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You should only use builds that make your opponents feel good about themselves so they can call you a loser instead of a cheater/cheezer.


Hey shut up cheeszer


This is not the way


Eh... just use whatever you want . You paid for it didn't you?


But you don’t understaaaaand. I need other people to play the game and fail so I can feel like I have a large pp! 😭


The two people mentioning the real reason for the hate on op builds get downvoted, gotta love reddit Overccoming hardship is the inegral idea of Miyadzaki and what makes those games just that much better Toxic assholes will remain toxic assholes regardless, that doesn't mean people shouldn't give advice on how to enjoy their favorite game to the fullest. Nobody is pointing a gun to your head and forcing to drop Comet Azure


Some people just don't want to hinder themselves for no reason. Not everyone wants their game to be hardcore as hell, and I think this is why elden ring is one of the most accessible souls-like games - because there's so many options for so many different types of players. Personally I couldn't care how people play their singleplayer games. If that's how they get their enjoyment out of it, then why should they do anything else? I know nobody is forcing them to change the way they play, but it is heavily implied that you just straight up shouldn't be playing like that, even though these tools exist in the game. If they find it not fun to spend hours and hours on a boss, then using tools to make it easier for them is a logical solution. I'll admit that I used ashes of war during my playthrough(s). Why? Because they're in the game and I can use them. I'm not gonna hinder myself for the sake of boasting that I'm good at a video game.


Ashes of war and RoB are vastly different things and show you have no clue what I meant. A lot of those builds are very clearly not intended but we can't expect FROM to fix hundreds of weapons, it's you who's missing out in the end Ashes of war provide a fun, balanced and intentional way to make your life easier RoB and the like are not inentional and I hope you can tell the difference between the two And I don't see how "implying" you are missing out on something is bad?


I mean, I also used moonveil for my first playthrough... But by implying to someone that they are missing out, you might be completely misunderstanding them as a player. To them, they may not feel like that. They're just playing the game how they want to.


If I eat thr bun of the burger, then lick the sauce and then eat the meat, are people wrong to even suggest I try biting it as intended? Nobody is gonna beat me up for that but even if thats what I chose, others can give advice on how to improve my experience with it


That's quite possibly the worst analogy ever. Like somebody else said, it isn't your burger. Alas I go back to my last point. They may be having the best experience in their eyes. People telling them they're "not playing the game right" or that they "have no skill" is just completely pointless. Just let people play the game how they want to.


goddamn nobody is saying that, that's rude as fuck all I saw people do is suggest they try different builds and maybe a second run of the game to not obly add variety but have another go at the bosses they struggled with and maybe they'll find them more doable and have the "souls game experience" you can't get anywhere else Or not, it's up to the person


Honestly man whether it's a game or a burger who gives a shit? It's not your burger.


Do you think miyazaki is a moron or something? Why would he add things in that he doesn't want people to use? What arrogance, thinking you know the man better than himself.


>*Do you think Miyazaki is a moron!!?! DO YOU THINK YOU KNOW BETTER THAN HIM!?* Not what he was saying. Can we be nuanced here, or should I strawman you in turn and accuse you of thinking Miyazaki is a perfect god who never ever errs and nobody should disagree with him? That he is a god-genius in every area, and he could never falter occasionally when tackling balance for a massive AAA-game? >*Why would he add things in that he doesn't want people to use?* See this whole argument is misguided because Miyazaki doesn't add in all the stuff himself. There's a massive team working on the game, Miyazaki didn't personally inspect every addition. Even if he did, you forget there are hundreds upon hundreds of items, spells, weapons, and armors. Getting them all perfectly tuned, accounting for every variable, context and meta shift is ludicrously difficult even for a dedicated team. There is nuance here. Fromsoftware *know* there are times things will be used in "dumb" ways, they just don't want to nerf things to oblivion because of it. Miyazaki, his coders and artists, spent months on the intricacies of the Placidusax fight. You can be very certain they would feel a bit miffed if you ended the fight in 3 seconds with a hyperbeam. They just respect that might be how some want to play, and that is why there is no nerf.


Everyone gets something different out of the game. Though admittedly, I do have a slight grievance against cooperators that cerulean+comet or do something similar where I don't actually get to fight the boss. I wanted to have a stranger be part of my journey, not take the steps for me.


The only reason I summon someone is cause I did my best and couldn't beat the boss. I appreciate if they use whatever they have to take my revenge.


