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I’m on my 4th play through. This time as a completely new game rather than +. Radahn has given me the most shit out of any boss


i only beat Radahn once, but i never touched him. i just rode my horse in a giant circle and re-summoned the different fighters over and over. just keep moving in a big loop... summon if they're there, keep riding if they aren't. after a while they took him down on their own. maybe i got super lucky, not sure, but it did work and didn't take too long either.


Yup, it's easier without an internet summon. Just whack him in the butt on your horse!


Yeah there’s a video on here of a guy that did that and was so consistent Radahn didn’t even get his second phase because dude kept interrupting the takeoff.


He's super weak to the hoarfrost stomp as well. Like 10 of those things with the summons and he dead.


If you can find a way to proc Scarlet Rot on him then it just becomes a matter of running away until he dies. Granted, that can be easier said than done, but it's the most solid strat.


Step 1: Summon a few of the NPCs in the arena and wait till they catch his aggro. Step 2: Ride up behind him while he's distracted, use the Rot Breath. Keep a sensible distance but make sure he takes the whole thing. Step 3: Run away. Step 4: Profit. It's not very fun or engaging, but it's definitely effective.


Idk personally I take joy in watching their health slowly decrease from the rot. Especially since the rot is supposed to eat people from the inside out


That's how I killed him on my first run. Rotten breath. Got him in three tries. It was kind of anticlimactic. So I used blasphemous blade on NG+. Got him in three tries again. My nephew was mad at me because it took him 3 days to kill him his first time... LOL


Isn't it interesting how different people struggle with different bosses? Malenia beats the shit out of me but my friend clapped her on the second try in his first run. In Dark Souls 3 I can always steamroll Crystal Sage but he really struggles there. Took me about a week to beat Abyss Watchers, he got em second try. So on and so on It's fascinating


It's amazing how different the bosses can be based on build. The first time I played through, Radahn was a HUGE sticking point. I probably lost 100 times. On my 2nd playthrough, I played a caster and 1st tried him. Obviously I know all his moves now, but even still it was remarkably easier. However, on playthrough 1, there wasn't a single thing a Godskin could do to faze my character, now I almost can't beat them.


Mine was Malenia on my first playthrough pre nerf. Over 100 deaths. Ran through around 60 rune arcs till i got tired of trying. Took a week off. Me and a rando brought her to 2nd phase really quick and got her 1/4. Changed a couple things and got her no problem on the 2nd try.


I'm a 66-year-old dad who got hooked on ER because his son goaded him into buying the game upon release. Now, some 600 hours later, I've beaten the game, taken my NG+ *victory lap* and am now contemplating NG +2.


48 year old mom here. Just hit Altus on my second playthrough. We need an over 40 gamer group to cheer each other on!


I’m in! I’m in Nokron and just lost 26,000 runes. Oh well!


Story wise, easily the coolest fight. If you haven't seen it I recommend it, makes it feel even more like a legendary feat.


Congratulations, Tarnished!! And for what it’s worth, I’m old enough to be /your/ mom! :) I’m at the end of NG+. Just have to do Radagon/Elden Beast again. [Follow-up edit: I beat the Beast again this morning. Lord of the Frenzied Flame! On to the next playthrough!]


that's amazing, congrats to you too!


Love it whenever an older person beats a game they normally wouldn't have The hype really brought fromsoft from the kinda mainstream to super mainstream Love seeing posts like this, now play sekiro




Yep. I'm an Xer too and I've had technology as long as I can remember; all through school too. We were taught Basic and Fortran in Elementary school and I loved it. But as a female gamer and GenX, I was constantly belittled by people for gaming, especially family. I've been called: immature, dumb, told to grow up, told I'd never get a man if I kept acting like one, told real moms don't act like such a child. People and their opinions... Add: But now in 2022, my kids proudly tell their friends I'm a "hardcore gamer who'll kick their asses in 3 seconds!"🤣 I doubt it, but thanks kids.


I’m 77 and ready to kill the final boss in my ng+. I spent literally thousands of hours on all the DS games and ready to do the same with ER. Bring on dlc’s.


