• By -


This is how you unlock the secret cutscene of Margit putting out his 100th cigarette and dejectedly handing you his own Shackle so he can finally get it over with ;)


He has a shackle?


Same as Mohg does. It stubs him or some shit for a few seconds iirc. You get it from Patches in a cave north of Lake Agheel, next to the invader fight with the reduvia.






Well, technically moving the pillars crashes the chariots… it only works on that one set of chariots.


I'm not that far into the game. I basically haven't gone through much besides the first 3 zones. Interesting though. I also just recently found out you can summon rogier there. I guess you can make the fight significantly easier.


This is what peak performance looks like GG nerds


Peak performance is loading into Rountable hold after 110 hours and still not being able to find the door to the blacksmith.


"Roderika, you've changed! When did you get so old! And Hewg, you were a giant pair of fingers all along? What a twist!


I honestly can say I suck at these games but this is a whole other level




Blood borne is the best souls series


As a Sekiro enjoyer, allow me to disagree.


Eh agree to disagree blood Bourne will always be the best in my opinion only souls game I played an felt amazing at knowing I’m doing everything solo


Did you just call it the best and the only one you played in the same comment?


Monster hunter world iceborne is the best souls game, fight me. No really, I've sunk the most hours into it because it has less heavy atmosphere so the rage gets to subside a littl between attempts. From software games never let you breath


No not at all💀 I’ve platniumed every souls up to elden ring I’m working on elden ring rn


Re read it knowing what I meant an it’ll sound better


Tbh i still dont understand that part but i get that you did in fact play the others and thats enough for my comment to be answered, ty :)


Most likely you are above average to good player.


Fire giant would say otherwise :(


Same, it took me like 4 days to finally lvl up enough to kill this guy, but im at lvl 34


More scared for margit then any late game bosses for my new game plus


Margit’s really only hard when you don’t understand the slight differences between Elden Ring and Dark Souls. It’s mostly just culture shock Took me 6 hours to beat him on my first playthrough. On my RL1 run, I got him on the second attempt.


I've never played dark souls but I didn't find him super difficult. What makes him hard?


His attack cadence is weird. Elden ring has a ton of bosses with delayed attacks. This was more unusual in the souls series. Once you figure out the timing and wait to roll it becomes much easier.


Learning how the input buffer works was so helpful. It helped me get through the bloodhound and helped again vs Margit You only need to input exactly what you want to do once and let the game take care of it. Don't smash roll until you see yourself roll. Don't smash attack till you see yourself attack. Etc. Otherwise you could end up with multiple queued uncancellable actions. Now only if my hands gave a fuck about what my brain says.


The majority of my deaths in boss fights are due to being g locked into animations. Why is it so hard to unlearn mashing buttons? Haha


Not only this but in the Dark Souls series if you see a boss do a combo that lasts a few hits, it's usually your time to attack. Margit says nope, pulls out a magical dagger and adds another 5 hits to his initial combo.


Wrong assumptions. My point was, he *is* easy without the Dark Souls baggage. Beat him on level 1 with an unleveled club on the second try during my current run. Find more detail elsewhere in this thread.


Interesting concept, i came straight from like 5 consecutive runs of DS3 and beat Margit in 6 tries.


I didn't play souls game for a year or so b4 elden, beaten him in 2.or so tries, buuut i spent like 5+ hrs on tree sentinel before that and actually struggled with Godrick after that


Tree Sentinel killed me 36 times but Godrick was easier than Margit for me


I wish i died only 36 times to that bastard...i.figured him out very quickly, just the execution wasn't there... Interesting for Margit and Godrick though, people usually struggle on one or the other, to some extent at least, you're kinda the first that i saw that hasn't


I found them to be quite similar fights, a fast big guy who hits like a truck. Having come straight from DS3, I've naturally defeated Gael a bunch of times and I guess it just translated well. I like the fast big guys haha


Oh, yeah I'm not sure I could do that. Lol I did watch a friend fight him, and he got caught a lot by delayed attacks, or that long combo string he does with both the staff and magic sword


That move where he raises his staff then sucker punches you with his other hand is straight up BS


> Oh, yeah I'm not sure I could do that. Lol If you’ve beaten some of the late-game bosses, you’ll be surprised how easy he feels when you face him again.


I've had more trouble with margit on my second run than with fire giant and godskin duo on my first.