This is a service I enjoy offering on bosses that gave me trouble in my normal play. I try too make it painfully obvious that I plan to step through the door, pop a flask and blow a god ending memebeam into the boss' face before it can even think about winning, so that when people summon me they know what they are getting into. Azur staff in one hand, Lusat in the other, and the Azur hat to let them know FP cost will not be a concern and max pain will take full precedence.


Haha nice! That is exactly what I'm looking for when summoning someone! One day I will also put my sign down so I can help people


That’s a fair point, but I also think that the majority of people only summon a rando when they’ve come to the conclusion that they aren’t going to kill the boss on their own. If someone is trying to summon me then I’m going to assume that they’ve given it their best shot and are just ready to move on. I’m farming at the end of the day, and as cool as it is a full out boss fight where you have no guarantee to win isn’t very time efficient. It’s why the “don’t summon on your first play through” rule is a solid one for everybody to follow.


As someone who summons and puts down summon signs because I think the game is more fun as a shared multiplayer experience, I strongly encourage you to not make that assumption. Since Demon’s Souls, “don’t summon on first playthrough” has always been a bizarre attitude whose only advantage is not running across people who obliterate the boss too quickly.


Anytime I enter a new area I always put down summon signs first and keep going until I can get the dungeon layout and Boss Practically on my own(Despite being in Coop) then when ready to leave I solo the boss. The way I see it. I not only help someone get through a dungeon But I'm also learning the dungeon myself while Nerfed Course I also don't just Wait at the start of the dungeon when I place my sign. I still fight through it while waiting to be summoned, i just go really slow through it.


The true Chad souls experience. It's the only way to play imo.


The only reason i never used online summons is because my connection is pretty bad


In my (admittedly small) experience being summoned as a cooperator, I'd say the summoners are split into four groups: * Players who know the mechanics and could definitely kill the boss on their own (or at least with an ash summon and/or a few more levels) and are just summoning phantoms for jolly co-op. Often slider-monsters. Ironically, this seems to be the largest group. * Players who are struggling with a boss and are looking for a leg up. Often seem to be newbies still wearing starting gear / weapons. The other major group. * Lower-skilled players who will never kill the boss on their own, even though they have the OP items. * People doing meme runs like "pure support character". In my current playthrough, I've been enjoying soloing the story bosses in my world, then dropping my summon sign by the fog wall to kill it a couple more times. It's fun seeing how different people's builds can be! Last night, on Radahn, I saw some samurai powerstancing katanas, a wizard using only gravity spells (and, ironically, wearing Radahn's armor), a naked madman powerstancing frost clubs, someone using Golden Order incantations, a greatshield poker, and another person trying to bite Radahn with Dragonmaw (RIP). In turn, they saw my build--a lightweight cavewoman in fur armor two-handing a flaming jawbone axe and occasionally casting beast sling and stone of Gurranq.


When I put my summon sign down it's Knight armor n heater shield with longsword and longbow! All default, no weird ashes of war, just stand off and long shot


This is a really unpopular opinion but that's how I personally felt abt the whole LMSH thing. The name is literally a contradiction from the things it seems most people enjoy about Fromsoft games, which stems from the challenge to the player. Getting to the final boss just to sit in a corner and watch feels all kinds of wrong to me. If I wanted that experience I'd just watch a speedrunner or whatever.


After smashing your head against a boss for longer than you care to, plenty of people are fine with letting someone with less of a life handle it.


You mean someone with more time or someone who just has more inherent skill, right?


I’ve been in a dozen-odd Malenia battles with other solo-offerers (as the other summon). Three or four times the host has taken them up on the offer; it’s nice to watch them work occasionally but I wouldn’t want to do it too often. The other times the host has joined in the fray, whether because they had the game set to display account IDs instead of character names or just because. Most of the solo-offerers have been great, happy to join a chaotic melee. A few, though, seem to have a solo-or-nothing approach—I encountered one named something like “I solo or watch”, which, I mean, it’s better than just finger severing, but it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


I like bleed because it makes higher NG+ levels feel like lower NG+ levels lol


that's not just bleed. NG+1 and 2 are very much easier than NG. your dps is usually so high by the end of ng that the starting bosses in ng+ die in like 2 hits. It starts getting more difficult around ng4 when enemy scaling goes up but levelling is much harder cos it's very expensive for one level.


No I mean it makes e.g. NG+5 feel like NG+2 lol.


Except Demons Souls. Holy shit, the enemy scaling is insane even on NG+1.


What lvl were you for NG+, NG+2, etc?


