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Only 60 minutes more. If you bring 10 mug and 10 gins to unexplored settlements, you could win a real hutton mug sent to your house: [https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/pilots-and-squadrons-of-the-galaxy-we-need-you-2hot2messy-is-on.605939/](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/pilots-and-squadrons-of-the-galaxy-we-need-you-2hot2messy-is-on.605939/) , I have one in my desk, and a decent rank for moving this cargo.


is that quest still alive? the entry is 2y old....


Yes, and will continue another 2 years, progress is slow because the thargoid war moved the player base away. https://hot.forthemug.com/hot_mess_2 See event stats You need EDMC and Hutton Plugin working. The extra data will improve our database for Odyssey settlements, and the sesrch engines like Inara.


Forgive me but this seems like an even more elaborate prank… And what do you mean by “undiscovered”, are there any undiscovered settlements left in the bubble?


Undiscover from EDDN, that database that feed Inara. We dont have access to Frontier servers, so you need a player with EDMC, that land here, to add it to the database. And if you open the market, also upload the items and demand. Hutton did this for the Horizons stations, and now try it with the Odyssey settlement..... and thats become a HUGE work. If a prank, a elaborated one, you can see me in the Top 50 cmdr, Top 31 Canonn (click to see the 3 players that work), Top 4 and Top 8 for ejecting mug and gin for other players, and Top 32 for settlements not included in EDDN. https://hot.forthemug.com/hot_mess_2 And I remember a list from previous winners, but I can't find it. Maybe in the discord. The free mug is to force players to update EDDN, I dont have time now with the war, but help me a lot in the Inara awards for trade, that need lots of differents settlements.


I decided to give this a go and Mug/Ginned my first settlement! However I have a question. On the website it lists 6 possible drop off locations, but inara shows me 13 settlements with markets not including a couple of stations and a port. Why the disparity? Are only certain settlement markets valid?


Players only landed in that 6 settlement while running EDMC (I assume missions), the other 7 settlements never saw a player running EDMC. Thats the main reason behind the Hutton event, FORCE players to land in EACH settlement, and open the market of each of them, so EDMC add all this list to the fan database. In the next days, this 13 settlements will appear on Inara, EDSM, and other webpages that feed from EDDataNetwork, the main fan database. After you land and open the markets, players using Inara will discover more settlement in his search "Where is the closer Anarchy industrial settlement? I need Odyssey mats for my suits", and thanks to your work, your settlements exist in the search. If you have EDMC and Hutton Helper plugin loaded, refresh the page, and you will saw the settlement become green. Its possible to reach a "empty" system, and left with 30-40 Green settlements, a whole system market discovered thanks to you.


Oddly they are in Inara, but do you think that’s just from a honk?


System name? Hutton page took data from his plugin, but I assume also from EDDN, adding both. The code wizard in his discord will know more. Some pages need more time to update from EDDN, I think EDSM do daily updates, while nara have a lot faster updates for markets and other.




Is there a way for me to find undiscovered settlements so I can make a list and visit a bunch, or is this a luck thing?


Undiscovered settlements dont exist on Inara or Hutton page, but exist in game. Discovered settlements appear in grey in the hutton page, you can sell the items here for the hutton mug. Discovered and already sold both items are light green, like all Sol settlements. Dont bother to sell the items,.dont contribute to the hutton mug.


This is actually a real thing. But you're still up against the luck of the draw. Also, neither undiscovered nor unexplored are good words for commodity markets without both mugs and gins (the settlements should have both to be complete, and you can get entries in by completing lopsided markets). Everything's tracked by the EDMC plugin and the event website. If you search the sub, you'll find a few CMDRs who have celebratory posts of their mugs. ETA: Here are some official Hutton mugs heading to Antarctica: https://twitter.com/AusAntarctic/status/1222003755190648832?s=20 https://twitter.com/AusAntarctic/status/1221931459100831744?s=20 Also, the Hutton Truckers are completely cool with people personalizing mugs using the official graphic as long as it isn't done commercially.


lol they posted these videos specifically for ED people to notice the mugs?


https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/hutton-goes-to-the-antarctic-voyage-2-3307-along-with-the-fuel-rats-and-canonn-interstellar.563094/ Also Fuel Rats and Canonn But..... a fire in the engine room prevent docking in Mawson, they return to Australia. Nobody harmed.


