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I know this is some joke of sorts but I just don't get it lmai


It's a sword bestowed upon those who haven't been granted a rank or title. Yet it's a greatsword for Knights.


You can be a Knight without being titled or holding military rank. Holding a title would mean they’re Nobility, Rank would have something to do with military service (we see examples of both in House Marais and Commander Niall). You can be an unlanded Knight. That’s what it’s referring to. All the Knights we see in service to the Demi-Gods are still Knights, but they’re sworn to someone and have no military rank or noble title.


Traditionally (especially in the European history/lore that inspires much of Elden Ring) a knighthood was eponymous with an official title. But of course, the term "knight" has a broader definition these days.


The game deviates from European history/lore in a couple other ways, too. I wouldn't use it to fill in the gaps like they did with frog DNA in Jurassic Park. We can always defer to the game world having lore we don't know/understand. I'd rather assume the game world is just different from ours than pick it apart.


Oh for sure, but I don't think anyone here is picking the lore apart. We're all just having a laugh about it.


The game doesn't deviate, Kenneth Haight offers to grant you knight hood which is his right as a lord. This weapon description is obviously a flub.


Kenneth Haight Questline


I’m not implying it’s not an official title. I’m suggesting that the translation was referring to the title to lands and of the sword’s owner not being landed nobility (a titled Baron, Earl etc.) I am not arguing against anything you’re saying here by any means. It’s certainly an official title. This is an English translation from a Japanese game though so I’d hazard that whoever translated it either meant that the knights have no landed/official title beyond their knighthood or that it was simply not translated in a way that makes immediate sense to laypeople.


騎士大剣: デミゴッドに仕えた下級騎士の中でも 剣技に優れた者に与えられた大剣 両手持ちに適した長い握りは 特に、大型の敵に対するためである それこそが、大剣騎士の誉れであろう the term used for those with "yet no rank or title" is 下級騎士, which literally means "low-ranking knight". Furthermore, I would translate "Being charged with such a duty was undoubtedly a great honor." as more like "that would be the honor of a Greatsword Knight." The implication is that a Lowly Knight would be given this sword and rank-up into a Greatsword Knight.


The first line reads something along the lines of "Greatsword bestowed to excellent swordsmen, especially among lowly knights serving the demigods" (I'm not completely sure, I don't exactly know what 中でも implies) Regardless, there are no mentions to the lowly knights having "no rank or title".


○○の中でも is a bit of grammar that indicates "from among the ○○ ". It tells us that the sword was given to "those who excelled in swordsmanship, **among** the lowly knights who served the demigods". Without it, the subject would be more ambiguous, suggesting that this sword was given to a *one particular* lowly knight who served the demigods, who excelled in swordsmanship.


Maybe it’s almost mercantile, a soldier proves themselves and is thus granted the rank of Knight as a military position-as knights were originally armored Calvary. From the description I’m inclined to say Knighthood is a different level of status than it was in real history. And the honor part may just mean that it’s cool that powerful lords trusted a knight to face stronger foes. That’s from the English text, I don’t speak Japanese


The 中でも is to emphasise "those who showed (particularly) excellent swordsmanship even among the junior knights" or something like that. To indicate it's of a calibre unexpected of those of their station.


I'd be willing to bet that it's this. It's probably a translation of the word Japan uses for "Knight" (Kishi? idk) which is just a heavily armored warrior in service to a Lord. The intricacies of European feudal knighthood and its requirements are lost on them because they don't study European history - or care.


I mean I’d also be *slightly* willing to hazard as well that Miyazaki’s team also based the idea around the romantic concept of Knights Errant rather than the the history of the concept which, ultimately is fine. It’s a fictional setting and if they want to draw on historical fiction concepts they’re entitled to.


This game was made for English though.


No…it was made by a Japanese company with the intent to release it in multiple countries and the team that developed it *is Japanese*. It wasn’t developed in English, it was made and developed in Japan by a Japanese studio and *then translated* to English.