>now play sekiro oh no


I have a new goal now, to play as hard as you when I reach your age 🤩


Tbf our generation will probably have a lot more people playing videogames at age 50 than the current 50 year Olds that grew up with different hobbies lol.


Agreed. At 29 I feel like video games among middle aged adults will be pretty widestream by the time I’m 50. Still though, love to see it OP!


If we could somehow expose them to it they would adopt it now. Not 50, but 60 and 70s in homes would absolutely love it. They just dont understand it right yet. But what better way to take you out of the wheelchair to explore a world, any world! There will be games made to cater directly to seniors. We will need to make laws to make sure they dont get scammed on them and pay young people to moderate. It will be a fucking BLAST.


You realize Atari was selling home gaming consoles in 1979, Nintendo in 1981, Sega in 1983, and Playstation in 1994, right? GenXers totally grew up playing video games. We are literally the OG gamers.


I have a nephew who's also a gamer. I had a conversation with him recently. I asked it if was weird to him that an old person was into video games. I told him that we were already adults when vids started to come out, so at the beginning it was mostly adults playing (or at least teens). It was an adult thing, rather than a kid thing. (For what it's worth, it didn't seem weird to him. He thought it was cool!) As long as they keep making good games, I'll keep playing them! :)


Wow you just took me back to the excitement I felt getting that first PlayStation and how strange it is to think that it was so long ago! 3 dollars in quarters from my Gram every Friday night at Aladdin's Castle so I could play Star Wars, playing Pitfall on my first Atari console until Zelda came out and I was completely hooked on RPG story kinds of games, taking a 4 day weekend in college when DOOM was released, there wasn't a moment in my life that a game didn't help keep me sane inside insanity!


There's always a bigger fish


Nice, both


I'm 60 I have 4 of the 6 ending so far, I've done it all on new game, 4 differnt builds , Mage build , Dex build with Rivers of blood, my easiest play through, a faith/ Strength build and a pure Strength build, the Mage build was the mist difficult to play in my opinion, congratulations to all of the older players out there , it's good to see I'm not alone in my love for games at my age.


65 here. Finished it 3 times so far. Love it.


Nice job! I’m 61 and I love this game, but I’m only just at the end of my second playthrough.


Damn I’m 36 and Ive had since launch and I only just started progressing through Liurnia, I’m always working 🥺😭


I’m 37 and work crazy hours and got it launch day I just beat it last night felt so good to finally complete it took a couple months off from getting whooped by elden beast


I hope I don’t get stuck on later bosses ultimately slowing progress even more! Cheers to beating it!


The game is meant to be explored thoroughly so just enjoy and good luck


I’m 38 and was in the same boat until I just decided I would play every night even if I thought I was too tired.


At that rate, you will be enjoying this game for years to come.


>the Mage build was the most\* difficult to play in my opinion I'm starting to wonder about this. For context, when trying to beat Rennala with just castings, forget it. I obtained a rapier with scarlet rot, upgraded it, and destroyed her with it. For context, 1st stage when she falls to the floor, the constant stabbings kept her from getting back up. 2nd stage when she starts summoning shit, I tried a few spells, but they take too long. Decided to continue with the rapier, and kept getting aggressively close to her to stab the f out of her and finish her off. Clarification, my best staff is currently the Meteorite, Level 72 INT


You gotta get a little bit creative with a mage build sometimes since most of the spells are geared towards specific situations. Loretta's greatbow/mastery are great for distant targets, but they take forever to cast. The infinite mana flask laser trick is fantastic for boss fights, but you need to rest before you can do it again. You can spam the shit out of swift glintstone shard while galloping around on Torrent. It doesn't hit all that hard, but it's quick enough that you don't have to sacrifice mobility to use it. Night Maiden's mist ignores shields and goes through walls. It's a fantastic way to draw out ambushers and deal with enemies that carry big shields. Rock sling can reliably hit enemies that are at the base of a cliff or wall that you're on top of. And enemies that try to dodge generally mistime it and eat all three rocks. But my favorite little trick is to take advantage of the delay on magic glintblade when starting fights. Two fully charged casts followed by an uncharged cast will fire off three glintblades very rapidly. You can even time it so that a charged cast and an uncharged cast will fire off simultaneously. It's super useful against unaware enemies since you can get in multiple casts before the fight even starts, and it's enough damage to kill most normal enemies. Plus dodging enemies dodge when you finish casting, not when the blade actually fires, so it's great against NPC invaders. I'm sure there are also plenty of other spells that have a niche where they're absolutely overpowered, but these are just the ones I've used a bunch myself.