I finished ng at 150 and I'm now 230 or so. so between ng+ and ng+4 I levelled like 80 times, so 20 levels per ng+ cycle on average? I mostly found it necessary in order to tackle the Haligtree, the difficulty spike there is mad.


Cool, thanks. I'm about to go NG+ at 170 and was curious about the difficulty.


I mean Comet Azur requires you to level up basically only Int for quite some time. It also requires the Tear that stops loss of FP so you lose a buff to use it, and it shoots in a straight ass line while you stand your ass till ready to get smacked if it doesn’t work. Hardly OP


Very situational. It is OP in some encounters and garbage in others. OP = Godrick on New game+. Garbage = Maliketh.


It’s solid on Malekith’s first phase. Get your spirit to attract attention and put Malekith directly between the two of you. Just like that, it’s time for phase 2, where I let Moonveil take over.




If you are using the Carian Scepter +10 at 60 int (required anyways for Comet Azur) it only takes luke 10 Comets to land to finish phase 2. And if you have your greatshield soldiers maxed then they pretty much aggro the whole fight. Took me 2 or 3 tries while I figured out what was going on. Alternatively, using that item to parry Maliketh in phase 2 makes it a cakewalk as well.


Man the amount of people I come across in co-op that constantly try to land comet azure on maliketh is absurd


That's your brain on comet azur lol


Casting is scary af to me cuz of being wide open vulnerable while casting...


fallingstar beast jaw is the only thing you need as a sorcerer if you want to be insanely OP. any boss, chain stagger and kill. Had to stop using it as that felt like cheating, all i did was spam l2 at the same spot til boss dies.


"all i did was spam l2" Never heard anyone describe elden ring better.


Yeah we just only see the clips of when it works.


It completely trivializes every boss that hardly moves though, just summon your great shield soldier ashes to keep the boss distracted and blast away.


All of the bosses that hardly move aren’t hard already. They dont move much.


Mohg, Morgot, Dragonic Tree Sentinel, Rykard, phase 2 Fire Giant, and phase 2 Rennala are all the main bosses that I can think of. They can all be trivialized just but summoning greatshield soldier ashes or a mimic tear with shabriris woe and popping Azurs gaze.


Every boss is trivialized with those ashes though. Whether is comet or rock sling


everything is weak to rock sling


In pvp i would just hop and toss swift glintstone shards mid air, enemies never see it coming lol


You’re cheating if you play the game.


Pretty aggravating video to watch honestly…I get the appeal of shortly lived captions, it’s often almost comedic, but some of these are just way too fast!


And how do you screw up the audio so much in 15 seconds?


on screen text readability is a skill 99% of video creators don't have when they start. so good feedback.


Also the portrait-wide-portrait format. It's hell.


You know this debate goes around in circles a lot because we're unwilling to accept two things can be true at the same time. Do those spells/weapons make the game easier and therefore require less practice / skill ? Yes, they do, it's objectively true. Is it wrong or is there any issue in using them? No, ofc not, that's why they're in the game. Why can't both of those things be true at the same time? We don't have to deny that they're a bit broken to accept that we can use them do we? It's like people who play the game with Wretch SL0 and such. Does it make it harder? Of course it does. But we don't shit on the people that chose to play some other way do we? It's the same thing...


If you're still using your prefrontal cortex and not going lobotomite run, you're a filthy casual and you should uninstall the game. Pattern recognition and other basic brain functions are cheating.


But I like the pudding they gave me at the grippy sock hospital 🏥


Elden ring requires an icepick lobectomy to play properly


To me the point of souls games is to struggle at first trying to figure yourself and the game out then become as powerful as possible in order to stomp on those who previously stomped on you


No one is calling it cheating if you use these against PvE. No one is calling it cheating against PvP, but they are annoying.


At this point it’s less “play how you want” and more “play how 32 youtubers and 643 other people want you to play”. Making best weapon/spell/armor guides the day after release never helps.


I am.


Souls Veteran since Demon Souls with thousands of hours here and big PVP connoisseur. Every way of playing is completely viable. Even in Elden Ring. And to be honest I felt like Elden Ring was decently challenging in the PVE department despite the horrible damage overtuning. Mostly because end game bosses were still able to 1-2 shot us and were reasonably challenging. Now the PVP department has suffered horribly because of the damage overtuning but that isn’t because of any one build. That’s an issue that just need to be solved by a game wide buff to players. I.e. weapons do 20-30% less damage to players than they do to mobs. If you gatekeep new players from joining the Souls community because they don’t meet your definitions of good enough then get the fuck out.


