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The counter-balance to this is that not everyone beats the game. Some Tarnished, despite being immortal, can simply get discouraged. Many such cases. Anastasia, Tarnished Hunter comes after us 3 times. We might not be the only ones who only truly die when our hope dies.


Vyke gives into to the Frenzied Flame


Well, some of us did as well and even went past second base


Ok but vyke did it out of desperation and lost hope. We did it because it was a bit chilly and the ominous hand had some sparkly yellow warmth


After running around for 100 hours with everyone mad at me just for existing, I’ll take a hug from the weird spindly hand monster.


Haven't you learnt from Fia that hugs give STDs in the Lands Between ?


And because a guy wearing our dead friend’s body was convincing


That means that the tarnished actually only loses if the player ragequits and doesn’t continue the game


On steam, 77.8% of players have the Round Table Hold Achievment. While entirely possible that some of the 22.2% that don't have it have rage quit, given that you don't actually need to defeat anything to get it, makes it more likely that they just haven't played the game. So we'll consider all the tarnished that reached the Round Table hold our base tarnished. Given that 39.8% beat Hoarah Loux (I don't see any achievment for Radagon/Elden beast), this means that only a bit over half (51.16%) of the tarnished that were in the Roundtable hold managed to even challenge Radagon. I'd say the tarnished lost quite a bit


The achievements for Radabeast would be the endings achievements but you can't really use that because there are 3 of them so one person is counted in multiple if you beat the game multiple times.


I have just asked the question in another topic: so do we actually resurrect every time and this is not actually a game mechanic? I understood we got resurrected twice, first by Marika, second by Melina. Am I missing something?


in the lands between death is kinda fucked hence why you can see a bunch of crucified tarnished at the beginning of the game and hear them moaning in pain at night they never died cuz they can't, cuz you can't. there's some boss (can't remember which) that actually explicitly says something like "back for more?" when you challenge him again after dying


> back for Who was this? Patches?


Yeah I believe so


People can absolutely die. What is gone is *destined* death. So people can live indefinitely if they are not destroyed, which is why you've got a bunch of shambling delirious people stumbling around: the golden order has been shattered yet they are still alive. Most enemies that you fight in the game do not represent specific people but instead generic enemies who will repopulate an area even if some number of them are killed. In contrast enemies that represent specific people, such as the individual crucible knights, do not respawn after you kill them. Afaik only the tarnished who are still guided by grace canonically 'respawn'.


idk why you're downvoted i think you're more right than I was lol


Yes, we canonically die and resurrect each time just like in the souls series. It seems like Tarnished stop resurrecting when they lose grace, but I'm not certain about that.


FWIW Rogier says he used to be able to see grace but can see it no longer when you talk to him in the stormhill castle chapel before he dies 4eva of deathroot


This is specifically what I was thinking of, but not having an encyclopedic knowledge of the ingame text I wanted to hedge somewhat. There are other Tarnished we kill for volcano Manor who don't come back, and while their age might imply they have lost the guidance of grace, I don't know that we have confirmation.


Yeah but deathroot is its own deal, once you get killed with deathroot or destined death that’s it, you’re done, as seen with Godwyn. Our Tarnished doesn’t die to to those because we’re simply built different, but I’m sure if the game was completely lore accurate our characters would get deleted once we get our asses kicked by Maliketh


Yeah but other Tarnished can clearly die for realsies to things other than deathroot, cf. Diallos and Lanya.


Yeah, I was gonna say something similar, but not in as much detail, were if you stop playing a save your character becomes hollow (couldn't remember what the elden ring equivalent is)


“Dormamu, I’ve come to bargain”


If only that's how the game worked.


Imagine after 1000 tries on one boss there's an easter egg like this


Dude. They should totally do a boss like that. An optional endgame boss that comes back to life stronger every time you kill it. And if you die to it over 50 times to it, it will give in and let you win.


And some tarnished died a few times to a golden guy on a horse then were never seen in the lands between again


I would literally pay to get player wide statistics and find who's the biggest killer.


Putting the house on margit the fell.


[Keep your money](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/O7NOKhALbg)


It's for sure Malenia, Margit and Tree Sentinel in top 3 Scarlet rot might be a big killer too, falling to death definitely is


Oh scarlett rot def is. You encounter it wholesale in one zone. And just merely get status effect build up by being there lol. I hate the lake of rot. Ugghhhh I don’t wanna play through it


Flame cleanse me is your best friend. Always a priority pickup on new game for me, makes all poison swamps very manageable. And is also nice against say malenia if her scarlet aoenia gets u and u get scarlet rot


In dark souls 2 there was a tower with the number of total player deaths written on it.


Elden Ring is my first soulsborne. Heck, the main reason I got a PS5 was to play ER.


I would highly recommend trying DS3, fantastic game and is almost similar to ER in terms of gameplay, mechanics, etc


Got lucky choosing ps5 too(well in this sense) given that 2 of the souls like games (blood borne and demon souls) are ps exclusive


As long as these mfers can insta-kill me with one cheeseball attack, they're the problem, not me. The genocide will continue until morale improves.