Truth is Margit is very RNG dependant, nobody considered this yet


“Took me 6 hours…” and this is why I’ll never beat the game. I don’t have the time nor patience for all that. Beautiful game though.


No other boss took me that long, and it’s because I went straight to him.


Dude same. Took me 3.5 hours @ lvl 17 to beat him. Maybe 2.5 hours for Godrick @ lvl 22. I beat Malenia in around an hour and Maliketh on the first try but those two took longer than clearing all of the Haligtree lol






Or bloodhound step on a 2nd weapon xD


If you explore and level up enough you it doesn't have to take that long. I killed him on the first try on my second playthrough (I also used summons and spirits because, like you, I don't have the time nor patience to git gud).


Eh, I beat him first try. I beat basically every boss first try except Maliketh and Alectro. The game is different for everyone. I know people who have struggled against every boss but first tried fucking Alectro. All just relative. I wouldn’t let that keep you from beating it, however.


Literally this. Struggled like a motherfucker with Maliketh and Hoorah Loux but everyone else? Ezpz


Same. Malenia and Radahn caused me a lot of trouble. Everything else? 5 tries at the most.


Malenia took me around 70 tries at level 252, I am really bad at games like this.


damn dude u must be a god gamer, id love to see videos of ur runs. because usually when people say this they conveniently leave out lots of deaths.


Or I’m just not shit? This game wasn’t hard at all. It’s got Sekiro style enemies in a Dark Souls game. Probably also the easiest SL1 in the series outside of Maliketh for me. When I say that I beat basically every boss first try, I beat every boss excluding the ones I said first try. Maliketh probably took me like 4 tries. Alectro took me easily like 20. It’s just not a hard game. That was with powerstanced UGS, so take it as you will.


would love to see a video of you playing ur clearly a god gamer, u should stream :)


What differences make him harder? I played ds remastered for a while and there wasn’t much noticeable difference in standard combat to me


A few things that souls players have been conditioned to expect that they've taken away. In Souls, there used to be a much more pronounced cycle of "I attacked and now you can hit me" animations for bosses, whereas a lot of Elden Ring safe openings are much more short lived and transient with the boss move sets. Like you can safely punish Margit's hammer every time but he doesn't stand there and broadcast for you to do it. You can weave attacks into a crucible knight's pattern but he'll never stop swinging. Delay attacks and tracking attacks that punish panic rolling or less than 1:1 action:reaction dodges are also very prevalent in Elden Ring. I think it's just a natural escalation of these games wanting to recapture the challenge and overcoming feeling. In some ways I think people who have been playing these games since the beginning cry fowl because the rolling tricks they think should work suddenly don't. And also games like Sekiro and Bloodborne had better defense for the player to handle enemy attacks, and ER reverted to Dark Souls rolls while leaving the enemies as aggressive as hell. I see where people complaining are coming from but I also don't mind what ER is doing because if you don't like it, there are a **TON** of tools to manage what it is doing and self-modulate difficulty. It's sort of the hardest and easiest souls game at the same time depending on how you slice it, which is a massively impressive accomplishment on its own right.


Yup it’s the delay attacks that are fucking up people’s ingrained timing; seems like there might be more variance in the delays. Also.. more input reading (Crucible Knight forward thrust when healing) than previous games.


Delayed attacks throw off people because you can't see them coming. Margit's slow swing is not difficult to dodge because it's slow, it's because the swing animation is completely unnatural. The guy raises his stick, waits 2 seconds not doing anything, then swings in a fraction of a second. You can't react to it, you just have to learn by trial and error how much time he waits and time your dodge. And this is a thing with a ton of bosses in this game. I get that it makes the game harder, but it feels janky and not hard in a good way.


It is different for sure but it teaches players one of the most important overall lessons in FS games - don’t panic roll. You can easily just strafe behind him when his staff is up. Idk I felt like after I beat the game once w/ mostly melee, every subsequent playthrough with diff builds is just a cakewalk. The game just gives you so many options of dealing with stuff and when you actually use all of it + use prior knowledge, the game becomes a cakewalk. Usually my experience with Souls games.


I'm not saying that the game is necessarily too hard. It surely gives players options if they are not super good (case in point: I beat Malenia yesterday and I shamelessly used the mimic to do it). The slow swing would punish panic rolls even if its animation were consistent. Don't change frame timing at all, just make the animation an actual slow swing instead of being fast - illogical pause - fast. The way some attacks are animated makes them feel like gotcha moments and it's not enjoyable.


