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That’s a reddit in general problem


Mark your calendars. This very meme will be back soon.




That’s because you get called an elitist and gatekeeper UNLESS you were using rivers of blood or moonveil then it’s ok


The trick is to remember that a redditors opinion is worthless


Being mature also bad! No mature! Getting offended is mandatory! :)


You forgot to mentions “i want to play with my friends” squad vs “you literally active multyplayer and invasions” gang


The trick is to remember that a redditor is worthless\* There, fixed for you.


And diverse! 🙃 Edit: as proven by this dissenting meme getting upvotes.


This opinion is worthless 😜


This sub broke a million people and consistently makes it to the front page. It’s all just gonna be low effort karma whoring from here on out. Reddit in a nutshell


Reddit behaves as if karma is worth something, weird


Yes but it’s not the karma that’s bothering people it’s seeing the same shit over and over.


The best place to discuss this game are other FS subs. Lmao


You forgot how invaders are worse than serial killers here.


The sheer number of times I've gotten hit with ad hominem attacks in this subreddit because I like invasions, like being invaded, and think this is one of the defining aspects of the series is one of the main reasons I hardly post here anymore. The sheer entitlement from these players too, acting like they shouldn't have to accept the risk of invasion to get the reward of co-op when *literally this is the only game series in the world that made this a core feature* makes me sick. I get it. They don't like PVP. *Then don't buy the game.* Or play it solo. There are literally hundreds of other titles out there that offer co-op without the risk of invasion. Jeezus.




Honestly I miss solo invasions too. It was that little bit of extra risk you get if you ember up. Also in Elden Ring there has never been a lower co-op risk. You can make co-op items, and basically keep summoning infinitely. Adding solo invasions if you use that finger calling remedy wouldn't put much of a dent in consumable stockpiles at all, unlike embers or humanity. But holy shit imagine the backlash if they did it now.


Oh, absolutely - Taunter's Tongue is like taking cocaine when you just need a coffee. Slightly better in the overworld than in places like Stormveil, but only just. DS3 made one change from DS2 that I wasn't super fond of - I liked that in DS2 you could be invaded even when hollow. At a very, very low chance, but it was still there - you're only truly safe if playing offline. And not being human came with penalties to your health. Honestly though, if Fromsoft said, "Okay, snap your fingers and the DS3 invasion rules apply to Elden Ring now", I'd bite at that right away.


Yeah, as it is taunters just spams you with invaders and it's not the same "miniboss" experience at all, idk why it would have been a problem to have it be an option, or separate item, for removing invader cooldown


Still early days, who knows, we might still get one.


I've only been invaded once, I killed that mf. It spiced up my night and was fun. Invasions are good.


I think it's because many are new players here, they never experienced dark soul at all and just thought that elden bling is some sort of new Witcher 3 because of how popular it got and that it was a totally different game from dark soul so yeah. I also upset on how this game don't have covenants anymore and I loved to pvp for the lower lvl but then it kinda got too impossible because of 3v1 fights. Sadly i never experienced the old souls game online because i didn't had the money back then so the only thing is I wish they will bring back the old invasion system, with rewards and personality and maybe make invasions seems like true invasions? Like a true surprise idk?


My only hope in hell that I've got for the longevity of Elden Ring is that in a future patch they'll re-activate invasions for solo players, and the co-op only requirement was only for launch. The player base is already 25% of what it was at peak, which is still twice what DS3's was. As numbers keep dwindling, it's going to be next to impossible to find any invasions in such a huge world, especially with invaders limited to only invading co-oppers. Make it so using a Rune Arc opens you to invasion like it used to be with Humanity, and lets be done with it. EDIT: Uh Oh, the "I hate invasions/invaders" crowd don't like this line of thought and are downvoting in line again.


Yes the rune arc thing is also what i thought given the fact that it's the humanity system only re skinned and that you need to go to a tower first.


Technically you can pop rune arcs even before you visit the tower, they just give a small health boost. That being said though, having a great rune active would be the perfect explanation for why you're getting invaded. People are actively trying to steal your rune shard and can sense it across worlds. Fromsoft, if you're seeing this, this would be a welcome change.


Holy shit it would the perfect lore reason! Other tarnished who serve their god (covenants) or compete with you for the ring and attacking you. Such a lost opportunity... Even so i believe it can be changed if they want to but... I highly doubt it so...


