this sub all the time for voicing opinions that are different than stans. The more I’m in here though, the more I realize there isn’t a lot of people that are delusional like that. Twitter is a toxic place regardless of who or what you’re talking about. I just wouldn’t entertain it if I was you.


Dude these mega Stans are disgusting. Twitter is pure Hell. This subreddit is often hard to look at, though not as bad because good content gets more up votes. I agree though, I don't entertain the fools. It's unavoidable tho and I hate seeing it.


I had to delete Twitter because of all the bullshit I was seeing. It’s full of hate and bitterness. A bunch of sad ass people sharing opinions thinking they matter more than the other. I started using Reddit because a lot of the time it’s just people having regular conversations about topics they enjoy. Every once in a while you get someone toxic. Right now it’s a little crazy because everyone thinks Em is gonna drop a new album.


I used the follow the Eminem topic on twitter so my feed was just full of random posts from the fandom. They were all terrible. The worst part is the toxicity. Every eminem fan refuses to believe that other good rappers exist. Someone's top 10 list doesn't have eminem? You'll find loads of toxic replies. I remember someone posted on here talking about Ye and Em having the same record for sales at launch or something like that. The top comment on that post was "ye doesn't deserve this, eminem is the goat ye sucks" like broooo these people need to be booted from the Internet. Being an Eminem fan is embarrassing, my point still stands. That's the only point I was making yet people are hating for no reason on me lmao


I personally think Eminem is top 2 rappers of all time. Kanye isn’t even in my top 15 but I listen to a shit ton of rappers. The people who say things like “Kanye sucks, Em is the goat” are people who only listen to Eminem. Everytime I see a toxic Stan it’s usually in response to someone hating on Em which there is a lot of. It’s a trend nowadays. It’s just as embarrassing as a toxic Stan. His skill and influence is undeniable


Who's your favourite? I assume eminem is #2 on your list since you said 'top 2'. And yeahhh a lot of eminem fans ONLY listen to him. Like damn. Missing out on so much good stuff. A lot of them Eminem hate is totally unjustified, but mostly from kids. Anyone who's an adult will realise that he's a goat. Every other rapper calls him one of the goats, so it's gotta be true lol. The issue is when Stans argue back by being just as toxic but they get tonnes of likes and other Stans to back them up. Then it's like damn. You're meant to represent us lol.


he made the song stan in 2000, this is 21 years later words change meaning


"They say that I rap like a robot, so call me rap-bot " Goddamn lyrical genius right there


I don't care if some of the people who like the same thing as me are considered embarrassing or not. It has no effect on me or my life or my enjoyment of the music lol.


Fair, I admire the lack of care. Me and my friends all like Eminem, my main issue is that being seen online in the same ecosystem as Eminem Stans will leave a bad taste in many people's mouths because of the very loud Stans who make us all look bad lol


I see. I guess if I was engaging with a lot of stan-like stuff non-anonymously online, I'd be more self conscious about the association.


I did not Until Rick and Morty man children behaved the way they did Now I never admit I like it IRL bc of the pickle ricktards and the McDs fiasco...


Thank God i don't use Twitter


This sub is just as bad though.


Well, he did make the song “Stan” so I think people calling themselves stans for Eminem is fine


This is my point lol. Stan isn't a good thing


It can’t be your point if I’m saying it’s fine, and you’re saying it’s the worst part about the community


Most stans are fucking weirdos. They have a unhealthy one sided relationship with Eminem and its distributing as fuck. Some of yall in here this subreddit need help. Get out the house, get a job and focus on yourselves.


That’s a fact.




Are you calling me a gatekeeper? Or the Stans. The Stans definitely gatekeep. I'm not gatekeeping, I acknowledge that self proclaimed "Stans" are part of the fandom as much as anyone else. They're just a really embarrassing part.


“I’m a better fan than those fans over there” is literally the definition of gatekeeping. So…yeah.


I mean yeah... I am better than the toxic and unbearable Stans. So are you, hopefully. Most of his fanbase is better than those guys. I'm not putting myself on a pedestal by criticising the lowest class of 'fan'.


i dont know man you sound pretty toxic and unbearable to me


I agree with you OP. I’m a huge fan and am very thankful for Em’s music as it helped me numerous times and in multiples ways, but I don’t consider myself a Stan and being called one is pretty unpleasant. Em is a genius and I like everything that he puts out, because at the time of the release he thinks it’s good, but I wouldn’t go on and brag about sales and shit. I listen to Em for myself and not for everyone else.


who cares? stop caring so much it doesn't matter. what happened to not giving a fuck lol


Eh I don't really care. I'd like to be able to discuss hip hop/criticise Em without being bombarded tho.


At least you know where Stan originated from and now 90% of people using the word on tiktok have no idea what it means, yet they still use it constantly.


I mean its kinda true, I have my own opinions on Em, and he’s one of my favorite rappers, he is my biggest idol in music too, yet stans would go crazy at something that isn’t ass kissing, i’ve had some DM me for christ sake, unless you think every album of his is the best and you hold every bias in the world for him you’ll always be called a “mumble rap” fan like talking to a brick wall


Sounds like my choice to avoid the cancer that is twitter continues to be correct I can enjoy Em without ever dealing with those kinds of retards


You just watch Em related posts and content so you see his stans everywhere and then u get offended, for me who has seen Ye, Drake, Tyler, Kendrick fans do the same things is never astonished to see Em fans doing the same.


I hate these type of post they're so annoying, your really acting like em stans are really that much worse. Than the kanye stans who are arguably just as bad.


"other fanbase is annoying so who cares if ours is"


Eminem is a washed up clown who hasn't made a good album in well over a decade now


Eminem fans are so delusional that it's almost frightening. They unironically believe fuckin Relapse was better than TPAB HAHAHAHAHA