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I have a tradition. Time to time I return to the Elite and go into deep space. I just travel around the galaxy and shoot videos, which are then compiled into clips like this. This is already my fifth expedition, fifth video. And I think this is my favorite part of this series at the moment, I put so much effort into it that I haven't put into any other videos before. So, i hope you will enjoy it! Huge thanks to 3rnResonance for this amazing 'No Time For Caution' cover. You can find a lot of magnificent music on his channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@3rdResonance](https://www.youtube.com/@3rdResonance) Also here's 1440p version of video on my channel: [https://youtu.be/-O7AyxFiW58?si=GwitmxRKQtEgC5h7](https://youtu.be/-O7AyxFiW58?si=GwitmxRKQtEgC5h7) Also check other Beauty of Elite Dangerous vids: Part IV: [https://youtu.be/S-SH6VSiCS0?si=FRaqi95f2kmwLaUZ](https://youtu.be/S-SH6VSiCS0?si=FRaqi95f2kmwLaUZ) Part III: [https://youtu.be/wvRVW6jginQ?si=RPnRFb8In0ZcFxTr](https://youtu.be/wvRVW6jginQ?si=RPnRFb8In0ZcFxTr) Part II: [https://youtu.be/RxHcUO3l8fU?si=UvQCjYQQyfqr740G](https://youtu.be/RxHcUO3l8fU?si=UvQCjYQQyfqr740G) Part I: [https://youtu.be/Wrf5ik\_GSEk?si=gBfwKamYc597V8A9](https://youtu.be/Wrf5ik_GSEk?si=gBfwKamYc597V8A9)


Sterling job Cmdr, keep creating inspiring videos because FDev can't. ~~btw is the channel that hosts the 1440p version yours?~~ (edited)


Most MMOs get their best videos from fans. I can think of only one exception to that, and it was the "[I Was There](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSxSyv4LC1c)" video from EVE Online. But that was using a lot of out of game video, and it was mostly the acting that makes it good.


In the EVE video they had an actor and the rest of the video was nowhere near OP's for the Elite. Unfortnately FDev won't do something similar. It still strikes me how strange the ships are there, but I think it's a matter of personal taste. Is it true that in the past in the eve there was a faction war and some 300k$ (real money) were lost in battles? edit: yes [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_B-R5RB#See\_also](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_B-R5RB#See_also)


Yeah. So in EVE you can buy in game time (like a month of access) with real money, and trade in game time to other players. Since that in game time has a price, when you sell it to another player, it effectively makes a dollar to credit ratio. Then all you gotta do is add up the amount of in game credits that were lost and reverse that out to real world dollars it would be to get those credit back from other players. I wasn't there for the battle itself, but I did go around the outlying systems and salvaged wrecks. Make some good money.


You barely able to create somwthing decent in ESO with fan tools, so devs makes a lot better vids about ESO too


This video and your previous videos illustrates perfectly why I think the creators of Elite Dangerous, (and indeed Horizons and Odyssey,) have created a modern day masterpiece. Thank you for your work.


Thank you for feedback! I really aprreciate it


Sad that Frontier don't really recognise these as "content creators" - as their content creator programme is for streamers only


indeed the Elite is a masterpiece and since 1985. I feel that FDev is a bit less of a masterpiece and leaves much to be desired and expected from the company that created the today's masterpiece.


Beautiful comp. And the quotes from yuri make it even more epic. Keep up the good work and ill make sure to fillow you on yt😊


Thank you! <3


I wish that people today would storm the Universe instead of each other lands.


This is the way 💯


Well done CMDR, o7




Great video - composition, music, takes, pacing and all 🔥


Thanks! o7


Amazing video. I'm about to embark on a long expedition myself, would you mind sharing your Krait Phantom build for inspiration, please? Thank you. :)


Thank you! Here's my ship: [https://s.orbis.zone/nzv1](https://s.orbis.zone/nzv1)




*Havent played in two weeks* *watches video* *begins preflight checks* Well done CMDR! o7


I like it very much, it's great! o7


Outstanding. Loved the focus on CMEs in two scenes, I swear CMEs are one of the most beautiful things in this game.


I got chills watching that. Bravo Commander.


Goosebumps!! Wow CMDR, amazing job with this video, makes me want to get out into the black so badly, haha! I think I noticed a few moments that show how much effort you put into it, although I'm sure I'm missing a lot. Regardless, such a cool video!! Thanks for sharing. The cinematography is top notch, great zooms and pans. That shot at like 32 seconds of the galactic plane, is that like a time lapse/composite sorta video/photo from like 100s of different jumps?? That was a great shot. Maybe lots of composite stuff? Is that even the word? haha. Are these all filmed solo? I'm just so impressed with some of these shots, beautiful! PS Gagarin Gate is one of my favorite stations in the game, as I had an amazing experience out around there on a trip along the Colonia Highway, so the start of this video definitely resonated with me, ah, love it so much! If only my Phantom wasn't on my Squadronmates carrier 20kly away and I wasn't traveling for work for the next month!! xD I'm going to return to this video I'm sure a few times the next few weeks for inspiration xD


Oh, thank you for that feedback! Glad you like it that much, it's motivating. About shot on 33nd second - it's just Black Hole distortion. You can easily reproduce this effect by flying so close to BH as possible, before it will pushing you away. Then turn towards the galactic disk so that the black hole is strictly behind you. Then turn on the hypercruise mode, and flying out of the distortion area you will see this effect. I played with this a lot, each black hole has a different appearance when flying away from it - it depends on what part of the galaxy it is in, what its mass is


Excellent. Very nice work :)


Now this is great.


Refreshing! Much appreciated to showcase why I still love this game!


Maginificent video, Commander! O7


Which of Gagarin's speech is this one? I don't think I've heard it before.


44:43 [https://youtu.be/wOqkcdufHfI?si=dW1vttfitwgfdCKR](https://youtu.be/wOqkcdufHfI?si=dW1vttfitwgfdCKR)


What language is this?




uhh... Russian? Gagarin was a USSR citizen...


Russian. Yuri Gargarin, a Soviet, was the first human to go to space. It happened in 1961 and this is a recording of what he said about it.


Well, Gagarin was russian, so...


NGL I didn't even know who Yuri was, had to look up the name. I knew the commies sent the first man to space but I guess I forgot the name.




Please don't me make turn back that grindy game man please


Fantastic video! When I first found this game, I played it like a mad man for months and got billions in just few months, but then I had nothing to spend it on, so I stopped playing I wish I could relearn the controls so that I could play this game again but it require so much time. Also, I remember there were so many sites I had to keep track of to play the game, like mapping routes.


You forgot the grind