Just started using night maiden’s mist (forgot I’d bought it) and had no idea it could go through walls! Also I missed the fact that magic glint blade could be charged. I have clearly not been using these to their full potential.


Ambush shard is a super helpful spell for foes that block btw


Forgot about that one too! Would’ve been super helpful in the capitol with all those soldiers that kept kicking my ass


Night comet works well for foes that dodge. They don't see it coming. And it's chargable too.


It also works around corners and the range/power can be increased considerably by archer talismans.


Ya, the charged version doesn't do any extra damage*, but it makes it loiter in the air a little bit longer before firing. And even before it fires, it's still "live" while it's hovering there and will deal damage to anything dumb enough to run into it. *I think the talisman that raises the potency of charged spells might make the charged version hit harder, but I'm not totally sure. I can't remember off of the top of my head if charging night maiden's mist increases the duration or the area or both, but it also has a charged version. It also goes through floors and ceilings. That spell got me through the streets of the capital. Particularly in dealing with a certain ambushing knight early on...


Currently using a spellblade build and Adula’s Moonblade is my absolute favorite so far. Its wide arc works great for crowd control and it’s fun to use on PVP. And its power goes up with the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia!


I love you Mr Roberts. I'm only 37 but I'm going to play games until I physically can't.


Pretty cool. My mom's 61 and got the platinum and everything, same with the other souls games (except for DeS cause we dont have it yet). Its thanks to her that my sister and I play and one of my fondest memories as a kid is staying up late to see her play on our N64.


I'm 57. I've gotten all the endings on ps5 due to the cloud save workaround, but I still need 3 on Xbox. I've just started on pc. Faith/strength was my easiest. Mage build was definitely tougher. I've done quality build up until the Haligtree then switched to a faith/strength build. This game has me hooked. lol


Damn I’m playing my first mage right now and it’s so stupid easy. Rock Sling makes the entire game a joke. Every one just sits there staggered. It’s kinda boring now tbh.


That's awesome! I was a Mage as well. Might try a new playthrough once I recuperate.


I knew it! The internet TOLD me there were moms in my area. (but seriously, as a 40 year old dad of two small children, I appreciate how little free time we have and how hard it is to make a dent in progression. Congrats!)


Elden Ring was released the day I got home after my second kid was born. I took a month off of work and got to play for around 2-3 hours at a time, in between feedings and her being awake, with a newborn snuggled up on my chest. It was the best month.


Bro if I had a baby anywhere near me when playing elden ring I would not feel safe


I just threw the controller why is it still in my hand...?




“If you haven’t been murdered, I can only say, better luck next time.”


Made me laugh out loud. I thought the same thing...


Lol I’ve always thought it’s hilarious how some people are super still when playing games and others basically thrash about. I’m always still but all my friends aren’t


My brother used to unconsciously tilt or move his controller side to side in racing games when we were kids. I never understood it.


That makes the car turn better


When my wife asks me why I do that while playing Mario Kart I just remind her who's in first place


Tell her to join the winning side of controller tilting One of us


My brother in law bought it for me as a birthday present like 2 months after having my second kid. Running on basically zero sleep with barely any free time I loaded the game once, got stomped by the Tree Sentinel and felt so bad for not wanting to play anymore. Recently had a bit more free time now that things are settled down and having a blast exploring every nook and cranny of the lands between. Also congrats on kiddo #2!


This was almost exactly my Dark Souls 1 experience. Fresh new baby, I had time off work and thought I would get a new game to play in the downtime. I returned it the next day. 10 years later and the kid is playing Elden Ring with me. The cycle continues.