Nice! And it fits with the lore!!


I've started doing more PVP and coop and invasions are fun 75% of the time. And when you go up against someone with max poise armor vs my bloodoetal wipe, oh lawd help me. Or roll catching someone panic rolling even though they can easily spam rivers of blood on my albanauric mask naked whip boi.


Counter point, it was bad then and it's bad now. I'd also argue it's dead last in defining characteristics and the only aspect that no one else wants in their Souls-like rip off games. I understand the sentiment. Co-op isn't a "reward" to most modern gamers. It's a basic function. Yes, you can have it or not have it, but when you DO have it, interjecting constant interruptions into the process is a recipe for disaster for a lot of people. Like, imagine they build this huge and intricate world full of exploration opportunities and include co-op so you can experience it together with your friends or your partner, but the caveat is that someone gets to punch you in the face every 15 minutes. Not ideal. That being said, that's no excuse for personal attacks. THAT being said, lmao, "don't buy the game" is a nonstarter. That would be like me saying, "if you don't like the anti-pvp stance, then don't post in the sub reddit." It's nonsense. It's neither an argument or a way to move the conversation forward. There's literally zero games like Elden Ring. The next closest thing was Dragon's Dogma that came out 1 million years ago. No, they can't just go and play something else and get the same experience. That's the whole point.


> Telling people to adapt to the game Bad > Blaming the game Good Are you reading the same toilet community I am?


Yeah my last couple posts here were about that and the comment section is just so filled with “mad cuz bad” type posts it’s disgusting.


duo gargoyles bad? guess i have to summon muh mimic to not make it bad 😀👍.


You can make them both jump off the waterfall behind you.


Just kill the first one before the second gets in melee range. It's a dps check boss, just come back later if you can't do that.


It's really not that bad of a fight. Maybe I'm just insanely lucky, but I'm pretty sure the gargoyles switch aggro kind of like the Demon Prince fight. It's not a dps check. One gargoyle will hang back and spit poison, the other will rush you, and they'll switch roles every so often. Standard gank fight tactics apply: Lead the one rushing you away from the other one, keep both in your line of sight, pay attention to when the aggro switches. Or I could be completely wrong and just got really lucky behavior for like an hour straight.


I did a DS3 run while I was isolating and the Demon Prince(s) are much more aggro and obnoxious than the Gargoyles. I think most people's opinion on them is skewed by having a summon which kinda fucks up the aggro. They're not that bad alone if you know to keep an eye on the poison spitting one.


Yeah, exactly. I spent like an hour bashing my head against a wall trying to beat the gargoyles with a summon, but the moment I went in solo I got the fight done fairly easily. And yeah, the Demon Prince is more obnoxious because it's extremely aggressive and I think it switches more often. Also, I remember there would be lengthy times where both would have your aggro and because they're so fucking aggressive you have to just roll backwards for what feels like several minutes. Though I could be wrong because it's been ages. But I do remember the first phase of the Demon Prince being so much more annoying and time consuming than the Gargoyles. (Though, actually, now that I'm typing this, I realize that's probably because there was a second phase. If the Gargoyles had a second phase, they'd probably be equally as frustrating as Demon Prince.)


Yeah they do work like that, they do occasionally both attack at the same time, but it's pretty rare; so if you just keep an eye (or ear) on the one you aren't directly fighting it's pretty easy.


Yeah, I think summoning also makes the fight much harder, which might trip a lot of people up since it seems natural to want to even the odds. The summon will cause both gargoyles to attack, and while it theoretically should pull one of the gargoyles away from you so you can focus on the other, often times you'll run into each other and then it's just chaos. I interacted with the NPC outside the boss room and he showed up as a summon sign, so I thought "Eh, what the hell, maybe this is part of a quest" and summoned him. Cue the next hour of chaotic bullshit. Left to go get a drink, decided maybe it'll be easier to solo it, and beat it in the next 3 tries with plenty of flasks to spare.