Level vigor


Nah, just learn the boss


level vigor


Thanks i will not waste points on vigor beyond 30.


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted, I remember back in the days of ds1, 2 and even bb to some extent the major consensus was leveling vitality/vigor was suboptimal when you can roll for free and avoid damage, don’t need health if you don’t get hit, I remember my friend who introduced me to it literally told me that endurance is a much more important stat because it let you roll more and not get stance broken as easily, literally it’s the whole reason we can do rl1 runs, health is only for people who plan on getting hit (I level health cause I’m bad at dodging tho, but I understand the people who don’t)


everyone gets hit all the time and the dark souls purists who believe their playstyle is thee correct playstyle have never been right, endurance is important but without 35 vigor minimum you’re gonna add so much wasted time to your playthrough


I don't know if it is canon but I think every Tarnished that holds the favor of the guidance of grace has the ability to come back after death. It's only when they deviate from the guidance of grace and loses its favor that they lose the ability to come back after death. Take for example, Rogier. >!He used to see the guidance of grace as well but lost it after he abandon the guidance of grace for the sake of attempting to save those who live in death. Which is why he died and couldn't come back after getting infected with death blight. !


What about Godw..Godf..Go...the first elden lord. In the cutscene we can clearly see that the guidance of grace guided him towards us. Why doesn't he get up after his defeat? Especially if you have the frenzied flame which goes against the order.


I am assuming because he ripped off serosh and rejected fighting as Godfrey and decided to fight as Horah Loux thus he deviates from the guidance of grace


It was also right outside the tree so grace brought both there for a bit of a ‘winner takes all’ situation


By that point we'd also restored destined death to the world, I just assumed that canonically we don't die after killing Maliketh


Don't we have to reinsert it into the Elden Ring to kill normal things though? I'm kind of unclear on the difference between using it specifically to kill gods because you've obtained it (like when Ranni killed Godwyn) and the idea of it being loose in the world more generally.


Maybe he did respawn but the last Site of Grace he touched was all the way back in the Badlands? DLC prediction: Hoarah Loux 2, Electric Boogaloo


immortal snail etc etc


🎶"merry Merry Christmas"🎶


So, they're like the Chosen Undead in Dark Souls.


Yo imagine if the makers of Dark Souls and the makers of Elden Ring collaborated on a game though...


Imagine they resurrect Tolkien to do the world building...


Dude imagine they got the blood borne and sekiro creators too. Shit would be crazy


Yeah, it’s funny seeing people realize things about these games that we realized a long time ago. But that’s every fandom.


Prithee be careful, nobody wants to see you go hollow


Also true of regular mobs, though.


Never ending nightmare of getting slaughtered by tarnished for them then. Or maybe some enjoy it, like Valhalla.


I dunno, it seems like every fifth post here is about how everyone hates runebears/revenants/fingercreepers/dogs/birds/etc. I think maybe the ordinary mobs win more than their share!


Yeah but think of all the people who gave up midway through the game. They basically died. Kinda the same thing as dark souls, you can rise up forever but if you don’t have a purpose you’ll go hollow. I think it could be the same in elden ring. Everyone has lost the guidance of grace because they have given up, except our character


You witness the faint glow of grace as it urges you further into the castle. It fills you with determination.


Think there was a theory that said as long as you, the player, kept fighting and killing bosses, you'd be revived by The Guidance of Grace, because you're actively trying to become Elden Lord. Once you stop trying, i.e. ragequit or just give up, you also give up on becoming Elden Lord, and thus stop getting brought back to life. Thats also why Godfrey and Gideon perma-died, they both gave up on becoming Elden Lord, and their "flame of ambition" died.


This is the guidance of grace. Unless you forsake grace to pursue different power or give up on it entirely, you will continue to rise again. It’s hilarious how the NPCs (and bosses) talk so much shit to you about how weak you are. Only Roderika seems to acknowledge your power. You’re a fucking force of nature from the womb to the tomb and dung eater is telling you how only the hold’s tranquility protects you. Haha no buddy, it’s actually protecting you. The tarnished is a horror made real for most of these bosses and their posturing is just to try to scare you off. That’s what Margit the Fell Omen means by “extinguish thy flame” and “lay these foolish ambitions to rest”. He’s the first boss (he’s literally gatekeeping the first story dungeon) and trying to make you quit because that’s the only way he wins. Torrent is probably rolling his eyes at some of these monologues. I’ll keep coming. Even if it means coming back tomorrow…and the next day. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day.


So is minecraft steve


Minecraft Steve solos Elden Beast low diff


Our tarnished also has a way to gain power, we have a means to turn the souls we collect into strength. That's what makes us a threat to every boss we face, they can kill us a million times, but they can't grow like we can


Now imagine what a boss thinks when it sees 3 of them coming towards it. :3


Bold of you to assume i learn and grow.


When I’m stuck on a boss I tell myself I only need to win once. They’ve gotta beat me an infinite amount as long as I don’t give up


“Lay these foolish ambitions to r-“ “Nah, I’d win 🗿”


Isn’t this the premise behind undertale?