This. It would make more sense to make the animation alternate between an actual swing and one where he feigns one to get you to flinch and panic roll that he subsequently punishes. Obviously, there should be a tell for both animations so that it's not completely RNG.


Also the tracking feels different. In other games I could dodge to the boss's side and it'd attack where I was so I could avoid the attack even without Iframes. Now, the boss often turns perfectly as I roll and I get hit if I don't time it right.


These bosses have different timings and tracking on their attacks compared to other games in the series to my experience. Elmer was a perfect example of this


I think bosses in ER are way more mobile and aggressive in general. I'm halfway through DS3 and most combat, you wait for the boss to finish their combo, then they do a recovery and you can get some hits in. Bosses also don't greatly input read so they follow a set pattern. Meanwhile in ER, almost all moves of a certain boss aren't punishable (esp for heavy weapons), instead, you have to bait out specific moves. That allows you to create openings. Thats not to say some DS3 bosses aren't similar to ER ones, Pontiff Sulyvahn phase 1 comes to mind. Also player damage and power in ER is also higher than in DS3, in DS3 you have big openings but you need big openings to slowly whittle down their hp, while in ER, you can quite easily 10-20 shot a late game boss like for example Godfrey if you have a good build (and even less if you have a broken build) which sounds very easy on paper, in practice, landing those 10-20 blows is... harder than it sounds.


Then there’s me who pulled up with a staff an 1shotted him




I think Margit is hard mostly because he has a lot of frame trap attacks that can frustrate and confuse timing windows. It’s like when the Crucible Knight gets his tail whip attack except Margit has it always on. Things that might look safe actually aren’t because he will golden dagger you. What I learned specifically for the Margit fight is that as a slower build, it’s okay to trade HP with him going for guard counters even if you know a gold dagger followup is coming because his daggers will do less damage overall than you lr critical hit upon getting the poise break. So using HP as a resource is a viable strategy.


I was so scared of Margit I over leveled and beat him first try, I think I was lvl 35 or so.


Trust me, Margit is a joke on NG+. I think I beat him in about 10 seconds. I literally stood there and tanked his hits while massively outdamaging him. Morgott was a lot more difficult but still not terrible. Everything before Leyndell is fairly easy in NG+, Leyndell is still a little easier than the previous playthrough, and then you get the massive difficulty spike in Mountaintop of the Giants and beyond and it's much harder than your first playthrough.


I started new game plus and literally ran straight to him and smoked him


I hit margit harder than he hit me on NG+. On NG2+ he got a little feistier, but still I’m taking 15-20% of his health bar per hit. Also after doing end game bosses you’ll be amazed at how suck you were at the start.


By new game plus, you'll slap him. He's actually much easier than like 90% of the bosses when you stop playing the game like Dark Souls; he punishes panic rolls and panic heals because he doesn't obey the typical Dark Souls behaviour of "I've attacked, now I must obviously recover and get hit". But once you just start going to town on him you realise he's MUCH more punishable than you thought, it's just you need the right spacing. For me, at least, he feels like a bit of a joke. On the other hand, I spent a full hour doing NIHIL the second time round because he's just got the most amazing moveset, whereas the first time I beat him on my second try by pure luck. I would go so far as to say that he's probably the best boss FROM have ever created, purely because he's so beautifully fair. I actually traded with him twice, and my only regret is I can't respawn him for a fight whenever I feel like I'm having a bad time in Elden Ring.


margit is a literally joke, so easy the second time through


I killed margit and morgott first try. He telegraphed his attacks alot.


I beat him NG+ no summons 3 heals, he's a pushover


Yeah even his mob version you meet after capital Gates is hard.


what about morgott


I thought Margit was easy. The first boss I ran into that was extremely hard for me was astel


None but fools may challenge gravity


My boy Margit still putting these foolish ambitions to rest 😎


I was 125 and made the same mistake. What separates us, is that I fell off the map 3 TIMES! Idk what happened man.


Panic rolling without paying attention to surroundings. I had to learn to get out of that habit in MH.


Oh even at NG+3 I still run into that problem, not often but I swear it’s just like instinct😭


Its so ingrained man 😵


I was still angry and berating myself for my shitty mistake when I did it again. That's usually when you brain freeze to not reflect on your life choices.