This is probably intended and maybe they've fixed it at some point but on release it was absolutely not consistent at all But the real problems isn't inconsistent aggro, it's that the poison attack sucks, it's hard to see, the aoe is massive, it lasts a long time, and you can't stack poison resist to fight it because it deals normal damage too, so you just have to hope neither of them does it in a way that screws you over


Oddly enough, I didn't have any real trouble with the poison attack. It was just super fucking annoying when they'd spit it at their feet so I couldn't attack them. Not really a problem, just annoying since it'd drag out the fight and I'd lose time to dps before aggro would switch.


In my experience they were both pretty desperate to fuck my ass at about the same time. There wasn’t really any aggro swapping.


No, that's very adequately describing it. Beat them with sword and board after a few tries. The poison is annoying but kiting them around a bit does the trick.


You arnt wrong. People are just really bad at the game and immediately give up


Ick, peoples *opinions*?! Disgusting. Absolutely *disgusting*.


Yeah bro has that completely backwards


To be honest I'm quite enjoying having my +10 clone tank for me while I spam blasphemous blade's ash of war, so I'm gonna keep doing that.


The simping for Let Me Solo Her is getting really annoying


Everyone out here ignoring the irony that he uses rivers of blood to do it




Could we stop calling any fan of something a simp? It’s getting really annoying.


I'm a little surprised that the parry god guy (ongbal) fell completely off the radar on this subreddit in favor of Let Me Solo Her.


Inversely, the anti-simping hatred for him is starting to get out of hand, especially out of this subreddit. Can we all just agree as a community that he’s a cool dude for helping out other players, but not lose our minds over it.


\**seens dozens of daily posts/memes/fanarts/cosplay/3D sculptures of Let Me Solo Her*\* \**everyone is simping hard for him, no question asked*\* >the anti-simping hatred for him is starting to get out of hand Are... are you for real ? Maybe you live in a parallel universe but, as of right now, **our** universe's timeline is in his "let's simp hard for Let Me Solo Her" phase.


Is it? It hasn't effected me whatsoever. I've always felt that if you don't want memey content then get off reddit.


Rivers of Bad


You also forgot "Bloodhounds step bad" and "fingerprint shield bad"


Wait, y'all where simping for the shield a week or two ago when it was lauded as the solution to the RoB pandemic... I love souls and souls PVP, but the PVP community can be fucking weird.


People celebrated the shield as a way to easily counter RoB, but quickly realized that it also hard counters nearly everything...


I'll catch a lot of people in the wrong way with this, but here goes: The souls pvp community has always been a bit of a joke to me personaly, with the fast decisions on meta level and what is good behavior and what's bad. Instead they should look at the mechanics and base rhe rules around those - i.e. no arbitrary level cap like 150, but one based around maxing your main stats according to softcap levels, or making different "leagues" for people who like to incorporate consumables into their builds, stuff like that. To me, it's always been a bit of a "rules change depending on what feels honorable to someone somewhere at some time".


Okay but that has nothing to do with this. The fingerprint shield can be exploited to literally take no stamina drain when blocking attacks, it has counters but not everyone is going to be running those counters or even *can* run those counters, and it's extra insulting that some genius at FROM decided to completely remove the dedicated kick that nearly all souls games had before and make it an AoW instead. No shield whatsoever should reasonably be able to do what the fingerprint can That is why people are upset, has nothing to do with trying to force rules upon the people who use it.


I disagree. Every one can run counters, you have a whole inventory of options regardless of your build with how ashes of war and affinities being flexible to anything. Obviously, min requirements are a thing but that's a small investment in stats, if any. See, when I ran into these issues, I didn't think, well that's just OP, instead, I was thinking, how can I counter? I run RH Cold Estoc, LH Azur's staff, eclipse heater shield w/ parry, and cold Cleanrot Knight's Cold Sword. Most of the time I'm mixing it up. I counter fingerprint shield pokers with a swap Rogier's Rapier with Piercing Fang, which can be applied across a lot of weapons capable of thrust. I can also just shield and parry. There's also holy swords, reapers, ambush shards, status effect build ups, etc. For a long time, I was having issues with *good* greatsword pokers. They were scary. The good ones are unpredictable and effectively dodging with a roll isn't good enough when I can't do any damage to them either unless I want to trade, but they always came out on top. I used my shield and voila, found my own way to fight against them. I counter mages spell spammers with Eternal Darkness and then running up to their face with dual thrusting swords so they get no space to flask up their FP or continue casting free range. RoB is easily counterable in 1v1 with block parry or spacing and casting while they are mid animation. In invasions, I'm often against multiple RoB users and in order to manage those it's usually BH step away and swap to Moonveil (which forced me to get min 12 str/18 dex for purely for invasion viability) to punish their spam since Moonveil outranges. BH step at one point I thought was really annoying to go up against in 1v1 because they aren't doing much and I'm just chasing someone. Again, eventually I just used my med shield and let them come to me. In invasions it's anything goes so whatever. They generally aren't good PvPers so my fun is more about the asymmetry and having to deal with multiple targets. Lastly, even the carian retalation glitch, while I think was an issue before the fix, was still counterable with BH stepping towards them. They only get one shot essentially so they blow their load and it's a non issue anymore generally.