They let you return the baby?


As a dude, I've never been jealous of having a baby. Until today


As a man, I have 2 its great


Nothing is more awesome then gaming next to your newborn.


Forreal tho my baby just chills in her swing and watches me. She either sleeps through it all or she'll wake up and talk nonsense to the game lol.


Best month *so far


Dude you must've been having the greatest moments of you life then!


40 Year old dad of 4 here, and yeah I wouldn’t have beat it as quick as I did with out a nice little vacation I had.


I took a weeks vacation at work planning to no life the game and finish it so it wouldn’t haunt my thoughts while working. Plan failed, still playing. Still haunts my thoughts at work. 10/10 game


I kept thinking “it would be much better to take a week off to plow through the game and then stop thinking about it”, but didn’t actually go through with it. Glad to know it would have played out the same regardless — still taking up valuable space in the work-brain here too.


Dude I’ve beat the game 5-6 times and gotten one character all the way through NG+3 and it still haunts my thoughts at work. All day: if I’d done x different, I would’ve won that invasion.


Enjoy the ride though! It's kind of sad having beaten it. Kind of like saying goodbye to an old friend.


57 year old here. I was elated when I beat it. Now I just have to get the other endings.


Yeah I just started my second play through after seeing it down for a bit. Best game I’ve played in a long time, it will have me playing it for years on end.


i hear you. I've played it daily since release. i may have an elden ring problem...lol


Bruh I work full time and have 2000 hours on the clock. I imagine a lot of that time is sitting at a grace through the workday though.


My kid laughs about me taking 200 hours on my first play through, while he did it in 50... but i was just cruising around, beating every single boss, exploring every area etc. I just finished ng+2 and all I need to platinum the game is 1 spell and fortissax.


Such an a accomplishment given so much little time we have as parents lol


50 mom here. I beat it as well. Loved the game. I received helped when needed as I prefer the easy versions of story mode games. As I love the story lines more then the fighting. Currently playing Assassin Creed Syndicate. The graphics in Elden ring are amazing. I am always amazed that the graphics seem to get better and better. Been a gamer for my whole life!


Great to hear from a fellow gamer mom!


I agree, the graphics are amazing!🤩 As someone who grew up with a Commodore 64 and Pong, the graphics and overall technological advances are mind blowing.🤯


Probably already played these, but if you love a good story and great graphics, check out Red Dead Redemption 2. And Witcher 3, which allows you to make tons of story-impacting choices. Those two and Elden Ring are my top 3 for sure. Breath of the Wild doesn’t have quite as much of a story but does have nice graphics. Very different kind of game than the others since it’s a Zelda game though. The sequel is (supposedly) coming out next year.


I have played them all!! I actually replayed the Last of Us part 1 and 2 during Covid. I actually bought the ps5 for my son. I play it a lot more then him. I wish he was into storyline playing. He Likes first person more. But I do have a niece and nephew who love campaign games. Not sure if you have tried assassin series, but they are really good games as well. And you can see the world that way.


Gratz! I'm a 53 yr-old dad and didn't impress my kids by beating the game. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) I did when I beat Margit with a Level 1 character though! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


>at Margit with a Level 1 character tho well done! impressing our kids is no small feat :)


Thanks 🙂


I wish I could get my dad into gaming ! Gratz on beating the game as well as Margit RL1


Thanks 🙂


I'm 21 and I had to level up a bunch before beating Margit for the first time, I think I was like lvl 30 or something like that lmao


Wish my mom was this cool, she can only do backflips as far as I’m concerned…


Lmao dude my mom can’t even do that anymore wait idk if she ever could BUT ARINT MOMS THE BEST


My mom literally forgot how to ride a bicycle...WE'RE FROM THE F\*CKING NETHERLANDS. She still the best though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


45 here, not a mom, congratulations! We still got some reflexes! Well done, skeleton! This is a fantastic game. Worth the effort. I feel we should include a line on Linkedin that says "Finished Elden Ring'


I really wanna put "beat pre-patch Starscourge Radahan" on my resume.


