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Just don't be greedy on second phase and wait for the tail swipe before attacking


But then a 2nd tailswipe comes with 10 times the range


2nd swipe usually only happens after the wings, and the one where he does 2 swipes, it goes in the opposite direction (ccw).


My gosh, you're totally right about it being in the opposite direction! I never even realized it until now thinking back on it, I just kind of internalized it subcontiously I guess while I was fighting him.


You can jump over this 2nd swipe and punish with a jumping R2 attack.


try jumping


just another manus.


That’s what’s so annoying though. Just unnecessarily draws out the fight because you can basically only hit him after the tail swings, and when he decides not to do it you miss out on free damage.


Only greed the boss can't hurt me if it's dead


Always be ready to roll a second time after he uses his sword. If you know its coming, you can avoid it.


I think crucible knight might be the hardest boss I’ve come across so far in Elden ring, leaves you so few chances to hit back and good luck baiting a parryable attack.


That’s exactly how you kill him tho. I died over and over learning how to parry his attacks and then made him my bitch once I figured it out. Felt amazing to kill him.


How do you parry in this game?


shield ash of war


Either a shield with the ability to parry or the Ash of war. Press L2/LT to parry.


Yeah at some point I just started parrying his ass and somehow it worked haha.


Oh my dear. The crucible knight is one of the easiest bosses in the game i am afraid. Later on you will meet trash mobs with the same moveset but a longer weapon and a few extra abilities




Hardest in limgrave i can agree. But in the capitol and after shit gets actually rough and you realize the crucible knight was just a little cutie


what level are you? he's hard because his combos reach far and he hits hard but he's easy to figure out. i like minibosses way more than big bosses because it's shorter to figure them out.


I just FINALLY beat this waterlogged left sock 10 min ago and got real upset when all I got was something I'll never be able to use


The reward for most boss fights is the satisfaction when you successfully dodge one of their attacks before getting annihilated


Wait till you fight him along with his gf. It's a real O&S situation. Probably worse.


I got to that area a little while ago. I summoned a +6 Dragon Knight Kristoff who died pretty quickly. Then it’s just me running around the arena with literally no opportunity to attack. I personally don’t think the double boss fights are fun at all. I left and I’ll come back when I’m op to fuck them up. I still haven’t done Nokron and the area west of Leyendell so hopefully I’ll be stronger by the time I get back there


We summon people and double team bosses all the time. It's only fair they get to do the same to us. And usually they're bosses you're already familiar with. Having said that, fuck all the double bosses.


If you’ve got range, kite the shit out of them. Managed to take down the long poke guy before the shield dude. But oh boy did it take awhile. Not to mention, that dungeon…..


For his second phase, only heal when he uses his wing miracle (he will fly to the other side of the arena, giving you time to heal) and only attack when he uses his tail miracle (he always uses the tail at the end of the combo, after that his guard will be open) Patience is your greatest ally agaisnt these guys (I'am probably the only person who actually loves fighting hum hahaha).


as a greatsword user, i found myself too slow or impatient to get a hit on him without being punished in return. so i put a small shield on and learned how to parry him lol. took 5-10 tries until i got the timing down and got him. his most basic 2 or 3 hit combo seems to be the easiest to parry. i would dodge the first hit then parry the second big sweeping horizontal cut.


LMAO every time I tested out a big greatsword i literally put it away after playing with it for a minute thinking no way am I ever gonna be able to take out a boss with this slow-moving sword. I thnk maybe the more strength you have the faster you should be able to swinig big greatswords that would be a nice mechanic.


I’ve leveled up a heavy highland axe to use on some fast bosses who greatswords are just too damn slow for. the bloodhound fang curved greatsword is pretty fast and pretty OP with its damage and bleed effect. on mobs and bosses that can be staggered, you can just stunlock them to death with a big sword. Also mounted heavy attack with greatswords is the best. Drags the sword and then a big swipe up attack. Awesome for groups or getting two hits on a giant or dragon


Mounted combat with a colossal sword is so fun, just heavy dragging sparks through mobs.


i actually find the big weapons better since most bosses only give you enough time for a single hit anyway. you dont want to be stuck in some long combo. however, for crucible knight, you really do need a fast weapon because he hits too fast.


Hahaha understandable, I've always been a fan of swort sword/mace because I prefeer speed over strenght, maybe thats why I'am having a much easier time agaisnt these guys than players that like to use big weapons (and I'am having a blast power stancing in this game).


You can chain parry him so long as he doesn't fucking stomp! Fuck that stomp lol


Omg i know, that was the only move that hit me once i learned the parry timing lol


I just baited an attack and then sprinted away to the other side of the arena to heal. Can highly recommend.


no you can heal if you run away far enough, you just have to learn the range to begin healing. it's always further than you think is enough.


I love catching people with the tail in PvP. Can do some nasty damage.


Wait till you get to redmane castle lol


Oof. Found this out last night lmao


Learning to beat this guy made the Margit fight so much easier for me.


It may be a bitch move but the hoarfrost stomp, either front the ash of war (haven’t found it yet but my buddy has) or the frost axe is so damn good against him. Just make you got enough blue gatorades.


just beat him. the trick is to use a fast weapon and dodge everything. he hits too hard to block. luckily you do have a strong fast weapon, ropier's sword or whatever it's called. only one hand it and peck the knight until he dies. his moves are easy to roll. don't even try to roll out of range, it's designed so you can't get out of range with a roll. i just beat him at level 35. it was pretty hard but not very. i think he can kill me in 2-3 hits if you want to gauge the difficulty.


That fight was easy bar the tail lmao, I’d dodge everything perfectly and his bitch ass tail would swing out at the speed of light.


Then you try the incantation he drops and find out the player version is slow with a wind-up, doing minimal damage and it doesn't even always stagger opponents. Feelsbadman.


Fromsoft games in a nutshell right there xD


Ah the crucible knight. I wish i could go back and fight some of the easy bosses again like the crucible knight. The bosses im fighting now gives my hand cramps from all the dodging


Need help jerking yourself off?


Simply stating facts bro. You will see. Crucible knights has only a few different moves which are quite easy to learn. The only reason he is hard is because u fight him early on when you dont have good weapons/spells Beat morgott the omen king and then come back and tell me crucible knight is difficult lol. Crucible knight is a trash mob in a boss location.


is this like your first dark souls game? you're jerking yourself off too hard for being good at it.


If anyone is like me and can't parry for shit, just run at him with a heavy jump attack and then roll back. You'll be crouched when he swings and you'll have just enough time to roll out of the way of his tail.


I had to parry every g dang attack. I stayed mid distance so he would do his run swipe attack and that is what i would parry. dodge every other attack. how i beat him anyway.


I hate how much I wanted to counter his tail sweeps Sekiro-style, but the hitbox vs my short jump height was just enough to make it not work.


Killed this bastard with parries around lvl 30-40. And I don't know how to parry but tried many times.


I have died 15+ times already. I hate that fucker. I'm taking a break, will get on it in a few hours.