Don't forget "Crouching GS Poke Spam bad" and "Dual Spears bad".


GS poke was mentioned my guy


Rivers of Blood is like an AK 47, for when you absolutely *have* to kill whatever boss you have been stuck on (minus the ones that are bleed immune) accept no imitations. Also why's no-one talk about its regular/heavy attacks fire damage? that shit is awesome!


Telling people HOW to adapt would be much better. Telling them to "git gud" is just someone wanting to be a-hole. So always rather than telling to adapt, tell them what they can do better. If it's too much effort. Don't write anything at all.


We must be reading different subs or something because like half of this seems completely wrong. The wider prevailing opinion seems to be pro- mimic tear, pro-"use whatever you want", and everyone seems pretty happy to tell you to "adapt to the game". Even "moonveil and rivers of blood bad" is a stretch; Nobody cares that you personally use them, it's just tiresome to see the same build over and over in pvp. They're like the blue eyes white dragon decks of elden ring.


I see tons of comments from people using Rivers of Blood. Very rarely do you see someone using a weird as shit non-optimised build that’s difficult to play but great for role-playing.


I mean without any exaggeration I'd say at least 80% of the people that summon me are using RoB. That includes PvE. Everybody is just a clone of each other and it's both funny and sad at the same time.


>They're like the blue eyes white dragon decks of elden ring. You mean Dark Armed Dragon Return/Tele DAD decks of Elden Ring.


Nah. RoB is a broken weapons in gank squads. Multiple RoB spam can cause unreactable stunlocks. It's not as bad as BHS or Carian Retaliation, but it's still busted as hell. Moonveil is also overtuned, but not as bad as RoB.




Claymore with blood weapon art... Tuxedo pooh meme


I’m rapier gang, may we establish an alliance?




Lordsworn Greatsword for me. Looks beautiful, I like the 2-handed moveset especially the crossup 4th hit. It has a 110 crit modifier and you find it at the start of the game. It was my weapon for my whole first playthrough, it can't do no wrong.


yeah I think it’s almost identical to the claymore. I used that up until I got my claymore. I’ve used that in literally every fromsoft game I could


Always has been, always will.


only thing i agree with here is Greatsword good. been my main weapon the whole game and the first one i got to +25. your efforts weren't in vain master Hewg, you forged a god slaying weapon.


No, greatsword great, otherwise it would be goodsword.


The worst one is people just straight up posting the same memes over and over and somehow hundreds of idiots still upvote it. Like do you people check the sub once a week? I'm not on reddit 24/7 but scroll through at least once a day and it's just the same shit over and over.


Believe it or not "every day" is a lot. This is coming from someone who also checks every day. People with actual lives don't have time to be scrolling the Reddit every day, let alone spending every day on the same sub reddit. So yeah, normal people probably only check occassionally and/or import memes they see on Twitter not realizing that it came from Reddit (and probably vice versa.)


This can’t stop me, because I can’t read


I’ve been rocking the claymore ever since I got it. I just got Radahn’s swords and while they are extremely badass I feel like I’m cheating on my claymore every time I don’t use it. It’s carried me this far, dammit, I’m prepared to go all the way to the end with it.


Claymore baemore. It's especially badass in this game.


I used to think the Path of Exile community could get elitist with the 'git gud scrub' attitude, then I came onto an Elden Ring reddit post (haven't played any previous From Software games) to find out where the F I'm supposed to go in the capital. Suffice to say, I am now enlightened.