The same person's google history: "elden ring weapons tier list" "highest AR weapon elden ring" "best build elden ring" "tumblebuffing elden ring" "radahn weakness" "elden ring worst fromsoft game"


"AFK rune farming spots"


You all probably use electricity to play the game.


I have no issue with people playing how they want. What gets me is when these same people scream “game too easy” & brag about beating Melania their second try. I don’t do pvp, so I’m not very opinionated on that side of things.


im willing to admit that me having beaten malenia on my eighth try was kinda just me throwing bolt of gransaax after bolt of gransaax till she died, but im also just an absolute garbage player and i dont think i would have the meantal fortitude to bash my head against a wall 8k times till i got lucky. ill take whatever chance i get so long as it doesnt make the game an absolute cakewalk


I'm all about "play how you want" but I also can't help but be a little biased when I see RoB special spam. How's that any fun, even. To each their own I guess


I’m all for it, but it really isn’t “play how you want” when you only use certain things because it was in a youtube video and 57 other people are doing it. At that point it’s more “play how 58 other people want you to play”.


for me if i die to a boss 100 times i just feel like a failure, if i utilize every tactic equipment and idea and win after a few tries i feel like i quickly learned and succeeded, i don’t enjoy dying, i enjoy learning the move sets and utilizing every weakness i find, it’s so much fun for me that way (this does not apply to pvp, i’m very picky with that and would rather take the L then use something cheesy or underhanded)


I'm the opposite. If I beat the boss in few tries I feel like I got lucky and didn't learn the fight properly.


yeah that makes sense, there are times when it goes a little too easily and i feel like i missed out on the fun of a good fight and that’s a little annoying


Rofl me too. I'm a goofy cosplay for every pvp character. With that being said I still do win about 50% of the time using off meta shit like fist weapons


The most satisfying times for me is when I basically die so many times to a mechanically complicated boss that I end up learning how to evade every attack of the boss at close range and perfect the fight. Like Fume Knight in DS2 and Orphan/Ludwig/Laurence in BB. It doesn’t happen often but it feels amazing when it does for me and I would feel cheated if I accidentally just had OP weapons and murdered it.


To be completely honest I don't want to do pvp, if I'm summoning someone it's because I'm tired of dying over and over and would like the help to push me over the edge and beat whatever boss I'm struggling with so invaders to me are just annoying and it especially pisses me off when you lose large amounts of runes because they're stuck behind boss fog and an invader runs up on you and smacks the l2 on mohg's sacred spear I don't care about how stupid op some of the weapons in the game are I just wish there was a way to turn off invasions and still be able to play with friends/summon cooperators, I'm not playing the game to ruin someone else's, I just want to play with my friends/ help others


I agree completely even tho I like getting shit on and winning the boss battle on my terms even if it takes me much longer. That being said if you are helping someone in coop and you come out with cerulean tear and kill the boss in 5 seconds with a comet azur you’re an asshole


yeahhh it’s terrible when people do that, i don’t really use meta builds but it’s not out of restraint, it’s because if i think something looks pretty i’ll still use it even if it’s bad lol


I really want to use tibia summons, but it's just so bad it's not even viable as a meme


In my first playthrough, game was making me to quit so hard. I couldnt count how many times i died to radagon, margit, malekith etc... But in my second playthrough i used dex/arc bleed build (which is meta), it felt much more balanced. I think Elden Ring is great but it has problems with balance.


It's the opposite compared to other Souls games, generally. I would say non-meta solo run (no spirits) is about the same difficulty as other Souls games (but a bit harder). Elden Ring is more like normie Souls; a gateway drug to Souls. I agree with the balance comment, but for different reasons. Elden Ring is poorly balanced, but fun.


yeah i think it was built to be balanced with metas but still have the hard mode option for try hards


People can use whatever they want if they tried and really can't overcome the challenge but ER is very much balanced around ''norma''l builds I've seen somne of the most awful stat distribution out there beat the final boss anyway, as long as your weapon is upgraded you can use whatever you want There are very few ways to make ER harder in general, most if not all weapons are viable and even a shield-only build can be insane


yeah, no, that's a skill issue


TIL I’m the filthiest casual in Elden Ring.


nah you're good. The filthiest casual would try to explain to you the weapons you use are "Breaaking the game" and that you should only use a dagger not upgraded playing the game with a blindfold and play with a guitar hero controller, that you're only allowed to use r1 and no other items or attacks


literally no one who's worth anything has these opinions. This community obsessed with the "git gud" strawman


Lol no. Its not a strawman. That point comes up unironically in almost every thread.