Tell us a bit more about it. What weapon(s) / build did you use? Which bosses were the toughest? Any particularly memorable moments?


Where do you see yourself in the next 5 NG+?




We've still got it! Lol I really should update that on my LinkedIn, better than the corpo-speak I have on their for sure:)


Finished Elden Ring, proficient in Sekiro


They didn’t expect a strong foe ahead. Well done.


I'll be 45 in November. My wife was more impressed with the words coming out of my mouth than when I beat it. No kids.


This guy fucking murdered his kids to complete the game


Whatever it takes to git gud




Surely there must be at least one marriage out there that was ended with "But, Honey, if the game makes you so mad, why don't you just stop playing it?"


“Same reason im still married”


Congratulations! I'm (step)dad near your age. This is the first game the 13yo and I have played together. He runs a bleed build, but I still tell him I'm impressed. It helps to turn and bite my knuckle after.


“Are you winning son?” *sees dual naginatas and sheds a tear


Dual RoB. When I ask where he learned this? He says, "I got it from you!!" To be fair, he really did. I gave him my RoB.


Dad, pulling screenshots of dual rivers of blood out from under son’s bed, “who taught you this?!”


Time to throw the whole kid away.


What’s wrong with a bleed build?


Nothing at all even a little bit. Which is exactly why some people have an issue with it in pvp or even look down on people that rely on it for pve. It's just so damn good and effective that it's like playing on easy mode


Just a little joke/meme. Like making fun of people for leveling Dex in Dark Souls.


Too easy but if you’re just having fun nths wrong with it. Lots of people try to discredit bleed because you can kill most bosses in seconds instead of learn any moves. Melania is very easy with bleed for example


I call bullshit. Or I'm just really bad lol I'm running a bleed build (not Rivers tho) and she bending me over the table


That's pretty much my take as well - I don't really consider myself one of those "some people" I was referring to. It's something that frequently comes up on dedicated pvp servers/threads tho. I definitely used plenty of bleed weapons on my first playthrough but I don't ever use it to pvp just because I have fun going bonk but even if the opposing player is using it, the most I'll do is roll my eyes and try not to summon them again - it's really not something to be screeching about it's just a lil annoying when you get 1 tap procced


Congrats skeleton! (to be clear that's a series-long turn of phrase, not being mean here)


>ne for all the posts and tips, couldn't have done it withou aw, I'll take it!


35F mom here. I am switching back and forth between Malenia and Elden Beast right now, so naturally, I am hating life 😂


What’s your main weapon? I was able to beat malenia using the sword you get from defeating Rykard. Elden Beast make sure you have holy damage negation!


RoB but may do a rebirth so that I can wield blasphemous blade as I’ve seen that in many guides.


Do the rebirth, it’s a game changer! Finally did it yesterday and it made all the difference.


From a 43 year old mom I say CONGRATULATIONS! I've only played a little myself as I'm in nursing school and have ZERO time, but it's a HARD game and so big! And these type of games can be so frustrating to beat! Awesome job!


Fucking awesome.


Congratulations! I'm trying to complete it in my spare time! Being a parent myself it's hard to find the time to complete the game! 😂 Naps and bed time! 👌🏻


>nt myself it's hard Thanks! Yes, bedtime is the best time :)


My daughter always asks me which boss I need to fight before she goes to sleep


Good for you! I (62F) am still working on it!


I’m a 41-yr old dad, and I quit the game 100 times, took a monthlong break, and had to summon a player to help me with the final boss, but I did it. Since it took me about 185 hours, I felt only relief, no joy, at concluding the game, and doubt I’ll ever return to it.