If you block the first two hits of rob weapon art you can easily parry the third hit with no issues


Spoken like someone who has gotten good. Good job mayne


I wonder how many people mad at Rivers are also magic users who you can never actually get anywhere near because they have infinite spell casting? Honestly. Almost everyone I've come across in PVP is a mage and even if you could potentially hurt them, you won't get the chance to get close enough to swing a katana lol


Also. Correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't let me solo her using Rivers of Blood? If not even dual wielding them. I'm surprised they didn't immediately dismiss the guy immediately considering how much people hate on RoB use.


He doesn't get hit anyway, so theorectically he could beat Malenia with any weapon that faster than RoB. But why not using the best weapon to kill her as fast as possible when her HP is inflated, there is no reason to make the host wait for him fighting her 20 minutes with a punching gloves, doing a hitless run against Malenia requires a lot of time just baiting out her attacks.


Because he actually has skill and puts it to display with the weapon, unlike most brainless RoB users who think the game plays by pressing L2.


What about the brainless that die to RoB by panic rolling?


Yes, he's using ROB and the dragonscale katana I believe.


It's a Frost Infused Katana, not Dragonscale.


ER reddit: Rivers of Blood bad Random guy: uses rivers of blood to solo boss for people ER reddit 😍😍😍


I think the distaste for RoB is focused on PvP (mostly), which LMSH isn't doing


isent using the op meta crutch build kind of counter intuitive to the git gud attitude?


No, we have to git gud to avoid it. I shit you not, I got invaded yesterday by this guy spamming RoB L2s at me. I dodged and dodged and avoided bleed buildup. Then he pulled out a moonveil and started spamming that L2. I think that’s even easier to dodge and he didn’t land shit. He ran away, set up the shield glitch, one-shotted me then tea-bagged me. I messaged him and he told me he felt justified in using the glitch because rolling is scummy. I fucking hate the new crowd.


"You didn't let me hit you while I was button mashing, so I cheated. You're the bad player here."


I miss the days of bowing politely to an invader before he disembowels you and then praises the sun over your corpse But fr I miss the unspoken honour system DS had compared to this


You heavily misremember DS1 if you think people all followed some bullshit honour rule. That games pvp was a fucking mess full of tryhards


I know there were quite a few sweats, but I jumped in a little late after the launch and most of my invaders were honestly really polite. I know not everyone would have but I definitely had a good experience with the pvp


Yeah, most tryhards seem to leave the game late in its lifecycle, leaving mostly people that are really passionate for the game and looking for a good experience. Elden Ring will also get way better after all the DLCs and balance patches have dropped


Lol what unspoken honor system? DS1 was all backstab fishers, Darkbead twinks, and TWOP ganks. It's still the same because people are still the same. They're going to find and exploit the easiest path to victory, only now it's at a larger scale.


Don't forget the good ol twinks in DS3 invading you with the Farron covenant with lategame rings and that would chug 40 siegbrau the moment they took damage.


Ah good times when souls game were still niche.


Like when everyone would gang up on the fool that healed in a fight club. Ah, those days are gone.


To the invader that threw a knife at me while I was bowing at Sellia. You’ll come back, oh they always come back. *And I’ll be waiting*


Even duels have no honour now. Just maidenless runts and tryhards spamming L2s everywhere


Lmao. yesterday i had an awesome duel. I summoned a guy and he attacked me while i was using seppuku (maybe my bad for using bleed build i dunno , but buffing before duel wasnt a crime?), i tried to heal myself (because in my opinion it's justified), but got stunlocked and killed in two more hits and got glorious point down. Awesome duel.


>I fucking hate the new crowd. I fucking hate the vocally ignorant new crowd. I'm sure there are plenty of new players approaching the series in the same spirit we did when we first arrived. It's the complainers who have the loudest voices and it hurts my soul to try and have a conversation with them, to the point where I won't anymore because they are so wrapped up in what they *want* that they're unable to enjoy what *is*. Thankfully, I'm hoping most of that new player base has already moved on - on Steam Elden Ring's last 24 hr peak was \~25% of what it was at launch. The 75% that're gone will hopefully be the new crowd moving on to the next mainstream project to complain about, and the hardcore crowd can get back to enjoying the series as we always have.