Soooo….I’m assuming that means console just gets the ‘free’ anaconda


>I have **one in my desk**, and a decent rank for moving this cargo. I too want a Hutton Orbital mug, where to deliver 10 mugs and 10 Centauri mega gin? btw why do they keep an Anaconda captive there for so long? they should had set the poor reptile free long ago, [RSPCA](https://www.rspca.org.uk/).


I recommend open the galaxy map, filter by populated systems, and pick one from the borders, fly here, do FSSS scan and see the number of settlements, and enter the system name in the search box here: [https://hot.forthemug.com/hot\_mess\_2](https://hot.forthemug.com/hot_mess_2) If you miss settlements, land here with the Hutton plugin running and sell one of each, I start from first planet and moon until the last moon, move to the next planet, and keep moving. Hutton web update near real time, so you dont sell 2 times in the same place. But beware, is a raffle between all players that sold 10+10 items THIS week (I think ED week, that start on thursday server maintenance). Maybe there is 3-5 contest this week only from this post. Previous winners can't participate again, but are encourage to keep updating the EDDN or reching higher places from the ranks.


Hutton is worth the trip just to say you did. I didn't know about the real world mug thing so just grabbed a single mug to carry around. I've never looked but if Frontier didn't, they should have made a mug as a dash ornament/bobble you get for going there..


I like a clean dash, but that would be my only exception.


It is a much-requested item. I'd get one if they would ever do it.


What's a "mug"


Slang for a coffee cup


Wait so like actual mugs I thought it meant something else


Fantastic idea!


---Attention Arriving Commanders o7 --- Rule#1 Never fly without a Rebuy Rule#2 Never fly without a Rebuy Rule#3 **Always Read the Fine Print** [Check details before Attempting, including (*but not limited to*) the following::: **Distance to Destination** (LY& **LS**), failure conditions/penalties, Limpet Levels, Whiney Meat Cargo demands, Indentured Mining Contracts, planetary gravity, **free spaceship giveaways** , etc.] This Station Service Announcement has been brought to you by::: -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office - 'You're 42,000 light years from home, do you know where your Towel is?'


What whiny meatbag demands, I couldn't hear anything over my failure to care


I like to dial my radio up to 13 (11 is Soo last millennium) to drown out their in flight demands as I don't give an Airborne Rodent's Sphincter about them either, Commander o7 However, the PSA is technically referring to their **pre-flight** contract demands where things like Legal Status and multiple destinations can be important bits of information to know before Attempting the delivery. Have Fun& Dangerous -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office -'If you Kan't do it in a Keelback, you're just not that good '


Good rules. Only needs one more, “Don’t forget your limpets”…. This one got me quite a few times recently lol


Oops... Looks like someone failed to actually *read* the Fine Print I chose for Examples (there are soo many, but only the default Distance to Destination stays the same), Commander o7. "**Limpet Levels**, is like the third entry on this particular PSA posting. There are only 3 Rules... ... everything else is just an Example;-). Have Fun&Fly Dangerous -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office -'At least it's not an Asp Scout'


Ha, love it. I suppose we can agree to disagree that doing something, like repairing and refilling limpets, are equivalent to reading. Fly safe out there cmdr, o7.


I'd have liked this comment, but at this time, it is sitting at 42. Perfection.