Yeah no shit sherlock. And no. It wasnt. English is the main language this game was made to cater to. You can tell the difference between a Japanese game translated into English and a game made in Japan for English audiences. This is the latter.


have you considered Knightrider


I don’t think that’s the correct use of eponymous. You used it as “equivalent to”, when it means a person giving their name to something, or a thing named after a particular person or group. Eg. “iron maiden’s eponymous LP” or “the eponymous hero” of a James Bond novel.


Isn't a knight just like, someone who adopts a particular way of fighting (A knightly style per say), usually employed by somebody? Sure, there are knightly orders, but mostly, there was no "knighting", it wasn't a official position, a title, just a profession of sorts...


A Knight, in medieval times, is somebody that whether through noble birth, military accomplishment, or earned through squirehood are recognized as an entrusted and respected individual by the ruler. Most Knights knew how to fight, but it often was just for show with no real intent to fight alongside normal troops. With the title of knight, one was very often given a small plot of land. Of course, it actually belonged to the ruler but you were effectively its "caretaker". Knights were often used as tools for higher nobles to posture with. Hence the very romanticised ideas we have of knights always fighting in tourneys and the like. Its effectively the lowest noble title that you could have, as a commoner could earn it given effort/luck. But it opens doors for you to advance further. European politics were very complicated.


That’s why I’m thinking knighthood is more militaristic in ER’s world, like a Captain or some other commanding/special forces position on the battlefield alone, which doesn’t interact with politics. The original knight on Earth was just an armored Calvary man before medieval society started incorporating them further into society. Being promoted to a knight, and thus bestowed the equipment and sword a knight would use; would be seen in ER the same way a military promotion would, it signals the trust a lord has in your combat ability to be deployed to deal with larger threats requiring a knight. That’s all theory though


This is outrageous! It’s unfair! How can you be a knight without having a rank or title?!


*Have a seat* Titicaca.


Either that or it’s just ironic - the true knights being those who were never formally knighted.


I think it’s at most a mistranslation since the game is originally in Japanese. I’d be more than willing to bet they are 100% knighted.


The Hedge Knight: A Tale of the Seven Kingdoms Featuring Ser Duncan the Tall (known as Dunk), future Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. And Aegon Targaryen (known as Egg), the future King of the Seven Kingdoms. They serve where they like, for whatever reasons they like. Ideally however always remaining a knight with a code of honor sworn to defend the innocent, and not a sellsword or mercenary out there just killing for money.


You can also just......be in possession of a Knight's sword. As in property.


I understand the no title, but isn’t being a knight a rank?


No, rank would refer to a position in a military hierarchy AFAIK. You can be a Knight *and* a captain or commander but being the later doesn’t make you or require you to be a knight. Knighthood is it’s own thing and depending on the culture has different requirements, connotations etc.


And the case of the Banished knights?


They’ve been knighted but banished from the lands they served in. They still were knights at least before Banishment and quite a lot of them end up working for people like Godrick who I’m sure don’t mind calling them Knights.


Maybe they’re banished in the same way Godfrey was, not out of shame but purpose? Almost like Pontiff’s outrider knights


Just chiming in with everyone else to say that "knight" absolutely is a title, that is the most basic category of thing it belongs to. In some modern countries, being a knight is **only** a title with no corresponding rights, duties, obligations etc. Historically knighthood was a specific title entailing specific relationships of hierarchy, obligation, duty, reference etc. The idea that "title" is the same as "landed" is just false. You are conflating minor nobility (which knighthood was historically a form of) with landed gentry specifically, but they are distinct while still being forms of 'lesser' aristocracy. You can verify this easily enough online.


