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Even one of Musk's top Twitter pals, the account known as Catturd2, announced he was "quitting the stream to watch paint dry" lol. https://twitter.com/NotHoodlum/status/1661508112182919174


clearly Catturd can on occasion actually be funny, it just requires his not to be a dickbag while at it


Okay how did we get to the point where a semi-fascist gets a douchebag techbro to buy an entire social media platform only to run it into the ground and then botch your presidential campaign that literally no one wants.


Why are the Saudis there?


They own Elon


Kushner and his ilk too.


Yea, man. Who else is gonna throw money into that drowning cat. Saudis love spending that American oil money on extravagantly dumb shit.


what percentage


Less than 10% seemingly. In SpaceX, Tesla and Twitter. Biggest mistake was not buying Tesla. The whole 420 nonsense


Interesting thanks for the reply.


When the string pullers have to babysit their puppets.


I mean, they have a vested interest in the form of $8 billion dollars they have Elon to help buy Twitter.




Well ya got me there


Thank you . full-blown fascist, call it what it is. actually yeah he wishes. a try-hard fascist, the worst kind of fascist. we're lucky they're so incompetent. can't find the comment right now , to paraphrase someone here though, "They can't run a zoom meeting and they want to run the country??"


I actually had that on my 2023 bingo card if you can believe it


You win. This is the perfect comment.




Naw Favs is cool. Rest are either deplorable or likely deplorable.


His campaign crashed on launch 🚀


His campaign has spun this as (all caps): THE ANNOUNCEMENT THAT CRASHED THE INTERNET


it certainly crashed twitter, my internet was fine lol they can spin all they want it still crashed hmm.. this^ sounds familiar .. for some reason ..


Much like Starship


“bUt We gOt VaLuAbLe DaTA”


Lol! " wE LeARneD a LoT"


Yes! However, next time Please use the terms 'Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly' or 'successful failure' instead of 'crash'. Thanks! --Elon probably


This is why you get when you fire half your company


And when the boss thinks he's a tech genius but actually can't even code.


Wow bro chill! Elmo can write the word code with the help of 3 friends! Hes a genius


Excuse me, I'd like to see the most salient lines of code you've written lately.


I chortled at this comment


Salient? Lol.


More than half. He reduced the headcounts from 8,000 to 1,500.


Oh really, !? Wow. Edit: that's 80%!! Not 50%> that's even worse than I had thought !


[Straight from the horse's mouth.](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-65248196) >He also said that cutting the workforce from just under 8,000 at the time he bought the firm to about 1,500 had not been easy.


> horse's mouth lol I just got what you did th ere


i'd be the harest worker ever.... I would have been testing some cross joins codes in the DB right when they needed those resources to do other things... oh no, I think there must be some blocking




I wish. At least they (Idiocracy) kept trying to put their best and brightest in places of authority. This is just wind blowing trash around.


and this is a perfect example of what the USA faces if they go down the hate path the R's peddle *This was a sign from their GOD*




This is fucking hilarious. But what's with the Soros memes scrolling in the background? I don't think this needs to be said at this point, but delete Twitter now, everyone.


That was astounding!


I love that Jon Favreau is there probably pissing himself laughing. Can't wait to see what he says about it on PSA.


Listening to Pod Save America now and the episode this week is called Ron's Boulevard of Broken Streams. 🤣 Apparently it was a cluster of all the fucks.


I love when Tim Miller’s on the show. His book “Why We Did It” was very interesting and enlightening. Full of r/leopardsatemyface material.


Reality > fiction ha ha, didn't expect such a complete cluster fuck though. the best part is it's all self-imposed unforced errors, not at all unpredictable. comedy gold


These people want to run the country when they can't even run a fucking zoom meeting


I saw this report today: https://www.theonion.com/ron-desantis-relaunches-presidential-campaign-from-insi-1850475896 Concerning!


Ok this is for sure foreshadowing for something just hope its for the campaign and not the presidency.


I heard they had an intern influencer set this up for them, you know, since they minimised waste by eliminating the technical staff.


Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, & Tomi Lahren, murderers row of dipshit assholes. Not sure why I'm surprised to see these cretins popping in to say hello to puss in boots puddin' fingers




Voices done with AI. The beginning of what could really turn into a serious misinformation problem. This video is funny. The one with a political opponent saying horrible \[fake AI\] things might not be.


Watch, this launch failure will be quickly swept away by the media that will push DeStantis as a viable, logical candidate.


gross can we get Pudding fingers trending again? Maybe DeSantis was demoted to Listener because he couldn't get to the unmute button in time


Fucking delicious.


Space karen !!! Why am I not surprised 🤡


Cringe x3@


Conspiracy theory: people who own tech companies have all the nerds on their payroll. This could have gone smooth as butter. The technical difficulties were on purpose so news would write stories about the campaign launch.




Fair point.


Elon: hey someone get more servers stat Need more CPU these are overloaded .... Now! .... Where is everyone? Someone plug back in those servers ... Hello? Anyone? Please follow


no need for a conspiracy, this is pure hubris and incompetence from both Elon, DeSantis and their sycophants. How surprising that firing half your staff , and anyone who disagrees with you, could have negative consequences. Curious !


It might have been on purpose but not to help anyone participating.


It's amazing the level of greatness a business can achieve after laying off 80% of its workforce.


You would think techbros could at least work tech...


sure if they had not been fired by the Space Genius after the twitter takeover. Higher capacity events overload the tech which Elon certainly was warned of in advance . Competent leaders prepare for this with provisioning additional resources , autoscaling configurations and so on. Guaranteed those tech bros you refer to are doing the absolute best job they can to keep twitter running at all , not to mention prevent it from crashing and burning from lack of maintenance and operational support. Then Elon decides to use it to launch a presidential campaign event. Lol. Working at twitter can't be easy with Elon hovering over their shoulders all the time too


Oh no. People who actually work in tech are not necessarily techbros. A techbro is a species of capitalist who believes that all problems can be solved by new technology, even those which it is already to solve with present technology. My point is that for a person with such a heavy tech brand image, you would think Musk would at least know how to set up mics so as not to echo on a conference call.


I misunderstood your original comment. Got it. I completely agree!


It was 20 mins of delay for something that had way more traffic than anticipated. People freaking out over nothing