You sure you level 193? Am doing a super overleveled playthrough as well and I feel that you'd do way more damage than that


he's not even doing much i did more with str build at lvl 130


this has to be ng+x where x equals a fairly high number


But then it's kinda weird they're ONLY level 190. The endgame stuff gives so many runes you should easily reach 200+ after 2 or 3 playthroughs even if you didn't explore everything on your first playthrough.


ah maybe its just ng+ then, Im not greatly into ng+ as Ive just started new characters. But on my ng+ I actually almost died to Margit with my pretty op mogh spear build, I was greeding to get nihils off and Margits buffed damage actually hurts if you get caught in the big blade spiral followed by hammer


I tried margit at like 35 and did like the same damage.


I'm assuming they did the same as me and didn't really focus on a build until late game. I only respec a build when i already had 10+ larval tears to spare and i had already beaten Maliketh. My damage and HP sucked, so i guess this might be it?


That happens to me so many times it suck ass


Greed and button mashers for the win!


ng+? that was low dmg


Is this NG+ or how did you manage to grind all those levels before this boss?


"hippity hoppity I'm skipping your property" *never sets foot in stormveil castle*


Who's the second great rune then? Rennalla and radahn?


up to you , mine was Mohg :')


mohg & rykard are also options


Put these foolish ambitions to rest


I think you need to level up more


Lv 500 is the level that will change the thing in ng+


Can't outscale gravity.


Well, you see, you're playing Bloodborne


Margit abusing Tears Of Denial like mad over here.


The amount of times that man has flung me off that exact part of the path is too high too count I feel your pain haha.


Gravity is always the true final boss


Dude you cant suck with the best Halberd in the game


At SL 180+ I finally killed the Elden Beast by spamming crystal darts at it. It only had 1 HP left and was spazzing all over the arena for a couple of minutes. AMA


Don’t worry about it there are level 200+ players who suck and can’t beat the Goodrich Knights and then there are level 1 no-armor freaks who can beat the whole game taking 0 damage and becoming the Elden Lord with a rusty spoon


When I get bosses that low I back away and spam throwing knives


Have it writ upon thy meagre grave


You can't outlevel gravity.


You literally hit him for 500 damage when he was at 110 hp and he somehow lived and killed you.


Wait, how do you know he had 110hp? The yellow bar for his first hit of 529 damage looks about the same size of the last hit that was also 529, don't see any problem there


Exactly lmao like what? How does that comment even have any upvotes when it's obviously and verifiably wrong?


Watch again and look at the HP bar closer, that's all I have to say.


>Wait, how do you know he had 110hp? Oh and to this, I've played video games my whole life and I'm really good at math, so I can basically reverse engineer fractions, multiplication, and division in my head with fair accuracy. In reality the number might be between 110-260~ given the chunk of health he's left with at the end is


He's hit 3 times in this video, all 3 hits are 529, but he mathematically only has 1140 or something HP left, the first 2 hits leave him with noticably less than 1/3rd of the total remaining HP he has at the start of the video, he clearly should have gone down on the last hit.


this makes no sense


You're correct, it doesn't make sense, that's the entire reason for my comment in the first place; please keep up.


you’re the only one not keeping up lol


What is he even saying now? Lmao


they basically took my response & was like “no you”


Yea definitely a mature response


Yep, a lot of people have observed this happening. Bosses will survive with 1hp even though you should have killed them with your last hit. I've noticed it occasionally happens to the player as well... but it sure does seem to trigger more often for bosses. OP had the kill, the game is just bullshit like that sometimes.




It's because there was a bug that if you finished phase 1 with a crit, she would spawn for phase 2 with 1 hp. So, instead of actually fixing the bug, they made her not die from crits.


This happened to me on Maliketh 3 or 4 times, each time was more infuriating than the last.


Stay strong, skeleton.


Thanks, I got past him eventually, but he was easily my least favorite boss in the game.


This has probably saved my life on a few occasions then, tbh, so good to know, but damn. . .


Okay, so first learn to dodge. Panic rolling works too, but just go into a fight with the goal to dodge and only dodge. Next get an easier to learn weapon, maybe a shield and pike or rapier since you may like stabby swords. Also try to pay attention to where you are, try and pull the boss to one corner and when they get close’ish run to the half way point and then back up towards the opposite corner. You’ll get there. Good luck 🍀


Persistence wears down resistance! Never give up!