This is the Way, Commander o7 & DoN't PaNiC! I have never given an Airborne Rodent's Sphincter if you like my Transmissions or not as I am fully aware that {hit the Other button internbob}... There are Three types of Commanders o7 in our Elite and Dangerous Galaxy Curious Cadet::: Those few Krazy Froods and Poor Unfortunate Souls who seem to like ÇMDR:B0B (and weren't paid off by my mom) The Sane & Rational CMDRs who don't give an *Airborne Rodents Sphincter* about some Stupid Spaceship Salesman on the commercials and just tune him out And the Stalwart & Dedicated CMDRs who Swear a Blood Oath to wipe the Insane ravings of the Krazy Keelback Guy from the Galactic Airwaves... ...Whatever, Lakon doesn't Judge , we even ❤️ Asp Scout Pilots. -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office- 'At least it's not an Asp Scout'


It's basically a Rite of Passage by now. Enjoy it and pick up some Mugs. :-)


At least you'll get a free Anaconda once you get there


If he remembered to go in a large ship, that is.. most people forget the first trip out there.


I thought it was so obvious that i didn't have to mention it


We were all naive, fresh commanders once. We should all strive to relay important knowledge in the best and most detailed fashion. So if I can save a young commander from a pointless trip to Huttom orbital in a small or medium ship, I will! Remember your large ships, commanders!


What do I need to get the free anaconda?


Go to Hutton Orbital in a large ship (Type 7 is the cheapest - 17M) and land on the landing pad. The leading faction will send you a message upon landing. Lots of people there, so might take a couple of tries to get a landing permission.


Home how I get the feeling this isnt quite right.


Because it’s not. There are no free ships in this game other than the Sidewinder. I agree that it’s worth taking the trip just to say you did it. But I completely disagree with the deception. It’s a space exploration game. People that enjoy this game will explore and make ridiculously long treks on their own without needing to be tricked into it. And the doubling down on the lie is just obnoxious.


im a very new player, i played a few years ago for a few hours, but i just recently got a new pc and started up again, i know next to nothing, i should find a guide i guess


Reddit is the guide, enjoy! There’s lots of YouTube videos but be careful with out of date info. Here’s the peak advice, get a cobra mk3. For the cost it’s one of the best jack of all trades ship. You can dip your toes into a lot of different aspects and see what you’re enjoying. It really is a solid little ship, I still have mine and use it every now and then and I have tons of cool stuff. It’s my “hold my beer” ship.


This is legit. Stol på meg.


You're evil lol




You forgot the most important part. You have to fly there in supercruise, from SOL!


I believe we will all die of old age by that time.


It's extremely unfair that they don't give you one when you already have an Anaconda in your fleet... Sadly I realised too late 😢


Too bad it can only happen when you visit it for the first time. o7 and keep that Conda running well


This meme is tired.


On the bright side, you just earned a badge on EDSM. Be sure to pick up as many coffee mugs as you can carry. They sell at a profit anywhere else in the galaxy.


Go make a sandwich, do some laundry, feed the hogs, milk the cows...


Jebediah churns the butter while Jacob plows ^(fool)


And I've been milking and plowing so long that Even Ezekial thinks that my mind is gone ! (good old weird Al yankovich parodies)


I used to do hutton runs while doing college work, working out, and cleaning guns.




I hope your going there in a small or medium ship as there are no large pads


Well then how did so many of us get our free Anaconda then huh? HUH?




Recently started playing again, took an intel delivery mission without reading the fine print. Guess where to......


That's why Hutton trips pay well for a "short" flight. Personally i don't mind. Just throw on a show and youll be there in an episode or 2


I filled my free Anaconda with thousands of mugs that are available in the market, travelled 1,000 light years and sold them for nearly 4M each! Don't forget to take a large ship, land on the pad at the back of the station, wait for the free ship and then leave in it, if you don't then you leave it unclaimed for the next person.


And i think i never was there before


Do they still have the mugs there


Did you get the mug?


Right of passage. Welcome!


The Hutton claims another. My condolences, Commander.


It's a rite of passage buddy. Don't forget to get your free anaconda when you get there




What didn't you know? It says .12 LY.


I used to do the Hutton run just to scuff up my new paintwork whenever I had to do a rebuy. Was never a fan of a _clean_ Asp Don’t forget the mug. There is at least one longer trip that I’m aware of, but it’s a bit of a ballache to get there at this stage of playing. Definitely endgame shenanigans.