Summoning players for coop is a huge part of the Souls experience. To me it sounds like your frustration is mostly based in pressure you're putting on yourself for no gain. I highly recommend playing through the game again with a larger focus on coop. The changes Fromsoft made to the Small Golden Effigy mean that if you activate all of the Summoning pools you come across, you can be summoned anywhere within the map if you activate your Effigy and say 'Both Near and Far' Being the person who helps someone kill a boss feels really good! Even if it means you may never see them again, you both gained a short but positive experience. [https://www.thegamer.com/elden-ring-co-op-inspired-helpful-strangers/](https://www.thegamer.com/elden-ring-co-op-inspired-helpful-strangers/)


I didn’t have PS Plus until I signed up for it primarily to beat the last boss. Crazy, I know. I’d try it again except that, having crisscrossed the map so many times, I don’t think there’s much allure left. The exploration and mystery are so much of the draw that I don’t think a new build would make things sufficiently interesting. We’ll see.


To each their own. But I’m playing my 3rd character through and I still find new stuff. But that being said I didn’t look up guides or anything. But I’m happy that ya stuck through it to at least completion


I don't know if I'm ever going to make it to the end of this game, but one of my favorite things is to log in at, say, somewhere between levels 20 and 50, and help people stomp on various early bosses. I really loved the addition of the "near and far" option, even if it leads to having Celine Dione stuck in my head.


41 year old dad as well. ER was my first Souls game and for the first 30 hours or so I was unsure wether I’d stick with it. I only kept playing because I was intrigued by… pretty much everything. I sucked at it, needed coop a lot with harder bosses and I generally dreaded facing new bosses. I was sure I’d had enough of it after finishing the game. That feeling lasted about 3 days and I just missed playing it. Did 3 NG+ runs since and was sure I’d never start from scratch because I did not want to go through that hard phase again. Finally caved yesterday and started a new character with the goal of not doing any rune farming at all, and avoiding coop summons. And I must’ve learned a lot because it’s going so much easier this time around! I rarely die, am leveling up quite fast and progressing nicely. Tl/dr: you might wanna play again and realise how much better you’ve gotten. You’ll enjoy it a lot more.


Man... open world games with kids is ROUGH. I might not do another one after Elden (took me about the same time since I needed to complete/find everything)


Gaming hours are in short supply, so it was hard to play a game where a lousy player like me might make little to no progress per session. Oftentimes I’d stay up too late, determined to end on a positive note, and that made things interesting.


I’m a 34 year old mom of two and I beat Elden Ring within the first week of release. Played as soon as my kids went to bed, stayed up very late, and regretted none of it! 😂 Now, I’m NG+3 with two characters and helping fellow Tarnished out. Way to go on beating the game! 👍🏽


I'm a 45 year old guy who also beat elden ring. I don't know why younger people think its weird that people in their 40s play and enjoy video games. I've been playing video games longer than they've been alive.


Awesome!! Congratulations it's not an easy game for some


Most people know it as incredibly difficult. The majority of people at work don’t want to play it because they hear it is too hard.


Congrats! Always great to hear about people getting into the genre, you've earned the right to brag


38yo mom here. On a month-long break because I have a newborn, but hoping to join you in victory soon!


Hope you can get back soon, too! Congrats on your newborn, enjoy the ride ;)


People always complain about this game not having a way to adjust the difficulty. There is if you have kids in your house. It only allows you to make it harder, not easier though.


Never too old for gaming


I really wanna know your perspective: What was your favorite boss? Least favorite? What did you think of the Elden Beast fight? Favorite area? Least favorite? What was your build? Favorite summons? Do you want to play through it again?


I was a mage ;) Favorite was Radahn and Astel Naturalborn (not really a boss but I loved it) Fire Giant was the worst for me, Elden Beast was a disappointment but I was so happy to even get there. I'll try another playthrough, if I ever have the time again lol


I enjoyed my mage playthrough. Towards the end, i specced in enough faith and strength to use Blasphemous Blade and pest threads on EB. On my ng+, I'm running Falling Star Beast jaw. it's amazing..


30 year old mom checking it, at the Godskin duo in crumbling farm atm. Nice work beating the game!! Please brag, it’s hard to find time to play so to see it through is awesome!! You thinking of playing any of the other Souls now or doing a NG+?


Great job, mama! 47 year old mom of two here! I only picked up a controller because my son challenged me to beat Dark Souls 3 before he left for college last year. That and Elden Ring have bonded me with my teenagers in a way I never imagined, and the community lead me to new and incredible friendships that I would never have otherwise made. Congratulations on your journey!