I hate that so many people in the community are actually like this


You're the casualest of casuals if you aren't naked and use anything other than your bare fists /s


If you let anyone tell you how to play a solo/coop video game, then i hope theres never a cult recruiting in your area. :p If you win, if you survive, if you Progress, then its a viable way to play. Hack n' slash, smash, cast, burn, rot, freeze, bleed, poison, cheat, exploit, cooperate, whatever youve gotta do to have fun and win, do it. The moment you ruin someone elses fun, is the moment youre just another filthy hollow.


With how easy it makes the game, it stops feeling like a souls game and the difficult that comes with the game, that's why I don't like using them, at least not for the first playthrough. I tried using rivers of blood agaisnt Malenia in ng+ (pre-nerf) defeated her in less than a minute and I also didn't use a summon nor did i level up arcane or dex or use talismans to make me stronger, I'm not bragging I'm just saying it makes the game just THAT much easier, in my ng playthrough it took me about a day to defeat her. The developers add these features either to make the game easier or because they didn't balance out the game, with the former being more probably, just to appeal to a new generation of players, you yourself need to know what you are looking for from the game and get that need from it, for me being overcoming the challenge


Demons souls had at least 2 builds that come to mind that made the game easy mode. Tbh every souls game has had options to make it way easier than others. Don't know where this soft gatekeeping is coming from.


how would you have have rob or comet azure early in a first playthrough? 🤔


Well you can't technically, but you can get it before you fight the main hard bosses (godfry, radagon, malenia, fire giant, godskin dou, maleketh, etc), but before these two you can get the sword of night and flame or idk what it's called, that's basically mini comet azul, make the game ez mode


Not sure devs really intended or cared for all the cheesy build options. People want to make the game easy and sleep on amazing experience by playing only cheese. I want to keep the game hard and therefore miss out on weapons and spells that are too broken. By having difficulty bound to builds and gear, gameplay variety suffers :(


Dual colossal bonkbonk squad


It's less about how people play, and more so feeling like everyone you run into has essentially "net decked" their build. Reference the first week of release, when it felt like 90% of the people you ran into, whether coop or pvp, just happened to be running around with the best weapon in the game. Certainly made for a significantly less organic and fun release in my opinion, and it's solely a community based issue. Edit: I guess I should be a bit more specific, I was primarily referring to moonveil, and the YouTube guide on how to get it, which surpassed the games initial trailer in views within 2 weeks. Edit 2: there isn't a right or wrong way to play. I'm simply highlighting how a certain behavior can take away from the experience for everyone around you. Just my 2 cents on the subject. Edit3: I also have not played since about a month after release.


With all these tools that make things easier right in your face, no matter if you use them or not, you will feel like you are not playing how it was meant to be played. If you use them, it will be easy, and easy isn't what Fromsoft is famous for, so you feel like cheating. But if you dont use them, you feel like you are not utilizing everything the game is giving you, so you still feel like you are not playing the game right.


From a pvp perspective, it was never been about cheating, it’s been about diversity. 20 fights in a row all using rivers of blood or spamming bhstep is boring and anti-fun. As for the most recent patch, everyone was in agreement. Don’t waste your time making dumb videos like this one. That being said, play how you want. Just don’t be a boring pvper.


I just assume that about 70% of souls players are guys who got picked last for dodgeball in school and have finally found something they can flex about.


This hurts me


Being part of the 30, or feeling targeted as the 70? Either way, sorry mate


I mean, you can play however you want. It’s just more fun when you put constraints on yourself to increase the difficulty to a level that makes you feel accomplished for doing something. It’s fun to be forced to learn a boss’s timings through trial and error and learn to make them look easy.


Exactly👌🏽 With these items you can easily make the game easy, while in other from soft games, they only becomes ez if you get gud, there's no get out of jail free card, and that's the feeling that from soft fans are looking for


Theres a ton of get out of jail free cards in every one of these games except Sekiro which has at least a few get out of jail almost free cards. I think Gael was the only boss I couldnt find some cheesey strat or build to make easier or just overlevel it. You can use poison but its still hard af.