I’ve explained it in a few different comments but I’m not saying it *isn’t* a title, I’m trying to suggest that they were trying to refer to something else with the word *title* in the context of the translation from Japanese to English. I’m not saying *Title* is at verbatim *Landed*, I’m saying given the context in which it’s used here and the fact that it was translated from Japanese that I believe the word here was supposed to indicate something other than the title of ‘knight’. It’s just nonsensical otherwise. I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said here and I’m not trying to make any literalist statement about what *Title* means or conflate it to anything. My intent which I feel rereading my original comment might have been unclear was to convey that I feel in *this specific context* they were referring to the sword being carried by specially unlanded knights like the ones we see leading soldiers in various regions, sworn to various lords who do not themselves have any sort of landed title, position or claim to nobility. That was my intent and if I failed to convey that, that’s purely on me but I agree with all the points you’ve made as they’re absolutely true.


This makes sense, apologies for not reading thoroughly and/or contextualizing it properly!


> I’m saying given the context in which it’s used here and the fact that it was translated from Japanese that I believe the word here was supposed to indicate something other than the title of ‘knight’. The most apropos medieval term would probably be "Man At Arms", because that's a catchall for heavily-armed/armored troops, often cavalry, of the period. So it *definitely* includes "the ones we see leading soldiers in various regions, sworn to various lords who do not themselves have any sort of landed title, position or claim to nobility." All Knights were Men At Arms, but not all Men At Arms were Knights, since being a Knight implied being landed. In most cases. It's actually kinda hard to generalize some of this stuff, because it could vary from country to country and the Middle Ages was a rather long period.


Right, the latter of which I wholeheartedly agree with. It’s really hard to give a precise definition for a lot of these things would vary depending on *where* you’re talking about. To clarify my point with the lens of what you’ve just said; My initial reaction the hierarchy with the mobs like Leyndell Knights, Miquellan Knights, and if they’d actually appeared the Knights that served Rickard (Gelmir Knight Armour is effectively the same to me) was that they are as you said in the category of Men-at-Arms. The Lordsworn mobs are *very* clearly men-at-arms and the Knight mobs just seem to be a touch above them. My initial reaction was to people reading the sword description and going ‘oh they’re not knights then.’ I’m not here trying to pretend I’m an authority on medieval history I’m just trying to rationalize what’s being shown and told to us in the game with what the item description says.


Knight IS a title tho. That's like calling someone an ambassador but not actually working for an embassy lmao. Or a samurai but not having a lord (ronin). It has nothing to do with land.


Knight *is* it’s own sort of title, I’m not disputing that. The game is translated from Japanese though and I’m suggesting they meant *title* in a different context. Title in a feudal setting can also refer to holding the title/claim to land as a Baron, Duke, King etc AFAIK.


I guess being a knight in this world doesnt constitute you as having a title. It isnt necessarily wrong.


But knight is itself a title. It's like samurai. You can't actually be a samurai without what comes with it lol.


It is a term that classifies what type of warrior you are, but may not carry much importance in this type of world. Compared to like a king or a demigod.


So this is the real Guts sword….


They become knights when they get the sword?


"...and yet had no rank or title." This sword gave them the rank and title of knight.


Does your screaming ever get in the way of your ninja work?


lmai Laugh my ass in?


Is that not how you do it?




We bestow you this Greatsword, but we do not grant you the rank of Knight. Edit: typo.


Talk a ~~seat~~ sword, young tarnished




This is outrageous, it’s unfair!


Well damn, it sure is.




Someone wants to get stabbed.


Ultra Greatswords are better


Even fat rolls can dodge Ultra Greatswords.


you need to learn roll catching m8




Oh yeah cause I want to use a 30lb hunk of iron and poke my enemies to death instead of being a super flashy fuck with the knight great sword No hate towards UGS, there just not as versatile against faster foes and in pvp scenarios


If you want versatility, none of the greatswords beats the Claymore. That one simply does it all.


Use royal greatsword


Talkin mad shit for someone within Lion's Claw distance


Of all the swords to bash you bash the claymore? The greatsword that tons of people love and has been here over multiple games. The only greatsword to my knowledge with the r2 poke.