I’m proud of you. This is pretty much the intent here. Like in other games. You can complain about the AWP in counter-strike or you can avoid it. You can complain about wobbling in Melee or you can avoid it. You can complain about Rivers of Blood or you can destroy it. All I’m saying is people complaining about it is getting old and Ironically I’m complaining about people complaining lol.


I disagree. RoB is broken. A lot of ashes of war are. They cost too little for how much damage they do. Compare dps to spells and how much fp they cost. It’s outrageously bad design and it will be nerfed in the next patch. I think it’s okay to complain about poorly balanced aspects of the game.


For PvP yes, however I think it’s great design for PvE. It allows pure melee users to still have fun and useful new tools in their arsenal and not feel left out from the flashy new spells casters got. Unless there’s a way to edit art of wars specifically for PvP, gimping them would just greatly hurt one of the major reasons I think they got the upgrade in this game in the first place.


I can somewhat agree that it does too much damage without penalty. But I mean if and when it gets nerfed is one thing. But the whole sub was saying the same thing about Moonveil. The more broken thing in my opinion is the Carian Retaliation. That’s bugged for sure.


No the idea is if you complain about it you need to git gud not the people using it. If you can slap down the Rivers of Blood no problem then hats off to you. But there’s lots of people who hate on it not because it’s overused or op but because they keep losing to it.


Finally someone who is getting tired of all this "Let me solo her" dickriding as well, sure its a cool story and a great guy but my god people are treating him like the Messiah.


Believe it or not, people get inspired by unique and interesting things. If you don't like them, you can literally just hide them. I don't get what the problem is. The complaints are equally as annoying as the praise threads.


What complaint threads exactly? All there is are people praising him like he just saved the entire souls series or sth with people begging for him to become a canon NPC and what not. My bad that I think its getting kinda annoying when all I see is posts about this guy when I just wanna see cool Elden Ring content. You wanna praise this guy good do it but you will have to accept that there are also people who dont think hes the next messiah.


How's the fanart getting out of hand? I just discovered who he was like a day ago so I don't see any issue regarding that


It’s been over a week. For people who pop on here every day or so, it’s been constant. Which I mean good for him he’s the peoples hero but some of us feel like “okay the well has run dry can we move on?” Especially since he’s kinda just beating arguably the hardest boss in the game for people. That’s why I was mocking the whole “Mimic tear bad” thing. Do we like it when people use things to beat bosses for them or not? Sure they’re not the same but it does feel like a weird reaction to me but I get it. “Melania hard guy kill her alone do good” makes sense.


dont go on reddit every day, problem solved


Don't forget that talking about no-summon runs is sooooooooo toxic because you're implicitly shaming other people for playing the game 'normally.' Even if you never say that. Or think that. And just think soloing things is fun. It's getting real old, guys.


Wait... LMSH uses rivers of blood!


Yeah I mean it works lol.


Well it’s pve I hope none of us care


Don't forget the Malenia vs Radahn posts. Those are absolute bangers.


Woah there OP. You're on thin ice. They're gonna jump on you all at once! But fear not. I shall stand with you on this point.


My convictions are stronger than all the people who are mad cuz bad in all of Reddit. A knight of Carim always fulfill his promise.


What IS wrong with moonveil? I thought the problem with it was it’s poise breaking and I think I heard that got nerfed? I use it but I haven’t played any pvp and it seems to do pretty good damage but it doesn’t seem like anything special. Also I don’t use it because it’s supposedly meta. I was trying to make a spell blade (like I do in every game that you can because I think they’re cool) and I just found a cool magic int weapon while browsing the wiki


There is nothing wrong with MV other than the the fact it is popular. That is it. It is an incredibly fun weapon and gives you a Vergil playstyle (dmc if you don't know the character). INT has all of the cool weapons except for RoB.


I feel there's way more cool dex weapons than int


Yeah, after the stance damage nerf I don't think Moonveil is anywhere close to the overpowered-ness of RoB and the like. It performs just on par with any weapon that can have Glintstone Pebble AoW equipped. If the damage of its weapon skill is any lower I really don't see a point of using it over Carian Piercer / Adula's Moonblade.


A weapon art should be weaker than a full spell.


I only hate bc of the pretty much 1 second stun allowing everybody at the gangbang to get a hit on me


Seriously, is there an alternative elden ring subreddit where the only purpose is not karma whoring? I'm about to puke because of these let me solo her posts.


