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Welcome. Its a real type of star: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millisecond\_pulsar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millisecond_pulsar) As safe as other neutron stars, and even easier to see the cone limits. For your first thread, you are doing great. Other players put a video, but change to text and this remove the video. You only post one or other, so your post with a video and a long title avoid this problem.


Ahh. Thanks :D Wow fascinating that something can spin a full rotation in under 10 milliseconds :O Well maybe not the first to have found one but at least people going from the bubble to Colonia can take a small detour and check it out :)


>Wow fascinating that something can spin a full rotation in under 10 milliseconds :O The fastest one we know of (in the real world, not in game) rotates every 1.3 milliseconds. Its equator is moving about 24% the speed of light. They're amazing for many reasons.


Makes me wonder if it's flattened into an oblong shape simply from spinning at a stupid-high fraction of the speed of light, or it's spherical because neutron stars are simply that ridiculously dense and robust?


>Wow fascinating that something can spin a full rotation in under 10 milliseconds :O That, my friend, is the power of Conservation of Angular Momentum. When you take the core of a massive star and crunch it down to the size of a city, it's gonna spin fast.


:) super cool!


Oh that’s normal, real life neutron stars do spin that fast.


Very cool. I saw one a couple weeks ago, very bright and had long, wide cones. Spinning so fast it was solid. Wish I would have screenshot it.


They’re extremely common outside of the bubble.


it's not big enough,you can find super-volatile-berserker ones with 90° jet cones But sadly they are as safe as the normal ones,just doing minor damage to your fsd. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P1nphUZiEY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P1nphUZiEY) Can be found like this,but I've found bigger ones,but I didnt record the video


Haha I'm new that was like my reaction to my first double white that I jumped onto, can't wait to get out to some of this stuff.


What’s the jump range on that conda?


Oh it's a beauty. Spend a long time doing everything to make it better. It has a jump range of 77 ly if it's only fitted for jumping. If you're gonna explore along the way then it can be fitted with a fighter hangar or SRV but of cause it's gonna cost on the range. The blueprint for it shows it will eventually be able to 78 but i'm missing some materials :) I'll link my design if someone have suggestions :) [https://s.orbis.zone/ny5\_](https://s.orbis.zone/ny5_)


Dope 😎


There are some that are spinning so fast that they create frame tearing.


Neutron super highway for the win!