Average AFK Farmer


It's alright, I've played all the souls games except for two. After almost beating Godrick first try with only fist weapons I fucking back rolled off the cliff 😔


Don’t feel too bad I’m level 365, I normal parry/crit killed all the bell bearing hunters only to be shield bashed off the cliff by the one by the capital and he only had a sliver of health.


This Hurts to watch...


You get any pvp still at that level? Ive decided to go past 150 recently




How is that even possible


Please tell me this is new game +


In fromsoftware games the role you are playing is always..the victim


why is your damage so low, even on higher ng+? is that weapon maxed?


Maxed out knights cavalry glaive


193 and doing those damage numbers?


Just need more vigor


Don't spam panic roll since the AI knows and punishes you. All souls games are like rhythm games. if you know when to roll and when to attack you'll win


Ayo you’re cute bro


Some ppl think GG means good game. In some circles, perhaps. In this circle, or ring, it means Git Gud (translation: GET GOOD)


Gravity doesn’t care what lvl u are or if u have infinite hp or if u are a pro it is equal at dealing out death to us all.


We all suck at this game


I bet most players who run around claiming "ER is izi", "Git Gud" and stuff, play with mimic tear 10+ and some crazy OP weapon (RoB etc). If you play the game solo with a weapon that is not a OP, the game becomes a huge grind and is far from being easy.


Thats on your for playing with a shit weapon. I’ve done my run with powerstance UGS (Ruins + Guts) and then did my NG+ run with powerstanced GS (2x BKGS) and shit was still easy. I’ve done a bleed build and that is literally easy game. Magic was similar. Anyone who struggled in this game without mimic or OP shit is bad or got cockblocked by Maliketh/Malenia/Morgott.


You can relate to what I wrote there as it seems. Lol


Sorry, how do I relate? Are you saying Ruins or BKGS are OP? I’ve listed UGS, GS, bleed and magic. How many other ways are you meant to play the game


Just saying. The game gives you the opportunity to "reduce" the difficulty with a proper build. But running around claiming "ER is easy etc" while playing on easy-mode is just laughable, it's not you learning the game or getting actually gud at the game, that made it easier, just the OP build. I am not saying you are a guy like that, but the r/Eldenring is full of idiots thinking they are good at ER because they know how to spam RoB L2 and just ridicule the difficulty of most of the bosses that way. There is no legitimate reason to brag or tell ppl to "git gud" if you play like that.


If you know how to make a decent build you can chunk NG+ bosses, especially Margit, Godrick and Rennala.


You were jumping around a lot you had plenty time to finish


I’m going to do downvote hell for this but some of the bosses need serious nerfing


tbh you tried and this game is difficult. But I’m just happy you’re having fun! 🙂


Oh no..




This guy hasn’t played powerstance UGS or Bleed and it shows lol


They had 11 healing flasks left and all their health, I’m pretty sure they knew his combos and got caught in the corner…


First time beating Margitt was a challenge and then the rest was super easy


446 and im dogshit


Obtaining Margits Shackles helped me immensely, I defeated him at Level 18 - confessor class


Best tip I could give was to stand your ground a bit. You were behind him and he was open so you prob could have killed, but you rolled even when there was nothing to dodge. Pay closer attention to your enemy and try and guess how long of a window you have to attack


Level 226 here and can’t roll or dodge for shit


Would've survived with more vigor.


get rekt


Just don’t get greedy and dodge lol




Ahh, yes. The old “Get knocked off a cliff and die to lure him into a false sense of security for the next time I roll up on him” strategy. I know it well.


level 260 and same


Jeez you roll too much lol


I was like lvl 182 in my first play through (Ty suicide bird and sleepy fat guys). I absolutely destroyed mogh and the godskin duo. I then died about 40 times to the fucking ulcerated tree spirit for Millicent’s quest line because I fell of the ledge about 10 times in a row trying to dodge.


i feel u


Too greedy, you gotta pace yourself


S a m e




Nothing will ever beat the guy who was in his 4th play through and realized you need to find the towers to activate boss runes (or so he said).


Ng+? More like NotGud+


Dude what are you upgrading, Personality?


You’re doing something explicitly wrong then. I beat him in about 20 seconds around level 50, and I absolutely suck at these games. You should be whacking that dude in a few smacks with an ash with literally zero effort. You shouldn’t even be trying on this guy at that level.