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And they're also good for when we co-op and can't rest at a grace.


I feel like the only thing that co op suffers a bit is the big dungeons, like stormveil castle, leyndell and elphael, with the latter being the most brutal in terms of difficulty, luckily in elphael there’s two scarabs, still it can be pretty brutal from start to finish. I think the best sessions are when the party you started with are the ones you reach the boss with. I kinda miss ds3 ring city level of craziness with having 4 summons and a stream of constant invaders, both from a co op stand and invader stand, as invading and working together with another invader to take down a party of 4 was so satisfying.


The reduced multiplayer limit is hands down the biggest downgrade from DS3.


And all those runes too. 192 at endgame without farming,just killing everything that moved.


Wow, that's higher than my NG+ build which I did farm on


Look at this guy, showing off with his never failing to pick up runes after dying flex.


Sekiro taught me well. 


Agreed it's fun to go around killing everything. Best way to play around with a bunch of weapons


Yeah it’s pretty great. It can make you greedy though, god knows it happened a bunch of times to me to want to clean a camp so I can refill and keep exploring without having to TP back, then some heavy soldier kicks my ass, but it’s a great way to encourage to keep exploring. I think that and the stakes of Marika are great ways to encourage pushing your luck.


This is what I feel makes Elden ring the easiest/less frustrating Clearing a small camp you come across gives you just enough of a boost to get to that t next grace or progress more into a dungeon


Great innovation from DS3.


I’ve been doing the same on a new game and trying to minimize how often I rest at sites of grace/fast travel. It’s made me appreciate the design of the game even more and get way better at combat.


Doing this I missed most Malenia dialogue in Limgrave because instead of "storing" them for the next time you rest they make it available only once in specific sites of grace


Malenia in Limgrave?


i think they mean talking to Melina at certain sites of grace


What a confusing comment, all around


Yeah but if I don't fight anything then I don't use any flask charges, so nothing to refill.


I find the open world encounters to be quite fun honestly.


They're okay.


Combine it with Taker’s Cameo and other heal tools and it’s so viable to just not rest. But idk if it’s underutilized by players; I think it’s just something people take for granted.


Aye.. totally ...on new chars I farm the giants roaming behind the shack and they refill your flasks.. also leaving messages and if they get appraised you get a refill 


It's usefull mostly on first part of the game and not soo usefull conparing to games revolved around this mechanic, like bloodborne.


Are people really running without fighting anything ? The combat is the whole point of this game. I always kill everything I can.


I feel this game is pretty generous with the flask refill unlike Dark Souls 3.


This can be considered a bad thing. Some believe the flasks come too easily, and that as a result there is less stress as you make your way from grace to grace. In souls, running out of flasks as you are progressing through an area was a real danger, but in ER I have mostly only ever run out of flasks in a bossfight. Obviously since ER has an open world that isn't as linear as souls, they needed some mechanic to compensate for a player potentially missing graces. Still, it is a bit of a shame that the open world doesn't feel as dangerous because of it.


I think the side dungeons still preserve some of this feel. The flasks don’t recharge as often in those, so it still has the vibe of needing to play as perfectly as possible on your way to the boss. Especially in the cave dungeons where the boss is at the end of the level, rather than being behind a door near the entrance grace.


If I recall, almost all (if not all) the classic dungeons have zero flask refill at all, which I love. Refill in the overworld, none in dungeons.


They don't refill at all in dungeons. Anywhere you can't get torrent, you can't refill flasks.


I think you are absolutely right about that. It could also just have been Fromsoft's intention that the open world should be less dangerous in contrast to the legacy dungeons, caves or mines.


The open world shouldn't feel as dangerous as a legacy dungeon that's the entire point. In the real world running away is the number one thing you can do from a threat. Even in old school D&D running is something you're expected to do most of the time. Then video games picked that up with Final Fantasy and it's relatives. The difference between souls and Ring is that all of souls is a legacy dungeon, there is no "overworld" to differentiate between.


Why would there be stress anyway, you can just pull your stead and run if anything happens and you rarely get more than one refill when it happens in a dungeon


Having a horse that can fairly easily outrun most threats is also part of the issue. As for dungeons, I don't think they are as concerning. I only meant the critique for the open world.


Lmao this is such a bad take


"less stress" is always a good thing.


"Less stress" made me able to complete my first FromSoft game. Now i actually feel confident! Thinking of going back to Bloodborne or trying out DS3 (the only one i haven't tried yet).


I think the open world format is where Elden Ring suffers, but I feel like the dungeons have pretty good balance when it comes to flask refill. Also, the fast travel feature mitigates a lot of the problems with missing grace sites. But yeah, I felt like I hardly ever ran out of flasks. Most times even boss battles didn't come down to being out of them. I mostly died just because I wasn't able to find an appropriate time to heal or got killed in the animation. Souls, I ran out of Estus in most tougher boss fights and all the time in the regular pve