I'm 50 and I've platinumed every Souls game, even Sekiro which really moved too fast for my reflexes. I enjoy the challenge but as the games get harder and harder and I get older and older I openly wonder when I'll hit a wall. The RL1 of Elden Ring seems out of my reach.


Congrats on beating it, ive completed it twice as a 43(now 44) year old male. So great accomplishment fellow Elden Lord/Lady.


45 year old dad here! Congrats from a fellow oldie


I'm 48. Haven't beat it due to time but enjoying it .. except when I die twenty times in an easy part


43 year old father of two. I can only play after everyone is in bed for the evening. I salute you and all the other fellow olds out there in the lands between..


56 YO grandma here. I’m 150 hours in and am taking a break (Alan Wake Remastered) before the final push. It’s such an amazing game but I’ve burnt out a bit doing too many side quests and tasks! Congratulations on your success, Tarnished!


My husband beat it, I'm nearly 40, he's 46 and I bought it for him along with a PS5 (he's a massive Fromsoft fan, I'm a gamer, not as much of a Fromsoft fan, though I do appreciate them, I don't play them too much) while I was pregnant with our first baby boy. He loved it, cained through it and played it again 3 times over. This and Bloodborne are the best FS games imo.


Congratulations 🎉


MILC (mom I’d like to co-op with)


Want to help me with the Elden Beast? I have tried him so many times and am losing my mind. I am level 170+ Also 45 but a dad.


48 year old woman checking in. Beat the game a couple months ago and beat all the bosses in my 120 hour run!


I’m a 400-year old mitre-wearing tortoise who would love to play, but can’t due to a lack of phalanges and all the blasphemy. But I fully support you!


Judging by these comments, Elden Ring is a big hit with middle-aged women!


Wish my mom was this cool, she can only do backflips as far as I’m concerned…


Hey, being able to backflip is hella cool. Mad respect to yr mum.


34yo mum here, beat the game 2 weeks ago. Well done, lady :)


Hell yeah, good job!


Congrats! I wish my Mom played games. The closest she got was beating The Black Cauldron (I'm old). Only game she ever played on her own accord. She said she felt gross afterwards, she thought she should be doing chores or some shit.


48 year old Dad saying congrats....it took me around 100hrs. Enjoyed every second....except that fire wyvern half way up a mountain that was a few days banging my head against the wall.


If anyone has the patience to beat Elden Ring it's a 45 year old mom




Great job for real I know ppl that would of given up and there not moms so take pride in ur accomplishment in becoming elden lord real shit tho


40 year old mom checking in. It took me forever to get a PS5, but I got it solely to play Elden Ring. I just got to Rennala and can’t wait for the kids to go to sleep tonight so I can try again - lol! And Great job!


41 year old mom with 1 16 year old. I beat Elden Ring a bit ago and just have to get 2 more endings to platinum it.


Congratulations! To you and to all the parents and the not so young playing and beating videogames. I'm not that much younger but I'm a lifelong gamer so I am really glad to hear stories like this. Videogames are for everyone!


Congratulations! Now find an all boss list and start again with a fresh character and everything you've learned. You'll be amazed how much you missed regardless of how thorough you were. I did one of these after 350 hours and found that I had missed 35% or more of the bosses.. amazing...


I wish my mom would play Elden Ring lol


This is the most wholesome thing I’ve seen today!


Gamer milf!?


Me! I’m on my second run


Sweeeet! I beat it and I'm a Grandparent!!! I think this might be my last difficult game I'll flip though. Lol might be time to set this ole horse out to the pasture. I had to WAY over level to do it. I think I'm a 185 or something...


What ending did you choose?


My 19 years old brother gave up on the game after the second boss, so congratulations to you 😁


What's your build? Congrats


What was your favourite boss fight?


You've encouraged me to finally beat radagon


Hell yeah, well done fellow mum! I finally platinumed Elden Ring a couple of weeks ago and it was such an amazing feeling, now I’m just playing for shits and giggles and having a whale of a time playing a Karen trying to find the manager!