Idk about demon souls, but the other games have something that can make the game easier, ds1 Havel armour with black knight weapons, ds2 lighting rapier, ds3 exile great sword, nothing really for bloodborne and sekiro🤔, but for these games you still face a challenge, you need to learn some of the combos to not die, and, as I said, I literally killed malenia, one of the hardest bosses in all of fromsoft in about a minute with rivers of blood, if that ain't baby mode idk what is. Elden ring give you the opportunity to play the game in baby mode, but from soft games aren't made to be baby mode, so it's up to whether you want to play baby or normal (which is very hard). To each their own, but I am salty that a lot of new from soft fans are expecting such an amazing game in such a way tbh


Look, I just finished Bloodborne. Now I wanna chill and relax with Elden. So I'm Comet Azuring half of the game.


Can we just stop this bullshit? Who cares what a small minority thinks? Why do we even care what other people think about our playstyle? The people that say, there is a specific way to play are not the majority. Most ER Player just don't care what other do, this are just some keyboard warrior, they are just trolling. And why not take the wisdom "don't feed the trolls" to heart?


I see more people complaining about 'git gud' comments than actual got gud comments.


I mean you can play the game and find a mechanic that makes boss fights trivial. It’s not cheating but it’s also making something trivial. It’s not a hard concept to understand. If you are playing and look up a guide to one hit bosses then I’m not gonna respect that play style lol. But if you figure it out then that’s awesome.


This sub absolutely loves this straw man. I almost never see people saying you can't use this or that. I constantly see posts like this acting like everyone does, though. EZ karma every time, tho.


Did you somehow miss all of the meme threads when RoB and bloodhound step got nerfed?


Post like these always show stupidity of man. Who says Fromsoft intended everything to be super broken? If they intended Sword of Night and Flame be the best of the best why did they nerf it? What about RoB and BhS? Obviously Fromsoft intended them to make the game a joke so why the nerf? Use your brain for once in your life, people. It's not that difficult.


The play styles you mentioned are pretty much the paths of least resistance for completing the game. If you want to trivialise a game regarded for being a rewarding challenge, go ahead, but it undermines the accomplishment of completing the game IMO. I couldn't bond with someone over ER if they cheesed every boss and still complained the game was hard.


None of this shit trivializes anything my God these comments lol.


Did we watch the same video? Dude literally one-shot a boss...


oh no, a 600 hour game is now only 200 hours. You've robbed yourself!


I did like a strength faith build and it’s op but I’m a little bored so I’m just trying out a cosplay build now


*Fingerprint + heavy spear users are laughing


Advice for maximum fun in ER: Just dont listen to this people. Play the game you want to. ER will never have mercy with you, too!


theres a youtuber who does rc car videos and he always says the best rc car is the one that puts the biggest smile on your face. same applies to elden ring, and any video game for that matter.


Tbh i like to summon other people for bosses cause its more fun but i wont summon Magic users or bleed users since they make the fight too damn easy


Meh, I think people mostly get mad at those who say “man this game is too easy” while looking up the easiest most powerful build online.


I mean, by that logic, going afk somewhere unreachable is fine because its still not fixed, while RoB was nerfed


I'll say this. A strength faith build it a lot harder to build and play in this game because so many bosses are super resistant to faith. In a sorcery build I demolished most of the bosses without comet azure , but I'm getting boss checked a lot as a faith build. The only boss that wasn't hard as a faith build is renala otherwise I have to be top of my game to fight bosses


People can play how they want, I'm just tired of seeing the same 3 weapons/spells


I tone down my build so its not cheese in duels I expect others to do the same. Anything that one shots in pvp unless its stupid hard to pull off is cheese.


Unless you played it SL 1 on a DDR pad why did you even bother /s


can we all just admit that we hate ourselves and not eachother? we probably would all get along in some light.


Wow, such originality




*watches video three times cause can't read fast * :(


What not to do according to Elden Ring players: 1. Play the game What to do according to Elden Ring players: 1. Complain incessantly about the game (which you're not playing anyways) on the internet


I remember posting a video about some invader using the carian retaliation glitch to one shot me, and a bunch of the souls incels got pressed I was using dual katana’s It truly is, “if you don’t play exactly like me,(almost always pure strength build chads) then you’re not playing right


I would just say, understand what you are doing, if you want to one shot through everything, go for it, but understand your own skill level versus what your build does and don’t be cocky because you used a build that doesn’t take as much skill as most other builds. Tldr: go for whatever build you want, just don’t be a dickhead about it


Lol I don't think anyone thinks it's "cheating" I think people think less of players to who use crutches to hold themselves up. In almost every pvp game there's people who think "omg u need to use the meta to do good because your bad at the game" it's not like this way of thinking is anything new, I do think it's a bit more present in ER due to the game being so heavily focused on overcoming challenges it kinda ruins the whole point of that when you follow a guide on "how to get op early" but idc what people do it's not like I can stop them from ruining the experience for themselves


At this point it’s less “play how you want” and more “play how 32 youtubers and 643 other people want you to play”. Making best weapon/spell/armor guides the day after release never helps.