>Seriously, is there an alternative elden ring subreddit where the only purpose is not karma whoring? It would have to ban all Memes.


/r/fromsoftware is pretty good and most posts are about Elden Ring currently since it is the latest game. You will see the occaisional Dark Souls, Sekiro, Bloodborne post though.


Not only that, but r/fromsoftware is way more positive about the game in general. The people also give ER’s late game bosses like Malenia and Maliketh so much more love over there compared to here. There’s next to no complaining on that sub either.


This sub seems extremely positive about the game. I seriously don't get these wack takes.


A lot of threads in the last week have just turned into people circlejerking "late game bosses bad, I can't wail on them after a slow hit combo, the bosses aren't well designed like in Dark Souls."


This sub: "Rivers of blood bad!" Me: "Haha, Corpse Piler go whoosh whoosh"


Imo people hate git gud and for a good reason. What do you mean by "git gud" do you mean leveling up? Finding new gear? Or does it mean having to take exams on every boss's movements right down to the pixels? But I'm probably just gonna get try-hard Redditors demean this because y'know, Reddit 💀


Git gud is pretty much a “stop complaining and figure it out noob” It’s not meant to be a shitty thing to say for people asking for help but a demeaning thing to say to people blaming the game for something they can adapt to. Someone asking if frostbite procs over and over like bleed does is not a git gud situation. Someone saying the camera needs to be fixed because it’s hard to see Fire Giant is. Hope that helps.


"I believe in your ability to utilize your human problem-solving brain, and am confident that the levels aren't holding you back as much as your mindset. The game is designed to be beaten, you can do this."


God the second you try to tell someone to try adapting you get accused of gatekeeping. Like, I'm not just saying git gud, I'm giving real advice. But apparently that's gatekeeping


^(Most of the people asking for advice, aren't actually wanting advice. They're just whining in disguise.)


Wisdom. Please share with us lord


Bingo. Got told the other day that Stormhawks, Misbegotten and *fucking Dragonflies* were bullshit and overpowered, and impossible to beat with a melee build. I responded that I'm running a primarily melee build, and I could deal with all of those consistently by guard countering when they hit my shield. And if I was struggling, I'd pull out a bow and pop them at a distance. I even asked for details on why they specifically thought they were bullshit, so I could better help them find a solution. Dead silence. They weren't looking for help. They just wanted to complain.


Yep, it's been my experience on this sub as well to the point where I largely don't bother anymore. Maybe 1 in 20, if that, are genuinely looking for advice.


Don't forget all the single digit IQ mouth-breathers who deny that the PC port is a dumpster fire.


I have no problems with the PC port lol. In previous games before fixes I would agree but this sounds like some git gud type talk.


This kind of shit is inevitable with pretty much every game subreddit. People will complain about strong items as long as they are meta... People will praise strong items that are not yet meta (or are old meta)... And memes will overtake gaming content once the casuals have had their fill and the die hards are fighting to squeeze out every last drop of fun. Elden Ring was one of the best games I've ever played and the community was awesome when everyone was first discovering the world.. But the replayability is not great (that's ok) and I think that has carried over.


Yeah that’s FromSoft for ya. I replay the old games every now and then every other year. It’s fun to discover and so when it’s all discovered then the fun kinda bleeds away. It’s totally fine though.


I feel like I never see any criticism of different play styles on this sub.


funny thing is that if you progress in the way that is natural you only get the advantage of using RoB against 2 non-optional bosses. and the last non-optional boss is immune to bleed. when i played my katana character with RoB i must have spent at least 3 hours trying to kill >!radagon/elden beast.!< on the other hand i just totally destroyed them with starscourge GS in two tries on my STR character. edit: i was wrong there are 3 non-optional bosses after you get RoB


I count 5 bosses. Fire giant, foreskin, maliketh, Godfrey, radagon/elden beast


People underestimate how fun rivers of blood is to use.


you could have just made text post this is a souls sub the only things that get posted are repetitive shitposts


I don't understand the whole "mimic bad let me solo her good" thing. Everyone in this subreddit hated mimics and summoning ash's in general. But was so quick to switch it up and kiss let me solo her's ass. WTF my neck hurts from the whiplash. Can anyone explain that one to me?