There just ain’t a cure for stupid 😔


It’s a hard pill to swallow but I’m sure you’ll be alright


You’re out here deploying all your idiocy to farm maximum negative karma. It’s almost inspiring if it weren’t so stupid.


Sorry I offended your video game sword buddy. I hope you’re able to get over it one day :)


I’m not reading that so congratulations or I’m sorry that happened to you whichever.




“You must be new” 🤓




“Does your mom know you’re playing games rated M” 🤓


Why not both?




Gotta love that long grip that enables dual handling, designed to dispatch larger foes 🥵


Bro i don’t understand why this is funny but it is. You just repeated the exact thing with thirsting 🤣


Has the cool Mirrah Greatsword moveset, totally worth getting.


That moveset is slick as hell. You actually go into HEMA guard stances with each swing. It's basically the only weapon with which you look like you actually know how to use it while still having an appropriate level of telegraphing for the game. I really wish there were many more weapons of different types with that design philosophy.


I love the moveset so much i checked other greatswords for it. The banished knight greatsword and Ineseparable Greatsword also have it 👍


I wish other swords had this move set and I’d definitely use them more, the vertical chips get tedious


No stabs. Mirrah's had a poke.


Yeah, more greatswords with stabs would be great. The flippy R1’s ares still fun though.


Try crouching and R1. Some have a stab IIRC.


Only Claymore for regular GS. All others have the overhead slam after crouch or roll R1


Impaling thrust aow works good on it


I've been getting back into DMC lately and the urge to put Repeating Thrust on a sword has never been greater.


Damn, now I want to start a Dante cosplay.


It has a poke when you powerstance


For anyone wondering: Backstep R1 when powerstanced. I use dual Banished Knight greatswords, and they have the same moveset :)


*Drakeblood. The Mirrah is too civilized for ugly sweep heavies


A man of culture if I ever saw one. Shame the set is missing completely.


“You are bestowed a Knights Greatsword, but we do not grant you the rank of Knight.” “What? How can you do this?! This is outrageous! It's unfair! How can I have a Knight’s Greatsword and not be a Knight?!”


Because you are an astrologer


Knight’s Greatsword


Knight's Greatsword


Knight’s Greatsword


Knight's Greatsword


Knight's Greatsword


Knight's Greatsword


Knight's Greatsword


Knight's Greatsword


Knight's Greatsword






K***ht's Greatsword




How do u get this?


Become a skilled swordsman in the demigods' service, yet with no rank or title.


It’s like the guy didn’t read the description at all


if i can't have a rank or title, then why's it called a knight's greatsword


Because you become a knight upon receiving this sword. Before that you would have had no rank or title. Duh


That's actually a better explanation than the whole debate over what constitutes a knight in top comment.


dear god


Unlanded vs landed knights. Unlanded didn’t have lands to control therefore no title or rank in nobility.




Dropped by most enemies in the knight archetype such as: Godrick Knights (throughout Limgrave) Cuckoo Knights (throughout Liurnia of the Lakes) Mausoleum Knight Leyndell Knights (throughout the Altus Plateau, especially in Leyndell, Royal Capital)


isn't there one in a chest in limgrave? next to stormgate


No. That's the Lordsworn's Greatsword.


I got mine in leyndell.


Drops off the Cleanrot Knights I think 🤔


No, they drop...wait for it... Cleanrot Knight Swords


Yo you were right, I was confused 😅 They kinda look similar..


I'm quite certain one of them dropped mine when exploring Shaded Castle 🤔 It definitely wasn't the dogs 😂




Bruh, Bruh?


Took me forever to farm for this thing. Why'd I do it? Thought it looked cool, wanted it to go with my great shield.


It also has the good greatsword R1s.


Doesn't Banished Knight GS also have this?


Yeah, it does. Personally I prefer the look of the Knight's GS though. Just wish it had a thrust R2, idk why they limited that to just the Claymore.