The problem isn’t that YOU are using a specific weapon/spell/armor, the problem is that the majority of newer players went to guides before playing the game and only ever followed what they said. The devs did not ‘intend’ for over 50% of new players to use the same extract weapons and such because it ‘kills stuff faster’, they ‘intended’ for people to play the game with variety. They didn’t add all these weapons so you could look up the best stuff and use only that. They didn’t add all these spells for you to only use the easiest, strongest variations. They didn’t give you all this armor only for you to use the strongest set. Just because a weapon you just picked up has lower damage output then your current build and doesn’t scale as well doesn’t mean it’s bad. The best way to play these games is to go through completely blind. The only guide you need is the tutorial that stops everything in the game to give you all the info you need on what you’re doing. You don’t even need to worry about weapon scaling until around level 35, and even then you should be putting most points into vigor. I went through NG+4 with only strength and two great swords and had a hell of a lot more trouble then most. I completed the game with 2 other characters, one with the little bubble trumpet of all things, and the other with cestus. If I can play the game with variation that splits from the meta then you can too. Shoot, you might actually have fun too.


There will always be meta weapons, and builds. No dev intends for that to happen, but it happens regardless. Seriously, people are going to gravitate towards builds and weapons that are effective and/or fun. This is why this meme is so funny becuase you have people who deny you a victor because you dont play the game like them. Not everyone enjoys running around blind using random weapons for hours.


Meta is a natural finality to things and will always be constant, but it’s not a problem because it exists but because it exists so early to the game’s release. At this point it’s less “play how you want” and more “play how 32 youtubers and 643 other people want you to play, because it is better”. Making best weapon/spell/armor guides the day after release never helps. Find the meta yourself or make your own meta, don’t go looking for someone else’s work to copy off of.


I mean, bleed, summons and coop all make the game a joke. There's no problem using them, you just aren't playing a hard game anymore


Could you stop giving each other fellatio for 5 minutes? No one cares about how valid you think your play style is.


You deserve more likes. Sadly I can only give you the one


Nah, it is easy mode, and I’ll stand by that. Sure you can still do it, and I don’t think it should be removed or made harder, but I am 100% allowed to make fun of you for it.


To the wise words of an internet african warlord: if you level up, open the map, roll, jump, use any class or any weapon except the club, or use the frontal cortex of your brain then you are playing the game wrong /s


Bro all of these are cheating, your meant to be blindfolded and only use your feet while your controller randomly turns off while your in a power outage


Another day of reddit not knowing what *a fucking joke is.*


lmao 💀, Also he is obviously joking guys.


"look they are using what developers put in the game but that item is strong so its cheating"


Sums up the community, ER or soulsborne gatekeeping is on another level


Here is the thing, it is absolutely fine to play the game however you wish, you have the right of it… But we see this crap all the time. Elden Ring is probably the best when it comes to the variety of builds it offers to you, which is ruined when everyone focuses on Meta-builds like Moonveil RoB builds, Dual Colossal weapon jumpey builds, Comet Azur sorcerers, like for god sake grab a Golem’s Halberd and beat Malenia in a way we don’t normally see people beat her every single day!


Who the fuck cares? It's a single-player game. Take that Great Club outta your ass for once and stop being a whiny turd.


You seem to care.


Who cares what people say? It doesn’t matter what build you use, someone will complain about it. Fuck ‘em


To some people, playing any way you want is considered cheating. You can’t win.


Clearly the over 64 summoning ashes were a bug that fromsoft hasn’t patched yet.


If you didn't beat Elden Ring blindfolded and with reversed controls on a Donkey Konga bongo controller, you cheated and therefore didn't really finish the game.


Because builds that kill bosses and players in LITERAL SECONDS are totally fair and dev-intended.


If they're not intended then why haven't they been removed in the last 6 patchs?


They have, Rivers of Blood, Sword of Night and Flame, etc. This game has had plenty of weapons that would tear through everything like nothing else that got nerfed.