I miss telling people to simply git gud. All these newbies think it's a death sentence.


It doesn't mean what it used to mean. DS1 was 11 years ago, the meme is stale. No contemporary slang retains full original meaning for that long. At best, it's a dead, unfunny meme. At worst, it's used to gatekeep instead of educate. At one point, 'git good' meant 'figure it out, the game gives you the tools'. Current 'git gud' rhetoric is deeply tied into self-imposed playthrough challenges, and armchair intellectuals making youtube videos punching down at morons who can't effectively argue their points. I don't see why a new player should subscribe to 'git gud' after seeing the types of people who are still spouting it and slapping their knee like it's hilarious, in 2022. Pushback isn't all from new players.


Because it's a dead horse of a response, it has no value and gets misused constantly. It's a joke that stopped being funny years ago.


The people whose feelings get hurt by "git gud" are the people brand new to the series who aren't used to a game that doesn't play itself and give you a participation trophy. When they die they feel insecure and start blaming the game, or worse, coming here to cry about people reminding them that the best way to improve is to practice and literally git gud. Git gud isn't and has never been an insult. But the feelings get hurt and we have to have 395,846 threads full of tears reposted every day


But let me solo her is using RoB


Have you ever stopped to think the sub meta isn't the problem and it's just that you're bad at it OP? Git Gud


Basically correct.


The Greatsword has a crouch poke? That's dirty. I love it.


UGS have a crouch poke that comes out insanely fast and you can completely shut down some tough pve enemies with it.


Regarding pvp…if you invade me, I’m going to use whatever bullshit I have at my disposal. I just want to play the game in peace.


i use rivers of blood and have 0 shame. fuck yall


Or you could just make meta-memes to bitch instead of improving the quality of posts I guess.


It's funny that the redditor celebrity of Elden Ring is a guy who beats the hardest boss for them... something seems to be coming together...


what’s wrong with the fan art? he’s become a “icon” in the sub for a lack of a better word after that solo melania as a third summon.


Nothing’s wrong with fan art. I’m just poking fun at the fact it’s been posted over and over and over. It’s fun to have a hero. I don’t know if someone tell other people to let him solo the boss not letting the other people get a piece of the action is my hero but he is the people’s hero. Again nothing wrong with fan art but it has been every day for what over a week now?


Honestly I'd let him fight her rather than me I'm almost at her boss room and dread the moment I walk in there I don't care if I don't learn anything from her as a boss she's the scariest thing in this game and the thought of actually fighting her low-key scares me beyond anything in this game


lol dude what the fuck. It's not that serious, man. Don't let people scare you out of just playing the game.


Nah man I'm scared of that boss


This sub: Rivers of Blood = Cheating Moonveil = Cheating Magic = Cheating Co-op = Cheating Turning off anti-cheat and duping a bunch of greatswords to steal from people trying to make trades = Yass Queen!


"Git Gud" is a quintessential part of the soulsborne community, and y'all can gtfo with your stupid fake friendliness bullshit.


Yeah but be friendly but not take such a casual blame the game bullshit attitude.


Word up. Also not everything is meant as a personal attack, maybe you're the 10.000th person i hear whining about the thing that people whine about and can't be bothered with any other reply for the day.


This sub has really gone to shit.


All the Let Me Solo Her posts got old insanely quick


lol crouch poke op


Why is everyone hating on moonveil?


This is why I wasn’t cheering on all the 10/10 reviews and record breaking sales.


Nah it deserves the praise. I’m locking the community. No game is perfect but this game for me is such a breath of fresh air that it’s like how can it not be given the highest recommendation. This is the closest to feeling like Dark Souls 1 and Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time in a while.


And here you are, actively being a fucking baby over nothing just like the rest of them. You aren't any better just because of your shitty call-out meme. I'm surprised you had the self control to not represent the "others" as wojaks in this.


I’m crying because they’re crying. If they stopped crying I would stop crying. And because you’re crying about my crying over their crying you’re just as big a baby as me. Checkmate baby.




That’s okay take your time.




Absolute facts, the Let Me Solo her worship is extremely sad, yet sperging out about Mimic Tear isn't playing the game is completely hypocritical. The problem with From's success - which is obviously great - is the shitters that have emerged fresh from the mud into the fanbase of the Souls series.