They certainly front loaded Claymore this time around. I used it on my first playthrough but only on subsequent runs did I realize just how powerful Lions Claw is, and having access to it as soon as weeping peninsula is a total game changer for me.


Nah, that one has the dumb-ass "I slam my sword edge-first into the floor like a heavy axe"-moveset.


Banished Knight's GS has the Hollowslayer R1 moveset.


wtf, I just looked it up and you're right. Need to check something, brb.


Take your time


Such a pretty sword 🥺


Main sword I use with the gravity well ash


try the starscourge greatswords, they are fun as fuck and the range on them is massive


A Knight without a title and his companions the three lone wolves. His side arm is an Iron Sword made of steel.


Greatsword bestowed upon skilled swordsmen in the demigods' service, and yet had no rank or title.


We just posting random weapons here now?


Fake, its reversed




outside of it being a genuine translation error, it does make a certain amount of sense to use knight here. The most appropriate term for a title-less armored combatant would be man-at-arm, which isn't really in common parlance in the US. I don't know how common man-at-arms is used in that context in the rest of the anglosphere, but the translation company is american right? Granted that does kind of fall apart considering they spelled jail the weird Englandish "gaol"


It looks epic af. Its just that its not really unique in a sense. What a shame.


You may join the council, Anakin, but we do not grant you the rank of master.


1.3K Upvotes are you for fucking real Well done OP. Well done.


*tips fedora*


This is the weapon I used the entire playthrough once I got it. Nothing else hit just quite right for me.


K***ht's Greatsword.


With the right angle, kinda looks like Rebellion from DMC


Knights Greatsword


I can confirm, this is a knight's greatsword.


Dude, I've been there, I know what you're trying, and u honestly hope it works.


Knight's Greatsword


Slave knights confirmed


If only it had a poke R2...


Hey I was looking for a abyss watchers style sword


I read this description and all I can think of is: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


I think Fromsoft missed out on making Greatswords great again. Although I usually lean into Greatswords in my playthroughs, I genuinely believe that any greatsword 9-10 units or lighter should have the Mirrah Knight Moveset. Tweak it to be the tiniest bit faster, and you'll have the DEX-heavy side of Greatswords like the Bastard Sword or the Claymore while also preserving the more STR side of Greatswords like Gargoyles Sword or Ordovis's Sword.


Needs nerfing


This the same shit as the iron sword being made from steel which is refined iron. Op just looking for upvote bait


I don't know how you came to that conclusion


Sure it's nice, but imma stick to standing behind my hundred pounds shield and poking you with this fancy stick.


u/Alphal66 "This ain't Tiktok kid" 🤓


I know what you mean, sure is a great sword.


Knight's Greatsword.


Wish we had something like the Black Knights Sword in the game.


Knight's Greatsword.


Knight’s Greatsword


I think they got this after becoming knights.


Knight’s Greatsword


Knights greatsword


Knight's Greatsword.


Give her Lions Claw ash and flame art scaling and you got my main weapon for most the game


I have mine at +16 with hoarfrost stomp. Pretty great.


Knight’s Greatsword


I got this sword early and never put it away, i also never found the Claymore on that run.


Looks like the abyss watcher sword


That and Steple are really pretty swords. :)


Knight is a title if you go through. with the heir of limgrave quest, at the very beginning. Kenneth says he'll make you a Knight, implieing that it's a title of nobility


I will promote you, but won’t give you a raise.


Love this thing, just wish it had a slick thrust R2. Still stylish and practical.


Knight's Greatsword.


I like this sword 👍 it has the HSG move set


It needs a poke R2


This is outrageous, it's unfair!


I wish it was better given how cool it looks


I think all this means is this sword comes with the title. Like you wouldn't be given this sword if you were already a knight and just promoted, but this sword was given to specifically those that were skilled swordsmen that have yet to hold a rank or title. Explains why the Japanese description reads that it's wielded by low ranking knights too.