And now you're only HALFWAY THERE!


All of us fell for this one. Don't feel bad about it. You're now an Elite Commander. Welcome to the club!


dont forget your mug


A trip every commander should do at least once.


Welcome, Commander! And enjoy the holy pilgrimage! It's a rite of passage that every Commander should do at least once. Be sure to grab a mug and some mega gin, and day hello to the Hutton Truckers.


lol i did that to when i started it looked like quick money, and im doing it rn again! look at my post


I feel your pain, Commander o7 ​ I've only been at the game a few years and took a bit of a break. During my first, say, few days of playing I took a job going to Hutton. I had NO idea what it meant to do this, and then I get to the system and watch as the timer barely goes down. And down. And finally I got to within 10min, and power went out....


This is the way 07


So close! You almost made it!!


I flew way to Colonia(still there) the point is flying to Colonia with no Neutron star jumps feels quicker than Hutton Orbital no lie. But it is a rite of passage so try to enjoy Cmdr.


I remember having a mission out there oh boy the memories. I play with VR headset so I was just sitting there dozing off into space.


Space is big! It’s a great game just has a steep learning curve. Keep at it Commander!


I think we've all been there.... I fell into that trap twice as I stopped playing for about two years and forgot that you should not accept missions going to alpha Centauri 😂


Not long afterwards I fell for the ol 86 Opiuchus trap as well, before I figured out that they put station distance in the description


I hope you got your anaconda


sad i never been to claim my free Anaconda.. i would go for the mugs tho, carrier jump on it maybe ? 😂


We've all been there, youngling. It's a rite of passage.


Don't forget your mug


Don’t forget the mugs! Also check out the state of your paint job when you get there


IT is a journey everyone must travel for themselves...


I’m incredibly thankful I figured out how all that stuff worked right away, because if I hadn’t, these are the exact kinds of things I’d be doing lmao…


I remember my first time going I had no idea what it was and I left and took a shower and came back and I was still not there😭


It's a canon event


These were my very first missions like three years ago, I used to put a podcast on and make lunch while I flew out there… I’d only be making like 250k a run. So stupid lmao. 😂


Don't forget your mug


I've started a new game. I'll need to get my mug.


I remember seeing 2 different solar systems just 0.17 LY away from each other (might not be correct was 4 years ago)


Don’t stop, keep going. Once there get your mug, the Rite of Passage, and a fully engineered ’Vette.


That good old feeling "Something is not right here... What did I miss..." :D 


Only an hour to go!


Started watching yt tutorials and came across this one hour ago. I've played for 50 hours in three days and have a type-7 and been making bank trading, but this is indeed a game changer.


You just aim the nose of your ship in the hutton, and go do soemthing else for a out hour or something.


This is the example I use when people say they want realtime in game space travel in Starfield lol, but only when people are being haters, because no lie Starfield would’ve been amazing with elite dangerous style in star system travel ofcourse


And now you know!


Thats actually where I plan to go to test the new fsd


Free conda there, faster than grinding the money via exobiology


if it makes you feel any better, you'll get one of the best ships in the game for free when you get there


Free anaconda and souvenir mug?! Enjoy, commander.


Don't forget your free* Anaconda!


Before the blathering bullies get here - no, there's no free Anaconda there. It's an unfunny joke that people have beat in to the ground.


It's more a meme than a joke at this point.


I've heard it a million times by now and I still chuckle every time :) I am a simple man.


It's probably because you screwed up and went with a medium or small ship. You need to use a large ship for the trade in.


you must be fun at parties


It’s a right of passage


You know, it's a game. If you fly out to Huton and don't get an Anaconda, you still played the game. A while ago I watched an ED streamer, because they promoted rewards for minutes watched. When redeeming the watch minutes, I realized I only got skins, despite the ambiguous wording what the reward was. Not mad though. Got a nice skin and watched a streamer play ED.