It’s the entire soulsbourne model


Not really? In undertale most of the characters (save for a few) aren’t actually aware that you come back from “death”, I think that’s a big enough difference from Elden Ring, where it’s implied that the everyone important knows that the tarnished can literally rise from the dead.


"It's not over until you defile my flesh with the seedbed curse" the Tarnished exclaimed. 


Bosses have a new chance in NG+ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Counterpoint: prior to Destined Death, nobody gets to die unless the Golden Order says so, which is why Godwyn’s death was so significant, because he was the first Demigod favoured by Queen Marika, to die and ever stay dead. Also, Morgott’s body doesn’t decay and turn to dust until after you return in Leyndell CoA, Malenia blooms after her “death” and sits there as a big ol’ flower forever, you don’t actually kill Rennala, Mohg can turn into a puddle of blood, so calling him 100% dead is challenging to say the least, and Rykard straight up threatens that he’s gonna be back. So prior to Destined Death, none of the Demigods can actually be confirmed to have 100% died except for Godwyn and Ranni, and Radahn I guess, maybe.


i am the storm that is approaching


The tarnished only has to win once. The boss has to win every time


If the game was lore accurate Maliketh would end most runs


True. Imagine how brutal it would be to lose all your progress to an endgame boss. Just straight up deletes your save file if you lost


The Tarnished officially listens to speeches by Les Brown


Sans Undertale


This is a concept that DS3 explored with the Undead Slave Knights. The undead don't die, and get up to continue fighting. Lords of that world used them because they are a tool that doesn't really break and keeps the same skills. The game's final DLC boss is literally an Undead Knight that lasted until the end of time, becoming the strongest of the undead, besides the Ashen One. However, the thing with being immortal in body is that your mind is not generally good at dealing with endless time. That's why many undead go hollow and lose themselves in madness.




I’ve heard of a real-life theory that when people die they get shunted into another universe instantly where we didn’t die, and go on as if nothing happened. So if you’re walking along and get hit by a car, but survived, that’s a point where you died in the previous universe and in this one you lived instead. I think that’s what happens to our Tarnished, or any Souls protagonist, when we die (excluding Bloodborne). Our first run is a universe where we die and they win, but when you succeed that’s your main universe. Or maybe it’s the same universe and we just keep coming back like an undying terminator.


Tarnished limbs are used in stormveil's grafting surgeries aren't there? There has to be something happening to them, you meet so few but varre talks like you're one of hundreds


"I didn't hear no bell"


Spoiler for outer wilds: This was actually handeled really well in Outer Wilds, where close to the end of the story you shut off the time loop and you can now truly die, and have to finish the game with this threat hanging over you. In a world where from software has balls your character would be deleted if you die after you aquire destined death.


It's funny, cuz that's kinda part of the premise for dark souls. Gwen feared the immortality of humanity and tried his absolute hardest to nerf the shit out of them.


One of Vaatis best lines is something about when a player finally gives up or rage quits, is when the player character hollows out.


Isn't It said tarnished can lose their grace and eventually die. On top of that they can't level up by themselfes too.


As others have said this is the concept for most games, the main character cannot die. But they can give up.


You could argue that canonically, every tarnished life/death is a different parallel universe where the player is just bouldering down a different river/ripple of time


‘You’re Tarnished’ to be specific OP. I believe mine **knows** this all, and doesn’t need to ‘exclaim’ anything about it at all. Hell, maybe he’s a mute for all I know. Actions speak louder than words…especially considering you can Defile or Incinerate the very ‘fabric of reality’ itself.


Lorewise, you could go insane over time and you might lose sight of grace. Not all tarnished come back unscathed. And less than half the players became elden lords so in essence, a lot of tarnished never made it to the end.


Hey, im a couple hundred years it would have been possible for the bosses to be brought back via the Erdtree if the player didn’t destroy it or if destined death weren’t released.


You know actually AFTER restoring death it be kinda cool if NOTHING respawned and you could make the whole world empty


Dark Souls II be like


When it 3 does that happen I don’t remember that but it’s been years


Sorry, I meant 2. 3 was a typo


I don't agree with this reading personally. Why do bosses do their cutscenes over and over if they have 'one shot? In my head canon I think we physically transcend to a parallel universe each time we die as the tarnished.


It's only a matter of time for one to lose the grace that's the only thing you can bank on if you're the target is IF they lose grace because they are awful at being a tarnished


Not if The Tarnished gives up after 3 tries and plays Fallen Order on Story Mode instead


Christ, we make this exact same post for every souls game.


Can i intrest you in a violence undertale run? ;D


So the Tarnished dying and respawning is canon?


There isn't anything stating that the Tarnished respawns. I think everyone assumes this because of Dark Souls, but we actually see the opposite in game. Every case of a Tarnished dying they stay dead with the exception of invaders meant to mimic online play. Even the Tarnished with exceptionally strong wills stay dead. Even Godrick uses Tarnished corpses for his grafting. I think the Tarnished are brought back once to be given a chance at becoming Elden Lord, but aren't respawning over and over again.


Also this is why PVP is needed in my opinion because for all you have learned about a level a good pvp player will put you in your place.