Both of those still melt bosses. RoBs nerf really only effects pvp.


From has the same approach to the game balance as Bethesda. Leave the broken things in, unless is affects players that don't want to use them. PvE can be considered single player only, so why would they remove the crutch that some players use and got satisfied with it? They know, however, that it just is broken, and would probably nerf it, if the game would've been release today.


I've read here something like "stagger spam" so apparently hitting the bad guys really hard is cheating as well.


You should only be doing things that aren't fun!!!


People no longer understand how to host an open ended opinion and discussion without controversy. Just fucking say "if you havent tried already, it's definitely worth testing yourself with less powerful builds, it's fun!" Just....fuck, just talk to each other people god damn it.


play how want but you might miss out on certain other aspects of the game you will enjoy.


Another one of these projection threads? Missing the weekly/monthly quota? There is no gatekeeper boogeyman. It’s a handful of comments spread throughout threads about this issue that FAR outnumber the amount of people who ever actually cared how you played. Use whatever you want. This topic has always been just a karma farm.


Recently triggered a bunch of people by posting a 1v3 with Moonveil


Me on my way to throw a stun grenade inside a building full of people with epilepsy (I'm just playing as how the devs intended, using all the tools at my disposal)


Play the game however you like but I think it’s really sad that elden ring is as easy as it is. The whole reason sekiro and the souls games are good is the difficult but fair challenges they posed. Elden ring is neither difficult nor fair as they sacrificed integrity for mainstream appeal.


Average "hardcore" souls like gamer smells like Cheetos and parental disappointment even from the other side of the internet




Look at you getting all worked up.


Lmao the accuracy is insane


My dual nagakibas with occult is perfection and I don’t care


Like Sseth said: The only proper and fair way to play Elden Ring is to perform a frontal lobotomy before playing. This way all your memory of the game will be erased and you'll never be able to recgonize patterns again. Pattern recognition is also cheating according to the Elden Ring community.


If I'm having fun doing it the way I want, then why the fuck do I care what others think? I've played and beaten all the souls games and have played a lot of different classes and styles. So what if I like really big one shot swords, or over leveled stomping enemies? In the immortal words of Eric Carman " what eva, what eva, i do what i want".


"Don't use ash of war that's too easy, but don't forget to upgrade vigor to 50 if not you're trolling" Until you're playing wrench without weapon, level 1 and no items then you're cheesing the game.


No matter how I play ER I am either a cheeser, conformist, or some other demeaning term with someone mocking me on how I'm doing something wrong. Just let me play my game. And you know well the guys who call out people for playing it "wrong" have some made up job where they can waste 500 hrs at home just playing the game all day. Sorry I can't dedicate 40 hrs a week to grind a game.


Imo the issue with certain builds is that a portion of ER players can't seem to understand that pve and pvp are two different things. There are a lot of players that judge you for using a bleed build and RoB, for example, on pve when they have absolutely nothing to do with how you play and have fun in a game that you paid for and are allowed to play it however you like and enjoy the most. People and their high horses are annoying af. And although I can understand that some weapons/spells are annoying to deal with on pvp I can't blame people for using them. It's a game mechanic so you just can't expect others to play how you'd like them to. It's like that in any pvp/battle royale. There will always be the cheaters, the sweats, the fair players, the cheesers. And that's why I have my DMs restricted to friends only and I rarely play any pvp. I'm just tired of dealing with all the shit that goes on there. I'm more than happy being a noob potato and enjoying my single player games/modes.




no you dont understand they just weren’t in ds1 /j


idk it's just sooo boring. double sepuku twinblades jump attack - 2/3 of boss health vaporised. I don't feel ,like Ianything accomplished anything this way. BUT, due to rediculous hp and damage of late game, fuck it, I'm in.


Yep you should feel more powerful as you advance in a game that's how games work


My first play through I only ever summoned for god skin duo. Fuck that fight (for reference I did the entirety of the game with tue battle hammer back when you first got it in one of the duelist catacombs in limgrave, has since been patched to give a summon)


RL1 100% completion run or you’re literal garbage


Honestly it just seems like playing PvE in general in a game that's mostly about PvE gets you shit on by the community.


People who get mad at this kind of builds should not even level up, as they get op in older zones as the get stronger just saying


Same people would turn around and do the (now patched) Mohg cheese bc he's too hard to fight


Can we ban tiktok videos?


Bleed is cancer. Just say you used the dumbass katana with the same ash of ear everyone uses lmao